I V AGE 1MK THE MCMGAN TIATT v Tmaa a~aaya~ta1lT a~ta TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1954 -w -Buy the Best... Buy BALFOUU Do YOU NEED".. . FAVORS PROGRAMS STATIONERY CERAMIC MUGS PADDLES GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Home of the "OFFICIAL" MICHIGAN RINGS. L. G. Balfour 1321 South University Students Take Part in Meet Lewis A. Burnham, '55, and Rob- ert C. Schumann, Grad., were among 45 college and university students chosen to participate in a career survey program held this summer in Cincinnati. Sponsored by Proctor and Gam- ble, the summer workshop gave qualified college men an opportu- nity to observe various careers in industry during an intensive two- week session. The workshop is open to students of chemical, mechanical, electri- cal, general and industrial engi- neering and also to chemistry stu- dents. FOUR STACK LEVELS: Addition in Progress on Law Research Library I U By DEBRA 16URCHSLAG Bearing a striking resemblance to the Architecture and Design School's experimental unistrut metal-frame project across the street, a structure of steel girders has sprouted from the stern Gothic facade of the Legal Re- search Library. Eventually Massachusetts gran- ite, English ivy, and the New York firm of York and Sawyer will have transformed the bright-orange frame into four additional stack floors. This will bring the Wil- liam W. Cook Legal Research Library to 10 stack levels, adding 15 research offices, 18 carrells for student study and shelf capacity for 180,000 volumes. Another feature of the new structure will be a connecting bridge between the seventh stack level and the third floor of Hutch- ins Hall. Cook Endowment The Library addition is being financed mainly by income saved during the war years from the Cook endowment fund, according to Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School. The State Legislature s appropriated $250,000 of the totalt $700,000 cost.a _--- -- - viding for Hutchins Hall, which was completed in 1932. The philanthropist never return- ed to the University to see the pro- ject which had occupied so much of his time, money and attention. He followed the work to the last detail through photographs, draw- ings and daily progress reports, but could never be persuaded to view the final result. According to some reports, he felt it might spoil his dream, to return, while others attribute the somewhat eccentric action to ,his modesty. One of Cook's reasons for do- nating the Law Quad was the value he placed on the law pro- fession in the administration of the country. He wrote a book en- titled "American Institutions and Their Preservation" during the period of supervising building plans. Union Opera Tryout meeting for student director for this year's Union Opera has been changed from Wednesday to 4 p.m. Friday in Rm. 3G of the Union, according to Guy Moulthrop, '56, promo- tions chairman. (, I I Nothing keeps a hat in shape so well as the "Crwvenette process" STUDENT SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Bought, Sold, RENTED and Repaired * * * * - Desks, Chairs, Steel Files * * * *.I MORRI LI'S 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phones: NO 8-7177 - NO 8-9610 Open Saturdays until 5 P.M. except home games. -Daily--Dickc GasktU LAW QUAD ADDITION William Cook, a wealthy New York lawyer who made millions as special counsel for the Mackay in- terests and the Commercial Cable and Postal Telegraph Company, graduated from the University Law School in 1882. It in estimat- ed that he contributed more than $20,000,000 to the University, in- cluting the Martha Cook Building and the entire Law Quadrangle. In 1924 the' Lawyer's Club, first of the English Gothic structures, was donated by Cook. He died in 1930, leaving almost his entire es- tate to the University and pro- i I I Read and Use Daily Classifieds 11 I The Commander 7MALLORY Rain or shine, your Mallory Commander is always at its best Soft, luxurious to your touch .,. with the rich feel that only the finest fur felt, Mallory exclusive hand workmanship ca, give you.' "Cravenette processed" .. , it even sheds showers. You'll agree your Commander is an outstanding value at only $10.00 Other Mallory Hats $7.50 to $12.00 Open Daily 9 to 5:30 P.M. Monday 9 to 8:30 P.M. 309 South Main The Downtown Store for Michigan Men f 'I STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Repair- Reconditioning Accessories STRING SHOP 211 South State Phone NO 3-3874 Art Exhibit Plans Made "The Classical Motif" and "French Painting at Mid-Century" are the exhibits to be shown this month at the Alumni Memorial Hall Museum of Art. The first exhibit will open Fri- day, continuing through Oct. 29. The water colors of the second ex- hibit will be on view from Sunday until Oct. 31. Alumni Hall is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m. Sundays. ngineers To Hold Jackson Meeting Michigan section of the Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers will hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. to- day at the Hotel Hayes in Jackson. AI '1 11 - Choice of Parents" 11 ' r I I1'I MUSICAL SATIRE "The Republicans Went That-Away" 11 Presented at 8:30 P.M. TONIGHT at Angell School, 1608 South University, written by Prof. Arthur Eastman and Prof. Alexander Allison .. . 50c ... Tickets available at Democratic Headquarters or door. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Women's Demo- cratic Club. --r...... q to The Daily Subscribe 1 ... -5- .- -.- . .. 6 6 6 - .z -? v 0P~ t UN-JTUSES- - " "d Z ZC, < ZO Uw q0 s tiZ x 0Z N s'2::E 4 ADMINISTRATION *O * * O* POWER PLANT ANALYSIS * * AIRCRAFT STANDARDS PRODUCTION DESIGN O :LGHT TST LIAISON ® O O MECHANICAL COMPONIEN'S O INSTALLATIONS® O® LIAISON TECHNIC/ L PUBLICATIONS *O * * * O* AERODYNAMICS ,O* MISSILE DESIGN * * * * * * * * * DYNAMIC ANALYSIS * O* * STRUCTURES DESIGN 0O 0O 0 STRUCTURES MATERIAL®@0 STRUCTURES TEST * * *O* O* WEIGHTS O O O O O O O Oe RELIABILITYO ANTENNAO OO SERVO MECHANISMS® OO ®O AEROPHYSICSO ELECTRONICS DESIGN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS DESIGNO GUIDANCE & FIELD OPERATIONS ® * 0 DEVELOPMENT®0 FLIGHT TEST ENGINEERING * * FLIGHT TEST ANALYSIS O FLIGHT TEST INSTRUMENTATION * 0 0 0 0 TOOL ENGINEERING * * INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 00 00 QUALITY CONTROL 0 0 0 0 ."i'':i: .. . : t. CISIONS We Launder Shirts Choice of Wife JUST R T1 %..hoice of Job You don't have any choice on the first and very little on the second. . On the third however, it's strictly up to you-- a poor choice can throw you years behind your classmates and a good choice can put you years ahead. At Chance Vought, young engineers (Aeronautical, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical) have every opportunity to make a mark for themselves in the industry that places the greatest value on engineering skill and ingenuity. The very nature of the modern aircraft -its immense complexity and its never-ending development -presents technical problems that are unparalleled in any other field of engineering. The chart illustrates two things; first, the extent to which our work involves the various engineering and scientific specialties and second, the scope of the opportunities that exist for the young engineer. For more information regarding these employment opportunities please contact your placement office in order to arrange for an interview with our representative when he is on campus, or write for a copy of "Your Career With Chance Vought Aircraft" Address: 1' I Try this Five-Point Shirt Service offered by Kyer Model Laundry and Cleaners 1. Shirts washed sparkling clean by our scientifi- cally controlled formulas. 1. Shirts starched, or not, as you prefer. 3. Shirts ironed to perfection by our experienced operators. 4. Shirts packaged in the now famous Shirt Pax for complete protection until you're ready to wear them. 5. Guaranteed Button Replacement-if your shirt is returned with even one missing button, tell us. That shirt plus one other shirt will be laun- dered free. 4 11 We invite you to discuss your career opportuni- ties in the aviation industry with us. Con- ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SECTION CHANCE VOUGHT AIRCRAFT I 11 II I 11 Vp