PAGE MX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1954 PAGE mx THE MIC~GAN DAILY THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1954 _ ..... _......_.. ... ..y .... Union Expands Ticket Resale An expansion of the Michigan Union football ticket resale serv- ice to include all campus activi- ties was announced yesterday by Mark Gallon, '56, student services committee chairman. Gallon said that effective imme- diately students may turn in tick- ets to concerts, plays and other events to be resold at regular prices through the ticket resale service. Tickets may be brought to the student offices from 3 to 5 p.m. and tickets may be purchased dur- ing the game time. There is no charge for ths service. Football ticket resale will con- tinue as before, Gallon said. Tick- ets may be turned in daily from 3 to 5 p.m. to be resold starting at 9:45 a.m. the day of the game. No tickets are available for the Ohio State .game, Gallon com- mented. Steering Group An open meeting of the Liter- ary College Conference Steering Committee will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3-S of the Union. Joan Bryan, '56, chairman, said yesterday all students and faculty members are invited to attend the discussion of "The Value of Spec- ial Sections in the Literary Col- lege." DANIEL'S 4 1 sA. Proposed DetenionHome Plans Given Architect's plans for the pro- posed Washtenaw County juvenile detention home werem adepublic today by Probate and Juvenile Court Judge Jay H. Payne. Featuring masonry construction of cinder block and brick facing, the home will become a reality if proposal number one is passed by voters during Tuesday's election. Fourteen children can be tem- porarily cared for in the cottage- styled home, while sleeping ac- commodations can be provided for up to 22 children. A supervisory couple will also be 'accommodated in the proposed structure. In action already taken by the County Board of Supervisors, if the proposal is passed the home will be constructed on county- owned property on Platt Road, lo- cated south of Washtenaw Road. Judge Payne, in explaining the proposal, said "it is a question of transferring $110,000. from the county general fund to a special juvenile home building fund. No additional taxation will be re- quired, as the proposal is simply a request for authorization to transfer available funds for this special purpose." Continuing, the judge said that the juvenile home is badly needed, as "without a satisfactory deten-j PHOENIX PROJECT: Nuclear Research Reactor To Be Built Here Next Year No "dunking * No mess - *'Fils fog * New thin model \' Custom-ground Filling tube teaches out ' to drink the ink-there wlas.$875 Biggest pen news in years! Ends the mess and bother of fountain pen filling. Writes smoothly, instantly, and we have a point ground just for your writing style! Choose yours today. I -L "It's our own baby to use as we see fit," commented Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, Assistant Director of the Phoenix Project on the nuclear research reactor which will be built on the University's north cam- pus early in 1955. Begun this year, the separate building which will house the re- actor is now half completed. Funds for this building and "for the reac- tor itself have been obtained through a "no strings attached" grant from the Ford Motor Com- pany Fund amounting to $1,000,000. AEC to Furnish Uranium All necessary supplies will be purchased by the Phoenix Project office with the exception of urani- um which will be furnished by the Atomic Energy Commission. "We have received a letter from the AEC assuring us of the uranium," Prof. Gomberg stated. "At the present time," he con- tinued, "we are negotiating with the AEC concerning safety precau- tions. All possible steps will be taken to insure maximum safety." Outside of those operated by the AEC, the University's reactor will ERI Research Heads Picked Newbern Smith, Engineering Re- search Institute engineer, and Clair M. 'Beighley, formerly of the Bell Aircraft Corporation, have been appointed to head im- portant research programs in ERI. Smith has been named super- visor of Project Michigan, the in- stitute's University-wide research program sponsored by the mili- tary, and Beighley has been ap- pointed associate research engi- neer in charge of ERI's Rocket Propulsion Laboratory. be the largest in the United States. It is vitally important to atomic re- search as reactors are the basic devices used in obtaining nuclear energy, Prof. Gomberg said. Research Integrated Here "Completion of the reactor will enable the Phoenix Project re- search program to integrate re- search here on campus rather than send reactor work to outside cen- ters such as Oak Ridge. When finished, the reactor will demonstrate design and theory and expand the University's research programs in such fields as medi- cine, biology, chemistry, engineer- ing and physics. The apparatus will be available for lease on a contract basis for governmental and industrial re- search through the Engineering Re- search Institute. Originally, the reactor will not be used for classified research. "We may be called upon to do some classified work," Prof. Gom- berg stated, "but in peacetime un- classified research will take prece- dence." Information concerning reactor projects will be available to the general public and visitors who wish to observe the reactor may do so at specified times under certain safety conditions. Official Speaks Handling accounts, finances and legalistics are the foundations of the job of a corporation's secre- tary and treasurer, Joseph Det- weiler, secretary-treasurer of Ar- gus Cameras Inc., said yesterday. In an Alpha Kappa Psi spon- sored lecture, he advised his au- dience to enter the area of public accounting as a first start. The great flexibility of the sec- retary-treasurer's job, Detweiler said, makes for great advantages as the position is so similar in many companies. tion facility, adequate protection for these children or the commu- nity cannot be provided. "It is not possible to provide proper care for Washtenaw Coun- tty's children by transporting them as far away as 125 miles, as we are presently doing," Judge Payne added. 100* Housing Units Starting Near Campus (Continued from Page 1) Financing of the project will be done through a self-liquidating bond issue. Couzens Halt Addition IOnly other housing project among the 10University buildings present- ly under construction is the addi- tion to Couzens Hall. Begun this August and scheduled for completion by December, 1955, the Couzens Hall addition will pro- vide rooms for 280 more women students, approximately twice as many as there are now in the nurses' residence. The addition, however, will be a general wom- en's residence, and not restricted to nursing students. Along with the addition, which is part of a general housing expan- sion to meet increased enrollment, .will be some remodeling of the present Couzens Hall. The $2,200,000 needed to complete the addition is being provided by a sale of revenue bonds. Hospital Rehabilitation Across the street and slightly east from Couzens Hall, the reha- bilitation of the University Hospi- tal is proceeding on schedule. Not included on the list of projects un- der construction,, the work is be- ing done on State appropriations of $300,000 in 1953 and again in 1954. Improvements underway include moderniziation of patients' rooms, renovation of areas vacated when the Out-Patient Building was oc- cupied and installation of electri- cal substations and lines to the hospital. Just north of the hospital is an- other project on the construction. schedule, the Children's Hospital, Psychiatric Unit. Being built on a $2,000,000 appropriation from the State Legislature, work on the hos- pital began last February and is expected to be finished next June. With a capacity of 75 patients, the hospital will provide training for medical students in psychiatry. T' Doctor Elected Dr. James V. Neal of the Medi- cal School was elected to the Board of Governors of Playtex Park Re- search Institute of Dover, Del., a pediatric research foundation, re- cently. , Neel is widely known for work in the human genetics field. Union Fetes 50th Year On Campus Dedication ceremonies, a ban- quet and a ball will highlight the Michigan Union's Golden Anniver- sary celebration this week-end. Approximately 255 alumni who served as Union officers in their years at the University are expect- ed to register tomorrow afternoon. Included will be Edward Parker, the Union's first president. Dedication Planned Parker, along with University President Harlan H. Hatcher and Union President Tom Leopold, '55, will speak at dedication ceremo- nies for the new $2,900,000 addi- tion to the Union. The ceremonies, open to the pub- lic, will be held at 10 a.m. on the Union steps. Activities for the alumni will in- clude a tour of the Union student offices and the campus, the Indi- ana football game and a banquet in the Union ballroom at 6 p.m. Saturday. Toastmaster Chester Lang, a former Union officer and presently the vice-presi- dent of General Electric Corp., will act as toastmaster for the banquet. Remarks will be made by President Hatcher, Parker, Leo- pold and Homer Heath, first gen- eral manager of the Union. A special show will be presented at the banquet by the Union Opera and Mimes while the University Men's Glee Club will also enter- tain. An all-campus dance is planned from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Union Ballroom. Late permission will be given for women that evening. Oppenheimer, Huxley May Lecture Here J. Robert Oppenheimer, direc- tor of the School of Graduate Stud- ies and Research at Princeton Uni- versity, and Aldous Huxley, author of "Brave New World," were ten- tatively selected by the Student Committee on "Religion Today" to visit the campus for the spring lecture series. Formerly sponsored by the Mott Foundation of Flint and now spon- sored by the University, the series brings personalities of intellectual quality and religious understanding to the campus annually. Although the Committee repre- senting campus organizations did not list the selections according to preference, the group concen- sus seemed to favor Oppenheimer as first choice. The committee will reconvene to complete selection of alternate speakers at 4 p.m. to- morrow in the Deans' Conference Room of the Administration Bldg. Modern Art Films Scheduled Tonight Post-impressionist painters will be surveyed in a filni program at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Am- phitheater. Shown will be four films entitled "Vincent Van Gogh," "Paul Gau- guin," "Toulouse - Lautrec" and "Renoir to Picasso." Prof. Frank Ludden of the fine arts department will make the introductory remarks for the film-lecture program. Admission is free for the film, first in a series on modern art sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art Association. U'- Pharmacy College Cited The College of Pharmacy has been singled out by Parke, Davis & Company of Detroit for its con- tribution to the history of pharma- ceutical education. Dean Thomas D. Rowe of the pharmacy college said yesterday that the University's contribution to pharmaceutical education was classic in that it was the first to require a study of the basic sci- ences. Reminder,. Fire? A false fire alarm w a s turned in yesterday from the East Medical Bldg., sending most of the fires department's equipment on a useless chase. Fire Chief Benjamin J. Zahn warned that, as in all cases, an investigation would be made and the culprit charged if apprehended. CYCLISTS! /eres j'd 1e89... A New 72-Page Cycling Handbook and Catalogue!!! Featuring: Get your copy now! Price 50c DAILY . OFFICIAL BULLETIN VARSITY NIGHT Tickets on sale in Administration Building Lobby 9-12 and 1-5 Friday, October 29, 8:15 Hill Auditorium --All Seats Reserved Getchurtickut! IL (Continued from Page 4) the Office of the Dean of Women, pri- or to seeing their individual house di- rectors, A.W.A.A. Swimming Meet will be held at the Women's Swimming Pool today, at 8:15 p.m. There will be no recrea- tional swimming at that time. Sailing Club-There will be a meet- ing Thurs., 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineer- ing. Kappa Phi dinner meeting, Thurs., Oct. 28, at 5:15 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Coming Events Conference on Hospital Management, Fri., Oct. 29. Rackham Building. Begin- ning with registration at 9:00 a.m. Varsity Night. Benefit show spon- sored by University Bands. 8:15 p.m., Oct. 29, Hill Auditorium. Episcopal Student Foundation. Hal- loween Party atdCanterbury Club, 7:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 29, at Canterbury House. House. SRA Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Mr. Mojmir Frinta's art will still be on display; he will be present to give any explanations de- sired. The Evangelicalhand Reformed group will be guild-host. SRA Work- camp committee will meet at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Hillel: Friday Evening Services at 7:15 p.m. Followed by a talk by Irving I. Katz on "History of Michigan Jewry." Hillel: Open House Sat.-after the Football Game. Hillel. The graduate mixer original- ly scheduled for Sat., Oct. 30 has been postponed until Sun., Nov. 7 at 8:00 p.m. All graduate men and women are cordially invited. Junior and senior women are also welcome. Refreshments will be served. Non-members, 25c; mem- bers, free. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Wed, through Sat., Nov. 3-6. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office for $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c with a special stu- dent rate available for Nov. 3 and 4 at 75c. I 1, * World's Finest Cycling Equipment! * Original Articles by Cycling and Camping Authorities! Are you planning a cycling vacation? Or the purchase of a new lightweight? Before you do, READ THE s *24 Models of Standard built Touring, Sports, cycles! i and Custom- and Racing what-your [mirror tells you I (about E K CYCLO-PEDIA When in Detroit, visit our Showroom! CYCLE SPORT SHOP, 6447 Michigan Avenue, Detroit 10, Michigan A subtle change steals over a man when he slips into Daks. All at once :you seem slimmer, trimmer - you haven't looked younger in years.' Partly it's that beltless comfort, partly the supple beauty of the English cloth. But most important is something you cannot quite put your finger on - the inward glow a man gets from the knowledge that he is wearing not just slacks - but Daks. Why not come in and try on your first pair today? Arom $25.00 VWILD"s M 'State S eet an the Campus Read and Use Daily Classifieds c4 sowroots, dsw.U MAIN AT WASHINGTON It ,i it (Paid Political Advertisement) III '-all majors lead to with Michigan Bell 5' y 111 I SYCMX/A40 SC FL21CA74/OA' MOWE EC ARTS ETC - No matter F what your major, G1 L~' L, ., : you can go on to a rewarding career with Michigan Bell -to a career that lets you use your college education to full advantage. )ur women's management training program prepares you for an important executive position. Starting salaries are good and, of course, increase as you advance. 1!UU It I 11 I