SAAR CONTROVERSY See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State D43at IL FAIR, COOLER VOL. LXV, No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1954 SIX PAt - U S SIX PA i , Ike's Address 'Non-Political' President Hints at His Retirement; Nixon, Morse, Ferguson Also Talk By The Associated Pres A nation-wide "non-political" address and hint of retirement by President Dwight D. Eisenhower preceeded a round of campaign debates around the country from Vice-President Richard Nixon, Sen.-Wayne Morse (Ind.-Ore.) and Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.) yesterday. President Eisenhower told the nation the free world's "awesome power" which "the imposed system of Communism" can never match" is a mighty deterrent to war." Will Continue Tirelessly . The President pledged that "our nation will continue tirelessly in its quest for peace based -on justice." Earlier in Hartford, Conn., the President, asserting that war no longer is the question of "victory or defeat," said =that the hope of Free College Press Group To Convene Approval of a draft constitution and election of permanent officers are expected to highlight the first meeting of the National Associa- tion for a Free College Press to- day and tomorrow in Washington, k D.. Held in conjunction with the annual convention of the Asso- ciated College Press, the meeting will outline means of investigat- ing alleged violations of campus press freedom and map plans for cooperation with professional groups interested in maintaining freedom of information. Approxi- mately 300 college editors and staffers are expected to attend. Organized by 24 college. news- paper editors from all parts of the country, the Association plans to enlist a group of leading profes- sional editors and publishers to serve as an advisory board. Daily Managaing Editor Eugene Hartwig, '55, is serving as interim president of the organization. Daily Business Manager Lois Pollack, '55, 'Ensian Managing Editor Etta Lubke, 55, and 'n- sian Business Manager Paul Gei- ger, '55, will represent the Univer- sity publications at the confer- ence Cousins Gives Talky Today Norman Cousins will be the fea- tured speaker at a meeting of the Michigan Education Association at 9:30 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Cousins, editor of "The Satur- day Review," will speak to an aud- ience of more than 3000 teachers from Washtenaw, Jackson, Mon- roe and Lenawee counties on "America's Assets in the Present Crises." Opening the first MEA session today will be music by the Monroe High School Choir and an invoca- tion by Rev. Wilfred E. Simpson of the First Presbyterian Church in Monroe. MEA president Ellen M. Solo- monson will talk on "You Hold America's Wealth in Your Hand." Clair Taylor, State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, will dis- cuss "Opportunities Unlimited." WUOM-FM's program "Festival of Song" will be part of the 2 p.m. assembly with station person- nel Edythe May Albert, Mrs. Jan- ice Cobb and Orien Daley par- ticipating. Prof. Waldo Abbot, di- rector of broadcasting, will sum- marize WUOM radio classroom projects for the teachers. "Improvisations on C u r r e n t Themes," a dance proglam, is also on the afternoon's agenda. The meeting will conclude tomorrow with section meetings on topics from business education to foreign languages. r Directory Sale Starts Tomorrow Featuring a new activity direc- tory, the 1954-55 student directory will be sold from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at several campus loca- abolishing "this terrible scourge" lies in world understanding. Eisenhower, grinning broadly, dropped what could be a hintthat he doesn't plan to seek reelection. Eisenhower told the 200 persons attending a New York luncheon: "I regret that I am not free these days to attend a kind of luncheon such as this." Pausing a moment, and then breaking into a big grin, he add- ed: I'll Be Back in the Crowd' "But just give me a little time and I'll be back in the crowd, cheering for some other poor sucker who is up here." Morse, stumping for Ferguson's Democratic rival, Patrick V. Mc- Namara, said Ferguson had "one of the worst reactionary, anti-la- bor and anti-farmer" records in the Senate. Retaliating, Ferguson referred to Morse as a "renegade" in quitting the Republican party. He said that in doing so the Oregonian became "a worse traitor than an enemy spy..: In Chicago, Vice-President Rich- ard Nixon said that the election can be won or lost by either party in the next two weeks. He added, however, that the Re- publicans have been gaining ground in the last week or 10 days. Faculty Senate To Meet Soon A special meeting of the Uni- versity Faculty Senate will be held at 4:15 p.m. Oct. 28, in Rackham Lecture Hall. This meeting was called last week by the Senate Advisory Com- mittee. At the same time, Chair- man of the Advisory Committee Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the education school was empowered to appoint a committee to draw up an agenda for the meeting. Prof. Richard J. Porter of the tropical diseases department, chairman of the agenda commit- tee, has invited members of the Faculty Senate to offer sugges- tions for the agenda. FCC Calls Censoring. 'Dangerous' Sub-committee Hears TV Report WASHINGTON (P)- The Fed- eral Communications Commission took the position yesterday it would be "dangerous" and undem- ocratic for the government to cen- sor television shows. FCC member Rosel 'H. Hyde submitted that view, on behalf of the commission, to a Senate sub- committee seeking to determine whether TV crime shows increase juvenile delinquency. Earlier, the subcommittee heard: 1. A witness protest that TV was pouring "mental poison" into the minds of children. 2. Two television executives con- tend adventure and crime pro- grams have nothing to do with ju- venile delinquency. Mrs. Clara Logan of Los Ange- les, president of the National Assn. for Better Radio and Televi- sion, said "mental poison" came from TV crime programs and that nothing but television "could ac- complish such a saturation of vio- lence." She saw no need for govern- ment censorship, but said parents who feel some programs are hurt- ing their children can withlold their support from broadcasters and sponsors of the programs. Robert H. Hinckley, a vice presi- dent of the American Broadcast- ing Co., said: "I would like to state with great conviction that I do not believe television is anything remotely ap- proaching a factor in our prob- lem. Grace Johnson, in charge of judging and editing ABC program scripts, said she believes the west- ern and adventure stories on TV may even help to prevent some delinquency among children. Sake Blues Taiji Toh, 37 year old grad- uate student, had a little bit too much of his native sake to drink last night. He spotted what he thought was a warm cellar. The cellar turned out to be the Ann Arbor police squadroom. Toh was ad- vised that heat rises and was removed upstairs to sleep It off in the jail. SL To Hold Vote Forum An all-campus forum on the topic, "Who Will Control the 84th Congress?" was approved by the Student Legislature at its meeting last night. Pending the approval of the Stu- dent Affairs Committee, the' for- um will be held Oct. 28 in Audi- torium A of Mason Hall. Speakers on the forum will be Prof. Angus Campbell, director of the Survey Research Center; Prof. Samuel Estep, of the- Law School and former president of the Ann Arbor Citizens Council; J. P. White, political parties and elec- tions expert of the political science department and Prof. Richard Musgrave, of the economics de- partment. Hank Berliner, '56, chairman of the SL committee handling the forum, said -last night that the forum would be of an informative nature "as opposed to the parti- san aspect." The discussion, he said, would be centered on the "issues, trends, and significance of the coming congressional elections. Prof. George Peek, of the politi- cal science department will mod- erate the forum. In other SL business, Sue Beebe, '55, was picked to replace Ricky Gilman, '56SN, as Secretary of the Legislature. Miss Gilman, who will remain as member on the body, resigned her office because of health and academic reasons. Federal Aid To Schools Considered Private Schools Face Problem By HARRY STRAUSS Is Federal a d to education the answer to the problem of the pri- vate college? Although many factions go along with this notion as the only way to save the private institutions, a strong opposing view holds this as threatening the country's educa- tional system. Tax Supports Helping President John T. Rettaliata of the Illinois Institute of Technology recently said that the rapid growth of tax-supported institutions is off- setting the balancing effect of strong private universities and col- leges. He cited the increasingly dispro- portionate attendance between pub- lic and private schools, indicating that the tax subsiay is a major factor influencing a student's se- lection of an institution. A recent survey concerned with the full-time male veteran stu- dents entering college for the first time showed that 71 per cent more enrolled in public institutions than in private schools during the past school year. 15 Per Cent More Students At this same period, the tax-sup- ported institutions enrolled 15 per cent more students than did the private. President Rettaliata, while not- ing that "our present institutions do an excellent job," said that "in- ordinate continuation of the en- rollment differential will invite control that would interfere with the educational process." Pointing to the "perennial" problem of obtaining financial sup- port as an aggravation for the pri- vate school, he said that further raising of tuitions would, in most cases, "price the institution out of the educational market and jeop- ardize the academic program." The IIT head also spoke of the drop in endowment earnings which today account for only about a tenth of the income of colleges put- ting the school in even greater fi- nancial straits. YD's To Meet For Canvass Today's weekly meeting of the Young Democrats will be turned over to a house-to-house canvass, according to YD president Ralph Goldberg, '56. The club and all interested stu- dents are asked to meet at 7 p.m.' in front of Democratic headquart- ers on 209 E. Washington. Goldberg said that the canvass would include ringing doorbells and handing out pamphlets. Owens To Speak Henry 3. Owens, Democratic candidate for Congress from the second Michigan Congressional district, will speak on "The Re- publican Giveway Program" dur- ing a meeting of Tau Epsilon Rho at 12:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3K of the Union. Owens is presently chairman of the romance language department at Michigan State Normal Col- lege. Second Award? Saar Threatens Succes 'Of estern Germany To Regain Sovereignty r. -Daily-John Hirtzel Interfraternity Council executive vice-president Jim Walters, '55, John Coleman, '57, and IFC secretary Stan Bernstein, '55, look at the report which they will enter into competition for the National Inter- fraternity Conference trophy. Entering for the first time last year, the IFC copped first prize among approximately 200 entrants. Four criteria are taken into account by the NIC in making the award-service to community, university and student body, member fraternities and fraternity ideals. 'CAINE' DIRECTOR : Plays as Art Work Authored Without Messages: Laughton REACTIONS TO RICE LECTURE: Faculty Members Give Views on Censorship By ERNEST THEODOSSIN "No censorship, but ... "# This was the 'general reaction of English and journalism facul- ty members yesterday to Elmer Rice's recent lecture in which he condemned censorship of any type. "I would agree completely with his views," English instructor Da- vid R. Weimer said. "Americans must decide whether they really want a free trade in ideas or wish to remain isolated in their own dusty skull pans." Weimer went on to make "one major exception. We simply can- not permit comic book violence, lust, and sadism to circulate free- ly among children," he said. t t 's r l t "I thought the lecture was ex- cellent and I support everything Rice said," Prof. Wesley H. Maur- er of the journalism department commented. "The control of com- ic books should come through edu- cation, not government censor- ship," he said. Maurer added that there "isn't any question" about censorship of pornographic literature, "where even in our democracy this censor- ship is generally considered quite proper. " Shaw Play Opens Libelous Censorship "The less censorship, the bet- ter," English Prof. John Arthos said. Arthos cited laws on libelous and pornographic censorship as examples of legal restraint of ex, pression which are generally ac- Icepted today. "I think there should be no cen- sorship whatsoever, with the excep- tion of public school text books," English instructor Hugh English observed. English added that com- petent judges should have the right of seeing that all school text books are objective" and "do not present a one-sided view." Prof. Edmund Wooding of the journalism department voiced an opposite view. "You either have ceusorship or you don't," he said. "When you start making certain exceptions, then you no longer are in accord with the concept of free- dom of speech and expression. Public Opinion Censor Journalism Prof. Karl F. Zeisler suggested that the "public opin- ion still operates as a censor. The creative artist such as Mr. Rice must be free to express himself. Wise authors have learned that if they don't offend public taste they can publish almost anything and stay in busnes.b s "We also need editors, publish- ers, and producers," he summed up, "willing to risk offending the public if creative artists are to have complete freedom." Leonard Speaks At Local Rally (Editor's Note: This article was written for The Daily by Charles Laughton, director of "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" which will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Saturday in 11111 Auditorium. The lo- cal presentation will star Paul Doug- las, Wendell Corey and Steve Brody.) By CHARLES LAUGHTON Classics, of literature were writ- ten for the entertainment and en- lightenment of mankind. As such, they are works of art. And I say that no creative work. by a genuinely great writer wasI written with a message in mind., "Court Martial Is Great" I believe that "The Caine Mu- tiny Court-Martial" is a great modern play by a vastly gifted author, and I think that it fits into the category of a masterpiece writ- ten purely as a piece of dramatic entertainment. We have had some Hollywood movies made with messages but they all flopped miserably. Some- times a stage production pleads a special cause, nearly always to the detriment of its public appeal. Message In Shakespeare In all of Shakespeare can you find a message? In all of Mark Twain, Thomas Wolfe, James Thurber? In this discussion, I leave the Bible aside. As the in- spired Word of God it is not to be judged in the. same category as the literary works of men. Natur- ally, there are messages in the Bible, since it is a book of teach- ings, of a rule of Life of man's re- lationship with the Almighty, his Creator. There are some who will find ex- ceptions to my own feelings in this matter-many have specified, for example, "Uncle Tom's Cab- in." Here was a novel written in the white heat of indignation, when the vital question of slavery was dividing the nation into two hostile camps. But who will as- sert, now that nearly a century has passed, that this was a gen- uinely great novel,one for the ages? Who reads "Uncle Tom's Cabin" nowadays? If, when I went out on. my reading tours, I were to carry along a carload instead of an arm- load of books, you could be sure there would be no message in any of them. Old Disputes May Disrupt New Decisions Big Three Meeting Reports on Progress PARIS (M-The Big Three West- ern powers made progress last night toward giving sovereignty }pack to West Germany, but faced" at menacing deadlock between Ger- many and France over the Saar. Optimism expressed Tuesday was tempered sharply. One of Two Problems The old French-German dispute over the future of the Saar was only one of two major problems facing the Western nations gather-- ing here in increasing numbers to work out progressively the accords which they hope will make the West a solid bloc against Commu- nist aggression. Besides the Saar, there arose again the problem of how to con- trol the amount of arms which West Germany will have, or will be able to make, once she be- comes a nation allied in friend- ship with her former enemies of the West and free in almost every sense of the word. Ministers Meet Two Hours Ministers of the four powers met for two hours in the late after- noon to act on more than 100 pages of intricate text designed to make West Germany free, only not quite. The meeting was held at the Paris headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. "Solutions were proposed for the few remaining issues," said a brief communique. "The experts were asked to modify the texts accord- ingly for resubmission to the four ministers Oct. 21." That's yester- day. The sight of four Western pow- ers-West Germany, France, Brit- ain and the United States-sitting together was something new in the NATO conference halls. Student Group Meets To' Plan Quad Reports Prof. Charles Olmstead of the engineering school met with stu- dent ulembers of Operation In- quiry's committee yesterday toar- range for final presentation of reports on University residence halls. Reports, all partially written,:- are tentatively due for submission to the Inter-House Council, Dec. 1. Harry Piper, '56L, writing on Plant and Facilities, Robert Baker '55L, on Student Government, Rog- er Kidston, '56L, on General Pur- poses of the System and Howard Nemorovski, Grad., and Bernard Berman, '55, on the Staff, are do- ing the reports. They will be submitted first to the whole committee for approval or alteratigns and then to the IHC. After IHC discussion the reports will go to the Residence Halls Board of Governors for possible action on proposals. Operation Inquiry was formed last December to investigate the success of the Michigan House Plan for student housing. Faculty members on the com- mittee include Prof. Frederick C. O'Dell of the architecture school, Prof. Frank X. Braun of the Ger- man' department, Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School and Prof. Olmstead, chairman. SL Petitioni - 25 Posts Open Petitioning for 25 seats on the Student Legislature to be filled in campus-wide elections scheduled tentatively for two days in the 'NEW GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES': Dulles, Cabinet Quizzed By DOROTHY MYERS Daily City Editor Special to The Daily NEW YORK - A parade of Re- publican cabinet members discuss- ing "New Objectives in Govern- ment'' sparked the New York Her- ald Tribune Forum's second and final session Tuesday. After a -keynote address on "Freedom's Progress Here and Abroad" by Central Intelligence Agency Director Allen W. Dulles, four cabinet members were quizzed by two journalists and two econo- mists. Later Atomic Energy Commis- sion Chairman Lewis L. Strauss fac.r nuetions from neinlist D u1 I e s described America's greatest asset in the cold war as man's love for freedom. "In the past few years thousands have fled Soviet rule in Europe and Asia," he said, but before the pres- ent crisis, the same people did not realize they would have to fight to have freedom. Cabinet Answers Cabinet members participating in a question-and-answer period on policies of the Eisenhower Admin- istration were Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of the Treasury George M. Humphrey, Secretary nf Thnr James P. Mitchell and out destroying our own freedoms." He promised there would be no prosecutions unless regular legal methods were followed both in the gathering of facts and in the trial itself. Defends Tax Bill Secretary Humphrey later as- serted the recent tax bill has been misrepresented by opponents who call it "a quick tax write-off for corporations and stock-holders." He claimed provisions encouraging investment and allowing more rap- id depreciation on equipment was necessary to encourage the econo- my. Speaking on "The Atom's Prom- -Daily-Chuck Kelsey Featuring Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," the Dramatic Arts Center's first season will open at 8:15 p.m. today in the Masonic Temple.