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October 12, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-12

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And the Bi
EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of the following discus-
sion on the First and Fifth Amendments is a professor
of philosophy at the University of Chicago. The Daily's
purpose in printing this observation is to present to
readers some current views on the use of the two
amendments which were used by H. Chandler Davis
and Professors Nickerson and Markert respectively.
An outline of the Davis case appears on Page 1 of to-
day's Daily.)
THE POWER to investigate is the power to des-
troy. Equally, it is the power to preserve. Few
Americans would deny either of these assertions
about Congressional investigations. Few would deny
that there are limits beyond which investigations
should not go-in terms both of topics investigated
and procedures followed. An even smaller number
would deny that the power to investigate the state
of the nation or the conduct of government is in-
trinsic to the pursiut of wise and representative
legislative policy.
But between these limiting agreements there is
much confusion. Even though the overwhelming
preponderance of opinion probably is today on the
side of the committees and, against non-cooperat-
ing witnesses, still America's traditions of suspicion
of government, and of cherishing private loyalties,
do not easily wither. Thus we see, recurrently, ef-
forts to restrain or reform the investigative pro-
cess and to define more precisely the limits of its
The two Constitutional provisions to which wit-
nesses have appealed as they sought to limit com-
mittees' questions have been of course the First
Amendment and the Fifth. As I proceed to discuss
each briefly, it is perhaps in order to remark that
-at least to my non-legal mind-there appears to
be no legally conclusive position on either Amend-
ment's exact meaning. I do not mean that many
or most legal authorities have not made up their
minds; I do mean that good and wise men do not
The employment of the Fifth Amendment is
today especially in a state of uncertainty in view
of the recent passage of immunity legislation in
the Congress as well as the "Communist-out-
lawry" bill. The latter, and indeed the Smith Act
of 1910, have provided a baisis for invoking the
Fifth Amendment privilege against self-inerimi-
nation, and both Committees and Courts in gen-
eral have accepted the legitimacy of the plea. If,
however, a witness is confronted with a specific
guarantee of immunity against prosecution, re-
fusal to answer will bring a sentence of contempt,
and such immunity statutes have been upheld
by the courts in the past. As far as the law goes
it seems reasonable to expect that the present
statutes also will be upheld, so that persons ac-
tually on trial may not avail themselves of the
Fifth Amendment privilege. This is not the same
as removing it from their reach in investigative
proceedings, however, and it seems at the mo-
ment unclear how those proceedings may be af-
fected by the new legislation.
The more specific meaning of the Fifth Amend-
ment in respect of investigating committees has
come about to this: (1) a witness can properly in-
voke it in response to clearly incriminating ques-
tions such as that pertaining to Communist Party
membership; (2) he can not properly invoke it
with respect to the membership of others in the
Party unless (and here there is uncertainty) his
testimony could be expected to contribute to de-
velopment of a case against him; (3) if he has of-
fered some testimony he is regarded as unable
thereafter to be silent, on the theory tgt he has
waived immunity by the answers he given.
Pending clarification of existing legislation, this
seems to be about the effect of the Fifth Amend-
ment. In point of fact, it is of course far more a
political and social problem than a legal one. .
The investigating committees, far from embar-
rassment over the -silence of witnesses, have regard-
ed it as proof positive of guilt. If one objects that
the Founding Fathers meant the privilege to pro-
teet more than just the guilty people, the investi-
gators sweep logic and history aside. The protest
that the privilege would make no sense unless it
sometimes protected innocence is drowned in re-
citals of Communist wickedness and the dangers
of subversion.

It is of course to be assumed that guilty persona
do invoke the privilege. It also is to be assumed that
guilty persons can be prosecuted and convicted in
spite of the privilege. It also may be assumed that
the agencies of government have the money and
the manpower to protect us against actual spying

7 of Rights
and sabotage. And the American colleges and uni-
versities can surely-without the aid of congression-
al committees-maintain traditions of liberal and
democratic teaching. It conveys no disrespect of
our government to suggest that our academic in-
stitutions have better ways to judge their faculties
than by what they do or do not say under sub-
poena before a committee. I do not think, there-
fore, that those institutions need to interpret silence
before a committee as in itself a basis for conclud-
ing that he is unfit to teach. His silence is no evi-
dence per se of guilt; and the institution ought to
have much better evidence about him anyway. I
should make it clear, indeed, that while the posi-
tion I take here is roughly that of the American
Association of University Professors, it is not that
of the corresponding administrative group, the
American Association of Universities. So far, the,
presidents and chancellors have stressed the "schol-
ar's obligations to candor"-the professors have
stressed his right to speak, not under duress, but
under conditions which he thinks appropriate.
This controversy leads directly into the in-
vocation of the First, rather than the Fifth
Amendment. Actually, the non-cooperating wit-
ness sometimes challenges the inquiry on the
ground that his freedom of thought or speech is
abridged, sometimes on the more general ground
that the committee's powers do not extend to
the asking of certain questions. These arguments
both are to be fought out soon in cases pending
before the Supreme Court. Prediction of the out-
come is risky, but a few observations are in or-
der. At present the most prominent decision in
this field is that in which the Court upheld the
refusal of Edward Rumely, a "right-wing" lob-
byist, to produce the names of various contribu-
tors when ordered to do so by the Buchanan
Committee on Lobbying. The significance of the
decision is limited by the fact that the Court's
majority ruled only that Congress has not author-
ized the Committee to make such an inquiry;
and Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas
were unable to persuade the others to declare
such an inquiry unconstitutional. That the Court
would set some such limits seems likely. But ap-
peal to - the First Amendment must today run
the risk implied in the characterization of the
Communist Party as a conspiracy which was--
for judicial purposes-most succinctly outlined
by Mr. Justice Jackson in the Douds case uphold-
ing the Taft-Hartley Law non-Communist oath.
A witness who refuses to speak on the ground
that matters of Communist Party membership
are matters of opinion, or proper association,
very probably will be sent to jail on the ground
that he is wrong (and knows he is wrong). This
is, I repeat, only prediction of a chancy sort, and
I shall be happy to discover that I am wrong.
As we view the present struggles between wit-
nesses who appeal to our Bill of Rights and inves-
tigators who invoke the needs of our national se-
curity, we need desperately to see these struggles in
perspective. The immediate perils of international
tension and the cold war are clear enough. Yet
they should not, as this writer sees it, blind us to
the precious values associated in our democracy
with the rule of law and the supremacy of the peo-
ple over their government. Nor should present perils
make us forget that recurrently in our history we
have dealth unjustly with unpopular minorities and
later recognized that injustice was done-in Salem's
witch trials, in the Alien and Sedition Laws of
1798, in the treatment of radicals after World War
I. The deepest dangers inherent in present investi-
gative practices is that they render more slow,
more timid, more dull the abilities of our people
to retain their sense of humor and of perspective,
their willingness to alter legislation that turns out
to be unwise or unjust. The present temper is very
short with the defiant individual who stands on his
own interpretation of the Fifth or the First Amend-
ment. And yet we know that laws and legislators
can be wrong; we know that the Supreme Court
can and has reversed itself. Our religious and mor-
al traditions are rich with examples of individuals
who endured the most drastic penalties to bring
about the changes in the laws which their consci-
ences dictated. While we cherish their example,
while we recognize the contributions to our society
of even "the thought we hate," we need to be

eternally vigilant against the activities that stunt
that thought and prevent its refutation in an open
and free examination.
-Prof. Donald Meiklejohn,
Chairman, Sodial Sciences
University of Chicago

WASHINGTON - President Ei-
senhower now has the benefit of an
especially built electronic device
to help him with his golf.
It's the first one ever used in
the United States and was devel-
oped by Dr. Lewis Alvarez of the
University of California at Berke-
The electronic instrument is not
used in an actual game of golf
but in practice. It measures the
timing of the swing, the impact of
the club on the golf ball, whether
the stroke is off center, and how
far the ball would have traveled.
The Battle of Denver
For about a week prior to the
political strategy meeting l a s t
week, t h e President's advisers
were pretty well torn apart over
what he should do about the alarm-
ing reports coming in from the
campaign front.
The political advisers were de-
termined that the President go out
on the hustings and make a two-
week whistle-stop tour through the
strategic states. But his personal
advisers said no.
The latter argued first that the
President was under no compul
sion to go out and rescue the con-
gressmen who had failed to sup-
port his legislative program. They
also argued that Ike could not
afford to have his prestige lowered
by sticking his neck out in certain
key states and then having his
neck politically chopped off, if the
GOP candidates in those states
They remembered .of course, the
attempt of President Roosevelt to
invade certain states against key
democratic senators, and although
Ike would be speaking for, not
against, Republican senators, they
were afraid outside interference
would not be effective just the
But the political advisers argued
just as vigorously on the other side.
They included such potent figures
as GOP Chairman Len Hall; Con-
gressman Dick Simpson of Penn-
sylvania, chairman of the commit-
tee to re-elect Republican con-
gressmen; and Charley Halleck of
Indiana, the House majority lead-
The debate was really hot and
furious, and at one time the Presi-
dent was reported lapsing into
typically Trumanesque language
"Those-wouldn't have been in this
trouble," friends quoted him as
saying, "if they had upheld me in
the Congress."
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)

"The Top Top One? That's The Dixon-Yates
-1 '
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
. general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste w
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

New Guinea
New Guinea, lisle of Adven-
lectures noa noashrdlu noannn
ture, Col. Arnold M. Maahs, Pat-
tengill Auditorium,
nea, Isle of Adventure" was
the first of the six lectures in this
year's World Travel and Adven-
ture series. The purpose of this
series is socio-educational-broad-
ly, by movies and first hand ac-
counts, to increase understanding
and accurate appreciation of vari-
ous neglected or superficially
known cultures.
Next to Australia and Green-
land, New Guinea is the largest
island In the world. There is a
striking difference between the
civilization of thebcoastal re-
gions, which has been touched
by the fostering influences of
the missionaries and the Austra-
lian government, and the in-
terior lands, in which live prim-
itive peoples using mostly stone
implements. The natives of the
rimland are developing educa-
tional systems and familiar wes-
tern habits, their placid expres-
sions earning them the nick-
name of the "fuzzy-wuzzy an-
One of the interesting moments
of the film was of an inlander
named Rugglepot, shown being
chief-foreman to his twenty-eight
wives who, in plantation fashion,
were spending busy days planting
yams for the master's prestige.
The end of a perfect day for Rug-
glepot would be a fond look at his
ninety-eight pigs' jaws, strung on
a line as a symbol of his prosper-
ity, since the pig has a remarkable
value to a native New Guinean.
The individuality and careful-
ness of each native's decoration is
intriguing. Basic dress being min-
imum amount, t'he emphasis and
creativity are devoted to the head-
dress, shell and bone ornaments,
and painting of the face. The
headdress is always an elaborate
arrangement of painted chicken
feathers, or beautiful bird-of-para-
dise plumes, or, most startling, a
large conglomeration of plaited
hair salvaged from family hair-
cuts and arranged into a huge top-
hat affair. Evidently the chief
creeping places of evil spirits are
felt to be the nasal and eustacian
passages, so these halls are block-
ed, especially by the inlanders,
with curving human bones from
nostril to nostril and from ear to
ear. The face-painting is flamboy-
ant-one of the proudest-looking
savages had a polkadot facial
which was grotesquely attractive.
The photography of Col. Maahs
was excellent, the films themselves
full of intriguing glimpses at New
Guinea. The shame was that the
parallel lecture was not geared
either to the possibilities of the
film or to those'of the audience.
-Anne Young

11- - l

Age of Ugliness...
To The Editors:
I WALKED BY a couple of soror-
ity houses the other day and
saw all the girls out front in their
long khaki shorts, long white socks,
unpressed men's shirts and short
bobbed hair. It dawned on me like
a blow from a sledge hammer that
we are in the midst of another
Age of Ugliness.
Just a few years ago we laughed
loud and long when viewing pic-
tures of the flat chested high-
waisted boyish bobs or boobs called
"women" in the twenties. It was
the ladies who laughed loudest as
they said "Not me! Never again!"
Then an outfit called Toni came
out with a home permanent and
the hairdressers union pressed the
panic button. "We can't sell any
more $16.00 permanents," they yo-
deled in unison. "We'll go broke."
"But no," said a small voice in
the rear. "We'll change the style
and then all the silly girls must
come in every two weeks for a
trim." So they were trimmed and

the barber colleges had another
lease on life.
This year something new has
been subtracted. Now,..it is shorts,
shorts no woman would wear in
Bermuda where a girl really knows
her onions. They are not short
shorts to show off an occasional
pair of long ptemmed American
beauties, but long shorts and long
socks to display one of the most
functional but unattractive of all
joints, the vericose back of a wom-
an's knee.
Each summer a large percent-
age of our coeds fly over Europe
devouring culture like a swarm of
locusts but they miss one impor-
tant aspect in, their race to see
everything. A European woman,
with all her lack of the American
female's rights and privileges is
still an individual and she never
forgets she is a woman.
She uses the styles of the day
as they best suit her natural ad-
vantages. The length of her skirts
or shorts depends on the shape of
her individual calf and not the
whim of a designer or a sorority
It is not so much a question of
what we wear but who wears it.
Perhaps those girls who stood with
fat knees on the sorority lawns
should protest. They are the dupes
in this struggle to bring back The
Age of Ugliness.
Buck Dawson, Grad.

At Hill Auditorium
with James Quillian at the pi-
MISS STEBER, clad in a green
gown which I am sure lights
up in the dark, presented Sunday
night a thoroughly disorganized,
though frequently very beautiful,
song recital. After singing two
thirds of a program consisting of
Mozart, Richard Strauss, Puccini,
and Berlioz, Miss Steber decided
that we had had enough art songs
and arias, and proceeded to elim-
inate several of the numbers from
the final group and substitute
some lightweight selections, per-
formed with no particular distinc-
tion, which for me tended to blot
out memories of her very lovely
singing earlier in the evening, and
end the program with a crashing
The soprano set herself an ar-
duous task by beginning the recital
with the fiendishly difficult, long-
breathed aria, Non mir dir, by Mo-
zart. She surmounted this hurdle
with much tonal beauty and amaz-
ingly little vocal unsteadiness. In
a group of Strauss songs, she was
at her best, and sang 'with the
beautiful, silvery tones that she
can control so well. I did object to
her habit of gliding up to the high
notes of the phrase instead of be-
ginning them squarely. She dem-
onstrated at various times that she
is perfectly capable of attacking
the tones without the glide. Inci-
dentally, Mr. Quillian, whose ac-
companying was generally compe-
tent throughout the recital, was
at his best in the feathery, diffi-
cult piano part of the Strauss
Stanchen. It seems to me that the
appeal of Puccini's music is about
fifty percent in the orchestral col-
oring, and thus the three arias
which concluded the first half, of
the program seemed somewhat
two-dimensional with the piano
accompaniment. They were, how-
ever, beautifully sung- except for
the exaggerated sobbing at the end
of Vissi d'arte, from Tosca.
The second half of the recital
opened with three attractive
songs of Berlioz, in which Miss
Steber caught exactly the right
mood of each one. Then began
the let's let-our-hair-down por
tion of the program. Stravin-
sky's Song of the Dew was
scratched, and in its place we
had the musically inane Aria of
Lucy from Menotti's The Tele
phone, and Kurt Weill's Sep-
temlber Song. Then we heard two
American folk songs in austere
and lovely settings by Copland,
and Nancy Hanks, by Katherine
K. Davis. The final two num-
bers were omitted and in their
place Miss Steber sang Czardas,
from Fleidermaus. This number
ended with a high D which the
singer should never have at-
tempted. It was accurate, but it
was almost a scream. There were
three encores: Whistle and rU 4
come to ye, Danny Boy; and a
set of parodied variations .on
Long, long ago. Now, it should-
have occurred to Miss Steber
that there might have been a few ?
listeners who wanted to hear the
program as planned, and a few
who thought that this was a
pretty sorry closing group for a
program that opened with Mo-
zart, R. Strauss, et al. Besides,
the group was full of patently
laugh-getting devices that seem-
ed to me totally unnecessary.
This is probably dreadful snob-
bery, but I think there is some-
thing to be said for the singer who
simply comes out onto the stage
and sings good music. When Miss
Steber does this so well, why
should she feel obliged to do any-
thing else?


LYL Merry- Go-Round:
Is It Really Stopping?

(Continued from Page 2)
used. Copies of lecture notes are avail-
able. Eight weeks. $9.00. Registration
will take place at the first meeting of
the class. Professor Roy S. Swinton, In-
structor. 7:00 p.m. Room 165, School
of Business Administration.
This class will be followed by a sec-
ond section, Strength of Materials --
Engineering Mechanics Review II, be-
ginning on Mon., Dec. 6.
Sociology Colloquium: Dr. Amos Haw-
ley, chairman, Department of Sociolo-
gy, will speak on "Social Science in the
Philippines" at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 13,
in the Vandenberg Room of the Michi-
gan League.
The talk is open to the public. Re-
freshments will be served.
Geometry Seminar will meet in 3001
A.H. on wed., Oct. 13, at 7:00 p.m. Dis-
cussion will continue on the axiomatics
of some interesting geoxietries.
Orientation Seminar: Wed., Oct. 13,
at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3001 Angell Hal.
Mr. R. P. Jerrard will speak on "Graph-
ical solution of a differential equation."
Engineering Senior and Graduate Stu-
dent Seminar: Wed., Oct. 13, 4:00 p.m.,
Room 311, West Engineering. Panel dis-
cussion on engineering experiences in
manufacturing andrconstruction. Rep-
resentatives from Proctor and Gamble,
Scott Paper Co., Argus Camera, Town-
send and Bottum, and Pillsbury Mills.
Special Vaughan Williams Program,
8:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 11, Aud. A, Angel
Hall, presented in his honor and in
celebration of his 82nd birthday, Oct.
12, by members of the faculty and stu-
dents of the School of Music. Harold
Haugh, tenor; Robert Courte, violist;
Charles Fisher, pianist; and the Michi-
gan Singers, Maynard Klein, conduc-
tor, will present the program of compo-
sitions by Dr. Vaughan Williams. The
concert, as well as the lecture by Dr.
Vaughan Williams, to be given at 4:15
p.m. Tues., in the same place, will be
open to the general public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall.
The Classical Motif, Oct. 8-29; French
Painting at Mid-Century, Oct. 10-31.
Museum hours: 9-5 on weekdays, 2-5 on
Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today
Mathematics Club will meet in the
West Conference Room of Rackham j

ing presidential address, entitled "On
the Intersection Theory of Sturm."
WCBN South Quad: Ther will be a
meeting of the South Quad Radio Club
Tues., Oct. 12, at 8:30 p.m. in G 103,
South Quad. ALL members are required
either to be there promptly or to get
in touch with Jerry Pavlik, 7719 Hu-
ber, SQ. BEFORE the meeting. Elections
will be held and important station
business will be discussed.
Square and Folk Dancing. Everyone
welcome, from beginner to expert. Grey
Austin, caller. Lane Hall, tonight, 7:30-
WCBN South Quad: There will be a
meeting of the South Quad Radio Club
tonight at 8:30 in G 103, South Quad.
ALL members are required either to
be there promptly or to get in touch
with Jerry Pavlik, 7719 Huber, SQ, BE-
FORE the meeting tonight. Elections
will be held and important station busi-
ness will be discussed.
La Sociedad Hispanica is holding its
first "tertulia" of the semester today
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the North Wing
of the Union Cafeteria. Several faculty
members will be there. Anyone inter-
ested in conversing informally in
Spanish is invited to attend.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
4:30-6:00 p.m. - Informal Tea at Guild
House, 438 Maynard.
The poetry staff will meet at 7:30
p.m. in Generation office. Please have
elections from Hopwood manuscripts
Lutheran Student Association. The
second class of Dr. George Mendenhall,
"From the Bible to the Modern World-
Studies in Biblical Faith" will be given
today at 7:15 p.m. at the Center, corner
of Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Coming Events
"New Perspectives" Evening, an eve-
ning of evaluation of summer projects,
will be held in Lane Hall, Wed., Oct.
13, at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to
come and share his experiences and to
learn about opportunities for next sumn-
Le Cercle Francais meets tomorrow
in the Michigan League at 8:00 p.m. A
film entitled "Chateaubriand a Coin-
bourg" will be shown. Professor Den-
kinger of the French department will
give a short talk on Chateaubriand and
will comment on the film. A social
hour and French popular music will
follow. All are welcome,

At the State .
SITTING BULL, with J. Car-
rol Naish.
HERE WE have the typical Hol-
lywood treatment of a story
already dulled through repeated
telling. Custer's last stand in all
its glory, brought to us 'in all the
wonders of Cinemascope. The story
does not become less dull in this
Every trite trick of the trade
has been crammed into this tech-
nicolor nightmare. The soldier who
stands up for the rights of the In-
dian even to the extent of several
demotions in rank for lack of dis-
cipline; the peace loving Indian
chief, forced into war against his
will; the thick-headed officer who
persecutes the Indians beyond all
reason; the girl who vacillates be-
tween our heroic Indian-protect-
ing soldier and a famous corres-
pondent of Civil War fame. Of
course the soldier wins her in the
end. She even saves him from the
firing squad. More lack of disci-
pline for the sake of the Indians
had put him in this embarassing
Oh, yes, we have everything
in this one. All the picture lacks
is competent acting, good pho-
tography, a believable plot, and
a good healthy supply of no-nod
If this production is any example
of what Hollywood intends to palm
off on the public as good enter-
tainment, then we'd better all get
used to television.
J. Carrol Naish, usually an actor
of better than average ability,
plays Sitting Bull. He tries hard,
but the part is impossible.
If your studies are getting you
down, and you find that you can't
sleep, then by all means see this
movie. You can't miss falling
asleep, unless the loud jeering of
fh~rn '..d..n 'hnirpaimrump n~ain nari

At the Michigan..
SUDDENLY is the name of a
small California town in which
nothing of importance has hap-
pened for years. One day, however,
both the President of the United
States and Frank Sinatra show up.
Until this is all explained, quite a
few dull minutes have elapsed.
But suddenly some shots ring
out and this picture is elevated
to a pretty good grade B film.
Following on the heels of his non-
singing, dramatic role in From
Here to Eternity, Sinatra in this
picture plays a sadistic killer and
it is mainly his performance that
makes the story as suspenseful
as it is.
Sinatra is a hired gunman who
is paid to assassinate the Presi-
dent; he doesn't know, nor does
he care, who his employers are.
This, to him, is a job that's
paying well and it is of no con-
cern to him who his victim is
going to be.
Setting up shop in a house over-
looking the railroad station, Bar-
ron (Sinatra) holds a widow, her
son, and father-in-law as hostages,
and soon adds the wounded sheriff
and a television repairman to his
group. Waiting for the President's
train, Barron holds these people
in supposed terror while they ap-
peal to the killer's loyalty, feeling,
and the like to no avail.
In the waiting interval the film
gets bogged down in lots of talk
and philosophy: the usual poor
background of the killer as a youth,
his fine (to a point) war record, his
love of power via guns-over and
over again until the scene seems
like a philosophy class with each
member spouting words and words.
As the hired killer, Sinatra is
very good in a - quiet way. He is

YESTERDAY THE Republican Administration
opened in its newest farce. This one features
the Subversive Activities Control Board and the
Labor Youth League. It is concerned with the dark
and murky jurisdictional question of registering
"Communist front" organizations. This reviewer's
one criticism is that the story is circular, it ends
where it begins; in short, it is useless.
The plot line is not involved. The Board de-
mands that the League brand itself and its mail
What They 're Saying
THE ARTILLERY duel between the Chinese
mainland and Quemoy island, four miles away,
together with the Nationalist counter-attack on the
port of Amoy, have made this obscure point on
the map the world's most explosive trouble spot this
week. There is, so far, no evidence that the attack
on Quemoy is the prelude to an immediate assault


as "subversive." The League refuses. The Board
subjects the national leaders of the League to
individual fines of $5,000 and five year jail sen-
tences for each day of refusal.
The League's leaders, unwilling to capitulate, ap-
peal their case to the Supteme Court. One or pos-
sibly two years intervene before that body grants
a decision. In these years the League continues to
function, shamelessly humiliates-the Board, whose
original purpose was to protect America. As yet,
however, the League has manifested no overt at-
tempt to overthrow the government.
The Court defeats the League's appeal. The lead-
ers must go to jail. Armed with two years of pre-
paration, the League pulls a surprise tactic. It drops
the name "LYL," adopts a new tag, such as "YoutV
Regressives," and goes on, or rather begins again,
looking forward bravely and optimistically.
This leaves the audience repulsed. The federat
government looks foolish. The explicit purpose of
the Board has been defeated. The attempt to out-
law by registration 'has been a complete failure.
Now for some character analysis. The League may


--Dave Tice
Sixty-Fifth Year
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