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October 09, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-09

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Da i4

91 0

Latest Deadline in the State




Eisenhower Asks
"For GOP Control
Sees 'Cold War of Partisan Politics'
Running Riot if Democrats Win
DENVER (M)-President Eisenhower, making a spirited appeal
for a Republican Congress, told the nation yesterday that politics
will run riot in Washington if the Democrats win control of the
legislative branch in the November elections.
In a nationwide television-radio address, the President cautioned
against what he termed the dangers of a politically divided govern-
ment, with the White House Republican and Congress run by the
"You know perfectly well that you just can't have one car with
two drivers at the steering wheel and expect to end up any place but

Iowa Favored
Over Wolverines
Branoff, Baldacci To Miss Game
With Injuries;Bates Returns
Daily Sports Editor
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's injury-riddled Wolverines will make
their Big Ten debut today against an Iowa squad that is already
smelling roses as a result of its opening conquest of Big Ten and Rose
Bowl champ Michigan State.
Right half Tony Branoff and fullback Lou Baldacci,- half of
Michigan's top offensive backfield, will sit out the game on the bench.
The loss of this potent twosome, coupled with minor injuries
that may hamper such an imposing list of Wolverines as Gerry Wil-
liams, Fred Baer, Ron Kramer,
Art Walker, and Danny Cline,
caused Oosterbaan and trainer Jim M
Hunt to concur in the observation G s
that neither of them could remem-
ber when a Michigan team had en-4
a game in worse shape phys-
Yesterday afternoon in a lengthy ;
drill Oosterbaan indicated that he iest
still was uncertain as to who would1

... {M' passing soph

... Iowa junior quarterback

in the ditch-especially when
Vote Asked
In Assembly
PARIS (M - Premiere Pie
Mendes-France demanded yest
day that the French National
sembly agree to the London Co
ference plan for the rearmame
of West Germany or get a new go
Invoking his full constitution
powers, the Premier told the A
sembly that he is making the nin
nation London agreement an iss
of confidence in his government
His announcement came shor
after midnight toward the end
a lively Assembly debate on We
ern defense.
The Assembly vote was set for
p.m. Tuesday (9 a.m. EST).
Mendes-France was forced in
placing the decision on a vote
confidence basis when the trend
a two-day debate disclosed
would otherwise have a diffic
time in getting the sizeable majo
ity required.
If the vote goes against the pe:
pery Premier he will automatc
ly be out of office and France w
be plunged into a severe politic
M endes-France called for apprc
al of the rearmament plan withr
string attached after a move d
veloped in the Assembly to preve
the rebirth of a German gener

the drivers are set on going in dif-
ferent directions," Eisenhower de-
clared in a speech prepared for
delivery before a big political rally
in the 6,000-seat Denver Municipal
Would Block Goals
The President said "a cold war
of partisan politics between the
Congress and the executive branch'
would block achievement of the
goals which he said he feels can
re be attained through continued Re-
As- publican control of Congress.
Jabbing at the Democrats, Eisen- JIM BATES
ent hower said that when Americans ... Michigan center returns
_n- went to the polls in 1952 and voted ' Michiganlcenter returns
v-the Republicans into power, they
"were determined to eliminate pen- Senator Tells
nal etration by the Communist conspir- L ri n
As- acy in our government and in our
ne- whole society. They did not con- f P )ue'
ue sider it a red herring."
The President's "red herring" re-
tly mark was a verbal poke at the WASHINGTON UP) - Sen.
of Truman Administration's handling mer Capehart (R-Ind.) said y
st- of the subversion problem. terday that "pressure" has be
Fighting Speech put on him not to investigate $6
OD in fees hp sain wprpennid to t

. hard charging Hawkeye captain

Ex-'M' Gridder Brings
Unbeaten Teamt Here

start in the Michigan backfield.
By DAVE BAAiD Dune McDonald and sophomore
Jim Maddock alternated at quarter-
Forrest Evashevski. former great Wolverine blocking back of back while Dave Hill and Baer di-
1938-39-40, will be in Michigan Stadium today. vided the fullback duties with Cline
However, he won't be back as leader of his alma mater but ED HICKEY and Ed Hickey filling the halfback
rather brings an undefeated University of Iowa grid power, favored t. .subs for Tony Branoff slots.
by thirteen points to hand the Wolverines their second loss.---- - Hill was used at linebacker in
For the second consecutive Saturday three-quarters of the Sta- the spot vacated by Baldacci, sug-
dium will be filled. The crowd due to reach 75.000 will include more G icC arran POst gesting that he may see the major
than 6,500 members of Michigan high school bands.s
The musicians. representin- 110 instrnmental units ,.nre he-re for rl" x' " u1Bates Returns{



, gJU*A tA1A4 ,4 9 J 11U t t 5 U fl UCLU U , c1 U1St A U '
the University Marching Band's sixth annual Band Day.
Goldman To Direct
Famed New York band conductor, Edwin Franko Goldman, will
direct the massed bands at half-time today in five of his own com-;
positions and conclude the intermission with John Philip Sousa's
"Stars and Stripes Forever."1
Also in attendance will be patients from the Battle Creek andt
Saginaw Veterans Hospitals. Groups from the hospitals are coming;
to every Michigan home game this fall.
Many Here From Iowat
The early season success of the Hawkeyes has helped produce

To lie Y-lled
CARSON CITY U!)-An elec-
tion Nov. 2 to fill the unexpired
term of the late Democratic Sen.
Pat McCarran was ordered yes-
terday by the Nevada Supreme

r 3

JV pV tUU6 IeA'ulu l AM U IU t' U l VU
Eisenhower's address was pat- Washington men for help in get-
terned in a large part after the ting government-insured loans on
fighting speech he made Sept. 23 housing projects.
in Los Angeles' Hollywood Bowl. "It makes me very suspicious of
"You cannot have efficient fed- this whole thing," the senator said.
eral government when the Congress "They can't put pressure on me
wants to follow one philosophy of and they might as well know it."
government and the executive Capehart is chairman of the
branch another," the President de- Senate Banking Committee, which
Glared, is concluding a six-month investi-
"In our system of government, gation of federal housing prac-
progress is made when the leaders tices. The inquiry has resulted in
of the executive branch and the a shakeup of the Federal Housing
majority of the Congress are mem- Administration and several crim-
bers of the same political party." inal cases have developed from it.
"The unsurpassed record of the"

Jim Bates will return to the line-
up at center after an absence dat-
ing back to 1952. Injured as a soph-
omore and then again last year,
Bates was finally ready to go as
first-string pivotman this fall be-
fore a bout with pneumonia bounc-
ed him once again to the sick bay.
The rugged 195-pounder is ex-
pected to make a considerable dif-
ference on defense where, although
inexperienced, he rates as the
squad's top linebacker.
The remainder of the starting line
includes Ron Kramer and Gerry
Williams at ends, Art Walker and
John Morrow at tackles, and
guards Ted Cachey and Ed Meads.
The Hawkeyes, their vacant in-
jury list contrasting sharply with
Starting -jieup

many Iowa cars in the environs of Ann Arbor today. Although there The unanimous decision by the
were no special trains or buses chartered for the trip, Iowa Athletic three-judge court was a victory
Director, Paul W. Brechler announced that one group of 60 has for the Democrats.
arrived for the weekend in Detroit, The Republicans, reportedly
They will attend the game today and watch the Detroit Lions with White House backing, had
play the Los Angeles Rams in a professional tussle tomorrow.
Perfect football weather is forecast for this afternoon. There sought to prevent the vote. They
will be partly cloudy skies with the temperature approaching 70 argued that the appointee of Re-
degrees. publican Gov. Charles Russell
-- should serve out the remainingj


World News

By The Associated Press
Rome Cheers ...
ROME - A cheering Senate yes-
terday gave Premier Mario Scelba
a thumping 122-89 vote of confi-
dence on the Italian-Yugoslav set-
tlement of the Trieste free terri-
tory quarrel.
Open Letter ...
HAMBURG, Germany - An As-
sociation of ex-Nazis has sent an
open letter to Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy (R-Wis) asking him to help
end the "defamation of Germany"
and get the "American Morgen-
thau boys" out of the country.
Karl Ludwig Strieder, Hamburg
state chairman of "the Assn. of
Those Damaged by Denazifica-
tion" asked the senator to regard
the Nazis as his "allies, forerun-
ners in battle, and prophets."
Expelled .. .
GALESBURGG, Ill.-Knox Col-
lege yesterday expelled five stu-
dents who participated in an eight-
man beer drinking contest which
preceded the auto deaths of two of
the contestants.
Philip Haring, head of the
school's publicity committee, said
no action was taken in the case of

83rd congress is shinig evidence E K Y IN EC ON : .
of this truth." WEEKLY IN\SPECTIONS.- S ik r
Historical Proof
Eisenhower then added that "his- H ousing Shorta ge N oDETROIT ()- A psychiatrist
tory shows that when the executive declared today "there are an
toryshos tht wen he eecuiveawful lot of stinkers in our civ-
and the legislative branches are ilization."
politically in conflict, politics in Lik elyiz'en Dr. James Clark Moloney of
Washington runs riot." He went on ! ' 7 a 'r'-' -O Birmingham told a meeting of
to say that under such circum-Bimnhmtdameig f
stances "the public goes begging (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles dealing with Ani he ehat stiNeuropsychiatr
while politics is played for politics Arbor's housing situation.) who have strong egos and like
sake." By LEE MARKS to run things."
"Progress slows or stops. For Commenting on Ann Arbor's housing situation, building inspector
partisan reasons, good laws are John Ryan told The Daily he did not think a serious housing shortage
pigeonholed. For partisan reasons,woldelp.PRS CO E EN :
bad laws are passed. Meanwhile, would develop. E
in the eyes of the world, we ap- "We don't contemplate tearing down any buildings," said the
pear divided in council and uncer- energetic inspector.,
tain in purpose." "While we intend to clean up illegal conditions, we won't force
anyone to vacate except as a lasts
H wT E h leHowever, as a result of weekly Faith in Uni
ow Einspections, the complexion of
-. .. -several dwellings may be changed, Russia's seeming agreement to
t Ryan cited the example of a 16 armament proposals may open up
untapartment where 15 units had'
,,.,.,hot plates. Health and Welfare said last night
"Because of unsanitary condi- Addressing the 37th annual me
./ ~~~~~~~~tions," said Ryan, "the hot platesPalMriuge th getog
were removed and the apartment faith in the United Nations at the
was changed to a boarding house."f t he United adiossibte
Many of the sub-standard apart- "The UN was made possible
ments in Ann Arbor are occupied ship," he asserted, and upon thel
by students. A check of several the "leadership of the wholeF
student apartments showed fla- world."
grant violations of the code. Presently representing Canada
"Our inspections will be benefi- in the UN, Martin said the inter-
cial to students in the long run," national organization would begin
commented Ryan. "Their rooms debate on the Russian proposal
} will be safer and at least they'll for disarmament Monday. "While
get what they pay for." it is inconceiveable that any inan
f .f . - _ ,, in the world today would wish to

1 27 months of McCarran's term.
Democrats charged the Republi-
cans were trying to keep the voters
from exercising their franchise.
The Republicans denied it, saying
they merely wanted to be sure
that if a senator was elected he
would be the legal occupant.
The Democratic charge has be-
come the major November cam-
paign issue in Nevada, where the
Democrats hold a 3-2 edge in reg-




George W. Mason, chairman of
the special gifts committee of the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro-
ject and leading 'U' alumnus, died
yesterday in Detroit's Harper Hos-
pital after four days' illness.
President and board chairman
of American Motors Corp., Mason,
63, was a leading Detroit indus-
trialist. He was also president of
the Automobile Manufacturer's
Assn., and a graduate of the Uni-
versity, class of 1913.
Hatcher Comments
Harlan H. Hatcher, president of
the University, said yesterday,
'The death of George Mason is a
severe shock to the University. He
was a vital force in the success
of the Memorial-Phoenix Project
and in the inauguration of the De-
velopment Council.
"The University has lost a de-
voted son and the nation a great
industrialist. I don't know anyone
who has worked harder for 'us."
His death was unexpected and
came as a shock to the automo-
bile industry. He first entered the
hospital last Monday after con-
tracting intestinal flu on a fishing
trip. Upon further examination,
physicians discovered that he was
suffering from pancreatitus com-
plicated with pneumonia.
Dr. Warren S. Cooksey, Mason's
physician, asked that those wish-
ing to express their sympathies
contribute to the University's
Memorial-Phoenix Project in lieu
of sending flowers.
Mason raised large sums of mon-
ey for the Phoenix atomic energy
project and was one of its active
Marvin L. Niehuss, vice presi-
dent of the University anddean
of faculties, commented, "No sin-
gle man was more responsible for
the success of the Phoenix project
than George Mason."
Quadrupled Production
In 1923, he became vice presi-
dent and general manager of Cope-
land Products, Inc., a leading re-
frigeration manufacturer. In 1928,
he was elected president of Kelvi-
nator Corp. and within eight years
he had quadrupled their produc-
After World War II, Mason tried
to convince independent car com-
panies to pool their resources, thus
giving them the same advantages
held by the Big Three. His efforts
resulted in the formation of the
American Motors Corp., which
combined the assets of Nash-Kel-
vinator Corp. with Hudson Motor
Car Co.
Funeral services will be at 3
p.m. Monday at Christ Church,
Cranbrook. Among the pallbear-
ers will be Secretary of Defense
Charles E. Wilson and former Uni-
versity president Alexander G.
Rice To Direct
Wi rt' 4- - [TI

nister Urges
ted Nations
o inter national super vision of dis-
. whole new era in relations among
I, Canada's Minister of National
teting of the University Press Club,
;ans of public opinion not to lose
present time.
because of United States leader-
United States shoulders now rests
Pan1el Discussio11
A panel discussion on "Do We
Have a Responsible Press?" mod-
erated by Prof. Karl Zeisler of the
journalism department, highlight-
ed the afternoon session of the
annual meeting of the University
Press Club yesterday.

that of Michigan, worked out in the
Michigan Stadium yesterday after-
noon before a strangely quiet For-
rest Evashevski. The Iowa coach
would not talk to reporters as he
sent his determined squad through
signal drills.
Sights Set High
-I was obvious that the Hawkeyes
have their sights set high and don't
intend to be surprised by Michigan.
If Iowa downs the Wolverines,
Evashevski will have completed a
sweet coup d' etat over his two for-
mer hangouts, Michigan State,
where he served as assistant coach
to Biggie Munn, and Michigan.
Key man in the Hawkeye attack
that humbled the Spartans 14-10
and ran rough-shod over Montana
last week is quarterback Jerry
Reichow, a 200-pound junior who
can run and pass as well as direct
Iowa's split T.
Reichow has completed three of
four passes attempted as the Hawk-
eyes have relied primarily on a
crushing ground attack.
Evashevski can field two com-
plete backfields in which each man
has a rushing average of better
than four yards per try.
Joining Reichow in the starting
backfield will be left halfback Earl
Smith, fullback and captain Binkie
Broeder, and right half Eddie Vin-
--n Cmi+h --,c h mllma +7,

One problem that could create a !--- ---j---em'u
housing shortage is overcrowding, start a war, we must prepare for
according to Ryan.that possibility" and continue de-
The law requires 500 cubic feet fense preparations.
of space for each person in a room Previously, he explained, Can-
used for sleeping. "Frequently, in ada and the United States have re-
a two or three room apartment fused to sign any oath not to use
.,--.1 . ......,.,,,, .- _....., _baIin non inn +h lnt w. r

Prof. Charles W. Joiner of the
Law School commented that "the
right to a trial by jury is as im-
I ortant as freedom of the press."

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