1' E FOU1R THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY;1NOVEMBER 2,.1954 .., ..., ...Just Looking.. . "Oh, Say, Can You See---" - OT By JON SOBELOFF Daily Editorial Director JjN ANN ARBOR, being 21 means a lot. Being 21 makes things legal. Voting, for instance. Of course election officials are even tougher than local ID checkers. It's impossible for a lot of students who have recently come of age to meet residence requirements in Ann Arbor or in their home towns. So if you are eligible to vote today, you are one of a s lect group on campus. Your under- age friends who envy your trips to Liberty Street drinking establishments have special cause to envy you today. Many of them, too, would like to help decide who their new Senator, Congressman, Governor and other officials will be. Many of them would like to vote on legalizing lotteries, veterans bon- uses, and giving more sales tax money to the schools. But they can't vote. If you can, you've got a privilege that you waited for, and one a lot of people are still waiting for. And we might point out, without being overly dramatic, that it's a privilege a lot of people had to fight for. It would even be worth getting rained on to vote. Lottery, Bonus, Sales Tax Proposals on Ballot LEGALIZED LOTTERIES, election laws, vet- erans' bonuses and the diversion of sales taxes will confront the voter in today's general election. The legalization of "charitable" lotteries, proposal number four on the ballot, would per- mit bingo games by organizations such as churches and fraternal organizations, this amendment to the state constitution would leave to the Legislature the decision as to which organizations would be eligible to con- duct lotteries. With a committee organized to push this amendment across and one organiz- ed to defeat it, the issue has proved a bone of contention recently. According to the Michi- gan Committee in Opposition to Legalized Lot- teries, no matter how carefully the law is writ- ten, racketeers will move in and make use of the law by setting up dummy charities. Their, opponent, the Association of Non-profit Chari- table Organizations, claims that legalized bin- go would enable many organizations to raise money for philanthropic,. work. NO OPPOSITION has yet been voiced to proposal number one, which would amend the state constitution to allow electors moving to another city or township within Michigan dur- ing the 30 days prior to an election to vote where last registered. Many voters are now disenfranchised because they move around within Michigan. Proposal number three on the state ballot provides an $80,000,000 bonus for veterans of the Korean War. The big reason offered for this proposal is that since Michigan has pro- vided bonuses for veterans of World Wars I and II, the same type of bonus should be ex- tended to veterans of the recent "police ac- tion." Practically the only opposition to this bonus which has been voiced so far comes from persons who oppose all veterans bonuses in principle. SECOND PROPOSAL on the ballot provides for a diversion of the state sales tax. Under the terms of the Conlon Plan, a half cent from each three cents of the total sales tax collected by the state would be returned on a per capita basis to cities, villages and townships. However, people housed in public institutions would be counted one-half only. Schools will also profit by the diversion of the sales tax, as it would increase the allocation for schools from 61.44 per cent to 66.67 per cent of the total sales tax collections This amendment has previously passed in the House of Representatives by a 93 to one vote, while the Senate passed it unanimously. -Joel Berger ON THE WASHINGTONT MWEHRY-GO-OUND ITD DREW PEARSON The Public Deserves a Little More Than Mud MUD-SLINGING has apparently become part of any political campaign and not too much mind is paid it. However a political advertisement appeared in the Detroit papers over the week-end that seems far more vicious and underhanded than anything Sen. Ives, let us say, can accuse Mr. Harriman of in the hot New York guberna- torial race. The large ad pictured President Eisenhower, Sen. Ferguson and Mr. Leonard in intimate conference, and the photo was captioned "Strengthen Ike's Team." SO FAR the ad had done little more than reiterate the campaign band-wagon theme of this year's elections for Republicans and other Americans. In big, bold print above the smiling trio were the following terse sentences: "The Son You Save may be Your Own." "The Last 3 Wars began under Democratic Administrations." "Eisenhower, the General, helped end World War II. Eisenhower, the President, ended the Korean War." These remarks are a lot to stomach for one ad, but they were printed for readers to, hopefully, follow. Taken one at a time, the last three conflicts did commense with Democrats in power, but the statement is plainly meant to say that it was this governing group that caused and be- began the wars. Naturally, the good, little Re- publican minority was against such aggressive actions to the last man at all times. Though, as usual, there is no slur meant to President Eisenhower, there were a few more than just he who helped end World War II: just look at that war's casualty lists. And the clear implication that it was Ike alone who ended the Korean conflict is ridiculous. THIS IS NOT to say that the Democrats have not in the past or will not in the future have political advertisements in similar veins with their adversaries as the big, bad men of the times. But the supposedly non-gullible intelligent voting public deserves a little more than ads like this are giving them. -Harry Strauss WASHINGTON-No matter what the outcome of today's balloting, it will probably decide three im- portant and intriguing political questions. They are: 1. Will President Eisenhower run for a second term? 2. Will young Dick Nixon, 41 years old, who hasamanaged to worm himself into a position of power and influence despite that $18,000 private expense fund which two years ago almost threw him off the ticket, be the man to suc- ceed him? 3. Will the Republican party be able to continue using McCarthy's type of politics without using Mc- Carthy? Particularly, will the Re- publicans be able to swing the large bloc of Catholic voters, nor- mally Democratic, over to the GOP, without using the now benched senator who accomplished that swing in 1952? considered separately. They are The three questions cannot be considered separately. They are pretty much woven together. In the first place, the President started his 1952 "draft" with the idea that he would be only a one- term president. He told this to various friends, including this cor- respondent. All presidents have a right to change their minds, however, and frequently do. But in this case, Eisenhower has given the con- trary impression. All his remarks, plus those of his wife, indicate that he is itching for the day when, at the age of 66, (which will be in 1956), he can retire to his farm in Gettysburg. Certain- ly if the election goes against him today, it will require a po- litical bulldozer to pull him into the race again. Mastermind Nixon The success of today's ballot- ing, paradoxically, is going to de- pend in large part on the tactics of the young man who would like to succeed Ike. For, more than any 'other man in the Republican party, young Mr. Nixon has been drafting the strategy and calling the shots of the current campaign. It is Nixon even more than Chair- man Len Hall who has been on the long-distance telephone to state leaders, who has thrown extra speakers into key states, and who almost tearfully demanded that Ike get out and campaign. For Nixon knows more than anyone else that if the Republicans are defeated today he will be smoth- ered; his future has gone glim- mering. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers ...,.......City Editor Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs....,....Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.....Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Asso. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ...Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz ........Women's Editor Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer Business Stafg Lois Polak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill. Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise ... Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Member It was Nixon who made the cru- cial decision to use McCarthy's tac- tics in this campaign. He sold the idea at the Denver conference, where he bluntly informed the President that the public was not interested in his legislative pro- gram and needed a gripping, hair- raising,hheadline-making issue. Eisenhower earlier in the year had repeatedly stated that the elec- tion should not be decided on the issue of communism, but rather on the accomplishments of his ad- ministration. Nixon persuaded him, however, that this was not getting across with the people. Thus was dusted off the ancinet, sure-fire campaign scare of "Reds in government" - used so effec- tively by Joe McCarthy. Nixon Was First To be fair to Nixon, it should be noted that he did not steal this from McCarthy. He had used it himself to get elected to Congress from California. At that time, 1946, he faced the problem of defeating a liberal young Democrat, Con- gressman Jerry Voorhis, who was anything but a Communist, though he had a pro-labor voting record. To beat Voorhis, Nixon organized a battery of telephone women - many of them liberty belles - who did nothing but call voters anonymously. "Did you know Con- gressman Voorhis was a Commu- nist?" was the whisper that rever- berated all over Voorhis' district. It did the trick. Nixon, only 33 years old and completely unknown in California, won. During the same year, 1946, Joe McCarthy was elected to the Sen- ate in Wisconsin - not by oppos- ing communism but with the pub- lic support of the Communists. His 5,393-vote margin over Bob La Fol- lette, against whom the Commu- nists campaigned bitterly, just about represented the strength of the Communist party in Wisconsin. And Joe, when asked about his openly-avowed Communist support, remarked: "Communists have the same right to vote as anyone else, don't they?" Real fact is that Joe McCarthy didn't latch on to the "Reds-in- government" -technique until four years later; and until after Nixon had successfully used it as a mem- ber of the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee and to hoist himself into the Senate in 1950 by calling Congresswoman Helen Ga- hagan Douglas a Red. The campaign against M r s. Douglas was one of the most un- fair in California history. She had voted for aid to Korea just before the Korean War, when Nixon didn't. However, he had a million- dollar campaign kitty, plus a bat- tery of public relations and ad- vertising experts, while she had little money. Nixon won. Nixon Vacillates Since then and during the Eisen- hower administration, Nixon has vacillated between a personal pol- icy of defending Joe McCarthy and putting him on the sidelines. When McCarthy first got put in his place by Harold Stassen over Greek ships just after Ike took of- fice, it was Mr. Nixon who ar- ranged that McCarthy lunch with Secretary Dulles and who bull- dozed Stassen into issuing a state- ment humbly eating crow. On the other hand, it was Nixon who turned against McCarthy last year and, at a Christmas conferenc in Miami, tried to persuade Joe to turn the Communist flag-waving over to Senator Jenner and the Justice Department. Heavy Catholic Vote The important political question behind all this is whether young Mr. Nixon, a Protestant, can use McCarthy's tactics to deliver the LETTERS Slip-u p-away . .. To the Editor: THE RATHER unique approach to the current national politi- cal scene discussed in an editorial by Pat Roelofs in The Daily Wed- nesday deserves further comment. Reference is made to the GOP give-away program and the Demo- cratic common sense program. Some confusion must exist, it would appear, in Miss Roelof's edi- torial mind-perhaps she has mis- taken the Democratic program for an SL party. But surely if the GOP program can be called give-away, the Demo- crat Party policy of government by hand-out should be mentioned. Can Miss Roelofs have been tak- en in by the propaganda of out-of- office Democrats who claim that every measure to somewhat reduce the already far too complex and powerful federal government and turn over some degree of authority to the State governments is a give- away? The statement that a Dem- ocratic vote is a vote for small business and little people is cer- tainly delusion. Small business and little people may, it is true, tem- porarily prosper in an artificially inflated economy created by gov- ernment hand-outs, but the end result of this policy will be a na- tion of people groveling for hand- outs from an Administration that is perpetually re-elected to keep the hand-outs coming; a nation with an average family income of $12,000, as Mr. Truman once fore- casted, but twelve thousand dol- lars may be worth thirty cents each. Unfortunately, at the first sign of a sane Federal policy toward such potentially dangerous prac- tices as farm subsidies and power subsidies and widespread and reckless gathering of power and control in Washington, the Re- publicans are heartily condemned by the protectors of the "little peo- ple." The , unemployment resulting from an end to the 12 year war- time economy together with a par- tial end to the Federal policy of indiscriminate cash hand-outs to every large bloc of voters is, of course, blamed on the Republicans who attempt to end this unhealthy situation. -David Kessel Philip Benkard For Capitalist Youth League Caroll of Colorado, Pat McNamara of Michigan, Burke of Ohio. They came up through the ranks of the Democratic party. Yet they are now being smeared by Nixon as pro-Red, pro-Russian, and soft toward communism. Meanwhile the man who went into strong Catholic areas - like Boston, Hartford, Chicago, Milwau- kee, Detroit, Jersey City - and swung Catholic Democrats over to the Republicans before is now awaiting censure by the Senate. That's why some McCarthy root- ers are sore; some may go back to their traditional Democratic fold; some won't vote at all. And the big question is: can the energetic Mr. Nixon use the warmed-over Red smear to deliver the big mass of votes which Mc- Carthy delivered to the GOP in the past? A lot of observers be- lieve he can't. But today will tell the story. A Little Processing WASHINGTON - Jack Porter, the charming and energetic Texan who first plumped for Eisenhower, has sent out an amazing letter demanding money from federal job-holders in his state. The letter comes close to the border line drawn by the Hatch Act against "macing" - forcing contributions from officeholders. Porter is a wealthy Houston oil man and Republican national com- mitteeman who went to see Eisen-' hower in Paris in the spring of 1952 and brought back word that Ike would be against the Supreme Court on tidelands oil. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court had ruled against Texas, Louisiana and California, General Eisenhower wrote Jack Porter a letter taking the opposite stand. This was one reason why Texas went over- whelmingly for Ike two years ago and why so much Texas money has poured into the GOP cam- paign chest. Today Porter is writing letters to every federal officeholder in the Lone Star State demanding more money - on the excuse that it is costly to "process" a federal job. Just what Porter means by "pro- cessing" a job is not explained, but some officeholders have con- strued it to mean that if they don't contribute Porter will "pro- cess" them out of their jobs. Furthermore, he names the ex- act amount he wants them to do- nate. One postmistress who makes only $150 a month was told she would have to contribute $175. U.S. attorneys, collectors of Internal Revenue and other top officials are being told to kick in for as much as $500. Getting Around Hatch Act Lawyers who have examined Porter's unusual demand say that The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan SDaily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts, and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1954 VOL. LXV, No. 36 Notices Veterans eligible for education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have received CERTIFICATE FOR EDUCA- TION AND TRAINING, VA Form 7-1993, or not, must fill in and sign MONTHLY CERTIFICATION OF TRAINING, VA Form 7-1996, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building before Nov. 5. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS Representatives from the following companies will interview at Engineer- ing: Interview not previously announced for Thurs., Nov 4 ' National Lead Co., Titanium Div., South Amboy, New Jersey-PhD in Paint Option, and B.S. & M.S. In Chem. E. and Metal. E. for Research, Devel., and Tech. Sales. Wed. & Thurs., Nov. 3 & 4 Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Louis, Mo.-- All levels of Chem. & Mech. E. for Re- search, Sales, Production, and Tech. Service Engrg. Shell Oil Co., New York, N.Y.-Rep- resentatives from the following divi- sions: Shell Chem. Corp.-B.S. & M.S. in Chem., Elect., Mech., & Civil E. for Product and Process Devel., & Plant Engrg. Shell Devel. Co. (Houston Labs only)-AlI levels in Mech, and advanced in Elect. E. for Research. Shell Oil Co. -Manufacturing-B.S. & M.S. in Chem., Metal., Mech., Elect., & Civil E. for Product, Process and Engine Research, Process Deve. Plant Engrg., and Op- erations. Shell Oil Co.-Production-AII levels in Mech., Elect., Civil and Ma- rine E., B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E., and M.S. & Ph.D. in Geology with Math. and Science background for Field De- sign & Devel. Thurs., Nov. 4 Diamond Chain Co., Inc., Indianapo- lis, Ind.-B.S. in Elect., & Mech. E., & Eng. Mech. for Project, Plant and Sales. Engineering. Piasecki Helicopter Corp., Morton, Penn.-B.S. & M.S. In Aero., Civil, Elect., & Mech. E. for Design, Develop- ment and Testing. Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 4 & 5 Shell Oil Co., Shell Devel. Co., Em- eryville, Calif.-Ph.D. In Chem, E. for Research & Devel. Fri., Nov. 5 Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Walth- am, Mass.-Al levels in Elect., Mech., Metal. E., Eng. Math, and Physics, for Research, Development, Application & Field Engineering. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va.-B.S. & M.S. in Marine & Naval E., and B.S. in Mech. E (U.S. citizens only) for Research & Design. Standard Oil Co. (N.J.), Esso Stand- ard Oil Co., Manufacturing Div., Bat- on Rouge, La.-Ail levels Chem., Civ- il, Elect., Ind., Mech., Metal. E., & Chemistry for Process Design & Devel., Project Engineering. Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp., San Diego, Calif.-All levels Aer., Civ- il Elect., Mech,, Eng. Mechanics and Eng. Physics for Research, Devel., An- alysis, & Test. (p.m. only) The New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa.-M.S. & Ph.D. in Chem. & Metal. E. for Re- search and Devel. Fri. & Mon., Nov. 5 & 8 Ford Motor Co.; Dearborn, Mich.. All levels in Elect., Ind., Mech. E., & Eng. Math. and Physics for Research and Devel. Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews with any of these companies should contact the En- gineering Placement Office, 248 W.E., ext. 2182. Representatives from the following company will interview at the Bureau of Appointments, ext. 371, room 3528 Admin. Bldg. Thurs., Nov. 4 Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio-Bus. Ad. & LS & A for Training & Devel. Program In Buying and Traf- fic, Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Nov. 2 at 4:10 p.m., 5011 Angell Hall. Profes- sor R. M. Thrall will speak on the "Content of Young Diagrams." Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub- lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for Feb. graduation have been posted The names of the students who passed the language examination for the M.A. in history are now posted in the office of the Department of His- tory, Room 3601 Haven Hall. Orientation seminar in Mathematics. Wed., Nov. 3, 2:00 p.m. Room 3001 A.H. Miss Neeb will speak on the History of Pi. Sociology Department Coffee Hour-- The fifth in a series of Union student- faculty coffee hours will be held in the Terrace Room of the Michigan Union from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Nov. 3, and will feature members of the Sociology dept. as special guests. The publie is invited to meet the faculty informally, and sociology students are especially urged- to attend. Refreshments will be served, Events Today Student Legislature Campus Action Committee will meet Tues., Nov. 2 at 4:15 p.m. in the Union. The room num- ber will be posted on the bulletin board next to the elevators. Deutscher Verein will hold its next program at 7:30 p.m. Tues. in Room 3R of the Union. The program will feature three well-informed speakers on the subject "Germany 1954." Every- one is welcome and refreshments will be served. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its weekly "tertulia" Tues., Nov. 2, in the North Wing of the Union Cafeteria from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Faculty mem- bers will be there. Come and speak SpanishlI Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice is open from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. today for the sale of tickets for the Department of Speech production of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," which will be presented at 8:00 p.m. Wed. through Sat. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Student tickets are available for 75c for Wed, and Thurs. Regular rate tick- ets are $1.50-$1.20-$90c. Play Production Students are re- quested to attend the critique of the First Laboratory Playbill, which will be conducted today at 4:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Michigan League. Science Research Club Meeting, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 2. Program: "Meteorology in Engineering," E. Wendell Hewson, Engin. Research Inst. "A Public Health Tour in Tropical America," Richard J. Porter, School of. Public Health. Initiation of new members. Dues received after 7:10 p.m. Sigma Rho Tau will hold its weekly meeting in Room 3B of the Michigan Union at 7:00 p.m. Circle discussions will continue. All interested technolo- gists, architects, and engineers are cordially invited. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty Tea Tues., Nov. 2, hon- oring the Lord Bishop of Limerick, froms4:00 to 6:00 p.m., at Canterbury House. -The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House. SRA Council meets today, 5:15 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. There will be Square Dancing at Lane Hall to- night, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Lutheran Student Association-Tues., 7:15 p.m. Dr. George Mendenhall Will, present his fifth lecture in the series on "Studies in Biblical Faith-Sacrifice in the Old and New Testament." Come to the Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. WCBN SOUTH QUAD-There will be a meeting of the WCBN South Quad radio staff Tues., Nov. 2 in G 103, South Quad at 7:15 p.m. Important station business will be discussed. There will also be a meeting at 7:15 p.m. Wed. in G 103 for the benefit of those who cannot make the Tues. meeting. Attendance at one meeting is re- quired.dAttendance at Tues. meeting is urged. Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica will meet Wed., Nov. 3, in the League at 8:00 p.m. Spanish films will be shown; with comments by Prof. Sanchez y Escri- bano. Dancing, singing, and refresh- ments will follow. Vegan- todos! First Baptist Church: Wed., Nov. 3, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Midweek chat with Rev. Basil Williams of South Chicago Neigh- borhood house as guest. Episcopal Studeht Foundation. Stu dent-Faculty Tea Wed., Nov. 3 will not be held at Canterbury House. All Can- terbury tea hounds are expected at the Sceptic's Corner at the Union. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst EUROPE'S LACK of interest in Tuesday's voting in the United States suggests this country has at long last won its battle to con- vince them it does have a contin- uous and fairly stable foreign pol- icy. In 1952 there was not only in- tense European interest in the American elections; there was, in- deed, considerable worry and alarm, This time the European press has demonstrated just about as much interest as the American press usually shows in parliamen- tary elections over there, which is very little. FOR ONE thing, the change of regime from Democratic to Repub- lican in 1952 gave the United States a chance to demonstrate that, while there might be shifts in tactics from time to time, her Interpreting the News r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -I. objectives were fixed and had gen- eral support. For another thing, the United States displayed considerable flex- ibility in the recent European shift from the supranational concepts embodied in the proposed Euro- pean Defense Community to the military concepts of the Western European Union. In the end, by continuing her insistence only on doing something, leaving the Euro- peans to work it out in their own way, the United States demon- strated she was in Europe to stay, but as a partner rather than a do- minating force. THAT IS extremely important now to the manner in which Eur- ope goes about implementing the program. It tends to quiet fears, which were quite widespread, that the United States, looking toward an eventual war with Russia, was trying to tie Euirope into a mili- tary bloc for her own purposes 4; , 0, BOOKS GLORY, GOD, AND GOLD, Paul I. Wellman 387 pages plus index, Doubleday and Co., 1954 'T LAST, with the publication of Paul 1. Wellman's Glory, God, and Gold, we have a book that depicts the history of the South- west not as a succession of impersonal dates but as the actions and reactions of a chain of colorful characters who personally created this era of American history. Here is history as it should be written! The formless names that populated grammar and secondary school texts now assume realis- tic proportions. The great Conquistadores are shown not as a band of valiant trailblazers but as a mass of vicious cutthroats. Histories state that LaSalle was murdered by one of his own men, and go no further. Mr. Wellman describes the treachery that enveloped that ill-fated ex- pedition and offers an interesting profile of the persons involved. Americans do not evade the stark truth of history.. W. Barret Travis, hero of the Alamo, is described as a martinet 'NY chance that the enemy assets seized by the United States during the last war would be returned to their original, mainly German, owners by this Congress was killed when Presi- dent Eisenhower wrote to Dr. Adenauer, deny- ing that he supported any of the legislation proposed at present. These assets, now valued whose only real glory is achieved at the clos- ing hours of that historic siege. The growth of Texas and the Mexican war are colorfully des- cribed. Glory, God and Gold held me enthralled from the moment when an expedition alleged to contain the first hen-pecked husband to cross the Rio Grande and the poor man's wife embarked in search of new lands to ravage to that day before yesterday when the first atom- ic bomb was detonated at Almagordo. PAUL I. WELLMAN loves the Southwest, and has made it the locale of most of his books. It is important that a writer know and love the topic he is dealing with; for it is in the all- important relationship, this intimacy between author and subject, that we find the substance for the great writings of all time. In itself, Glory, God and Gold, is not a great book; more, what it stands for-a link in a chain of chron- icles that tell the story of our land-is its claim to greatness. This book is a step forward as histories go and an important step indeed! Glory, God, and Gold is the second of the heralded Mainstream of America series, the first of which was Stewart Holbrook's brilliant Age of The Moguls. Forthcoming books in the series will be by such great writers as Henry Steele Commager, Harold Lamb, John Dos Pas- sos, and prize-winning Bruce Catton. This is r, r II