PAGE FOUR MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1954 _. _ _...v .. , , DEMS VS. GOP: Last Whacks Taken at Issues In Congressional Elections v Vote Democrat . AFTER TWO long years of smears, give- aways and bungling in both domestic and foreign affairs, citizens can now change the composition of their Congress. Important voter considerations Nov. 2 will be unemployment, the trickle-down tax policy, an unrealistic farm policy, the give-away of our natural resources, foreign policy blunders and "Nixonism." Unemployment, as the Republicans have fi- gured it, is about five per cent of the entire labor market. But what Republicans, in their odd way of explaining, have not included in this figure are workers who never qualified for un- employment compensation, those whose un- employment checks have already run out but haven't found a job, those who have just en- tered the labor market, and those on reduced- time employment. Were these figres included, Michigan's un- employment figure alone might jump from an over-all 10.1 per cent to 12 or 13 per cent. 'Trickle-down' Taxes . . But these facts are not mentioned by Re. publicans. "Trickle-down" tax policy, too, indicates Re- publican concern is primarily for the big busi- nessman rather than the "average" worker or citizen. The Grand Alilance of big business in the Republican cabinet has made sure larg- er corporations in the United States can sell fewer goods, hire far less people, and make the biggest profits in hitsory. Meanwhile, bankruptcy of small and medium size businesses is up one-third from 1952. But distinct bias in favor of the "Big Boys" might have been expected from the Republican Administration. Mr. Agriculture Secretary Benson's farm pro- gram is another unrealistic Republican policy. Mr. Benson figures that in good years, when price supports are not needed, he will raise them to the maximum. But in poor years, when farmers can't make ends meet support prices will be lowered as far as the law allows. What Mr. Benson fails to comprehend is that if a farmer can't make a living selling 100 bushels of wheat, he will grow and sell 200 bushels, causing an increase, not a decrease, in farm surpluses. ,GOP Give-Away Estimating the total amount of natural re- sources which have been given away to private control would be impossible-that the figure would run far into the billions of dollars is obvious. Off-shore oil resources alone amounted to several billions of dollars. Guaranteeing the Dixon-Yates power companies a nine per cent return on their investment marked an even more scandalous "grab" of the public's pro- perty and rights. But then, a government by big business could hardly be expected to keep the public interests in mind. The Forgotten Issue ' . Foreign policy, the so-called "forgotten is- sue" in the campaign does not weigh favorably on the Republican side either. From the beginning of Dulles' foreign policy by slogans, the announcement and subsequent retraction of the "massive retaliation" idea, to the failure to appoint an ambassador to Rus- sia in time to keep'close tabs on events fol- lowing Stalin's death and the fiasco of the Geneva and London Conferences, Republican businessmen have shown complete incompe- tence to act like statesmen of the most power- ful country in the world. For the first time since the adoption of the Democratic containment policy, the free world has retreated to the Communist-dominated bloc by failing to either negotiate at the right time, or send enough military aid to retain Indo- China in the Western bloc. At both the Geneva Conference and the London Conference, it was obviously British and Canadian officials who led the Western powers; Dulles became the bewildered "diplo- mat" with the "What about me?" look on his face. Our Republican ambassador in Guatemala runs around the blood-stained streets intrig- uing .to secure a government favorable. to the United Fruit interests and later announces his intrigues to the public, and our Republican am- bassador in Italy fails to deter deGasperi from resigning before all election votes are counted, with the result that the strongly pro-Western premier resigned when he could have won if he had been encouraged to "wait it out." 'Nixonism' . * One of the most far-reaching issues in the campaign is Republican adoption of "Nixonism" as a campaign weapon. Running "scared," be- cause of public opposition to their program, Republicans have resorted to smears and accu- sations which indicate that the GOP has been captured by its right-wing. This leaves former Republican liberals out in the cold. Either, like Ives, they can go along. with the general Republican campaign fodder, or, like Meek they can support the new "Right" Republi- cans more than ever before. What :s unfortunate, is that by playing on the general fear and hysteria of the mass pub- lic, the Republicans have backed themselves into a corner where any future would-be ac- ceptable agreement for disarmament with the Vote Republican . . AS WARD-HEELERS of both parties begin to beat the bushes in a last-minute effort to drum up the vote for Tuesday's election, the independent voter ought to consider a few facts before too hastily "X-ing" the Democrat column on the ballot. Unemployment and farm policy have been main targets of Democratic -attack in the cur- rent Congressional campaign while on foreign policy they've been strangely silent. Unem- ployment in the nation stands at 2,700,000 ac- cording to latest Commerce Department figures. At the same time the nation is not engaged in any war nor is it experiencing a period of post- war boom expansion. Yet during 20 years of Democrat Administration peacetime unemploy- ment never fell below the present figure. Unemployment Myth .,. Only the Second World War and Korean affair pushed unemployment below the present level as the nation went into the factories to produce the materials that wars are made of, Having wars and boom periods to prop up employment when they were in office, the Democrats unrealistically demand the same numbers employed in the present period of peace-time readjustment. No responsible Ad- ministration wants to see the people of this country unemployed for long periods, and Democratic insinuation that the present situ- ation is a conspiracy of big business against the working man is so much demagoguery. In fact the number unemployed now is one-third the number out of work in 1940, in spite of a 15 million increase in population. That the Administration is aware of the problem in Michigan particularly and is doing something about it can be seen from the Presi- dent's remarks in Detroit, Friday. "Unemploy- ment is heartache; it is privation; it is dis- couragement; and we know it. I assure you, you have a government with a heart as well as a head." This is the same government that transfer- ed the Federal Civil Defense Agency from Washington to Battle Creek gaining for the state a $3,250,000 pay-roll. Along the same lines the GOP Administration has pushed through Congress expanded Social Security and unem- ployment benefits and initiated the Unemploy- ment Compensation Program for Korea War veterans. These are actions of a government genuinely interested in easing hardships of a frictional unemployment situation. Unemploy- ment is one issue Democrats have seized on as best suited to a campaign of emotion and vituperation rather than one centering on careful appraisal of the facts. Farm Policy . On the question of farm policy Democrats have been similarly unrealistic in their cri- ticism of the Benson program. Designed to tai- lor price supports to the level of farm produc- tion each year, the program wipes out the tra- ditional Democratic high price support "give- away" farm program. Here again Democrats are making political hay out of isolated objections, largely from marginal producers, to the Administration's new farm bill. Worth of the GOP farm pro- gram is more accurately seen in its effect on the economy as a whole. Based on 72% to 85 per cent sliding price supports, the Republi- can policy is designed to raise over-all farm income over a period of years by moving the marginal producer into other industries. Ap- proval of Administration farm policy has been characteristic of the reception given Agricul- ture Secretary Benson in his talks with farm- ers and farming groups throughout the coun- try. Foreign Affairs * . The turnabout in our foreign policy is one area Democrats have not ventured to make a major issue in all the campaign hullabaloo. When they were voted out of office in 1952 the nation was engaged in a stalemated Korean War with apparently no way out. On almost every front the Soviet sheld the diplomatic and propaganda initiative. Within two years the costly and increasingly embarrasing Korean affair was brought to a conclusion, the free nations of Southeast Asia molded into a de- fense agreement similar to the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization and the states of Wes-. tern Europe came to accept a rearmed Ger- many's entry into the western alliance at the historic London Conference earlier this month. Poreign experts have generally agreed that the diplomatic initiative in the "Cold War" is for the time being in the hands of the Western allies. Instrumental in effecting this turn-about of affairs has been the policy making of the Pre- sident and his oft-maligned Secretary of State Dulles. While support of the GOP foreign pol- icy in Congress has been admittedly bi-parti- san a switch to Democratic majorities in the Houses during the next two years could wipe out many of the gains so far. The day-to-day workings of foreign policy could be severly handicapped by the obstructionism of a Demo.- cratic Party looking ahead to the '56 Presi- dential elections. With the nation enjoying the highest level over-all prosperity in years, free from involve- ment in wars or police actions anywhere, with the advances of the Soviets halted in Europe and Asia and the menace of communism at DREW PEARSON : A merica Pays Two Ways WASHINGTON-There is an in- teresting comparison between what the U.S. Steel Corporation is doing on the Orinoco River in Venezuela and what it's refusing to do on the Delaware river in the United States. U.S. Steel, which brings iron ore from Venezuela,hhas agreed to dredge the Orinoco river for the Venezuelan government free. Fur- thermore, it has agreed to dredge the river each year, also free. To make up for this, U.S. Steel charg- es about a dollar a ton extra for Venezuelan ore in the U.S., which means that American consumers pay higher steel prices. Simultaneously, U.S. Steel, thanks to Sen. Ed Martin of Penn- sylvania, was able to sneak a neat provision through Congress that the Delaware river be dredged for the benefit of the U.S. Steel Cor- poration-at the taxpayers' ex- pense. During the closing weeks of Congress, Martin slipped this $91,- 000,000 authorization into the riv- ers and harbors omnibus bill to dredge the upper Delaware river to a depth of 40 feet. This would be for the almost exclusive use of U.S. Steel to bring its Venezuelan ore up to its Ben Fairless plant in Pennsylvania. The army engineers had recom- mended only a 35-foot depth for the upper Delaware - standard depth for all ocean ports and channels. And they argued that the additional five-foot depth should be paid by the U.S. Steel Corporation-a cost amounting to $18,000,000. But U.S. Steel refused. So its friend, Senator Martin, pro- ceeded to sneak his rider through Congress by which the taxpayers addled with the entire cost of the Delaware river giveaway. This little $91,000,000 bonanza, incidentally, is almost the same as the $95,000,000 authorization for the St. Lawrence waterway voted by congress. The only difference is that the taxpayers get paid back with interest for the St. Lawrence. They don't get paid back for dredging the upper Delaware. Note-Congressman John Blat- nik of Minnesota, one of the chief pushers of the St. Lawrence water- way, points out that the $91,000,- 000 authorized for the upper Dela- ware would have completed the connecting channels of the St. Lawrence project all the way up to Duluth, a distance of a thous- and miles, whereas the upper Delaware Is to be deepened less than 50 miles. Oppenheimer and FBI There's been a lot of mystery as to why two FBI agents stopped scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer when he flew back to New York from a brief vacation to the Vir- gin Islands recently. Here is the inside story of what happened. The two FBI agents questioned Oppenheimer on a story carried in a New York newspaper that he had received an offer from the Russians to work for them on atomic energy. "Look, fellows," replied the fam- ous scientist, "if I am ever ap- proached along these lines, don't worry. You won't have to seek me out, I'll seek you out." Political-Go-Round James Tumulty, nephew of Woodrow Wilson's famed secre- tary, and a Democratic candidate for congress from New Jersey, is openly pro-McCarthy . . . some Democratic leaders privately would just as soon let the Republicans' keep a majority in Congress. They fear that if the Democrats control both houses, the Republicans will have a good political alibi for lack of political progress . (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) Q; 4 r Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............... City Editor Jon Sobelof..........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart... ... ... Associate Editor Dave Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor warren Wertheimer .Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Polak........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski. Finance Manager :r . ,; : - .. '>e "Y' Mean The Talk Of Llnmployment Wasn't Just Talk?" . 'ยง CL II~ UNEMPLOYMENT (AR 41t ~:if L r> O 9sT!G vtA fKrn4r_.. ti.r.. r. i r w i i i i i i i i i r LETTERS The Week in Review Local .. . AN EARLY MORNING fire at 508 Monroe claimed the lives of two women, one a University graduate student. The cause of the blaze is still unknown. Most of the house's tenants were married students, two of whom were injured. Four undergraduate men living in the house had not re- ceived University approval to live out so that the Arministration has promised a tightening up of this program. The city, meanwhile, has promised to step up its investigations on fire infractions especially after it was reported that.the window screen over the fire escape was stuck. After things quieted down, the survivors had much praise for the neighboring South Quad men who came out in the freezing 32 degree weather to assist in the rescue work. UNCOOPERATION: Scheduled flu vaccine tests were called off after full cooperation was not received from the volunteering groups, the IFC, IHC and various co-operative houses. The quota of 2,000 could not be met and it was deemed unfeasible to conduct the tests on a smaller scale. SEVERANCE-The Student Legislature indefinitely tabled a mo- tion proposing severance pay for H. Chandler Davis, dismissed from the faculty after appearing before a Senate investigating committee in Spring. The following day the University Faculty Senate appointed com- mittees to study the questions of severance pay and other faculty rights and duties, but the Senate then defeated a motion to have the com- mittee's findings made applicable to both Davis and Prof. Mark Nick- erson, also dismissed after appearing before the same group. ANNIVERSARY: The Union reached its 50th year on campus and marked the anniversary by a stone-laying ceremony of a $2,900,000 Union addition scheduled for completion in 1956. HONORARIES: Tapping for honoraries was in full swing this week as the Druids, Hectorians, Sphinx, Triangles and Vulcans gathered a total of 29 students and 3 honorary members. National .. . WITH NOV. 2 approaching fast, national politicking went into full swing. Most pundits have predicted a Democratic victory if for no other reason than the true-in-the-past-fact that the party in of- fice loses in the off-year election. Attempting to overcome the apathy of Detroit, Pres. Eisenhower made a sudden trip to that city to deliver a campaign speech. NEW TV PROGRAM: For the first time, a Cabinet meeting was televised nationally to give an intimate glimpse of policy-making in action. At the obviously rehearsed program the Cabinet members asked Sec. John Foster Dulles questions about the new West European de- fense plan which he predicted would be passed by all nations involved. International .. . THOUGH THE Russians asked for a Big Four meeting immediately, English Prime Minister Winston Churchill told the House of Com- mons that he has turned down the bid until the Western nations rati- fy the agreements made at the recent London conference. Churchill did not, however, renounce his long-cherished, long- standing proposal to meet with the Russians before his own retirement. PAPA WINS ALL: Author Ernest ("Papa") Hemingway won this year's Nobel Prize for Literature making him the sixth American to win the literature prize. Specifically cited was his most recent novel, "The Old Man and the Sea" which received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. -Harry Strauss Law Introduction To the Editor: IN URGING the institution of a one-semester course in elemen- tary legal and financial proce- dures, I speak on behalf of the nu- merous students not majoring in economics or Business Adminis- tration who desire the informa- tion such a course would offer. The subject matter in the pro- posed course should be designed to permit ready practical applica- tion when the individual, after graduation, . is finally making money and seeking desirable ways to spend it, or when he needs le- gal aid and must know what to look for in the law and in the lawyer. The course could consider, therefore, the nature and theory of investments (in stocks, bonds, etc.), how to obtain a loan or fi- nance a home, the characteristics of various types of insurance, in what instances to secure a lawyer, how to behave and what to expect in court, and could include a brief discussion of the more important state and federal statutes of which one might run afoul-or wish to invoke. Basic legal and financial ter- minology (such as "52 preferred," "attainder," etc.), which would be included in this course of law and finance for the layman, would make reading and conver- sation more meaningful and prove invaluable in the interpretation of deeds, contracts and other le- gal documents. This suggested course would condense the practical material offered in the multitude of eco- nomics and Business Administra- tion courses, thereby permitting the mAny students who have nei- ther the time nor the inclination to take these many courses to gain, in manageable portions, the practical knowledge of law and of finance which would be of im- mense benefit in everyday life. Such a course in the practical application ofslaw and finance would not only be most interest- ing, but would fill a long-empty -and oftentimes embarassing- void in the lives of many students. -Lynne Zimmerman, 56 Union Congratulations To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS to the Michigan Union on the anni- versary of fifty years of service to the Michigan student body. We of the Panhellenic Association Board send best wishes and congratula- tions from all the University of Michigan affiliated women. May your future plans and ac- tviities be as successful as those of the past fifty years, and we will be looking forward to working with you. -Jean Bromfield President-Panhellenic * * * Hockey Fees . . To the Editor: I AM A freshman from the state of Minnesota where hockey is big sport in the high schools and colleges. I have been a hockey fan for several years now and have looked forward to seeing the Mich- igan team in action this winter. I have been informed that a per- son desiring to watch the Michigan hockey team in action must buy a separate ticket for each game he wishes to see and that the tui- tion does not cover this. Why is this? The University of Minne- sota has student tickets for stud- ents who have paid their fees. Ce- tainly the University of Michigan i4. -nt ninr + l a anlr cntt o least four (and probably more) men on campus that realize the im- portance and significance of the flag. Everyone is not ignorant of the respect' due the flag. We will even go one step further. How about proper respect and ceremo- ny due the National Emblem when it is taken down at the football games. We noticed the absence of these thiings and hope that the concerned parties will. take more than particular note of them. -Clyde W. Coxey Bruce Highstreet Henry J. Bloem Bob G. Bettiga * * * Ifho's Responsible ... To the Editor: N REGARD to Miss Roelofs' ar- ticle, "Dem. Common Sense or GOP Giveaway" (Oct. 27). The GOP giveaways pale into insignif- icance next to some of the give- aways of the past regime. Is she too -young to remember when Joe Stalin asked FDR for the Balk- ans and got it? These weren't oil rights given away, they were human lives and liberty. Under whose Administration were the nuclear bomb plans given away, because of insufficient security resulting from a naive attitude towards Russia? What about tax- payers' money that went into private pockets thru the FHA? As for sliding price supports this is an attempt to remedy a problem which has been saddled on the present Administration. The farm program started as a stop-gap measure during the Great De- pression and it has become politi- cal suicide to attempt to modify it. The present cost of storing sur- plus crops alone is near $100,000 per day. Whether sliding price supports will help or not is open to honest debate, the answer is not dogmatically known as im- plied in her article. Under Harry S. in 1949 unemployment was .t higher than it is now, and the present Congress increased the Soc. Sec. benefits. There are a lot of faults in the present Administration, but let's not forget which Adminis- tration put Russia on the map. We had Russia neutralized in WW II and the balance of power was in the hands of the Western Allies. A realistic program at that time would have kept it that way. Which Administration split Germany in two? The most na- tionalistic nation on the conti- nent. Did the Dems. seriously think that the Germans won't fight to reclaim East Germany? If the Russians had had to fight for the Balkans or China they may never have gotten these areas and the chances of WW III would have been greatly diminished. When WW III starts, let's not forget which Administra- tion gave the enemy a head start, then let's compare the losses of WW III with the loss of tide lands. oil. --Albert Atwell 4' J -r. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) For further information about these or other job opportunities contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg., ext. 371. A. cademic Notices The November meeting of the Facul- ty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic year 1954-55 will be held Mon., Nov. 1, a~t 4:10 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. A. Fulbright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School, Room 1020, Rack- ham Building, by 4:00 p.m. Mon., Nov. 1. This is the closing date for the 1955- 56 competition and it will not be ex- tended. Zoology Lecture, "The Chemical and Molecular Physiology of Contraction --- A Sequence of Three Revolutions." Dr. W. F. H. M. Mommaerts, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Western Re- serve University Medical School, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Nov. 2 at 4:10 p.m., 5011 Angell Hall. Profes- sor R. M. Thrall will speak on the "Content of Young Diagrams." Seniors: College of L.S. fi A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub-. .lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for Feb. graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be re- quested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window num- ber 1, 1513 Administration Building. Events Today uMis. Fr.e mvi. "Anote" Sor ternoon outdoors come to the Grad- uate Outing Club at 2:00 p.m. Sun. at the north entrance of the Rackham building. Hillel: Sun., 8:00-10:30 p.m. Every- one is invited to the "Hillel Harvest Hop." Cider and donuts will be served. Strictly casual dress. Dancing to Mel Sachs and his orchestra. Admission for members is 35c and 65c for non-mem- bers. Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester Co-op, Sun., Oct. 31 at 8:00 p.m. Ev- erybody invited. Unitarian Student Group. There will be a joint meeting with the Adult Dis- cussion Group Sun., Oct. 31 at 8:00 p.m. at the church. The following can- didates: George Meader, Republican, J. Henry Owens, Democrat, and Ed- mond Taylor, Socialist Labor Party, will discuss election issues. Everyone in- terested is invited. Those who want transportation will meet at Lane Hall or in front of Alice Lloyd at 7:30. First Baptist Church. Sun., Oct. 31. 9:45 a.m. Student Class studies Ro-. mans. 11:00 a.m. Rev. Robert Eads of Colgate Rochester Divinity School. 6:45 p.m. Mr. Eads will speak to Guild on "Christian Basis of Ethical Choice." Single graduate students are invited to join with the Fireside Forum group of the First Methodist Church Sun. at 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Room for a program on missions and for sociabil- ity. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Rev. Leonard verduin, from Campus Chapel, Ann Arbor, will speak on "The Nature of God" at 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Re- freshments will be served. Everyone is cordially invited. seminar on "Basic Christian Beliefs" In the Pine room; 10 :15-seminar on "Great Ideas of the Bible" in the Pine room; 5:30 p.m. Fellowship supper, 35c; 6:45 evening program - Morse Saito speaking on "Missionary Work in Ja- pan." Coming Events WCBN-will hold auditions for U. of M. hockey game announcers and en- gineers at 7:15 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1 in Rm. 3-D of the Union. All interested students are invited to try-out. Economics Club. Mon., Nov. 1, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Lazar Volin, of the U.S. Dept. of Agricul- ture, will discuss "Post-Stalin Russian Economic Policy." Public is invited. Episcopal Student Foundation. All Saints' Day celebrations at 7:00 and 10:15 a.m. at St. Andrew's Church, Mon., Nov. 1. Breakfast at Canterbury House will follow the 7:00 serviec. Student Legislature Campus Action Committee will meet Tues., Nov. 2 at 4:15 p.m. in the Union. The room num- ber will be posted on the bulletin board next to the elevators. La P'tite Causette will meet tomor- row from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the left wing of the Michigan Union cafeteria. All are welcome to join us In informal French conversation. Deutscher Verein will hold its next program at 7:30 p.m. Tues. in Room 3R of the Union. The program will feature three well-informed speakers on the subject "Germany 1954." Every- one is welcome and refreshments will be served. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its weekly "tertulia" Tues., Nov. 2, in the .-e I Telebhone NO 23-24-1