EDITOR'S NOTE See Page4 Y Latest Deadline in the State D4aii4 FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXV, No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1954 EIGHT PAGES ...., W Nov. 2 Ballot To Contain 9 Proposals Candidates' Ideas Differ on Issues (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 2nd in a series of articles dealing with theavarious aspects of the November elections. Today's article will describe proposals that the Ann Arbor voter will find on his ballot election day and how the legislative candidates stand on these issues.) By MICHAEL BRAUN In addition to voting for 19 can- didates on election day the local voter will be asked to state his preference on four referenda to amend the state constitution, five county annexation proposals and a county prop.sal ballot. The couty proposal ballot reads: "Shall the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, transfer the sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars from the funds now on hand in the General Fund of the County to a Special Fund for the purpose of constructing and equipping a Juvenile Detention Home in the County." League View The non-partisan League of Women Voters has campaigned to urge voters to support this propo- sal. All candidates for state legis- lative posts have endorsed it. The first proposal to amend the state constitution concerns pre- venting disqualification of voters who have moved within the state during the 30 days preceding an election. The preference of the candidates for the State Senate and Legisla- ture, respectively, as expressed to The Daily are: Lewis G. Christman (R)-Yes. Lewis C. Reimann (D)-Yes George W. Sallade (R)-Yes John W. Carr (D)-Yes Second Proposal The second proposal concerns sales tax and sales tax revenues. Introduced as the Conlin Plan ita asks: "Shall Section 23, Article X ofj the constitution be amended to lim- it the sales tax levy to a maximum of 3% and provide that the sales tax collected on each dollar of sales, minus collection costs, shall_ be distributed as follows: %c to cities, villages, and townships on a population basis calculated there- in, 2c to a restricted fund expend- able for school districts as provid-I ed by law, including a mandatory restrictedappropriation for school employees' retirement, and the bal- ance to the state." The League of Women Voters has come out against the proposal. The1 candidates' preferences are: ( ' Christman (R)-Yes Reimann (D)-Neutral Sallade (R)-Yes Carr (D)-No Third Proposal The third proposal is to author- ize the borrowing of "no more than $80,000,000.00" to pay bonuses for military service during the Korean War. The opinion on this proposal was: Christman (R-No Reimann (D)-Yes Sallade (R)-YesE Carr (D)-Yes Final(Proposal The final proposal is to permit the legislature to authorize char- itable lotteries. The candidates'I preferences are: Christman (R)-Yes Reimann (D)-Noj Sallade (R)-Yes7 Carr (D)-No The five annexation proposals are concerned with detaching cer-1 tain parcels of land from the Town- ship of Ann Arbor and annexing them to the City of- Ann Arbor. They may be voted on only byI property owners. In future articles which will deal with individual candidates on the ballot, the four candidates for the state congress will more fully ex-; plain their stands as outlined above. -Daily-Dean Morton PROF. McLAUGHLIN CHECKS FORMATIONS ON MARS. INSET X (UPPER LEFT) SHOWS SKETCH OF PLANET'S SURFACE. McLaughlin's Mars Theory Makes Astronomy Top Ten By MARY LEE DINGLER+ Speaking about his theory concerning markings on the planet Mars, which has been named one of the top ten astronomical contri- butions of the year, Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of the astronomy de- partment said, "I never expected anything to come of it." The professor, who obtained both his A.B. and PhD degrees fromI the University, began his initial observations in 1939. "It was," he+ Foundation Plans To Buy Salk Vaccine Francis Gathers Results of Tests By The Associated Press The National Foundation for In- fantile Paralysis said yesterday in New York City that it is contract- ing to buy enough Salk polio vac- cine to treat nine million persons next year, although it is still un- known whether the vaccine works. Results of the tests to determine whether the vaccine prevents po- lio are being gathered by Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. at the Univer- sity. His report is expected to be completed next April. Calculated Risk By making the contract, said Foundation President Basil O'Con- nor, supplies will be available so it will be possible to start giving the vaccine immediately after re- sults of tests of its effectiveness are in next spring. "The national foundation is tak- ing a calculated financial risk in purchasing vaccine before it has been found to be effective," he said. But he added "we have every reason to hope and believe" that it will be. And if this proves to be the case, he said, the vaccine ordered now can be put to prompt use next year-instead of having to wait 70 days to get it produced. Begin Production On the basis of the advance or- der, he said, pharmaceutical hous- es can begin production at once. The vaccine will cost $9 million' dollars, or $1 for each three-shot series for the projected nine mil- lion recipients. Shots will be made available, O'Connor said, to groups deemed the "most highly susceptible" to polio, and totalling10,490,000 chil- dren and adults. He said only 75, per cent of them-or nine million- could be expected to ask for the vaccine. The groups include 1,390,000 chil-; dren who participated in field trials of the vaccine early this year but not 440,000 others who got the real vaccine, an estimated 4,275,000 women who will be pregnant be- tween next April 1 and September 30, and 4,825,000 firt-grade chil- dren. Last Day Today is the last day to have senior pictures taken and all those who' have signed up for pictures and havesmissedutheir appointments are requested to come to the Student Publica- tions Bldg. between noon and 7 p.m. Proofs may be returned to the Student Publications Bldg. from noon to 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 p.m. SALLY SWIGERT, '56, LOO FOR THE 1954 COMM IFC, Panhel I Community ( By LEE MARKS Other Storm Flood N ews: --Daily-Dean Morton KS OVER THE PROSPECTS Ohio [UNITY CHEST DRIVE. MARIETTA, Ohiob ( )- The sting appeared to be leaving the flooding Ohio River yesterday as ro A d the crest of the rain-swollen 170 Aid Local -ae stream headed toward Belpre, Ohio, and Parkersburg, W. Va. Authorities in downstream towns hest D rive were not greatly disturbed. They expected some damage to roads and crops in lowland areas as the+ Each section is co-chairmaned river left its banks. "the United States. United States fatilities were 98. Final Toll Higher The final toll was expected to be much higher, as more bodies were recovered and reports arrived from isolated areas. In the aftermath of the storm, worst in Toronto's history, 28 Ca- nadians whose fate had been un- known since thetorrential down- pour and high winds struck Fri- day- night were found to be safe. Troops and civilians probed mud-filled cellars and the wreck- age of flattened homes for more victims. The arrival of fair, cool weather favored the search, but recovery of the bodies continued to be a slow and heartbreaking un- Casualty Toll CulyNow 57 Dead Hurricane Hazel's Canadian Trip Causes 100 Million Dollar Damage' TORONTO (MP)-Rescue workers yesterday lifted more bodies from the silt and debris of Ontario's disastrous hurricane, bringing the casualties to 57 known dead and 39 missing. Hurricane Hazel, which churned up out of the Caribbean last week and cut across the North American continent from the Caro- linas to Hudson Bay, took a known death toll of 155 in Canada and claimed, "a sideline begun out ofn pure personal curiosity." Caused by Currents By 1941 McLaunghlin was con-' vinced that the systematic sur- face markings on Mars "were caused by great air currents simi- lar to the trade winds on earth." In the midst of working on the problem of the direction taken by the winds, the war began and Mc- Laughlin was forced to discontinue his research. It wasn't until early in 1954 that "Mars was taken off the shelf again." The professor's completed theoryr MEA To Hear Cousins Talk. Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review of Literature,! will be the featured speaker at a meeting of the Michigan Educa- tion Association here Thursday, and Friday. He will speak to approximately 3,000 teachers representing Wash- tenaw, Jackson, Monroe and Len- awee counties on "America's As- sets in the Present Crisis." The second meeting will feature the radio program "Festival of Song," an actual broadcast by the, University's station WUOM-FM.+ compares the mysterious markings to the dust bowls of the Southwest. The winds pick up great amounts of material from sources located near the planet's equator. Active Volcanoes McLaughlin who is a geologist and meteorologist as well as an astronomer says that the sources must be active volcanoes since they supply such a tremendous quantity of ash and dust. Since there are neither oceans nor lang mountain ranges on the planet the dust is then deposited in drifts over Mars' surface. "It is nearly the same principle as plac- ing an electric fan behind a large pile of sand," the professor ex- plained. "The sand will continue to shift and spread out as long as the force of the wind is behind it." Disposes Old Idea Prof. McLaughlin's theory fur- ther disposes of the old idea that there are man made canals and other signs of human habitation on our neighboring planet. Commenting on the cooperation of astronomers around the world, and on their contributions in gen- eral the professor stated, "The same sun, moon and stars shine on Russia and the rest of the world that shine here. There is no rea- son why we shouldn't be working on similar problems."' One hundred forty University by one fraternity man and one But they did not foresee further dertaking. fraternity and sorority members sorority member. In addition to hardships and destruction such as Relatives Wait will participate in the all-day the 44 section leaders, 100 students marked the flood in upstream Many relatives waited grim- Community Chest drive today, will help collect. Pittsburgh-to-Wheeling areas dur- faced to identify their dead at an With one third of the goal al- Collections will be brought to ing the weekend. emergency morgue set up in a fire ready reached, more than 1,000 booths located in the Michigan Parkersburg, 85 miles down- station in Toronto's western sub- local citizens will canvass the city Union, League, Mosher Hall, and I stream from Wheeling, expected a urbs, where the flooded Humber in an attempt to raise a quota of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa crest of 37%,/2 feet at 7 p.m. yester- River wreaked the worst havoc. $176,800. Sigma fraternities. day. Belpre is just across the river While the lower Humber area Students ,sponsored by Inter- Each section leader solicited from Parkersburg. was hardest hit, the damage ex- fraternity Council and Pan-Hel- necessary workers, and several or- # tended as far north as the Hol- lenic Association, will contact ganization meetings have been Indifan land Marsh, a rich market garden some 2,000 homes in the campus held. KOId(y)-treCut ra3 ie ot fTrno area representing one fifth of the While the city drive will be held KNOd , t db g PSaer C uty ere3he atenorth of onke Sioe drive.*1 all day, student canvassers will residents began yesterday to tidy Teetewtr fLk ice KithCoats,'5..poie ot a t nts be n 7 up the damage done by the Yellow under pressure by wind and rain, that Coats,56.spointed out imake their contacts between 7 and River flood, and people living along smashed a dike and drove 1,100 the Kankakee River in southern families from their homes. Most students have cooperated in large Ann Arbor has been divided into Lake County kept careful watch of the refugees were Dutch immi- numbers with the Red Feather six parts for the drive, each head-n e ofy haream rants drive. Last year, according to ed by a division chairman. Along I The flood waters of the Yellow Damage Estimate Coats, "four or five students joined with the regular canvass, a special . in to see how the drive was or- group is handling larger advance emptied into the Kankakee west I Total storm damage has been ganized." gifts. of Knox causing the Kankakee to estimated as high as 100 million Sally Swigert, '56, and Coats, co- Last weekend, cannisters were overflow a considerable acreage of dollars. A government inspector ordinators of the IFC-Panhel por- placed in all fraternity and soror- farm land in southern Lake and said today three million dollars tion of the campaign, have divid- ity houses for contributions from Porter counties. worth of crops in the area will be ed Ann Arbor into 22 sections. individual members. The rise was not as great as utterly destroyed if flood water is anticipated, however, and there not drained off within 10 days. was little concern in the southern Toronto's transportation lifelines EXPENSIVE ERROR: Lake County towns of Shelby and were still functioning today despite Schneider just north of the river. numerous delays and detours. w 1 4-1 Cl - - 0 * Stores~ and warehous~es reported Conditions Announced for Vaccine )Study atUniversity QCY R Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of University Health Service, today to those taking part who v announced the conditions under the actual vaccine. which the Health Service in con- Nanies of the participan junction with the School of Public be taken, and those who late Health will run the proposed flu tract flu will be given specia vaccine study. tests. Four thousand students will beI No Date Set needed to make the study a suc- As yet the date for the cess. Only resident housing groups has not been announced. will be used and it will be neces- From November 1 to Nox sary for every member of a par- 6, the University Health ticular housing group to take part. will give the flu vaccine to One in Three students desiring them wl One student out of three will not participating in the be given the actual vaccine and Shots will be administered the other two students will act as Health Service and will be a control. It will not be disclosed charge. t - A z T r'v r -ors1r W W-r WV Wr rU r" V1 dnn1Wr A M Fuller To Lecture On Architecture R. Buckminster Fuller, architec- tural engineer and designer of the ill get Ford Rotunda Dome, will give a public lecture, "Architecture as a ts will Science," at 7:30 p.m. tonight in r con- the Architecture Aud. forum. [ blood The talk is sponsored by the Col- lege of Architecture and Design. study 'CourtToRule vember WASHINGTON (/P) - The Su- Service preme Court agreed yesterday to those pass on the validity of the convic- ho are tion of Rep. Ernest K. Bramblett study. (R-Calif.) on charges of falsifying in the his office payroll and receiving free of "kickbacks" from a woman listed as an employe. Local G as tation Jw ner 'I Chicago they have sufficient supplies. Rail- ways said they expect slowdowns CHICAGO, A~i-the Chicago Post{ in freight movements until wash- Office posted this box score Pester- ed out bridges are repaired. V ictini of Peddler's H oax day on last week's flood: The Canadian National Rail- Parcel post-3,000 pieces ruined. ways said bridge crews and sec- Fiysstacdasridgilcre28 andches By DAVE BAA) First class mail - 28 pouches tion hands were working around University fraternities and a local service station owner fell vic- soaked now being dried, some to the clock to repair 150 washouts. tim recently to a campus peddler selling under false pretenses. Magazines, books, newspapers- All mainline passenger trains were Perry Travis, the gas station owner who was tricked into spon- three gondola carloads destroyed. getting through. soring the peddler, estimates his mistake will cost him between $8,000 Postmaster Carl A. Schroeder and $12,000. said all mail with addresses still 'U' Directory Fortunately'for fraternity men, Travis is accepting all financial legible after the soaking would be burden for the chicanery. ------- - - - delivered but the post office would The peddler, known to Travis as nois earlier. There is no definite not assume responsibility on any da e la ne John E. Huguiler, sold one dollar! evidence however, that the same non-insured mail. coupon books to campus fraterni- person is involved. The mail was stored in the flood- Enlarged by a students activi- ties for service at Travis' service Travis Service Station will hon- ed basement of Union Station. ties section this year, the Student station. or all the coupon books any day Directory will go on sale Friday. Hugulier retained the one dol- of the week except Saturday. Trains Collde- More than 18,000 names, ad- lar as his pay for the peddling. Travis eliminated Saturday be- rC dresses and telephone numbers of. The one dollar books were worth cause of the big football weekend j1University students are listed in $12.15 in services, including among traffic. t37 In ureilEthe new edition along with a other things two oil changes, a Following notification of this !1Ilengthened classifed directory. An front wheel bearing job, and a peddler's activities, Zerman em- ST. LOUIS f-Thirty-seven per- activities section compiles the quart of oil for every eight gallons phasited the need for all frater- sos were injured yesterday, none names and presidents, with their of gas purchased. nity men to make certain that seriously, in the collision of a phone numbers, of all recognized Travis said he thought the cou- house to house sellers are regis- crack Wabash passenger train student organizations. pon sale was an excellent promo- tered with the police and with the from Detroit and a work train on The directory will be sold only tional stunt. Furthermore he was Chamber of Commerce. the St. Louis approach to a Mon from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. told by Haguiler that the service He also indicated that 'no ped- sissippi River bridge. "Last year we sold out that day," costs covered by the coupon books dlers' signs placed near the door A Wabash official said both Bob Wells, '55, editor, said. "There could be deducted from his income of houses would cut down the pos- trains were moving slowly at the will be no re-orders later." tax. sibility of peddler trickery, time of the collision. No cars were After checking through the In- --derailed ternal Revenue Bureau, Travis GThe Wabash train, the Cannon found that the coupon book sal e r lt or0 ball, had seven cars and an en- LONDON (R) - Antigone Costan- would in no way affect his in- BERLIN OP) -- Communist can- gine and continued on into the St. da, representing Egypt, last night come tax. There were no deduc- didates for Parliament in Soviet- Louis station after the wreck. won the title of Miss World in com- tions possible under the system. occupied East Germany won 99.3 Only 12 of the injured were ad- petition with beautiful and shapely Haguiler has not been found per cent of the votes in Sunday's mitted to hopsitals in St. Louis girls from 15 other countries. since he finished peddling. Ac- single-ticket election, the Red gov- and nearby Granite City, Ill., for Her prize was $1,400 and other cording to William S. Zerman,.as- ernment said yesterday. further treatment.'gifts. sistant to the Dean of Men Ann - - PLAY YWRIGH1 T-IREC~Ti(: Coller Awarded For Surgical Film Elmer Rice To Lec i ture on Censorship I- A -Il --- -I- - 4.- . Dr. Frederick A. Coller, chair- man of the Department of Sur- gery, has been awarded a plaque Noted playwright-director Elmer by a surgical supplies manufac- Rice will deliver a lecture on "Cen- tureA\ in recognition of his con- sorship of the Arts" at 4:10 p.m. tribution to the Cine Clinic pro- today in Rackham Lecture Hall. gram of the American College of "I have spent all my life fight- Surgeons, ing censorship," Rice said in an He was cited for his cooperation interview yesterday afternoon. "I in making a color motion picture, am opposed to all restrictions of in 1913. Soon afterward he decided I'll have to arrange my schedule that he "would rather become a differently. writer." "I think that the 1953-54 Broad- "On Trial," Rice's first play, way season was the best in a long was written without any experience time," Rice said. "But road com- in the theater. "I lived in New panies are getting much harder to York and had, of course, been to take out. Movies and TV have ac- the theater many times," he said. customed the public to inexpensive "But that was all." The play was entertainment. People won't pay{ Arbor police are looking for him. A similar peddler's scheme oc- curred at the University of Illi- Plan To Annex 'U' Property It k; PRAGUE PLANS PICTURES: t EXhit PopgandZed by Moscow cotE h b tP o and zdRadio Moscow is presently using the recent L. H. Scott Cultural included books, pictures, posters, bright side of cultural life in the dolls, embroidered goods and the Satellite countries. Exhibiion for propaganda rlike Challenge Display