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October 28, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-28

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D3a ii4

V 0

Latest Deadline in the State FAIR, LITTLE CHANGE



FluVaccine Tests
Halted by Apathy
Campus Housing Units Refuse Full
Cooperation; Smaller Scale Useless
Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of Health Service, announced
yesterday that it would be impossible to conduct the Inter-Frater-
nity Council-proposed flu vaccine tests this year.
At a meeting with representatives present from IFC, Panhellenic
Association, Inter-House Council, Inter-Cdoperative Council and As-
sembly, it was revealed that the main reason for failure to reach the
minimum quota of 2,000 was the inability to obtain 100 per cent
cooperation from the individual housing units on campus.
100 Per Cent Needed
Dr. Fred M. Davenport of the School of Public Health, advisor
to the committee, pointed out that "in order to measure the effect
and results of these tests precisely it is necessary to have the total

Win Backed
By History
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the third
in a series on the forthcoming elec-
Current predictions that Demo-
crats will win control of the House
in the forthcoming election can be
backed up by history.
Off-year' elections usually cause
the party in power to lose House
seats. Between 1914 and 1950 there
were 10 off-year Congressional
elections. In nine, the majority
party-whether Democratic or Re-
publican-lost - House seats.
An exception occurred in 1934,
two years after Franklin D. Roose-
velt's first election to Presidency,
when the Democrats gained nine
Majority power losses in the oth-
er nine off-year elections ranged
from 10 dropped by Republicans in
1926 to the 75 seats they lost in
1922. Average loss is approximate-
ly 40 seats.
Currently the House line-up is 218
Republicans, 213 Democrats, one
Independent and three vacant
seats. A Democratic gain of five
seats in the House would give them
organizational control. A minimum
gain of 25 seats and maximum, of
50 is what the Democrats are pre-
In the Midwest, Democrats have
hopes of winning six to nine seats
in Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Mississippi, Kansas, Ne-
braska and the Dakotas. There are
77 House seats in these nine
states. Fifty-four are held by Re-
publicans and 23 by Democrats.
Unemployment and the resulting
discontentment in the Northeast is
the underlying factor for Demo-
cratic predictions of a "junior
landslide" in their favor.
Democrats appear to have an
edge in Northeast major races. Ma-
jority of the 90 representatives
elected in this area aresRepubli-
If the sweep is as big as it now
appears, Democrats claim, they
will gain a minimum of four seats
and a possible maximum of 11 in
New York. Republicans hold 27 of
the 43 New York seats and fear a
net loss of one.
Second to New York in the num-
ber of Congressionaf districts, Cal-
ifornia has 30. Republicans now
hold 19 seats there and hope to
gain three more Congressmen in
11 currently Democratic districts.
Fiery Vulcan
Gets Worthies
Mighty Vulcan, holding court in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embit-
tered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire
Then came to him his faithful
followers, saying, "Mighty Vul-
can, hear these candidates for ad-
mission to our Sacred Order."
These being engineers, the only
form of mankind the god would
hear, were fcrthwith put to the
test, and, having passed the ordeal
and proven their worthiness, were
Thus eitered the Sacred Order
of Vulcan:
Jerry Brophy
William Sommr
Chares Stickles
Lou Burnham
Bill aiishrv

per cent from each unit partici-
"At the present time," he con-
tinued, "We lack the knowledge
and technique which would make
it possible to carry out the exper-
iment with only a small percent-
age of students involved.
According to statistics provided
by IFC president John Baity, '55,
orgly four fraternities out of the
42 contacted volunteered complete
membership participation in the
tests. The houses which pledged
100 per cent cooperation' were Phi
Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta,
Tau Delta Phi and Trigon.
"The response we did get was
commendable in view of the re-
quirements," Baity commented.
Three Co-ops Willing
Reporting for the ICC president,
Stefan Vail announced that of the
seven co-ops contacted three-
Stevens, Kingsley and Owen-had
guaranteed complete cooperation.
In the two houses which declined
and the two which remained un-
decided it was always a case of
one or two students deterring the
entire group.
Grace Ritlow, '56Ed, represent-
'ing Assembly and Jean Brumfield,
'55, speaking for Panhel, disclosed
that not one of the womens' hous-
ing units approached had volun-
teered complete participation.
IHC president, Stan Levy, '55,
announced that a canvass of the
mens' residences had been far
from encouraging. "It presented a
bigger problem than any of us ex-
pected," he commented.
Some of the reasons offered by
students who refused to partici-
pate were based on the test re-
quirements themselves.
One requirement was that only
one out of every two or three stu-
dents was to be inoculated while
the others would be the control
group. Students were not to be
told to which group they belonged.
Many students preferred to be sureI
that they were actually receiving
the vaccine and therefore did not
Allergy Given As Excuse
One other reason advanced by1
students who could not participate1
was allergy to the vaccine itself.
In some cases, however, the allergy
is not actually known to exist.
Dr. Davenport felt that the en-
thusiasm exhibited by the stu-
dents who backed the proposal
was a reward in itself. He express-
ed thanks to all the students who
had helped to back the project and
who had volunteered their services.I
He alsoannounced that while
there would be no flu vaccine
tests, there would be other experi-
ments involving blood tests and
throat scrapings of students who1
contracted the flu. These experi-
ments would also be on a com-
pletely voluntary basis.
Although the test program hask
been cancelled, all students whot
desire the flu vaccine will be in-t
noculated free of charge. All those
desiring the vaccine may obtainr
it from 8 to 11:45 a.m. and fromt
1 to 4:45 p.m. beginning Monday.c

NEW YORK (1') -- Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey charged yes-
terday that W. Averell Harri-
man would be ineligible on resi-
dence requirements to serve as
governor, if elected, because he
voted two years ago in a Wash-
ington, D. C., presidential pri-
Harriman, Democratic-Liber-
al candidate, replied that the
Washington vote in no way im-
paired his legal residence in
New York or his right to be
governor. He said that it was
simply a party poll.
Harriman accused Dewey of
going "from the infamous to
the ridiculous."
Dewey issued his charge in
a written statement yesterday
and elaborated on it last night
on a radio-television program
that originally had been allo-
cated-to-Senator Irving M. Ives,
Harriman's first comment on
the Dewey charge was "How
silly can we get?"
"The people of Washington
have no right to vote, and there
are no election laws in the Dis-
trict of Columbia," Harriman
said. "The presidential prefer-
ence primary had the same
legal effect as a vote for your
favorite baseball player."
Dewey said the New York
State constitution stipulates
that nobody shall be eligible to
be governor unless he has been
for "five years next preceding
his election a resident of that
Hart Slams
Voter Apathy!
Philip A. Hart, Democratic can-
didate for Lieutenant Governor,
said last night at a Democratic
rally in the Bach School that the
biggest trouble with Democrats in
Michigan is that they don't both-
er to vote.
"Voters study the past election
results," said Hart, "and figure
that a Democrat just doesn't have
a chance.
"The important thing for them
to remember Tuesday is that it is
their vote that really matters,"
he continued.
"In New York there is definite-
ly a two party system," he said,
"whereas in Michigan, except for
the governorship, one is likely to
think there was only a single par-
Former assistant to Governor
Williams, Hart drew an analogy
to a horse race in the matter of
elections in New York State. "In
New York," he said "both horses
go to the gate. If the winner does
not live up to expectations he is
never asked to run again."
Also introduced was Henry
Owens, Democratic candidate for
Congress from Washtenaw coun-
ty as well as candidates for coun-
ty and city offices.!
Playbill Opens
Here Tonight
First Laboratory Playbill of the
speech department opens at 8
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
Directed and acted entirely by
students, the bill includes two
scenes from Clare Booth's "The

Women," "Over the Teacups". by
Percival Wilde and "Lord Byron's
Love Letter" by Tennessee Wil-
With the exception of the hus-
band in the Williams play, all of
the parts in the production are
taken by women.
Tickets priced at 30 cents each
may be purchased from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Box Office.

Joint Judic Ike To H
New Rules To Rouse

Voters from Apathy

Reports To Be
Released Often
Joint Judiciary Council has
launched its year with two im-
portant changes - one involving
policy and the other expanding
the group's authority.
Today's Daily Official Bulletin,
telling of 13 students whose vio-
lations of University regulations
have brought them before Joint
Judic this semester, marks the
council's decision to publish re-
ports of its actions periodically,
rather than semi-annually,
Previously reports of this kind
were made only at the semester's
end, with a general summary pub-
lished .of penalties and cases han-
dled by Judic.
Educational Function
Joint Judic Chairman Tawfiq
Khoury, '55E, explained yester-
day the policy was made "to serve
an educational function--so that
students will be more aware of
possible bad results of violations
they might be contemplating."
The other change, based on an
agreement With the Subcommit-
tee on Discipline (a three-mem-
ber faculty group which must ap-
prove all Judic decisions) will al-
low the judiciary to make immedi-
ate decisions on most "first vio-
lation" cases.
Trial Authority
Given on a one-year trial basis,
the council's new authority to de-
cide immediately on the cases is
effective this week. It will, ac-
cording to Khoury,. "expedite Ju-
die hearings and eliminate the
usual period of tense waiting for
final decisions on cases to come
"Students may," he emphasized,
"still appeal the judiciary's deci-
sions to the subcommittee."
Judic will decide on all first
violations except those of automo-
bile regulations -'"there are too
many first driving violations for
us to handle," Khoury said.
Included in the council's new
authority will be drinking viola-
tions, those regarding academic-
ally ineligible student office-hold-
ers and such cases as those of,
"falsified chaperons" at student
First Forum
In SL Series
To Be Given
First in a series of Student Leg-
islature forums of current inter-
est, "Who Will Control the 84th
Congress," will be held at 8:30
p.m. tonight in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall.
According to SL Forum Chair-
man Hank Berliner, '56, the dis-
cussion will be of an analytical
and informative nature, and will
center on the issues, trends and
significance of the coming con-
gressional elections.
Participating in the forum will
be Prof. Richard Musgrave of the
economics department; J. P.
White, political parties and elec-
tions expert of the political sci-
ence department; Prof. Samuel
Estep of the Law School and for-
mer president of the Ann Arbor
Citizens Council and Prof. Angus
Campbell of the Survey Research
Prof. George Peek,' of the politi-
cal science department, will mod-
erate the forum.
Later this semester other for-
ums discussing current problems
and events will be held as part of
this SL. series.

All forums are open to the pub-
lic and will include question and
answer periods.


SL Tables
Pay Motion
No Debate Held
On Pay Question
The much-discussed motion pro-
posing severance pay for dismissed
University instructors, Prof. Mark
Nickerson and H. Chandler' Davis
was "indefinitely" tabled by the
Student Legislature last night.
Vote for tabling was 15 to 13,
with two abstentions.
Offered by Paul Dormont, '55,
the motion was essentially the
same one which was returned to
the Culture and Education Com-
mittee on October 13 when SL de-
cided it did not have enough in-
formation for consideration.
Concern Over Severance
It began expressing "concern
over the fact that the Regents
have indicated that there was to
be no severance pay" for the two
dismissed instructors.
"We believe," it continued, "that
the University has a moral obli-
gation to uphold the welfare of
its faculty."
Dormont spoke at length for the
motion. He said that the three
problems involved were "are we
in favor of severance pay for Da-
vis and Prof. Nickerson?", "do we
think we are acting within SL's
jurisdiction?", and "can anything
be done, is it a closed issue?"
To affirm his first question, Dor-
mont said that severance pay had
been accorded to two Engineering
school instructors at another time
Petitions for the Student Leg-
islature elections Dec. 8 and 9
are available at the SL head-
quarters in Quonset Hut 'A.'
Petitioning will remain open
until Nov. 1.
who had been dismissed for incom-
petence. He said there was no Uni-
versity precedent for a firing for
political reasons.
"Action Not Good"
Dormont, speaking on the sec-
ond point, said that it was within
SL jurisdiction because, "this sort
of action, not giving severance
pay, and treating them in a pret-
ty bad manner . . . is not going
to reflect well on the University."
He said this would lower the rep-
utation of the University and "oth-
er instructors who may have been'
previously approached by the Uni-
versity, might not now come here."
In this, Dormont said, the student
body would suffer.
Immediately a f t e r Dormont's!
talk, John Donaldson, Grad., mo-
tioned that the question be "indefi-
nitely tabled" On a tabling mo
tion, there can be no debate.
After the meeting, Donaldson
said that "in this case severance
pay is questionable." He also said
that "proper jurisdiction is ques-
tionable since the Regents have al-
ready taken action."
"I think it's a dead issue," he
Another motion passed last night
recommended lowering of the le-
gal minimum membership of cam-
pus organizations from 30 to 20.
The vote on the motion was 23 in
favor, four opposed, one absten-
Truman Says No
President Harry S. Truman re-
iterated yesterday he had no fu-
ture political ambitions.

Flying Jaunt
Five Cities Included
In One-Day Campaign
Dwight D. Eisenhower last night
decided to make an 11th-hour,
flying campaign foray aimed at
stirring voters out of what he
called apathy and winning a Re-
publican victory in Tuesday's con-
test for control of Congress.
The White House announced
that he would fly on Friday to
Cleveland, Detroit, Louisville, Ky.,
and Wilmington, Del., addressing
airport crowds at each of the cities.
He will leave 'here early tomorrow
morning and return that night.
Time Not Announced
Citiesdwill be visited in the ord-
er named, but the exact tie of the
President's arrival will not.be an-
nounced until later today. How-
ever, Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-
Mich.) said at Detroit that the
President would reach there about
Each of the four states the Pre~r
ident will visit has a Senate race
that could hold the key to control
of the next Senate. Two of them,
Michigan and Ohio, also elect gov-
ernors. A total of 50 House seats
are at stake in the four states.

it Detroit


-Daily-John Hirtzel
'ENSIAN SALES-Selling the '55 'Ensian to Pat Fletcher, '58,
are Managing Editor Etta Lubke, '55, and promotion manager
Dick Harrison, '56. The 'Ensian will be on sale from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. today on the Diag, at the Union, the Women's Athletic
Bldg., Barbour Gym and Engine Arch. The 'Ensian is still priced
at $6 for a limited time only, Harrison said.
Common Sense Party
To Decide Oroa azantion

mot v -.v l/ 1JL" %_ G J .L. WJXX Hot Ohio Battle
CJ In Ohio, Rep. George H. Bend-
An organizational meeting for er (R) is in a hot battle with
the newly formed "Common of SL . . .. to rally behind us the Sen. Thomas A. Burke (D) for the
Sense" student political party will sentiments of the most active el- remainder of the late Sen. Robert
be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Au- ements on campus ... and to pre- A. Taft's term. In Michigan's Ben-
ditorium B, Angell Hall. sent these sentiments effectively ate contest, Sen. Ferguson, Re-
The party, "dedicated to the and forcibly and to make cer- publican Policy Committee chair-
cause of responsible student gov- tam they are respected." man in the Senate, is being pushed
ernment," and formed "to elect The platform includes such by Democrat Patrick V. McNa-
a cohesive group of candidates to plans as 1) pressing for a "dead ' mara.
carry through a specific program," weekend prior to final exams, 2) Kentucky features a battle of
was given tentative recognition extended closing hours in wom- stalwarts with most observers giv-
by the Student Affairs Committee ens residences, 3) alleviation of ing former Vice-President Alben
Tuesday. the housing problem through the W. Barkley (D) the edge to beat
No officers or official member-# establishment of non-discrimina- Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R).
ship has as yet been selected by dory fraternities and sororities, Voter Apathy?
the group. Tonight's 'meeting, and allowing more students to At his news conference yester-
chaired by former SL President live in off-campus housing, nd' day Eisenhower expressed himself
Bob Neary, Grad, will be designed 4) change in the dismissal pro- as 'somewhat puzzled over what he
to enlist student support and cedures for faculty members. . called voter apathy. With a flash
membership. All campus students have been of anger, he rejected any idea that
In the CSP party platform, the invited to attend the meeting. "disenchantment" with his Ad-
preamble in part reads: "We feel !jministration is responsible. On the
the interests of the student body Fescontrary, he said, his advisers tell
can best be served when its stu-F him one cause is too much sati-
dent government presents an ag- jfaction-the people have got what
gressive and unified front. Un- Report"hefts; they wanted under the GOP.
fortunately the present Student He smilingly declined to predict
Legislature has not been able to r the election's outcome; but said
do this. LWO Lo sew7he certainly can hope for a Con-
"We intend to elect a majority gress that will help him carry out
A total of $73 has been stolen I'his program in the next four years.
from two fraternities this year. On the other matters the Pres-
Faculty Senate Pd Lambda Phi lost $10 several ident:
1daysago while $63 was taken from' 1) Went along with Winston
four different men in Sigma Nu Churchill and said he's against
To Convene on Tuesday. 'any Big Four meeting on Germany
Robert Koester, '55, president until after the recent agreements
University Faculty Senate will if Sigma Nu, reported that al- at Paris have been ratified.
meet at 4:15 p.m. today in Rack- though no definite action has been 2) Declared the public is per-
ham lecture hall to discuss ques- taken yet, a man claiming to be a fectly and splendidly protected by
tions of policy and procedures in Sigma Nu at another college was the proposed Dixon-Yates power
regard to tenure. suspected. contract. But he said he's against
On the agenda is the introduc- Last year, a wave of robberies making the contract public until
tion of a request by the Senate brought repeated warnings urg- Congress has passed on it.
Advisory Committee that the Sen- ing fraternities to lock their doors
ate appoint four ad hoc commit- at night, check all visitors and '
tees to study such questions. take necessary precautions. Triangles
There will also be a discussion Williams Zerman, assistant to
on possible questions to be con- the dean of men, noted that co- 'From 'neath the heels "of dusty
sidered by these committees. The operation has been good this year feet,
meeting will then be open for dis- but that a repetition of last year's Within the vitals of the Arch,
cussion from the floor. robberies could be a avoided only The great bronze seal called loyal
The meeting is a special meet- by continued vigilance, man
ing called by the Senate Advisory In the dead of night to march.
Committee. Faculty ,members had! , Soc ame the men of Triangles.
expressed their desire for another M ightvy S h m1x Once more beneath the pointed
special meeting at the Oct. 5 spec- spires
ial meeting called by University Gra s lNew faces toiled with fear;
President Harlan H. Hatcher to ' R S laves The seal of Triangles again shone
report on the procedures and steps bright,
taken in regard to the three sus- Once again the Pharoah has' Cleansed with blood and fear.
pended faculty members. Icommanded his legions to crossSo came:


PART OF $12,825,000 PROJECTS:

100 Housing Units Going Upon New- Campus
.. ..* nyv 'w'r :j~r'' ." v aiy i~r~a -By JIM DY ERT
.................................Tractors struggle through the mud and steam-shovels claw the
,.. . ,.:.::.:.:::::.:r:.:r . :::............r...r.......................:earth..::as:::construction::.::..of..the...100...housing.....unit.....onr..the...new...N orth....Cam pus{.
:- Y _.:...........>.................:::::r.: :.:::::::::.....................................:.::::.::::::::.:::" :J.::r. a t s c n t u t o f h 0 o s n n t n t e n w N r h C m u
:: ~ gets under way.;:}>;;;"' '};;; : :': l:i ~iii~~ {ii;!';ii;;'.' 'r: ii ::;i;i ?i: "i':>j:: :ii i::;: : ':ii ?ii;;;:i?:$:: ":ii :;
.. . ...... ..v .r n ... ... .........:..:..::: ":::: + Part: of:: the ;. $12,825,000i: ii::' :..in ..buildingiii projects^: now"::ii: in: . process,'?.} thesundr ay
,...:.:.:.:.:::.:i.. ...... . .... r ..r ..rr. .. ....... ... .:::::.:::.. :?: ">i :. ::: 4 .:;? ; :: : <: . .. ... .r :.;i:r : " . :
w:;:::.':::::. I apartments for married studentsi"::::::::":::".:::r::::and.:::staff J : members estimated?4 3.... .."' tov : costes

the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for the Pharoah's court.
Once again the East has learn-
ed to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves
to the Great. Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan, and to
the Pharoah...
So came .
Dick Alstrom, Ed Meads arid

Chuck Blackett
Bob Rudisell
Bob McMasters
Jack Burchfield
Rog Anderson
Rod Comstock
The plans are drawn; the die is
May those called prove their
Debate Scheduled

Democratic .and Republican can-
didates will speak at 8 p.m. to-




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