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Let's Have Some Parties:
Suggestion for SL
IT HAPPENS every spring -- and winter and au-
tumn too.
Student Legislature members begin discussing
a political party system, bat it around for a
while, and then we go right back to the confus-
ing,' unsatisfactory every-man-for-himself elec-
Again, right now, a few members have become
interested in some sort of party setup. But before
this perennial interest dwindles, a few misconcep-
tions should be cleared up.
ONE: A political party system is not an evil, un-
democratic .system. It is perhaps more democratic
because it would enable capable people who cannot
afford the costs of an individual election campaign
to receive support. The costs of endorsing a particu-
lar candidate, and campaign costs in general could
be shared by the group as a whole.
TWO: The number of people running would not
be lessened. Last spring, there were less than two
persons per SL post. With two or more parties, the
number would not only be increased, but those run-
ning would have to be capable to receive party
THREE: The party divisions would not be Frater-
nity vs. Independent, or Democrats v. Republicans.
As SL is set up now, there are at least three inter-
nal variations of thought.
These might be called Conservative, Liberal,
andha somewhat middle-of-the-road faction. Of
course, there might be variations of the three
above. But a party system would be more effect-
ive if the numlier of parties were limited, and were
more encompassing of a variety of ideas.
These three groups are by no means separated by
artificial divisions. A good deal of the SL voting now
runs along these lines, with the large "middle"
group swinging it one way or the other.
FOUR: Independent non-party students would
not be forced out of SL elections. The only differ-
ence would be that they would not have the bene-
fit of a particular party support.
Actually, if -the parties are split as has been
suggested, there is no reason why any person
could not fit within the lines of one of them.
And if a fourth view, entirely different becomes
popular, a fourth party could rightly be organ-
FIVE: Organization of a political party system
should not be handled by the Student Legislature
as a whole.
It is unrealistic that the entire body could de-
cide into what divisions it should split.
This, instead, is a problem which should be han-
dled by individual members or groups of members
in SL, or outside of it. These groups should work
independently of SL, set up a program of policies,
decide on candidates and election issues, and be
open for membership to anyone on campus who
would be interested.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to say right now, whether
such a system would overcome all the ills of the
Student Legislature as it is now set up.
But its advantages in overcoming many of the
present problems can be clearly seen.
1.) More capable candidates. Parties would find
that with clear-cut issues, incapable candidates
could easily be defeated by another party support-
ing a more capable man.
2.) Clear-cut issues. Too few candidates of past
elections were for or against anything. They
were simply "running." Parties would have to
formulate issues, and tell the campus just where
they stood on various problems.
3.) Opposing critical groups. Parties would be on
the watch to expose poor planning or leadership.
And through the ever-watching critical eye of the
opposing parties, the campus eye would become
critical, too.
4.) Closer Campus-SL relations. With the added
stimulus of party politics the students could now
follow and understand the organization and prob-
lems of student government.
* * *
LTHOUGH interest in a party system has arisen
often, it has been too easily squelched.
SL members know that student government
definitely needs help now. The political party
system plan could provide that help. Why let the
idea die out again?
- Murry Frymer
Cancer Association Vote.
Now, Proof Positive?
WASHINGTON - One of the
mysteries of Washington is why
the Eisenhower administration has
tried, to win November votes with
one hand and nonchalantly lost
November votes with sox:
A. In Denver last week, Vice
President Nixon was admitting to
newsmen that the election was go-
ing to be touch-and-go; while
Majority Leader Halleck mourn-
fully felt it was as good as lost.
B. Simultaneously, in Washing-
ton the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion dominated by Admiral
Strauss, former partner of the
Wall Street banking firm of Kuhn,
Loeb, was demanding that the
dynamite-laden Dixon-Yates Con-
tract be signed - right away -
without the 30-day scrutiny of Con-
gress required by law.
This headlong rush to sign a
contract which Congress debated
for weeks had the effect of losing
votes for the very same senators
whom Ike and Nixon and Charley
Halleck want to elect.
Naturally it hurt Sen. Guy Cor-
don, who faces a tough re-election
in Oregon. It was bound to hel
Democratic Sen. Jim Murray in
water - power - conscious Montana,
whom the White House does not
want to elect. It was bound to
hurt GOP Senator Mundt in South
Dakota, a state where rural elec-
trification is strong. And it was
certain to handicap Senator Dwor-
shak and help his Democratic op-
ponent, ex-Sen. Glen Taylor in Id-
aho, where public power has lots
of friends.
* * *
The Mystery Deepens
Perhaps Admiral Strauss and
the military men who now run
the AEC didn't know this. Any-
way they insisted on pushing the
Dixon-Yates contract for an im-
mediate signature - until wiser
Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa
came back from South America
and postponed congressional hear-
Hickenlooper realized what the
impetuous gentlemen of the AEC
and White House apparently
didn't, that the public has become
extremely suspicious of a power
contract that was OK'd by the
President despite the disapproval
of the Tennessee Valley Authority,
despite a majority vote against it
inside the AEC, and despite the
fact that Dixon-Yates got the con-
tract without any real competitive
What a lot of people want to
know is why? Why was the Dixon-
Yates Contract let in the first
place? Why was it made a life-or-
death matter during the closing
days of Congress when Ike was
itching to leave for Denver? And
why the hurry about signing the
contract despite a law which re-
quires 30 days scrutiny by Con-
gress while in session?
Senator Langer of North Dakota
and Senator Kefauver of Tennessee
may have the answers. They have
been doing some interesting dig-
ging of late, and here are some
of the things they have come up
1. Eugene Yates, chairman of
the Southern company and a part-
ner in the Dixon-Yates combine,
was a late-comer in the deal. He
did not get into the negotiations
until to months after Mr. Dixon
of Middle South Utilities began
talking to the AEC. After he got
in, however, Yates made amazing
progress. He seemed to have pow-
erful pull in high places.
2. The Budget Bureau, when or-
dered to make public the Dixon-
Yates correspondence, wvaited two
days trying to figure out some rea-
son to explain why Yates was be-
latedly brought into the negotia-
3. One friend of Mr. Yates with
high-up connections is John C.
Persons of Birmingham, Ala., a
top director of Yates' Southern
company. Persons is a cousin of
Gen. Wilton Persons of the White
House staff who has been close to
Ike for years.
4. Another director of Mr. Yates'
power combine is Bobby Jones, the
President's golfing friend,,
5. A third potent friend of Mr.
Yates was Ed Falck, shrewd Wash-.
ington powe rlobbyist. The min-
utes of the Budget Bureau, as fi-,
nally made public, show that Falck
took Yates down to the Atomic
Energy Commission and first in-
troduced him to officials for a dis-
cussion of the AEC private power
Falck once wor ked at the AEC
"Carry On, Lads"
/. "
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish au letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
HE CONTROVERSY over the effects of smoking
on lung cancer continues to fill the newspapers
and magazines.
Monday the Public Health Cancer Association
met in Buffalo, N.Y., and voted to advise the
public to stop smoking cigarettes in order to re-
duce the occurrence of lung cancer. This group is
composed mainly of public health officers and
professional people working in a drive to combat
cancer. V
A panel of six doctors and statisticians held a
discussion on the matter previous to the passage of
the resolution, and they agreed that smoking does
have a definite effect on the disease.
This is a step farther than any that has been
taken as yet on the issue. Up to now, both doctors
and researchers have stated that there is an associ-
ation between smoking and the disease, rather than
a casual effect.
On the other hand, Dr. Clarence Cook Little,
scientific director of the Tobacco Industry Re-
search Committee, has stated that there has been
no "convincing" evidence as yet to prove conclu-
sively that there is a direct relation between the
The question remains: what should the rational
person consider as conclusive evidence?'
Naturally, Dr. Little owes some of his skepticism
to the fact that he is in the employ of the tobacco
companies. However, he does admit that there is a
bit of evidence, although nothing has been proven,
Dr. Little made the statement that the American
people should be told the need of patience "during
the period while scientists try to find out the com-
plete truth."
Yet in Buffalo a group of scientists met, and
in their opinion there is enough proof.
Is there enough to influence the American public?
--Louise Tyor
LYL and UMT.. .
To the Editor:
JUST WONDERED if you had
noticed the new pamphlet dis-
tributed the other day labeled
"Which Future for Youth?" I also
wondered if you had noticed the
fine capital the Labor Youth
League makes in this pamphlet of
current issues (in which The
Daily has had a lot to say.)
"Peaceful Co-existence," says
the LYL, "or no-existence"-in re-
gard to Universal Military Train-
ing-and continues to say that
UMT "would make an armed camp
out of a whole generation of young
Americans." Perhaps the LYL for-
gets that if men are to have peace-
ful co-existence--or any existence
at all, we have to make full play
on the word "co" which means
"jointly," or "together"-thus if
we are to co-exist with the USSR
(or is the LYL indicating anyone
else) we must have the same cor-
responding defenses our opposite
member has.
The LYL is obviously forgetting
(or hopes we will) the more than
equal number the USSR has in
its army. I hold my doubts that
enlistment in UMT would be for
quite as long a period as enlist-
ment in the army of the USSR.
I only hope to Heaven that the
writers, as well as the readers of
The Daily know the difference be-
tween the vagaries used by the
LYL (a technique often used in an
effort to make LYL words sound
like John Stuart Mill)-which
might sound good, but really con-
tain only the old party line, and
the specific truths which should
be used more often by The Daily.
-Gwenn Bashara, '57
* * *
Regre for rp . .,.
I NOTED WITH great sympathy
the letter in the Daily Sunday
from my good friend, Thomas R.
Arp, late of the University, but
recently turned professional. It is
perhaps unfortunate that Thomas
has chosen, at this time, to asso-
ciate himself with the self-styled
"chosen few" of the Daily review-
ers; this is especially disappoint-
ing since, while here at Ann Arbor,
Arp was always the critic of the
masses. His was the mass mind,
trimmed of extraneous matter and
crammed into a not unsymmetri-
cal head. His reviews were always
calculated to best bring out the
finer points of each motion pic-
ture and designate these features
for the education of even the least
perceptive student. Thus do I read
with a feeling of regret this latest
statement by Thomas which leads
me to believe that he has forsaken
his former ideals and turned in-
stead to the investigation of less
commendable methods of expres-
sion. I hope that this represents
only a- temporary lapse, and that
when Thomas is again seen in Ann
Arbor; in the local bars, taverns,
pubs, and pool halls he loved so
much; that he will again be count-
ed in the ranks of the liberal ele-
ment, and not allied with any re-
actionary faction which might
spring up not unlike toadstools
after a heavy rain,
-Dave Kessel
Vienna, U.S.A..?.. .
RE: Your statement in Satur-
day's Daily that Eleanor Ste-
ber has made but one trip abroad
-in 1947. I seem to recall that she
made quite a hit singing in Die
Frau ohne Schatten at Vienna last
-Jim Munkres
* * *
1 JUST WISH to express my ap-
proval and appreciation of your
comments and documentary re-
productions revolving about the
"Nickerson Case."
For what it is worth I also have
a suggestion as to journalistic
possibilities in, what is to me, a
related area of thought. Would it
be possible to explore some of the
rationale in the use by witnesses
of the fifth amendment-that is,
the theory or purpose of the
amendment and its use today?
Secondly, and perhaps more feas-
ible, a historical treatment of the
use and purpose of Congressional
investigating committees.
-Donald W. Shaffer, '56L
W HATEVER one may guess as!
the pre-requisites of growth
in any econon'iy, it is not much
more easy to be confident now
than it was five years ago that
Britain possesses enough of them.
Monopoly is not yet more than a
mildly 'rude word to anyone here.
In the United States bigness may
be the rule, but competitiveness
remains a principle that genuine-
ly influences practice. In' Britain,
cartels are still nearly as respecta-
ble as combines, and really aggres-
sive compeittion is still quite Wide-
ly regarded as rather vulgar, suit-
able for cut-price sweetshops.
Some of the social elements
that accompany growth in the
American economy, perhaps, are
appearing in Britain as an inci-
dental development of the Welfare
-.The Economist
(Continued from Page 2)
in Lab. Tech. and experience in Lab,
examinations & analyses.
Jet Propulsion Lab., Calif. Inst. of
Tech., Pasadena, Calif., seeks a Chem.
E. with M.S, or Ph.D. and experience
in Chem. E. research & devel. Back-
ground in mass transfer, reaction kinet-
ics & math. desirable. U.S. citizen,
Irwin, Neisler & Co., Decatur, Ill.,
Is looking for a Med. Detail Sales Rep.
Interviews of graduates with biologi-
cal majors will be held on Oct. 17 in
Jackson and on Nov. 7 in Detroit.
For further information about these
or other job opportunities contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin,
Bldg., Ext. 371.
American Chemical Society Lecture,
Wed., Oct. 13, 1954, 8:00 p.m. in Room
1300 Chemistry, Dr. Harry L. Fisher,
President of the American Chemical
Society, will speak on "Synthetic Rub-
bers and Their Meaning"
Academic Notices
Sociology Colloquium: Dr. Amos Haw-
ley, chairman, Department of Sociolo-
gy, will speak on "Social Science In the
Philippines" at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 13,
in the Vandenberg Room of the Michi-
gan League,
The talk is open to the public. Re-
freshments will be served.
Geometry Seminar will meet in 3001
A.H. on Wed., Oct. 13, at 7:00 p.m. Dis-
cussion will continue on the axiomatics
of some interesting geometries.
Orientation Seminar: Wed., Oct. 13,
at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. R. P. Jerrard will speak on "Graph-
ical solution of a differential equation."
Engineering Senior and Graduate Stu-
dent Seminar: Wed., Oct. 13, 4:00 p.m.,
Room 311, West Engineering. Panel dis-
cussion on engineering experiences in
manufacturing and construction. Rep-
resentatives from Proctor and Gamble,
Scott Paper Co., Argus Camera, Town-
send and Bottum, and Pillsbury Mills.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Mr.
George Sonneman will speak on "Sta-
bility of a Paravane" at 4:00 p.mf on
Thurs., Oct. 14, in Room 101 West En-
gineering Building.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Oct. 14, at 4:00 p.m. in
Rm. 247 West Engineering. Speaker:
Dr. John Giese, Visiting Lecturer. Top-
ic: Canounical Equations for Non-linear-
ized Irrotational Conical Flow.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap-
plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ence will meet on Thurs., Oct. 14,
room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30
p.m. J. R. P. French will speak on
Small Theory of Leadership.
LS&A Students: Any student with the
grade of "I," "X," or "no report" on
his record for a course taken the last
period he was in residence, must have
the course completed by Fri., Oct. 15th,
or the grade will lapse to an "E." Ex-
tension sof time beyond this date to
make up the incompletes will be for
extraordinary cases only. Such exten-
sions of time may be discussed with
the Chairman of the Academic Coun-
selors for Freshmen and Sophomores,
or with the Chairman of the Counsel-
ors for Juniors and Seniors.
M.A. Language Examination in His-
tory Fri., Oct. 22, 4:15-5:15 p.m., 429
Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office.
Can bring a dictionary,
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thurs., Oct. 14, at 4:00 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. D. E. Lamphier
will discuss Chapter III In Cochran's
"Sampling Techniques."
Jazz at the Philharmonic, sponsored
by the Men's Glee Club. Wed., Oct.
13. 7:00 and 9:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
The Societa Corelli, fourteen Italian
instrumentalists (an organization sim-
ilar to the virtuosi di Roma) will make
Iits Ann Arbor debut in the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series Fri., Oct. 15, at 8:30
p.m., in Hill Auditorium. They will play
the following program: Coreli's Con-
certo Grosso, Op. 6, No. 1; Arie An-
tiche by vinci; Introductions, Aria and
Presto by Marcello; Concerto Grosso
"L'Estro Armonico" by Vivaldi; Sara-
banda, Giga and Badinerie by Corelli;
and Sonata a Quattro by Rossini.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the University
Musical Society, at Burton Memorial,
Tower; and will also be on sale after
7:00 p.m. on the night of the concert
in Hill Auditorium.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall.
The Classical Motif, Oct. 8-29; French
Painting at Mid-Century, Oct. 10-31.
Museum hours: 9-5 on weekdays, 2-5 on
Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today.
"New Perspectives" Evening, an eve-
ning of evaluation of summer projects,
will be held in Lane Hall, Wed., Oct.
13, at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to
come and share his experiences and to
learn about opportunities for next sum-
Le Cercle Francais meets tomorrow
in the Michigan League at 8:00 p.m. A
film entitled "Chateafbtriand a Com
bourg" will be shown. Professor Den-
kinger of the French department will
give a short talk on Chateaubriand and
,will comment on the film. A social1
hour and French popular music will
follow. All are welcome.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on
Wed., Oct. 13, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
Communion. Student-Faculty Tea on
Wed., Oct. 13, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., at
Canterbury House.
Hillel. Reservations for Friday eve-
ning dinner must be xnade at the Hil-
services, there will be an open forum
discussion at the Newman Club, con-
ducted by Father McPhillips.
Business Administration placement
meeting for all interested students
graduating in Business Administration
this year, at 4:00 p.m., Room-140. Bus.
Hillel. All interested in Israeli danc-
ing are invited to the first session of
the Israeli Dance Group, Wed., Oct,
13, 9:00 p.m., at the Hillel Foundation.
Both beginners and those who have al-
ready had experience in Israeli dane-
ing are urged to come. Bring your
The Student Zionist Group will hold
its regular meeting, on Wed., Oct. 13,
8:00 p.m., at the B'nai Brith Hillei
Foundation. Everybody is invited.
Bible Study Group will meet in the
Presbyterian student center from 7:00
to 8:00 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association-Re..
member the coffee break on Wed. fro*
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Center, *omr
of Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Pershing Rifles. All P/B aetives and
pledges meet at TCB Wed., Oct. 138at
1930 hours in uniform. Bring tenni
The Congregational-Disciples Gl d:d
7:15-8:15 p.m. -Freshman discussion
group--"What Do You Say When You're
Asked About Your Religion?"
Coming Events
NAACP: The NAACP will hold Us
weekly meeting in Auditorium "C," An-
gell Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs.; Oct. 14.
Featured will be a dramatic reading of
"I Am Free" with Tom Hendricks and
Paul Herlinger. All are invited.
International Center Tea. Thurs.,
Oct. 14, 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Rackham
Lane Hall. Freshman Dimcuson
Group. Topic: "Immortality -concern
for the present or for the future life?"
All freshmen " welcome. Lane Hail,
Thurs., 7:15 p.m.
The first of a series of Workeampe
sponsored by sRA will be held in De-
troit on the week-end of Oct. 16. It
you are interested in participating in
workeamps during the school year, sal
Lane Hall.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on
Thurs., Oct. 14, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
La P'tite Causette will meet Thur.
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
the Michigan Uniop cafeteria. lot on
n'y "parle que francais. Everyone is wei.
Student Players announces a general
meeting for all those interested in anj
phase of theatre. Plans for the Decem
ber production of "The Lady's Not P
Burning." by Christopher Fry, will bo
discussed and tryouts announced. Nevo
members cordially invited. The meet1
ing will be Thurs., Oct. 14, at 8:00 p.m.
in the Michigan League.
First Laboratory Playbill presented b
the Department of Speech for the 19&1:l
55 season will be presented at 8:00 p.ma
Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 28 and 29, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Included
on the bill are two scenes from Clara
Boothe's The Women; Percival Wilde'i
Over The Teacups and Tennessee Wit.
liams' Lord Byron's Love Letter. Alt A
seats are reserved at 30c each. Tickets
will go on sale at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre Box Office Mon., Oct. 25.i
Hillel: Thurs., 8:00 p.m., Musicale,
Beethoven Overture--Leonora, Beetho-
ven 5th Symphony.
Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a
meeting on Thurs., Oct. 14, at 7:30
p.m. at our office in Lane Hall. All
members are requested to attend.
APPROVAL of the new London agreements de-
pends upon what the strong supporters of the
old E.D.C. now do in the French National Assembly.
Will they give their assent? Or will they impose
conditions which are tantamount to a rejection
in that they would require the reopening of the
negotiations which have just been concluded?
The hard core of E.D.C. supporters is among
the Popular Republicans or Catholic Democratic
party and in one wing of the Socialist party.
They are moved by fear -on a German national
army and by their faith in the political federa-
tion of Western Europe as a guaranty against
what they fear. But E.D.C. is dead. They are now
confronted with the fact that while they were
not strong enough to carry E.D.C. they may be
strong enough to spoil the Londoia substitute for
The real question is whether or not the old sup-
porters. of E.D.C., some of them the embittered en-
emies of Mr. Mendes-France, will participate in
what amounts to a spoiling operation. For any new
list of conditions that must be met before the As-
sembly will ratify means that the French govern-
ment has once again to reopen maters that have
already been agreed to by the allies of France.
This would be universally regarded as a spoiling
BEFORE THAT is attempted, the true believers
in E.D.C. should make sure that they realize
the consequences. They must not imagine that
because London was a success after the failure of
E.D.C., there could be another success after the
failure of London. London was a success because
there did exist a real alternative of E.D.C., namely,
a European system in which Britain is engaged
as a principal power. There is no alternative to this
alternative-none, that is to say, that the sup-
porters of E.D.C. would care to think about. If
the London agreement is rejected, or if it is spoiled,
the French Assembly will not be offered still an-
a negotiation or an agreement. But it would isolate
* * * *
THE LONDON agreements are, of course, a be-
ginning and not an end in the formation of a
European system. But the "Europeans" are badly
advised about the temper of France's allies if they
imagine that the National Assembly can domi-
nate the development of the European system. In-
side that system France will be a leading power
and can accomplish big things. But outside it,
France will not be able to compel others, and even
the appearance of trying to drive too hard a bar-
gain will stiffen the opposition of the other powers,
A spoiling operation would be at least as bad
as a flat rejection. In some ways it would be even
worse in that it would inspire less respect. For it
would feed the suspicion, which is undermining
the French position in the world, that there is
not now in Paris a government capable of gov-
erning, capable that is to say of taking hard deci-
sions and of abiding by them and of carrying
them out. What hurt France the most in the af-
fair of E.D.C. was not the final rejection. It was
the two years spent in avoiding any decision. The
procrastination and the misleading promises
raised the doubt as to whether France had a
government capable of playing the crucial role
which France must play in the Atlantic com-
munity. A spoiling operation now will revive and
sharpen that doubt.
AS THIS dispatch is written, the indications are
that the French government is firmly resolved
not to yield to the conditions which would set in
motion a spoiling operation. The stakes are high.
But they must be played for. They include more
than the survival or fall of the government of Mr.
Mendes-France. They include the reputation of
the French Assembly in the western world, the'
bases of confidence between France, Great Brit-
ain and America, and all the real and present
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of 4:
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Interpreting the News
and the War Mobilization Board,
is a close friend of certain federal
power commissioners, has enter-
tained FPC Chairman Jerome Kuy-
Kendall, Commissioner Seaborn
Digby and Commissioner Nelson
Lee Smith. He's considered one of
the ablest power lobbyists in Wash-
These were some of the back-
stage influences behind the Dixon-
Associated Press News Analyst
The London plan for integrating
West Germany's strength into the
defense of Europe has passed its
first but by no means toughest
hurdle in the French Parliament.
Tuesday's vote merely author-
izes the premier to go ahead and
try to draw up a detailed treaty,
in conference with the other pow-
ers beginning next week, which
can get final approval.
Debate on the confidence motion
showed clearly that important
blocs will make a last ditch fight
for greater controls over German
arms than are envisioned under
the present agr ement in principle.
U i'tnmn Wane
from France's own standpoint than
EDC that there is still a large
measure of doubt in international
circles that Mendes-France intends
to go through with it.
' Maybe Yes
This attitude has been somewhat
eased by his staking the life of
his government on Tuesday's
vote of confidence. But the heroics
of that action are somewhat
blurred by the fact that the depu-
ties, by voting him down, would
have run the risk of having parlia-
ment dissolved a n d elections
Once drawn, the pact may face
serious trouble in Germany as well
as in France.. On the one hand,
Germany is 'patently being made
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