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October 08, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-08

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Cleaning up the Comics:
Publishers' Self-Control

BOUR BOYS brutally stomp a man to death in
Brooklyn, atempting to see if he reacts as did
he hero in their horror comic book.
Two playmates tie a third to a tree and set him
n fire in imitation of tribal rites illustrated in their
A teen age gang commits a series of robberies,
onvinced they had found the flaw which landed
heir comic book co'unterparts in jail.
And across the country juvenile court judges
and educators violently protest the flood of gar-
bage that pours from the pulp presses to leave its
stain on the minds of young readers.
Faced with an angry public demanding control
rnd possibly government censorship, the comic
ook industry has acted in a praise-worthy manner.
Following in the footsteps of the niovie industry,
vhich instituted a vigorous self-imposed censorship
hrough the Breen Office, 24 of 27 comic book pub-
shers in America have agreed to appoint a czar to
ule the industry.
Former New York City Magistrate Charles F.
Murphy was appointed as the industry's censor
last month and given full authority to enforce a
strict set of ethical standards for comic book
John Goldwater, ptesident of the newly formed
omic Magazine Association of America, claimed,

"The attacks made recently against our industry
have been appalling."
This method of control, namely ceding authority
to a neutral, non-governmental body, seems an ex-
emplary way of handling a difficult situation.
.Those who preach democracy find government
consorship odious but absence of censorship allows
publishers and producers to pander to the baser
Because of their vast control over young, impres-
sionable minds, comic books are a potential danger.
Until recently, publishers, rather than admit the
danger and try to modify it, rationalized their prod-
ucts. The law always won out in crime stories, hor-
ror stories didn't influence anyone, they claimed,
and piulp love stories served as an emotional re-
Adolescent crimes of harsh brutality have prov-
ed them wrong. Educators' claims that the trash
thrown up by comics is detrimental to young
minds are being recognized.
Murphy has a tough job ahead. He has to protect
the industry from government censorship and teen
age minds from pulp. With him lie the hopes of a
multi-million dollar business which is just waking
up to the fact that it cannot ignore ethics in the
mad scramble of competition.
-Lee MarkA

Sadism In The Movies
About a month ago in an article
on the increase in theamount and
in the gravity of juvenile crimes,
I wrote that "the movies and tele-
vision and the comic books are
purveying violence and lust to a
vicious and intolerable degree,"
and I then went on to say that
"until some more refined method
is worked out of controlling this
evil thing, the risks to our liber-
ties" from censorship of the mass
entertainment of the young "are
decidedly less than the risks of
unmanageable violence" in the,
The Motion Picture Association
of America, Inc., of which my
friend Mr. Eric Johnston is presi-
dent, replied in a closely typed
four-page letter written by Mr. Ar-
thur H. DeBra, director of the
Community Relations Department.
Before I go further I should say
that I happen to know that Mr.
Johnston saw neither my article
nor Mr. DeBra's letter about it.
The letter is very long and diffuse.
But the main point, considering
who wrote it, is important.
Mr. DeBra does not deny that
the movies, for which he speaks,
are purveyingcviolence, lust and
sadism. le contends, however,
that it is "a confusion of cause
and effect" to say that such mov-
ies incite to violence, lust and sad-
ism. Mr. DeBra's opinion is that
the presentation of these movies is
"a reflection of the concern of the
public with these things and a de-
sire to see them dramatized in the
mass media."


Shirley , Booth and Robert
SOMETIME in the nineteenth
century an English girl named
Charlotte Bronte set the reading
publid agog witha novel called
"Jane Eyre." Whether or not the
majority of her readers were wo-
men is unrecorded. Since then,
however, "Jane Eyre" has served
as the prototype for a whole train-
load of books, that have been
called, justly or not, "women's"
"About Mrs. Leslie," by Vina
Delmar, is the latest to be jar-
red loose from the pile by Holly-
wood in its casting about for a
vehicle with which Shirley Booth
could follow her Academy Award
success, "Come Back, Little
Sheba." When the book drop-
ped, either a lot of pages fell
out and got lost with the im-
pact, or else the novel was trash
from the start. Even an actress
of Miss Booth's large talent has
not been able to save what they
scraped together for a film
The story is distasteful on both
an aesthetic and a moral level.
Miss Delmar, first of all, gives us
her version of Jane and Mr. Roch-
ester in the persons of an unloved
middle-aged chanteuse named
Vivian, and a mysterious, dyspep-
tic-looking "manufacturer" nam-
ed Mr. Leslie. This role is played
by Robert Ryan. Mr. Leslie-Roch-
ester's gambit is to invite "Jane"
to his palatial California vacation-
home with him to spend six Pla-
tonic weeks with him at his ex-
pense. Partly out of a natural de-
sire to travel, partly out of that
dark charm that Mister Roches-
ters possess, she accepts, and they
enjoy the six glorious Platonic
weeks, fishing, romping in- the
surf, and drinking toasts.
So far, so good. Jane still,
does not know Mr. R's secret,
but we are persuaded that it
is going to be a good one. Lot of
mysterious scraping and ringing
on the long distance telephone
in the other room.
After they part, nothing hap-
pens for a year. Jane goes on
scrimping and saving for another
twelve months when darned if he
doesn't call again and, they go
through the same business: drink-

Channel Crossing


U' Press Club and Freedom

THIS WEEK journalists and people connected
with journalism are celebrating National News-
aper Week.
More than just a time for the industry to pat
self on the back for a job well done, it is a time
o reflect on the many ramifications of the words
freedom of the press."
On August 4, 1735, John Peter Zenger, printer
end publisher, was aquitted by a jury after ten
ainutes of deliberation on a charge that his news-
aper published "false, malicious and seditious
iscussion' tending to alienate the affections of
eople to His Majesties government."
A journal of the time called the, case "a public
est of glorious defense in thedcause of liberty."'
Alexander Hamilton declared in the eighty-fourth
'ederalist Paper ". . . I hold it (freedom of the
ress) to be impractible; and from this I infer,
hat its security, whatever fine declarations may
e inserted in any constitution respecting it, must
ltogether depend on public opinion, .and on the
eneral spirit of the people and of the govern-
aent." Contrary to this opinion the members of
le first Congress chose freedom of the press as
ne of the main points 6f the first amendment
o the Constitution.
On December 15, 1701 the first amendment was
atified making it illegal for Congress to abridge
hie freedom of the press.
Although this freedom has been jealously guard-
d by newspapermen from that time on there is
articular reason to do so today.
The emergence on the national scene of men
ke the junior senator from Wisconsin who would

control the editorial content of this country's news-
papers has made journalists and readers alike
aware of the danger.
Inffnitely more harmful than any one transi-
tory demagogue is the impression that those in
other lands hold of us. This impression is largely
gathered from reading about America in the news-
The University Press Club which is meeting
today and tomorrow on campus has realized the
great importance of our press freedom and also
of our effect on people of other lands through
their' papers.
One of the main functions of the club is the
awarding of two two-year fellowships to practicing
foreign journalists so that they may continue their
studies in America.
This year's recipients are from Ireland and the
Netherlands. Last year's winners were from Iraq
and India.
These men will be the ones to go back to their
editorial typewriters and either blast or defend
Another feature of the meeting will be several
evaluating discussions on the press. This after-
noon the theme will be "Do We Have A Respon-
sible Press?", a subject that is becoming increas-
ingly important as journalistic interpretation of
world affairs becomes more prevalent.
The Club has extended an invitation to all those
interested to observe these discussions. We wish
to take this opportunity to welcome the editors
on campus and urge all those interested in a free
press to attend.
--Michael Braun

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in)
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be.
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXV, No. 16

In other words according to the j
press agent of the Motion Picturej
Association, the vogue that we Notices
may call Mickey Spillaneism is not Staff members who wish to JoinBlue
a commercial pandering to sadism Cross-Blueshield hospitalization plans,e
but is a reflection of the commu- or those who wish to change the coy-
nity's concern with sadism. That, erage on their present plans, will have
it seems to me, is a tall story,- an opportunity to do so from Oct. 11
that the Mickey Spillane type of through Oct. 22, at the Personnel Of- :
movie is made because it reflects fiee, Room 3012, Administration Build-
conernwit th dnges o Mik-ing. New applications and changes willII
concern with the dangers of Mick- become effective Dec. '5, with the first
ay Spillaneism. payroll deductions on Nov. 30. 1
Persons not already enrolled, who do
not join during this period, will not
Mr. DeBra's argument makes it have another opportunity to do so un-
difficult to believe that the Motion til April, 1955. New staff members,
Picture Association is willing and however, are accepted for membership
able to exercise adequate control at any time during the first 3 days of
over anti-social motion pictures. If employment.
these are the theories of the volun-,
tary censors, it is easy to under- Faculty, College of Engineering: There
stand why when one goes to a !will be a meeting of the Faculty of
stndwh wenon gestoathis College on Mon., Oct. 18, 4:151
movie theater one sees so often p.m. Room 348 West Engineering Build-
what one sees,-a calculated and !ing.

Nebulae," Sat., Oct. 9, Observatory, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Miller,
Special Vaughan Williams Program,,
8:30 p.m. Mon., Oct. 11, Aud. A, Angel
Hall, presented in his honor and in
celebration of is 82nd birthday, Oct.
12, by members of the faculty and stu-
dents of the School of Music. Harold
Haugh, tenor; Robert Courte, violist;
Charles Fisher, pianist; and the Michi-
gan Singers, Maynard Klein, conduc-
tor, will present the program of compo-
sitions by Dr. Vaughan Williams. The
concert, as well as the lecture by Dr.
Vaughan Williams, to be given at 4:15
p.m. Tues. in the same place, will be
open to the general public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hal. The Classical Motif, Oct. 8-29.
Museum hours: 9-5 on weekdays, 2-5 on
Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Todav
Wesleyan Guild. 8-12 p.m. Fri. Ha-
waiian Party. Games, refreshments, en-
tertainment by members of the Ha-
waii club.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

deliberate exploitation of violence,
cruelty and lust. Mr. DeBra's the-
ory will either have to be revised
so that the voluntary control is
greatly improved or the law will
have to be invoked.
I believe these remarks, though
severe, are fully justified by Mr.
DeBra's denial that the showing of
sadistic pictures is an incitement
of the sadistic impulses. If that
were true, there would be no rea-
son for having an elaborate organi-
zation with a code of morals and
all the rest. For it would not mat-

Week of October 11, 1954
Representatives from the following
companies will conduct personal inter-'
views on the campus at Engineering:
Monday, Oct. 11
Rome Air Development Center, Rome,.
New York - All degree levels in Elec-
trical Engr., and B.S. & M.S. in Engr.
Math and Physics, Chem. Ennr. if in-
terested for Ground-Based Electronic
Research and Developnent.
Detroit Arsenal, Centerline, Mich.-
BS. in Chem., Elect., Mech., & Metal.'

tings From a South American Notebook-In Wash-
ington you don't hear much about the United Nations
except the rantings of Vishinsky or debates over Red
China. But down here the UN is doing a great job for
the Andean Indians of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia ...
Enrique de Lozada, a long time in the U.S.A. with
the UN and the Nelson Rockefeller Committee, is
working with Bill Dillingham of Philadelphia and
Swarthmore, Pa., to resettle several thousand In-
dians. Up on Lake Titicaca, highest lake in the
world, they have established an Indian farm co-op.
Since the UN didn't want to work on land exprop-
riated by the government which might later be liti-
gated under the new land reform; Lozada persuaded
his friend, J. Sanfines, to give the Indians 1,000,000
acres of land. The Indians then got acquisitive, also
took 400 head of Holsteins and 1,500 head of Here-
fords. They had been caring for them for years, they
said, so the cattle should go with the land ... But
Dillingham finally persuaded the Indians to pay for
the cattle on the installment plan and, believe it or
not, they are now ahead with their payments,..
Captain Sanfines, the man who donated the million
acres, is a former student of Iowa State University
and West Point who later put the Bolivian army to
work at irrigation, welldrilling and health projects
instead of politics. However, he rowed with the new
"National Revolutionary Movement" and is now in
exile . . . What President Paz needs most is to get
some of this energetic young blood back.
Diving in Titicaca-The man who knows most
about Lake Titicaca is Victor Andrade, now Bolivian
ambassador to Washington. He was exiled to an is-
land by the previous conservative regime, found the
water terribly cold but the only way to get a bath
... Braving the cold of Lake Titicaca shortly will be
William Mardorf, U.S. frogman who has signed a
contract with the Bolivian government to dive for
Inca gold thrown into the lake several hundred years
ago. Mardorf has spotted one area where the Incas
worshipped the sun gods by throwing gold in the
water, and if the shores of the lake are not too steep*
he may recover a fortune. Most of the lake is ex-
tremely deep, however, and the gold may have slid
down beyond recovery ... Mardorf will not use a
conventional diving suit. Oxygen can't be pumped
down to him at such high altitudes. He will wear a
Navy frog suit with three oxygen tanks strapped to
his back. Under the suit he will wear plenty of heavy
underwear, for his chief problem is icy water. He
hopes to stay under two hours on each dive ... Pre-
vinim nlivian T gnv - rnmLnt+. m iA ,si gnnne nnr h-,n

route. Next shipment was sent by air and lived. For
10 years no one fished them and they grew to be the
biggest trout in the world, also the most vora-
cious. They are rapidly devouring all other fish in
the lake ... American missionaries are doing a fine
job in South America. Near Montero, Bolivia, I met
Fathers Foley and O'Brien of the Maryknoll Fathers.
With friendly simplicity they are conducting schools
and hospitals for the Indians. Also doing fine jobs,
though I didn't get a chance to see them, are the
Methodists and Seventh Day Adventists.
Jails Are Full-One great problem of President
Paz is the number of political prisoners in Bolivian
jails. U.S. Ambassador Eddie Sparks has remon-
strated with Paz, urged him to release the prisoners.
Replies the President: "You remember what hap-
pened to my friend President Villaroel? They hung
him from a lamppost. It was very uncomfortable. I
don't want that to happen to me." ... Actually Pres-
ident Paz is in an almost impregnable political po-
sition-thanks to the Indians. As I traveled with him
across Bolivia I saw delegation after delegation
come to meet him, deluge him with flowers.. . When
Senator Capehart of Indiana visited La Paz about a
year ago, opposition politicians staged an incipient
revolt hoping to discourage U.S. funds for Bolivia.
Two leaders of the Paz cabinet were seized and kept
in hotel rooms. Whereupon Indians came down
from the plateau above La Paz, crowded the streets
carrying rifles. The white population would have
been massacred if anything had happened to one
hair of President Paz's head; and they didn't dis-
perse until Paz came out on his balcony and told
them to go home ... Paz now has his own private
Indian army, thanks to the fact that nearly all In-
dians carry rifles. The regular Bolivian army is in
the background, used chiefly for engineering and
health cleanups.
Americans Build Friendship-Ambassador Sparks
has done an outstanding job in South America, but
will be replaced next week by Ambassador Jerry
Drew. The high altitude necessitates frequent rota-
tion of U.S. envoys ... Unofficial envoys are the
crews and personnel of Panagra. They penetrate to
the farthest jungles of Bolivia, have won lots of
friends for the U.S.A. ... Some Panagra planes fly
over such wild areas that Indians try to shoot them
down with bows and arrows ... Les Thayer, radio
expert for the Macco Pan Pacific Company, found it
difficult to use telephone wires along the new Ameri-
can-built highway connecting the lowlands with the
Andes. Reason: The Indians took the telephone wires
rlnwn +o n mkie hronnint. Mren a n Paeifie de..

ter what the movies produced. They Engr .for Research and Development.
would merely "reflect" the condi- s.
tion of public morals. They would Firest one Tire & Rubber Co., Akron,
Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Elec., Ind.,
have no effect on public morals. Chem., & Metal Engr., and Chemistry
Mr. DeBra's contention is unten- and Bus. Ad. graduates for 1955 Col-
Mr. e~ras cotenion s unen-lege Technical Group.
able and it is in fact a mere
ahim_ i_ t th

ing toasts, fishing, and playing
Hillel: Friday Evening services. 8:00 ping-pong. They are crazy about
p.m. each other,
The Psychology Club cordially in- Well, impossible as it may,
vites all interested students to attend sound, this all happens still a
the first meeting of the semester on third time, and in the interim, by
Fri., Oct. 8 at 3:15 In room 3A of the the way, Jane finds out his sec-
Michigan nion. Refreshments will be ret (he is married and is an "out-
served, standing aircraft specialist.") The
Economics Club will meet Fri., Oct. secret is just dull enough that
8 at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Jane decides not to break up the
Robert B. Bryce, Secretary of the Cabi- old ping-pong game; she's in-
net, Ottawa, Canada, will speak on clined to think it~ won't last for-
"The Canadian Economy." All staff ever anyway.
members and graduate students in Eco-e any say'
nomics and Business Administration AS it turns out, it desn't. A
are especially urged to attend. All oth- heart attack takes the measure
ers are cordially invited. of Mr. R, and all that dark
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion. sexless energy comes only to
Ulrich Curtius, formerly of University dust. All that is left for Jane is .
of Bonn, will be speaker. Call reserva-
tions to NO 3-1511 ext. 2851 by Fri.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors' /et i TO
Night, Fri., Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Dean
B. McLaughlin will speak on "The
Planet Mars." After the illustrated talk The Daily welcomes communicatl
in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Ob-a general interest, and will publish allI
servatory on the fifth floor will be and in good taste. Letters exceeding
open for telescopic observation of the libelous letters, and letters which for,
Moon and Mars, if the sky is clear, or be condensed, edited or withheld from
for inspection of the telescopes and editors,
planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil-
dren are welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Adverse Citicism ...
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- To the Editor:
terbury Club at 7:30 on Fri., Oct. 8 atI
Canterbury House. The Right Reveren rHE NEXT time someone asks
Dudley B. McNeil, Bishop of Western I H
Michigan, will discuss "What Shall I why SL is ineffective one ans-
Do With My Life?" j wer which should be given is that
The Daily has been giving it ad-
The S.R.A. Workeamp committee will verse and unfair publicity. T refer
meet Fri., 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Dr. to Murry Frymer's article in Tues-
Frances Sayre will be the guest of SRA day's issue. This article which
at its Coffee Hour Fri., 4:15 p.m., in purports to be straight news is
Lane Hall. Take advantage of the op- uprst esrih esi
portunity to meet this man, formerly fairly obvious in its editorializing.
Undersecretary of State and now Repre- Editorializing in news items is
sentative of the Protestant Episcopal generally recognized as being ex-
Church in Japan. ceedingly poor journalism.
The Newman Club will sponsor Furthermore, this sort of des-
Pan American Open House Fri., Oct. tructive attack from one who

The Human Jungle, with Gary
Merrill, Jan Sterling.
'T'HIS IS NOT to be confused with
a recent picture of similar ti-
tle: "The Naked Jungle." This one
has people in it, while the earlier
one had ants. I kept finding my-
self wishing, though, that this thing
had ants in it too; ants, at least in
profusion, are fascinating little
creatures, and in "Naked Jungle"
they were very savage and vicious.
But this atrocity has nothing what-
soever to recommend it, not even
the advertised "shocking brutali-
ty," or something. It just has lots
of people doing nothing whatso-
ever, and badly at that. The cast
possess all the acting ability and
interesting qualities of a large glob
of wet concrete.
The plot has been used so
often it is falling apart at the
staples. It has to do with a cop
(Merrill) who would rather be
a lawyer, but his superior (abom-
inably played by Emile Meyer)
asks him to be captain of d pre-
cinct in the roughest, most vice-
ridden section of town. He ac-
cepts nobly, which peeves his
wife no end. She's getting awfully
sick of sitting on the sofa till the
wee hours waiting for him to
come home. But he revitalizes the
lazy police force, cleans up the
precinct, and decides to keep on
being a cop after'all. In the pro-
cess he meets a hulking hood
named Shottup or something like
that, whose "doll" (Miss Ster-
ling) is being grilled by the cops
to find out if she'll help them
clean up the city. She doesn't
want to, though; she'd rather
keep on being Shottup's doll. But
Shottup thinks she squealed, so
he gets mad and chases her
through a bottling plant with the
cop in hot pursuit. She escapes,
and the cop catches Shottup, who
is so tired after his arduous run
that he agrees to spill the beans
about all the criminal activity
in town. This pleases the cop
very much, so he looks out over
the city with a pleased expres-
sion, and, I guess, decides be-
ing a cop isn't such a bad idea
atfer all.
If all this weren't enough to drive
the cinemagoer to drink, we are
also presented with a sub-plot about
a young rookie who can't shoot
straight. He's aiming at a geta-
way car and manages to granulate
a man on the sidewalk instead. The
papers make much of this. And as
a matter of fact, nobody but the
rookie seems at all sorry. Except
the audience. They seemed to be
thoroughly unhappy about the
whole movie. I don't blame them.
-Norm Hartweg
some money in the will which
she turns into a rooming house
for a slew of people who bore
her and us during all the occa-
sions when her memories of Mr.
Leslie are not running rampant
across the screen.
Even one hundred years ago, it
is doubtful that people would put
up with junk like this.
-Bill Wiegand
ions from its readers on matters of
letters which are signed by the write
300 words in length, defamatory or
any reason are not in good taste will
m publication at the discretion of the
feasibly be construed to be slan-
If, as Mr. Braun said, he crawled
out with his tall between his legs,
it can only be assumed that per-
haps the animal that he made
reference to was the same one to
which tails are pinned by other
people, also unable to see.

-Donald D. Graber
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene artwg...Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............. City Editor
Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston...........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor
Joy Squires,., , Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith. .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton,.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise. ...Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski. .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1



sop stry inveneU to cover m
grave delinquency of his own asso-
ciation in resistingg the sadism
which has been so much the vogue
in recent years. It is allowing the
peddling of a high-powered kind of
celluloid dope and Mr. DeBra is
trying to argue that this dope has
no bad effects.
As a matter of fact no one, and
that includes Mr. DeBra, can be-
lieve that young people, and for
that matter adults, can watch the
enactment of scenes of violent lust,
of extreme cruelty, of roaring bru-
tality, and be unaffected by them.
Mr. DeBra's comment on this is
that "the presentation of evil is
not the issue. The issue, to quote
the production code, is rather
whether the sympathy of the audi-
ence shall be thrown to the side of
crime, wrong-doing, evil, or sin.
Through our Production Code Ad-
ministration we have seen to
it that it is not."
To this I would say that the
Production Code Administration is
deluding itself if it thinks that "the
sympathy of the audience" is turn-
ed against evil by exhibiting the
fullness of evil, and by an ending
in which the wicked man is punish-#
ed. The sadistic scenes are far
more compelling than the scenes
of moral retribution. For in them
we experience without civilized re-
straint the play of the most power-
ful underlying impulses and pas-
sions of human nature. The effect
of this experience is to make these
impulses much harder to restrain.
In juveniles who for one reason or
another are weak, neglected, un-
loved, disoriented, there is no de-
nying that the experiences of evil
makes for evil.
(Copyright, 1954,
w - v .:- -..a n~ sa {

United States Gypsum Co., River
Rouge 18, Mich. - B.S. in Chem.,
Elect., Mech., & Ind Engr. for Pro-
duction Supervision and Plant Engi-
Tues., Oct. 12
National Advisory C'omm. for Aero-
nautics, Cleveland, Ohio-All degree
levels in Aero., Chem., Elect., Mech.,
Metal, Engr. a nd Engr. Mechanics, I
Engr. Math., and Engr. Physics for l
Research, Development, Design, & Op-
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion has announced an examination:
for an accountant for the General Ac-
counting Office, Washington, D.C., GS-
5. Students completing their courses
before Aug. 31, 1954 may apply. Appli-
cations must be filed not later than
Oct. 26, 1954.
For further information concerning
this or other job opportunities, con-
tact the Bureau ofl Appointments, ext.
:71, Room 3528 Administration Bldg.
lecture by Dr. Roger W. Jeanloz, in-
ternationally known biochemist, of the
Harvard Medical School. Sat., Oct. 9,t
11:00 a.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. The
topic is "Amino Sugars."
#Academic Notices
LS & A Students: No courses may be
dropped from your original elections
after Fri., October 8.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Oct.
8, 4:15 p~m., the Qbservatory. Dr. Law-
rence H. Aller will speak on "Current
Research Programs at the Mount Wil-
son and Palomar Observatories."
4:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 8, Room 439 MR.
J. 0. Brooks and WI. B. Woolf will speak1
on the existence of recursive functions
which are not primitive recursive.
The Department of Biological Chem-




8, from 8:30-12 in the Father Richard
Center. There will be an orchestra
for dancing, and refreshments will be
Lutherau StudentAssociation Fri.,
6:45 pin. Choir rehearsal.

claims to be a constructively cri-
tical supporter of SL (see the edi-
torial by the same author about a
week ago) shows either real con-
fusion or real hypocrisy on the
part of Mr. Frymer. Instead of be-
ing one interested in having SL

Lutheran Married Group - Fri., 8:00' serve the student body, Mr. Fry-
p.m. The first meeting of the year with mer seems to be far more con-
a short program and social hour. cerned with destroying SL so that
it can not do anything for any-
Generation fiction staff meets today b n so d nyiing it in
at 3:00 p.m. This will be the only meet-bodyin so discreditingdithe
ing before publication of the first is-_ eyes of the student body that it
sue, so all members should be present, can not possibly be effective at all.
The editors seem to me to have

Westminster Student Fellowship will
meet in front of the church at 8 p.m.
for a roller skating party.
Coming Events
Open House after football game, Sat.,
Oct. 9 at Muriel Lester Co-op, 900 Oak-
land. Refreshments served. All wel-

been guilty not only of the cardi-
nal sin of slanting their news re-
ports but of condoning sophistry
on the part of their staff. And yet
they support SL?
-Betty Cope
* * *
K tE-a-Cit .:
To the Editor:


S.A. Saurdvil, Lu~inch fDiscuss~.ion. IWvTlrruy r Th1 T-I4. 4.1+......n_

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