A &QUA It "k, fvitk ;" i %"A' I" A40a" It 'i"4 ii1 t4:$lAV fluA*.('*i,"lL w - ou -IUA wU1~ 'tkd~i~ ~hk~Ak~EdL~ ~EAM~A '. t .U2G. dH Y, U ;'7tt .it5 ftt i, 1J:i4 Anniversary Congratulations To the Michigan Union THIS WEEK the Michigan Union spruces up to celebrate its Golden anniversary on the University campus. An estimated 250 persons from past Union staffs and executive boards will meet here for the week-end festivities. Highlight of the two- day celebration tomorrow and Saturday will be the dedication of a $2,900,000 addition to the present Union building. CONGRATULATIONS are in order, of course, to the Union executive council for their effort to make this week-end especially notable in Union history. The Council, headed by Union President Tom Leopold, '55, and Secretary Dick Pinkerton, '55, labors long and hard-without pay-to provide a variety of services for Uni- versity students. Congratulations are also due to the many past officers and council members of the Un- ion who worked to make the Union what it is today. IN ADDITION, bouquets are in order to for those who have worked and planned to make the new addition a reality, from the alumni and Executive Board to the business office and Executive Council. May the next fifty years of the Union be as successful for its leaders and as beneficial to the University. -Wally Eberhard CURRENT MOVIES: Early 'Tough Guys' Are Funny In 'The Maltese Falcon' Architecture Auditorium THE MALTESE FALCON with Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Siidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. "TXMALTESE FALCON," taken from Dash- tel Hammet's famous detective story of the same name, was probably one of the first "tough-guy" films, and to those who have cut their teeth on Mickey Spillane, it will seem rather dull. It has the usual components: the tough detective (Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade), the beautiful dame (Mary Astor-a little higher class than most of the "beautiful dames"), the underworld king (Sidney Green- street at his fat, ultra-gentile, but menacing best), his gardenia scented flunky (Peter Lor- re) and various assorted bodies, dumb cops, and other beautiful dames. The movie opens in the offices of Spade and Archer, private dicks extraordinary. Enter cur- vaceous secretary. Seems there is a woman, al- so curvaceous, outside who wants to see Messrs. Spade and Archer. Sam is agreeable to this. Archer isn't there at the moment, but the audi- ence is quite sure that he would be agreeable also, so exit secretary, enter woman. THE LADY HAS a problem-she wants the firm to locate her sister who ran off with a man named Thursby. Thursby has an appoint- ment to see the lady (whose name eventually turns out to be O'Shaugnessy-but only after she uses many aliases.) that evening, and would one of them (by this time, Miles Archer has come on the scene) please tail the recalcitrant Mr. Thursby to his apartment. Archer, eyes agleam, volunteers, but ends up in the usual air-conditioned fashion. Spade, nothing daunted, has a sign painter change the lettering on the office door, and goes off in hot pursuit of Miss O'Shaugnessy, whom he suspects of prevaricating. She is. The real, true reason she came to San Francisco was to recover the Maltese Falcon, which, it develops is a largish gold falcon, crusted with jewels, originally intended as a gift to Charles V from some grateful Crusaders. Pirates had other ideas, however, and the whereabouts of the falcon has remained a mystery for cen- turies. Ha, Ha, but she knows where it is! The unfortunate Mr. Thursby, by this time also among the deceased, had it. Enter Lorre and Greenstreet, also desirous of the falcon. The reader can take it from there. The cops suspect Spade, Spade suspects Greenstreet, Greenstreet suspects the girl. Two more corpses and about 50 minutes later, everything comes out all right. BOGART SNARLS in fine fashion. He also does beautifully in making love to Miss Astor and his partner's wife. The only woman he doesn't make love to is Effie, the secretary, who seems rather hurt at the omission. Miss Astor somehow seems out of place in all the goings on. She's a bit too wide-eyed and innocent, even when declaring that she "hasn't always led a good life." Greenstreet and Lorre are wonder- ful, but they ought to be rather used to this sort of thing by now. And if all policemen are as dumb as Ward Bond seemed to be, I honest- ly wonder how the force ever gets anything done. I guess that's how private detectives stay in business, by solving crimes for the police. It is barely possible that when this picture was produced, in 1941, it was meant to be seri- ous. In 1954, I nominate it for the best satire of the year, and I recommend it highly for anyone who wants to laugh. It is a very funny movie. -Tammy Morrison DREW PEARSON: Mundt Hurt By Party, Pal ,Joe WASHINGTON - South Dakota hasn't gone Democratic since most people around the Republican Na- tional Committee can remember, but today there's a certain amount of uneasiness regarding the future of the genial gentleman who tried- rather unsuccessfully-to keep or- der in the Army-McCarthy hear- ings-Sen. Karl Mundt. The biggest problem bothering Karl -- the Eisenhower farm pro- gram-isn't his fault. Two other problems could have been avoided. They are: 1, A cocktail party to have been held in the Senate; and 2, Karl's friendship with Joe Mc- Carthy and Texas pals. It so happens that candidate Eis- enhower chos6 South Dakota to make his strongest promise to farmers in 1952. In South Dakota Ike went even further than he did at Kasson, Minn., and gave him- self not one loophole in promising categorically and firmly 90 per cent price supports to farmers. So, with eggs now selling for eight to ten cents a dozen, farmers remember all to vividly Ike's categoric and eloquent promises. Problem No. 2 involves a cocktail party to which Karl invited all members of the Army - McCarthy hearings just after their windup. It was to be held in the Senate caucus hearing room where it's against the rules to serve liquor. Karl, however, invited all Army- McCarthy participants anyway. Then, when he heard the Demo- crats would boycott theparty ,he called' it off. , However, the story got back to South Dakota and didn't sit too well with voters. So Karl did rather a foolish thing. He denied it. Whereupon the Democrats trot- ted out a copy of the cocktail invi- tation. At the bottom were these giveaway words: "viands and vin- tages." Problem No. 3 is Mundt's associ- ation with McCarthy and Texas friends, which quite a few people in South Dakota don't seem to like. Mrs. Mundt, of course, has long been a friend of the MCarthys, and Karl himself once bought 200 shares of Texas Gulf Sulphur stock on a McCarthy tip that his Texas friend, Clint Murchison, planned to buy up all the company's stock. At any rate, when Mundt was speaking at Aberdeen, S.D., he climaxed one rhetorical passage with: "As long as I represent the good people of South Dakota ... "You mean Texas, don't you, Karl?" interrupted a man in the audience. The crowd, judging by this re- action, knew exactly what the heckler was talking about. The GOPscampaign is really get- ting into high gear. The Republican National Committee in Washington spent one day last week on the long-distance phone, called 300 peo- ple in New York, asked them for $1,000 apiece. (Copyright, 1954, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "Ha Ha Ha Ha - ah --3 KEEP SMLING1 D i.. . ri /- ~ ~9"' <1 LETTERS Election Forum . . To the Editor: TONIGHT AT 8:30 in Auditor- ium A of Angell Hall, the Student Legislature will present the first in a series of all-campus forums on matters of local and na- tional interest. The topic for the forum will be "Who Will Control the 84th Con- gress?" and will be a discussion of the issues, trends and significance of the coming Congressional elec- tions. Speakers will be: Dr. Angus Campbell, Professor of Psychology and Sociology and Director of the Survey Research Center; Dr. Sam- uel Estep, Professor of Law and past president of the Ann Arbor Citizen's Council; Dr. Richard Musgrave, Professor of Economics; Dr. John White, instructor in Po- litical Science; and Dr. George Peek, Professor of Political Sci- ence who will serve as moderator.. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the panel and forms will be pass- ed out soliciting comments and suggestions for future topics. It should be a highly interesting and informative evening and I strongly urge you to attend. --Hank Berliner Chairman, All-Campus Forums * * * Critic Critique, .. To the Editor: TWO LETTERS which have been printed in this space recently have criticized The Daily's music critics, and have even gone so far as to cast aspersions upon music students in general. These criti- cisms seem to this reader some- what unwarranted, and invite this reply. As the name suggests, the func- tion of a critic is to criticize-to offer helpful and constructive cri- ticism of the performance which he is reviewing. Few of the 4,200 patrons of Choral Union concerts are experts in even one field of seriousmusic, let alone all fields, but many of those who are not experts are still interested in read- ing the opinions of those who are experts - for how else can one learn? Admittedly, opinions may differ, and no one is perfect; but just as admittedly no performance is per- fect. However, when one is near- perfect, such as the recent Societa Corelli and Boston Symphony per- formances, it is the duty of the critic to point out to untrained and interested readers in what res- pects the performance was per- fect. And, in like fashion, when a performance is imperfect, it is the critic's duty to point out the flaws and the shortcomings. .If, as Mr. Whitney apparently does, one attends concerts, plays, or movies for "entertainment," and if he is entertained, he has re- ceived what he paid for, and does not need to be told by another that he also has been entertained. But other concert-, play-, and mo- vie-goers attend with the hope of finding something of cultural val- ue-and these are benefited by another (and more expert) opin- ion whether or not that value was present. If Mr. Whitney's ears heard beautiful sounds the night before, and if he was entertained by them, it would be best if he does not re'ad the review the next morning, lest a sour note appear before his eyes that his ears were unable to hear. -Malin VanAntwerp, '55L TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Accords & Mr. Molotov: How Soon Reunification? By WALTER LIPPMANN THE ACCORDS which were signed in Paris on Saturday are a provisional system meant to last for a rather long period of time. These agreements have been years in the making. They would not have been necessary, and indeed they would not have been possible, had the Soviet Union ever come forward with a serious offer about German reunification. The fact is that Mr. Molotov has never provided sufficiently genuine terms of negotiation to feed the opposition to German re- armament within the Atlantic Alliance. He has offered conferences, one after another. But at no conference has he offered anything acceptable and workable, anything promising and plausible to nego- tiate about. On the contrary, the whole action of Moscow in East Germany and at the conferences and in the exchange of notes has fitted the assumption that the Soviet Union cannot and will not let go of Eastern Germany. * * * * THE SOVIET note of last Saturday strengthens this assumption. For in substance it contains no offer except an offer to talk on the subject of elections. There is no indication of any terms on which the talks could converge. The subject of elections has been talked about for years, and a proposal to talk about it some more is not now a serious offer to negotiate. It justifies the view. that if and when Mr. Molotov is really prepared to negotiate, he will not confine himself to saying that he wants to confer. He will say that he wants to confer on some concrete project. Not only the substance but the timing support the view that Mr. Molotov wants to confer but not negotiate. "The rejection ' by the French National Assembly of the E.D.C. treaty opened pos- sibilities," he says, "for bringing closer the position of the four powers on the question of the reunion of Germany and the holding of free all-German elections." Why, then, did Mr. Molotov allow nearly two months to pass without exploring any of these 'possi- bilities? Why did he do nothing about them until the afternoon of the signing of the accords which are a substitute for E.D.C.? And why even then did he offer nothing more than to hold another conference? Was it not because he thought that the failure of E.D.C. meant a long period of time during which nothing could be agreed to in the West, when it would not be necessary for him to do anything, when therefore he could let matters drift? He was not mitch interested even in talking about German unity until, to his evident surprise, the new agreements were reached in London. * s . " OUR ANSWER cannot and should not be a refusal to talk. It should be a request for talks through diplomatic channels in order to determine whether any basis for negotiation can be found. The problem of German unity cannot be dealt with seriously in the hideous clatter of these big conferences. One might almost say that a sincere nego- tiation can take place only by avoiding big conferences and using the methods of diplomacy. There are ambassadors in Moscow, Paris, Lon- don, Washington and Bonn, and there is no lack whatever of the facilities for conferring. What is lacking is the will to negotiate. There is no evidence of a will to negotiate on German unification, and indeed there is much evidence that official policy everywhere is for the time being one of co-existence in status quo. The accords sign- ed on Saturday are designed for this policy of making as secure and a tolerable as possible the division of Germany and o Europe. ** * * HE NEW ACCORDS are very far from being a direct and straight forward addition of German military power to the Atlantic Alli- ance. Germany is entering NATO but it is a strange entrance. In an ordiary military alliance what the allies ask and expect of each other is that each should bring his maximum military 'contribution to the joint effort. As between Canada and the United States or between Great Britain and the United States, the question may be whether each is doing enough but never whether one ally is doing too much. Ordinary alliances have a floor below which military power must not fall. But these new accords have a ceiling above which continental Western Europe must not increase its military forces. Eaci continental coun- try has a veto on any increase above the agreed level. The West Europeans have set up among themselves-I think for the first time in history-a general limitation of armaments. They have fixed the upper limits of their forces, of their stocks of weapons, of the character of- their weapons. They have made these limits enforceable by inspection and they have provided against changing the limits by setting up the veto. (Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) t rp MUSIC: Concertgebouw Performance At Hill Auditorium ... CONCERTGEBOUW ORCHESTRA OF, AM. STERDAM, Eduard Van Beinum, conduc- tor. Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major Op. 60 Debussy: Prelude a l'apres midi d'un faune Escher: Musique pour l'esprit en deuil Stravinsky: Suite from The Firebird THE CONCERT heard last night probably will be remembered in Ann Arbor for quite a few days. The orchestra, heard previously only on recordings and relatively unknown to people outside of music, lived up to every thing expected of them by those who have heard their recordings. The unique precision, under- standing, and spirit could not go without no- tice. In Mr. Van Beinum, we saw a man who had not only disciplined an orchestra, but one who conducted with extreme taste and musical in- tegrity. The combination of the two could only make an enjoyable evening. The concert opened with the playing of the Beethoven 4th Symphony. The first and fourth movements were masterpieces of con- trol. This work, I'm sorry to say, is the only one on the program in which the audience got a true picture of the string sound. The LJbr Air tpg~zt 0-adWM Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig. ...............Managing Editor Dorothy Myers...-..........................City Editor Jon Sobeloff........................Editorial Director Pat Roelof,............ Associate City Editor Becky Conrad,..................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.,...........Associate Editor Dave Livingston............Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin................Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer........,....Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz.........................Women's Editor Joy Squires.. ...........Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith...............Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......................Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak .........................Business Manager Phil Brunskill..............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise..................... ...Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski...............Finance Manager strings were flexible enough to achieve many different colors and nuances. The third move- ment could certainly stand up as a testi- monial of this. Tempo changes were made as if one instrument were playing. Technical passages were played with and sometimes even without a conductor. It seemed that even when the strings were playing forte you could hear all the individual parts, an effect all orchestras strive for, but very few ever achieve. The woodwinds also demonstrated something in this work, as well as the other compositions, that was quite unusual. Their tone had a life and edge that carried them over the top of the orchestra in loud tutti type passages. It is needless to say that the technique of the winds was faultless and all of the notes were heard. The second and third movements were the more flexible of the four. And here too, the orchestra played with an individuality, all of its own. The "Afternoon of a Faun" showed a blend in balance needed very much in performing Debussy. The solo parts were handled with an ease which marked the entire concert. It was unusual for me to see that the solo chairs of the woodwinds were traded off quite frequently. It was even more unusual to see that they were played with as much agility. The rhythmic structure of the work was not at all strict, and yet it showed amaz- ing coordination and unity. The Escher "Music For a Mourning Spirit" had little musical value, but showed the tech- nical virtuosity of this fine orchestra. The Stravinsky is another very often heard compo- sition, which surprisingly turned out very pleasing. The introduction again built a glass wall around Mr. Van Bienum and his musi- cians. It was played with spirit enough to arouse anticipation for what was to come in the remaining three movements. The "Dance of the Princesses" featured solo woodwinds with a background of quiet strings. The solo fragments are passed from instru- ment to instrument and because of this and the length of the movement it con become very tedious if not handled carefully. The "Dance of the Subjects of Kaschei" was performed with the viality the work calls for. Its lines and climaxes were fully realized and startled some of us who have played and know the work. The Finale was beautifully paced and by the time Mr. Van Bienum reached the dy- DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, va.-B.S. & M.S. in Marine & Naval E., and B.S. in Mech. E. (U.S. citizens only) for Re- search & Design. Standard Oil Co. (N.J.), Esso Stand- ard Oil Co., Manufacturing Div., Batbn Rouge, La.-All levels Chem., Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Metal. E., & Chem- istry for Process Design & Devel., Project Engineering. Consolidated-vultee Aircraft Corp., San Diego, Calif.-All levels Aero., Civil, Elect., Mech., Eng. Mechanics and Eng. Physics for Research, Devel., Analysis. & Test, (p.m. only) The NewlJersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa.-M.S. & PhD In Chem., & Metal, E. for Research and Devel. Fri. & Mon., Nov. 5 & 8 Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. -- All levels in Elect., Ind., Mech. E., & Eng. Math, and Physics for Research and Devel, Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews with any of these companies should contact the En- gineering Placement Office, 248 W.E., ext. 2182. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Mich. Civil Service Commission an- nounces an opening for a Corrections Youth Administrator V. Requirements include four years of admin. experi- ence in fields of Social Work, Psychol- ogy, Education, Recreation, or Home- life in an institution for young law of- fenders, or four years experience as admin. officer in probation work, or four years experience as director of po- lice youth bureau, or four years of penal admin. experience, or four years of experience as college instructori fields of Soc., Psyc. or related fields. Closing date for applications is Nov. 17, 1954. Social Security Admin., Dept. of Health, Educ., and Welfare, Cleveland, Ohio announces careeraopportunities for both men and women in the Bu- reau of Old-Age and Survivors In- surance. rence H. Aller will speak on "The Gas Between the Stars." After the il- lustrated talk in 2003 Angeli Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic obser- vation of a double star, star cluster and nebula, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the telescopes and plan- etarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcome, but must be accompa- nied by adults, A cademic Notices History 49 midsemester examination, Thurs., Oct. 28. Mr. Taplin's and Mr. Eggert's sections will meet in Natural Science Auditorium: Mr. Brown's and Mr. Mitchell's sections will meet in Auditorium A. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in Feb., 1955, must have three bound copies of their dis- sertations in the office of the Gradu-. ate School by Fri., Dec. 17. The report of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School to- gether with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for pub- lication, not later than Mon., Jan. 10. Because of the Faculty Senate spe- cial meeting on Thurs., Oct. 28s the Seminar in Applied Mathematics will not meet this week. Architecture and Design students may not drop courses without record after 5:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 29-Archi- tecture and Design students who have incompletes incurred last semester must remove them by Fri., Oct. 29. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., Oct.28, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. S. Fliege will speak on "Recent Studies of Psychological Probabilities." Doctoral Examination for James Woodrow Marchand, Germanic Lang- n res and Literatures, thesis: "The Physical Education-Women Students -Women students who have not com- pleted their physical education require- ment should register for the next sea- son Fri., Oct. 29, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; or Sat., Oct. 30, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 M. Registration will be held in the fenc- ing room (basement) Barbour Gymna- slum. Doctoral Examination for James Me- nard LeBlanc, Physics; thesis: "An In- vestigation of the Beta and Gamma Radiations Associated with Several Short-Lived Neutron-Induced Radioac- tivities," Fri., Oct. 29, 2038 Randall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. M. Cork. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Some Effects of the Antibiotics on the Me- tabolism, under the direction of Dr., Kathleen Hart: Room 319, West Medi- cal Building, Fri., Oct. 29, at 4:00 p.m. Medical College Admission Test: Can- didates taking the Medical College Ad- mission Test on Nov. 1 are requested to report to 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Monday. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will not meet Thurs., Oct. 28. The next meeting will be Nov. 4. The Social Science Research Council will offer in 1955 the following fellow- ships, grants, and other appointments. Research Training Fellowships, Under- graduate Research stipends, Faculty Research Fellowships, Grants-In-Aid, Special grants in legal philosophy and political theory, and history of Ameri- can Military Policy. Summer Seminars are also being offered. Further infor- mation may be obtained from the of- fice of the Graduate School. For appli- cations write to the Social Science Re- search Council, 726 Jackson Place N.W., Washington 6, D.C., The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences is offering fellowships for advanced study and training in fundamental research. These fellowships are intended for young men and women of unusual promise and ability, in the early Richard Cutler will speak before the Psychology Colloquium on the topic, "The Therapist's Personality and His Psychotherapy." The meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 29, in Room 429 Mason Hall. All interested gradu- ate students are invited. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will present a recital on the Baird Carillon in the current series of programs at 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 28. The program includes one of his own compositions, Sonata for 47 Bells, in addition to a group by Frank Schubert and five Welsh Airs. Composers' Forum, 8:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 29, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, presented in conjunction with the Con- temporary Music Festival sponsored by Station WUOM. The program will open with a recording of Henry Onderdonk's Suite for Woodwind Quintet, played by Patricia Jane Martin, flute; Patricia Jean Stenberg, oboe; Virginia Catan- ese, clarinet; Darlene Knops, French horn; and Eleanor Becker,bassoon. It will continue with Don-David Luster- man's Sonata for Two Pianos per- formed by William Doppmann and Lawson Jones; Fred Coulter's Songs from Ben Johnson, performed by Joan. St. Denis Dudd, soprano, and Grady Hinson,piano. George Crumb's String Quartet, played by Patricia Joy Ricks, violin; Jane Stoltz, violin; Jean Honl, viola; and Camilla Heller, cello, will bring the program to a close. A period of discussion will follow the perform- ances of the student works. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Sylvia Sherman, oboist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m. Sun., Oct. 31, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Miss Sherman was for- merly a pupil of Lare Wardrop, and now is studying with Florian Mueller. She will play Three Inventions for Oboe and English Horn by. Bach, arr. tation in Douglas Chapel, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at the Guild House. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Thurs., Oct. 28, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs., from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union cafeteria. Ici on n'y parle que francais. Venez tos. Le Cercle Francais will meet Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. Bob Chigrinsky will show slides of his European trip last summer, and there will be a film entitled "Ombres et. Paysages." Delores Evans will sing French songs and accompany 'herself at the piano. Refreshments will be served. Venez tous. Hillel: Musicale Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. Bach Violin Sonatas. The NAACP will present Willie B. Hackett speaking on the theme of the recent dramatic reading "I Am Free" and its relation to NAACP. Thurs., Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. All are invited. Christian Science Organization Tes- timonial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are cor- dially invited. First Laboratory Playbill presented by the Department of Speech tonight at 8:00 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Included on the playbill are Per- cival Wilde's "Over the Teacups," two scenes from Clare Boothe% "The Wom- en" and Tennessee Williams' "Lord By- ron's Love Letter." All seats are re- served at 30c each. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office is open continuous- ly from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Michigan Crib: There will be a brief business meeting of the Crib at 7:00 p.m. in the south cafeteria of the Un- ion, Thurs., Oct. 28. All members are urged to attend. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 11 1 C i