PAGE TOUR .I JRA MCHIGAN DATLY MW"" M'!1 a :s w'ra. s:w«.... ..... . ... . 1'AGl FO\iTWI1 1run>A1AT1. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1951 top no te i By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor HARD AS IT may try, the 12-man Committee on Student Government will find no easy ans- wers to problems of student government when it meets Thursday to consider changes in the Laing Plan. Two basically different concepts of student government are at issue. And no amount of talk alout working constructively with administration and Regents can hide that fact. This is not to say that a solution can not be found satisfactory to all sides. But this solution must be based on thor- ough understanding of the needs of the campus community and the concept of student government which will best satisfy those needs. Preliminary to any discussion about the job facing the study committee, however, is a consid- eration of the condition of student government on campus at the moment. A characteristic remark of the fraternity man picking up his paper at break- fast is a disgusted, "what's SL up to now?" This is by no means a new observation, but in the fall 1954 semester it serves to typify general student feeling about the present form of student government. There is a good deal of irony in this kind of bathrobe-and-black-coffee remark. What the fra- ternity man really means is, "what kind of crack- pots are these people who call themselves the Stu- dent Legislature, and where do they get their nerve claiming to represent me?" Interestingly enough these same "crackpqts" got where they are because our young friend and several thousand others voted for them in the last all-campus election. Like it or not they are his representatives. What the irate fraternity man is objecting to is the confusion and lack of direction afflicting a student government having on official status or recognition in the University community and apparently living on borrowed time. Such is the framework in which the present Student Legis- lature finds itself. Couple with this the failure of individual members of the Legislature to main- tain any degree of real contact with the student they allegedly represent, plus an almost chronic tactlessness in handling issues, and the general disgust is understandable. To date the only significant step taken to streng- then the Legislature has been a move toward a party system, at best an adventure of doubtful out- come. While factions might occasionally develop on two sides of a single issue such as "whether to allow communists to teach," it is unlikely that suc- cessful parties could be sustained in the type of is- sues usually facing the campus. No small measure of SL's problem this fall, how- ever, stems from the proposed Student Government Council plan, expected to make the Legislature a bad dream by next semester. Delay in bringing the plan into operation has already caused con- siderable confusion; prolonged delay might well be disastrous. Indeed the transition to the new form, if there is to be a new form, must come before very long or the student body will have become so dis- illusioned with the whole idea of student govern- ment that they'd rather do without, * * * *. WHAT THEN is the basis for effective student government? It is an official recognition on the part of University administration that student government has a very definite part to play in the educational role of the University. That part in- cludes giving the student body a large measure of control over affairs pertaining exclusively to them and a voice in forming policies which affect them In their role as students. Student government logically performs in three areas. First, it serves formally, to crystallize and represent student opinion to proper faculty and administrative officers. It represents this opinion by participating in policy decisions of joint ad- ministrative-faculty-student committees and by resolutions on particular issues. Second, student government takes note of prob- lem areas affecting students and collects data, opin- ion and ideas to legislate some solution. In this function student government must .bear in mind its responsibility to the entire campus, not just one segment of it, and frame its action in the in- terest of the University as a whole. Thirdly, student government implements its ac- tions with necessary service projects and coordin- ates and supervises those which fall under the jurisdiction of no other group. Here a difficulty arises because in order to be most effective the government itself must be exclusively a policy mak- ing body. Hence it becomes necessary to devise some sort of sub-commission or administrative wing structure made up of non-elective people to carry out the service-implementation function of the government. Such is a brief summary of the necessary func- tions of student government. Effective student gov- ernment must avoid being merely another activity on campus; being rather the focal point of stu- dent activity. In addition it must have the res- pect and support of students, something largely determined by its personnel - * * * * THE PROPOSED Student Government Council plan provides an answer to a very sizeable chunk of the problem of more effective student government. Of primary importance the plan makes student government decent by giving it the sanc- tion of University authority. The plan recognizes the fact that determination of University policy affecting students is a legitimate concern of stu- dents. Almost as important the plan makes SGC the only student government, sweeping away the present Student Affairs Committee, combining in one body all the functions of SAC and SL. By reducing the size of the council, the SCG plan places an emphasis on the policy making character of student government. This can have two effects. 1) To attract students of a higher calibre to sit on the council, including those who don't want to be bothered with having to run a dance or a mimeograph machine. 2) Allow service projects to be handled by groups responsible to SGC with personnel who are more interested in this type of activity and who will do a more capable job. Criticisms of the plan center around its small size (18 members, 11 elected, seven ex-officio), in- clusion of seven so-called student experts and the Board of Review. On the first point, the writer agrees that 11 is too few to be expected to handle the basic research and opinion gathering activities of SGC. Some larger number, say 15 or even 20, would be more desirable to handle the work and provide wider representation. This could be done without sacrificing quality of personnel. Inclusion of seven ex-officio members (that is the heads of the Union, League, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic, Inter-House Council, Assem- bly and The Daily) would in fact broaden the re- presentative nature of the SGC. Through daily con- tact with wide segments of the student body in their respective activities, these members would be able to represent a cross-section of campus opin- ion as well as be informed generally about student affairs. Critics of the Review Board fail to note that some method of checks and balances exists in any gov- ernmental structure. Here the Board is limited by a 96-hour time limit during which it must express its intent to review an action of the council. It is further restricted to review only those matters in- volving questions of the Council's jurisdiction and those requiring further consideration in view of Regential policy or administrative practice. Abuse of the Board's power would be self-defeating since such action would destroy the whole fabric of the SGC concept. *f * * * IN ITS deliberations the SGC study committee should bear in mind a number of things. It must first realize that there are certain limits be- yond which the Laing Plan can not be com- promised and still pose as effective student govern- ment. If the point is reached where SGC is no longer a student government but rather an ad- ministrative device for keeping an unruly student body in order, then the committee must have the courage to scrap the whole idea. The committee will also do well to hold all its meetingis in open session. As soon as closed meet- ings and secrecy come into the picture the com- mittee ceases to work on the student government plan and begins to work on the student govern- ment plot. At open meetings it will be valuable to call members of outside groups, administrators and even Regents to offer dissenting opinion and criticism of the plan. Most important the committee must not dally. Unless an effective plan is in the hands of the Re- gents by early next month they will have every reason to put off considering SGC at their Novem- ber meeting, making it very doubtful whether the plan, if passed any later, could go into effect for the spring semester. It is in the hands of the study committee and ultimately the Regents to determine whether the SGC proposal will become a device to hold the stu- dent body in check or a sound plan for effective, responsible student government at the University. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round WASHINGTON - Here is more on the probe of Henry Morgen- thau's secret diary, faithfully kept during the long years when he was secretary of the treasury, and now the object of scrutiny by the Sen- ate Internal Security Committee headed by Sen. William Jenner of Indiana. What Jenner's "G-men" are probing for is any subversive links between members of the Roosevelt administration and Harry Dexter White, whom Attorney General Brownell has charged with being a Russian spy. White worked in the Treasury Department under Morgenthau. One thing the Jenner probers have found is that Harry Dexter White proposed a $10,000,000,000 loan to Russia toward the end of the war and that Morgenthau pushed this loan idea in talks with President Roosevelt. Mr. Mitchell, when questioned about his work for the Jenner com- mittee, acted like a witness before the McCarthy committee. He re- fused to say almost anything ex- cept to admit his name and the fact that he was working on the Morgenthau diaries. However, here is the full text, word for word, of one of his reports to the Jenner committee: Yalta Talks .LjetteP to i/he Cdilor . "The diaries examined last week show that White, through Morgen- thau, made strenuous efforts to have Roosevelt open the Yalta Conference with an offer of a $10 billion postwar loan to Stalin. White was insistent that the offer be without conditions. Only by do- ing so, White argued, would Stalin be convinced of America's good faith. "Book 808, P. 103, Jan. 9, 1945- Telephone conversation between Morgenthau and Grace Tully in which Morgenthau rehearses what he proposes to tell Roosevelt about the proposed loan to the USSR. "Book 808, P. 300, Jan. 10, 1945- Memo by Morgenthau of conversa- tion with Stettinius at White House while they were both waiting to see Roosevelt. Morgenthau says loan must be offered without con- ditions and on the opening day of Yalta. "Book 810, P. 149, Jan. 17, 1945- Meeting of Morgenthau and White with Stettinius and other State De- partment officials on loans to USSR and also on discussion of German industry. Morgenthau ar- gues that Germany must be rend- ered helpless to convince the USSR that America and Britain were not shielding secret designs on using Germany later. View On Fulton Lewis "Last week I got through only 14 volumes. I was held back by documents of British and French lend lease. Since White was in charge of these negotiations, I hoped to find material of interest to the committee. But in fact, al- though I read the documents with great care, I found very little. "Morgenthau-so I am informed by Kahn-is back in the country. He telephoned Kahn last week ap- parently to pick up whatever Kahn knew. My impression is that the sooner Jim and I go away, the better Morgenthau and Kahn will like it. "For your information, Kahn is an egg-head. He held himself in very well until Muskie's election. Next day, he sidled up to Jim and me and delivered himself of a sud- den, sneering attack on Fulton Lewis, Jr. The attack was apropos of nothing. I don't think he meant to make it. I think his suppressed feelings got the better of him." (Copyright, 1954, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor3 Dorothy Myers .......... ...City Editor Jon Sobeloff.........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor1 Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart........Associate Editor Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor1 Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editora Warren Wertheimer ..............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shimovitz .......Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak..........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise......... Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telhehone NO 23-24-1 Old Soldier S L. To the Editor: THE Administration pressure which led to the cancellation of Dr. Davis' appearance before SL should not be permitted to go unchallenged. Your article states that in their talk with SL President Jelin, ". . Dean Rea and Bingley raised the question as to whether an open meeting with an off-campus speaker (Dr. Davis), such as the scheduled SL meeting, should be cleared through the Lecture Com- mittee." This "question" is so ab- surd that I wonder if your ar- ticle is correct in attributing it to men of the calibre and integrity of Dean Rea and Mr. Bingley. For it is only because he is now an "off- campus" instead of "on-campus" speaker that Dr. Davis' case is an issue at all. I am certain that neither Dean Rea nor Mr. Bingley would suggest that the Adminis- tration has the right to declare a f a c u lt y member "off-campus," then insist that he get permission from the same Administration to defend himself. But a second point that must be considered is a quote attributed to Jelin: "I was warned that if Davis spoke tonight we were sounding the death knell of the Legislature." Because of "possible consequences which the SL may not have realized," it was decided that Dr. Davis should not speak. I would suggest that if SL does not risk possibly "death" at the hands of Administration or Re- gents by considering important is- sues, it will die unmourned at the hands of student apathy. Issues exist only when there is an un- resolved controversy and several possible solutions are seen by the various participants. Students will cease to care about SL if it fails to handle the most important is- sues because these are also the ones generating the greatest con- troversy and consequences. It may well be that Dr. Davis' appearance was unnecessary be- cause the needed "information was available without his appearing," but this discovery should not have been made under pressure. If SL never risks dying with its boots on, someday it will just fade away. -Homer C. Cooper * * * Modern Traditionalism ' To The Editor: IN REGARD TO the letter of Messrs. Putney, Emery, and1 Alul, concerning the "Degradation of the Modern Female" via ber- muda shorts, knee socks and shorn heads, we, the undersigned, wishF to express our admiration for at sensible and courageously stated view. We assure these disillusioned; gentlement thatsthere stil exists1 on this campus a non-radicalt group, who believe that individual-t ity can be "confined to modern ideas of .feminine apparel" and await eagerly the publication of the afore-mentioned names and telephone numbers in the Student Directory. All in all, we consider ourselves "good old-fashioned girls," despite the fact that we have acquired the delightful habit of pipe smoking and would welcome the opportunity of meeting the possessors of such "discerning male opinion." -Carol de Ravignon Dotty Chacarestos Yvonne Bristol and 14 others, * * * Segregation Edit. To The Editor: I WISH TO take this opportunity to congratulate you on your edi- torial ofeOctober 14, concerning the recent dissention over non- segregation in the Baltimore Public Schools. The young reporter pre- sented a most intelligent and astute picture of a rather unclear situa- tion. It is due to such lucid and succinct statements as these that a truly honest view of the cir- cumstance could be obtained. We have all seen inept report- ing of the out of context state- ments, and misrepresentation in these past days, that it is a pleas- ant relief to read such an ob- jective appraisal. It is unfortun- ate that the national syndicates and periodicals have not seen fit to do this necessary job of clear reporting. Hats off to astute reporting by a fellow-Baltimorian! It is my pleasure to say. this is just ano- ther examplesof the many fine edi- torials, which you have thought fit to print. -Armond H. Cohn, Arad. GM Formula... To the Editor: MR. WILSON'S statement about workingmen and birddogs de- serves much of the criticism it has received. Much but not all. Contrary to current popular opin- ion, Mr. Wilson may not be the epitome of the callous capitalist. A little over six years ago, May 1948, General Motors startled all industry and began a new evolu- tion in labor-management rela- tions. It agreed to a wage contract that included for the first time, an a n n u a 1 productivity increase. Someonerwith courage and insight had borrowed economic theory that recognized increased produc- tivity due to experience, and had given that theory practical appli- cation. With the GM contract as precedent, labor unions in other industries could claim the same rights. The final decision for this uni- que step belonged to (evil) Charles Wilson. He was under no special pressures to recognize the prin- ciple of annual increased producti- vity. Most likely he would receive the wrath of his fellow industrial- ists for giving this new bargaining tool to labor. Yet he took that step. I am not implying that Mr. Wil- son is God's gift to labor, his bird- dog statement was rash and its, meaning derogatory. The point is that pseudo-liberals who are so quick to denounce Wilson's -nar- rowness, should reflect for a few moments their own position. -Joe Weiss "Beat It - We've Got An Election To Win" ?PEPAITMN t t'. ~ ~ POL \C - MUSIC At Rackham... The Stanley Quartet in a pro- gram of Beethoven String Quar- tets. CONTINUING their complete Beethoven cycle, the Stanley Quartet performed the Quartet in A Major, Op. 18, No. 5, the Quar- tet in F Minor, Op. 95; and the Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 130, on Sunday afternoon. Though my record of listening to the Stanley is indeed short, I have not heard them in better form than in the A Major quartet. The entire performance was pos- sessed of a buoyance and a flow of melody that made listening a pure joy. A wonderful flexibility in rhythm, tone and dynamics was especially apparent in the varia- tions of the third movement. The final allegro has that cool urgency and grace that we associate with Mozart. I sometimes wonder why string players look so serious when they play music like this, but I forget that all I have to do is lis- ten. The effort required to bring all of Beethoven's quartets to life is so much greater than the effort required to listen to them, even intelligently. The first third of Sunday's concert seemed not an effort but an enjoyment of youth- ful vitality and good spirits. The F Minor quartet plunges us into the midst of a struggle between Beethoven and frag- mentary musical ideas. His at- tempt to bind them into form occupies most of the quartet, especially the first movement, the insistence-even violence-- of which seemed most force- fullyprojected. The sharp con- trasts of lyric and melodic ideas in the third movement called again for the flexibility we heard earlier. In the final movement the lack of tonal blend, which usually characterizes the Stan- ley, became apparent; some bad- ly tuned octaves disturbed the Largo, and the final allegro sec- tion, which ought to vanish in a flash of luminous tone, seemed stringy and ghostlike. The great rambling Quartet in B-flat Major displays an extrem- ely wide range of emotions-from the effervescent little presto to the Cavatina, which Beethoven himself described as the melody which moved him the most of any he wrote. The movement was play- ed with deep feeling, but again sadly marred in spots by tuning problems. The final allegro isn't much of a conclusion to the quar- tet as a whole; we shall hear the original last movement at the fin- al concert, when the quartet will be repeated and concluded with the Great Fugue. By then, it ought to be apparent after Sunday's con- cet, we shall have heard some marvelous music and some first rate performances. -Don Nelson 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) MASON HALL CROWDING: Are Ropes Needed to Avoid That Run-Down Feeling FOLLOWING UP the recent discussion on the re- spective merits of bird-dogs and kennel dogs, it seems interesting to investigate the character- istics of two other animals, the sheep and the mule, and then an even more fascinating animal, the University Student. Sheep are nice mild little animals that want to please everyone. They never like to assert their personalities, and hurt some other sheep's feel- ings, so they very considerately go in whatever direction anyone points them. They have no prejudices-they follow any leader. Now look at the mule as a contrast. The mule is a very individualistic animal. He has a mind of his own, and when he decides to stand still and not move, no one can budge him. He doesn't care if he interferes with someone else's plans-he just lowers his head and stands his ground. The University Student possesses an interesting combination of the characteristics of both of the change is not feasible, the remedy for the situa- tion must come from the students themselves. Simply requesting the students to keep moving and not cause any congestion doesn't seem to work. Unfortunately we seem to need more prompting than a mere verbal plea for cooperation. It has been suggested that guide ropes be put up to mark pathways through the crowds, thereby leaving a walking space free, while also allowing room for relaxing between classes. But this idea, as all others, depends on the students' assistance. Dean Thuma has stated that "all suggestions are welcomed, as the University is anxious to clear up this consistently-recurring problem." Nothing, how- ever, will work unless the students themselves are interested enough to cooperate with any plan put into operation. -Carol North New Iooks at the Library III.-B.A. in LS & A and Bus. Ad. for Boy Scout Executive. Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Allen- town, Pa.-Feb. or June men in Bus. Ad. or L.S. & A. for Sales. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the2Bureau of Appointments, ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. PERSONNEL REQUEST: U.S. Army Corps. of Engrs., Chicago District, Chicago, Ii., has a vacancy for an Information Officer, GS-010-12, to be Chief, Tech. Liaison Branch. Re- quires 6 yrs. of experience in journal- ism-degree work may be substituted for 3 of the yrs. For further information about this or other job opportunities, contact the Bureau of Appointments, ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. EMPLOYMENT REGISTRATION The annual placement meeting of the Bureau of Appointments will be held at 3:00 p.m. Mon., Oct. 25, in Auditor- ium A of Angell Hall. All seniors and graduate students who are interested in registering with the Bureau for em- ployment either after graduation, after military service, or for future promo- tions in the fields of education, busi- ness, industry, government, or in the technical fields are invited to attend. Registration material will be given out at the meeting, Lectures University Lecture, auspices .of the English Department. Elmer Rice, play- wright and producer, will speak on "Censorship of the Arts." 4:10 p.m., Tues., Oct. 19, Rackham Lecture Hall. A reception for those who would like to meet Mr. Rice will be held in Rack- ham Assembly Room immediately after the lecture. Extra Performance "Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" Sat., Oct. 23, 8:30 p.m. Due to the heavy demand for seats, p.m., making it possible for them to attend the dance after the show. Lecture. "Architecture as a Science." R. Buckminster Fuller, architectural engineer. Tues., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., Ar- chitecture Auditorium. Academic Notices Group preliminary doctoral examina- tions in mathematics will be given at the end of Nov. Will all students in- tending to take this exam please leave their names with the departmental secretary by Thurs., Oct. 21. Anyone in doubt as to whether to take the exam can consult Prof. Myers. Mathematics Colloquium will meet Tues., Oct. 19, at 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 AH. Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on "vector potential theory and scatter- ing problems." Geometry Seminar will meet in 3001 A.H. at 7:00 p.m. Wed., Oct. 20. Prof. George Y. Rainich will reflect on some applications of Cartan calculus to dif- ferential geometry. Engineering Senior and Graduate Stu- dent Seminar: Wed.. Oct. 20, 4:00 p.m., Room 311, West Engineering, Discussion of Engineering Experiences in Sales and Application Work by representa- tives of Detroit Edison, Ingersoll-Rand, General Electric, Michigan Bell Tele- phone, and Westinghouse. Concerts The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch, Conductor, will be heard in the third concert of the Choral Union Series, Wed. in Hill Au- ditorium, at 8:30 p.m. The program for this occasion is as follows: Suite for Orchestra, No. 4 by Bach (heard for the first time at these concerts); Dvorak's Symphony No. 5; and Ex- cerpts from Berlioz' "Romeo and Ju- liet." A limited number of tickets are still available, at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical1Society in Burton Tow- ested in conversing informally in Span- ish is invited. German Club, Austrian Night. Three interesting films will be shown Tues., Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in rooms 3KL and M of the Union. Steiermark, du schone grune Welt in color, Klingendes Os- terreich featuring the masters, with commentaries in French, and the third, an exciting ski chase through thealps, will be in English. There will be re- freshments and all are welcome. Le Cercle Francais French discussion group in Existentialism in the Michi- gan 'League conference room on Tues., Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to participate in the discussion which will be led by Prof. Neiss. Hillel: All SRA guilds are invited to attend a Sukkos Open House Tues. from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. An interesting explanation and significance of the holiday will be given. Refreshments will be served. Michigan Actuarial Club. Mr. Meno' T. Lake, Actuary at the Occidental Life Ins. Co. of California, will speak on the subject, "The Actuarial Profession on the West Coast," on Tues., Oct. 19, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3-B of the Michigan Union. Refreshments will be served. All who are interested in actuarial science are urged to attend, Senior Society will meet Tues., Oct. 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the League. Lutheran Student Association ?The third in the series of Studies in Biblical Faith will be given by Dr. George Men- denhall Tues, at 7:15 p.m. He will develop "The Old and New Covenants -Law, Gospel, Religion and Politics from Moses to McCarthy." Join us at the Center, corner of Hill St. and For- est Ave. Lane Hall. Square and Folk Dancing. 7:30-10:00 p.m. tonight. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-5:45 p.m., Informal tea at the Guild House. SRA Council will meet today at. 5:00 The first meeting of the Research Club for the academic year 1954-55 will be held in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building on Wed., Oct. 20, at 8:00 p.m. The following papers will be given: Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin, Professor of Astronomy: "A new theory of the Mar- tian surface." Dr. Max Loehr, Professor of Far Eastern Art: "Chinese and Scythiax animal styles." First Baptist Church. Wed., Oct. 20. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Midweek Chat of Roger Williams Guild in the Guild House. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet Wed., Oct. 20 in the League at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Anderson-Imbert will speak. The program will also include a Spanish movie and dancers from Colombia and Venezuela. Singing and dancing will follow. Vengan todos! The zoology Club urges all students taking biological sciences to come to the next meeting when William L. Brudon, noted biological illustrator at the University Museums, will talk on "'he Techniques of Classroom Draw- ing." The meeting will be held Wed., Oct. 20, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 3126, Natural Science Building. Refresh- ments will be served following the meeting. Everyone is welcome to at- tend! Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on Wed., Oct. 20, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Student - Faculty Tea Wed., Oct. 20, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House. All women students are invited to hear Mrs. Madeline Strony at 3:00 p.m. Wed., Oct. 20, in Room 131, School of Business Administration. Mrs. Strony is a nationally recognized consultant to business and an authority on initial job opportunities for women. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Wed., 7:00 p.m., Discussion Group-meet to select topic at Guild House. A.