Hi chigan lk, Union 50th Antnivers ary Supplement * * * * * * * * * * * * UNION SUPPLEMENT. Lwt qan ~aiti UNION SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1954 ommmommm pDEDIC, TE $2,900,000 U 10 I G TODJ y L :1' AHistory of Union Traced from '03 Parker Sought an Organization To Provide a 'Bond of Friendship' By DAVE BAAD and MURRY FRYMWER The year 1903 was a big one for many reasons. k, Down in Kittyhawk, North Car- olina, the Wright brothers fin- ally% achieved results with their 'U' Students Guide Unioni Activities By JIM DYGERT To many the Union is a place to play billiards, to bowl, or just to drink a cup of coffee. Facilities providing for such, and other facilities placed at the dis- posal of the University's male stu- dents, by the Union, represent only half of the Union, the physical half, the most obvious and well-known half. The other half of the Union's dual nature is the Student Activities Committee, or, as it is more com- monly called, the Student Offices. Multitude of Projects ' From -the Student Offices issues a. multitude of student projects,' services, and activities. Few stu- dents are aware of all of these, but every student has come in contact with at least one. The activities carried on by the Student Offices are managed by the junior Executive Council, com- posed of the chairmen and co- chairmen of the eight executive committees. These Councilmen worked their } way through the experience with Union activities obtained as tryouts and sophomore members of the staff. As juniors, they take over the administration of Union projects, striving for "the two senior posi- tions of president and executive- secretary. General Supervision ' Tom Leopold, '55, and Dick Pink- erton, '55, as president and execu- tive-secretary of the Union respec- tively, have general supervision over the Student Offices. Pinkerton is more directly concerned with internal operations, with Leopold acting more as the Union's repre- sentative to the campus on exter- nal matters. Activities carried on by the Stu- etdent Offices are extensive. Take, for instance, the Student Services Committee chaired by Mark Gal- lon, '56. Gallon's committee has conducted the resale of football tickets at the Union this fall, Ys planning a Football Open House after "the Illinois game at the Un- ion and arranges trips to Detroit and Toledo for various theater pro- ductions, among other things. This weekend's Golden Anniver- sary of the Union has been planned and carried out under the direc- tion of Jerry Hays, '55, chairman of the University Relations Com- mittee. A Parliamentary Proce- dure Lecture; the Student, Faculty, Administration Conference, and an art contest are other projects of this committee. Social' Committee r, C. J. Gianakaris, '56, as chair- man of the Social Committee, di- rects Gulantics, the all-campus tal- ent contest, along with the League and Men's Glee Club. His commit1- tee is also in charge of jazz con- certs held at the Union, an annual speech contest, and foreign travel lectures,, along with the bridge tour- neys and Sunday night. record dances. The Public Relations Commit- tee, under the leadership of Todd flying machine; Teddy Roosevelt was wielding the power of the "big stick" and the first 'World Se- ries 'was played between Boston of the upstart American League and Pittsburgh of the National. It was a big year in Anni Ar- bor, too. Disturbance The "naughty '04' class" was raising disturbance over such problems as the intolerance be- tween fraternity and independent men, and the lack of a common bond of friendship among all men on campus. Edward F. "Bob" Parker, '06L one day decided : CWhat was needed was "an or- ganization that would be all-in- clusive; a medium for centraliz- ing the thought and effort related to our general life and welfare as Parker, with the help of room- mate D. Bethune Blain, approach- ed University President James B. Angell who also expressed him- self in favor of such an organiza- tion. Parker and Blain, both mem- bers of Michigamua Senior Hion- orary, took their idea to the so- ciety. In January, 1904, Michig- amua issued a, - resolution in the form of a call to create an Execu- tive Committee to formulate plans for a Michigan Union. Representatives Included on the committee were representatives from such organ- izations as Friars, Quadrangle, Toastmaster, and The Michigan Daily. As Blain later put it: " . .. we wanted a home for the organiza- tion, a place where we could meet and form personal contacts." The committee, which includ- ed members of the faculty and Secretary of the Alumni Asso- ciation Shirley W. Smith, decided to "form a students' Union, ar- range for an annual banquet, and secure funds for a Michigan Club." The first official officers form- ing a Board of Directors of the. Union were elected on November, 5, 1904. They were : President, Ed- ward Parker; Recording Secretary D. B. Blain; Corresponding Sc Se-retary, Wilfred B. Shaw; Finan- cial Secretary, Prof. H. M. Bates; and faculty members Prof. Rob- ert Wenley, Prof. Fred W. Scott, and Prof. John Allen. The first public meeting of the Union was a dinner held later in Novembei in Waterman Gymna- sium, with over 1.100 students at- tending. See MICHIGAN, Page 2 From the Union President:* Dear Friends: The Michigan Union has served the campus for fifty years. Back in 194, Judge Coo- ley's old house was turned over to *students to provide needed facilities and to serve as a place of relaxation and diversion from the academic side of col- lege life. Many changes have taken place in these fifty years. The construction of the Union building and its subsequent ad- ditions, service to the faculty, administration, alumni and friends as well as students, and the acceptance of women are all of major significance. But the basic concept of service to the campus has not changed. A changing campus has re- suted in changes in the Un- ion's activities to find new areas of service. I feel it has been successful A continuous effort is being made to widen the scope of service as well as improve those in which we are already engaged. Such activi- ties as football mixers, art con- tests, ticket resales and hospi- tal talent shows are a few. Other progress can be seen in our expanding physical plant. Construction gets underway to- day on the three "million dollar addition which will provide Itwo modern cafeterias and a taproom for students. Increased space for student activities will Ibe supplied including record listening rooms and workshop area. I am sure that with your continued cooperation and sup- port, the Union can look for- ward to many more years of service making your stay on campus a more warm a n d meaningful one. .-Tom Leopold, President Union Expands Ticket Resale An expansion of the Michigan union football ticket resale serv- ice to include all campus activi- ties was announced this week by Mark Gallon '56, student services committee chairman. According to Gallon, students may turn in tickets to concerts, plays and other events to be re- sold at regular prices through the ticket resale service. Tickets may be brought to the student offices from 3 to 5 p.m. and may be purchased anytime. Football tickets may be turned in during the week to go on sale at 9:45 a.mn. the day of the game. Re- gular prices are charged for all tickets. I ': .. .. : ": ' , ,".: .. . ::: . '. . :: *.." ,:;: ',:.:::- -:. -'- "" . F... .:.,.,-.,n: -" .-ir.,. ., .. :,!,: ... .., '', - : ,:iv.,?,.-,i ,.,. --,: . 7 - . ... - - ,.; . ' ,,,,, :.%*.::*'.': ,;::...,.::: * :::::., :;: , ,::: ::::;: :- , . . .. . - *:::,::*"* .,-";.,'..,., : ; ..,-:-. - - -,-, - - :. - -*.:: ., ... ,'.... ..'....... -, - ... ,--.---!ii"-Y. .... ; .. ' ... .... .- ..Xx :.,..-;:...,:: " *.':.' . .. . " .... , , - " .,. .... ... ... --i .,..-.i ..,. . -,-...... -. ."..-.,.*.. ,." I .,.,.R.. ..*-- '.. -,.i,.......,....,:Iiii.",.*i . ':.,'..' .,:-, -, i.' , .--.I. ... - - '.. .. ..., . , - f .ii, .."i'll , , 1i . " "" 17..-" - . ,. ;ii * ......".,." 'i . ...*.,. *,?. .-Iii-: iiI ....- . :: I :i ;.,..', .... ..... .T. ,X -:.: ,'i,'., .7. 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"XX* . i i i iii;iim l .... , - .. x I ........:- ,' .. - ... .,* ,....._ -:: :: :-x.,:,.;.-..-:,*X - " : ..... 1: .... .... :-:-:- ., ..; ... :: ... ,,. :,,. .. ..,...."..,.... ..............- ..... , -- .:.:.i i i.',' ii .. i i i ". .. .., :-. ,%. .. By MICHAEL BRAUN Complete modernization of the Michigan Union including a sixty foot addition to the north side will be completed by the beginning of 1956 according, to Frank C. Kuenzel, General Manager. $2,900,000 has been allocated for the work which has already begun. One million of this will go for de- ferred maintenance. This will in- clude replacement of the ventilat- ing system, overhauling of the electrical system and panels, major heating and plumbing renovation, three new elevators and. air-con- ditioning of the dining facilities. New Wing The remainder of th'e money will be spent for the new wing, which will conform in design to the existing architecture of the Union. Entrance to the new addition will be made at a point approxi- mately sixty feet from the pres- ent side door. There will no longerj be a stairway leading down to the dining area. Instead, two steps will open onto a new snack bar which will be an extension of the present north cafeteria.- . The small alcove of the present north cafeteria will be removed. The food counters of both cafe- terias will be remodeled into a single serving unit with an en- AT MICHIGAN UNION: Facilities Include Television, Teletype By LEE MARKS From the ice-making machine in its basement maintenance rooms to the Michigauma council room on the top floor, the Mich- igan Men's Union is "a complete- ly self-sufficient unit," said Lee Tannenbaum, '57, union office manager. Boasting facilities for almost every type of activity, the 50-year- old institution is constantly ex- panding. Athletic facilities include seven ping-pong tables and 22 pool ta- bles, found on the second floor, a swimming pool in the basement, and bowling alleys located in the second basement. In addition, there is a sports teletype in the billiards room which keeps a running score on athletic contests throughout the country. Serving snacks, full meals, and soda fountain products, the base- ment cafeteria features a North room for members and their dates and a South wing reserved exclus- ively for male bull sessions. A main dining room on the first floor serves regular meals and is open for private banquets. Dance facilities are found on the second floor and include the Rain- bow Room with accomodations for more than 400 couples. Scene of Weekly Teas A smaller ballroom is available for hire to campus organizations while the adjoining Terrace room is the scene of weekly departmental teas. A gift from Mrs. Edward Waldo Pendleton, the second floor Pen- dleton library provides a com- fortable place for studying or browsing. Without Charge A total of 10 meeting rooms is' available to student groups with- out charge for meetings or ban- quets. In addition to these, Vul- cans, Druids and Michigauma, the men's honoraries, have tower rooms permanently reserved. Several campus organizations have their offices in the Union. On the third floor are the IFOC, IHC0, Men's Glee Club and Union opera offices while SL is tempor- arily housed in the basement. .Also, on the alternate years when it is held, Michigras has its office in the Union. See UNION HOUSES, Page 2 trance in the middle. Also the soda fountain will be removed from the cafeteria making room for the ex- clusive serving of food. Large Snack Bar Thus the present basement floor' will consist of a large snack bar' with booths along the walls, open- ing onto the present cafeterias which will be remodeled into one serving unit. The barber shop will also be re- modeled. The chairs which now have their backs towards Statea St. will be facing south with their backs towards the Administration Building. The present men's rest room will be removed and a new men's rest room and a ladies powder room will be built. The present elevators will be turned on a nine-' ty degree angle to face. east. Double Doors A corridor leading from the en- trance will continue across the floor to the men's swimming pool. Double doors will afford entrance to the snack bar and cafeterias. The sub basement which prev- iously has been utilized for venti- lator and maintenance space will contain an activities room. The exact features of the room have not been decided, but it is known that there will be work tables and material for students to use. On the ground floo~r of the Union the main lounge which is to the left of the front entrance will be extended to include the north lounge. The doors of the north lounge which lie to the right of the en- trance on the main floor will be removed thus making one large lounge across the front of the building. Elevators Remain The elevators will continue as in the basement and will lie par- allel to the main desk. The pres- ent ladies room will be ripped out and a new ladies rest room and check room will be constructed in its place. Part of the present Anderson room will be utilized as a lounge where guests may receive women. In addition, a new Anderson room is also planned. The present Anderson room seats eighty peo- ple. The new room will have facili- ties for two hundred and forty. It can also be divided into four rooms when there is a demand for small- er dinners. The present bakeshop will be removed from the basement to the flrst floor and a private dining rnnm will alnso e bilt. in fthe reari Plan 1 0 A.M. Stone-Layin Ceremonies Hatcher, Parker, Leopold To Talk By WALLY EBERHARD A $2,900,000 addition to the Mich- igan Union will be dedicated today as the Union celebrates its fiftieth anniversary on the University campus. University President Harlan It. Hatcher; Edward Parker, first Un- ion president; and Union President Tom Leopold, '55, will speak at the stone-laying ceremonies, scheduled for 10 a.m. at the front of the Un- ion, 250 Register Approximately 250 former Union officers were expected to register yesterday for the week-end obser- vance of the Golden Anniversary of the Union at the University Park- er, 74 years old, is a retired lawyer and rancher in Pasadena, Calif. Th alumni were feted in a, coffee hour at the student offices yester- day afternoon. At 11 a.m. today alumni will be taken on a bus tour of the campus. This afternoon they will attend :the Michigan-Indiana football game. Buses for the guided tour will leave from the side door of the Union, with a special bus for those who will attend a Mimes luncheon today. Buses are furnished by the courtesy of the Union Develop- ment Council, and training of the student guides for the tour was done by the University Alumni Association. A banquet in the Union ballroom will climax the day's activities. Toastmaster Chester Lang, a former Union of- ficer and now vice-president of General Electric Corp., will serve as toastmaster for the evening. Remarks will be made by Presi- dent Hatcher, Parker, Leopold, and Homer Heath, of Ann Arbor, the first general manager of the Un- ion. Presenting a special shower for the guests will be the Union Opera, Mimes and the University Men's Glee Club, Students will share in the cele- bration at the 'Anniversary Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. this evening in the Union Ballroom. Red John- son and, his eight-piece orchestra will play, Women will have late permission this evening. A giant birthday cake has been erected over the Union entrance on State St. for the Anniversary cele- bration. General chairman for the anni- versary week-end is Jerry Has, '56. Other staff members in charge of phases of the celebration include registration, Fred Aengst, '57; de- dication, Steve Cahen; campus tour, Jerry Schneyer, '57; banquet, Burt Stilman, '57; publicity, Russ SMcKennan, '57E. SDecorations, Al Drebin, '57; Lor- en Singer, '58, and Fred Zechman; Sdance publicity, Steve Shlanta, 'S7PL; programs, Don Seltz, '57; and intermission entertainment, Ron Ritzler, '56BA. Inc Message Honors Union On Birthday The Inter-House Council passed a resolution at its meeting this week congratulating the Union on its 50th anniversary. The Resolution reads: "This weekend the Michigan Un- ion celebrates its 50th anniversary. Concurrent with this celebration is the ground-breaking for the new Union addition. The Inter-House Council recognizes the needs that NUMBER 35 IN COMEDY SERIES: Rehearsals Begin for 1954 Opera, 'Hail to Victor!' By JOEL BERGER Number 35 in a long, line of Union Operas will soon be start- ing rehearsals. "Hail to Victor l" written by Murry Frymer, '56, is the latest in the series of all-male musical comedies in which University stu- dents-many who later became world -renowed-have participat- ed. All that has been revealed of this year's script is that it will tell how and why coeds first came' to the University. According to the author the central figure, Victor, is misunderstood, shy and a hope- less square. Opens Here Dec. 8 After playing in Ann Arbor on Opera is New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, who portrayed an Irish country gentleman in "Top 0' The Mornin'." Valentine Davies, producer of the movie "Miracle of 34th Street," co-authored the 1925 production of "Tambourine." More than 500 students tried for parts in this Opera. That show had its cast received during its road tour by President Calvin Coolidge at the White House. ' Opera Standout One of vaudeville's female im- personators, Lionel Ames, was an- other Opera standout, After his University years, Ames ran as an opponent to 'Miss America during i2 rk>:: Si i i ES: cif-. r. :::: ,:::.: : f.: : r:: r r;.af; ? ....'.c... . a'"5: : '.:.:r .I ;,