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October 14, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-14

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lappy Columbus Day -- Don't Drive,
Drink, or Wear Shorts

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, was Columbus Day.
While it passed quietly, almost forgotten in the
busy stream of daily activity, it should not drift
into yesteryear unnoticed-for the actions of the
University administrators on Columbus Day were
In effect, the University acknowledged our
right to celebrate. They did not send out special
bulletins "reiterating old laws that have been
frequently violated," issue new restrictions, or in
any way impede our celebrations.
No restrictions of any kind were placed on stu-
dents who wished to celebrate the discovery of our
Of course, all celebrating had to be completed
by 10:30, in accord with women's curfews-but
that's alright-we're used to ending things early.
It was even possible to celebrate Columbus Day
in Bermuda shorts or blue jeans, if you didn't mind
staying in bounds to do so.
We couldn't drive anywhere to celebrate, but we
didn't mind because, as the administration has re-

peatedly pointed out, there's enough to do right
here on campus.
If we wanted to drink a toast to Columbus, we
had to do it illegally but that didn't phase us. After
a couple of years at Michigan, we were used to cele-
brating illegally.
Anyone with foresight enough to register it in
advance, secure, the approval of the Studen~t Af-
fairs Office, have at least two couples for chap-
erones with one member of each couple more than
26 years old, and fill out a few simple forms,
could have thrown a Columbus Day party. We
couldn't have the impromptu, spontaneous type
party other campuses enjoy but after all, there's
a limit to everything-even celebrating.
It was pretty quiet around here on Columbus
Day. Just goes to show that students complain too
much about nothing.
Even when the benevolent dictators at the' top
of the administerial hiarchy give us permission to
celebrate-go out of their way to resist the tempta-
tion to issue just one little restraining order, no
one takes advantage of it,
-Lee Marks

Few Southerners
Protest School Integration

WHEN ONE SITS on a keg of dynamite, one must
employ extreme caution if one is to get off
of the keg with all of his parts intact.
The police and Dr. John H. Fischer, Superin-
tendent of Baltimore Public Schools did just that
last week when rioting flared and demonstrations
protested the Board's integration plan for Ne-
groes in the schools.
When asked if the riots were as bad as the re-
ports had made them seem he replied that they
could have been much worse, and the stories spread
were "extremely exaggerated."
As the demonstrations were quelled, the super-
intendent said in retrospect that the upsurge of
trouble was probably the result of incitement on
the part of a few, since the first four weeks of
school had passed without incident and gave no
sign of impending trouble.
He noted that there had been no trouble until
after several of the residents of Southwest Bal-
timore had made a trip to Milford, Delaware,
scene of the first serious demonstrations in the
Atlantic Seaboard area. Fischer said that he did
not know for certain whether the trip was made
simply to observe the situation, or to gain some
insight as to how to incite similar disorder in
the larger community.
Whatever the trippers' intentions were, they
brought upon their return an outbreak of discon-
tent. Trouble began brewing on Thursday, Sept.,
30. Before school opened that morning several mo-
thers appeared at an elementary school, in the
Southwest sector of the city, bearing signs protest-
ing the integration policy.
During the day incitement spread and rumors
that students would strike on Friday were circu-
lated. Friday morning brought the rumors to life as
a quarter of the students from the city's Southern
High School congregated on streetcorners partici-
pating in name-calling, instead of attending classes.
There was, however, no physical violence until
the school was dismissed for the day. Then what
had been feared for two days struck-a fourteen
year-old Negro boy was hit in the face by a mad.
Tension mounted and it appeared that serious riot-
ing might be beginning. But the police force put
an end to all such worries as they arrested the as-
sailant, and fined him $100. At the same time four
other ringleaders were arrested and fined.
This, said Fischer, was the crucial spot where
police prevented the dynamite in the keg from ex-
Monday morning one of the finest demonstra-
tions of democratic sincerity in quite some time
took place on the campus of one of the city's
high schools, the Baltimore City College.
Students gathered from two of the city's other '

high schools were approaching the City College
campus when the school's Student President rallied
the school in the front of the building and said
that no one would be kept from joining the mob,
but that the traditions of the school were not
founded on such activity. His appeal was unani-
mously accepted by the student body which, ex-
cept for fifteen boys of the 2,000, returned to class-
That afternoon the police and the school board
took two actions which effectively ended serious
threats. The first of these was the announcement
that the police would now enforce the previously
dormant law which made it illegal to disturb a
school in session. This, is may be recalled is sim*
ilar to the law under which Bryant Bowles, self-
appointed President of the National Association
for the Advancement of White People, was arrested
in Delaware.
The second act which was to be enforced was
the Truancy Act which states that any student over
sixteen years of age who is "excessively absent
without cause" must be dropped from school.
On examination of the week's activities it
would seem that Fischer's claim that the issue
was "extremely exaggerated" could not be cor-
rect. However, there are several factors which
lend weight to his statement.
To begin with, the trouble came from schools with
a very small number of Negroes in attendance. In
the elementary school in which the trouble broke
out there were only twelve Negroes in a school of
600 students.
The city of Baltimore has a total of 170 public'
schools. Of that number only twenty had even a
slight rumbling of discontent. To extend the argu-
ment, the time covered by the rioting was one
week, thus far only one-fifth of the school session.
Incidental is the fact that all of the disturbance
took place after the now-infamous instigator Bowl-
es had established himself and his not-so-stable
machine. It appears that most, or at least many of
the members of the NAAWP minority are down-
right ignorant.
One of them is reported to have asked an officer
to spell the word segregation for him to put on a
sign he was displaying. Another was caught "bor-
rowing" contributions from a hat passed at one of
the organization's mass meetings.
It appears that the only trouble has come from a
small group o finstigators. Although the South is
not entirely integrated or pleased with the decision
of the Supreme Court by any means, most South-
erners of average intelligence are accepting pro-'
gress without much fuss.
-Lew Hamburger

WASHINGTON. - The only man
who was definitely promised the
Presidency of the U.S. by Franklin
Roosevelt, died in the apartment
of his secretary the other day.
He died a somewhat embittered
If the promise made to Justice
Robert H. Jackson had been car-
ried out, the history of the United
States might have been far dif-
ferent. In the first place, Roose-
velt would have run for only two
terms, not four. Second, our con-
duct of the war might have been
different. Finally, Thomas E.
Dewey would not have been gov-
ernor of New York today.
And it will be a paradoxical
twist of fate if Dewey now takes
the Supreme Court seat of the man
who would have been governor of
New York in his stead.
It was in May 1937 that FDR
called in Bob Jackson, then a cru-
sading young assistant attorney
general, and said: "Bob, I want
you to sit in this chair."
The plan to put him in that
chair was carefully worked out.
Jackson, whose home was in
Jamestown, N.Y., was to become
governor of New York in 1938.
From this springboard and with
New York's strong delegation be-
hind him, plus the backing of
FDR, he was to be elected presi-
dent in 1940.
Jackson Vs. Mellon
Jackson at that time was the
most lustrous legal star in the New
Deal crown. Also he was the least
controversial. Chosen for the in-
conspicuous post of counsel of in-
ternal revenue, he had picked up
the Andrew W. Mellon income-tax
case where a Pittsburgh grand
jury dropped it and waged a court
battle against the' former secre-
tary of the treasury that ended
with Mellon donating his paintings,
plus the National Gallery of Art,
to the nation's Capital. After that,
Jackson turned round and brought
an antitrust action against Mellon's
Aluminum Corporation.!
Paradoxically, the Mellons be-
came more liberal in later years,
while Jackson became more con-
servative. And as Bob Jackson
died, the Mellon's Aluminum Com-
pany was sponsoring liber alcmo-
mentator Edward R. Murrow while
Dick Mellon was building the
famed golden triangle for the city
of Pittsburgh.
Bob Jackson was in on some of
Roosevelt's mostimportant eco-
nomic strategy, such as the Hold-
ing Corporation Act, though he
never felt the fusillade of big busi-
ness opposition as did brain-trust-
ers Ben Cohen and Tom Corcoran.
Without opposition, he stepped
from the Justice Department's tax
division to the antitrust division to
be solicitor general.
But when Roosevelt proposed
him as governor of New York, he
ran into his first road block-in
the person of likable and at that
time loyal Jim Farley. But Farley
too wanted to be governor of New
Jackson's Opposition
Behind Jm Farley and against
Bob Jackson was the full weight
of Tammany; also Ed Flynn, boss
of the Bronx, who, after Jackson's
speech attacking monopolies, emit-
ted a proverbial Bronx cheer. Ex-
ploded Flynn: "It's the worst ama-
teur hour I've ever listened to."
So, as a compromise, Herbert
Lehman ran again for governor of
New York, to be succeeded later
by an up-and-coming young Re-
publican named Dewey, then un-
der 40. And Roosevelt, with war

engulfing Europe in 1939, decided
to break all American historical
precedents and run for a third
Bob Jackson, then not embit-
tered, became attorney general,
and, in 1941, associate justice of
the Supreme Court. Before taking
the court appointment, however,
he asked Roosevelt specifically if
it would interfere with another
pledge FDR had made him, that
he would become chief justice of
the United States. FDR reaffirmed
that pledge.
Roosevelt had promised Jackson
the chief justiceship when plans to
make him president fizzled; though
later, when Charles Evans Hughes
retired, Roosevelt yielded to
friends and decided it was wiser
to appoint Harlan Fiske Stone, Re-
publican, an older man, as chief
justice. The understanding was,
however, that Jackson would suc-
ceed Stone.
Second Disappointment
Jackson was at Nuremburg, Ger-
many, in charge of the American
prosecution of Nazi war criminals
when Chief Justice Stone died, and
it was then that he began to get
bitter. For Truman, not bound by
FDR's pledges, appointed his old
friend, Fred Vinson, not Jackson,
as chief justice of the United
To Bob Jackson, who had taken
the Nuremburg job not because he
wanted to, but because he thought
it his duty, this was the last straw.
And being human, he appeared to

'Enlightened' Coed..,
To the Editors:
THANK YOU, Mr. Dawson, for
saying something I have been
afraid to say because I am a girl.
It seems there is an unwritten
code of ethics that, women must
stand together against their com-
mon foe, "Man." However, I
agree with youaentirely. Bermuda
shortsare hideous, but this in-
tensified by long socks of count-
less varying hues! I like shorts
too! In hot weather they're swell
to keep cool in. But why try to
keep warm in Bermudas and long
I must be a complete non-con-
formist, because I also dislike
men's hair-cuts on girls! How are
you poor men ever going to know
whether or not to ask for our tele-
phone number? I like wavy hair
with my ears covered, even if it
does mean taking more care of it!
It's worth the time!
I must not be the only one who
feels this way! and yet I have been
led to believe by many of my ear-
nest friends that I am not among
the "enlightened." Maybe so. I'd
like to hear some more male opin-
ions. Personally, I value them
highly !
-Beverly Houghton, '56
* * *
Nazi Parallel .. .
To The Editor:

. . etler3 to i/ eCaitor ..

"This Could Be Very Interesting"
9 !
#2r \ %.v% - .,,- * 1i AMM~fh'J PC


-- W--
04? 4^

The News
Associated Press News Analyst
Have you noticed how long it
has been since this column started
out with the statement that "Rus-
sia has done it again."
The reference was to the many
heavy-handed ways in which the
Kremlin's policies and actions
forged the free world into a de-
fensive entity. Things like the
Czech coup and the Korean War.
Every time the Democratic coali-
tion seemed about to fall apart
the Russians would do something
to force it back together.
Recently the Communists have
been playing an entirely different
and much smarter game,
For instance, their cries of im-
perialism against the West and es-
pecially the United States have al
ways been accompanied by a hol-
low sound even in the ears of
the most ignorant, because you
could go back for five days or
five hundred years to show Rus-
sia's imperialism clearly on the
record. Latvians, Estonians, Ro-
manians, Hungarians, Lithuanians, #
Czechs, Poles, Albanians, Bulgar-
ians, Germans, Chinese, Ukrain-
ians, Austrians, and members of
the other "adopted" within the
boundaries of the Soviet Union it-
self, testified to it from every free
Now Russia, having solidified
her working arrangements with
the satellites to the point where
she doesn't have to worry much
about their breaking away, having
substituted trade "agreements"
for the business infiltration meth-
ods adopted right after the war,
and perhaps herself being in less
dire need, of taking their produc-
tion, is making sounds more like a
partner than a ruthlessboss.
The biggest noise thus far has
been made by her agreement to
withdraw her troops from Port Ar- #
thur and adopt a new econmic
aid program for Red China.
This may have several mean-
ings. One, probably, is to assuage
natural Chinese reaction against
foreign occupation, a recio '
which did much to lead to commu-
nist successes in the 40s because A
of the rights claimed by Western
Another has a profound affect
on the'rest of Asia as the Reds
pursue their propaganda line that
Formosa, which they promise to
"liberate," is actually under Amer-
ican occupation. Now they are in
a better position to be heard.
THE CEASE-FIRE in Indochina,,
that was arranged last July
in Geneva throws new light on
Soviet foreign policy. This is the
second armistice agreement con-
cluded since Stalin's death in
March 1953. Toward the end of
the Stalin era, the flames of war
seared the fringes of Asia and
threatened to spread. Now a year
and a half after Stalin's death
there is no ground war
-The Reporter


his own country, for political rea-
sons, and a warning signal for
America as to where the road of

THE EDITORIAL in The Daily McCarthyism is taking us. v
of a number of days ago cor- - Etta Gluckstein
rectly indicated a similarity in
the case of Prof. Nickerson with
that of Dr. Urey. There is, how- Block 'M' Success..
ever, more to be said regarding !
these two cases. To the Editor:
Both men are being deprived of WOULD JUST LIKE to con-
functioning as scientists because gratulate the members of the
of political questions regarding Block M section who have done
their competency and ability as such an excellent job so far this
scientists. Their potential contri- year. They have handled the new
bution as scientists is thereby be- instruction cards very well which
ing sacrificed to the drive for con- has meant that the new flip de-
form ity. This is a loss to all of us signs have been executed with good
nd a waste of human resources precision. The older designs have
The manifestations of this situ- also been performed well and it
ation are very frightening when seems that the designs, color, and
one stops to realize their similari- section itself have lived up to ev-
ty with Hitler Germany. There, ery expectation. The Block M is
too, eminent scientists w e r eja growing tradition at Michiganj
judged by political criteria. Many and will provoke little criticism I'
of these men had to leave Ger- am sure from one who has wit-
many as political refugees. Other nessed it in action this year.
nations took them in and benefit- May I offer a few suggestions to
ted by their work. the members of the section. First
Prof. Nickerson has left the of all, the flips could be a little
United States and taken a position quicker and the cards must be held
at a medical -college in Canada. in place better. Also, please keep
He was not threatened by death the aisles bordering the section
or prison, a situation which our ac- clear so that the ushers can move
tive opposition to .McCarthyism quickly and easily when it is time
can prevent, but loss of livelihood to pass out the cards. Please re-
is no small problem. member also to wear your Block
It is to Canada's credit that her M button, for no one will be ad-'
doors were open to a scientist mitted to the section without one.
forced to pursue his work outside Remember too to crouch over your

cards when the "ready" signal'
goes up. The section this year is
certainly a marked improvement
over the past years, and, can be
perfect with a little more experi-
ence and concentration. Keep up
the good work!
-Harriett Thorne, '56
Publicity Chairman,
Block M
CYL Foundling .. .
To the Editor:
T HIS IS TO announce to all in-
terested parties the formation
of a Capitalist Youth League. This
organization, which will formally
oppose creeping socialism, crawl-
ing socialism, floating socialism,
trotting socialism, and other forms
of socialism, i.e.: social security,
internal security, internal af-
faires, and the like, has not yet
been recognized by the Office of
Student Affairs. Interested stu-
dents are advised to contact the
club's officers, who may be
reached at home.
This organization, an offshoot
of The Foundling Sons of the
Daughters of the American Revo-
lution, will not be intimidated!
Join today.
-Dave Kessell, exec. chmn.
J.W. Malcolm, member-at
L.H. Scott, large member



(Continued from Page 2)


At Architecture Auditorium
Gregory Peck, Virginia Mayo
THIS FILM'S entertaining moments come when
people begin blasting away at one another
With cannons; as long as there are cannons blast-
ing, which, admittedly, is most of the time, one
can enjoy oneself. But when the deafening roar
stops, the plot intrudes and things get to be
rather waterlogged.
The producers have tried too zealously to be
true to the book. They have taken as much of
its lengthy plot as humanly possible and turned
it to celluloid. But, even though they made the
film very long (two hours, exactly) to squeeze
in more plot, they failed, as, unfortunately, so
many have failed before them, to make the re-
sult coherent. Hornblower battles the French,
Spanish, Central Americans, the Dutch, and
sometimes all at once. And we are never quite
sure why. The result is a confusing mish-mosh
of sub-plot overlapping sub-plot, countless bat-
tles, and innumerable cannons for punctuation.
It also has its silly side. Hornblower (Peck)
has a mission 'in the Pacific to deliver guns to some

Mayo) on the way. He also gets brand new masts
somewhere in the mid-Pacific, how, we don't know;
one moment, broken masts, the next, sailing tri-
umphantly and unscarred into the sunset. This is
relatively unimportant.
Now, Hornblower has the rather distressing habit
of going "Harrumph" whenever things get inter-
esting. This from Gregory Peck is silly enough, but/
it becomes a term of endearment between himself
and the lady. They harrumph affectionately at each
other all the way back to England. They are, by this
time, getting along swimmingly. This becomes quite
clear when, after much footage in which he calls
her "Your Ladyship," she smiles meltingly and says
"Why don't you call me Lady Barbara? Or better
yet, Harrumph?" But they part in England, she to
marry an admiral; he to return to what the Rear
Admiral calls "the confounded war."
There is much, much more of this. Hornblower
goes off to fight the French for an hour, com-
plete with cannon and harrumph, but we have
a sneaky suspicion that he and Lady Barbara will
get together again. Their respective spouses con-
veniently die, and at the end, we leave them hold-
ing hands in the garden, harrumphing gently to
each other,
As I say, the cannons are this film's saving vir-
f4ti mT ha is -.f t nii ir nawnt r nlrl -rr ivtl

M.A. Language Examination in His-
tory Fri., Oct. 22, 4:15-5:15 p.m., 429
Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office.
Can bring a dictionary.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thurs., Oct. 14, at 4:00 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. D. E. Lamphier
will discuss Chapter III in Cochran's
"Sampling Techniques."
Logic Seminar - Fri., Oct. 15, 4:00
pim, in 443 Mason Hall. J. 0. Brooks
and W. B. Woolfe will speak on "Trans-
finite Recursion."
Topology Seminar (390)-Change in
hour and topic. The new time is Thurs.,
4:00 p.m., Room 3010 Angell Hall. The
new topic is fiber bundles (Steenrod's
book). First meeting Oct. 14.
The first meeting of the Political
Science Round Table will be held today
at 7:45 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. The program will feature a
panel discussion on the subject "Pub-
lic Administration in the Philippines."
Participating will be Prof. Ferrel
Heady, Prof. Amos H. Hawley, Theodore
E. Drews, and John H. Romani. All of
the panel members have recently re-
turned from the Philippines where they
helped to establish an Institute of Pub-
lic Administration at the University of
the Philippines in Manila. All interested
persons invited.
The Societa Corelli, fourteen Italian
instrumentalists (an organization sim-
ilar to the Virtuosi di Roma) will make
its Ann Arbor debut in the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series Fri., Oct. 15, at 8:30
p.m., in Hill Auditorium. They will play
the following program: Corelli's Con-
certo Grosso, Op. 6, No. 1; Arie An-
tiche by Vinci; Introductions, Aria and
Presto by Marcello; Concerto Grosso
"L'Estro 'Armonico" by Vivaldi; Sara-
banda, Giga and Badinerie by Corelli;
and Sonata a Quattro by Rossini.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the University
Musical Society, at Burton Memorial,
Tower; and will also be on sale after
7:00 p.m. on the night of the concert
in Hill Auditorium.
Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will continue his
series of fall recitals at 7:15 p.m. Thurs.,

from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
the Michigan Union cafeteria. Ici on
n'y parle que francais. Everyone is wel-
Student Players announces a general
meeting for all those interested in any
phase of theatre. Plans for the Decem-
ber production of "The Lady's Not Fdr
Burning," by Christopher Fry, will be
discussed and 1tryouts announced. New
members cordially invited. The meet-
ing will be Thurs., Oct. 14, at 8:00 p.m.,
in the Michigan League.
First Laboratory Playbill presented by
the Department of Speech for the 1954-
55 season will be presented at 8:00 p.m.,
Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 28 and 29, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Included
on the bill are two scenes from Clare
Boothe's TherWomen; Percival Wilde's
Over The Teacups and Tennessee Wil-
liams' Lord Byron's Love Letter. All
seats are reserved at 30c each. Tickets
will go on sale at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre Box Office Mon., Oct. 25.
Hillel: Thurs., 8:00 p.m., Musicale.
Beethoven Overture--Leonora, Beetho-
ven 5th symphony.
Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a
meeting on Thurs., Oct. 14, at 7:30
p.m. at our office in Lane Hall. All
members are requested to attend.
NAACP: The NAACP will hold its
weekly meeting in Auditorium "C," An-
gell Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 14.
Featured will be a dramatic reading of
I Am Free" with Tom Hendricks and
Paul Herlinger. All are invited.
International Center Tea.. Thurs.,
Oct. 14, 4:304:00 p.m. in Rackham
Lane Hall. Freshman Discussion
Group. Topic: "Immortality -concern
for the present or for the future life?"
All freshmen welcome. Lane Hall,
Thurs., '7:15 p.m.
Vespers will be held at 5:00 p.m. in
the Presbyterian student center chapel.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
5:05-5:30 p.m. Mid-week meditation in
Douglas Chapel.
The Baha'i Student Group will open
a series of weekly discussions tonight at
8:00 in the League with an introductory
program discussing the basic tenets,
aimn and methods of the Baha'i World

Sailing Club -Interclub r a c in g
planned for this weekend. P r o f.
L. A. Baler will be guest speaker at to-
night's meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. En-
gineering. This will be the last chance
to pay dues.
Michigan Crib: There will be a brief
informal business meeting of the Crib
Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. in the south cafe-
teria of the Union.
The meeting of the Young Democrats
tonight will feature a talk by Prof.
Ward on the Formosan Situation fol-
lowed by group discussion., 7:30 p.m.,
3R-S Union. All interested are urged
to attend.
Sigma Rho Tau-There will be an or-
ganizational meeting for all engineers,
architects, and technologists interested
in public speaking in room 3-S of the
Michigan Union tonight. The meeting
will last from '7:00 - 8:15 p.m.
Kaffeestunde. The German Club cof-
fee hour will be held this afternoon at
3:15 in the basement of the Union.
Hillel: Fri., 7:00 p.m. Israeli Dancing
and singing. 8:00-Friday evening serv-
ices followed by a talk on the subject:
"The 300th Anniversary of the Jews
coming to America."
Synchronized Swimming Clinic. The
Department of Physical Education for
Women announces a Synchronized
Swimming Clinic to be conducted by
Beulah Gundling Sat., Oct. 16 from
10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00 p.m.
The clinic will be held at the Wom-
en's Swimming Pool. All swimming en-
thusiasts are invited.
The Unitarian Student Group will
sponsor a square and social dance on
Fri., Oct. 15, 8:00 p.m., at 2761 S. State.
The dance is informal (blue jeans, etc.).
Stag or drag. Students needing trans-
portation should meet at Lane Hall or
Alice Lloyd Hall at 7:45 p.m. If there
is any difficulty in getting transporta-
tion ,call Carl Mailey, NO 3-2192.
Wesleyan Guild Party (Fri.) at 8:00
p.m. Come dressed in old clothes and
bring a flashlight for a hobo party.
Enisconal Student -Foundation. Can-

will be guest. Gamma Delta will be tho
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion,
Lane Hall, 12:00 p.m. Dr. Francis S.
Onderdonk will give illustrated talk on
"Happiness ... The Emerging Science."
Reservations needed; call NO 3-1511, ext.
iat M


Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of,,
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......Managing- Editor
Dorothy Myers......... City Editor
Jon Sobelof..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston...........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
............:..Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor
Joy Squires. ...Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor,
Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise......... Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski ..Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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