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October 13, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-13

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AFSC Head To Discuss Charity Plans
Volunteer college students from
area universities will soon parti-
cipate in a survey of Toledo's Ne-r
gro population to determine the
experiences, needs and problems
of Negro families regarding hous-
ing, Glenn Bartoo said yesterday. 4 X:

Color Pencils, Coffee
Breaks Can Aid Study

East Quad Recreation Increase Planned


Bartoo, college program secre-
tary for the Ohio-Michigan
branch of the American Friends
Service Committee, is currently
.visiting the campus. Scheduled to
speak at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Lane
Hall, he will evaluate the Friends'
annual summer projects.
Co-operating with four Toledo
agencies, student volunteers mak-
ing the survey will be paired with
Toledo citizens and work in teams
of two. Bartoo said that the sur-
vey has been wanted for years.
The Friends Committee was asked
to help recently, making the sur-
vey possible.
Give Many Services
This is typical of the types of
services, given by his group, the
holder of a masters degree in
sociology from the University of
Chicago said. Volunteer college
students have done charitable
work in such varied places as
Mexico, Europe, North Africa, the
Near East and in Navajo reserva-
Open to students of all races
and religions, the projects annual-
ly attract more than 2,000 appli-
cants, with about half of the stu-
dents being placed. Several of the
youth service projects enable
workers to earn a salary while
helping others, Bartoo asserted,
but sevetal carry no stipends.
Continuing, he said that the
Friends Committee helpe in the
racial integration of Washington,
D.C., schools by holding seminars

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey

for teachers in which the prob-
lems of integration were discussed.
Peace. Education Program
"Another project of the group is
a program of peace education in
communities throughout the coun-
try," Bartoo commented. "The
Committee speaks on international
relations, American foreign policy
and the bringing of insight from
religious faith to bear on these
In Columbus, Ohio, where the
Committee's regional office is lo-

New Political Group Formed
To Promote Capitalism Study

A new political club is being
formed on the University campus.
The first organizational meeting
of the Capitalist Youth League will
be held tomorrow, according to
Dave Kessel, Grad., evecutive
Petitioning Begins
For Senior Board
Applications for Senior Board
committee chairmanships petition-
ing, which will begin Tuesday, are.
now available in the Student Leg-
islature office in the Union.
Senior Board's function is to plan
special activities for the campus-
including Varsity Night, "Dead
Weekend," and plans for the grad-
uation period.
Other affairs, such as the senior
class gift and commencement, are
also arranged by the board.
Additional information on peti-
tioning may be obtained at the SL
office. Deadline for filing petitions
is Oct. 21.
(Paid Political Advertisement)
Don Leonard
Michigan's next Governor
Ike's Birthday Party
(Paid Political Advertisement)

CYL has not yet requested offi-
cial recognition by the Office of
Student Affairs. Although the name
of its executive chairman has been
released, a spokesman for the
group has said that membership
lists will not be revealed "because
of the pressures of our left-wing
The organization is devoted to
the furthering of the capitalist pro-
gram as broadly outlined by the
late William Rapdolph Hearst and
intensive studies in writings of
Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham.
CYL plans an active year on cam-
One of the first lectures to be
delivered by an unannounced guest
will concern "The Regrettable Ten-
dencies of Lower. Classes toward
CYL officials indicated they may
invite the Rev. Fr. Charles E.
Coughlin and David Lawrence as
future speakers.

cated, 15 to 20 college students
will take part in a series of week-
end work camps beginning late
this month, he said. They spend
Saturdays making minor repairs
and redecorating homes of needy
people and nearby slum dwellings.
Projects Helpful
Discussing his travels to colleges
throughout Michigan and Ohio in
connection with the Committee's
work, Bartdo said that students
are finding these projects to be
supplementary experiences to get
the most out of education. They
are directly applying the things
they have learned in school to
social problems, he pointed out.
Even more important than this,
Bartoo continued, is the fact that
by exposure to these new prob-
lems, students are motivated to al
much keener interest in their fu-
ture academic work.
During the program tonight in
Lane Hall, students will report and
share experiences from summer
travel and study as part of the
Committee's projects. Color slides
will be shown during the session,
Bartoo said.
Levinson Calls
Situation Good
"Overall national unemployment
picture today is generally good,"
commented Prof. Harold M. Levin-
son of the economics department.
"Fewer than five per cent, ap-
proximately, are unemployed,"
Prof. Levinson continued. He point-
ed out that when unemployment
reaches six per cent of the popu-
lation a danger mark is indicated.
Two million fewer people are
jobless now than in August, ac-
cording to Rex Nottingham, Ann
Arbor branch office manager of
the Michigan Employment Securi-
ty Commission, who said that the
national employment scene looks
In Michigan the figure of 230,000
unemployed persons will reach
300,000, he said. Fifty percent, how-
ever, are jobless on a temporary
-The unique "flash floods" of
Michigan's unemployment result
from model , changeovers in the
automobile plants, which create
temporarily high unemployment
records, Nottingham added.
"Locally, unemployment has ta-
pered off since August," he said.
"Construction and industry are em-
ploying more people.
"Considering that the University
is the biggest employer in Ann Ar-
bor, the employment rate doesn't
fluctuate as much here as in other
cities," according to Nottingham.

There's more to learning than
staring at printed pages.
Research at the University and
elsewhere has shown that study
time can be reduced as much as
one-third, with a vast improve-
ment in grades, if a student makes
efficient use of his study hours:
Enforced coffee breaks on a "re-
ward" basis, use of colored pencils
and an endorsement of last-min-
ute cramming before quizzes fig-
ure prominently in a 12-point
study plan formulated by Daniel
Brower, director of psychological
services for the New York Person-
nel Laboratory.
One Subject at a Time
Brower's plan begins with ad-
vice that only one subject be stu-
died in an evening, because "work-
ing on two similar subjects often
results in a cancellation of every-
thing learned." Assistant Profes-
sor Wilbert McKeachie of the psy-
chology department, however, felt
"Rather than spend an entire
evening on one subject," he said,
"I'd ask a student to switch to a
second when the first bores him."
Color Use Advised
Use. of colored pencils in note-
taking is strongly emphasized
throughout Brower's plan. Red
pencil marks are advised as an in-
dication that the student doesn't
understand a point. They should
be followed later, according to
Brower, by green marks to show
that the danger points have been
Underlining is frowned upon by
the report, which calls the prac-
tice "time-consuming, conducive
to eyestrain and a poor memory
Reversing an old maxim, Brow-
er's report sanctions last-minute
cramming before short quizzes.
Lectures at
League, MSC
Set Tonight
Prof. Amos Hawley, chairman
of the sociology department, will
discuss "Social Science in the
Philippines" at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Vandenberg Room of the Lea-
During the last school year,
Prof. Hawley was on the staff of
the University-sponsored Institute
of Public Administration at the
University of the Philippines, Ma-
Members of the Communications
Group of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers will meet
at 8 p.m. today in the Electrical
Engineering Bldg. at Michigan
State College
Principal speaker at the meet-
ing will be Prof. Alan B. Macnee,
of the University's electrical engi-
neering department, who will talk
on "Transitor Noise and Stability
Stason Renamed
Committee Head
E. Blythe Stason, dean of the,
law school, was reappointed chair-
man of the American Bar Associa-
ion's Special Committee on Atom-
ic Energy Laws last month.
Dean Stason headed the origi-
nal committee which was organ-
ized by the ABA in September,
1953, in response to a request from
the joint committee of Congress
on Atomic Energy Law.
Asked to make recommendations
to the joint committee regarding
amendment to the Atomic Ener-

gy Act, Dean Stason's committee
participated in the revision of the
Atomic Energy Act which was
adopted last August.
Dean Stason is the only college
professor on the committee.

"Read all your notes once with
no attempt to remember," he ad-
vised. "Then review thoroughly all
the items you've checked in red or
green, If you keep going over ma-
terial you know, it may result in
an over-learning blackout."
Locally, research at the Univer-
sity Reading Service has shown
that individual personalities have
a large effect on the quality of
studying done.
Disorganized People
"We've done quite a bit of
work with disorganized people,"
explained Donald Smith, director
of the series. "One student, for
example, who got an E on his
first exam, passed his next with
an Axafter we'd discussed his
method of study.
"First," Smith explained, "a
student should discover an or-
ganization pattern into which all
the details of the chapter he's
studying will fit. It's best to get
an overall view of the chapter by
reading the introduction, sum-
mary and main headlines. Later
the details will take on extra
meaning because of their rela-
tionships to the topics."
Smith also emphasized the im-
portance of taking notes in the
student's own words-not those
of the textbook. "It's a good idea
to develop a shorthand system of
your own," he added.
Coffee Breaks Urged
Brower, Smith and McKeachie
agreed that frequent cofftee
breaks, or brief rest periods are a
valuable study device. "Breaks can
induce motivation," Smith ex-
plained. "They should be taken as
rewards for concentration."
Midterms and final examina-
tions present studying problems of
their own. It's most important,
according to psychologists, to
avoid anxiety before and during
the tests.
Brower's plan gave one hint on
this subject: "Don't take a thirty-
second peek into your notes the
day of the exam. You're sure to
find something you don't know,
and this will only lead to anxiety."
McKeachie suggested, "If it
makes you more anxious not to
study than to keep away from the
books entirely, it might be much
more reassuring to look your
notes over."

Plans to put East Quadrangle
student activities facilities on a
more equal basis with those of the
West and South Quadrangles will
soon become a reality.
Since its 1939 construction East
Quad has needed a central congre-
gating point for its residents such
as the central corridor in West
Quad and Club 600 and its environs
in South Quad.
Concern over this deficiency in-
spired the East Quad Council, two
years ago, to originate an idea to
alleviate the situation.
Rejuvenate Council Room
Under the direction of Roger Kid-
ston, '54, then East Quad presi-
dent, and the late Charles Benzing-
er, '54, a plan was formed to reju-
venate the old East Quad Council
room located in the basement on
the north side of the Quad.
The council room is actually only
part of an area that was formerly
a large corridor. During World War
II the space was subdivided with
masonite to make separate rooms,
one of which was the council room.
The rejuvenation process, called
by its initiators and those who have
worked with the project the past

-Daily-Dean Morton

the University and seeing the bene-
fits that would evolve from such a
rejuvenation, 'U' officials agreed
to help.
The University will contribute
$3500 to the cost and also under-
write any other costs with the
Council paying back the Univer-
sity for everything over $3500. Half
of each year's East Quad dues,
amounting to $500, are appropri-
ated for the project.
Memorial Library
Cece Coleman, '55, Jim Evans,
'55E, former chairman of Operation
Ransom, Jim Knipp, "57, and Ron
McCreight,, BAd., East Quad pres-
ident, are in charge of directing
the idea through its initial con-
struction phases. Evans was in-
strumental in drawing up the fi-
nal blueprints.
The East Quad Council last night
agreed unanimously to dedicate the
new library to Benzinger, who died
in an automobile accident last sum-
All Quad leaders agreed that
he was the driving force behind
the project in its early months and
the dedication was only a small
token of appreciation not only for
his contribution to the 'Operation,'
but to the Residence Halls system
in general,
The Charles Benzinger Memorial
Library will be stocked with text
books, reference books, periodicals
and records which will be loaned
out to individuals in the Quad.
The work shop can be utilized by
those who wish to putter around
with wood or electrical equipment
and the practice rooms will be a
welcome addition for music stu-
dents who can't practically do their
rehearsing in their own rooms. The
rooms will be soundproofed.
- WCBN studios will be enlarged to
include three rooms: an office, a
studio, and control room.
(Paid Political Advertisement)
Frank Millard
(Michigan Att'y General)
at IKE's Birthday
(Paid Political Advertisement)

two years, "Operation Ransom,"
will produce a library, a council
room, a work shop, music prac-
tice rooms, and a three room radio
At present Leonard A. Schaadt,
Business Manager of Residence
Halls, who is handling the Univer-
sity direction of the 'Operation,' is
accepting construction bids for the
project so it is expected that ac-
tual building will start in the near
Financial Problems
Most formidable obstacle to con-
front East Quad student leaders
during plan formulation was the
financial aspects of the situation.
Stanley Levy, '55, Inter-House
Council President and last year's
East Quad President, estimated
last spring that the cost of build-
ing and furnishing the new rooms
would approach $10,000.
This failed to dampen the spirit
of 'Operation Ransom.' Instead the
Council presented its program to


Bretton To Lead ISA Talk
'On W. Germany Rearmament

fM7~htk of "Barefoot 1Bo Wth pC~eek,'" eti


SL Tryouts

Any male
may try out
year's Union
male musical

student on campus
for a part in this
Opera, annual all-

Prof. Henry Bretton of the poli-
tical science department will par-
ticipate in an informal discussion
on the rearmament of Western
Germany at 7:30 p.m. Friday at
the International Center.
Second in a series of talks on
current events sponsored by the
International Students Association
and the International Center, the
discussion is open to interested
students and faculty members.
Weekend activities sponsored by
the International Center include
a tour of Detroit Saturday and
movies Sunday.
Tour itinerary will include visits
to Veterans' Memorial Building,
Detroit News, WWJ Radio and TV
studios, Detroit Historical Muse-
um, Art Institute, Detroit Public
Library and Fort Wayne Military
The group will leave from the
International Center by a Univer-
sity bus and will return about 6

p.m. Charges for the round trip
will be $2.50 per person. Students
may register for the tour at the
Activities office before Thursday.
Movies on Ireland will be shown
at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Inter-
national Center.
U Professors
To Attend Meeting
University Professors Richard L.
Weaver, Stanley A. Cain, Samuel
Dana and Dean Stanley G. Fon-
tanna, of the School of Natural
Resources, will assume leading
roles in the annual Mid-western
Conservation Education Confer-
ence to be held October 10 through
13 at Higgins Lake.
The three day event will be at-
tended by representatives from the
conservation and education fields
in eight states.

Tryouts continue from ^3 untila
5 p.m. today in Rm. 3G of the Un-
The opera is annually presented
on a road-show basis in several
widely-scattered cities, after its
Ann Arbor performances.







W ed., Thurs., Fri., Sat.

340 S. State St.

LSA Steering Group Discusses
Plans for October Conference


You may be an
Undiscovered Star!!
Audition NOW for
Varsity Night
There is a spot for YOU in
the All-Campus Revue of 1954-
October 29, 1954 Hill Auditorium
8.15 P.M.

I have passed my thirty-fifth birthday, and my dewlaps droop and
my transmission needs oil. More and more my eyes turn inward
reminiscing, siftingthe past, browsing lovingly among my souvenirs
for at my time of life memories are all a man has.
And most precious are the memories of college. It still makes m3
pulses quicken and my old glands leap to life just to think of it
Ah, I was something then! "Swifty" my friends used to call me,
or "Rakehell" or "Candle-at-both-Ends" or "Devil Take the Hind.
most." My phone was ringing all the time. "Come on, Devil-Take-the.
Hindmost," a cohort would say, "let's pile into the old convertible
and live up a storm. I know a place that serves all-bran after hours.
So it went-night after mad night, kicks upon kicks, sport thai
wrinkled care derides, laughter holding both his sides. "Come on,
"Candle-at-Both-Ends," my companions would plead, "sing us an-
other two hundred verses of Sweet Violets."
"No, my companions," I would reply with a gentle but firm smile,
"we must turn homeward, for the cock has long since crowed."
"'Twas not the cock," they would answer, laughing merrily.
"'Twas Sam Leghorn doing his imitation of a chicken!"
And, sure enough, 'twas. Crazy, madcap Sam Leghorn. How I
mniss his gaiety and wit! I never tired of hearing his imitation of
a chicken, nor he of giving it. I wonder what's become of him. Last
I heard he was working as a weathervane in Tacoma.
Oh, we were a wild and jolly gang in those days. There was Sam
Leghorn withhis poultry imitations. There was Mazda Watts who
always wore a lampshade on her head. There was Freddie Como
who stole a dean. There was Cap Queeg who always carried two
steel marbles in his hand. There was Emily Hamp who gilded her
house mother.
Yes, we were wild and jolly, and the wildest and jolliest was I ...
But not right away. I blush to admit that in my freshman year I
was dull, stodgy, and normal. I finally corrected this loathesome
sondition, but for a while it was touch and go. And, dear reader-
especially dear freshman reader-be warned: it can happen to you..
The makers of Philip Morris have bought this space so I can
bring you a message each week. There is no more important message
I can give you than the following: College can be beautiful. Don't
louse it up with studying.
That was ay mistake. At first, cowed by college, I studied so much
that I turned into a dreary, blinking creature, subject to dry-mouth
and fainting fits. For a year this dismal condition prevailed-but
then I learned the real function of college. And what is that? I'll tell
you what: to prepare you to face the realities of the world. And
what do you need to face the realities of the world? I'll tell you
what-poise, that's what you need. And how do you get poise? I'll
tell you how: not by keeping your nose in a book, you may be sure!
Relax! Live! Enjoy! ... That's how you get poise. Of course you
have to study, but be poised about it. Don't be like some clods
who spend every single night buried in a book. Not only are they not
learning poise; they are also eroding their eyeballs. The truly poised
student knows better than to make the whole semester hideous with
studying. He knows that the night before the exam is plenty of time
to study.
Yes, I've heard that lots of people have condemned cramming. But
have you heard who these people are? They are the electric light and
power interests, that's who! They want you to sit up late and study
every night so you'll use more electricity and enrich their bulging
coffers. Don't be a sucker!
Clearly, cramming is the only sensible way to study. But beware!
Even cramming can be overdone. Take it easy. On the night before
your exam, eat a hearty dinner. Then get a date and go out and eat
another hearty dinner. Then go park someplace and light up a
Philip Morris. Enjoy the peaceful pleasure it offers. Don't go
home until you're good and relaxed.
Once at home, relax. Do not, however, fall asleep. This is too
relaxed. To insure wakefulness, choose a chair that is not too
comfortable. For example, take a chair with nails pointing up
through the seat--or a chair in which somebody is already sitting.
Place several packs of Philip Morris within easy reach. Good
mild tobacco helps you to relax, and that's what Philip Morris is-
good mild tobacco. But Philip Morris is more than just good mild
-+*r "Iv% nrrk r++ ,n rto v-n thc P .andR mild +tob~nnromiix,





V V V WV V V VV Vtai



At its meeting yesterday the Lit-
erary College Conference Steering
Committee discussed the values of
accelerated courses and classes.
Chosen as the topic for the com-
mittee's conference later this month
is "The'Merits of Specially-Acceler-
ated Classes in a Midwestern State
A report on the successfully ac-

celerated edurses in the political
science department was presented
to the group, whose chairman is
Joan Bryant, '57,
The committee chose 18 faculty
members, representing an academ-
ic cross-section, to participate in
the conference, and also considered
plans - for student evaluation of in-

Hand- fashioned Sweatr
I, his 16fd Jeffsweazter classic is
(~SOI80% wool (for warmthand
..'~ ~ ~,.5sftnSS), 20%/ nylon (far rugged
s r r{ t.,. $;. ".: siren th). It's hand-fashio#<ned

a - There's One Whale. Of

There's One Whale, O
A Difference In
Sf. tarL Ctk'

! i


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