CLEANING UP See Page 4 YI r ItF Da ity * 00 0Q Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1954 FAIR AND WARMER SIX PAGES Lattimore Denies New Indictment Grand Jury Makes 2-Count Charges; U.S. Attorney Hints More To Come Deadline Today is the deadline for Seniors to sign up for their 'Ensian pictures. Seniors may sign up on the Diagonal between 9 a.m. and 3 pam. and at the Student Pub- lications Building between 1 and 5 p.m. Proofs should be returned to the Student Publications Build- ing, 420 Maynard St. starting Monday, 12-5:30, 6:30-9. Senators Hit AEC Stand Premier Appeals To Assembly WASHINGTON ()-A federal grand jury accused Owen Latti- more yesterday of falsely denying under oath that he had been "a follower of the Communist line" and a "promoter of Communist in- terests." The controversial Far Eastern affairs specialist promptly issued a statement saying he always has been a loyal American who fol- lowed the "dictates of my own conscience and not the commands of any foreign system" The new two-count indictment was obtained by the government after the courts voided the corner- stone count of an earlier indict- Segregationwment. Seg ega ionThis alleged Lattimore swore falsely when he told the Senate In- ternal Security subcommittee he any other kind of promoter of cor- hadnevre n sypthiero By PHYLLIS LIPSKY munism or Red interests. Word "Sympathizer" Absent" Psychological and sociological Nowhere in the new indictment factors were the prime determi- did the word "symphathizer" ap- nants in the decision to end ra- pear. The U.S. Court of Appeals cial regregation in the public in a decision last July said this schools, taken by the United States word, as used in the earlier indict- Supreme Court last May, Prof. ment was too vague. Paul G. Kauper of the Law School U.S. Atty. Leo A. Rover told re- said last night, porters he will move later to con- Separate But Equal solidate the new indictment with Taking into consideration the the five remaining counts of the affects of segregation on "the original true bill. minds and hearts of Negro chil- Lattimore said in a statement dren," the Court decided that the the new indictment "attempts to "separate but equal" doctrine was create the impression that I said irrelevant in the field of education a lot of things which I did not Prof. Kauper told the campus say." He added: chapter of the National Associa- Calls Prosecution Threat tion for the Advancement of Col- "But more important, this in- ored People. dictment lays bare the fact that The idea that providing separ- this proseuction is a direct and ate but equal facilities for dif- immediate threat to anyone and ferent racial groups is consistant everyone who has ever written or with the constitutional provision spoken of foreign affairs and whom for equal protection under the law, the government chooses to attack has been applied by the Court in for political reasons." many types of segregation cases Lattimore, 54, a one-time occa- since 1896. sional State Department consult- Prof. Kauper declared that it is ant, testified before the Internal now "only a matter of time" before Security subcommittee for many the country will be rid of an stormy days in February and idea which "sounds plausable on March 1952, during an investiga- the surface but is basically falla- tion of the Institute of Paficic Re- cious." lations (IPR). State Schools Not Duty New Indictment Discussing possible methods by Yesterday's indictment charged which some of the states could that Lattimore, during the period avoid enforcement of the Supreme 1935-50, "knowingly and intention- Court decision, he explained that ally followed the Communist line under the federal constitution the in public and private statements, states are under no obligation to in his conversations, his corres- operate public school systems. pondence, and in his widely dis- It seems likely, however, that seminated writings, both in the a state would actually have to United States and other parts of turn over all of its property out- the world." right to a private organization be- It also alleged that Lattimore, fore the court would consider it no as a writer, lecturer, editor of "Pa- longer in the "public school busi- cific Affairs," and as a govern- ness," he said. Merely leasing the ment official, used his position "to property would not be enough, engage directly and indirectly in Prof. Kauper said. He explained the placing and disseminating that as long as the court took the within the United States ani oth- tthe state still had a er countries throughout the world, view t ththeat e shodl oral and written statements" con- part in the operation of the school t t i tk b system it would be forced to com- taining the positions taken by Rus- ply with the anti-segregation rul- sia. ing. Lattimore said that under the mg._ _new indictment, "The entire Dem- ocratic and Republican adminis- trations could be accused of per- oar S jury if they said they never know- T T .*ingly followed the Communist line 19 4 Union -so could Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower, all of Opera Script whom have been accused ofo- p p lowing the Communist line." -. Lattimore has been free under The script for the 1954 Union $2,000 bond. Opera was approved last night at the regular meeting of the Michi- gan Union Executive Board, andE plans for the celebration of the Union's 50th Anniversary wer dis- cussed. As yet unnamed, the Opera ~ script approved by the Board was written by Murry Frymer, '56. Lo- cal playing dates of Dec. 8, 9, andF 10 and six roadshow engagementst for December were approved by, the Board as follows: Lansing, 11th, Buffalo, 27th, Ak- ron, 28th, Detroit, 29th; and Tole- do, 30th. The Opera will end its h tour in Chicago on Jan. 1. ; Cast Tryouts Cast tryouts for the Opera, an %°r , all-male musical comedy, will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, _ Tuesday and Wednesday inRm. 3G on the Union. A student direc- tor tryou tm eeting is planned for 4 p.m. today in the same room.; Dedication ceremonies for the $2,900,00 addition to the Union will highlight the 50th Anniver- sary celebration planned for Oct. 29 and 30. :: University President Harlan Hat- Final LYL Hearing Set For Monday By DAVID LEVY Labor Youth League locally and throughout the nation faces the first phase of its life or death, struggle on Monday. For over a year an investigation of LYL and government witnesses has been conducted by a sub-com- mittee of the Subversive Activi- ties Control Board headed by ex- Senator Harry P. Cain (R-Wash.) At Monday's hearing in Wash- ington, D.C., one of the first in which the full board will sit, LYL and the government's counsel will present their final positions. Brownell's Petition The petition of Attorney Gen- eral Herbert Brownell, Jr., which asked that the LYL register und- er the McCarran Internal Security Act was brought before the board on April 23, 1953. The request was qualified on four accusations. 1) Aid to the Communist Party. 2) Receiving aid from the Party. 3) Parallel policies with the Party. 4) Domination by the Party, If Brownell's request is support- ed in Monday's hearing LYL will be subject to certain death-blow restrictions. It must register as a "Communist front" organization, it must label all of its mail as "subversive." SACB Set Up SACB is set up by provision of the McCarran Internal Security Act. Under its rulings the Attor- ney General can petition for the registration of those organizations which he deems either Commu- nist front or Communist action organizations. Thirteen organizations thus far have been requested to register by Attorney General Brownell. The Communist Party, a "Communist' action" case, is currently in the courts. The twelve others, one of which is the LYL, are pending in- vestigation. If the organization refuses to register- as the law demands its leaders are subject to a fine of $5,- 000 and a five year jail sentence for each day of their continued refusal. "Registration equals outlaw for LYL," said Myron Sharpe, Grad, the Chairman of LYL in Ann Ar- bor, last night. He concluded, "The LYL is an independent organization which elects its own officers and deter- mines its own policy. The accusa- tion that we are dominated by another group is fabricated." On Contract To Bac Claim Disrespect For Committee Professors WASHINGTON (/P)-A report by the Atomic Energy Commission E 1 * N ew that it l14~s approved the form ofa Xp i n aW controversial private power con- tract with the Dixon-Yates group TL1 drew an angry protest from two son Plana Sen. William Langer (R-ND), chairman of a Senate Antimonop- Rlearm~amnent Move oly subcommittee, and Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.), a member, Cited by Efimenco charged that the AEC had not shown "proper respect" for the By SAM REICH subcommittee in acting on the The most significant feature of contract, the newly formed European mili- Demand Minutes tary alliance is "its proposal to In the name of the subcommit- end Allied occupation in West Ger- tee, they demanded a copy of the many and to begin rearmament minutes of the AEC meeting at of that area," noted Prof. N. Mar- which approval was agreed on, bury Efimenco, of the political plus a report on how each com- science department. missioner voted. In his opinion, the London Con- K. D. Nichols, AEC's general ference plan differs most from manager, had just notified Lang- EDC in that "it does not pro- er's group that the form of the vide for a supra-national control contract had been approved Oct. 5 of the military forces. but that no binding agreement "The purpose of EDC was to had been made with the Dixon- create a six-nation European Yates combination, union. The new plan cannot be as The AEC is negotiating with successful in this respect since it Dixon-Yates for the construction is based on the traditional princi-# of a private power plant at West ple of military alliance, while EDC Memphis, Ark. The 107-million- was a step toward the integration dollar installation would furnish of the European states."j power to the Memphis area over British Offer the lines of the Tennessee Valley When French objections to Ger-{ Authority, replacing electricity man rearmament again threat-I TVA has switched to AEC facilities ened to stalemate the German at Paducah, Ky. problem, Foreign Minister Anthony Asks for Delay Eden, after great consideration by Kefauver said at a subcommit- the British Cabinet, offered to keep tee session that he objected seri- five British divisions on the con- k FRANK' I ously to approval of the contract form in the face of two subcom- mittee requests that finalization of the contract be delayed until a congressional investigation of the contract and the companies in- volved in it is completed. "They ignored the resolutions," Kefauver said. "I do not think that is proper respect for a subcommit- tee of Congress." Expressing full agreement with Kefauver, Langer added: "Apparently this administration gives its information to Wall Street before it gives it to this committee." He then had read into the rec- ord a story in today's edition of the Wall Street Journal reporting that the AEC apparently had ap- proved the contract and was seek- ing quick permission to sign it. Nicholas gave no indication when the final contract would be signed but pointed out the AEC has informed the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee that it is ready to discuss the terms at an' open hearing, tentatively sched- uled for Oct. 13. State Editors To Meet Here Over 100 editors from Michigan newspapers will convene on cam- pus this morning for the '37th an- nual meeting of the University Press Club. The club which was founded to permit an interchange of ideas among editors will hear a speech at 6:30 p.m. today by the Hon. Paul Martin, Minister of Health and Welfare of Canada. Martin wil speak on Canadian-American relations. First Event at 2 p.m. Today A panel discussion on "Juvenile Delinquency and the Press" led by Prof. William C. Morse, of the edu- cational psychology department will be the first even in the two day program. At the luncheon at 12:15 p.m. to- day the four foreign journalists that are recipients of University Press Club Scholarships, will be intro- duced by Prof.Wesley H. Maurer, Chairman of the Journalism De- partment. Panel Discussion A panel discussion on "Do We Have a Responsible Press?" will take place at 2 p.m. this after- noon. Speakers will include H. A. Fitzgerald publisher of the Pontiac Press, Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the Political Science Depart- ment, Prof. Charles W. Joiner of the Law School, James W. Lewis, University Vice-President, Prof. Karl Zeisler of the Journalism de- partment will be the moderator. tinent for as long as necessary. Prof. Claude Phillips, also of the political science department, term- ed this deviation from established English foreign policy "the most amazing aspect of the conference." Prof. Phillips said that this move helped to alleviate the French del- egations fear of an aggressive Ger- many, since England and France combined, could serve to out-vote Germany. Biggest Problem Now that a plan has been re- ported out of conference, the big- gest problem is ratification. The crucial nations are France, Italy and West Germany itself. "My opinion," said Prof. Robert Curtis of the political science department is "that the plan will be acceptable to France and Italy." Prof. Efi- menco stated that "ratification is a matter of guess-work." He add- ed "I think the prospects are fair- ly good. In France the new plan is viewed as sceptically as EDC, but the British commitment may be an importaht factor in a new vote." Prof. Curtis said that the recent Russian offer to reopen talks on unifying Germany was "a delaying tactic designed to disrupt the Western Allies." The Molotov proposals, Prof. Ef- imenco believes, will create a great international problem in German politics. "Molotov's offer of unification has dangled before German poli- ticians their most prized goal. Germans desire reunification as their primary objective and the re- sulting conflict will be a test of strength between Adenaur and the Social Democrats." Troops Leave TRIESTE R)P--- Allied occupa- tion troops began pulling out of Trieste yesterday, their peace- keeping job ended by Italian--Yu- goslav agreement on division of the long-disputed strategic terri- ritory. , , l 3 x 1 Gua Tax Callin Frank X. "it is an i Speak gineering when une West London Agreements Y t R Y 0 Predict Vote -~ f e Permitting, jRearmament Decision on German h Problem Due Tonight u v PARIS (A')-Premier Pierre Men- des-France yesterday threw his popularity and prestige squarely on the parliamentary scales In favor of rearming West Germany under the nine-nation London agreements. At the end of an hour-lng ap- - peal to the National Assembly, the Premier appeared to have tilted the balance strongly in his favor for the first vote which will probably come tonight. Prominent Socialist and Popular Republicdn (MRP) deputies pre- ,P"dicted Mendes-France will get be- tween 330 and 380 votes, well over the 314 absolute majority. -Daily-Lynn walas Urges Endorsement K X. MARTEL ADDRESSES SIGMA RHO TAU SMOKER In a careful, restrained report on the London negotiations, the Premier urged the Assembly-- ranteed Minimum Wage which killed the European army plan (EDC)-to endorse Germal n Society, Says M ar[ elentry into an integrated defense . earte force under a revived Brussels Treaty and the North Atlantic By MICHAEL BRAUN Treaty Organization. g the guaranteed minimum wage "another tax on society," The Socialists, Assembly sources Martel, president of the Wayne County AFL said that said, are likely to tie some strings nvestment for which the American people get no return." to their approval, notably a satis- ing at the first smoker of Sigma Rho Tau, national en- factory solution of the French- speaking society last night, Martel said that since 1939 industrial wealth. But the Premier mployment compensation started, over $784,000,000 have reiterated he elt the same way been given out in benefits. In the and said he intends to submit the month of September alone, 181/2 rearmament plan and a Saar solu- t Gerlida million dollars have gone to un- tion to Parliament for ratification employed in Michigan. simultaneously. e SN OW kdaL. Mendes-France asked for parli- 20 Billions To Foreign Aid amentary approval of the outlines "We save enough to give 20 bil- of the London agreements and au- Idenauer lions to foreign aid. However, it thority to fill in the details in the is only recently, that through the forthcoming Ministerial confer- Germany ()-Chancel- y teearst prss the ences later this month. The As- an efforts of the Hearst press that we sembly was not asked to vote on d Adenauer last. nighthave embarked on a 50 million any treaty text at this time. whelming parliamentary dollar road building program." Hail's Britain's Pledges r his policy of bringing "This is a good thing because it To heavy and prolonged ap- West Germany into the will serve a two fold purpose," he plause, Mendes-France h a i e d lliance. said. "First it will provide badly Britain's pledges to keep troops on ncounted show of hands, needed modern roads. Secondly, the continent indefinitely, and rity of the Bundestag and this is most important to the said he has no further objections use) accepted the Lon- vast number of unemployed, it will to bringing West Germany into ment to allow Bonn to provide jobs for skilled and un- NATO as a full member. skilled laborers. He pointed out that British For- visions and an air force 1,eign Secretary Anthony Eden had r of the North Atlantic ,60 Needed Daily committed his government to g iMartel, who represented organ- maintaining four divisions and a rganization.ized labor of the United States tactical air force on the continent te of Confidence at the 1937 session of the Inter- as long as a majority of the Brus- e amounted to a vote of national Labor office in Geneva sels Treaty members desire. for Adenauer's policy said that "the United States in Mendes-France asserted the con- t answer to Soviet For- order to keep up with her expand- trols on German rearmament -ter V. M. Molotov's lat- ing economy needs to add 1,600 adopted in the London conference block West German re- people a day to its labor force, removed French objections to by dangling new hopes This many are needed to con- bringing West Germany into n. reunification. sume the manufactured goods NATO. est German Socialists, presently being made. "There is "We will have a veto on any in- 151 seats in the 487- no opportunity to sell if there is crease of forces on the continent, harnber, voted against no one with the money to buy," including those of Germany, be- n. he said. yond these indicated in the initial ist Motion Shunted figures," he declared. list countermotion call- Martel said that the New Deal These controls would be applied other try for a settle- primed the pump" for the ques- through the expanded Brussels h the Russians before tion on annual wage. By the for- Treaty organization which would g the western half of mation of such plans as WPA include West Germany and Italy o the allied alliance was men were given "lazy employ- ms well as the five founder mem- side into the oblivion of ment." Recently it has come to bers-- Britain, France, Belgium. study. Holland and Luxembourg. The came after more than light that there are a vast num- ceiling for German forces set at f debate on the Chan- ber of people who are holding London was the same as estab- iort on the results of the down two jobs qnd not doing a lished in the EDO-- 12 divisions. onference. thorough job on either one." Block 'M' Design rr- AN-C E Give To A BONN,( for Konra won overw support fo a rearmed Western A In an un the major (lower Ho don agree raise 12 di as member Treaty Or Vo The vote confidence and a swifl eign Minis est bid tol armament of German The We who have member c the motion Social A Socia ing for an ment with committin Germany b shunted as committee The vote 11 hourst cellor's rep London Co Strikes City 1 CRACKING DOWN: City Investigates Housing Violations (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles dealing with Ann Arbor's housing situation.) By LEE MARKS Working under a new depart- mental set-up, Ann Arbor build- ing inspector John Ryan said yes- terday, "We have started to crack down on violations of the building code." Health, fire and building de- partment inspections are being said Ryan adding that complaints would be given priority. Most commonly violated build- ing laws are those dealing with fire hazards, noted Ryan. "There must be at least two staircases leading down from two and three story dwellings. If there's only one, and a fire develops in the stair well, we haven't a chance of sav- ing those inside." Verticle Ladders Illegal Vertical ladders; used as fire es- ment unit must have a water clos- et and a sink. (The law defines an apartment unit as being each room or set of rooms that have cooking facilities.) In many apartments, bathroom facilities are now shared by sev- eral tenants. Fire Hazard Two problems arise from storage of combustibles in cellars and at- tics. First, nesting is provided for rats and other disease carriers, group 10 iveet The design committee for the Block M section will meet be- tween 3 and 5 p.m. today in Rm. 3-B of the Michigan Union. All those who have signed up for the committee are required to attend. Anyone else who is inter- ested is invited to the meeting. Potter, Leonard To Talk To YR's Senator Charles Potter will be the featured speaker at a birthday party tendered to President Eisen- 2is f