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October 20, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-20

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Are U.S. Universities
Too Democratic?
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State





Activities Center
Plans Progress
Ten-Man Student Committee Begins
Job of Solving Remaining Problems

4 #

Daily Managing Editor
Plans for the proposed Student Activities Center moved ahead
yesterday as the 10-man student building committee sat down to map
out solutions to remaining problems.
Approved unanimously in principle by the Board of Regents in
May, the activities building is being planned to provide meeting and
work space for student groups presently operating under crowded or
otherwise inadequate conditions.
In agreeing to the project the Regents authorized Vice-President
Wilbur K. Pierpont to study possible sites, consider most economical
uses of space and report in detail on problems involved in financing.
Group Formed
Formation of a three-man sub-committee to re-examine the space
problem followed a discussion of the three problem areas at yester-
day's meeting. The group expects to work with Gordon L. Hansen
of the Business Office and report back within a month.
The full committee, headed by Joint Judiciary Chairman Tawfiq
Khoury, '55E, will meet regularly
1-Fridays in an effort to submit a re-
Ir News vised brief to the Regents within
o ldNseveral months.
Began Last Fall
R Oundup Work on the Activities Center got
under way last fall when the first
By The Associated Press planning committee was organized
Saar . . . to collect data on space needs of
PARIS - French officials yester-student groups and determine the
day r- rd some progress was general concept of the building.
made tward solving the status of The group presented a seven-
the Saar valley. page brief to the Regents in Janu-
The report came after six hours ary recommending approval of the
of conferences between Premier co-educational student activities
Pierre Mendes-France and West building concept governed by an
German Chancellor Konrad Ade- independent board and financed by
nauer. a five dollar per semester student
The two statesmen ranged over fee.
problems standing in the way of Outcome of the January meet-
West German sovereignty and re- ing was a Regential authorization
armament. to procede with studies and pre-
* * *sent further reports.
Formosa...* Hatcher's Recommendation
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - The Following the March Regents'
United Nations Assembly Steering meeting, when action on the proj-
Committee decisively rejected So- ect was deferred, University Presi-
viet demands yesterday for imme- dent Harlan H. Hatcher asked
diate debate on American air and the committee to go over the pro-
sea activity around Formosa and posed space requirements "in the
the ocean off the Red China main- cold light of economics."
land. It was felt that the original $2,-
It voted 12-2 to postpone the ques- 350,000 cost estimate would have
tion for 14 days after new and to be pared down in the final
bitter exchanges in the committee planning.
between United States delegate The report accepted by the Re-
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and Rus- gents in May called for a building
sia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky. Russia involving 55,000 square feet of
and Czechoslovakia voted against space for student activities and 10,-
the delay. 000 square feet for an administra-
tion wing to house the Office of
Ives Student Offairs and the Offices of
NEW YORK -- Republican Senthe Dean of Men and Dean of
Irving M. Ives, in a statewide tel-. Women.
evision speech yesterday, accused Commenting on the formation of
Averell Harriman, his Democratic- the new committee, President
Liberal opponent for the governor- Hatcher expressed hope that "we
ship, of being involved in a $250,000 can find a proper solution to a
New York waterfront scandal in very pressing need for student ac-
1930. tivity facilities here."
He asked his listeners to decide Membership of the !]-man plan-
whether Harriman "is fit to be ning committee includes heads of
governor of New York." leading campus organizations.

FTC Attacks
Complaints on 17
Companies Filed
By The Associated Press
The government accused 17 of
the nation's health, hospital and
accident insurance companies yes-
terday of misrepresenting benefits
they offer millions of customers.
Chairman Edward F. Howrey of
the Federal Trade Commission an-
nounced the complaints, charging
"false and misleading advertis-
ing." He said that in a 10-month
inquiry of nearly 900 other health
and accident insurance companies,
the FTC has found hundreds of
similar practices and will file addi-
tional complaints.
The FTC action involved com-
panies in Texas, Missouri, Illinois,
Utah, New York, Indiana; Dela-
ware, Nebraska and Arkansas. In
some cases, the commission said,
misleading statements were made
about the extent of coverage of
policies; in others there was al-
leged misrepresentation about max-
imum benefits or other matters.
Companies 'Surprised'
Members of seven Chicago in-
surance firms, among the 17 ac-
cused by the Federal Trade Com-
mission of "false and misleading"
advertising, expressed surprise at
the FTC's action.
A spokesman for Bankers Life
and Casualty Co. said "This action
is more or less a bombshell. I am
sure the FTC and our company are
agreed on our wish to protect the
Premiums of $300 Million
"In the aggregate," the FTC
said, "the 17 companies named in
the proceedings account for annual
premiums of 300 million dollars,
representing about one-third of the
total accident and health coverage
on an individual policy basis in
the United States.
"The four largest companies in
this field-Mutual Benefit Iealth
& Accident Assn.; of Omaha, Neb.;
Mutual of Omaha; Bankers Life
and Casualty Co., of Chicago; The
White Cross Plan; Reserve Life
Insurance Co., of Dallas, Tex.; and
United Insurance Co., Chicago-
are among the 17 companies cited
for alleged misrepresentation of
their policies."
Federal Court
Grants Davis
More Time
Special. to The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS - Dismissed
University mathematics instructor
H. Chandler Davis was given more
time in Federal Court here today
to submit arguments that his in-
dictment for contempt of Congress
should be dropped.
The motion to dismiss the indict-
ment was filed by Davis' attorney,
Phillip Wittenberg of New York.
At the same time, Federal Dis-
trict Judge W. Wallace Kent gave
United States District Attorney
Wendell Miles a time extension for
preparing reply briefs. Miles was
also given two weeks to consult
with the Department of Justice on
whether the indictment should be
The contempt indictment was re-
turned by a Federal grand jury
last month, after Congress had vot-
ed to cite Davis for refusing to tes-

tify at the May 10 Clardy Commit-
tee hearings in Lansing.
Davis claims the indictment
makes no distinction as to "ques-
tions that have legal pertinence to
the investigation" by the House
group and is invalid.
DAC Shaw Play
Set for Tomorrow
Telling the story of a romantic
young lady who must choose be-
tween a soldier with equally ro-
mantic ideas, and a more real-
istic professional warrier, Bernard
Shaw's "Arms and t he Man"
opens at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Single admissrons, which will be
sold for the first two Dramatic
Arts Center productions, are priced
at $1.65. Regular memberships cost
$10, and half-season memberships,
entitling the holder to see the first
three nrnitinns nf theC nter's



Suez Occupation







'Cancel Plan
To Invite
After a week's consideration,
the Student Legislature Culture
and Education Committee decid-
ed yesterday to table its motion
proposing severance pay for for-
mer mathematics instructor, H.
Chandler Davis.
The motion had " been present-
ed to SL last Wednesday, but re-
sulted in a 26 to 3 vote to return
it to committee for further study.
Hank Berliner, '56, speaking for
the C&E committee said that the
reconsideration had come about
mainly because it was uncertain
whether such an issue was under
SL jurisdiction.
Ask Member Cut
SL business tonight will con-
sider two Campus Action commit-
tee motions, one to cut the legal
campus organization member lim-
it from 30 to 20 students, and one
asking for a revised system of ap-
pointing, rather than electing J-
Hop committee members.
An issue evolving earlier this
week concerning an invitation to
National Labor Youth League
President Leon Wofsy was resolved
last night when Paul Dormont,
'56, said that he would not ask SL
to vote on whether or not to ap-
[prove such an invitation.
Since unanimous SL approval is
needed to allow any outside speak-
er to be heard, this would close the
question at this time.
According to Dormont, it was
not planned that Wofsy would
speak on any issue being consid-
ered by SL at this time. However,
he said, "It is no mistake to say
that many students are interested!
in LYL."
Dormont had earlier planned to
have Wofsy at the meeting to-
night and ask for SL approval at
that time. However, at Monday's'
cabinet session, most members
disapproved the action.
'Adverse to SL'
Larry Harris, '56, SL treasurer
said at the time that having Wof-
sy before the body "would be ad-
verse to the Legislature's prestige."
Sandy Hoffman, '56, Public Re-
lations head said, "If we set a
precedent, anyone who can't speak
anywhere else on campus will ask
to speak before us."




Quest ion
Tulane University students
were convicted yesterday of dis-
turbing the peace following a
panty raid by 500 male stu-
dents at a girls' dormitory on
the Tulane campus.
The girls in the dormitory
offered little resistance to the
t raiders as the crowd of boys
sent up chants of "we want a
k . strip tease" and "we want a
4' { panty raid."
One girl said some of the
coeds encouraged the raiders
because "it was good for school
spirit. That was more spirit at
a ' Tulane than I can remember."
O"4 f2

-Daily-Dean Morton
IFC-PANHEL representatives Diana Brouse, '57, and Alan Reid-
inger, '57, contact Mrs. Francis J. Hellems and daughter Kathy
for Community Chest contribution.
AfiitsAssist Drive
'or Comntunity Chest
One-hundred-forty University fraternity and sorority membersI
participated last night in the residence canvass portion of the Ann
Arbor Community Chest drive.
Split into 22 section groups, the students contacted 2,000 homes
representing one-fifth of the drive.
' 1,000 Citizens Canvass
Sponsored by the Interfraternity Council and Pan-Hellenic, the
affiliates were part of the more than 1,000 citizens canvassing
- Ann Arbor homes yesterday in an
attempt to boost Community
One-Act [laVS Chest fund figures closer to its
announced goal of $176,800.
To Be Given Chest officials hoped to net
$41,715 from the residence collec-
tion part of the drive. Last night's
Currently in rehearsal, the three results will be announced today.
productions of the speech depart-
ment's First Laboratory Playbill Before yesterday the drive was
will be presented at 8 p.m. to- almost half-way to its goal with
morrow and Friday at the Lydia $80,750 collected.
Mendelssohn Theater. Dick Ainslow, '57, publicity


Hil Concert
'To Be Given
The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
conducted by Charles Munch, will
appear for the 33rd time in Ann Ar-
bor at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Their program includes Bach's
"Suite No. 4 for Orchestra," Dvor-
ak's "Symphony No. 5" and ex-
cerpts from Berlioz's "Romeo and
Its conductors have been chosen
from the ranks of Europe's well
known musicians. Charles Munch
follows in the footsteps of Serge
Koussevitzky, P i e r r e Monteux,
Karl Muck and Emil Paur.
In 1952, the Orchestra went to
Europe to perform in Paris as part
of the Festival of the Arts given
by the Congress for Cultural Free-
dom. Pierre Monteux divided the
conducting honors with Munch as
the orchestra continued through
Tickets priced at $3.50, $3, $2.50,
$2 and $1.50 are still ,available at
the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society in Burton Tower. They
will also be on sale after 7 p.m. to-
day at the Hill Auditorium box of-i

.Britain Has
20 Months
To Leave
Nasser, Nutting
Sign 7 Year Pact
CAIRO, Egypt UP)--Under close
security guard, British and Egyp-
tian diplomats yesterday signed a
'historic treaty to end Britain's
occupation of the Suez Canal zone
within 20 months.
A proclamation held Egyptian
police and armed forces in a state
of alert after alleged agents of the
Communists and the fanatical
Moslem Brotherhood had stoned.
and wrecked two buses near Cairo.
Proclamation Precautional
Officials said the alerting pro-
clamation was merely precaution-
al. They explained the incident
that pr6mpted it occurred at a
youth rally held in the Giza area
near the Great Pyramid to cele-
brate the end of 72 years of Brit-
ish military activity in Egypt. A
few persons were reported injured
and several were arrested for
The treaty calling for withdraw-
al of the 83,000 British troops was
signed by the Egyptian Premier,
Lt. Col, Gamal Abdel Nasser,
whose army coup dethroned- King
Farouk Aug. 26, 1952, and An-
thony Nutting, British minister of
Troops There Since 1882
This will mark the first time
British troops will be absent from
the Canal zone since 1882, when
they were moved in to support the
Khedive of the Ottoman Empire.
Tuesday night's ceremony cli-
maxed months of hard bargain-
ing. The signing came 12 weeks
after agreement was reached in
principle on the broad terms.
Some Bases Retained
These include the right of the
British to return to the base at
any time within the next seven
years if an outside power attacks
Turkey or any Arab state. The
two countries will decide during
the seventh year whether they
want to extend the treaty.
Throughout the duration of the
agreement, British civilian con-
tractors will maintain some bases
under Egyptian administration of
the zone.


Elmer Rice Chides
'Pressure Groups'
"We must have unlimited freedom," Pulitzer-Prize winning play-
wright Elmer Rice said yesterday in a talk on "Censorship in the
Arts" at Rackham Lecture Hall.
- Rice chided "pressure groups" for trying to censor the arts when
expressed opinions differed from group-held opinions. "The right
to speak carries with it the right to hear and to listen. It is essen-
tial that every point of view be expressed no matter how dangerous
it is," Rice said.
In discussing censorship in music and painting, Rice said that he
couldn't understand how music

could be communistic. "Commu-
nism," he said, "has become a
catch-all adjective to describe
anything you don't like."
Pressure and Persuasion
Stating that he did not disap-
prove of minority' groups, Rice
said, "There is a difference be-
tween using pressure and using
As specific examples of "pres-
sure group" censorship, Rice cited
the banning of. "The Miracle" by
the Catholic Church and of "Oli-
News Writer
Jackson Dies
H. C. L. Jackson, columnist of

It was decided at the meeting Leonard To Toui r
that Dormont might ask the en-
tire body tonight whether approv- Downtown Area
al for Wofsy a week from today
would be forthcoming. Donald S. Leonard, Republican
However, according to Dormont, gubernatorial nominee, will be in
the question will not be raised. Ann Arbor tomorrow afternoon to
The Legislature will hold its tour the downtown district.
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Accompanying him will be Con-
Strauss Dining Room, East Quad. gressman George Meader.

Starts Bucket Drive

Two scenes from Clair Boothe's
"The Women," Percival Wilde's
"Over the Teacups" and "Lord
Byron's Love Letter" by Tennessee
Williams are all being staged and
directed by students in advanced
theater courses.

ver Twist" by the anti-deflama-
tion league of B'nai Brith, a Jew-
ish organization. He said the Civil
Liberties Union had fought for
"free expression" against both
these organizations.
Rice explained that as a member
of the American Civil Liberties
Union, he has been fighting cen-
sorship for years.
"Fifty years ago, if a person had
something to say he sought a me-
dium of expression. Now it is com-
pletely reversed. The new mediums
like television and movies go to
people to get them to express some-
thing," he said. Rice added that
this was responsible for many of
today's censorship problems.
Too Much Concentration
"There is too high a concentra-
tinn nf nwnershin in mnvies. n

chairman for the IFC-Pan-Hel-
lenic portion of the drive, said
yesterday that this is the first time
University students have partici-
pated in large numbers in the Ann
Arbor Red Feather campaign.
Another First
He also emphasized it was the
first time organized groups of fra-
ternity and sorority members had
ever helped a local community
chest drive in the United States.
Each of the 22 sections was co-
chairmaned by a fraternity and
sorority member. In addition 100
students helped collect.
Collections were deposited in
booths located in the Union, Lea-
gue, Stockwell Hall, and Sigma
Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Sigma
Cannisters were placed in each
sorority and fraternity when the
drive started for individual contri-
butions. Some fraternities are con-
tributing a lump check to the
Although students worked only
between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. yester-
day, local residents canvassed all
Cousins T'o Talk
To MEA Group
Members of the local section of
the Michigan Education Associa-
tion will hear a talk by Norman
Cousins tomorrow and Friday.
Editor of the Saturday Review of
Literature, Cousins will speak on

that they do not trust the people
to find the truth," he commented.
Two Challenges to Freedom
Basically there are two chal-
lenges to our freedom, Governor
Dewey explained. The inevitable
internal challenge to freedom will
be met "so long as a preponder-
ence of our people is willing con-
tinuously to remove imperfections
-to struggle for genuine equal op-
portunity for all."
Currently the external threat
arises "not solely because world
Communism is a military dicta-
torship over some 800 million peo-
"'The menace is greatest because
under the guise of promising all
things to all people, it puts the
most ancient and brutal of slavery
into the glittering, flase garb of
a new kind of freedom" he con-

- -


Campaign Slander
Daily City Editor
Special to The Daily
NEW YORK-New York's Governor Thomas E. Dewey asserted
Monday an "increasing degree of irresponsibility in political cam-
paigns" is endangering the nation's freedom.
Keynoting the 1954 New York Herald Tribune forum devoted
to discussing "steps toward racial integration," Governor Dewey
deplored the distortion of facts and lies used today in hard-fought
political campaigns.
"We seem increasingly to witness the paradox of candidates who
expect the people to trust them when they show by their utterances

City were a group of economic,
political and social specialists who
discussed steps toward racial in-
tegration as they are taking place
in the South, Washington, D.C.,
Claymont, Del., and New York
Harry ,Ashmore, executive edi-
tor of the Arkansas Gazette, claim-
ed segregation was a ,nation-wide
Explains Problem
Since the migrant southern Ne-
groes face residential and social
segregation in all northern cities,
he explained the problem as one
between "the American white who
does not accept the Negro as to-
tally equal, and the American
Negro who is no longer willing to
remain in an integral position."


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