i PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29,1954 PAGEFOURTHE ICHIAN DI~I FRI-AxY. OCTOB N R 29. lflg, L47 9 SENATE RACE: McNamara & Ferguson Records, Programs Compared Democratic View .,.. W HEN BLAIR MOODY died unexpectedly last summer two weeks before the State's primary election all hopes for a Michigan Democratic senatorial victory this fall appar- ently vanished. With former Senator Moody in competition for Sen. Homer Ferguson's 12-year old seat, the Democrats had felt that an outside chance existed to upset the venerable Sen. Ferguson. Most top-level Democrats from Gov. Williams down had thrown their support behind Moody against Patrick V. McNamara, president of the Pipe-Fitters Union, American Federation of Labor Local 636. In fact several Democratic senators from other states were expected to campaign for Moody but this plan was aban- doned at the last moment as being in poor taste. About the only support accorded Mc- Namara came from the AFL. The primary campaign was intense and considerable bad feeling evolved from the two Democratic fac- tions during the course of the campaigning. THIS PUT THE party in a precarious posi- tion when Moody died. Disunity was obvious. CIO officials and other liberal Democrats who had bitterly contested McNamara's campaign for the nomination had difficulty reconciling themselves to his support. McNamara pleaded for unity within party ranks but instead was faced with an attempt by some Moody sup- porters to compile a large enough memorial vote for Moody to force Democratic supporters to choose another candidate. The fact that the deceased Moody gathered over 100,000 votes, almost one-half as many as McNamara, demonstrated the lack of ex- citement and support for the AFL candidate that existed in August. Republicans were elated and immediately counted the Michigan seat as one certainly re- tainable for another six years. Polls taken shortly after the primary indicated 65% sup- port for Ferguson to 35% for the supposedly politically incompetent McNamara. Things have changed in the last two months. In a poll conducted last week by the New York Times Ferguson has been accorded only a slight edge over his opponent demonstrating that Michi- gan is far from being the certain Republican seat it was expected to be. REASONS FOR the change in voters' esti- mate of the situation are varied. It is doubtful that McNamara's campaign has particularly stimulated voter interest. By any stretch of a rabid Democrat's appraisal his candidate can- not be called an outstanding choice for the Senate. His experience is limited and his cam- paign hasn't been very exciting. He has drawn microscopic crowds to some of his rallies and the only large gatherings have turned out when he appeared on the same program with Gov. Williams. Apparently McNamara's gain in vote strength can be traced to the peoples' general dissatis- faction with Republican performance during the past two years especially in relation to unemployment and farm profits. McNamara, although considered a comparative conservative in Democratic circles, is standing directly on his party's platform. He advocates a return to 90% parity and a concerted effort to get gov- ernment contracts for the Detroit area in or- der to ease the unemployment situation. He realizes the hopelessness and fallacy of telling men who have been standing outside factory gates all summer that the country is actually in a period of prosperity and that em- ployment will pick up soon. These men's debts attest to the length of the wait for the pick up. Republican chances for voting strength among the unemployed were adversely altered by Sec. of Defense Charles E. Wilson's 'dog' speech of two weeks ago. McNamara's pledge to support 90% parity price supports is making inroads in the usual straight Republican Michigan farm vote. News- papers have been filled with anecdotes to this effect. One that Gov. Williams has been using as typical of farm opinion tells of the farmer who yelled as he was going byin a bus, 'Keep plugging Soapy-we won't forget the price supports double-cross in November." He was referring obviously to Republican promises of 100% parity in the campaign two years ago. McNAMARA ALSO supports the rest of the Democratic platform which calls for unem- ployment compensation based on today's cost of living rather than the low fixed rate set several years ago; Federal Employment Prac- tices Commission; better educational facilities with emphasis on an adequate school construc- tion program and payment of higher salaries to teachers and eighteen year old voting, Since Sen. Ferguson supported President Eis- enhower's program in almost all instances, he is running on Ike's record. He is another "Back Ike with a Republican 84th Congress" candi- date. Consequently he is associated with cut- ting taxes with most of the emphasis on help- ing big business, transfer of power control from public to private business and as mentioned previously the Benson farm.policy and lethar- gic unemployment remedies. McNAMARA HAS not forged an outstanding campaign but has impressed followers with his forthright honesty. Although he is conservative by Democratic standards he certainly is pro- posing a more liberal program than that fol- lowed by Sen. Ferguson during the past 12 years. The laboring man and farmer can vote for him confidently. He will work to alter their ina nc-i ^ 1, -+.. . - - T~4 w Republican View . . . SEN. HOMER FERGUSON is stumping the state in an attempt to re-capture one of Michigan's two Senate seats for a third con- secutive term. He brings to his constituents a solid background of experience and education in addition to the sound record of his past twelve years of service on Capitol Hill. The 65-year-old Detroiter was born in Penn- sylvania, and attended the University of Pitts- burgh before coming to the University. He earn- ed his LL.B. here in 1913. After graduation he began practicing law in Michigan. He is not a "silver spoon" fed individual: as a boy he worked in the Pennsylvania coal mines and has also been a teacher and school principal be- sides being a practicing lawyer. In 1929, he was appointed to the post of Wayne county circuit judge. It was this as- signment which brought him into the public spotlight. While on the circuit court, he con- ducted a grand jury investigation into gamb- ling, racketeering and graft in Wayne county, and from the hearings, some 370 indictments resulted. In 1942, however, Sen. Ferguson stepped down from the security of the bench to run for the post of United States Senator from Mi- chigan. He won an overwhelming victory over the Democratic candidate, Prentis M. Brown. SINCE THEN, he has compiled a substantial record of service both to the nation as a whole as well as to the state of Michigan. His stature as a leader in the Senate has singled him out for the chairmanship of sev- eral important committees and an active mem- ber of others. As chairman of the Majority Policy Commit- tee of the Senate, he has served as one of President Eisenhower's most important aides in charting the legislative program which made the 83rd Congress so successful. It falls to this committee to decide what bills are to be con- sidered by the Senate, and at what time. Sen. Ferguson assisted in steering them through the Senate. Sen. Ferguson, as ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, was instru- mental in the passage of ' a tax revision bill which lopped $7.5 billion dollars from the in- come-tax load of the American citizen. In ad- dition, to the tax cuts, the nation's tax law was overhauled-the first time this has been done in 75 years. The Armed Services Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee was headed by Sen. Ferguson. Sixty per cent of the entire budget went for national defense this year, and Sen. Ferguson's subcommittee did its job of budget preparation so well that the Senate approved all recommendations without a single change. SEN. FERGUSON has followed in the foot- steps of the deceased Sen. Arthur Vandenberg in applying his experience and knowledge of international affairs to the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee, of which he is a member. In addition, he won committee approval for the St. Lawrence Seaway project. Besides his committee chairmanships and memberships, the Senator is a member of the Hoover Commission, engaged in reducing the size and cost of government in the United States. What has Sen. Ferguson done to specifically benefit the state of Michigan? The St. Lawrence Seaway project which he sponsored from committee room to Senate floor will add to the prosperity of the state and the nation when it is completed. A 50 per cent increase in the Federal high- way funds allocated for the state was secured, as the Senator led the battle for the biggest nationwide roadbuilding planning in the na- tion's history. The Senator and President Eis- enhower are now planning for future road- building, which will pay off in more jobs, an increase in tourists and better motoring for the state's citizens. The $20 million Air Force base at Sault Ste. Marie was championed by Sen. Ferguson, both as a benefit for the state of Michigan and another effective outpost in the nation's safe- guards against enemy air attack, Sen. Ferguson encouraged the transfer of the Federal Civil Defense Agency from Wash- ington to Battle Creek. Thus, the idle facilities of Percy Jones Army Hospital were put into use and the state gained a $3,250,000 federal payroll. FOR THE nation as a whole, Sen. Ferguson's record is equally as good. In addition to tax cuts, he made a major contribution to the work of paring down the federal budget an overall $27 billion. The Senator was one of the chief exponents of expanded Social Security and Unemploy- ment benefits, and helped pilot them through the Congress: as a result, coverage is expanded and benefits materially increased. In addition, he initiated the Unemployment Compensation Program for Korea War veterans. The Displaced Persons Law and the Refugee Act passed under the 83rd Congress were also prize projects of Sen. Ferguson, and he has sponsored anti-lynch and anti-poll tax bills to support his personal beliefs of no discrimi- nation on account of race, creed or color. THE 83rd CONGRESS batted a strong .830 on President Eisenhower's legislative program, and Sen. Ferguson was one of the heavy hit- ters in the Capitol Hill battle. Because of his personal qualities of leader- "Now, See That Nobody Gets Into These Peanuts" :Z c V --r M - AT THE ORPHEUM .. . THE GOLDEN COACH JUDGED SOLELY on its pictor- J ial values, The Golden Coach would be a brilliant film. It has been assembled with a mastery of color and picture composition by Director Jean Renoir. But other than providing Renoir with the opportunity to build color images of intense beauty, the scenario is a loose, rambling affair that never remains consistent enough in its intent to gather any real force. It is at times a comedy, a fan- tasy-romance, a melodrama. a par- ody of renaissance court life-- even a weak analysis of differen- tiation between reality and ap- pearance. But it is seldom the same thing for very long. The story concerns a group of Italian commedia del' arte play- ers who bring their travelling theater to an early South Amer- ican colonial settlement. Chief among the troop's players is one Camilla (Anna Magnani), a bel- lowing guttersnipe almost un- touched by civilization. Men fall madly in love with Camilla; one of them, the Viceroy, gives her the "Golden Coach of State," an act which immediately causes a court scandal. Most of Camilla's time is spent placating these courtiers and various lovers. Miss Magnani is difficult to accept as a femme fatale. A lusty trollop, she kicks, screams, fights, slaps, and laughs with the force of a steam calliope. She wears no makeup except lip- stick: bags under the eyes, skin of alligator-hide texture, stringy hair resembling a dirty mop. Furthermore, she has much dif- ficulty with her "English-speak- ing" lines. To still be able to at- tract men is quite an achieve- ment. The rest of the cast (British and Italian) seem rath- er incongruous and self-con- scious playing Spanish noblemen and Indian peasants. Again, it is the scenes done in soft, rich, full colors that are the real stars of The Golden Coach. The ballroom sequence captures the feeling of swishing satin and candlelight; the theatrical scenes are gay and authentic looking, the sprightly tarantellas, the saucy songs, the tinkling music of An- tonio Vivaldi: all display the gen- ius of Renoir. The Golden Coach is for those who would feast their eyes and not their minds. --Ernest Theodossin CURRENT MOVIES DREW PEARSON: :-s' c1"La.. $t.C T y LETTERS The Daily welcomes letters on mat- ters of general interest. Letters must be limited to 300 words, and be signed by the writer. At the discretion of the editors, letters may be condensed, edit- ed or withheld from publication. Open Letter .,. To The Editor: AN OPEN LETTER to the city of Ann Arbor and the Univer- sity Administration: I have just come from the scene of last night's disaster where, by fire, property and above all human life was lost. That house, which went up in smoke and flames, was representa- tive of the housing conditions that prevail around the entire campus area. There is no need for me to describe those conditions. They are so much a matter of notorious or infamous fact that such de- scription would be superfluous. My question is this. Must we wait for still more examples of what can and will come if the situation is allowed to exist? The City of Ann Arbor pur- ports to impose certain building and housing codes for the safety and well-being of the inhabitants. There has even been much talk recently of a drive to enforce these regulations. And yet can anyone seriously maintain that such regu- lation has been effective? The holocaust of last evening would seem to indicate the contrary. And is it not reasonable to say that the University should sus- tain a large measure of the burden of responsibility. Certainly the housing of its students should be of direct concern to the Univer- sity, especially in view of the fact that the University does not and cannot provide official housing for all of the students here. The Uni- versity has not been hesitant about asserting its position as parens patria to the students in many other areas, asserting such pater- nalistic regulation to be in the student's best interest. Assuredly the University could and should do the same in this area where the individual is unable to cope with the problem himself. I strongly believe and hope that the City of Ann Arbor, together with the University Administra- tion, will establish and effectively enforce and maintain a high stan- dard of health and safety in the area of housing facilities in order to prevent what happened last night from ever unnecessarily happening again. --Don H. Kenney, '57L * * * Hillel Series ... To the Editor: I'M SORRY to say that the Hillel Cultural Committee has post- poned its lecture series on "The Jew in English Literature" until next semester. In its place a lec- ture series under the general to- pic' of "The Legacy of Israel" will be presented. The general objective of the series is to bring into focus the Jewish contributions both in- tellectual and material to the ad- vancement of civilization. "The Legacy of Israel" series will be given on alternate Wednes- days at 8 p.m. at the Hillel House beginning November 3. The speci- fic topics will appear in The Daily Official Bulletin. -Marilyn Tobin, Cultural Committee * * * Union Birthday . . To The Editor: ATTENTION: Tom Leopold, President of the Michigan Un- ion. Members of the Union Executive Council: We, of the Assembly Executive Board, wish to extend our warm- est congratulations to you on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Michi- gan Union. The progress you have attained and the services which you have rendered for the Univer- sity of Michigan students are to be greatly applauded. On behalf of the Independent women we would like to thank you for all the cour- tesies you have shown us within the Union. May the next fifty years bring you and your Michigan Union all the success and achievement that you desire. -Grace Ritow, Secretary Assembly Executive Board DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Research Training Fellowships, Under- graduate Research stipends, Faculty Research Fellowships, Grants-In-Aid, Special grants in legal philosophy and political theory, and history of Ameri- can Military Policy. Summer Seminars are also being offered. Further infor- mation may be obtained from the of- fice of the Graduate School. For appli- cations write to the Social Science Re- search Council, 726 Jackson Place N.W., Washington 6, D.C. The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences is offering fellowships for advanced study and training in fundamental research. These fellowships are intended for young men and women of unusual promise and ability, in the early stages of preparation for an investiga- tive career. The postdoctoral awards are offered in Cancer Research, Pe- troleum Research, Radiological Re- search, Medical Sciences, Natural Sci- ences, and Research in Tuberculosis. There is also an award for predoctoral students in Electronics. The deadline for applications is Dec. 10. Applications may be obtained from the Fellowship Office, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington 25, D.C. For further information contact the Office of the Graduate School. Freshmen, College of Engineering, pick up your five-week grades from your mentor after 1:00 p.m. Fri., Oct. 29. Candidates taking the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business on Oct. 30 are requested to report to Room 140, Business Administration at 8:30 a.m. Sat. Be sure to bring $10.00 registra- tion fee (check or money order). Architecture and Design students may not drop courses without record after 5:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 29-Archi- tecture and Design students who have incompletes incurred last semester must remove them by Fri., Oct. 29. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in Feb., 1955, must have three bound copies of their dis- sertations in the office of the Gradu- ate School by Fri., Dec. 17. The report of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School to- gether with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for pub- The November meeting of the Facul- ty of the College of LiteraturehScience, and the Arts for the academic year 1954-55 will be held Mon., Nov. 1, at 4:10 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. A. Logic Seminar-Fri., Oct. 29, 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Mr. Addison will continue his talk on "Measuring Non-effectiveness." Fulbright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School, Room 1020, Rack- ham Building, by 4:00 p.m. Mon., Nov. 1. This is the closing date for the 1955- 56 competition and it will not be ex- tended. Concerts Composers' Forum, 8:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 29. inAuditorium A, Angell Hall, presented in conjunction with the Con- temporary Music Festival sponsored by Station WUOM. The program will open with a recording of Henry Onderdonk's Suite for Woodwind Quintet, played by Patricia Jane Martin, flute; Patricia Jean Stenberg, oboe; Virginia Catan- ese, clarinet; Darlene Knops, French horn; and Eleanor Becker, bassoon. It will continue with Don-David Luster- man's Sonata for Two Pianos per- formed by William Doppmann and Lawson Jones; Fred Coulter's Songs from Ben Johnson, performed by Joan St. Denis Dudd, soprano, and Grady Hinson, piano. George Crumb's String Quartet, played by Patricia Joy Ricks, violin; Jane Stoltz, violin; Jean Honl, viola; and Camilla Heller, cello, will bring the program to a close. A period of discussion will follow the perform- ances of the student works. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Sylvia Sherman, oboist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of thelrequirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m. Sun., Oct. 31, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Miss Sherman was for- merly a pupil of Lare Wardrop, and scenes from Clare Boothe's "The Wom- en" and Tennessee Williams' "Lord By- ron's Love Letter." All seats are re- served at 30c each. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office is open continuous- ly from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Conference on Hospital Management, Fri., Oct. 29. Rackham Building. Begin- ning with registration at 9:00 a.m. Varsity Night. Benefit show spon- sored by University Bands. 8:15 p.m., Oct. 29, Hill Auditorium. Episcopal Student Foundatibn. Hal- loween Party at Canterbury Club, 7:30 lication, not later than Mon., Jan. 10. Richard Cutler will speak before the Psychology Colloquium on the topic. "The Therapist's Personality and His Psychotherapy." The meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 29, in Room 429 Mason Hall. All interested gradu- ate students are invited. Physical Education-Women Students -Women students who have not com- pleted their physical education require- ment should register for the next sea- son Fri., Oct. 29, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; or Sat., Oct. 30, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 M. Registration will be held in the fenc- ing room (basement) Barbour Gymna.. sium. Doctoral Examination for James Me- nard LeBlanc, Physics; thesis: "An In- vestigation of the Beta and Gamma Radiations Associated with Several Short-Lived Neutron-Induced Radioac- tivities." Fri., Oct. 29, 2038 Randall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. M. Cork. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Some Effects of the Antibiotics on the Me- tabolism, under the direction of Dr. Kathleen Hart; Room 319, West Medi- cal Building, Fri., Oct. 29, at 4:00 p.m. Medical College Admission Test: Can- didates taking the Medical College Ad- mission Test on Nov. 1 are requested to report to 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Monday. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will not meet Thurs., Oct. 28. The next meeting will be Nov. 4. p.m. Fri., Oct. 29, at Canterbury House. SRA Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Mr. Mojmir Frinta's art will still be on display; he will be present to give any explanations de- sired. The Evangelical and Reformed group will be guild-host. SRA Work- camp committee will meet at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Hillel: Friday Evening Services at 7:15 p.m. Followed by a talk by Irving I. Katz on "History of Michigan Jewry." Graduate Mixer-The Graduate Stu- dent Council will hold a record dance- mixer Fri., Oct. 29. It will be held in the Rackham Assembly Hall from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. Admission is 35e per person. Refreshments will be served. Coming Events Hillel: Open House Sat.-after the Football Game. HilleL. The graduate mixer original- ly scheduled for Sat, Oct. 30 has been postponed until Sun., Nov. 7 at 8:00 p.m. All graduate men and women are cordially invited. Junior and senior womenare also welcome.rRefreshments will be served. Non-members, 25c; mem- bers, free. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Wed, through Sat, Nov. 3-6. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office for $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c with a special stu- dent rate available for Nov. 3 and 4 at 75c. The Newman Club will sponsor a Halloween Party for all Catholic stu- dents and their friends Sat., Oct. 30 at the Father Richard Center. Don Ken- ny and his orchestra will provide mu- sic for dancing from 8:30 until 12:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider and doughnuts after the game on Sat., at Canterbury House. All students in .lt.r Politics Unclear Condon WASHINGTON - The inside story of how Dr. Edward Condon, the scientist now with Corning Glass, was cleared for security on Tuesday, Oct. 19, but uncleared on Thursday, Oct. 21, is one of the most amazing in Washington. It was pure politics, plus the long-distance intervention of Vice- President Nixon and a phone call by Attorney General Brownell that did it. Here is a play-by-play account of why the eminent scientist, who, according to Dr. Edward Teller, shortened development of the H- bomb by one year, found himself OK'd one day and out on his ear the next. As part of the campaign to smear Averell Harriman, now run- ning for governor of New York, the Eisenhower administration has been digging into the files of the Commerce Department to see what security cases he handled while secretary of commerce. And they were all set to spring three or four cases where Harriman might have been lenient with security risks. One of the cases was that of Dr. Edward Condon, director of the Bureau of Standards under Harri- man and who was pilloried by the House Committee on un-American Activities when Vice-President Nixon was a member. There was never any chargethat Condon was a Communist but that his wife was indiscreet and that some of his friends were left of center. Harriman, when secretary of commerce, refused to fire Condon, felt that he was unfairly treated, and flew here from Sun Valley, Idaho, to defend him. Eventually, however, Condon got tired of being hammered over the head by congressional committees and resigned to take a job with private industry. Since scientists of his calibre are hard to find, he was snapped up by Corning Glass, a staunch Republican outfit, whose former president, Alanson B. Houghton, was appointed ambas- sador to the Court of St. James by Calvin Collidge. Condon Is Cleared However, Republican National Committee strategy of making a big issue of the Condon case was seriously set back when it became known last week that the Defense Department's Eastern Regional Se- curity Board cleared Dr. Condon. The Security Board, of course, did not realize they were pin-pricking one of the carefully inflated bal- loons in the GOP campaign. In fact, they acted last summer though the news leaked out only last week. Vice-President Nixon was given this bad news while campaigning in the Far West and immediately hit the ceiling. He demanded that the Condon security clearance be reversed. At that time, believe it or not, Secretary of the Navy Thomas didn't even know Dr. Condon had been cleared. In fact, he knew nothing at all about the matter. He didn'tknow, among other things, that the Corning Glass Company had asked that Dr. Condon have access to classified material; nor did he know that this was put up to the Army-Navy-Air Force Se- curity Board, which turned down the request on Feb. 10, 1953. Condon then appealed. Meanwhile, the security system had been changed, and three spe- cial boards were set up, according to geographic regions, to handle security matters concerning Indus- trial plants. Thus Condon's appeal reached the Eastern Regional Se- curity Board in July, 1953, which took one full year-until July, 1954, to act. The board made a costly thorough investigation, and in the end Dr. Condon was cleared. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers.......... COity Editor Jon Sobeloff..........'Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart. ...... . . Associate Editor Dave Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz .... Women's Editor Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dan Morton........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak...........Business Manager Phil Brunskill. Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager t. Germany Becomes One Of 'Big Four' By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst A LITTLE MORE than nine years ago the name of Germany was a curse on the lips of the world. Just six years ago last month an aging and rather moth-eater looking group of men assembled at a museum in Bonn, under the spon- sorship of the three western occupation powers, to lay the groundwork for a new West German government. Most of them had reached the prime of their political lives in the Weimar Republic before Hitler. Their dusty-looking black Prince Alberts and their cracked though highly polished shoes, the presence of Russian troops in a large portion of their country, all contributed to a look of futility. The only vigorous-looking man was the Communist delegate, in a gray suit, Max Reimann. But Max Reimann and his cohorts never rose above the ranks of nuisances in the new Germany. Another man emerged, displaying a type of leadership almost entirely new to Germany, KONRAD ADENAUER became chancellor of Germany, with a plat- form closely kin to that of Robert Schuman, Jean Monnet and a few others of the French leaders, a platform which said what was good for Europe was good for their countries. Adenauer has fought long and hard not only to find a place for Germany in Europe, but to get Germany to accept the idea of partner- ship instead of domination. He had the courage to make politically distasteful and even poli- tically dangerous concessions in order to achieve the Western Euro- pean union. As a result, he comes to the United States hailed generally as one i t