See Page 4
C, , r
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXV, No. 36
Prof. Hunter
On Housing
Fire Victims Get
Aid, Donations:
HALTED BY HOOSIERS-An unidentified Michigan back is su
Among those stopping the Wolverine runner are Le s Kun (43), Joe Ma
Stevenson Blasts
Raps Eisenhower, Nixon, McCarthy
In Nationwide Television Address
By The Associated Press
Adlai E. Stevenson charged last night that "the President him-
self" has affirmed Republican campaign material which has been
standard Communist propaganda for years."
The 1952 Democratic presidential candidate attacked President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) and other Republican leaders in a nationwide
television and radio address.
He told a Democratic rally in the closing days of the campaign
he fears that "irresponsible politicians, tearing the nation apart in
search for votes, have recklessly damaged our freedom, our self re-
spect and our unity of national purpose."
Meanwhile in Washington President Eisenhower, in an unprece-
dented political move, telephoned 10 citizens around the country
"Since the University acts 'in
loco parentis' for unmarried stu-
--Daily-Dick Gaskill dents under 21 years old, it should
varmed over by seven Hoosiers, have something to say as to fire
aglish (87) and John Gentile (42). conducive conditions in student
rooming houses" Prof. Thomas
Hunter of the engineering college
said yesterday.
W o r NibwATSAlthough women students are
YYorIA e carefully looked after, the profes-
n sor said he felt the University
Rp ushould take a more active interest
in housing used by male students.
By The Associated Press Also yesterday donations of
By Te Asociaed Pessclothing and the organization of
LONDON-The waterfront strike an educational grant in memory
that crippled eight great ports of of Florence Vandergrift were aft-
this island nation for almost a ermaths of the Monroe rooming
month is over, house fire here Thursday morning
The 44,000 strikers - most of which killed Miss Vandergrift and
them quit work in defiance of their her landlady Florence Hendriksen.
union leaders-voted yesterday to In discussing ramifications of
go back to the docks tomorrow and the fire, Prof.Hunter said he would
start moving more than 500 million "be pleased to work for the Uni-
dollars worth of imports and ex- versity as a building inspector."
ports idling in ships and in ware- "You can't just whip through a
houses- home when inspecting it," he ex-
* * *plained. This is why city council-
McCarthy Defends man Dean W. Coston said recent-
ly it would probably take 10 years!
McCarthy (R-Wis) stepped up his to completely inspect all local
WASHINGTON-Sen. Joseph R. rooming houses.
pre-session defense against a Sen-i Top coats, shirts, blouses,
ate censure move yesterday with , sweaters, shoes, skirts, trousers
new requests to a Democratic sen- and other wearing apparel were
ator and to Atty. Gen. Herbert R. brought to the Student Publica-
Brownell. toins Bldg. during the past two,
The Wisconsin senator touched days for evacuees of the home.
on the three points of censure pro- This clothing will be distributed
posed against him in: tomorrow. Checks made out to
1. A wire to Sen. Gillette (D- The Daily Fire Relief Fund for
Iowa) asking for "a clearcut state- distribution to the 14 people may
ment" before Tuesday's election be sent to the Student Publica-
on whether Gillette will vote for tions Bldg. this week.
censure at the special Senate ses- Carol Walsh, one of the origi-
sion starting Nov. 8. nators of an "educational grant"'
2. A letter to Brownell urging as a memorial to Miss Vandergrift,
him to seek an indictment of for- said yesterday the fund would be
mer Army Maj. Irving Peress un- used to help University students
der the false statements statute. from the fire victim's home area
* * * around Grand Rapids and Muske-
Dixon-Yates Plan it gon.-
WASHINGTON - Opponents of
the Dixon-Yates private power plan
predictedat a Senate Anti-monopo-
ly subcommittee hearing that 1. it
will never take effect and 2. if it i 'Hlet
Judie Board
Hears Cases
Of Cheating
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of articles' inter-
preting the current plans, problems
and functions of the University's
studet judiciary councils.)
What happens if you cheat on
a bluebook?
If you're in the literary college,
and you're caught in the act,
chances are you'll be summoned
before the Literary College Ad-
ministrative Board-a seven-mem-
ber body whose little-recognized
job it is to hear cases of student
cheating, plagiarismand falsify-
ing of records and drop slips.
A disciplinary group, similar to
the Engineering Honor Council,
the Administrative Board draws
three of its members the student
representatives-from Joint Judic
iary Council.
Robertson Chairman
Faculty members hold the re-
maining four Board seats, with
Assistant Dean James H . Robert-
son of the literary college as Chair-
Students whose cases call for
Board action are always inter-
viewed first by Robertson. In rare
instances Dean Robertson settles
casses with individual students so
that Board decisions are not nec-
Norm Giddon, '55, Joint Judic
member, estimated that actual
hearings are held "a maximum of
four times a semester."
Punishments Fit Crime-
Instead of financial penalties,
the Board usually imposes penal-
ties dealing with the -courses in
which cheating has occurred.
Students who appear may face
suspension from the University,
having to repeat the course, or
acceptance of automatic 'E's' as
final course grades.
However often students receive
only 'E's' for the examination on
asking them to help set off a
chain reaction of Republican votes
"This Is the President"
Prefacing e a c h conversation
with "this is the President," Presi-
dent Eisenhower talked from his
White House office with a soror-
ity house cook in Illinois, an un-
employed secretary in California,
a farmer in North Carolina and a
housewifp in Texas among others.
He asked each of them to do
him a favor by voting and asking
10 of their friends to vote in the
elections that will decide whether
Democrats or Republicans control
the next Congress. Each of the 10
friends was to be asked to relay
the request to 10 more friends,
and so on.
An attempt to blow up the au-
tomobile of Rep. George H. Ben-
der (R-Ohio) miscarried yester-
day when two sticks of wet dyna-
mite failed to explode.
Rep. Bender is running for the
Ohio Senate seat now held by Dem-
ocratic Sen. Thomas A. Burke.
The car, a 1946 Cadillac, was un-
occupied and was parked in the
drive of Bender's 14-acre estate at
nearby Chagrin Falls. It suffered
only minor upholstery burns
caused by a burning fuse.
Dynamite Wet
Police said the fact that the dy-
namite was wet apparently was
the reason it failed to explode.
Bits of paraffine paper wrapped
around the dynamite were blown
about the car when a detonator
cap went off.
Patrolman Frank Barnard of
Chagrin Falls reported, "It defi-
nitely was not an attempt on Rep.
Bender's life. It was more a threat
or a scare."
Bender also said, "Somebody is
trying to scare me" and added:
Police said that apparently the
dynamiter had placed the bomb in
the car after Bender parked it.
There apparently was no attempt
to kill Bender, they said, only to
wreck his car.
ISA Legislature
N'ominations Open
Nominations are now open for
election to the House of Repre-
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
MICHIGAN SCORES-Fred Baer scores the Wolverines' lone
touchdown of the afternoon. Florian Helenski (25), Hoosier
quarterback looks on dejectedly.
Hoosier Win, Bitter Cold
Mar Football Afternoon
.LMRing band, in top hat formation,
First score in the Indiana game band alumni led students in "I
came at minus two minutes when Wanna Go Back to Michigan" and
a mongrel dog romped past n "College Days," which no one
diana's line into the end zone. semdtrmmb.
Fred Baer scored a few minutes seemed to remember.
later for Michigan but in the end Watch for Gate Crashers
it was Indiana's day. All things Right after Michigan's first
considered it was a pretty medio- touchdown, Major, Lambda Chi
cre afternoon. Alpha's mascot dog, dashed on to
Bitter cold and brief snow flur- the playing field but was unable
ries had spectators huddled in to score as cheerleaders distracted
blankets, heavy coats and winter him back to the stands.
clothing. "The nationally famous Before the game, stadium em-
University of Michigan Marching ployees backed ticket . takers
Band" wore top coats during the watching for possible gate crash-
pre-game show and even cheer- ers.
leaders needed jackets by half- Hopes were lifted when the loud-
time.CheergEnthu st.speaker announced a first period
Cheering as enthusiasticpart- scoreless tie at Evanston where
't prt Northwestern was trying to pin
ly because dazed fans could an upset on unbeaten Ohio State.
quite believe Michigan's Rose Bowl'Fn pstub thioSU-NU.
aspirations were on the wane Final outcome of the OSU-NU
not until the final whistle blew and game was still unknown when dis-
showed Indiana still ahead 13-9. appointed fans filed down the grey
Aware of the bitter cold, conces- stadium ramps but Ohio had pass-
sionaires hawked hot chocolate for ed to a 14-7 victory.
25 cents a glass and fleets of taxi So students realized they'd go
cabs stood waiting to take pas- home for Christmas, leaving Pasa-
sengers, willing to pay 50 cents dena for another year and old
13-9 Upset Hurts
Rose Bowl Hopes
Interceptions Costly as Helinski
Paves Way for Underdog Victory
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan got a taste of its own medicine yesterday as a stubborn,
fired-up Indiana eleven led by Quarterback Florian Helinski upset the
Wolverines, 13-9.
A gathering of 48,502 surprised fans saw almost a duplicate of the
Michigan-Nofrthwestern contest as the Maize and Blue dominated play
throughout ,the game only to see the Hoosiers take advantage of a re-
covered fumble and an interception to tally their two touchdowns and
then stubbornly hold onto the lead.
Helinski, who knows a lot about forward passing whether he is on
offense or defense, not only made it 118 consecutive passes- he has
thrown without an interception (a Big Ten and probable national
record), but he also snared three Wolverine heaves, all of them within
his own 20-yard line.
In addition he scored one of the winners' touchdowns, passed for
the other, kicked the extra point, punted, and 'directed the Hoosiers
throughout the contest.
Hoosier Recover Fumble
After Michigan had taken a 7-0 lead, the Indiana quarterback
was given his.first opportunity to shine when Wolverine Halfback Ed
Shannon's fumble was recovered<+--
by Ron Rauchmiller on the Michi-
ganowing two running plas,sp
Helinski passed to Don DomenicBy
for 20 yards and a first down on N T VT k
the Maize and Blue four-yard line.
Four plays later he barely made it
over from a couple of inches out. B i * L a
The try for the point was wide.
Michigan took the kickoff which
followed and proceeded to move
down to the Indiana 20 before He- Northwestern's pass defense, steel-
linski got in front of a Wolverine like for three quarters, suddenly
aerial and ran it back 14 yards to collapsed in the fourth period yes-
his own 33. Ten plays and 67 yardstedyanDveLgttlfda
latr, ndina entint th led.terday, and Dave Leggett lofted a
later, Indiana went into the lead. 24-yard touchdow'" pitch to Bob
Fifty-five of these yards were eat-24adstoughdo.1ranktc h o
en u byfiv Heinsk tosesin-Watkins to give No. 1 ranked Ohio
en up by five Helinski tosses in-Saeahadpesd147timh
cluding a 20-yard pass to Milt State a hard pressed 14-7 triumph.
Campbell for the score. Ohio State thus took undisputed
Helinski ended the Indiana scor- lead in the Big Ten race.
ing for the day by kicking the ex- The Wildcats, playing before 41,-
tra point and as it turned out that 650 Homecoming patrons, threw a
was all the winners needed. scare into 14-point favored Ohio
Yet despite all of Helinski's he- State by holding the Associated
roics, Michigan still.had a number Press' top-rated team to a 7-7
of 'chances to recapture the lead standstill until the decisive Leggett
and the ball game, especially in pass.
the second half. Four times in the OSU Remains Unbeaten
last 30 minutes, Bennie Ooster- The toss kept the Buckeyes un-
baan's eleven drove down within beaten in six games this season
Indiana's 25-yai'd marker and four and pinned a five-game losing
times the attack sputtered to a ; streak on Northwestern. The Wild-
halt. cats have beaten Ohio State only
The last drive provided the most once in 10 years and have failed
exciting and heartbreaking minutes to win a Big Ten game since 1952.
of the game.
Taking the ball on their own 25 The Ohio State victory, however,
Ting lsth alonfeirtsong25,was rather hollow for the Buckeyes
with less than five minutes to go did not look like potential national
in the encounter, the Wolverines champions today as a Northwest-
began to throw the pigskin as they em sophomore quarterback from.
marched down the field in a des- Rock Island, Il., Jack Ellis, stole
perate race with the clock. A idvda oosi i is ol.
screen pass from Lou Baldacci to idvidual honors in his first colle-
Dan Cline picked up 19 yards and giate appearance
Dunc McDonald hit Ron Kramer Ellis' three successive pass com-
for eight more.. Baer carried for pletions in the second period
15 yards and a first down 'on the touched off a 54-yard Northwest-
Indiana 33 and McDonald again en surge in six plays that full-
connected with Kramer for 4. back Bob Lauter capped with an
On the next play Terry Barr 8-yard scoring smash.
dropped a pass as he was standing Bobo Scores for OSU
all alone in the left flat with but But the Buckeyes, flashing their
one Hoosier between him and the best form of the game, retaliated
goal line, quickly to tie the score, 7-7, with
See BAER, Page 6 sophomore fullback Hubert Bobo
drilling 31 yards for the payoff.
Bobo played the entire 60 min-
The defensive play of end Ziggie
Niepokoj and halfback Dick Ran-
icke was outstanding for North-
by injuries in the bruising battle
before halftime.
By A.i. PressWriter Leggett's triumphant touchdown
Associated Press Wie
pass, on the second play of the fin-
In the language of the nuclear ale, climaxed a 52-yard drive in
age, a reaetor plant becomes crit- six plays.
ical when it begins to -convert Northwestern passed. up two fine
does, President Eisenhower
take a political shellacking.
Goblins Quiet
"The goblins will get you if
you, don't watch out" was not
true last night when local po-
lice reported soap streaked win-
dows as the only manifesta-
tion of vandalism ushering Hal-
loween in.
Most of Ann Arbor's young-
sters spent their evening "trick
or treating," dressed in im-
promptu costumes.
A mixed student-faculty cast
will appear in the speech depart-
ment's presentation of "Hamlet"
Wednesday to Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
The first major work on the de-
partment's fall playbill, the play
is a revival of a summer produc-
tion directed by B. Iden Payne of'
the University of Texas.
Nafe Katter of the speech de-
partment will play the title role,
Claudius will be portrayed by Prof.
Richard Burgwin, Gertrude by
Gwen Arner, and Ophelia by Bev-
erly Pemberthey. '54.
each, back to campus.
Half time festivities
grads ambled out mumbling
powerhouses of yesteryear.
had theI
band performing "Victors" the
way it would sound in foreign;
Leading off with a dancer from
the land of "Aloha," the band
portrayed an Indian fakir, a Chi-
nese rickshaw, a gondolier and, to
prove "Victors" is bigger than the'
iron curtain, a Soviet volga boat-
Top hatted Michigan Band
Alumni presented their sixth an-
nual show, performing both before
the game and briefly during half-I
time. Surrounded by the march-i
Mich. Ind.
First Downs.......18 11
Rushing Yardage .236 149
Passing Yardage . .52 103
Passes Attempted ..23 19
Passes Completed .. 8 10
Passes Interc'pt'd by 0 4
Punts..............2 7
Punting Average ..38 30
Fumbles Lost ...... 1 1
Yards Penalized ...10 55
Peaceful Use of Atom Nears Decisive
a. n... .. ...... LSW EDEN... .... ':
",.. t aBIRMINGHAM ot S -
Atlantic . :TzFORMOSA
to power.
President Eisenhower's atoms-j
for-peace machinery, proposed for
the first time last December in
the United Nations, appears to be
nearing that stage late in 1954,
after some jockeying with the Rus-
Nearly 11 months afterthe Presi-
dent first proposed his idea, the
plan began to strike off sparks in
the.U. N.
scoring chances at the outset of
the first period. The Cats marched
76 yards with the opening kickoff
behind the passing of Dale Pienta
and the running of Jim Troglio,
each of whom was injured in the
See WATKINS, Page 7
Hanlon To Speak
On World Health