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October 26, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-26

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See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State


Dulles Predicts
Passage of New








Reports to President and Nation
In First Televised Cabinet Meeting
WASHINGTON (MP)-Secretary of State Dulles, speaking at the
first televised presidential Cabinet meeting in history, last night
predicted ratification of the new Western Europe defense plan and
forecast failure for Soviet attempts to smash it.
Reporting in intimate fashion to President Eisenhower, other
members of the Cabinet and the nation at large, Sec. Dulles said
the Paris conferences which produced the alliance agreements had
- to succeed "because the price of

Campus Political Party
.draws Varied Opinions;
Organization of a campus political party brought extreme and
varied opinions concerning the Common Sense Party yesterday.
Hank Berliner, '56, Student Legislature member: "CSP is not
up to the intelligence of the student body. The function of political
parties is to gain power but the concern of those interested in stu-,
dent government should be the general welfare of the entire aca-

Reports Decrease
In Unemployment
Country's Jobless Now 2,700,000-
Problem 'Of Deep Concern to All'
WASHINGTON MP)-President Eisenhower reported last night
that unemployment has dropped to 2,700,000-the first time it has
gone below the three million mark this year.
The chief executive interrupted the reading of a prepared speech
on economic conditions-he called this "The most prosperous peace-
time year in history"-to read what he described as the latest govern-
ment figures on employment.
The jobless total this month, he said, has dropped by 400,000,
from 3,100,000 to 2,700,000.
Returning to his prepared manuscript, the President said unem-
ployment in some areas-which has brought Democratic criticism in
the congressional campaign-"is a matter of deep concern to all of us."
In a nationwide television-radio address, which the White House
had billed as "nonpolitical," the President said, amid applause, that
he had just received the newest report on unemployment from See-
retary of Commerce Weeks and

IFC officials
To Visit Here
Michigan State College Interfra-
ternity Council officials, visiting
the University today, will attend
tonight's Fraternity Presidents As-
sembly meeting.
The. meeting starting at 7:30 p.m.
will be held at Phi Gamma Delta
Michigan State officers, who are
patterning their infant IFC after
the one here, will arrive at 2 p.m.
and spend the day inspecting the
University fraternity system.
After a meeting with James A.
Lewis, Vice-President of Student
Affairs, they will tour campus fra-
ternity houses, sit in on a commit-
tee chairmen's meeting and attend
an informal dinner with University
IFC officers.
. Executive Council meeting us-
ually held on Thursdays has been
moved to 9:30 p.m. today so that
* MSC officials may attend.-
Billiards Expert
At Michigan Union
Charley Petersen, 76-year-old bil-
liards expert, will give demonstra-
tions on how to play his game. in
the pool room of the Michigan Un-
ion every afternoon this week.
Peterson, employes by the Na-
tional Association of College Un-
ions, has won many billiard tro-
phies in international competition.
Demonstrations are public, and,
Peterson says, "Women learn the
game faster than men do."

failure had become prohibitive."
Expresses Confidence
With Pres. Eisenhower seated at
his side in the White House Cabi-
net room, Sec. Dulles-just back
from Paris-expressed confidence
that each of the nations which
signed the agreements will ratify
them through their parliaments.
The secretary was asked how
Russia was likely to react to the
new defense system. This question
was put by Secretary of Agricul-
ture Benson, who like other Cabi-
net members, broke in from time
to time.-
Before Sec. Dulles could answer,
the President, a smile on his face,
"I agree with you, Ezra, he
ought to tell us the story on that."
Communist Goal
Sec. Dulles then went on to say
that the goal of the Communists
is to divide the Western allies.
"I don't believe the Soviet Un-
ion is going to break it up," he
said, referring to the newly erect-
ed alliance.
He added: "The only object of
the Soviet Union is by trick or de-
vice to try to break it up."
The precedent-setting nation-
wide TV-radio session from the
White House was a chatty, inti-
mate sort of thing with the Amer-
ican people getting their first look
into the stately Cabinet room
while the meeting actually was in
At the conclusion of Sec. Dulles'
report, the President warmly con-
gratulated him, saying:
"Foster, I feel as if we should
give youa standing ovation."
Pres. Eisenhower called Dulles'
report a "brilliant presentation,"
and told the secretary: "You know
how strongly I feel about Euro-
pean unity."

demic communit."
Joan Bryan, '56, Chairman of
Of 'U' Rules
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles interpreting
the current problems, plans and func-
tions of the University's student ju-
diciary councils.)
Rules, whether or not they were
so planned, are often broken.
Since violations exist, they must'
be dealt with--and to do this job
on campus there's a complex net-
work of student judiciary bodies.
The hierarchy begins with wo-
men's house councils in individ-
ual dormitories, sororities, League
Women's house directors, jud-
iciary chairmen and council
miembers have been invited to a
Women's Judiciary Workshop
scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today in
the League. Problems and aims
of the judiciary system will be
houses and co-operatives, and con-
tinues through Women's Judiciary
Council, Women's Panel and the
Joint Judiciary.
All the groups operate on a
strict "jury of peers" principle-
students who break rules confront
the decisions only of fellow stu-
Underlying Women's Judie ac-
tions, however, is the philosophy
that rules should be understood
and improved as well as enforced.
On a routine basis, Women's
Judic works consistently to coor-
dinate and educate subordinate
groups, and reviews the cases and
actions handled by dormitory and
house councils.
But an equally important aim,
according to Women's Judic chair-
man Sally Stahl, '55, is to famil-
iarize every woman student with
the rules governing her campus
"Ignorance of the rules," Miss
Stahl explained, "is never an ex-
cuse for violations." To further
this policy, Women's Judic mailed
letters last summer to all incom-
ing freshmen and transfer women,
to acquaint them with the system
of regulations.

SL's Culture and Education Com-
mittee said: "The platform of the
CSP is fine but I wonder what kind
of election can be held with only
one party. It may arouse student
interest but it may possibly in-
volve cheap politiking rather than
an honest election."
Bill Adams, '56, SL member: "I'
approve of political parties in gen-
eral but I don't think that the
idea of one political party will give
full enhancement to the Legisla-
Sandy Hoffman, '56, Chairman
of SL's Public Relations Commit-
tee: "The theory is fine, it may do
a great deal for the Legislature
provided that another party is
formed to give opposing views so
that a choice will be involved and
so that once a party gets into
power it actually attempts to put
its platform into effect."
IHC President
Stan Levy, '55, Inter-House
Council President: "I can't see
that the CSP's platform is new or
different. It seems only to be rais-
ing old issues rather than present-
ing fresh and constructive plans
for the development of the cam-
Paul Dormont, '55, SL member:
"I am wholeheartedly in agree-
ment with the platform that the
CSP has so far drawn up. I hope
that the creation of the CSP will
be a new stimulant for further
activity directed along the lines of
achieving the goals of CSP's plat-
Dick Pinkerton, '55, Union Vice-
President: "If the CSP can con-
structively bring issues to the stu-
dents, get their interest on cam-
pus problems, solicit their opin-
ions, and put its elected members
to SL on the spot with party de-
mands then it will be a worthwhile
venture and of positive benefit to
student government."
Steve Jelin, '55, SL President:
"I think that the organization of
political parties may do a great
deal in stimulating interest in the
SL, in ramming through some
positive platforms after elections,
and in encouraging candidates of
high calibre to run. I hope the
CSP maintains a level of opera-
tion that is at once effective, dem-
ocratic, and respected."
European Club
The newly formed European
Club will have an organizational
meeting at 8 p.m. tonight in the
Michigan Room of the League.
Refreshments will be served,

. . . Tells of drop in unemployment totals.

'Vote of Confidence in Ike'
8BdParallels'18Bi by Wilson
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This ist he first in a series on campaigning for the
fall elections scheduled for Nov. 2)
A vote of confidence in his leadership is what former president
Woodrow Wilson asked the public for in 1918 when he requested
a Democratic congress to provide a "unified leadership."
Again in the present campaign a President is appealing for uni-
fied leadership. and Republican leaders are asking for "a vote of
confidence in Ike."
However, unlike Wilson, Pres. Eisenhower is taking an active

Large Turnout for AAUP
Meeting on Dismissals
A discussion of academic freedom and its relation to the dismissal
of Prof. Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler Davis brought out the larg-
est turnout in recent years to the local chapter meeting of the Ameri-
can Association of University Professors last night.
Chaired by Prof. Gardner Ackley, chairman of the economics
department, who is president of the University AAUP chapter, the
meeting was attended by nearly 100 faculty members.

part in the campaigning. In fact
he has set a record in vigorous
campaigning by a President in a
midterm election.
Pres. Eisenhower has made eight
political speeches thus far, of
which four have been nationally
broadcast by television or radio.
He will make two more nationwide
telecasts on Thursday and Mon-
Last week the President made
three speeches under non-politi-
cal auspices.Howeversome of his
remarks were interpreted as po-
'Fight Talk'
.Among other activities the Pres-
ident gave a "fight talk" in New
York to 500 party workers for
Senator Irving Ives, who accord-
ing to the polls is trailing Averell
Harriman in the gubernatorial
race. The President told them:
"You have got to let people see
you believe in something; you are
not ashamed of what you believe
in . . . That is what wins victor-
The Republican strategy chang-
ed after they received results of a

Extensive Discussion
Although no resolutions resulted
from the meeting, extensive dis-
cussion of several phases of the
dismissals was held.
A discussion of the procedures in
the cases was outlined by Prof. Leo
Goldberg, chairman of the astron-
omy department.
Prof. James Pollock, chairman
of the political science department
examined the question ofhow much
weight the University gave to the
reports made by faculty investi-
gating committees when dismiss-
ing Profs. Nickerson and Davis and
reinstating Prof. Clement L. Mar-
kert of the zoology department.
Obligation of Candor"-
"The Obligation of Candor" was
discussed by Prof. Solomon S.
Axelrod of the Bureau of Public
Health Economics. There was no
conclusion by members of the
AAUP that there is an obligation
of candor.
Prof. Edwin E. Moise of the
mathematics department, attempt-
ing to get to the bottom of the rea-
soning of President Harlan H.
Hatcher when he recommended
Prof. Nickerson be dismissed fol-
lowing a unanimous decision by
the Subcommittee on Intellectual
Freedom and Integrity to reinstate
him, said the procedure in this case

Neither Prof. Nickerson nor Davis
is receiving severance pay.
A non-conclusive discussion was
held on "Does an individual need
to prove his innocence, or does the
University have to bring evidence
of guilt before the burden of proof
becomes that of the individual?"

A -
private poll which was taken for
the National Committee. The poll
indicated that the campaign wag-
ed on the "Eisenhower program
and "Republican record" had
been received by much apathy
from the voters.
Triple Threat Theme
Meanwhile, "Korea, communism
and corruption," the themes Vice-
president Richard Nixon has been
harping on, had stirred up ap-
preciable response.
Therefore Republicans decided
to hit the old 1952 themes hard.
Vice-president Nixon said he had
a "secret memorandum" of the
Communist Party, showing "it is
determined to conduct its program
within the Democratic Party."
"McCarthyism in a white col-
lar" is how Gov. Adlai Steven-
son described Nixon's campaign-
Unemployment Concern
The Democrats during the cam-
paigning have shown much con-
cern over unemployment, the de-
cline in incomes for farmers and
workers, the "giveaway" of our
,natural resources and the tax bill.
A Democratic Congress, argue
the Democrats, would set the Pres-
ident right, on all these issues.
Senator Lyndon Johnson point-
ed out that as far as foreign policy
goes a Democratic Congress would
mean "a single voice for all Amer-
ica-the President's."
Druids Strike
In Deep Night
Druids, sons of magic.
Foretellers of the future,
Judges--very knowing, wise-
The fires in the stonehenge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon the Awenyds,
Called from out thy mighty court,
The uninformed who would seek
thy light.

Robin Hood
Seeks Help
An appeal has been sent out to
over 50 college and university cam-
puses by the Robin Hood Associa-
tion to the University of Chicago,
asking students to exert pressure
to ensure a Senate censure of Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wls.).
The Merrie Men of the Univer-
sity of Chicago plan to distribute,
leaflets describing the urgency of
a Senate vote of censure. They will'
also organize a' mailing to sen-
ators. Baggage tags will be sent
with hotel-size bars of soap wired
on. The tags will say "Don't White-
wash McCarthy-Vote Censure."
A letter explaining the position
and recommendations of the Uni-
versity of Chicago group said that
"We feel this is the easiest and
quickest andmost effective way to
demonstrate our feelings on this
The letter goes on to explain that
Sen. McCarthy "has personally
threatened a filibuster and some of
his backers are organizing a
'March on Washington' on the 11th"
(of November).
"If a whitewash is to be pre-
vented, considerable sentiment for
censure will have to be expressed,"
the letter continues.
In conjunction with this, a meet-
ing is being held for those inter-
ested in encouraging the Senate to.
vote for the censure, 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow at 706 S. Division.
It was emphasized that this is not
a continuation of the "Green Feath-
er" movement of last spring, but
rather a new, although similar, or-
Warren To Lecture
Prof. Austin Warren of the Eng-
lish department will read works
of "Twentieth Century Southern
Poets" 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.
The public is invited.

Secretary of Labor Mitchell.
Disclosing plans for a likely new
reply to Democratic criticism with
the elections just a week off, the
President told his audience Sec.
Mitchell will discuss the unemploy-
ment situation in a nationwide tel-
evision talk tonight.
Forrestal Medal
President Eisenhower spoke be-
fore a dinner meeting of the Na-
tional Security Industrial Assn.,
which presented to him the first-
annual James V. Forrestal medal
for "encouraging harmonious rela-
tionships between government
and industry."
The government's great electron-
ic brain at the National Bureau of
Standards, called Univac, worked
on the employment f igure s
throughout the weekend, it was
reported, in order to get the .em-
ployment and unemployment fig-
ures ready for the President's use
last night.
Commerce Department records
indicated that the monthly statis-
tics had previously never -been
made public before then30th of the
month. In one or two cases the
unemployment and employment
figures have been put out the
first or second of the month fol-
lowing the survey.
The Census Bureau makes a
national sample survey of employ-
ment each month in the week
which includes the 8th of the
month. It is the results of this
survey, which in past months have
not come out before the first week
of the month following the survey,
which were whipped through Uni-
vac and made ready for the Pres-
ident nearly a week earlier than
the previous record.
The President got a rousing and
standing ovation when he was in-
troduced and again when he con-
cluded his talk.
In his prepared speech, he called
for further reductions in the cost
off government "So we can have
more tax cuts."
"To the limit that national se-
curity will permit," he said, "We
must make more savings and re-
turn them, in the form of lower
taxes, to the American people."

Dutch Conductor Gives Impressions of Life in U.S.

"The tempo in this country is fast, but things do not go faster
here than in Europe," said Eduard Van Beinum, conductor of Amster-
dam's Concertgebouw Orchestra.
In discussing his brief impressions of the United States, Van Bein-j
um, who will conduct the orchestra tomorrow night in Hill Auditorium,
said that "your lives seem to be harder and livelier."!
"Everything in America is heavy: the tempo, the traffic and1
the crowds. It's as if there were champagne in the air," he noted.
Dutch Life is Peaceful
"In Holland," he continued, "we are sedate. Our life is peaceful,
but not slow."
"We haven't had much opportunity to see much of America,"
said Van Beinum. "Our time is spent traveling between concert halls
and hotels. We need at least one day's rest between concerts be-
cause traveling by bus is hard. When we get to a hotel, we sleep a lot,
walk a little and save up for the next trip," he added with a smile.

Ann Arbor Merchants Favor
No Evenings-Open Policy
To open or not to open, that is the question.
Although a few local stores are beginning to remain open until 9
p.m. Friday evenings instead of Monday evenings, "if store owners
had their choice, the majority of them would not be open in the eve-
ning hours," Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce manager Robert L.
Gage said yesterday.
No uniform policy on evening hours has been adopted by local
merchants, he continued. While

merchants have repeatedly tried
to get together on remaining open
during a given evening, something
has always happened to keep a
uniform shopping evening from
Ar nrinn.Arn ,to 1:a 'ftarn nra al-

parel store, Tice commented that
the change is the first since 1947.
Richard Lawrence, proprietor of
a S. State women's apparel store.
said that his establishment will try
opening Friday evenings instead

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