4. PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1954 sHURSDY. OCTOBER 2isi;V 1. 1WV; i DEADLOCK IN EUROPE: London Agreement Obstacle: The Controversial Saar A SIX-HOUR conference Tuesday between French premier Mendes-France and West German Chan- cellor Konrad Adenauer brought the long-standing dispute over the West German Saar territory to a temporary deadlock. But more important, the conference may stall action expected to be completed this week on the treaty organizations decided on at the London con- ference October 3. Actions expected to end this week, as the Lon- don Conference questions are resolved in Paris, are the granting of sovereignty to West Germany and Italy, a new Brussels Treaty which would in- clude West Germany and Italy, and a North At- lantic council act to admit West Germany into the North Atlantic alliance, with a twelve-division army. Mendes-France has claimed that France won't sign agreements for West Germany's entrance into either the North Atlantic or Brussels Treaty organ- ization until a §atisfactory Saar decision is reached. Unless he and Adenauer can agree on the fate of the controversial Saar area, the other questions, all vitally important, will face further tabling and stagnation. A brief review of the Saar situation, which has long hindered Franco-German relations, would be advisable under the circumstances. The Saar lies in a corner where France, Germany and Luxem- bourg intersect, and is rich with some of Europe's most crucial and valuable coal and iron resources. A plan decided on last May by Mendes-France and German representatives stressed "Europeani- zation" of the Saar area-an economic conven- tion between France and the Saar, eventually to include Germany. This "Europeanization" plan stemmed from a Eu- ropean Defense Community plan, two years ago, for the Saar to fall under jurisdiction of a Euro- pean Political Community. Both plans became deli- cate issues in both countries. Mendes-France hopes that if the Saar is made a Franco-German area a strong trade increase will develop between his country and West Germany. With French agricultural strength and increased German industrial production resulting, both coun- tries could better carry out their national econo- mies in Africa and elsewhere. Nine foreign ministers, including U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, are expected in Paris to- day to complete work on the treaties. They will be expected to use their influence to push the Saar dis- pute to a conclusion, enabling work to finish the other decisions. French interests in the Saar would permit France a great increase in industrial strength-allowing it to hold its own in vital coal, iron and steel. A decision on the Saar area, somewhat slighted in previous conferences, is urgently needed-but it should not be rushed to an over-hasty conclu- sion. Too much is at stake to allow the entire Western European defense plan to collapse. The nine foreign ministers, we hope, will exert the proper strong influence in pushing the Saar dispute to a timely and worthwhile conclusion. --Jane Howard DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round WASHINGTON-Generous Doug McKay, the likable secretary of the interior, let loose a blast at me the other day for describing him as generous in selling part of the Rogue River National Forest to a private mining company and for considering the releasing of the Navy's and Interior Department's oil reserve in Alaska to private oil company exploitation. This is the first time I have been called a liar by a member of the Eisenhower cabinet - an "honor" frequently bestowed upon me dur- ing the Roosevelt and Truman ad- ministrations. The fact that the Eisenhower administration h a s been so mild-mannered has caused' my wife to insinuate that perhaps the old man was slipping. The Liar Scoreboard I suppose, however, that this is inevitable. For any newspaperman worth his salt in Washington nec- essarily must step on people's toes. He must offend people. And when he does, naturally they get mad and hurl epithets. Clinton McKinnon, publisher of the Los Angeles News, asked me the other day what the score was on the name-crllhig business, and here is part of the "you're-a-liar" tr.,,lation. 1,, nator McCarthy of Wisconsin ca. ed me a liar and all sorts of other names from the safety of the Senate floor after I reported that he received a $10,000 fee from Lus- tron for a brief housing pamphlet. Since then, a Senate committee passing on McCarthy's record has confirmed this up to the hilt. Congressman Parnell Thomas of New Jersey denied kickbacks and called me a liar, but went to jail because of those kickbacks. Harry Had a Name For It President Truman gave a new twist to the liar charge after I criticized his friend and military aide, General Vaughan, for accept- ing an Argentine medal at a time when Dictator Peron was maneu- vering to get a large loan from the United States. Afterward, Congress r e f u s e d to approve Vaughan's medal, and a Senate committee found Vaughan guilty of considerable influence wirepulling, giving away deep freezes, demot- ing Army officers- who tangled with John Maragon, and getting build- ing materials for the Tanforan racetrack at a time when veterans were supposed to have preference. Now I don't want to give the im- pression that I am always right. I'm not. Being human I make mis- takes. But I endeavor when I do make them to correct them. However, regarding Secretary McKay, much as I like him, I am still convinced he has been much too generous in leasing out the pub- lie domain. Tomorrow I'll report on this further. (copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) MUSIC -*ww.WNf: TODAY and TOMORROW ... by WALTER LIPPMANN "Listen-I'm Getting Worried About My Own Power" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN COEXISTENCE IN ITALY ITALY IS THE main testing ground of the theory that in order to take over the government in a European cpuntry the Communist party must have the Red army behind it. This theory does not hold in Asia where Communism grows upon native na- tionalism. But in Europe with its highly developed national feeling and its free traditions the theory has until now held up. There is no European coun- try west of the Soviet frontier that has ever become Communist except as a result of military occupa- tion by the Red army or-as in Czechoslovakia- under the threat of intervention by the Red army. It has been a reliable working rule in Europe that the boundaries of the practical action of the Red army are the boundaries of Communist expansion. The visitor to Italy is bound to ask himself whether this rule will be breached. For in Italy the Communist party, together with the captive Nenni Socialists, is the best organized, the most ably and shrewdly led, the richest and the most coherent of the Italian parties. It dominates the labor unions, is a growing power among the vil- lagers in southern Italy, and it has great support and influence in the middle class. The Christian Democratic party, on the other hand, is in an unhappy condition, lacking the will, the energy, the purpose and a good reputation for integrity in order to do battle effectively against the Communists. There is a reform movement un- der way within the party. It is led by Fanfani who has come to be regarded as the man of the future. But the reforms are expected to take a year and the results are not at all certain. Thus the visitor's first impression is that of a growing Communist party facing the declining dem- ocratic parties. As the Communists are so near the point where they would be numerous enough to be entitled to take over the government, the position is-on its face and taken logically-very precarious. *s * * * Y[ETONE CAN, I believe, say with some confi- dence--while' keeping one's fingers crossed- that the underlying situation differs from the ap- pearances and will check their logical development. The non-Communist parties are in control of the apparatus of the state, of the bureaucracy, the armed forces gnd the police. They will not, I have been told, surrender their sovereign power to the Communists if they fall behind in the count of heads. That is because, as Togliatti has frankly said, there would never again be a count of heads by which they could recover their rights. This decision within the government party means, if it is as firm as it appears to be, that the Com- munists cannot take over the government without great violence. In such a struggle they could not count on the help of the Soviet Union. For in or- der to intervene the Red army would have to con- quer Tito and would have to start a world war. * * * * THE UNDERLYING situation explains what ev- eryone agrees is the present Communist party line in Italy. It is to refrain from, in fact to avoid, coming to power. The party today is a great pow- er in Italy and a formidable factor in the whole Mediterranean area. Since it cannot hope to take over power bloodlessly, since it cannot conquer power easily, there is nothing to gain and every- thing to lose by attempting to take over. It is a reasonable guess that the Italian Com- munist party is under orders from Moscow not to take the responsibilities and the risks of at- tempting to form a government. For if they at- tempted it, the whole Soviet policy of relaxing tension in the world would blow up with a bang. The effect of the Communists taking over Italy would be an earthquake compared with which the seizure of Czechoslovakia was a mere tremor. Yet Czechoslovakia was the beginning of the cold war and of American rearmament. S s s WITHOUT BEING complacent 'about it, without minimizing the urgent need of a rejuvenation and a cleansing of the democratic parties, it nev- ertheless looks as if the internal equilibrium in Italy might last as long as the international equilib- rium holds. I would suppose that the solution of the Communist problem in Italy will come after, or perhaps along with, but not before the resolu- tion of the European problem which turns on Ger- many. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Inter"p-reting The News By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst ONE OF THE great frustrations of diplomacy in these times is that the settlement of every problem seems to create or accentuate another one, This is pointed up by the signing of the An- glo-Egyptian agreement ending British occupa- tion of the Suez Canal zone. Britons are not happy about it, of course. The Beaverbrooks refer to it as a new low of the im- perial idea. That is an exaggeration. The low in British imperialism was reached with India, and all else is or will be anticlimax, merely incidents in the rising world tide of independence. Imperialism, so far as Britain is concerned, hard- ly exists any more. Even in Central Africa and the West Indies the main idea of imperialism, which was to exploit underdeveloped areas for the bene- fit of a metropolitan nation, is rapidly being re- versed, and the responsibilities of control are be- coming more of a liability than an asset. France, the only other Western nation which still con- trols large nonrelated areas is beginning to learn this too. That leaves Russia as the only great pow- er still practicing what we grew up to know as im- perialism, There's Vo use in the British crying over spill- ed dominions. It was inevitable. Magna Charta, the Boston tea party, the storming of the Bas- tille-essentially unimportant but highly indica- tive steps in man's search for freedom-made sure of that. AT HILL AUDITORIUM . . . BOSTON SYMPHONY OR- CHESTRA, Charles Munch, conductor Bach: Suite No. 4 in D major Dvorak: Symphony No. 5 Berlioz: "Romeo and Juliet" ex- cerpts) APPROPRIATELY last night's performance of Dvorak's fifth symphony by Dr. Munch and the Boston Orchestra commemorated fifty years since the passing of that famous Czech composer. The concert's significance however was in the playing of excerpts from the "Romeo and Juliet" by Berlioz. Dvorak's symphony is of course melodious, and in a sense heroic. Its themes are interesting, easily understood and communicated, and the symphony's presentation is straight-forward and vigorous. Its popularity is not undeserved. But not even the stunning per- formance that Dr. Munch gave it could conceal the fact that it is not impassioned music like the Berlioz. The Dvorak and Berlioz had performances of which only a truly great orchestra is capable. The result was that side by side the Dvorak was a work .of equal proportion, but less import. A good deal of the recent revival of Berlioz can be attributed to Dr. Munch. He has recorded him faith- fully so that LP catalogs now al- low him as much space as other famous composers. Dr. Munch even devoted the major portion of last summer's Berkshire Festival to the works of Berlioz. There is good reason. Berlioz could never find a better cham- pion than in his fellow country- man, nor a conductor more at home in marshalling the' ull or- chestral forces to best advan- tage. The orchestral tone last night, both in solos and ensem- ble, was a perfect blend; the low strings, violas and cellos, were matchless in their beauty. Interpretively Dr. Munch, with a truly sensitive understanding, reproduced the work's grand conception, with all its subtle- ties, from tricky rhythmic phras- ings in the Queen Mab Scherzo to the long line of the love scene, elegantly pictured. But Berlioz, himself, contributed the most. Here is music really in- tended for the orchestra. The in- creased orchestration he requires is not for the sake of increased bombast, but for finely shaded nuances and balances which give the orchestra increased richness and flavor. The Dvorak with its simple and plain orchestration had ten times the bombast, one tenth the subtlety or refinement. The music of Berlioz is a very' meaningful personal expression. Previously when he was little per- formed, except for the Symphonie Fantastique and a few overtures, he was known as an innovator, a crackpot always seeking new de- vices. The many performances he receives today show him as a com- poser of great art. The concert began with the (Continued from Page 2) The Michigan Crib will hold a cof- fee hour, Thurs., Oct. 21, at 8:00 p.m. on theusecond floor of the League. All interested in law are invited to attend. Sigma Rho Tau-The regular weekly meeting of all engineers, architects, and technologists interested in public speaking will be held Thurs. atu7:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union Room 3-R. Ralph Showalter, a prominent CIO of- ficial, will lead a discussion on the "Guaranteed Annual Wage," which will begin at 7:30. The public is invited to come at 7:30. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice, north end of the Michigan League, will open 10:00 a.m. Mon., Oct. 25, for the sale of tickets for the Department of Speech First Laboratory Bill of Plays and Hamlet. Included on the First Lab- oratory Bill are two scenes from Clare Boothe's THE WOMEN; Percival Wilde's OVER THE TEACUPS; and Tennessee Williams' LORD BYRON'S LOVE LET- TER. The First Laboratory Bill of Plays will be presented Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 28 and 29, at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, with all seats reserved at 30c each. HAMLET will be presentedi Wed. through Sat., Nov. 3-6, at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c with the special student rate 'of 75c for Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 3 and 4. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Thurs. 5:05-5:30 p.m., Mid-week medi- tation in Douglas Chapel of the Con- gregational Church. Fri., 7:30 p.m., Wie- ner Roast. Meet at the Guild House. Call in reservations-3-5838--by Thurs. evening. (Cost 35c). Kaffeetsunde. The German Club Cof- fee Hour will meet this afternoon at 3:15 in the basement cafeteria of the Union. Bach Suite No. 4 in D major. I Have heard Dr. Munch con- duct this work with a small orchestra, many less strings. The result then was that the piece had vitality and movement which was not weighed down by a large orchestra. Also it had a balance so that the strings didn't obscure the woodwinds or trum- pets. With last night's performance by the full orchestra much of this was lost. The trumpets seemed more like added color or doublings which would appear at various moments; the balance favored the strings far too much. Though these things did hamper the perform- ance, it did not become too un- satisfactory. It would take a good deal more tampering to destroy the effectiveness of such great music. The vitality and enthusi- asm which Dr. Munch has as a conductor were communicated to the orchestra, and thus to the music itself, giving it life even though handicapped. The Boston Symphony is always a welcome visitor to Ann Arbor. The impression they leave year after year has been one of gifted musicianship and inspired playing. Their concert last night was as good an example of this as ever. --Donald Harris Gilbert and Sullivan Society. There will be a full chorus rehearsal today at 7:15' p.m. in the League. Principals as per schedule in the Union. There will be a Senior Board meet- ing tonight at the League at 7:30 p.m. The room will be posted on the bul- letin board. Hillel: Musicale 8:00 p.m. The Sea- sons-Vivaldi. Mozart's Fourth Sym- phoriy. Sailing Club. Meeting today, 7:30 p m., 311 W. Engineering. Young Democrats. All interested stu- dents are invited to a canvassing party of thedYoung Democrats at Democrat- ic Headquarters, 4th St. and Washing- ton, Thurs., Oct. 21 at 7:00 p.m. "Let's bring back 20 years of reason." Vespers will be at 5 p.m. in the Pres- byterian student chapel, The Orthodox Students Society will meet Thurs., Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Father Stephanou will discuss.the recent meet- ing of the World Council of Churches. Refreshments will be served. Members as well as other interested persons are cordially invited. Sigma Alpha Eta--There will be a general meeting of Sigma Alpha Eta, Speech and Hearing Association, at 7:30 p.m. in room 3B of the Union. Initia- tion ceremony will be held for new key members and a social hour will follow. Coming Events Wesleyan Guild. Fri.; Oct. 22, 8:00 p.m. Open ljouse, Wesley Lounge. Ta- ble Games, and Informal fellowship. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sun., 6:00 p.m., supper at the Congre- gational Church. Program at 7:00 p.m., speaker-Morse Saito: "Christian Faith in Japan." (Reservations for the fel- lowship supper by Fri. evening-Call 3-5838). Episcopal Student Foundation. Can'. terbury Club at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 22, at Canterbury House. Mr. Sam Dud- ley, former Executive Director of the United World Federalists for the Michi- gan-Ohio-Indiana area, will discuss "Proposals for United Nations Charter Revision." Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hali Fri., 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. A special feature will be an exhibit of the paintings and lithograph compositions of Mr. Mojmir Frinta. The Congregational-Dis- ciples will be Guild host. Hillel: Fri. Services 8:00 p.m. Every- one is invited to attend the Open House Saturday after the football game. Hillel. Reservations for Sun. brunch at 10:30 a.m.-Call Sissy Diamondstein at 229 Prescott, East Quad. 60c for mem- bers and 75c for non-members. Westminster Student Fellowship is having open house in the Presbyterian student center from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m., Frii., Oct. 22. There will be a brief meeting of those interested in can- vassing to raise the budget at 8:00 p.m. Psychology Club. There will be an important business meeting, of concern to all Psych Club members, followed by a movie, "The Steps of Age," Fri., Oct. 22, at 3:15 p.m. in room 3427 Mason Hall. I k -ETHD _r WUS Drive... To the Editor: IT HAS BEEN brought to our at- tention that there are some questions in the minds of students and administration concerning the distribution of World Univer- sity Service funds. In particular, there is the impression that WUS administration takes a 68% toll of incoming funds. This is a miscon- ception which is entirely out of proportions with reality. WUS ad- ministrative costs for last year (in the United States) accounted for only 5.8% of the total expen- diture of $417,062.38. Another 14.3% was used for fund-raising projects. This, however, includes the education of American cam- puses to WUS, and is an integral part of the entire WUS program. A further breakdown shows that the largest division was the 41.9% actually spent for the internation- al program projects. Other figures are 13.7%, DP program in U.S.; 12.8%, education for international understanding; 5.3%, special pro- jects and direct earmarkings for projects in foreign universities; 2.9%, special Korean emergency relief; 1.3%, CARE food parcels and books; 1.9%, emergency needs in international program, and .1% retained for ongoing reserve. Upon request to the regional of- fices, the funds raised by a WUS committee may be designated for use solely on a given project. Re- alizing the need of universities throughout the world, the local committee has not chosen only one recipient, as has been done in sev- eral of the past drives. (Last year no special location was chosen, so the proceeds were spent as the fig- ures in the first paragraphs show). The proceeds from this year's drive Odoriferoush Rose . . . To the Editor: MR. DAVIS deserved his dismiss- al from the University facul- ty. There was reason to believe that he was not a good American, but an enemy of the American in- stitution. His refusal to answer questions put before him bears out this fact. If a man is in opposi- tion to the system of which he is a member, why should he be al- lowed to remain a member? When we find an onion in a rose garden we are only too glad to place it among other onions. In dismissing Davis we only gave him his chance to seek out his place in the system he loves so well. --Dick A. Philips, '55 * * * Musical Snobbery ...~ To the Editor: HAVING KEPT my peace for ov- er a year, I should like at last to voice my protest concerning the reviews of Choral Union concerts, which regularly appear in The Daily and almost as regularly pan the artists. We boast of having the greatest and most widely appre- ciated musicians come to perform for us; but somehow they never measure up to our standards. It is, of course, the review of Eleanor Steber's recent concert that has finally exasperated me. The first two thirds of Miss Steber's pro- gram consisted of admittedly great music which was admittedly performed in a manner worthy of the praise of even a School of Music student. But the last several numbers were light, one was ac- tually semi-popular, and-worst of all-a few were funny. This seems to be the view taken by Mr. Tice, and though I'm an- noved at his "snnhhorv' (as he while Eleanor Steber, who is ob- viously a musician as well as a great singer, can appreciate music other than that of the masters enough to perform it beautifully and with distinction, a music stu-. dent finds it hard to do so. And finally, I think Mr. Tice might safely have gone a step farther in his few words of praise and called Mr. Quillian's "generally compe- tent" accompanying even rather good. I hope that many others enjoy- ed this particular concert as much as I did. It was a most satisfying musical experience. -Jean Nutley * * * CYL Study ." To the Editor: A RECENT deluge of student in- terest in the Capitalist Youth League is extremely pleasing to note. We shall make every effort to reply to letters in The Daily to better inform the reading public (assuming that the public can read) about our organization. Quickly passing over one letter obviously written by ungramma- tical dolts, we reach another in- quiry which appeared in The Daily Saturday. Indeed, the organization will cast a contemptuous glance at other economic systems but the capitalist system will receive the most intensive study. The teach- ings of W. R. Hearst will be used as a general guide to the field, al- though recent publications by pro- minent Republicans concerning prospects for repeal of the social- ist anti-trust laws will be exam- ined first. --Dave Kessel for CYL * S * On Servility To the Editor: the authoritarian influence of the Catholic church responsible . . and it is a wonder we have very few cases of schizophrenias. I think it is a form of servility that is on the way out. Again, it can be a servility that depends very much on what the circumstance are, and just who are the personal- ities the student has to deal with. I will discount the authoritarian complex you refer to. As children, most Filipinos are trained to rend- er service, obedience, filiel piety . . . the manifestations of which you mistook for something author- itarian. The same family pattern is reflected in the people's rela- tions to their government. Mr. Hawley said that the cul- tural poverty in the Philippines is attenuated to its social and economic conditions. This is an incomplete picture in the sense that we have not had much chance to develop our own culture . . . that what culture we saved under three foreign domi- nations is surprising. But there's something else too ... under the Spanish regime the Philippines produced a number of outstanding men in the field of politics, literature, and other arts. I can mention a few such as Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Mabini, Juan Luna, Balagtas. It took phy- sical and mental oppression to bring out the genius of these peo- ple. But there are other kinds of oppression, Mr. Hawley, the kind that is deceptively experienced . . . the kind that lulls you, dulls your perceptions, the kind that contributes to your decadence. When the Filipinos tasted the be- nign regime of the Americans, he was also exposed to their gim- imcks . . . perhaps I say this too facetiously but I assure Mr. Haw- ley that a lot more money, imag- ination, American ingenuity were expended on teaching the Filipino ed to see what new barb was be. ing stuck into our Secretary of De- fense. I found it in the last eight sentences where I believe the edi- torialist correctly inferred some of Wilson's economics from his "dog" remarks. Our Secretary of Defense is said to hold the odd belief that people should break family ties and leave old friends in order to find a place of employment. His "peculiar" economics includes the belief that people should worry about not earning an income. He might even argue that our automobile jndus- try in Detroit was the result of this "peculiar" economics. He might suggest that many people left other states and indeed coun- tries just to go where they could earn a living. All of this is not to say that the springing up of industry where there are large pools of unemploy- ed wishing to work is unhealthy. In fact this could certainly be found to be part of Wilson's eco- nomics too. But it is to say that if we follow our editorialist's implied economics and do away with Wil- son's that the recent facetious ex- ample of the U.S. Government buying up surplus automobiles to support the employment in the au- to industry will become less and less funny. Secretary Wilson is not a pro- ponent of the security by surplus economy which our editorialist is in fact supporting. He-believes that one of the life-blood ingredients of our economy is still the mobil- ity of labor. And for our editor- ialist to conclude that jobs just don't exist for the present unem- ployed is to conclude that our eco- nomy has stopped growing and in general to write finis to this coun- try's economic strength. I will have to concur with our Secretary of Defense and hope to see soon these Wilson-defined kennel does 4 Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. of of Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig...........................Managing Editor Dorothy Myers. .............. .... ..City Editor Jon Sobelbff ... ..........................Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ...........................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ..............................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart..................Associate Editor Dave Livingston ................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin .................Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer.................Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz...................... .....Women's Editor Joy Squires .......................Associate Women's Editor Janet Smrih ... ........Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton .........................Chief Photographer Business Staff Gois Polak ..,............................Business Manager Phil Brunskill...................Associate Business Manager Indeed, Britain may now find that she can business with Egypt, as she does with India, on; even more profitable basis than before. do an