See Page 4
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# i
Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, SHOWERS
Senate Defeats
Severance Move
SAC Cosmittees Okayed To Study
} Pay Question, Faculty Problems
Appointment of four study committees requested by the Senate Ad-
visory Committee was approved at the special meeting of the Univer-
sity Faculty Senate yesterday.
Chairman of the Advisory Committee Prof. Algo D. Henderson in-
troduced the motion for the creation of the committees, one of which
is to study the question of severance pay.
A proposed amendment to the motion, expressing the Senate's
intention "that any policies, principles, or provisions agreed upon by
the committee studying severance pay and approved by the Senate
be applicable to the cases of Dr. Davis and Prof. Nickerson," was
defeated by a vote of 191 to 122
In Fatal Rooming
oint Judie
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles interpret-
ing current plans, problems and
functions of the University's stu-
dent judiciary councils.)
Joint Judiciary Council, ac-
eording to its chairman Tawfiq
Khoury, 55E, enjoys "excellent
relations" with the group from
which it gets its authority-the
University Subcommittee on Dis-
Empowered to delegate author-
ity to the ten-member student
judiciary body, the subcommittee
includes Assistant Professor Beau-
ford J. George of Law School,
Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of the
political science department and
Prof. Alex Marin of the College of
A 1 t h o u g h the subcommittee
doesn't sit in on the council's
weekly meetings where cases of
University rule infractions are
heard, it must approve all Judic
decisions. There's one exception:
the council makes immediate de-
cisidns on first violation cases oth-
er than infractions of driving
ruOrganized on a "jury of peers"
basis, Judic hears cases of student
violations, and imposes fines and
penalties it considers appropriate.
Drinking Violations Frequent
"Most of the violations," Khoury
said, "are infractions of drink-
ing rules. Four of our cases last
month dealt with falsified iden-
tification-some in which draft
cards were tampered with."
"This is a particularly danger-
ous infraction," Khoury cautioned.
"Not only is a large court fine giv-:
en, but students who falsify the,
cards can be turned into the
F.B.I., with a permanent record
against them resulting."
Clarify Intention
Prof. William J. LeVeque of the
mathematics department, who in-
troduced the amendment motion,
explained afterwards that he was
hoping to avoid a question of ret-
roactive legislation after the study
committee had made its report by
clarifying the faculty's intention
Other members of the faculty
felt that the thought of being retro-
active had persuaded many who do
not want the dismissal cases closed
to vote against the motion never-
theless. Some thought, too, that
the motion was not understoodhas
an expression of intention.
They felt, as Prof. Raoul Bottj
of the mathematics department
'said, "I do not think that the de-
Lfeat of the motion indicated the
faculty has dropped the matter of
severance pay for Davis and Prof.
Prof. Bott said it was "surpris-
ing that the motion was defeated."
Other Questions to Be Studied
Besides the committee to study
the severance pay issue, Prof.
Henderson's motion provided for
committees to look into the "role
of the faculty in matter of tenure,
the responsibilities of the faculty
to society," and appointment pro-
cedures and personnel records.'
Prof. Henderson's motion was
passed by a voice vote.
Prof. LeVeqiue felt the estab-
lishment of thestudy committees
was "surely a step in the right di-
A motion to set up a "commit-
tee of five to be appointed in the
same manner as the other commit-
tees proposed here today to rec-
ommend rules of procedure for the
Senate itself, including particular-
ly procedure for voting on Senate
resolutions" was also passed at
the meeting.
G Secretary of the Senate Prof.
George M. McEwen indicated the
reports of the study committees
would not be available before next
New Student
Roomer May
Have Dled in
Rescue Try
Quad Residents
Aid in Rescues
Arson has just about been ruled
out by firemen as the cause of the
fire which struck down two wom-
en, one a University graduate stu-
dent, early yesterday morning
when a three-story house with 'A
occupants at 508 Monroe went up
in flames.
Police yesterday said that it
would be hard to determine what
caused the fire, as everything was
Sbaply burned in the house, val-
ued at $45,000.
Perishing in the conflagration
were Elizabeth R. Vandegrift,
Grad., of Grand Rapids and Mrs.
Florence E. Hendriksen, owner of
the home.
Firemen theorsized that Miss
Vandegrift may have lost her
life in a futile attempt to save her
landlady. Ann Arbor Detective
Harry Gensler said that from the
position of Miss Vandegrift's body
on the stairway, she may have
been attempting to get to Mrs.
Hendriksen's apartment.
Tw P~n~ 7n I d
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
-Daily--Dick Gaskili
Quad Men's,
Aid Lauded.
Her hair singed by the flames}
that were now engulfing the house,
Mrs. Marian Zimmerman sat in
the kitchen of Mrs. Leona Sauve,
a next door neighbor.
The time was 4:20 a~m. and Mrs.
Zimmerman was still wearing the
bue bathrobe that she had hur-
riedly thrown on when she escaped:
from her bedroom.
"It's the least I can do," whis-
pereddMrs. Sauge, as she quietly
passed coffee and dry clothing to
the survivors of the disaster.
Residents of South Quad who had
been assisting the fire department
for hours, kept coming into *he
kitchen to seek relief from the near
freezing weather.
Thanks Men For Work
As the men sat down to drink'
the c o f f e e Mrs. ZimmermanI
thanked them for all the work they1
had done. "If it weren't for these
boys," she said, "Dale and all of
us might still be in the house."
Her husband, Dale Zimmerman.
a graduate student 'n the botany
department, reiterated his wife's
words and added. "We never would
have escaped if the boys from the
Quad hadn't placed Mrs. Sauve's
ladder under our window. That
really saved our lives."
After they had thanked the meni
the Zimmerman's inquired about
Elizabeth Vandergrift, their thirdf
floor neighbor. Miss Vandergrift
and Mrs. Florence Hendrikson, the
landlady, were the only residents
of the house still not accounted for.
Outside, the firemen were still
battling the blaze which had now
spread to the entire house. Clar-
ence Jeffery, 68, brother of Mrs.
Hendrikson, kept asking any po-
liceman or fireman who could
spare a moment, "Please, did they
get an elderly woman with white
See QUAD MEN'S, Page 3
SAn Editorial
Which one of Ann Arbor's firetrap rooming houses
will be next to go up in flames?
Conditions leading to yesterday morning's tragedy
which claimed the lives of two and made 14 homeless are
duplicated in hundreds of student dwellings throughout
Ann Arbor.
The pattern is clear. Large wooden houses 50 to 70
years old or more, inadequate fire escapes, faulty wiring,
overloaded electrical outlets and accumulations of litter
combine to make many privately owned student living
quarters hazardous.
Responsibility for these firetrap conditions rests largely
with the owners of the vast rental property in Ann Arbor
and with city officials charged with enforcing the State
Housing Code.
YAterday's tragedy could have been averted if ade-
quate exits from upper floors, required by the building code,
had been provided.
City Building Inspector John T. Ryan has indicated
that it may take his department years to complete an in-
spection of safety conditions in city dwellings. We can
not afford to wait "years" for the elimination of firetraps.
The time has come for University authorities to join
with the city in organizing a program of inspection with
adequate staff and authority to eliminate unsafe student
housing before more lives are lost.
-The Senior Editors: Gene Hartwig, Dorothy
Myers, Jon Sobeloff, Pat Roelofs, Becky
Conrad, Nan Swinehart
AA Position'
By Tragedy
Asked about Judic's long-stand-PH
ing policy of withholding names of P arty Holds
students and groups involved in
its cases from publication in The ;First M ee o'
Daily, Khoury said no changes will 'I
be made this year.
Controversy on this subject rose Forty-seven students turned
to a peak last February, when Ju- last night for the Common Se
dic denied a Daily request that student political party organ
names of students called before tional meeting.
the council be released, in the in-
terests of "complete news cover-I Although meeting organic
age of campus affairs" admitted freely that attende
"Double Penalty" was below expectations, thosey
"Mentioning individual names," sent voted to continue effort
Khoury said in defense of the Ju- establish the party as a pot
educational purpose. Publication force in campus government.
dic position, "serves no specific Committees were established
of the names amounts to a double that party members can s
penalty for the people and groups work toward supporting ca.
involved." dates in this fall's Student Le
Discussing Joint Judic's gen- lature elections. Ten SL car
eral policies, Khoury warned that dates thus far are receiving p
any repetition of last year's pre- ty support.
game trips to East Lansing, when Bill Allen, Grad, sounded
the Michigan State College cam- keynote of the party's aims
pus was "messed up" by some Uni- stating that the Common Se
versity students, will be "dealt party objective is "to bring or
with very severely." out of the present chaos exist
"If this trouble should occur in student government."
again," he said, "students will face He qualified his remark a
severe penalties, and possible sus- five points. 1) The party supp
pension from the University" the idea of responsible. stud
Can't Change Rules government; 2) Students sh
JudictKhoury said, has no pow- have right to expect that Unh
er to alter University regulations. siyewlrihtexpect that Unias
"We're not a legislative body," he sity will respect their ideas;
explained. 'We interpret the laws 3) Common Sensers hope to
and rules that already exist, and finis to constant wrangling
decide accordingly on violations." lack of cohesiveness that
One channel, however, through caused both University offic
which Judic may influence the and students to lose respect
nature of University rules, is theS
stipulation giving the council's 4) Work for respect of stude
. * . fire victim
Fire Relief
'To aid victims of the room-
ing house sire, The Daily is
sponsoring a day-long fund-
raising campaign.
Cannisters and posters will
be placed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
today at the information desk
in the lobby of the Adminis-
tration Bldg., the main desk of
the General Library and the
business desks of the Union,
League and Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
Checks for the fund may be
made out to The Michigan Daily
Fire Relief Fund. Almost X50
was collected in the early hours
of the drive yesterday.
In addition clothes for the
victims may be brought to Rm.
100 of the Student Publications
Bldg., today and tomorrow
morning. Sizes needed include
women's blouses and sweaters,
34 and 36; men's shirts, 14 and
15,; women's dresses, 12 and
14; women's socks, 9 and 10,
Men's trousers, waist sizes 30
to 86 and men's shoes sizes nine,
10 and 12 are also needed.
Ann Arbor's third fire catastro- iwoJreoieiuren
phe in less than eight months to- Two people were injured during
day brought sharp comment from the fire. David W. Emerson, Grad.,
local and University officials point- suffered a severely cut hand when
ing up flagrant fire code violations. he smashed out a window I es-
Fire Chief Benjamin Zahn noted, caping from the dwelling. His
"Quite a number of violations ex-: wife ehirley was treated for shock
ist now. Fire inspection is being and smoke poisoning.
stepped up as much as help will Emerson was listed in good con-
allow."ditaon in University Hospital last
In order to comply with the State night.
Building Code, multipl al Number of injuries was possibly
units must have metal walk-down cut down by quick thinking of
fire escapes and at least two exits University students living in the
for each family. next-door house along with South
50 Per Cent Violate Quadrangle residents who spotted
John Ryan, new building inspec-1 the fire and helped remove several
tor, claimed more than 50 per cent people living in the house.
of 600 homes checked in a random One of those who escaped from
sample were in violation of build- the burning building largely
ing code laws with the majority through the efforts of students,
failing to meet fire hazard precau- Mrs. Dale Zimmerman said at the
tions. ! height of the fire that she and
Florence Huddy, insurance agent her husband couldn't use the fire
for the gutted home, claimed it escape next to their third floor
met fire requirements. L a s tapartment because a window
night's onlookers said it did not. screen over the fire escape was
One student pointed out the only stuck.
fire escapes were vertical ladders ~ Hung Out Window
which, according to Ryan, "have g
been illegal since 1917." They hung out a window with-
South Quad residents helping out being able to reach the fire
people leave the home reported a escape until several students liv-
locked screen blocked the only ing next door placed a ladder to
entrance to the fire escape. the window and helped them es-
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea esti- cape.
mated 6000 University students Mrs. Zimmerman commented
board in unsupervised housing. that she and her husband "were
While Regent's By-Laws state all pretty lucky to get out at all."
students must have University ap- Pointing upward, she said quietly
proval to live in non-University op- "our room is right up there where
erated housing, condition of the all the light is." The fire in her
units is not a criteria for approval. room had broken through the roof.
None of Four Approved Hutchins Owned Home
None of the four students living Owned and occupied- in 1896
in the burned-down home had re- University President Harry B.
ceived University approval, Dean Hutchins, the house according to
Rea said.n. Fire Chief Ben Zahn was well over
tA combined University-city ef100 years old.
sneeded to carry out an ef-
f fa-fiv nrarnma~acsrn8 torp-See BLAZE, Page 8
s to
d so
Candidates Discuss Issues
As Campaigns Near Close
Candidates are sporting sore hands and bloodshot eyes as the
state campaign draws rapidly to a close.
After some 500 to 1,000 handshakes, Gov. G. Mennen Williams, who
is seeking re-election, commented; "See, even the hair on the back of
my hand is worn off."
In his speeches, Gov. Williams has been concerned most with labor
SL Moving Time-Again
His Republican opponent Donald
S. Leonard has promised "school
action." If elected, he says, he will
call a conference of educators and
legislators immediately after he
takes office.
tective program cesignea o re-
duce infractions of fire regula-
tions," Dean Rea commented.
Three years ago, April 19, 1951,
Paul Kempf, then President of
Board of Public Works, C. T. Mc-
Intyre of the City Engineer's Of-
fice, Orbery Johns, representing
the city, and University officials
Dean Rea, Harold Dunstan, Uni-
versity sanitarian and F. G. Sun-
quist met to attempt a program of
:Senate Race safety inspection.
The senatorial race between See RYAN, Page 8
Democrat Patrick V. McNamara, --
and incumbent Homer Ferguson, Ieniing7'i-v ' S v W
has attaacted much national atten- -
tion.. %4Nobel Prize
Peek Predicts
Election Win
By Democrats
Prof. George A. Peek of the po-
litical science department pre-
dicted last night probably Demo-
cratic majorities in both House
and Senate after Tuesday's con-
gressional, elections.
In answer to a question from
the floor at last night's Student
Legislature Forum, Prof. Peek
said he would be very much sur-
prised if Republicans returned a
majority in the House and the
Democrats didn't win a majority
McNamara charged Ferguson
who is Chairman of the Republi-
can Policy Committee, with the
I responsibility for removal of de-
fense and other manufacturing con-
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (P-Thej
1954 Nobel prize for literature was
awarded yesterday to American
novelist Ernest Hemingway for
creating a new style in modern
MR E"m ON m il (VI I.*. I " .i