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October 07, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-07

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a s /1itp ors

- A EWir-


New Group
To Entertain
At Little Club
Band of Mike Siegel
Will Spotlight Guitar
For Union Dance Bow
Something different in campus
entertainment will be introduced
tomorrow, when Mike Siegal and
his band make their debut at the
Little Club.
A new musical aggregation, the
group is unusual because it fea-
tures an electric guitar. Harvey
Rutstein, dance chairman of the
Union, predicts great success for
the orchestra due to the distinctive
effect of the guitar.
Several of the players have pro-
fessional experience with night club
bands. Tomorrow night they will
be directing their talents on the
drums, piano, bassand trumpet
to entertain students from 9 to 12
With the adldition of soft lights,
sweet music, and checkered table
cloths, the North Lounge of the Un-
ion will take on the air of a caba-
ret. During intermissions from
dancing, the Vaughan Shadows,
popular vocal trio, will entertain.
Admission is $1 for couples
spending theentire evening at the
Club and 75 cents for those 'who
stop in after 11:30 p.m. Refresh-
ments will be available.
Next Friday, Oct. 15, Don Ken-
ny's band will perform in the Lit-
tle Club spotlight. Kenny and his
musicians recently played for the
Sigma Nu White Rose Ball. Later
in the semester, Paul McDonough
will return for a stand at the Club.
Subscribe to The Daily

--Daily-John Hirtzel
LEWIS RECEPTION-University students are being introduced to Jameis A. Lewis, newly ap-
pointed vice-president of Student Affairs, his wife and members of the League Council. The
event took place in the remodeled League Ballroom yesterday afternoon. Faculty and University
wives poured.
Rush, WorryGo Into Yearbook

Although most people do not re-
alize it, the Michiganensian, the
campus yearbook, is not put out
This is a year-round job for a
large staff of reporters, photog-
raphers, lay-out men and business
In April the senior members who
head the yearbook are appointed
by the Board in Control of Student
Publications through petitions and
interviews. They in turn appoint
their junior staff who take charge

of the various sections such as "Ac-
tivities" and "Schools and Col-
Usually the old staff wastes no
time in clearing out of the office
to make room for the new one,
which is more or less left to floun-
der around on its own, supposedly
having absorbed all of the infor-
mation needed in the way of exper-
Interviews Begin
Next on the agenda is interview-
ing the various printers, engravers,
cover companies and senior pic-
ture photographers, who are inter-
ested in bidding for contracts to do
the new book. There is usually
quite a rivalry involved in this,
and they are finally decided upon
late in May.



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Take it easy
by using our
New Drop Off-Pick Up Service
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Just bring it in before the game Saturday. We'll
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Monday morning.
Other Features of Our One-Stop Service
* FINISHED SHIRTS --48 Hour Service
Quality workmanship by Varsity Laundry, Spark-
ling clean and carefully finished.
* DRY CLEANING -- 10% Discount
You'll be pleased with our finer quality dry clean-
ing. Bring yours in; save at our cash and carry

WAA Notices1



Phone NO 2-4241
Open Evenings

Camp Counselors Club will hold its
organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the fencing room of Bar-
bour Gym. Anyone who is inter-
ested but can not attend is asked
to contact Sue Prakken at
NO 3-4400.
* * *
MODERN DANCE-There will be
an organizational meeting of the
Modern Dance Club at 7:30 p.m.
in Barbour Gym. This is co-recre-
ational and beginners as well as
advanced dancers are welcome, ac-
cording to manager Jean Isaacson.
RIDING-There will be an or-
ganizational meeting of the co-rec-
reational Riding Club at 5 p.m. to-
day at the WAB. All those inter-
ested in joining the club are wel-
come, according to manager Pat
Hockey Club will meet at 5 p.m.
today in the WAB. Anyone who
cannot attend is requested to con-
tact manager Donna Westerlund at
NO 2-6433. New members are wel-
come at this time.
TENNIS-There will be a meet-
ing of the Tennis Club from 3 to
5 p.m. tomorrow. Beginners and
advanced players as well as new
members are welcome, according
to manager, Charlotte Haller.
* * *
MICHIFISH-Tryouts for Mich-
ifish will be held at 3 p.m. tomor-
row at the new Women's pool.
ming club which works on individ-
This is the synchronized swim-
ual stuents and strokes along with
preparation for the annual spring
CO-REC NIGHT-There will be
a co-recreational night from 7 to
10:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Intra-
mural Building. All facilities will
be available.

At this time all work ceases un-
til after final examinations, when
the senior staff gets together with
the engravers' representative and
an artist to do a miniature layout
of the future book.
This takes several days to work
out, as many ideas are thought out,
hashed over, kept or discarded be-
fore the approximately 475 pages,
which are necessary to fill the re-
quirements, are decided upon.
Over the summer the artist en-
larges the miniature layout to a
full-sized dummy, that is the basic
foundation for the year's work. It
is then sent to the managing edi-
tor for changes and approval. This
year's editor is Etta Lubke, a sen-
ior in the literary college.
Pictures Taken
When the fall term of classes be-
gins, the pictures have to be taken
for the numerous sections. The pho-
tographers have to get the leaves
while they are still on the trees!
Then, out goes the call for try-
outs, who are a very essential part
of the organization, by helping with
all the odds and ends. Meetings be-
gin, type specimens are studied
and selected and cover design ar-
rivals go under consideration. The
tryouts are put to work tracing two
more copies of the dummy.
At this time the contracts start
coming in and pictures of dormi-
tories, fraternities, sororities and
other organizations are taken.
The next big job undertaken is
the push to get senior pictures tak-
en and returned, and to get them
mounted in November on huge
panes that go to the engraver.
There are specific engraving dead-
lines to be met on a price rise ba-
Rush for Stories
In December is the mad rush for
copy, or stories. The final engrav-
ing deadline is in February and
printing deadline is in March.
Next the tryouts are assigned to
indexing some 19,000 names and
organizations with correct spelling.
As the engraving proofs come
back, they are pasted on the dum-'
my, the copy is attached and sent
in, in 16 page sections.
The book is put to bed by the
end of March, and the eternal cir-
cle begins again in April.
There will be a meeting of the
Homecoming Dance publicity
committee at 8:15 p.m. today
in the Round-Up Room of the

Faith Groups
To Sponsor
Varied Plans
Open Houses, Dances
To Compose Agenda
Of Church Programs
Football open houses, coffee
hours and various parties are on
the agenda for the campus reli-
gious groups for this weekend.
The Newman Club will sponsor
Pan-American Party from 8:30
p.m. until midnight tomorrow at
the Gabriel Richard Center.
A Sukkos Dance will be held
from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday at
Hillel. Paul Brody's orchestra will
provide music for dancing. The
dance is free for members with a
charge of 50 cents for non-mem-
A tea honoring international stu-
dents will be given by the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship after the
football game Saturday at Lane
Hal. At 4 p.m. Sunday MCF will
present Charles F. Baker of the
Milwaukee Bible Institute speaking
on "How Important is the Bible."
Members of the Wesleyan Guild
of the Methodist Church have
planned a Hawaiian party with
games, entertainment, dancing and
refreshments from 8 p.m. to mid-
night tomorrow. At 6:45 p.m. Sun-
day representatives from the Young
Democrats and Young Republicans
will speak to the members on
"Christian Support in Politics."
A treasure hunt has been planned
by the Roger Williams Guild of the
Baptist Church for tomorrow night
at 8 p.m. Guilders will return to
the Guild House for refreshments.
At 6:45 p.m. Sunday, Clay Erick-
son, missionary appointee to Bur-
ma, will speak on "Christian World
Responsibility in the University."
The Congregation and Disciples
Guild will have an open-house at
the Guild House following the foot-
ball game Saturday. At 7 p.m. Sun-
day a panel on "Appraising and
Using My Religious Heritage" will
be held at the Congregational
The Rev. Dudley McNeil, bishop
of Western Michigan, will speak
on "What Shall I Do With My Life"
at Canterbury House at 7:30 p.m.
Members of the Westminster
Guild of the Presbyterian Church
have planned a roller skating party
at 8 p.m. tomorrow. The program
at 6:45 p.m. Sunday will feature
a discussion by Rev. Merle E.
Smith on the recent meeting of the
World Council of Churches.
There will be a coffee hour at
9:30 p.m. today at the Lutheran
Student Chapel Center honoring
Bishop Elis G. Gulin of Finland.
At this time Finnish students will
have an opportunity to meet and
chat with Bishop Gulin. At 8 p.m.j
tomorrow there will be an organi-
zation meeting of the married stu-
dents groups. On Sunday following
supper at 6 p.m. there will be a
student talent night at the center.

DRUMMER-Noted for his rhythm, manner of presentation and
style, Buddy Rich, drummer of Norman Granz' "Jazz at the
Philharmonic," will appear at 7:15 and 9 p.m. Wednesday at
Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Margaret Bell Analyzes
Swimming Requirements



Will Invade
Jazz enthusiasts will hear Buddy
Rich, "the greatest drummer of all
time," in Gene Krupa's opinion,
when Norman Granz' "Jazz at the
Philharmonic" will appear at 7:15
and 9 p.m. Wednesday at Hill Au-
Rich has had little musical
training, yet he possesses natural
talent. One of his greatest assets
is that he is able to play perfectly,
under any and all conditions and
Rich has played with Harry
James, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw
and Les Brown. He has also led
his own big bands in the past.
Another drummer featured in
JATP will be Louis Bellson. Al-
though there is a decided differ-
ence in the approaches of Rich and
Bellson to their drums, both are
masters of their art and are ex-
pected to spur each other on to
"new peaks of percussion."
The two drummers are especial-
ly noted for their crowd-pleasing
styles and dynamic manners of
Now on its 14th countrywide tour,
JATP was founded in 1944 by Nor-
man Granz and has since become
a tradition in jazz annals. Earlier
this year Granz, who personally
emcees each concert, flew his
troupe to Europe for a six-week
tour of twenty key cities from
Stockholm and Helsinki to Vienna
Block seating orders for "Jazz
at the Philharmonic" that were
filed before last Monday, can
be picked up now at 3519 Ad-
ministration Building.
and Rome. For the third successfve
year the group broke all existing
records for American Jazz bands
Following the current national
tour JATP crosses the Pacific fox
return appearances in Hawaii,
Australia and Japan.

Whether there should be a swim-
ming requirement for freshmen or
not, is one of the most frequent
questions asked of Dr. Margaret
Bell, head of the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department.
Dr. Bell's answer to these ques-
tions is, a firm, "No, there should
not be a swimming requirement
for freshmen." She believes that
every woman student should take
it upon herself to learn to swim,
without anyone making it a re-
quirement, and she stated her rea-
"We think that every single col-
lege woman, who in all probabili-
ty will be a mother, should be able
to swim. First, to save her own
life and secondly, as a mother of
a family she should learn safety
precautions for her children. Per-
sonally, I feel that an individual is
morally irresponsible if she does
not take the attitude that she must
learn to swim," said Dr. Bell.
Dr. Bell remarked that she was
"impressed and depressed by the
staggering total of unnecessary
drownings which take place every
year." However she believes that
it is the responsibility of every citi-
zen to learn to swim without be-
ing forced.
The value of learning life saving
methods as well as learning to
swim was. also stressed by Dr.


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Bell. She added that every person
should als8 know how to take care
of others who might become pan-
icky in the water. "If a situation
ever arose in which we could have
saved a drowning person, and
didn't because of our own swim-
ming ability," Dr. Bell stated, "we
would probably never forgive our-
She then said that she had spo-
ken to the freshman class about
this. "It has been our experience
in this department that when such
decisions are left to the students,
they always come through. We will
sit back and make studies to find
out what the result of this attitude
is," Dr. Bell concluded.


Buddy Rich To Head Jazz Show

- ...-.



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When you pause; make it.'dount have a Coke'.1



Each and Every
Style Only
New flannelettes by Laros
especially purchased . . , just
in time to chase those early



I have a cousin named Haskell Krovney, a sweet, unspoiledcountry
boy, who has just started college. A letter arrived from him this
morning which I will reprint here because I know that Haskell's
problems are so much like your own. Haskell writes:
Dear Haskell (he thinks my name is Haskell too),
I see that you are writing a column for Philip Morris cigarettes.
I think they are keen cigarettes which taste real good and which
make a pleasant noise when you open the pack, and I want to tell
you why I don't smoke them.
It all started the very first day I arrived at college. I had just
gotten off the train and was walking across the campus, swinging
my cardboard valise whistling snatches of Valencia, Barney Google,
and other latest tunes, admiring statues, petting dogs and girls, when
all of a sudden I ran into this fellow with a blue jacket, gray pants,
and white teeth. He asked me was I a freshman. I said yes. He asked
me did I want to go places on campus, make a big name for myself,
and get pointed at in fashionable ballrooms and spas. I said yes. He
said the only way to make all these keen things happen was to
join a fraternity. Fortunately he happened to have a pledge card;
on him, so he pricked my thumb and I signed. He didn't tell me the
name of the fraternity or where it is located, but I suppose I'll find'
out when I go active.
Meanwhile this fellow comes around every week and collects his
dues which are $100. Lately he has been collecting $10 extra each
week. He says this is a fine because I missed the meeting. When I
remind him that I can't go to meetings because I don't know where
the house is, he twists my arm.
I have never regretted joining the fraternity because it is my
dearest wish to be somebody on campus and get pointed at in spas,
but you can see that it isn't cheap. It wouldn't be so bad if I slept
at the house, but you must agree that I can't very well sleep at
the house if I don't know where the house is.
I have had to rent a room. This room is not only hellishly expensive;
but it isn't the kind of room I wanted at all. What I was looking for
was someplace reasonably priced, clean, comfortable, and within easy
walking distance of classes, the downtown shopping district, the
movies, and my home town. What I found was a bedroom in the
home of a local costermonger, which is dingy, expensive, uncom-
fortable, inconvenient, and I don't even get to use the bed till six
o'clock in the morning when my Landlord goes off to mong his costers.
Well, anyhow, I got settled and started going to classes. But first
I had to pay my tuition. This came to a good deal more than the
advertised rates. When I asked the bursar what the extra money
was for, he told me lab fees. When I said I wasn't taking any labs,
he said I was taking psychology which counted as a lab because
they used white mice. When I offered to bring my own mice, of
which there are plenty in my room, he twisted my arm.
So I paid the man and went to my classes where I found that
all my professors had spent busy summers writing brand new text-
books. Over to the bookstore I went, saw the prices on the text-
books, and collapsed in a gibbering heap. At length I recovered and
made indignant demands to speak to the proprietor, but they told
me the Brinks truck had already taken him home for the day. There
was nothing for it but to buy the books.
Next I turned to romance-and found it. Harriet, her name was-a
great, strapping girl. I first spied her leaning against the statue-of
the Founder, dozing lightly. I talked to her for several hours without
effect. Only when I mentioned dinner did she stir. Her milky little
eyes opened, she raised a heavy arm, seized my nape, and dragged
me off to a dimly lit place called The Trap where everything was
a la carte. She ordered cracked crab ($1.75), sirloin chateaubriand
($7.00), a scuttle of french fries (18¢ the french fry), an artichoke
(300 the leaf), and compote (80¢ the prune).
After dinner she lapsed into a torpor from which I could not rouse
her, no matter how I tried. I banged my glass with my fork. I did
bird calls of North and South America. I pinched her huge pendulous
jowl. I rubbed the legs of my corduroy pants together ... But nothing
worked, and finally I had to sling her over my shoulder and carry
her to the girls dormitory, to the vast amusement of everybody
along the route.
But it was not the jeers of bystanders that bothered me. It was
the hernia. Fortunately, medical care for students is provided free
at the college disnensary: all I had to nay for were a few extras.

I '.


fall dormitory chills.



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