PAGE FOUR . THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10,1$54 PAGEFOU THEMICIGANDAIY SNDAY OCOBER10,195 r. Pro Attack on Big-10 Rules: Much A do A bout Nothing II TODAY ad TOMORROW By DAVE LIVINGSTON Daily Sports Editor COMMISSIONER Bert Bell of the National Foot- ball League must read Shakespeare. His recent blast of the directors of the Big Ten could have been conceived only after a reading of the Great Bard's comedy "Much Ado about Nothing." If the furor was initiated with the hope of arousing public opinion in favor of professional football as opposed to the college brand, it was probably successful. The metropolitan papers car- ried for several days a raft of charges and coun- ter-charges, including more contradictions than the average reader could hope to unscramble. The attack made by Bell on Western Conference Commissioner Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson, Michigan's Fritz Crisler, and others of the Big Ten brain trust came as a result of certain policies recently insti- tuted by the Conference. The more important policies verbally resented by Bell included the exclusion of pro scouts from press boxes, the ban of college coaches from ap- pearing between halves on broadcasts of pro The Week In Review Local .. . A T A SPECIAL faculty senate meeting, President Harlan H. Hatcher described the University's procedure in the dismissals of H. Chandler Davis of the mathematics department and Prof. Mark Nickerson of the pharmacology department, as well as the procedure followed in not dismissing Prof. Clement L. Markert of the zoology department aft- er, he, too, appeared before the Clardy sub-commit- tee investigating alleged Communist affiliations. Under the closest scrutiny has been the dismissal of Prof. Nickerson (now on the staff of the Univer- sity of Manitoba, Winnepeg, Canada) and some fac- ulty members have said that they plan, to express their dissatisfaction with the handling of his case in the future. SORORITIES:Panhel announced that 412 women have pledged the 18 sororities on campus. Although registration was at a record high, the number of pledges was below last year's total of 520. REPORT CARD: University undergraduates tied the 1951-52 scholastic record by compiling a 2.58 grade-point average. National... BARRIERS: Student strikes swept through the cities of Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Md., as high schools attempted to integrate Negroes into previous all-white classes. Demonstrations in which the Negroes were jeered at or jostled were held be- fore many school buildings and on many main streets. Home-made signs appeared in the midst of some rallies and marches. School authorities have threatened to take away certain extra-curricular privileges if the strikers do not return to school. Parents of the strikers have not as yet been heard from. CAR-MERGE: Announcement was made of the merger of the Studebaker and Packard Companies. Newly elected president of the corporation was James J. Nance, former Packard president. Paul G. Hoffman, ex-Studebaker chairman, is the new board chairman. NUCLEONICS: President of the Detroit Edison Company, Walter L. Cisler, said that an atomic power plant would be built "somewhere in Michi- gan" in the next five years. PRIVATE POWER: Some Senators have been attacking the Atomic Energy Commission for approving the form of a controversial private power contract with the Dixon-Yates group. Sen- ators Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) and William Lan- er (R-N.D.) charged the AEC as not having shown proper respect for the Senate Antimonopoly sub- committee in acting on the contract. They de- manded a copy of the minutes of the AEC meet- ing at which the approval was agreed upon. The AEC is negotiating with Dixon-Yates for the construction of a private power plant at West Memphis, Ark. The 107 million dollar in- stallation would furnish power to the Memphis area over the lines of the Tennessee Valley Au- thority, replacing electricity TVA has switched to AEC facilities at Paducah, Ky. ENCORE: Owen Lattimore was indicted by a federal grand jury for falsely denying under oath that he had been a follower of the Communist line and a promotor of Communist interests. The con- troversial Far Eastern affairs specialist again de- nied the charges. * * * * - International.. . PACTS: The London Conference of nine pov/ars drew to a close with seemingly satisfactory con- clusions. Accord was reached after 1) British For- eign Secretary Anthony Eden committed his coun- try to maintaining four divisions on the continent as long as a majority of the Brussels Treaty mem- bers desired, and 2) Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said his country would not make any atomic-powered weapons. Germany will now become the 15th member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A few days later, Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov did the expected by asking for a new Big Four meeting to discuss German unification and an immediate end to German occupation, in an at- tempt to halt the entry of West Germany into West European Defense. The West German Parlia- ment wasn't buying, however, and supported Ade- nauer's London action. ATOM WORLD: Moscow placed a new plan for atom control before the United Nations, that still calls for the prohibition of the atomic and hydro- gen bombs immediately and before any system games, and the clause prohibiting sportscast- ers from mentioning the professional games while working a collegiate contest. What Bell failed to add was that these were but minor pointers of an over-all program designed by the Big Ten directors to emphasize their own prod- uct-college football. A crusade was not being launched with an avowed purpose of destroying professional football, as Bell seemed to intimate. In addition Bell neglected to mention the specific reasons underlying the adoption of the objection- able (from his viewpoint) clauses. Radio and television sportscasters have long been in the habit of spending a significant part of Saturday afternoon plugging the professional game they are to cover the next day, then when Sunday rolls around they seem to forget that there Is any brand of football but professional. As Crisler pointed out, the new regulations on broadcasts are simply a defensive necessity, rather than an unfair attack as Bell would have the public believe. The ban preventing college coaches from appear- ing on the broadcasts of professional games arose from a similar situation. The sportscasters have become masters of the "leading question" as one red-faced Big Ten coach will readily attest. Asked to comment during half- time at one NFL game, his interviewer phrased his queries in such a way as to leave the embarrassed coach praising the professional game to the detri- ment of his own college ball. The reason for the expulsion of pro scouts from Big Ten press boxes is even more simple. With the working press, teletype operators, college scouts, and spotters all requiring space, there just isn't enough room for outsiders as any squeezed- in sports writer will quickly agree. The scouts are still welcome to seats in the stands, and tickets are made available for that express purpose. But there are other policies designed, as are the above, simply to promote Big Ten football. The half-time has been extended to 20 minutes to al- low the fine Conference bands more time to per- form. The rule barring players from appearing on commercially sponsored radio and television pro- grams has been modified to allow a player to appear with his coach. Bell could find no fault with such policies as these, and had he looked objectively at the other is- sues he could not have kept a straight face as he blurted out accusation upon accusation. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - Inside story has never been told of how the railroads pressured President Eisenhower to cut their taxes or subsidize them outright, same as the big airlines. This led to a backstage study of the nation's transportation problems which has al- ready brought one suggestion to create a new Cabinet post, to be called "secretary of transportation." It was William Faricy, likeable lobbyist for the Association of American Railroads, who put the bee on Ike. Faricy, one of the ablest business repre- sentatives in Washington, began by golfing with the President. However, Ike doesn't like to talk shop on the golf course, so Faricy delicately brought a dele- gation of railroad men around to the White House. Those who accompanied him were Fred Gurley, president of Santa Fe; Harry de Butts, president of Southern; and Walter Franklin, ex-president of Pennsylvania. They complained, with some justice, about the favored treatment the big airlines were getting from the government-the fact that the government sup- plies safety signals for the airlines, weather reports, heavy mail subsidies, and in some cases tax-free airports. Meanwhile, the railroads , not only build their own railroad stations and tracks but pay heavy taxes. Ike seemed impressed. He asked the railroad men to submit a written report. Two weeks later, a confidential bill of particulars, entitled "Government Policies Adversely Affecting Railroads," was laid on his desk. This complained about the "selective diversion of the better-paying government freight, passenger, and mail traffic to subsidized competitors of the rail- roads," meaning the airlines. Three Government Offenders The report named three chief offenders: the De- fense Department, General Services Administration, and Commerce Department. The railroaders made three main suggestions: 1. The big airlines must be required to pay their own way, or the railroads must be subsidized. 2. The airlines must be taxed more or the railroads taxed less. 3. The railroads must be regulated less or at least their competitors must be regulated equally. The President glanced over the report, then shunt- ed it to White House Aide Gabriel Hauge. This pri- vate memo was attached: "Memo for Grabriel Hauge: I should like you to make a careful analysis of this paper and give me a report on the entire subject. I am particularly anxi- ous that you contact each department especially mentioned in the document and obtain from each its written opinions and recommendations, if any. (Signed) D.D.E.'' Wilson Says No Hauge promptly sent the report around to the three government departments that the railroaders had complained about. So far, an answer has come back from Secretary of Defense Wilson denying the charges. As evidence that the Defense Department was not discriminating against the railroads, Wilson submit- ted the following statistics: The railroads have han- dled 58.9 per cent of defense freight traffic and 55.2 per cent of defense passenger traffic. It was also Wilson who suggested creating a post By WALTER LIPPMANN ROME-Now that the substitute for EDC has been worked out, the prospects for solidarity in the West are brigh'r than they have been for a long time. Mr. Eden has achieved a brilliant success. He has done it by dealing directly and unequivocally with the crucial defect of EDC. The long four years of controversy, frustrating as they have been, had shown ever more clearly that a European system and the Franco-German reconcili- ation, which is the keystone of such a system, all depend upon Great Britain's resuming her historic role on the Continent. That role is to be the holder and the regulator of the balance of power. Without Britain participating as a principal in the affairs of the Continent, the Germans are too strong for the security, for the in- dependence and the equality, of their neighbors. When no one is strong enough to withstand the Germans, they are too strong for their own devotion to democracy and freedom. The German Dem- ocrats and Liberals know this from bitter experience. It is most significant that Dr. Adenauer is as pleased as is Mr. Mendes- France with the British decisions. For the British have given the strongest practical guaranty that the German Republic will be pro- tected against a militarist reac- tion. That guaranty is the indis- pensable condition of any confi- dence in a Franco-German recon- ciliation. It has been said that since Brit- ain has had no intention of with- drawing her troops from Ger- many, what she has done is to make an inexpensive gesture to reassure the excessively nervous French. The issues are deeper than that. There has been a strong opinion in the Pentagon and in Congress that when Germany was rearmed, the American troops in Germany could be reduced to tok- en forces. This view was once at- tributed to General Eisenhower himself though he has repudiated it since he became President. But it is a commonplace idea among the isolationist Republican sena- tors, and a year ago it reached the chiefs of staff and played a part in their famous "New Look." As things stood until recently, an American withdrawal from Ger- many would probably have been followed by eaBritish withdrawal- it having been British policy to keep close to and in step with the United States. Had this threat ma- terialized, France would have been left alone inside Europe with the rearmed Germans. France, more- over, had a considerable part of her army engaged in Indochina, That in the last analysis was why it was impossible for France to ac- cept the EDC. Had it ever been ratified by some kind of squeeze play, the internal struggle against EDC would have continued to di- vide the French nation. When Mr. Eden promised to keep the British army in Germany subject to a vote of the Brussels powers, hebanished thishnight- mare. He put an end to the risk that France might be left alone with a rearmed but divided and discontented Germany. He also made it ,practically certain that Canada and the United States would also remain in Germany. Thus there can be no monkeying now with any kind of reappraisal which would build up Germany as the captain of Europe while we brought the boys back home. It is no longer a threatening pos- sibility that the Western continent would have a German army in the forward zone and a weaker French army behind it, while the British and the Americans were not really present at all to deter- mine what went on in the forward zone. Now the West German army is to be formed within an envel- oping coalition of armies. So far as the problem is soluble, this solves the problem of how to let Germany have an army for de- fense and for her own self-respect while preventing her from using that army as a political instru- ment of her own aggrieved na- tionalism. The new agreement con- tains all the precautions which were in EDC. But it has what EDC lacked, the sure presence of the British and the Americans to enforce the precautions. The premise of the London con- struction is that the Soviet Union will not, and probably cannot, agree to the unification of Ger- many and the withdrawal of the Red army. This is the official consensus in high quarters in all the European capitals, and it has not been altered by anything that has happened since the death of Stalin. The working assumption is that German unification would raise insoluble problems for the Russians and very difficult prob- lems for the Western powers, and that it will not come about soon Saturday Night In Western Europe 1r - r 1 --I /etti'4 TO T HE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general Interest, and will publlsh all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be conidensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors.. Interpreting the News By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE WORLD has been so preoccupied recently with Southeast Asia, Formosa and the battle for Germany that growing tension between Israel and the Arab states has attracted little attention. Oddly enough, the tension has increased in almost direct ra- tion to talk of peace. Israel has been greatly disturged by two factors-the British agree- ment to withdraw troops from Suez, where they stood between Israel and the Egyptian Army, and resumption of Anglo-American arms shipments to the Arab states.. On Sept. 17 the ambassadors of the eight Arab states appealed to the great powers to give them great military and economic aid to deter Israel from any attack. On Oct. 21 Britain'offered to sponsor peace talks, especially be- tween Jordan and Israel, designed to settle the border disputes which have led to so many shootings. This week Israel offered before the United Nations to make non-aggression pacts with the Arab states guaranteeing territorial integrity and political independence, banning all hostile acts and agreeing to settle all disputes through negotiations. The only Arab reaction so far was an immediate statement on the floor of the General Assembly by the Egyptian delegate that "it is impossible for one moment to consider the peaceful intentions of Israel as genuine." And there it is. Israel is convinced that the Arabs are interested in arms solely to put themselves in position to resume the war which was halted in 1948 by a UN-negotiated armistice. The Arabs are convinced that Israel's immigration policy seeks to concentrate most of the world's Jews in Palestine and that eventu- ally the new state will tend to burst its bounds, impinging further on Arab lands. They see in Israel's dynamic development the creation of a situation in the Middle East almost identical to the one created in Europe during the last century by the rise of Germany. The suggestion has been made that tension might be some- what relaxed, at least in the field of religious differences, if Israel permitted implementation of the UN resolution of 1947 to make Jerusalem an international city with its shrines open to all. The Jews say the Arabs killed off that idea, as they did the original partition plan of which it was a part, when they resorted to war in 1948. Jerusalem is now divided, with the Jews holding the part in which they are most interested. One thing needed in connection with the new arms shipments to the Arabs is a renewal and new emphasis on the Anglo-French- American post-armistice statement that they will not countenance any more war in the area. They have sufficient influence to enforce it on Israel, especially because of her economic dependence on the Unit- ed States. They might, instead of selling arms to the Arabs, put them on a lend-lease basis with a threat to yank them out if they are used for any aggressive purpose. j Baxter Case, .. To the Editor: ON SEPTEMBER 21, Bolza Bax- ter, state chairman of the Labor Youth League, was indict- ed for failure to supply the Un- American Activities Committee with the membership list, finan- cial records and other documents of the Labor Youth League. There is reason to be greatly concerned. Bolza Baxter is the first youth leader in the history of our coun- try to face jail on indictment for contempt of Congress. He is also the first, to my know- ledge, to have received a subpoena so all-encompassing in scope that it called for all the records of an organization. Moreover, never be- fore had a youth organization been ordered to turn over the names of all its members to a Congressional investigating com- mittee.{ I am sure that no responsible leader would release the mem- bership list of his organization when harrassment of the members was sure to follow. The right of association recognized in the First Amendment to the Constitution would be mocked if it were stip- ulated that such association is subject to public censure accord- ing to the whim of some official -Rep. Clardy, for instance. Of course, the fact that no rec- ords were produced at the Un- American hearing is only the tech- nical reason why Bolza Baxter faces the prospect of a year in jail. The actual reason lies in Clardy's object in issuing the sub- poena in the first place, namely, to use his privileged position to try to stymie any and all political action which doesn't meet his favor. Knowing full well that Mr. Baxter would not be an informer, Clardy could count on conven- iently setting in motion the ma- chinery to send to jail a leading member of his (Clardy's) political opposition! The best way to defeat the con- tempt machinery, which has en- meshed many honorable Ameri- cans, who do not deserve to go to jail, is to elect a Congress that is committed to a new course in do- mestic and foreign affairs, one which will build upon our demo- cratic traditions, instead of tear- ing them down. -Mike Sharpe, Chairman Labor Youth League C * * Arp Resurrected .. . To The Editor: WE MAY GET the news a little late out here in the wilderness, but we do finally get it. And, al- though I missed the review by Sieg- fried Feller which Dave Kessel at- tacks in the September 26 Daily, I did not miss Mr. Kessel's letter. Now, here, here, Mr. Kessel (who- ever you are, your name is not any more probable than Mr. Feller's, or mine, or Inez Pilk's, for that matter). It is 'not for the common student to criticize the writers of Daily reviews; the reviewers, how- ever improbable their names, are carefully selected for their abili- ties, and generally know what they are talking about. I read them avidly, and rarely disagree with any of their profound opinions. As a matter of fact, through the years there have been many with which read a Daily review you are get- ting THE WORD. And "resurrect the libelous writ- ings of Tom Arp" indeed. That's slander, Mr. Kessel,and you had best beware. If necessary, I can handle my own resurrections, thank you. --Tom Arp Palo Alto, Calif. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily 'Official Bulletin is as official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1954 VOL. LXV, NO. 17 Notices Staff members who wish to join Blue' Cross-Blue Shield hospitalization plans, or those who wish to change the cov- erage on their present plans, will have an opportunity to do so from Oct. 11 through Oct. 22, at the Personnel Of- fice, Room 3012, Administration Build- ing. New applications and changes will become effective Dec. 5, with the first payroll deductions on Nov. 30. Persons not already enrolled, who do not join during this period, will not have another opportunity to do so un- til April, 1955. New staff members, how- ever, are accepted for membership at any time during the first 30 days of employment. Beginning Fencing Class for all in- terested men will start Mon., Oct. 11, at 4:30 p.m. in Boxing Room, Intra- mural Building. Weapons and protec- tive equipment will be provided. All experienced fencers are invited to work-out and fence between 5 and 6:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs., same place. Single Admissions, for Lecture Course Numbers on Sale Tomorrow. Tickets for all individual attractions on the 1954-55 Lecture Course program will be placed on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. in Hill Au- ditorium box office,.(Gen. Mark Clark will open the series Tues., evening and will be followed by: "The Caine Mu- tiny Court-Martial" sthrring Paul Doug- las, Wendell Corey and Steve Brodie, Oct. 22; John Dos Passos, Nov. 18; Dr. Harry Schwartz, Dec. 7; Justice Wil- liam O. Douglas, Feb. 24; Claude Rains, Mar. 16; John Mason Brown, Mar, 28. Box office hours are 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. to- morrow and 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tues. The following persons will please pick up their Variety Concert Series Usher tickets at Hill Auditorium on Wed., Oct. 13 at 6:15 p.m. and be prepared to ush- er for the first concert of the series which will be "Jazz at the Philharmon- ic." Marion Lenor Anderson, Margaret Al- bright, Arlen Bell, Joanne B. Button, Elizabeth Baranski, Donna Buse, Mrs. Shirley Bell, Fred Coulter, Bob Chigrin- ski, Patricia Carroll, Mary K. Caris, Dor- othy Curtis, Kay Davenport, Renate Dorpalen Jane Dansard, Warren Exo, Barbara Eaton, Marjorie Fairman, Joan H. Fagen, Jerry M. Gray, Patrica Ann Gage, George Jay Hoekstra, Mrs. Dorothy Hoekstra, Patricia Hanson, Dor- othea Hinderer, Noreen Helliwell, Ella- nor M. Hamil, Lee Irish, Agnes lImus, Joan Carol Katsock, Lois Krawitz, Ise- i Koenig, Elsie Kuffler, Ruth Lande, Carol Lofft, Marilyn Larkin, Hermine Meeter, Winifred Martin, Michael Mont- gomery, Ann Marshall, Patricia Mal- oy, Katy Micou, Richard Nyberg, Car- 01 Otto, Brewster Earl Peabody, Mary Lou Porter, James Rasbach, Marisa Re- guzzoni, Joyce Rasbach, Betty Jo Rich- ter, Alan J. Sorscher, Emilo J. Stanley, Jerry Singer, Lawrence Scott, Alexan- der Sarros, Sally Stahl, Marlene Schoen, Nancy E. Snyder, Karen Stokstad, Louis R. Tascott, Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Alison Thomas, Joan Tow, Helena Tas- cott, Margaret Takagi, John T. Wolfe, Alebhtr Webb, Ida E. Worrell, Patricia and Chairman of Admissions of the Boston University School of Medicine expects to be in Chicago, Sat., Oct. 16 and Sun., Oct. 17. At that time he will make interview appointments with any students interested in applying to the Boston University School of Medicine for fall, 1955. Write to the Boston Uni- versity School of Medicine, 80E. Con- cord St., Boston 18, Mass., giving your home address, Ann Arbor address, and other pertinent information. For in- formation on Admissions Requirements come to 1213 Angell Hall. The Extension Service announces the following class, beginning Mon. evening, Oct. 11. Statics - Engineering MechanicsRe- view I. Intensive review, designed to prepare candidates for civil service and other engineering examinations. A min- imum of advanced mathematics is used. Copies of lecture notes are avail- able. Eight weeks. $9.00. Registration will take place at the first meeting of the class. Professor Roy S. Swinton, In- structor. 7:00 p.m. Room 165, School of Business Administration. This class will be followed by a sec- ond section, Strength of Materials - Engineering Mechanics Review II, be- ginning on Mon., Dec. 6. The Extension Service announces the following class beginning Tues. evening, Oct. 12: Understanding Your Older Folks, 7:30 p.m., 165 School of Business Admin- istration. 8 weeks. $8.00. Wilma T. Donahue, Coordinator. Lecturers from the University staff and other insti- tutions will assist Dr. Donahue with the class. Registration for this class will take place at the session of the class. Concerts Eleanor Steber, leading soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Association, will be heard in the first concert in this season's Extra Series (under the auspices of the University Musical So- ciety) on Sun., Oct. 10, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Miss Steber, with James Quillian at the piano, will present a program of songs and operatic arias which will in- clude Mozart's "Non mi dir" from "Don Giovanni;" songs by Richard Strauss; three arias from Puccini's operas-"Un bel di" from "Madame Butterfly;" Mu- setta's Waltz Song from "La Boheme;" and "Vissi d'Arte" from "Tosca;" Ber-: lioz' Villanelle, Absence, and Zaide; Stravinsky's "Song of the Dew," "Sum- mer Evening" by Orvis Ross; and "I Saw the White Daisies" by Kent Ken- nan. Tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Tower until noon Sat., Oct. 9; and after 7 p.m. Sun. preceding the con- cert, at the Hill Auditorium box of- fice. Special Vaughan Williams Program, 8:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 11, Aud. A, Angel Hall, presented in his honor and in celebration of his 82nd birthday, Oct. 12, by members of the faculty and stu- dents of the School of Music. Harold Haugh, tenor; Robert Courte, violist; Charles Fisher, pianist; and the Michi- gan Singers, Maynard Klein, conduc- tor, will present the program of compo- sitions by Dr. Vaughan Williams. The concert, as well as the lecuture by Dr. Vaughan williams, to be given at 4:15 p.m. Tues., in the same place, will be open to the general public, Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. supper and hear the student talent. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. The Unitarian Student Group will meet Sun., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m. at the church. There will be a panel discus- sion of the book, "Psychoanalysis and Religion" by Erich Fromm. Students in- terested in transportation should meet at Lane Hall or in front .of Alice Lloyd Hall at 7:15. Hillel:Dance in Connection with Succos Holiday, Sun., Oct. 10, 8:00- 10:30 p.m. Paul Brody and his band. Refreshments. Kappa Phi Rose Tea will be held Sun., Oct. 10, at 3:00 p.m. in the Wes- leyan Lounge of the Methodist Church. Graduate Outing club will meet Bun. at 2 p.m. at the NW entrance to Rack- ham. Bring cars if have. Return about 6:30. Wear old clothes. Newcomers wel- come. The Fireside Forum group of the FirstMethodist Church for single grad- uate students and young adults of post- college age will meet in the Youth Room at 7:30 p.m. Sun. to hear Dick Emmons, City editor of the Ann Ar- bor News, discuss non-political elec. tion issues. Anthropology Club Picnic. Sun., Oct 10, 1:30 p.m. Sign up with Sec'y., An- thropology Dept., 221 AH. Adults: $1.25: children 75c. Meet behind the Museum at 1:30 for transportation. All inter- ested are welcome. Newman Club, will hold a general meeting Sun., Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Father Richard Center. Dr. Wheeler will speak on segregation. All members are invited. Wesleyan Guild Sunday-9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Discussions. First-Ba- sic Christian Beliefs. Second - {Great Ideas of the Bible. 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Supper. 6:45 p.m. Worship and Program: "November 2 and Christians." A panel will speak on Christian responsibility ta the election and some of the issues. (Continued on Page 7) 1r Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers..............City Editor Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor Dave Livingston...........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ...............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz.........Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith. .Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak...........Business Manager Phil Brunskifl. Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager r 4S r oL Telephone NO 23-24-1 I is