rAGE T*O THE MIFCU11GAN 1lATT.V CAVVTM"&Nr &%1,tnmelmwmm ftA qAwA PAGE TWia W1 MJE!WWE L1 illy S A T U~flfl SOTOBER 30,185 WOMEN WERE BARRED: The Front Door Custom: How it Came--and Went i . icigUnion H istory Traced from '0 4 (Continued from Page 1) By JANE HOWARD "Michigan, I see, has no attach- ment to tradition." An elderly alumnus voiced this bitter comment when, standing near the Union's front entrance, he saw three coeds nonchalantly hurrying through the door. Male Stronghold He looked around for a full-time doorman, who formerly was em- ployed for the sole purpose of tell- ing female Union guests that a separate side entrance was re- served for them-but that the front door was a male stronghold on campus. The last front-door "bounder," however, died in 1942, and, ac- cording to Union officials, has nev- er been replaced. With his demise the once strong campus tradition, part of Union rules since the building opened in 1919, has gradually declined until now it isn't enforced at all. Any- body, even women, can enter through the front door. Union President Tom Leopold, '55, offered -an explanation for the Union Houses Many Groups (Continued from Page 1) An important function of the Union is hotel service providing more than 190 sleeping rooms available for members and their guests. Television, chess and checker tables, and a place to browse are found in the main floor North and South lounges. Main floor bulletin boards list all approved notices of student in- terest along with union events for the day. A basement barbershop and checkroom service round out facil- ities used by members. To make the Union self-contain- ed, a constant maintenance serv- ice is carried on, including a com- plete upholstering and furniture repair shop, electrical shop and divisions devoted to food services. tradition's virtual end. "We want as many people as possible to use Union facilities," Leopold said, "through whatever door they pre- fer." The front-door tradition was an outgrowth of original strong Union policies based on customs of ex- From the beginning, the Union became a unifying and co-ordi- nating agency in student society. Class elections were held under its direction, a student council was set up, and a fund for the portrait of President Angell, now in the Union, was solicited. The Union was then housed in a small building called the "Union Club House." There was little in the way of precidence for a Union building which the Directors want- ed. Harvard had established a union in 1901, and the University of Pennsylvania had its Houston Club, founded in 1896. In the winter of 1905-'06, the Union began asking for subscrip- tions to its building fund. A stu- dent carnival in 1906 added $12,- 000 to the campaign, the Student Lecture Association donated a year's prophets, $11,500, and the Union Minstrels, an entertain- ment group added another $11,- 500. With these funds the Union purchased and remodeled the former home of Judge Thomas M. Cooley on State Street, to provide room for some of its facilities. Dues Fixed In November, 1907, the first Union Club House opened formal- ly. Dues for members were fixed at -$2.50. Student interest spread rapidly and energies began to crystallize in such ventures at the Union Opera in February, 1908. In 1910 tentative plans and ex- terior sketches for present Union building were first announced. The preparation of the plans was undertaken by architects A. B. Pond and I. K. Pond, brothers whose boyhood home stood on the site where the Union building1 eventually was built. The Pond brothers offered their services gratis along with the aid of Prof. H. M. Bates and Homer L. Heath who became the driv- ing force for the Union fund- raising campaign through the years 1908-1926. As the Union grew in member- ship in the early years the office of the President of the Union in- creased in importance. An early plan was to alternate the office between fraternity and independ- ent men. With 4,047 men in the GEORGE JOHNSON * , . He Kept Them Out clusive men's clubs in Detroit and New York, where rules providing separate doors for men and wom- en are still respected. Opinions Split A sharp split marked the opin- ions of students asked for their stands on the Union door contro- versy. S o m e w h a t surprisingly, many women sanction the tradi- tion and hope it will somehow con- tinue. Gretchen Quine, 466Ed., for instance, exclaimed "if this tradi- tion goes the way of all the others, this campus will be a pretty dull place.. I'm all for a few old cus- toms-even if it means walking out of my way." What Happens To Union Staff After College? Many Rise to Fame In Chosen Careers By MARGE PIERCY What happens to presidents of the Michigan Union after they graduate? A good percentage of them from the look of the records and "Who's Who" fulfill the promise they showed as students. Howard L. Barkdull, '09, began practicing law in "Cleveland after hiis commence- ment. Chosen president of the Ohio State Bar Association, then Direc- tor of American Judicature Soci- ety, in 1952 he received the high- est honor* in the legal profession, becoming President of the Ameri- can Bar Association. Kentucky Colonel An honorary citizen of Texas and a commissioned Kentucky Colonel, Barkdull is also a trustee of the alumni fund. He served as a mem- ber of the Patterson Committee to Co-operate with the Kefauver Com- mittee. Also a lawyer, Thomas J. Lynch, '25, has served as counsel to the Securities and Exchange Commis- sion, the War Production Board, and as special assistant to the at- torney general. He was general counsel to the Treasury Depart- ment for five years. After leaving the University, Hugh Allen worked on the Detroit Free Press and the Cleveland Plain Dealer. At various times in the next years he edited the Seat- tle Daily Star, the South Bend News Times, and managed Akron's Beacon Journal. Author After joining the advertising de- partment of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Allen wrote an account of the rise of that in- dustry, "The House of Goodyear." Among other books he has writ- ten are "The Story of the Air- ship," "Why Has America No Rig- id Airships," and "Rubber's Home Town." President of the Union in 1908-09, James K. Watkins, '09, was De- troit Police Commissioner from 1931 to 1933. A Rhodes scholarat Oxford, he received an honorary degree from Wayne University in 1947 for his "work as a govern- ment reformer" and his efforts in inter-racial understanding. Active in local politics, Watkins served as president of Grosse Pointe Farms and chairman of the Home Rule Committee for Wayne County. He has also chaired the Detroit Community Chest and the mayor's interracial committee. Directs Institute Prof. John W. Lederle, director of the Institute of Public Admin- istration, headed the Union in 1932- 33. After practicing law for sever- al years, Lederle joined the fac- ulty of Brown University and re- mained there until 1944, when he left to begin teaching here. Prof. Lederle served as counsel to the Senate Special Committee on Campaign Expenditures from 1944-46, and in 1950, as counsel to a similar group in the House. Coun- sel to the Mutual Security Agency in 1952, Lederle headed the Insti- tute for Public Instruction for the University of Hawaii in 1952 and 1953. THE UNION TODAY: SINCE 1903, IT HAS GROWN TO A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS AND A CENTER OF CAMPUS LIFE. I II MICHIGAN UNION Anniversary Balli ...FEATURING.. 1., Red Johnson's Orchestra ranks in 1914 the Union had rap- idly become a leader in expressing student opinion and an effective means of close faculty-student in- terrelationships. Pioneer Venture In 1912 the Union's Infirmary Committee was created which later expanded to the present Health Center. It was one of the pioneer ventures in this field for any college group. First definitive moves for con- structing a new building were in- itiated in December, 1910 at an alumni meeting in Ann Arbor. Leaders of the new building cam- paign had to spend the first few years developing a cooperative and cordial attitude among alumni. Heath first led a movement to get the Cooley home expandedh so that alumni could see what bene- fits a meeting place like a future Union building could produce. Ten thousand dollars was borrowed and the Heath addition was built. After its erection in 1912 it was used for social gatherings, class dinners and dramatic perform- ances. By now Union property was worth $40,000 with an indebted-. ness of little over half that amount. Suscriptions at this time, before any actual fund raising campaign got under way, amounted to $23,- 000.. The campaign, which was to start in June 1914, was postponed because of the opening of World War hostilities and actual solici- tation of funds didn't begin until October, 1915. $1,000,000 Goal Pledges immediately began roll- ing in and by 1916 $765,000 had been secured. With $1,000,000 as the final goal, $800,000 had been subscribed in March 1917 and about half of this was in cash. This outstanding response to the campaign seemed to jutify im- mediate construction of the build- ing and soon afterward President Hutchins turned the first sod for the building. Although preliminary construc- tion began, problems evolving from World War I finally caused the committee to indefinitely post- pone procedings. When the war ended Union of- ficers realized that because they had a large investment already in the building, it was imperative (Much of the material for this story has been gathered with assist- ance from "A History of the Michi- gan Union" compiled by Richard L. Pinkerton, Union Executive Sec- retary.) that it be completed rapidly and their debt to the state be paid. More money was borrowed and the building was sufficiently com- pleted by the fall of 1919 to be opened Annual Fee To help pay off the remaining debts, Heath and Chapin pressed the University to include a five dollar Union membership in the annual payment of fees collected by the University. This was done in 1919-20 making all male stu- dents automatically members of the. Union. The building immediately be- came a center of student activity. An analysis showed that an aver- age of 7500 persons entered its mal and informal nieetings were held in the Union during the first year. Five years later the unfinished portions of the building, the swim- ming pool and second floor library and reading room were finished. A gift of $21,500 by Mrs. E. W. Pendleton enabled the Governors to have the library finished as a memorial to her husband. Evidence of the intense activity of early Union days may be noted by the list of committees active in this period: House, Dance, Pub- licity, Life Members, Music, Bil- liards, Bowling, Library, Enter- tainment, Reception, Opera, Upper- classmen, Advisors, Scoreboard, and Sunday Afternoon Meetings. Dissatisfaction over the campus election of Union senior officers brought about moves for a change of this system in 1925. It was thought that politics were becom- ing too involved in the elections. Committee Established A resolution was passed October 26, 1928 delegating the Board of Directors to elect the senior offi- cers. Two years later, a special Union meeting set up a senior of- ficer selections committee com- posed of four faculty or alumni members and three student vice- presidents. This system was established so that senior officers would be ap- pointed on a basis of merit. While the Union as a building al- most immediately assumed a rec- ognized place in University life, the fact that it was completed and functioning as planned made it dif- ficult to make headway in raising more money to meet the debts Finally the Board of Regents ap- proved an increase in the Union student fee to ten dollars, one-half of which was to go for mainte- nance and the other half for retire- ment of sthe Union's debt. Debt Paid After the debt was wiped from' the books in 1935 additions includ- ing further rooms, dining room space, quarters for the University Club and the International Student Center made the Union an even more vital center in University un- dergraduate life. Last year the lower floors under- went a remodeling. The second floor balcony of the swimming pool was removed and floored over, pro- viding space on the main floor for Business and Student Offices. The main desk and hallway, were re- modeled and a registration desk installed where the old student of- fices were located. Today another facet of the Un- ion's long history will begin to become reality. When the new $2,- 900,000 addition is completed the Union will ne more than ever a center of student life. Perhaps the hopes of Edward F. Parker, the Union's first presi- dent, will be realized. "We put our hearts into the Un- ion; they are still there. If the boys give theirs, then indeed will the Michigan Union be the very Heart of the Campus." Entertainment at the Union Fif- tieth Anniversary Banquet at 6 p.m. today will be furnished by the Union Opera and Mimes and the Michigan Glee Club under the di- rection of Prof. Philip Duey. TONIGHT 9 to 1 A.M. $1.50 PER COUPLE UNION BALLROOM } I I doors every day and that 2500 for-which amounted to $306,000 in 1925.1 I fU THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGANENSIAN GENERATION GARGOYLE L 3L A0 r4 Do On 4m I I I On 1 4-1,,., I I~;u" I V V U K7W "I " f"4 i i