THE MICHIGAN DAILY '1TtLti Cr:YY L' f' A/YIMri' f ynw w srwwa: .. aa. rE aavRIaTT U1A YiZLV TUESDAY, OCTOBER,26, 1951 I, By GENE HARTWIG work. The "Common Sense" group has made Daily Managing Editor the first move. It's up to the dissenters to or- [ITH PREDICTIONS piling up for a flu ganize the opposition. . epidemic this winter, Health Service's flu scine study scheduled for next week seems LAST WEEK'S two day session of the Asso- be just what the doctor ordered. Since no ciated Collegiate Press in Washington, D.C., ge-scale tests have yet been made indicating afforded good opportunity to sound out the ether the present vaccine, containing five status of editorial freedom of college papers >es of flu virus, has real preventive value, the throughout the nation. dy is a pioneering venture for medical au- Financial dependence on the college ad- Drities and participating students at the Uni- ministration is the key to the problem in -ity. most schools where the right to publish "ev- 3tudent groups offering support in the mass erything that's fit to print" is not recognized. dy, Interfraternity Council, Inter-House Dependence on activities fees doled out to uncil, Assembly and Panhellenic Associations, the paper by the administration has resulted I merit the thanks of the medical world if in the ubiquitous advisor who seldom cen- Stests are successful in determining the ef- sors but is quick to point out the trouble that tiveness of the present vaccine. One hun- might result if the 'unpopular' story or edi- d per cent participation should become a tonal were run. stion of honor among housing groups to Complete freedom to print anything and pay ure the success of this very worthwhile medi- the consequences if their judgment was wrong, study. is the privilege of a diminishing band of col- * * . * lege editors across the country. Proud still to T LEAST one step was taken last week to- clain membership in this exclusive group is ward establishment of more effective stu- The Daily, financially independent with a long it government on campus. This was creation tradition of freedom from outside control. the first student political party in the Uni- ; sity's history. Organized around a 13-point RECENT CHANGE in the present across-the- tform calling for everything from "more lib- board foreign language requirements to a I women's hours" to "construction of the proficiency test for incoming freshmen is a dent Activities Center," the party claims it move to place responsibility for basic foreign 1 run qualified students for office and de- language instruction where it belongs, in the op more meaningful and active student gov- elementary and secondary schools. ment. Regents' action Friday climaxed a move in.- A glance at the- condition of student gov- tiated three years ago by the literary college nment this year and the apparent lack of faculty to make proficiency in a foreign lan- terest among the student body over what guage the basis for waiving the one year re- ,ppens to it is more than enough excuse quirement. Beside eliminating inequities in- r the formation of a party. While it is far herent in the present system, the change should o early to predict a successful outcome of place a greater emphasis on language instruc- e venture, a party system, if made to tion in the pre-college years. rk properly, could give considerable direc- Already the schools of Holland, Michigan, n and responsibility to student govern- are offering four languages as early as the ent. third grade. Since most educators agree that lost important job facing the party this fall the teaching of languages is easiest among stimulating interest in the December all- younger children, grade and secondary school vpus elections and getting a slate of top principals should find no objections to the ber candidates elected to Student Legisla- University's change. e. The success of the party in the election In a mid-twentieth century world where un- y well decide its fate. derstanding among nations is often sorely lack- he creation of one party is not of itself go- ing, it is not too much to ask that a University to insure more' effective student govern- man have a command of at least one language .A. Two vigorous factions taking opposite other than his own. The Regents' action chang- s on issues founded on differing principles ing the requirement is a sound move toward necessary to make a party system really achieving this end. LL OUT FOR SCIENCE: Cherished American Dogma Expressed on TV VP T ES1$ rum ~iax, uuxunii~K 26, 1954 "One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing" XetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters et general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. GREAT MANY American writers have tried to capture the essence of American life within the confines of a single literary work. Few have succeeded. Sunday, in his personally- produced TV program, David 0. Selznick did succeed in the job: he managed to express the ideals, dogma, and spirit which motivate Am- erican life. The program, "Light's Diamond Jubilee Show," was supposed to pay tribute to Edison and the invention of the light bulb. Instead, it was a two-hour commercial for Americana. Through a series of skits, newsreel clips, and songs, it provided a most concise picture of American ideology. It was at once rather maud- lin, saccarine, and. wordy. Yet, like the country it represented, it had, in its chauvanistic gran- deur, a kind of terrible and overpowering sense of bigness. Mr. Selznick did not just shove this con- glomeration of half-truths and untruths down the throats of his audience. True, his show was on view on all four major television net- works; if you wanted to watch TV, you watched Mr. Selznick's show. But he threw in some clever comedy by George Gobel and the late Robert Benchley to ease the journey down the esophagus. And it worked rather well, in a slick, sophisticated way. Ben Hecht, a self-proclaimed "child of the century," wrote the master script for Mr. Selz- nick. And in a specially filmed segment, Presi- dent Eisenhower explained Mr. Hecht's main theme: the faith and individuality that make American life so noble. This was a rather big theme; it has inspired countless thinkers and writers. But Mr. Hecht coated these concepts of faith and individuality with some very spe- cial American material. First, the characters in the skits were all middle-class or upper- middle class. They looked scrubbed behind the ears, well fed, and highly contented- there was no sign of either the frustration or anxiety which the modern world is sup- posed to have fostered in man. Then there were some widely-accepted beliefs which Mr. Hecht chose to present in a subtle, unob- trusive manner. In a mild fashion, Mr. Hecht preached on science--the twentieth century "God." Science will point the way. Most of the major scientific figures of the past century were paraded across the TV screen. Then there were scenes des- cribing the future wonders of the world that science would bring:, television-telephones, win- dows that close when it rains, glow-in-the-dark pavement, accident-free electronically control- led automobiles, a heliocopter for dad, a dream kitchen for mom, and assorted general im- provements around the home. It looked very promising. Science is a kind of giant monster in our explained that Jefferson and Washington were just nice, humble folks you might meet any- where. All of this fresh-from-the-backwoods phi- losophy tended to become a trifle tiresome, but Mr. Hecht wrapped it up in nice little skit-packages. One of these cast Helen Hayes and Thomas Mitchell as an elderly couple with an agrarian philosophy who inherit $5,000. They go to New York supper clubs and listen to singer Dorthy Dandridge before departing for a Caribbean cruise. But at the last minute the call of rustic, rural Ameri- cana, U.S.A. finally gets 'em where it hurts. They decide to come home and spend the money on an air-conditioning unit. There were select examples of Americana which were given nice plugs. Lauren Bacall and David Niven showed that American mar- riages are free of infidelity even if the hus- band looks at other women. Judith Ander- son gave a histrionic reading in a Statue of Liberty skit; and Tom Sawyer's whitewash scene was resurrected. What was probably most disturbing was the tone of blatant optimism which prevailed throughout the production. This is, in part, the result of a moral viewing of modern day politics. The twentieth century socialistic movement is evil and the status quo democra-, cies and republics are good. As in most mor- -lities, good triumphs over evil. Mr. Selznick presented the popular beliefs inherent in present-day American society; and he presented them well-so well that he could offer them wrapped up in little skits which might make the TV viewer forget to analyze these beliefs. It would be difficult to criticize Air. Selznick for trying to be popu- lar by expounding pouplar ideas. But it is possible, and necessary, to criticize Americans for accepting these irrational, dog- matic beliefs without analysis, without logic. To assume that a mastery of nature implies a mastery of human social forces is foolish. To look for the ordinary in place of the extra- ordinary is anti-intellectual. To believe that American ideology and life is so perfect it Can- not be improved is absurd. It is the faith in such dogmatic principles that dominates Am- erican political, social, and economic thought today. Moreover, these principles destroy Mr. Selznick's precious sense of individualism and faith in a better world. Today if one does not believe what Mr. Selz- nick represents as American and what Am- ericans believe is American, one is an un- American, an unforgivable sin. America must, at all costs, stand for free- dom: the freedom to travel the unpopular tracks of belief in the hope that truth will be found. For only through an exhaustive, com- On Second Thought .. . To the Editor: IN THE week or so since the pre- sentation of the movie "Or- pheus" it has become a pastime among the minor intellectuals of the campus to talk in a desultory manner of the various "interpre- tations" and "inner meanings" al- leged to constitute the "message" of Mr. Cocteau. Most of these men- tal perambulations about the film, by concentrating on the old tra- ditional settings of the Orpheus legend, seem to me to miss the point. I have arrived at 'a point of view which seems to place in per- spective the rather sharp. contrast between the old legend and the new setting. Mr. Cocteau, tired of intermin- able variations on the theme of the man who has lost his soul, decided to compound a setting of a situ- ation wherein a man, in trying to save his soul, succeeds in losing everything else. By casting the central figure as the poet, Orphe- us, Cocteau can symbolize his soul as a woman in black who repre- sents the spirit or inspiration of his poetry. When in the throes of composition an artist is often des- cribed as dead to the world, hence the alternative interpretation of the black one as death. The signi- ficance of Eurydice is her sym- bolizing of the material means which an artist must use in com- municating his inspiration to oth- ers; she is his link with the rest of the world. He loses her by go- ing off the deep end into incom- prehensible inspiration. In a final desperate effort to regain his com- posure as a poet, he seeks to re- cover his communicative mater- ials through recourse to Inspira- tion Herself. She, the lady in black, is wiser than Orpheus; she, at great personal emotional sacri- fice, sends him back to the world that she may retain her reality therein. -J. P. Benkard *.rg * ** M1arxist Speakers .. . To the Editor: W HENEVER I get into a discus- sion, there is invariably a live- ly interest in where the Labor Youth League stands on various issues, what kind of an organiza- tion it is, what our interest is in Marxism, and so forth. We have attempted to answer just such questions, but we have difficulties in presenting our po- sition to the campus. Why? Let us take an example. The ma- jor part of our program is design- ed to acquaint the campus with -Marxist thought. To fulfill that purpose last year, we had a series of speakers, Marxist authorities in various fields. We sponsored Jo- seph Starobin, a correspondent who had been in Indo-China and China for a- year; Howard Fast, the novelist; Mike Gold, a found- er of "proletarian literature;" Dox- ,ey Wilkerson, an outstanding Marxist authority on the Negro question; Thomas Dennis, a mem- ber of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Michigan. But we were and continue to be unable to present such speakers to a wide audience because we have literally been unable to obtain a public meeting place in all Ann Arbor. We have tried churches, halls, restaurants, the League, the Union-with no success. We think there are hundreds of students on campus who would like* to har such sneake1rs- wie-~th. ums. We welcome every suggestion on how to make this campaign a success. -sMike Sharpe, Chairman Labor Youth League Critical Metronomes ... To the Editor: IN REGARD to the letter of Daily, I say, "good going, Jean!" It's about time somebody put a few of those "Maynard St. quasi- intellectuals" in their place. I was always under the impres- sion that high school seniors were supposed to be the ones who knew it all. I can see where they have a lot of competitions coming from brilliant conversations in the Betsy.' " These are students dedi- cated to music; something bigger than themselves. (They admit 'here is such a thing.) I know absolutely nothing about nusic, except that I am one of nillions who enjoy being enter- ,ained. These critics must go to the concerts with metronome in one hand and a book of English, French, German, and Italian phonetics in the other, to see if the performer is keeping correct time, and pronouncing each vowel exactly right. (They even profess to being phoneticists.) It is not surprising to me they don't enjoy these concerts. Why don't they forget the metronome and phone- tics book and just sit back and listen. After hearing the music as the layman does, write their critiques. Write it honestly, and don't try to show the some 18,000 students all they know about mu- sic. No one cares! The most in- telligent can also be the most ignorant. Admittedly there is a lot of music that is no good from the musicians' view point. I doubt if it is all bad, and that every per- former is worse than the other. There must be some good in it. As far as I can see, no good exists for these critics. 3J. Whitney DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round The Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - Here are some more quick looks at the red-hot election picture: in Pennsylvania,, the GOP candidate for governor, Lloyd Wood, is a turkey farmer. The Democratic candidate, George Leader, is a chicken farmer, The low price of eggs is figuring heavily in the farm vote ... For the first time in 20 years, a Demo- crat in Pennsylvania is given a real chance to win. Reasons are: unemployment, especially in the coal regions; plus graft in Gover- nor Fine's administration. Fifteen of his officials, including his per- sonal secretary, Fred Hare, and one member of his cabinet, Ar- temas Leslie, have been indicted for macing (forcing political con- tributions) ... On top of this, when Congress voted increased old- age pensions, the Fine adminis- tration proceeded to reduce the state's share to oldsters by the amount of increase voted in Wash- ington . . . Oldsters were really sore . . Highly respected GOP Sen. Big Jim Duff, an old enemy of Governor Fine's, has been trot- ted out to try to pull Republican factions together, but everyone knows his heart isn't in it . . . so Pennsylvania is certain to send more Democratic congressmen to Washington. THE GOP IN MICHIGAN is hoisted on its own petard - in fact on two of them. No. 1 is the so-called "General Motore Admin- istration" in Washington; No. 2 is the political strategy of Chevrolet dealer Arthur Summerfield, now postmaster general . . . GM gave Chrysler such stiff competition that Chrysler has closed down early to bring out new models. Other com- panies have followed suit. Summer- field begged the motor moguls not to retool until after elections, but General Motors competition was too tough. They disregarded his pleas. That's why Detroit faces one of its worst unemployment periods right now . . . It was Post- master Summerfield who also ma- neuvered to put Pat McNamara, the Democratic candidate for the Senate, into the race ... Summer- field, of course, worked behind the scenes, got the AFL and Team- sters to put up McNamara in the Democratic primary to offset the late Blair Moody and his powerful CIO backing. But since Moody's death, McNamara has united CIO- AFL backing. And judging by the loud alarms sounded by GOP Sen. Homer Ferguson, McNamara may win. Gordon, Republican, ran paid ads in the American Legion newspaper attacking the military record of his opponent, Dick Neuberger. "During World War II," read the ad, "Cordon's opponent, through political connections, got himself where he could continue his profit- able writing career." ... The Cor- don machine began spreading this story all over the state. They played up Cordon as a "real vet- eran" who had served as state commander of the American Le- gion . .. A check of Cordon's military career, however, revealed that this "real veteran" was in no more position to brag than Con- gressman Stringfellow. He had been in World War I only two months and two weeks - from Sept. 2, 1918, to Nov. 26, 1918. . Neuberger, on the other hand, was in'World War II thirteen times as long -from July 15, 1942, to Aug. 12, 1945 - a little over three years. He served much of that time in Alaska . . . This three- year service turned out to be longer than the total military ca- reers of Cordon plus the other top GOP candidates in Oregon ... Senator Cordon didn't even give up his job as assessor of Douglas County during his brief 85-day .raining period in the Army. It's been crowded out of the nleadlines, but 17 states are at each other's throats in a trans- portation battle that may drive small trucking firms out of busi- ,iess. It's the kind of interstate war which the founding fathers sought to prevent when they set up a homogenous United States and pro- vided that no state could charge a tariff against another. The state of Ohio began the bat- tle when, because of heavy truck traffic across its centrally located borders, it slapped an extra "third stricture" tax on out-of- state trucks. New York immedi- ately followed suit, also imposed a ton-mile levy aimed at squeez- ing as much in taxes as possible from transient trucks. This set off a whole series of retaliatory measures. Other states fought back with their own taxes, some of them especially aimed at competing states, so that the found- ing fathers' whole concept of no interstate taxes or tariffs against another state has gone glimmer- ing. As a result, some 15 trucking companies had to move their ART TWO WORTHWHILE but unpublicized exhibitions are in their last week at the Museum of Art in Alumni Memorial Hall. The Classical Motif, prepared by the Department of Circulating Exhibitions, Museum of Modern Art, New York and French Painting at Mid Century, cir- culated by the American Federation of Arts. The Classical Motif show presents a selection or paintings in vari- ous media by modern artists in which we may see our classical heritage reflected in subject, mood or technique. Actually, "Classic" as it is used for this exhibition refers not to a specific period or style but to the entire cultural expression that we associate with ancient Greece and Rome. In a sense the term, while arresting, is misleading and, as applied, is so broad as to be almost meaningless. However, the purpose of the show in revealing the inspiration that certain artists have drawn from the Mediterranean region is laudatory enough; and most import- ant, there are some good pictures to be seen. Picasso is, of course, represented by several drawings and an etching. Monumental in its pagan freshness is his FAWN PLAYING PIPES. A visit to the galleries is more than amply rewarded by a study of the gentle, pulsing inkline of this drawing which is able so expressively to create form and feeling. Glee, in GATE TO HADES, transforms mythology into a personal fantasy of delicate thread shapes and carefully modulated textures and tonalities. Particular- ly impressive to the reviewer was Theodoros Stamos' THE ALTAR. This artist is wonderfully sensitive in capturing the ancient mem- ories that seem to lurk in the earth and under the sea and which he expresses through the fissurelike rhythms and muted tones of powerful forms. Also exhibited are Gottlieb, Maillol, Matisse, Jac- ques Villon, Modigliani and many others. The second half of our artistic double feature has also a dubious title. It could have been more correctly called Some Modern French Water Colors since all the works are either water color or gouache. The French have never had an outstanding school of water color painters. This exhibition will probably not cause any important revision of that opinion since many of the water colors exhibited are really in- tended as notes and sketches for a projected work in oil. Unfortunately, they remain just that and are not the very intimate revelations that we associate with the sketches of a master. However, among the pictures that exist in their own right are sever- al delicate compositions by Zao-Wou-Ki. It is hoped the discriminating viewer will not make unfavorable comparisons between the artist's wore and the masterpieces of Klee but rather look about and see Zao-Wou- Ki's art in relation to the other works exhibited. His painting has the freshness and immediacy which is so much part of the medium. More impressive is the work of Ubac with its outsurging rhythms and reson- ant earth hues. Vertical Shapes and On a White Table Cloth by Ubac are strong compositions. For a suggestion of great dynamism with an economy of means the small compositions of Nicolas de Stael are worth some study. Jean Bazaine's small gouache, Landscape, has a richness of surface and a sureness of structure that makes it a gem among the other paintings. -Victor Meisel DAILY OFF"ICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2)' Reserve Officer Aviation Commission. Requirements for Naval Aviation Ca- dets are: Single, age 18 to 28, and com- pleted 60 hours of college. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following companies will interview at Engineer- ing: Thurs., Oct. 28 McDonnel Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo.-All levels in Aero., Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., and Engrg. Math, Mechan- ics & Physics for Design, Development & Production. Ethyl Corp., Ferndale, Detroit, Mich. --B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E. and Engrg. Physics for Research-Product Appli- cation or Technical Service. National Security Agency, Washing- ton, D.C-All degree levels in Elect., Electronic & Mech. Engrg. for Re- search, Design & Development. Internat'l Harvester, Chicago, Il.-- B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E. & E. Mechanics, and BS. in Civil, Elect., Indust., Metal., and Physics for Design, Development & Testing. Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 28 & 29 Esso Standard Oil Co. (E. Coast Div.), Standard Oil Development Center, N. Jersey. All levels of Chem. E. for Re- search, Development, Design and Pro- duction. Fri., Oct. 29 Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y.-All degrees in Chem. E. for Research .& Development. Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton, Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Ind., Metal., & Chem. E. for Research, Design & Development, Plant Engineering, Sales & Service Engineering. Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, II.-- B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Elect., Civil, Chem., Metal., Ind. E., and .Bus. Ad. for Product Design, Research & Devel., Sales, & Manufacturing. Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif.-Ali levels in Aero., Elect., & Mech. E. for Research, Design & Devel- opment. Revere Copper & Brass Inc., Detroit, Michigan-B.S. in Chem., Metal. E., & Accounting for Quality Control. Colgate-Palmolive Co., Jersey City, N.J.-M.S. & Ph. D. in Chem. & Chem. E., B.B. (Feb. grads) in Chem., Chem. E., Mech., Ind., or any E. major for Research & Devel., Manufacturing & Sales. Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews for any of the abo vsehould contact the Engineering Placement Office, 248 W. Eng., ext. 2182. Representatives from the following companies will interview at the Bu- reau of Appointments. Thurs., Oct. 28 National Security Agency, Wash., D.C.-in the afternoon; (1) all degree levels in Math. (Probability & Statis- tics, Algebra, Math. Logic) for Re- search, Application, & Computer Logic. (2) All degree levels in Languages. (Slavic and Asiatic preferred) for Re- search, Translation, & Ananysis. (3) B.A. in Liberal Arts (with minor in above fields) for Research, Analysis, & Reporting. Fri., Oct. 29 National Security Agency, Wash., D.C. .-See above. Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews with any of the above companies should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. open to graduates with Bachelor's de- grees in one of these fields or to stu- dents who expect to complete their degrees by June 30, 1955., The closing date for filing applications is Nov. 9. Examination will probably be given in Ann Arbor. Applications and additional information are available at the Bu- reau of Appointments. Junior Management Assistant exami- nation is announced by U.S. Civil Serv- ice Commission, for men and women with backgroud in public or business administration or social sciences. This examination is to recruit people trained in management, social sciences, or pub- lie affairs for careers leadig to high- level administrative positions in Feder- al Government. Open to seniors and graduate studetns, who will have com- pleted BA or MA (or equivalent) by June 30, 1955. Applications must' be filed by Nov. 30, and examinations will be given in Ann Arbor and other locations on Jan.'8, 1955. This examina- tin is given only once each year, so you must apply-. NOW. Applications and complete announcements are available at the Bureau of Appointments. For further information on the three notices above or on other job opportu- nities, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. Lectures University, St. Louis, Mo., will speak Prof. Barry Commoner, Washington on "Studies on Virus Reduplication." Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Tues., Oct. 26, at 4:15 p.m. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium will meet Tues., Oct. 26, at 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Maurice Aualander will speak on "Cohomology and Commuta- tor Subgroups of Free Groups." All students planning to enter the Law School for the first time in Feb., 1955, MUST, unless they have already done so, take the Law School Admis- sion Test at the Nov. 13 administration. Applications 'for this test must be in the hands of the Educational Testing Service (20 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey) not later than Nov. 3. Ap- plication blanks and further informa- tion may be obtained in Room 311, Hutchins Hall. Engineering Senior and Graduate Seminar: Counseling meetings begin this week, and continue for two follow- ing weeks. Groups meet at 4:00 p.m. on Wed. in Room 246, W. Engrg. and the same time on Thurs. in Room 244 W. Engrg. Obtain assignment to Wed. or Thurs. group in Room 248, W. Engrg., Ext. 2182. Attendance at first meeting is necessary to benefit from this service. Candidates taking the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business on Oct. 30 are requested to report to Room .140, Business Administration at 8:30 a m. sat. Be sure to bring $10.00 registra- tion fee (check or money order). Sociology Colloquium: Dr. Tad Bla- lock, of the Sociology Department, will speak on "A Systematic Approach To Race Relations," at 4:00 p.m. Wed., Oct. 27, in the Michigan Room of the League. The discussion will be open to the public. Prof. Barry Commoner, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., "Cellular Dif- ferentiation." Room 1139 Natural Sci- ence Building-Botany Seminar Room. ':30 p.m. Oct. 26. .I i r I _ Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............ City Editor Jon Sobeloff....,... ..Editorial Director Pat Roelofs..'. ..Associate City Editor Becky Conrad........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart. ...... .Associate Editor Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ....s.......Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz.-------..Women's Editor Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise...,......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager Teletihone NO 23-24-1 JI 1 ,{ I