PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. OCTARPR fi -- - -p VV1{, ilL'iV O AVOI UIX POINT BY POINT: President Hatcher's Report: Some Points of Difference THE FOLLOWING is a discussion on President Harlan H. Hatcher's report to the Faculty Sen- ate in regard to Prof. Mark Nickerson and other related matters. Those of you, who, as the grapevine says many are doing, have lost interest in the issue, might as well stop reading right here, and attend to your more important business. Those of you who think academic freedom a timeworthy topic, wel- come. * * * * Perhaps an outline of particulars on the Univer- sity President's references to Prof. Nickerson in his report would be preferred over a rambling dis- course. Observing that the President's report was not at all fair to Prof. Nickerson might well pre- face the following points: 1.a. FROM THE REPORT: "The questions ask- ed by the Congressional Committee indicated some- thing ofthe alleged scope and period of an intimate involvement in the Communist Party." b. COMMENT: Guilt of membership is here im- plied from only the questions asked, rather than from any answers or absence of answers. Very un- usual. Note also the use of the word "intimate." 2. a. FROM THE REPORT: Prof. Nickerson refused to answer "leading to the presumption that he was using the amendment legally and that there were in truth facts in his case which, if disclosed, would tend to connect him with a crime." b. COMMENT: This ks an interpretation of the use of the Fifth Amendment which was never intended. According to this, to use the Amend- ment is to plead guilty without explaining the "why" of the guilt. Thus, the Amendment would be meaningless. 3. a. FROM THE REPORT: "Whether or not he did satisfactorily demonstrate his withdrawal from the Communist Party and its activities is a matter upon which fair-minded persons may, and clearly do, differ. The Chairman of his Department and the Dean and Executive Committee of his School, persons who may be presumed to know him better than any of the others who have dealt officially with his case, believe him to be unfit for continued membership on the Medical School faculty." b. COMMENT: The criterion is set as the rela- tive truth of his claim to withdrawal from the Party. Those who "know him better than any of the others" may or may not have referred to this criterion. The report does not say which criterion or criteria they used, although it is implied by in- clusion in the same paragraph that they did use that criterion. However, that is mere implication, and not very strong at that. It developed, further- more, before faculty committees, that when Prof. Nickerson and one of those who knew him better disagreed on questions of fact, it was Nickerson who was proved correct. 4. a. FROM THE REPORT: "Dr. Nickerson's claims of withdrawal from the Communist Party are not supported by corroborative evidence of any sort, and might, under other circumstances, be flatly contradicted." b. COMMENT: It certainly was unnecessary to say that his claims "might" be flatly con- tradicted. It is much less reasonable to apply the thought to a decision. 5. a. FROM THE REPORT: "The date which he gave for his 'drifting away'-1948-coincides with the approximate date when the Communist Party went 'underground' and it became the party line for members to conceal their affilia- tion." b. COMMENT: Quite an implication, with no logical basis at all. It is hard to believe that this was given serious consideration by intelligent men. By this reasoning, one can hold that there is no such thing as 'drifting away' from the Par- ty from 1948 on. Yet, Prof. Markert's 'drifting away' in 1948 (as a "young man") went undis- puted. Markert and Nickerson, by the way, are the same age. 6. a. FROM THE REPORT: "He has not by words or action indicated any disapproval of the Com- munist Party or its actions, nor has any action of his been reported which would be inconsistent with continued party membership. His testimony before the committees reflects approval and admiration for the actions and program of the Communist- Party .... Dr. Nickerson did say that he would not rejoin the party if it is as bad as the newspapers say it is but he made the reservation that he had no reason to believe that it is in fact a subversive or disloyal organization." b. COMMENT: On the contrary, Prof. Nickerson did indicate a disapproval of the Party "if it is as bad as the newspapers say it is." His statement here is as much evidence for his being presently unfamiliar with the Party, as lack of concrete ac- tion disapproving the Party is evidence of retained affiliation. He also used the word "rejoin," which would seem to indicate that he is not now a mem- ber. 7. a. FROM THE REPORT: "By taking advantage of the Fifth Amendment in the Congressional Com- mittee hearings he necessarily took the legal ground that truthful answers to the committee's questions- would expose him to the hazard of a successful criminal prosecution." b. COMMENT: Here, again, is that unintended interpretation that is contradictory to American principles of Justice. This time it is cruelly supple- mented by the use of the word "successful," a most unfair adjective under the circumstances. 8. a. FROM THE REPORT: "The 'frank and candid' disclosures of his past activities which appeared to impress the committee members are all concerning matters which he knows to be matter of record in government files. He has not disclosed any phase of his activity which was not already a matter of record." b. COMMENT: Evidently, the president re- mained one who was unimpressed by disclosures that were directly verifiable by government rec- ords. He reasons that verifiability is a discredit. be used against Prof. Nickerson and in defense of Prof. Markert. 9. a. FROM THE REPORT: "His vagueness con- cerning the circumstances of his withdrawal from the Party is an example of his unwillingness to disclose matters which he surmises may be un- known to his questioners." b. COMMENT: If Prof. Nickerson were a dis- honest man, as is implied by the President's re- fusal to believe that he withdrew from the Party, it would have been easier, simpler, and more ex- pedient to merely disclaim the Party completely. That he did not do so is, ironically, testimony to his honesty. 10. a. FROM THE REPORT: "The burden of re- futing the inescapable inferences flowing from his admitted former membership and present refuge in the Fifth Amendment must necessarily rest up- on Dr. Nickerson." . b. COMMENT: Hardly. It is up to the investigat- ors to prove he is still a Communist. It is not the case that he is guilty until irrefutably proved inno- cent. 11. a. FROM THE REPORT: "There is a reason- able presumption that a relationship such as he had with the Communist Party and its activities continues in the absence of a clear showing of its discontinuance." b. COMMENT: Ibid. 12. a. FROM THE REPORT: ".. . it (Special Advisory Committee) found Dr. Nickerison to possess 'more than one man's share of human faults and frailties,' to be 'an arrogant man' and 'perhaps also a foolish man' ..0" b. COMMENT: There was no mention of the favorable comments by the Committee, although the faculty committees that dealt with Prof. Nick- erson agreed, in their opening statements, that he was honest and candid. Very unfair of the president to include only these derogatory re- marks from a committee that recommended his reinstatement. * * * * F THESE ARE representative examples of the University's thinking on matters such as were involved in the Nickerson case, then the faculty is well justified in its attempts to keep the case open until it has been properly and fully examined. Many of the faculty have given the greater part of their lives here, and many others intend to do so, consequently having much at stake in the re- tention of respectable principles of academic free- dom and integrity. When they have been ignored, while these principles, though upheld verbally by the administration, seem to be subverted in prac- tice, their deep concern is easily understood. Their feelings on the issue must be strong, else they would not protest so persistently. And the faculty can be expected to know more about academic freedom than any other group. * . . * THERE ARE other parts of the president's report that, while having no unique bearing on the Nickerson case, are nevertheless deserving of close scrutiny. 13. a. FROM THE REPORT: "Our procedures, in my opinion, revealed in practice some weak- nesses which I hope will receive the further study of the Senate." EARLIER IN THE REPORT: "Having meditated upon its functions, this com- mittee (Subcommittee on Intellectual Freedom and Integrity) took the position that it was not available to the president for consideration of these cases until after he had made a decision and the affected person asked for a review." b. COMMENT: Obviously, an affected person would not petition for a review unless he were affected by a recommendation of dismissal. But this creates a rigid situation for the president. Having made public his recommendation of dismissal, he finds himself in a position of having to choose between his own announced conclusions and those of the faculty committee if the two disagree. There was this disagreement in the Nickerson case. Yet, one could hardly expect the president to retract his stand. The only road really open to him was to find stronger evidence for his deci- sion, a search that seems to have led him to rely on somewhat ridiculous considerations. The faculty subcommittee should have forseen this. 14. a. FROM THE REPORT: "In this one case (H. Chandler Davis), there was no dissent from complete unanimity of decision by all responsible bodies." b. COMMENT: The executive committee of the Literary college recommended Davis' reinstatement, as did the mathematics department executive com- mittee. Apparently, then, they were not included within the phrase "responsible bodies." Yet, the executive committee of the Medical School weighed most heavily in the Nickerson case. From here it is easy to argue that those recom- mendations which were most favorable to the presi- dent's already determined opinion, were the ones that received attention. 15. a. FROM THE REPORT: "Of one thing I am sure. Nobody's freedom has been invaded or abridg- ed at the University of Michigan ...." b. COMMENT: Nobody's except Prof. Nickerson's, and Davis'. S* * * In summary, it seems as if the decision to dismiss Prof. Nickerson was based on; at best, questionable reasoning. The many tendencies in the president's report to discredit him in the eyes of the faculty were probably the result of an attempt to create satisfaction with the dismissal through an unsav- ory description of the man which would incline the faculty to thinking he should have been dismissed after all. If so, the report was not really an explanation, but a rationalization; and a failure. This interpretation seems to be enhanced by'the observation that President Hatcher did not give any really good reasons for dismissing Prof. Nick- Prsmn MOVIES AT THE ORPHEUM . . . DIRTY HANDS, with Pierre Brasseur, Daniel Gelin, Eng- lish Subtitles, and others. "ALL FLIES Wear Red Gloves" by Ira Walach is a piece I had always judged as jocular but most unjust parody of M. Sartre; after last night's movie adventure, I have come to understand that Mr. Wallach was not just kidding. The moral of Dirty Hands, I take it, is that an act is an act. It takes Hugo, our hero, the long- est time (two weeks reel time, 87 minutes real timey to decide whether or not to actually com- mit an act. Then when he finally does, it takes him another two years to find out the act's mean- ing and at that he isn't really sure that what he thinks is the meaning really is the meaning. But he knows there is a mean- ing. The bad guys say no, there is no meaning. Yessthere is,ahe says. The bad guys then take him out into the night to kill him. As they walk toward us with the music crescendoing and a lovely glow emenating from Hugo, we cannot help but be reminded of another movie; like in The Robe, getting killed is The Pure's idea of fun. Now although it is fact that M. Sartre is to be taken far more ser- iously than Mr. Douglas, one could not deduce this from Dirty Hands. The Robe, at least, is honest hocus pocus frankly geared toward a fun-loving, slightly dim witted public; Dirty Hands sets itself up as some sort of godsend to the in- telligensia-in actuality it is a pre- tentious, repellent display of half- baked ideas. Hugo, presumably a latterday Raskolnikov, joins the Communist Party and is at once charged with the mission of assassinating a fel- low party-member. The time is wartime France. Hoerderer, the assassinatee, is planning a coali- tion with the pro-Nazi Royal- ists and Anti-Nazi Conservatives, which coalition will somehow pro- vide the Communist rule of France come the Red Army. This scheme does not go over too well with some other communists. Hoerder- er, therefore must go. And this is how Hugo, a poor little rich boy, gets his big chance. When he does get around to killing Hoerderer, it is because he finds the former fooling with his wife. Or is it? That, how- ever is beside the point. The point is, two years have passed and the communists have now adopted Hoederer's plan to the letter, have made Hoerderer a hero, and now want to wash their dirty hands of the whole matter. Hugo, a true existential- ist, feels otherwise. He gets his. The acting, scenery, music and haberdashery, it all was suffi- ciently gallic. So were the sub- titles. -J. W. Malcolm * * * ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM: IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING with Ray Milland, Paul Douglas, and Jean Peters. For a change, Ann Arbor, rather the SL Cinema Guild, offers a mo- tion picture that warrants a favor- able review. The film in question is the delightful comedy It Hap- pens Every Spring. I have been advised that the gen- tleman who was responsible for the original story was Mr. Shirley Smith, Secretary Emeritus of this university, and that some of the scenes were filmed on this campus. Later, the picture enjoyed its world premiere in Ann Arbor. Hollywood has become notorious for, among other things, a pen- chant for turning out two distinct types of baseball film. The more common type, the kind that cap- tures the largest audiences, is the opus where a real-life baseball hero is put through the paces as the film describes his tragic back- ground, his playing field gesticula- tions, and immediate problems, in an effort to drown the audience in its own tears. The second type is the classic where a reel-life baseball hero be- comes enmeshed in the usual Hol- lywoodian cops-and-robbers adven- ture. Both the aforementioned types cause me to gnash my teeth in con- sternation, to put a thing mildly. It Happens Every Spring is dif- ferent. It boasts a moderately imaginative story line, compe- tent acting, and what stereotyped characterizations there are come off in a much better fashion than the iniquities discussed earlier. The essential plot is that Vernon (Mr. Milland), a research profes- sor at a midwestern university, wants to marry the Dean's daugh- ter; and to do this, he needs a nest-egg. Our professor has hit upon a compound that repels wood, Union Complaint ... To The Editor: FOR SEVEN SEMESTERS I have donated, or, perhaps, more re- alistically, been fleeced of, my $2 (or whatever sum they happen to be demanding at present) for the questionable right to purchase stale cigarettes, watered-down m i 1 k - shakes, and an ill-tasting assort- ment of over-priced foods in a mus- ty edifice located on S. University and State known as the Michigan Union; and I have managed to suppress the desire to run rampant through its ancient, foul-smelling lounges dislodging the many rel- ics of bygone years in a manifes- tation of my rage. However, to- day, three weeks after being robbed of my Union fee for the seventh time, I attempted to partake of another one of the many facilities open to male students, namely, the cashing of a $5 check. But no, due to the fact that the Unioneers had not issued Union cards at registra- tion (not being ashamed, of course, to gleefully extract the usual fee) I had no card, and wasfunable to obtain one due to the fact that I didn't have my cashier's receipt, which I, along with 17,000rother students had long ago consigned to the circular file. And so, with three cents to last me until the banks open in the morning, I ask that something be done. I hesitate to offer my own suggestions, for they would prob- ably involve the hiring of demoli- tion squads or professional arson-' ists; I therefore submit the prob- lem to The Daily staff and the stu- dent body. --C. A. Forrest . * Academic Schisms... To the Editor: AS AN alumnus with a deep af-I fection for the University ofI Michigan, and a genuine respect, for her leadership in education,I I am sincerely distressed by thec lack of understanding between the faculty and administration on the1 Markert-Nickerson-Davis matter. The response of Michigan alum- ni to appeals for her welfare, such as the Phoenix Memorial Drive,I the Alumni Fund, and numerousf other sponsorships, is indicative( of the loyalty and respect alumnif feel toward Michigan and herI principles. To see how deeply thez Nickerson decision has driven thei . &IEIPJ to tle 6'ilor . "I Had It In That Same Bag In 1948" 7 S 4 4 .'^ 'M' and 2 Equals oney E DON'T KNOW why no- body ever thought of it be- fore but here is a virtually fool- proof method for the University of Michigan to earn several million dollars. It is really quite simple. Com- mon knowledge tells us that Iowa will be favored to trounce the Wolverines by at least two touchdowns in its conference scrap this afternoon. All the University administration has to do is to bet, say twenty mil- lion dollars, on Michigan and take two points. In other words, in order for Michigan to win its bet, Iowa would either have to lose or win by less than two points. At these odds, the Wol- verines will have no trouble in finding takers. Since no local Ann Arbor bookie could very well cover such a wager, Michigan's bet money could be spread amongst the "syndicates" in New York, Las Vegas, Chicago and New Orleans (isn't there always a syndicate operating in a big city?). Now comes the piece de re- sistance. Bennie Oosterbaan's Wol- verine gridders will fail to show up at Michigan Stadium, thus forfeiting the game to Iowa. Football rules specifically state, "In the event the game is for- feited, theofficialgscore shall be 1-0." Therefore, since Iowa will only win by one point instead of the required two, Michigan wins its bet. The millions of dollars gar- nered by such a coup could be appropriated for such worth- while improvements as con- structing new buildings, con- ducting scientific research, add- ing new volumes to the library, setting up new scholarships, in- creasing the number of faculty members, and outbidding other institutions to have congres- sional committees conduct their investigations on this campus instead of on others. The possibilities are unlim- ited. Move over, Harvard, here we come! - Marvin Siegel N S c t -14ERSL oc C schism between our teachers and administrators shakes the pride and confidence in Michigan not only of these alumni, but that of the lay reader and news-cast lis- tener as well. Our great University suffers from these reactions, as she suffers from the differences within her family. If the aims of the Communist ideologies are indeed to create dissension and misunderstanding, to destroy peoples and institutions from within, then those we would censure must be well amused by the misunderstandings now evi- dent here at our beloved school. I plead no rights or wrongs in the decisions made and the ac- tions taken. Whether they are "fair" or not, I do not know. But alumni everywhere feel it is im- portant that administration and faculty take immediate steps to close the gap, and to establish the free interchange of ideas and opinions, the co-operation and mutual trust that is required to maintain Michigan's standing as a leader among Universities. With- out this trust and understanding, and the working together that re- sults from it, administration and faculty alike will falter, and Mich- igan herself must suffer. --R. V. Trusdell * * * No Lion . . On the back page of Friday's Daily you have a picture captioned "Lion Gets a Dirty Look from Campus Coed." You might do some research work into the spec- ies of this sculptured animal, the product of Professor Angell's art. I am sure you will find it was not meant to depict a lion. --Aileen Stevenson The majority of scientists who created and now direct the defense technology of the United States seem in broad agreement that what happened last summer (to Edgar Oppenheimer) has hurt the nation- al defense beyond any easily cal- culable measurement. -- The Reporter {I I 1. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -I ' t! The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be. fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 17 Notices Late Permission: Because of the I Hop, all women students will have a 1 :30 late permission on Sat., Oct. 9. Women's residences will be open until 1:25 a.m. HOW HAS this year's economic recession affected business profits? Reports now available on corporate earnings in the first half of 1954 show that profits for most major companies have held up surprisingly well-and for many they have even forged ahead to all-time record highs. Perhaps the most startling aspect of the cur- rent profits picture is that com- pany after company reports that it has been doing less business, yet making more money.. A tabulation of the half-year reports from 457 leading manufac- turing companies, provided by the National City Bank of New York, shows that total profits after taxes for the group rose by 7 per cent over those recorded in the first half of 1953, which for most com- panies had been the best profit period in history. Also, profits for these companies were higher in the second quarter of 1954 than in any quarter of 1953. -Seymour Brandwein in The American Federationist Apart from a propaganda advan- tage, Soviet post-Stalin diplomacy is reaping more specific benefits. The rearmament of Germany has, in any case, been delayed.; and even if the delay turns out to be a short one, Moscow can now assume that every step forward in the re- constitution of Germany's sover- eignty will be accompanied by a re- crudescence of intense Franco-Ger- man hostility and by a deepening of other divisions in the Western Beginning Fencing Class for all in- terested men will start Mon., Oct. 11, at 4:30 p.m. in Boxing Room, Intra- mural Building. Weapons and protec- tive equipment will be provided. All experienced fencers are invited to work-out and fence between 5 and 6:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs., same place. Jr. & Sr. Pre-Med. Students: Dr. David Greeley, Assistant Dean and Chairman of Admissions of the Boston University School of Medicine expects to be in Chicago, Sat., Oct. 16 and Sun., Oct. 17. At that time he will make interview appointments with any students interested in applying to the Boston University School of Medicine for fail, 1955. Write to the Boston Uni- versity School of Medicine, 80 E. Con- cord St., Boston 18, Mass., giving your home address, Ann Arbor address, and other pertinent information. For in- formation on Admissions Requirements come to 1213 Angell Hall. Lectures Correction: The lecture by Dr. Roger W. Jeanloz, of the Harvard Medical School, has been postponed to Oct. 16. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Karl Gor- don Henize, Astronomy; thesis: "The Michigan-Mount Wilson Survey of the Southern Sky for H-Emission Stars and Nebulae," Sat., Oct. 9, Observatory, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Miller. The Extension Service announces the following class, beginning Mon. evening, Oct. 11. Statics - Engineering Mechanics Re- view I. Intensive review, designed to prepare candidates for civil service and other engineering examinations. A min- imum of advanced mathematics is used. Copies of lecture notes are avail- able. Eight weeks. $9.00. Registration will take place at the first meeting of the class. Professor Roy S. Swinton, In- structor. 7:00 p.m. Room 165 School of Business Administration. This class will be followed by a sec- ond section, Strength of Materials -. Engineering Mechanics Review II, be ginning on Mon., Dec. 6. Concerts Eleanor Steber, leading soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Association, will be heard in the first concert in this season's Extra Series (under the auspices of the University Musical So- ciety) on Sun., Oct. 10, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Miss Steber, with James Quillian at the piano, will present a program of songs and operatic arias which will in- clude Mozart's "Non ml dir" from "Don Giovanni;" songs by Richard Strauss; three arias from Puccini's operas-"Un bel di" from "Madame Butterfly;" Mu- Events Today Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider and doughnuts after the game on Sat. at Canterbury House. All students in- vited. Open House after football game, Sat., Oct. 9 at Muriel Lester Co-op, 900 Oak- land. Refreshments served. All wel- come! Movies. Free movies, "Famous Fish I Have Met," "Introduction to Haiti," Nov. 9-15, 4th floor Exhibit Hall, Mu- seums Building. Daily at 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun., with extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Coming Events The Russian Circle will meet Mon., Oct. 11 at 8:00 p.m. at the Internation- al Center. There will be election of officers. Refreshments will be served. All students interested in Russian are invited. Anthropology Club Picnic. Sun., Oct. 10, 1:30 p.m. Sign up with Sec'y., An- thropology Dept., 221 AH. Adults: $1.25; children 75c. Meet behind the Museum at 1:30 for transportation. All inter- ested are welcome. Newman Club will hold a general meeting Sun., Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Father Richard Center. Dr. Wheeler will speak on segregation. All members are invited. Wesleyan Guild Sunday-9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Discussions. First-Ba- sic Christian Beliefs. Second - Great Ideas of the Bible. 5:30sp.m.Fellowship Supper. 6:45 p.m. Worship and Program; "November 2 and Christians." A panel will speak on Christian responsibility in the election and some of the issues. The Women's Research Club will meet Mon., Oct. 11, in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Maxine Virtue will speak on "Courts in Action." Lane Hall. "searching the Synoptics." A seminar for those seeking meaning for their lives in the New Testament. Un- der the direction of Professor E. Wen- dell Hewson. Lane Hall Library. Mon., 4:15 p.m. "A Survey of Liturgical Music." A dis- cussion course, treating the items of the Jewish service, the Roman Catholic Mass and the Protestant liturgies, with specialsemphasis upon the music. Led by Miss Marilyn Mason, Assistant Pro- fessor of Music. Lane Hall Fireside Room, 4:15 p.m., Mon. Hillel: Dance in Connection with Succos Holiday. Sun., Oct. 10, 8:00- 10:30 p.m. Paul Brody and his band. Refreshments. Kappa Phi Rose Tea will be held Sun., Oct. 10, at 3:00 p.m. in the Wes- in Room 3-B of the Michigan Union. Mr. James Stasheff will speak on "A Simple Case of Fermat's Theorem." All interested persons are cordially invited. Gilbert and Sullivan full rehearsal tomorrow at the League. Boys at 7:00 p.m., girls at 7:45. Lutheran Student Association. Come to the Center Sun. at 6:00 p.m. for supper and hear the student talent. Corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. The Unitarian Student Group will meet Sun., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m. at the church. There will be a panel discus- sion of the book, "Psychoanalysis and Religion" by Erich Fromm. Students in- terested in transportation should meet at Lane Hall or in front of Alice Lloyd Hall at 7:15. Senior Society, honor society for in- dependent women,rwill meet Mon., Oct. 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the League. V -- : t Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers...............City Editor Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor Dave Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ...............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz .... ... Women's Editor Joy Squires... .Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoskl . Finance Manager