U THE MICHIGAN DAILY t7[7Ti 'E 'i TL'GTtAtT /1t^a7YAto Y.+*s-!!A. y ra' TH MCIGA AL WEVNENDALflX, OTOBER 20LJ ~, 195 A THE Nth DEGREE: Are U.S. Universities Too 'Democratic'? HE PRINCIPLE of education for all leads ulti- mately to education for none. Because of 'mass education' there has been an appalling growth of illiteracy at all levels of education even in the graduate level." This was part of a statement made by Douglas Bush, a professor of English at Harvard Univer- sity, at a meeting of the American Council of Edu- cation held last week in Chicago. Prof. Bush was arguing for higher admission requirements in the nation's colleges in view of the expected rise in college enrollment. Six hundred of the nations foremost educators met to discuss the problem which will result from the heavy increase of births during World War I. By 1970 they pointed out the present college enrollment will be doubled. The problem that the already crowded colleges and universities are facing now will only be inten- sified in the future. On the surface the current huge influx of stu- dents to college looks very promising. However upon close re-examination we find that many arej going to college because it is expected of them. Both socially and economically, society demands aI college diploma today, without any evaluation of what that particular piece of parchment means. Many others are attempting college without the proper background or ability. The result of this has been the lowering of academic standards in many of the nation's colleges and universities. Integration of both inferior and superior stu- dents in one classroom cannot be successful. With tighter admission requirements and a demand fons a higher level of work from college students, the intelligent student could find a challenge in his undergraduate work. If a student lacks the ability or incentive that college work demands then he does not belong in a college or university. However if all the student lacks is background which may be de- tected by admission tests, they should receive additional training before being admitted to a university. Prof. Bush summed up the whole problem very neatly when he pointed out: "The public must be convinced that higher edu- cation or what passes for that, is neither a birth- right nor a necessary badge of respectibility. Use- ful and happy lives can be led without a college degree. As things are, we have an army of misfits who lower educational standards and increase ex- pense." --Rona Friedman A Matter of Senanties: Who's a Liberal? PROBABLY THE most unanswered question today is: "What is liberalism?" Perhaps it is also the most unasked question, because everyone is sure he knows what liberalism is. As sure as he is that he is a "liberal." All this provides confusion to the last degree. When one talks about "liberalism," his listener or listeners often absorb his words under an entirely different conception of "liberalism." Many arguments result not from a disagreement on the relative merits of liberalism, but from a misunderstanding of definitions. What, then, is liberalism? Is it that which the 18th century called "liberalism?" Or is it some- thing new and different? Before answering these questions, it is necessary to put liberalism in its proper frame of reference. That it usually is not is the origin of the confusion. 4t must be made clear whether liberalism refers to political liberalism or economic liberalism. These two are not the same, despite the persis- tence of many in lumping them together under the one term, "liberalism." The liberalism of the 18th century was a political liberalism that concerned itself with the sovereignty of the people over the state and individual freedom. The essence of political liberalism is freedom. Within it, the state exists to protect the freedom of the individual, to develop his capabilities to a. maximum. In exercising the protection of free- . om, the state necessarily restricts individual freedom to an extent. Because complete freedom equals no freedom, the state promotes a maxi- mum of individual freedom by restricting the freedom to interfere with another's freedom. Political liberalism accomplishes this purpose through the procedural devices of the governmental system established to guarantee civil liberties through legal rights enforced by the power of the state, written or unwritten constitutions, and safe- guards against the abuse of civil liberty by the state itself. Political liberalism, then, finds its basis in the freedom of the individual within the political sphere of men's ruling men. Of late, however, it is becoming an uncon- scious custom to refer to what we call "left- wingers" as "liberals." When we say "left-wing- ers," we may be thinking of labor unions, social- ists, communists, or Communists, depending up- on the particular' target of our fury at the mo- ment. In using the term, "left-winger," we are thinking in economic terms, referring to those who are ostensibly in favor of a more equitable distribution of income. We have no real justification for equating "left- winger" with "liberal." Whether or not a "left- winger" is a "liberal" in no way depends upon those matters which led us to call him a "left- winger." Unless we mean specifically an economic liberal, we must look elsewhere than his economic convictions to determine whether or not he is a liberal in the political sense. But if we refer specifically to economic liberalism, then we have placed "left-wingers" in the wrong category, for they are not, economically speaking, liberals. Their relative political liberalism is no longer at issue. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig............ .......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers.................................City Editor Jon Sobeloff...............................Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.........................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad...........................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart..........................Associate Editor Dave Livingston...........................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin....................Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer_. ..... ......... Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz..........................Women's Editor Joy Squires.....................Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..... .. . ... . .... . .. . . Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.................... . .... . . Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........................... ..Business Manager S a.........Associate Business Manager Bill Wise............................Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski......................Finance Manager An economic liberal, from the original meaning of the word "liberal," would be one who insisted upon economic freedom of the individual, re- stricted only by the right to economic freedom of other individuals. Again, the state would act as a referee in this conflict of individual free- doms, as it does within the concept of political liberalism., This definition of economic liberalism leaves out Communism, communism, socialism, and, to an ex- tent, labor unions. They may or may not be hu- .manitarian, but they certainly are not economical- ly liberal. Their emphasis on enforced equality in materialistic terms, their emphasis on more ex- tensive state control of the individual's economic life belie this. Economic liberalism, then, is something apart from political liberalism. And economic convictions that brand a man a "left-winger," not only lack any pertinence to whether he is a political liberal, but also prove him not an economic liberal. As a re- sult, equating "left-wingers" with "liberals," is a gigantic mistake proceeding from a basic mis- understanding of liberalism. Before you call someone a liberal, make sure you really mean liberal, not "left-winger." Some liberals very much resent being clasified with "left-wing- ers." -Jim Dygert A Warning to the West WHEN REPRESENTATIVES of the Western Pow- ers meet in Paris beginning tomorrow to trans- late the Act of London into formal agreements to strengthen the Western defenses by including in them a rearmed Germany they will have before them another Soviet demonstration that they have no alternative except to proceed along the charted course. That demonstration has been provided by the latest Soviet-style "election" in East Germany, in which the Communist puppet regime claims a 99.3 per cent majority. This symbolic significance of the "election" was specifically emphasized by Mr. Molotov and his East German commisars. Mr. Molotov himself made an extended inspection of the preparations for it and announced that he was ready to discuss all proposals for "free all-German elections" if the West would agree to a new Big Four conference that he could exploit to delay and possibly kill both German rearmament and European unity. Is approval of the East German election preparations is evidence of what his concept of "free elections" is, and that concept was further underlined by "Deputy Premier" Ulbricht, who bluntly declared that this "election" was "the preparation for what we intend to apply later to the whole of Germany." The methods under which such "elections" are conducted are now well known. The voters are marched to the polls in what amounts to com- pulsory and open voting for a single Communist- appointed list which has no room for either "yes" or "no" and mdst be dropped unchanged into the ballot box under the eyes of the police. The few who dare abstain or use the voting booths provided for show purposes are subject to prosecution for "aid- ing the warmongers" and are carefully checked to terrorize the rest. That kind of an "election," ac- cording to the Communist propaganda, is a "truly democratic election" which, in contrast to the "long- outmoded parliamentary-type system," is without the "petty political quarrels among parties and free from the terror of monopolists and militarists." It is, of course, also an election which gives the voter nothing to choose, except perhaps going to jail. But it is the only system under which the Communist puppet regime can survive and expand. The real sentiments of the Germanic peoples have been demonstrated not only by the recent East German revolt and by the purge or defection of nearly one-sixth of all former East German parlia- mentary deputies but also by the latest elections in Austria, where the Communists vote was slashed to less than 6 per cent even in the Russian-domi- nated area. This contrast between Soviet-style "election" re- sults and the real will of the German people is an answer to those within Germany who would trade German rearmament and integration with the West for a delusory deal with the Soviets for German Tr ifn f.in 7+ n a o- l- h , .. , . r<"...- ., _ .. .. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round WASHINGTON-Here is a quick run-down on how the election is shaping up in the most bitterly fought congressional race in 20 years-a race into which Republi- cans are throwing almost as much money as if the presidency were at stake.: New York-Whoever carries this largest electoral state has a leg up in nominating the presidential candidates in 1956. So far it looks as if Sen. Irving Ives, Republican, is slightly ahead in the run for governor. However, contributions began to flow in to Averell Harri- man, Democrat, in increased quantities the day Charles Wilson barked his dog remark. In the end he could win. Pennsylvania-For the first time in 20 years it looks as if the Dem- ocrats would elect a governor. When young George Leader, rel- atively u n k n o w n Democratic chicken farmer was nominated, he was tabbed a throw-away candi- date. Now, thanks to GOP bumb- ling, the scandals of Governor Fine's organization, a n d unem- ployment, he's likely to win. Democrats will also pick up about five House seats. California - Gov. "G o o d y" Knight, Republican, holds the lead for re-election, but Democrat Rich- ard Graves is pushing him more than expected. Congressman Sam Yorty, Democrat, an early odds- off candidate, now looks like an even bet with GOP Sen. Tom Ku- chel. Some polls place him slight- ly ahead. Iowa-Sen. Guy Gillette, Demo- crat, will be almost unbeatable despite Iowa's rock-ribbed Repub- licanism. This time, young Clyde Herring, son of the late Democra- tic senator by that name, is mak- ing quite a race for the gover- norship. Wyoming - Ex-Sen. Joe O'Ma- honey, long a fixture in the Senate, is a sure-shot to come back. This will reduce the Republican mar- gin by one seat. Colorado - John Carroll, live- wire ex-congressman and former member of Truman's White House staff, is ahead in the race for senator. Carroll and retiring Sen. Ed Johnson, once political ene- miesrhave patched up their feud and are pulling together-a comb- ination hard to beat. Johnson is running for governor. Idaho-A few years ago, Glen Taylor, Democratic senator and vice-presidential candidate on the Henry Wallace Progressive ticket, was considered all washed up po- litically. Now he's giving GOP Sen- ator Dworshak such a race that he's likely to win. Taylor has cut out the cowboy crooning and is campaigning on a straight anti- Republican ticket. The electric power lobby and Hells Canyon are his biggest issue. .Oregon-Hasn't elected a Demo- cratic senator in 40 years, but it looks as if young Dick Neuberger, author and newspaperman, might make it. GOP Sen. Guy Cordon has lots of money behind him, but Neu- berger has two great assets-in addition to his own ability-his wife, an Oregon legislator, and the indefatigable Sen. Wayne Morse who is talking in every nook and corner of the state. South Dakota-Normally, a Dem- ocrat hasn't a chance in this state. However, a secret Republican poll shows GOP Sen. Karl Mundt, who reaped both fame and criticism in the Army-McCarthy hearings, to be only slightly ahead of Kenneth' Holum, the Farmer-Democrat. In other words, South Dakota is a doubtful state. Kansas-Sen. Andy , Schoeppel, incumbent Republican, told Vice President Nixon when he went through Kansas recently that "If the election was held today, I'd' lose." He urged Nixon to stay and make an extra speech, which Nixon did. Despite this, George McGill, the ex-senator who wrote the first Farm Price Support Bill under FDR, is running like a house afire, may upset all the political timetables. Kansas is also a doubt- ful state. Ohio-Congressman George Ben- der, Republican, is running neck- and-neck with Sen. Tom Burke, Democrat, the long-time and able former mayor of Cleveland. Sec- retary of the Treasury George Humphrey, the biggest business- man in Ohio, is putting big money and heavy pressure behind Bender, while Burke is running with a bare campaign cupboard. It's anybody's race. Illinois-If all the Republican money poured into Illinois is offi- cially tabulated, it should prove larger than that of any other state. The McCarthyites, the Chicago Tribune crowd, and various other Republican factions would like nothing better than to defeat Sen. Paul Douglas, ex - Marine hero Democrat, who has s t o o d up against Eisenhower on economic policies, while supporting him on foreign policies. However, they are going to have a tough time. AAUP Statement.. To the Editor: THERE HAVE been a number of references recently in the Mi- chigan Daily to the AAUP (Am- erican Association of University Professors) Statement of Princi- ples on Academic Freedom and Tenure). It is this statement that includes reference to "severance pay" for faculty members dismiss- ed for cause. As a member of AAUP, I am proud to have this organization's name identified with this State- ment of Principles. However, the recent discussion of this Statement appears to assume that it is a uni- lateral pronouncement of AAUP. This is not the case, as is shown by the following excerpts from a statement by Dr. Ralph Himstead, General Secretary of the AAUP. In 1925 the American Coun- cil on Education called a con- ference of representatives of a number of its constituent mem- bers, among them the American Association of University Pro- fessors, for the purpose of form- ulating a short statement of principles on academic freedom and tenure. The statement for- mulated at this conference, known as the 1925 Conference Statement on Academic Free- dom and Tenure, was endorsed by the Association of American Colleges in 1925 and by the Am- erican Association of University Professors in 1926. In 1940, following a series of joint conferences begun in 1934, representatives of the American Association of University Pro- fessors and of the Association of American Colleges agreed up- on a restatement of the prin- ciples set forth in the 1925 Con- ference Statement. This restate- ment, known to the profession as the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Ten- ure, was officially endorsed by {PARi'ME; r 2 ( ASR ,r' d' " 4J=! ) it / k f "Heart Attack, Poor Chap. Send Flowers And List Him As A Security Risk" t ... eeertohecliop..-. the- following organizations in the years indicated: Association of American Col- leges ...-..............1941 American Association of Uni- versity Professors ........1941 American Library Association (with adaptations for librar- ians) ....................1946 Association of American Law Schools...............1946 American Political Science Association..............1947 American Association of Col- leges for Teacher Education* .. . ...... . ...... .....1950 Association for Higher Edu- cation, National Education As- sociation...............1950 ..JA.C ~Mwr I hope that this letter will serve to close the matter. Mr. Davis did not appear be- cause, in a telephone conversation with me on the afternoon of the meeting, he stated that it would, be difficult and embarassing for him to speak before a public body while under District Court super- vision. We further agreed that since his appearance was solely to inform the SL on the severance pay issue, and since he might well give his information to some mem- ber of SL by telephone, his appear- ance would be unnecessary. The SL in no way bowed to pressure or threats by the Admin- istration. There were, indeed, no threats, although many people have interpreted the sincere con- cern of Messrs. Bingley and Rea as threat. At the close of our conversation, Dean Rea and 'Mr. Bingley were fully aware of my expressed inten- tion to continue the meeting with Mr. Davis in attendance. Therefore, regardless of appear- ances or misunderstandings in the press, Mr. Davis' failure to appear , was due only to an agreement be- tween myself and Mr. Davis that his presence was unnecessary to the informed debate of the SL on the matter at hand. One further point. In accusing "members of the faculty and ad- ministration of bad faith," I was not referring to either Dean Rea or Mr. Bingley. I meant to convey the idea that those members of the faculty and administration who had questioned SL's right to consider this matter of severance pay were acting in bad faith. SL has the right to consider whatever it believes is of direct concern to students and their role in the educational community. The C & E Committee's judgment in this matter may be questioned, but not their right./ I sincerely hope that this ex- planation ends the controversy t and misunderstanding. --Steve Jelin 'resident, SL * Endorsed by predecessor, American Association of Teach- ers Colleges, in 1941. I trust that this will clarify the origin and authority of the AAUP Statement of Principles. -Gardner Ackley, President, U. of M. Chapter, AAUP * * * SL Clarification . To the Editors: 'THE misinterpretations of my re- marks in -Homer Cooper's Let- ter to the Editor of October 19 indicated that some final explan- ation is in order, of Chandler Dav- is' failure to appear before the SL. President, SL .1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I II I11 ^ IM IY 11 1 1 1 ' (Continued from Page 2) terviews at the Bureau of Appoint-! ments: Tues., Oct. 26j Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., To- ledo, hio -Feb. & Juneagraduates in LS&A and Bus. Ad. for Training Pro- grain in Purchasing,( advertising, Per- sonnel. Cost Control, Manufacturing, and Sales. Wed., Oct. 27 Michigan Civil Service Commission- Anyone i n any department except Engrg. for various positions including county welfare work. Positions are open in Social Work, Psych., Social Sci- ence, Pol. Sci., Econ., Bus. Ad., Account- ing, Statistics, Nursing, Spec. Ed., Phys. Ed., Lib. Sci., and Journalism, Chem., Etc. Thurs., Oct. 28 National Security Agency, Wash., D.C. --in the afternoon; (1) all degree lev- els in Math. (Probability & Statistics, Algebra, Math. Logic) for Research, Ap- plication, & Computer Logic. (2) All degree levels in Languages (Slavic and Asiatic preferred) for Research, Trans- lation, & Analysis. (3) B.A. in Liberal Arts (with minor in above fields) for Research, Analysis, & Reporting. Fri., Oct. 29 National Security Agency, Wash., D.C. -See above. Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews with any of the above companies should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUEST: U.S. Army Corps of Engrs., Chicago District, Chicago, Ill., has a vacancy for an Information Officer, GS-010-12, to be Chief, Tech. Liaison Branch. Re- quires 6 yrs. of experience in journal- ism-degree work may be substituted for 3 of the yrs. For further information about this or other job opportunities, contact the Bureau of Appointments, ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Lectures Lecture. Madeline S. Strony, author- ity on office procedures, will speak to office staffs Wed., Oct. 20, 8:00 a.m., Room 271, 2nd 3:00 p.m., Room 130, School of Business Administration; and at 1 :00 p.m. in Room 150 Hutchins Hall (reserved for administrative assistants, supervisors, and secretaries to deans and department heads), cademie Notices Geometry Seminar will meet in 3001 A.H. at 7:00 p.m. Wed., Oct. 20. Prof. George Y. Rainich will reflect on some applications of Cartan calculus to dif- ferential geometry. Engineering Senior and Graduate Stu- dent Seminar: Wed., Oct. 20, 4:00 p.m., Room 311, West Engineering, Discussion of Engineering Experiences in Sales and Application Work by representa- tives of Detroit Edison, Ingersoll-Rand, General Electric, Michigan Bell Tele- phone, and Westinghouse. To deans and department heads: The Personnel Office has arranged to have Orientation Seminar: Wed., Oct 20 will be heard at 8:30 pm. Thurs., Oct.' at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3001 Angell Hall. 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. An Sister Alicia will speak on "Con:tiued Instructor in voice in the School of Fractions." Music, Mr. Kimes has planned a pro- gram of works by Purcell, Falconieri, Preliminary Examinations in Eng- Schumann, Gomes, Chausson, Hahn, lish: Applicants for the Ph.D. in Eng- Poulenc, Vaughan Williams, Howard lish who expect to take the prelim- Swanson, Dello Joio, Dougherty, and inary examinations this fall are re- Michael Head. He will be accompanied quested to leave their names with Dr. by Charles Fisher, Instructor in Piano. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examina- The program will be open to the public tions will be given as follows: English without charge. Literature from its Beginnings to 1550, Tlues., Nov. 16; English Literature, 1550- , a us St.ov20Enlih e tt; Events Today 1750, Sat., Nov. 20; English Literature, 1750-1950, Tues,, Nov. 23; and Ameri- The first meeting of the Research can Literature, Sat., Nov. 27. The ex- Club for the academic year 1954-55 will amination will be given in Room 71, be held in the amphitheatre of the School of Business Administration, Rackham Building on Wed., Oct. 20, at from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 8:00 p.m. The following naners will be given: M.A. Language Examination in His- tory. Fri., Oct. 22, 4:15-5:15 p.m. 429 Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office. Can bring a dictionary, To Instructors of Engineering Fresh- men: Five-week grades for all Engineer- ing Freshmen are due in the Secre- tary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building on Mon., Oct. 25. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The freshman five- week progress reports will be due Fri., Oct. 22, in the Faculty Counselors Of- fice for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall, Doctoral Examination for James Ev- erett Dyson, Jr., Bacteriology; thesis : "A Study of Yeast Phase Antigens in the Delayed Skin Reactions of Experi- mental Histoplasmosis and Blastomy- cosis," Thurs., Oct. 21, 3542 East Med- ical Building, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. E. Evans. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap- plication of Mathematics to Social Sci- ence will meet on Thurs., Oct. 21, room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. D. B. suits will speak on "Empirical Analysis of a Dynamic Market." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will, meet Thurs., Oct. 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Dr. J, H. Giese, visiting lecturer, will continue. Topic: "Canonical Equations for Non-Linearized Irrotational Conical Flow." College of Architecture and Design freshman five week grade reports are due Wed., Oct. 27. Please send them to 207 Architecture Building. Sociology Grad-Faculty Coffee Hour, 4:00 p.m. today in the department lounge, Concerts The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch, Conductor, will be heard in the third concert of the Choral Union Series, Wed. in Hill Au- ditorium, at 8:30 p.m. The program for this occasion is as follows: Suite for Orchestra, No. 4 by Bach (heard for the first time at these concerts); Dvorak's Symphony No. 5; and Ex- cerpts from Berlioz' "Romeo and Ju- liet" A limited number of tickets are still available, at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Tow- er. Tickets will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night +f te rnnetnffp 7 nn n m ill lllU11,pt ptlsWl ~ giel Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin, Professor of Astronomy: "A new theory of the Mar- tian surface." Dr. Max Loehr, Professor of Far Eastern Art: "Chinese and Scythian animal styles." First Baptist Church. Wed., Oct. 20. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Midweek Chat of Roger Williams Guild in the Guild House. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet Wed., Oct. 20 in the League at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Anderson-Imbert will speak. The program will also include a Spanish movie and dancers from Colombia and Venezuela. Singing and dancing will follow. Vengan todos! The Zoology Club urges all students taking biological sciences to come to the next meeting when William L. Brudon, noted biological illustrator at the University Museums, will talk on "The Techniques of Classroom Draw- ing." The meeting will be held Wed., Oct. 20, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 3126, Natural Science Building. Refresh- ments will be served following the meeting. Everyone is welcome to at- tend! Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on Wed., Oct. 20, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Student - Faculty Tea Wed., Oct. 20, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House, All women students are invited to hear Mrs. Madeline Strony at 3:00 p.m, Wed., Oct. 20, in Room 131, School of Business Administration, Mrs. Strony is a nationally recognized consultant to business and an authority on initial job opportunities for women. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Wed., 7:00 p.m., Discussion Group--meet to select topic at Guild House SRA Fall Electorate will be held Wed. from 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. at Lane Hall. All Guilds are urged to send a dele- gation. Lane Hall. Comparative Religions Seminar. Subject for this week, "Juda- ism." Resource leader, Dr. Herman Ja- cobs, Director of the Hillel Foundation. Lane Hall Library. Wed., 7:15-8:30 p.m. All engineering students are invited to a one hour program of movies on "Basic Electronics" moderated by Dr. Alan B. Macnee Wed., Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in room 2084 East Engineering Building. Sponsored by Eta Kappa Nu. APutP -ti n" ll.oc ir s R n srn ,' ments will be served following the dis- cussion. All are urged to attend. Psychology Coffee Hour-The third in a series of Union student-faculty coffee hours will be held from 3:00- 5:00 p.m. today in the terrace room of the Michigan Union, and will feature the Psychology Department. The gen- eral public is invited to meet and talk with the faculty, and Psychology stu- dents are especially urged to attend, Re- freshments will be served. Lutheran Student Association-wed., 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Join us at the Coffee Break at the Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Everybody is .invited to participate in the Israeli Dance Group, which will meet Wed., Oct. 20, 9:00 p.m., at the HillelrFoundation. Come and bring your friends! The Student Zionist Group will hold its next ]regular meeting on Wed., Oct. 20, 8:00 p.m., at the. Hillel Foundation. The term's educational and social pro- grams will be discussed. All interested students are invited to attend. Coming Events The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Thurs. 5:05-5:30 p.m., Mid-week medi- tation in Douglas Chapel of the Con- gregational Church. Fri., 7:30 p.m., Wie- ner Roast. Meet at the Guild House. Call in reservations-3-5838-by Thurs. evening. (Cost 35c). International Center Tea. Thurs., Oct. 21, 4:30-6:00 p.ip., Rackham Building. Freshman Discussion Group. Topic: "Imitortality-concern for the present or a future life?" All freshmen wel- come. Lane Hall Library, Thurs., 7:15 p.m. Lane Hall Lecture: Elfan Rees, Advi- sor on Refugee Affairs to the World Council of Churches and Secretary of the Commission of the Churches on In- ternational Affairs, will speak on "The United Nations and the World Council of Churches." Auditorium 'A', Angell, 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 21. Reception at Lane Hall following lecture. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on Thurs., Oct. 21, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs. from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union cafeteria. Everyone is welcome to join us in informal French conversation:~ The Michigan Crib will hold a cof- fee hour, Thurs., Oct. 21, at 8:00 p.m. on the second floor of the League. All interested in law are invited to attend. Sigma Rho Tau-The regular weekly meeting of all engineers, architects, and technologists interested in public speaking will be held Thurs. at 7:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union Room 3-R. Ralph Showalter, a prominent CIO of- ficial, will lead a discussion on the "Guaranteed Annual Wage," which will begin at 7:30. The public is invited to come at 7:30. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice, north end of the Michigan League, will open 10:00 a.m. Mon., Oct. 25, for +hs. gnon irr- n. 1 va.+,- is -f' A I