&AGAE 104Ollt I .Y.. Y1w.WJ' 1'PY W'dJ YW Y Mld tJi y {.cv r-WLu d - -J.'- lY- Y 11. Y 4. S 1' } < M . M.AY._.___.... , aiLi"'O'LAAl" 9 1 Sorority Rushing Fancied in Spring H APPILY for many University men and with a sigh of relief from many of the sorority girls, the finishing touches were applied Sunday to the two-week period of sorority rushing. As rushees-soon to become pledges, flocked out of their taxis and rushed into the arms of waiting sorority girls one couldn't help reflect- Ing again upon some of the deficiencies of the present fall rushig program and the merits of another attempt to establish spring rushing. At present the sororities hold one two-week rushing session, extending from the Saturday be- fore classes start in the fall until final deserts oc- curing the Thursday and Friday evenings of the second week of school. The objection to this system isn't that one period is less desirable than the fraternity two- period setup, but rather that spring rushing rather than fall rushing would be more benefi- cial to both the girls who wish to affiliate and the sororities themselves. The arguments for fall rushing when PanHel- lenie decided last spring to maintain what amount- ed to status-quo were substantially the following: 1) Spring rushing would make the non-contact rule difficult to enforce. 2) The weather is better in the fall than in February. 3) The smaller houses have a better opportunity to fill their quotas because of the larger number of rushees that perennially rush in the fall. The third argument is refuse from the situation that existed a few years ago when sorority regis- tration lists generally contained 500 to 600 names. At that time some of the small houses did have reason to be concerned but now with rushing totals exceeding 1000 the worry is needless. The number of rushees decreases in the spring because of fail- ures to make grades and other reasons but with women's university registration setting new records annually there seems to be little worry about lack of rushees no matter which semester rushing is held. The second endorsement of fall rushing is apparently somewhat of an afterthought and really can't be considered important. The oppor- tunity for a woman to wait a semester before rushing so that she may .better integrate herself at the University, better acquaint herself with the campus sororities and the sorority system Itself is certainly more crucial than whether a coed Is forced to wear a heavy coat around her shoulders while she attempts to affiliate. The non-contact rule is apparently designed to protect the smaller houses. It is reasoned that the competition for pledges would become cut-throat if women were allowed to contact prospective rushees during the fall and in the ensuing tussle the so-called top sororities would get the 'best' women. It is also said that some girls would drop all sororities during rushing except for the top ones, and if they didn't get a bid they would be unable to affiliate. This would eliminate girls who otherwise would join the remaining houses. It seems that it is natural that the sororities which have the most to offer in the way of mem- bers will get the top rushees. This is true when- ever a club exists. It also seems that the desire of a woman shouldn't be simply to join a sorority but to Join one she really likes. In the fraternity system, a house survives only as long as its members can make it attractive enough to induce enough new men to affiliate each semester. The sorority system should be able to survive on the same principle. -Dave Baad ART LEST YOU assume, because of Gargoyle's spon- sorship, or the laconic wording of the an- nouncement concerning it, that the showing in the Rackham Building's West Gallery is simply a Gar- goyle hoax, let me hasten to assure you that every- tiing is on the up-and-up. "The L. H. Scott Col- lection of Cultural Commodities from Present-Day Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Bul- garia and China," is an extremely interesting dis- play of contemporary work in the popular arts of those countries. As is typical of folk-art, flowers, birds and ani- mals figure prominently in the decoration of com- monly-used objects made by village craftsmen. The jugs, pitchers, and other ceramic ware from Rum- ania are obviously of peasant origin-crudely form- ed and brightly decorated. The Bulgarian ware is, on the whole, more refined, and probably made un- der different conditions, and with better facilities. The "Peacock" coffee set, in lustrous glazes, is ex- ceptionally fine, and would be a credit to any col- lection. Several albums of paintings by a Chinese ar- tist, working in a style several millenia old, take top honors in the show. Not only are the paint- ings themselves exceptionally good, but the bro- caded silk covers are fine examples of the bind- er's art. Another contribution of the Chinese, at a less sophisticated level, is a delightful ser- ies of paper-cuttings. This is also an ancient art, but we rarely have an opportunity to see samples of it. Among the other cultural objects to be seen are wood-carvings, authentic costumes, embroidery, current periodicals, books, and reproductions of paintings, tapestries, and work in several other media. .The special hours for this exhibit are from 7 to 10 P.M., through October 10th, and to make your visit even more pleasant, recordings are play- ed of music associated in some way with the coun- tries represented. Mr. Scott will be on hand to ans- wer questions and to dole out Bulgarian or Rus- sian cigarettes, so don't delay, as the supply is lim- ited. IF YOU haven't already done so, you have only until the 7th of this month to see the current DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round CHOCHABAMBA, Bolivia - This is the story of two loans-one was made 26 years ago and helped contribute to the worst war in Latin-American his- tory, the other was made 10 years ago and is helping contribute to the battle against communism and toward the peaceful integration of Latin America. The first loan will never be paid back. The second is already being paid back. Here is the story of Loan No. I. It was negotiated by Dillon, Read & Co. with the Bolivian government in 1928 for 23 million dollars, a transaction from which the Bolivian minister of finance got a good, healthy commission. It is doubtful if many people in Bolivia knew any- thing about the loan or what it was to be used for, but 5 million dollars was immediately paid to Vickers Ltd. of London for arms and ammunition. A part of this sum was also used to pay Hans Kundt of Ger- many to train the Bolivian army and to pay Ernest Roehm, who later became famous as the organizer of Hitler's elite SS corps. As a result, the first SS corps was organized in Bolivia and shortly thereafter Bolivia opened an attack on its neighbor, Paraguay, for possession of the jungle prairie land called the Chaco. U.S. Tries to Stop War Charles Evans Hughes and Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, both men of prestige and dis- tinction, threw all their weight into diplomatic ef- forts designed to stop that war. I was a young reporter covering the State Department at that time, and I watched them as they worked day and night. Later Henry L. Stimson, another distinguished secretary of state, did the same-all failed. Bolivia had the army thanks to the Wall Street loan, and the Chaco war continued until 1935 when both sides were exhausted. The loan, as previously noted, has never been paid back. It never will be nor will the lives of countless soldiers whos graves dot' the Chaco. Loan No. 2 totals 28 million dollars and had its inception in 1942 when Sumner Welles, then under- scretary of state, conceived the idea of building a highway from the lowlands of Bolivia in the Ama- zon Basin to the upland plateau, two miles aove sea level. The Incas had dreamt of such a road, so had the Spanish conquistadores. They saw the importance of making Bolivia a united nation rather than one geographically divided. But it remained for an American diplomat, Sumner Welles, to give it the first push and for an American construction firm, Macco-Panpacific, to build it. Last week at Santa Cruz, a little town older than New York but with 30,000 people compared with New York's nine million, President Paz Estenssoro inaugurated that 300-mile stretch of mountain high- way. Tribute to U.S. Aid I stood in the rain watching the ceremony. Beside me stood Richard Thompson, head of the construc- tion company that completed the work. Near the President was Merwin Bohan, the commercial at- tache whom Welles sent to Bolivia to plan for the highway. In the crowd also stood tall, gaunt taciturn Benja- min Cottrell of Richmond, Va., engineer of the U.S. Public Roads Service who surveyed the route. Loath to talk about his work, Cottrell had walked every mile of the 311-mile route, lived in tents for five years beside it. Gerald Rinehart, former assistant chief engineer of the Marylan State Roads Commission, stood in the rain bundled in two layers of raincoats. He had carried out Cottrell's surveys. Also Max Win- ters of Los Angeles, the construction chief of the Macco-Panpacific Co., U.S. Ambassador Edward S. Sparks; members of the Bolivian cabinet and several hundred Indians stood in the rain as the Bolivian President paid tribute to the North Americans' work. Lynn Stambaugh, whom Truman took out of the sometimes-isolationist prairies of North Dakota to put on the export-import bank, made a speech. It was brief, simple and appropriate. He told how the export-import bank was trying to use American dollars to build for peace in Latin America. He did not mention that earlier American loan that built for war, but Foreign Minister Guevara Arze standing in the crowd had been a sergeant in the Chaco war and so had President Paz. They remembered it. Delegations Greet Visitors For two days we drove along the new highway. United States but when you have to stop every few Three hundred miles is not much to cover in the turing reed-instrument bands and when bouquets of jungle flowers are thrown in your car at every miles to be received by local Indian delegations fea- president of the Automobile Chauffeurs Union and As one who has driven over some tough roads, including the highway from Darjeeling up to the border of Tibet, I must say that I have never taken a more thrilling and at the same time blood curdling drive than the one last week from the lowlands of Santa Cruz to the Andean pleateau of Cocha- bamba. When we arrived at Comarapa 7,500 feet above sea level and the halfway point, a crowd of Indians was patiently waiting. "Senor," said the Indian chief as he greeted Presi- dent Paz, "we have waited for you for three hundred years." And despite a well-armed bodyguard, they seized the President and carried him triumphantly up the hill on their shoulders. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) shadowed by the achievements of the architects responsible for his factory, retail store, and nurs- ery school. But perhaps they are all part of a family, and, in any case, there is nothing wrong with Olivetti's taste. Two new shows, "The Classical Motif" and "French Painting at Mid-Century," will move into the University Museum's galleries on October 8th and 10th respectively, and should prove somewhat more ctmillati ATrnl enn-ca Inside Dope a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' 00N~ (Continued from Page 2) Application forms will be mailed on re- quest, or can be obtained at Room 1006 Rackham Building, ,Ext. 372, Applications for Summer Faculty Research Fellowships: Faculty members who wish to apply for Summer Faculty Research Fellow- ships for the Summer Session of 1956, may secure application forms from the Office of the Graduate School, Room 1006 Rackham Building, or the forms will be mailed on request. These appli- cations should be filed in the Office of the Graduate School by Fri., Oct. 8, 1954. Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in Feb., 1955, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by Fri., Oct. 8. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the of- fice of the Graduate School. The Extension Service announces that there are still openings in the fol- lowing class to be held Wed, evening, Oct. 6: Books and Ideas - '7:30 p.m. 69 School of Business Administration. 8 weeks - $8.00. Meetsalternate wednes- days. John E. Bingley. Instructor. Registration for this class may be made in Room 4501 of the Administra- tion Building on State Street during University Office hours. Education D5, Section 6, Tues. at 4 p.m. will not meet on Oct. 5. Geometry Seminar will meet Wed., Oct. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 3001 A.H. Discussion will continue on.the general topic of inversive geometry. Events Today The University Choral Union, main- tained by the University Musical So- ciety, will holds its first rehearsal of the season, Tues., Oct. 5, at 7:00, in Angell Hall, Auditorium A. Members will please arrive sufficient- ly early as to be seated on time, and to give their chorus numbers to the attendance-takers as they enter the au- ditorium. Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a general meeting on Tues., Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3A at the Union. In- cluded in the business will be formal pledge initiation. All members are re- quested to attend, Hillel: Tuesday, October 5. Prof. Clark Hopkins, classical archaeologist will speak on Early Jewish Art. 8:00 p.m. Science Research Club. Meeting, Rackham Amphitheatre,u.7:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 5. Program: "Applications of Modern Radiation .Therapy," How- ard Latourette, Roentgenology. "The Southern Michigan Oil Boom," Ken- neth Landes, Geology. Election of new members. Dues received after 7:00 p.m. The Varsity Debate Squad -will meet Tuesday, October 5th, in room 4203 Angell Hall at 4 p.m. All students in- terested in debating are invited to at- tend. Announcement will be made of the plans for the coming year, which include intercollegiate debates, audi- ence programs, and radio and televi- sion performances. Lutheran . Student Association - Tues., 7:15 p.m. Classes to be taught by Dr. George Mendenhall on "From The, Bible to The Modern World- Studies in the History of Biblical Faith." This week's topic will be "From Nature to History." Come to the Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Square Dancing tonight. Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00. Everyone welcome, S.R.A. Council supper meeting at Lane Hall, 5:15 to 7:00 p.m. Representa- tives and presidents of religious ,groups urged to attend. The poetry staff will meet tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Generation office. Coming Events The Industrial Relations Club will hold its first meeting of the academic year on wed., Oct. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the student lounge of the Business Ad- ministration Bldg. German Club. The first meeting of the "Deutscher verein" will be wed., Oct. 6, at 7:30 pm., in room 3R of the Union. Everyone is welcome. There will be a variety of entertainment and.re- freshments. Charles W. Joiner, Prof. of Law, will be at the Michigan Union Oct. 6 at 12:15 for lunch and a preliminary meet- ing with the participants in the panel discussion of "Do we Have a Respon. sible Press?" La Sociedad Hispanica will have its first meeting of the semester on Thurs., Oct. 7, in room 3A-3B of the Michigan, Union, at 8 p.m. Movies on Latin Amer- ica will be shown. Refreshments and dancing are to follow. Membership cards will be sold at the meeting. All members are urged to attend and bring your friends. We'll see you on Thura.o day! The Linguistics Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed.; Oct. 6 in the East Con-. ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Professor Albert H. Marckwardt will speak on "The Teaching of Eng- lish in Europe." All persons interested in the scientific study of language are cordially invited to attend. Speech Clinic: On Wed. at 7:30 p.m. there will be a short meeting at the Speech Clinic for all those interested in joining Sigma Alpha Eta, National Speech and Hearing Association. meeting is designed for all unabl attend the first meeting. orientation Seminar. Wed., Oct. 6. 2:00 p.m., Room 3001 A.H. R.P. Jerrard of General Electric Co. will speak on "Some Mathematics Used in Engineero ing" Episcopal Student Foundation. Stun dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, on Wed., Oct. 6, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty Tea on Wed., Oct. 6, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House. Comparative Religions Seminar. First meeting, 7:15 p.m. Lane Hall Library. Under the leadership of Prof. Willamr P. Alston of the Philosophy Depart- ment. The Undergrad Zoology Club an- nounces that its second meeting will be held Wed., Oct. 6 at the Pharmacol- ogy Building. Dr. Edward Domino will speak on the Electroencephalograph. You students who are not yet members still have a chance to join at this meeting. It is the last open meeting of the semester. WeIcomeI MUSIC'1 AT HILL AUDITORIUM. . .. Roberta Peters, soprano; Samu- el Pratt, flutist; Warner Bass pianist. WHAT promises to be an excel- lent concert season opened last night with the appearance o Roberta Peters. The program in printed form gives an impression of a widely varied spectrum of styles and moods, but the aura: impression of the concert itsel was more of a sameness of style, of the recurrence of certain pecular- ities of tonal production and deliv- ery which left not the particullar beauty of the songs in mind but the curious technicalities of their performance. The whole evening seemed to be colored by a coyness and an oversweetness, which, al- though quite charming in them- selves, did little else than project Miss Peters' personality. A cer- tain liquifying of consonants coupled with odd twisting of vow- el sounds detracted, it seems, from the beatuy of sounds by calling attention to themselves. The great technical difficulties involved in realizing the opening Bach aria were perhaps an indica- tion at the beginning of vocal problems that would be apparent throughout the evening. A cer- tain coarseness in the higher reg- ister seemed to hamper what ought to be a coloratura's happiest range, while the lower tones were project- ed with surprising ease and clar- ity. There is of course little real madness in the two Mad Scenes of Thomas and Donizetti, and little real music for that matter, but both were excellent vehicles for Miss Peters' agility, and in the Donizetti for the addition of Mr. Pratt's excellent flute to the ensemble. The group of Eng- lish songs, perhaps some of the most beautiful on the program, were marred by several moments ofrdistressingly bad intonation; here again real vocal intensity and hence true emotional inten- sity were supplanted by the coy manner and the saccharine tone. But if the evening was vo- cally disappointing it is also ob- vious that its great popular suc- cess and the reason for the aud- ience's enthusiasm lie in the fact that Miss Peters brings a most charming personality to the con- cert stage; her great poise and sweet mannerisms win her the hearts of the audience before she sings a note, and what follows is of not too great concern to those who are not concerned with technicalities. But there must be a great many for whom the Strauss, Debussy and Vaughan Williams of Monday evening were not as they hope to re- member those songs. -Don Nelson AT RACKHAM AUDITORIUM Stanley Quartet (Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violins; Robert Courte, viola; Oliver Edel, cel- lo.). All Beethoven concert: Quar- tet in B-flat major, Op. 18, No. 6; Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No. 3; Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 127. SUNDAY AFTERNOON'S concert inaugurated the Stanley Quar- tet's series of the complete string quartets of Beethoven. Needless to say, this is a magnificent opportu- nity for students and townspeople to hear one of the greatest achieve- ments in the entire literature of music. The project, as such, de- serves nothing but praise. The con- ception of each work was there - and at times it was superb. The pacing was nearly always excel- lent. One outstanding quality seemed to be the rhythmic organi- .+..- «. .f +L . -., .... ,. ,_ - .A that the Stanley Quartet is capable of better playing than that we heard Sunday. The frequently lear and wiry sound of the ensemble was often merely small and con- stricted, and when a full and reso- nant tone was called for, it was f not forthcoming. And, sadder still, the pitches were too often innacur- ate. The Quartet has done so much excellent work in the past that we I have every reason to expect the remainder of the Beethoven series to be up to its usual standard-in technique as well as interpretative understanding. The program followed the same pattern as the others scheduled fof the series: first one of the ..Opus 18 quartets, then one from the composer's "middle" period, then one of the last five quartets. The Quartet, Op. 18, No. 6, which began the program, was played with tremendous rhythmic drive which gave the fast movements just the sort of energetic treat- ment they demand. The difficult ensemble problems of the second movement were negotiated in fine style, although it seemed that the movement as a whole de- serves a somewhat more gracious playing than it received. The magnificent "Third Rasu- .movsky Quartet," Op. 59, No. 3 was given a performance of broad lines and at times great intensity. The fugal finale proceeded at what seemed at first a reckless tempo, but there were no accidents to speak of along the way. The E-flat quartet, one of the mellowest and mostbeautiful of the entire set, concluded the program. The per- formance here suffered at times from inaccurate intonation and the lack of really beautiful tonal qual- ity. In short, the concert was only partially successful. But I am sure that we may look forward to a dis- tinguished series of performances in the remainder of the Beethoven cycle. -Dave Tice Drawuing A Line ALTHOUGH THE British Gov- ernment is not committed by any of America's unilateral acts about Formosa, in practice Lon- don and Washington stand much closer together on this issue than do their publics. With only minor shades of disagreement, both gov- ernments consider that Formosa must be preserved from Commun- ism. Neither at present regards neutralization as a solution, be- cause Peking would never accept it. Both reject the legalistic argu- ment that Formosa automatically belongs to the China of the Pek- ing regime because its return to China was promised in the Cairo Declaration of 1953; no final dis- posal can in any case be arranged except in a Chinese peace treaty with Japan. And both governments regard some proof of the new Chi- na's willingness to behave in a civilized manner as at least the first condition of any negotiation. Mr. Attlee's recent observations in Australia do not represent the views of Downing Street. The position taken up by the' United States during the past few years means that, from the West's point of, view, the initiative now lies directly in American hands. All that America's allies can do is to make up their own minds how far they could afford to go if call- ed upon to support action by the Seventh Fleet, and to impress their views on Washington. After all that has happened, to call for any- thing approaching abandonment of Formnosaat thi critical nint .c L6Nll er ti Lt0. Davis Question.. To The Editor: TWO CHEERS for SL and its pro- test in the Nickerson case. But wasn't there another man, named Davis? For those who wonder about us, I'd like to say that we democrats are to be distinguished from the sentimental liberals. If Davis had been working on classified re- search, we'd have histed him out. You see what our reason would be, and you see that we'd have one. That's what a democrat likes to have before he starts singling peo- ple out or shoving them around. Also, we democrats don't insist that professional competence is the only standard for a teacher. We'd throw out convicted criminals, practicing sexual perverts, notor- ious wife-beaters, etc. And also fa- natics who persisted in crusades against, say, capitalism, in a math class; meat-eating, in an English class; or the Catholic Church, in an anthropology class. To the neg- lect of their proper subjects, that is to say. We'd uphold the tradi- tional standards, professional and extra-professional: the standards we've always agreed on. And please note that by all these stand- ards Mr. Davis passed. He flunked a political test. Funny how nobody ever defends the application of that kind of test if it only hap- pened far enough in the past. It wasn't that, you say? It was Davis's contempt for University authority in refusing to answer questions? Butrthe questions he re- fused to answer were the political ones-"Are you, or have you ever been a you-know-what?" When we asked him that question we were applying a political test. Let's face it. And we didn't have to know the answer. Remember that. When Charley Wilson asks one of his employees in the Defense Dept. that question, it's not, theoretically, a political test; it's a security test: and Mr. Wilson's got to ask the question, because he's got to know the answer. But Mr. Davis, teach- er of algebra to college freshmen, was not a security case. We'd have been right to have inquired into his professional conduct, or his le- gal history. But not his member- ship in the Communist Party. That's not a crime. And it doesn't and this choice meets the prin- ciple of defence without undue provocation or risk of embroil- ment. Moreover, for the Eisen- hower Administration itself, faced; with the elections in November,{ this in fact represents the most practical compromise; while it would now be politically impossible for the Republicans to back down on their pledges to Chiang, neith- er can they risk having to send all the boys back to the Far East. There reains Ouemoitself- prove anything about his profes- sional conduct. But Mr. Davis also declined to confide in Mr. Clardy. What about this "respect for.law and order" argument? I'd say that when a man is having a legal tussle with a gov- ernment agency a good democrat doesn't automatically raise some chant about "law and order;" he realizes there may be a bit of law on the citizen's side (an Amend- ment or two perhaps), and he has some respect for that. In any case, he realizes that the definition of law and order is precisely what the citizen and the government are contending about, and he lets them thrash it out. The courts of the land will decide the issue in the end, if necessary, and until they do what's the use of hollering about law and order when you don't even know what they require in the situation because it hasn't.been decided yet by the-only machinery we have for deciding it? But doesn'tdthe good democrat care about his university's reputa- tion, and its appropriations? Yes -about its reputation in heaven and in history; and as to the ap- propriations - there are some things he won't do for money. And doesn't he care about public opin- ion? Yes - too much to scandal- ize it (i.e., to confirm its errors) by a bad example. So democrats of SL and of the faculty, I ask you: What became of this man Davis, who was fired for refusing to answer questions that should never have been asked, be- cause there wasn't any compelling need to know the answers? -- John F. Baumgartner * s * Gargoyle Resists.., To the Editor: It is necessary that a slight cor- rection be made in a recent let- ter published in which Henry L. Bretton used the adjective "gar- goyled" to describe the inaccurate reporting by The Daily of certain neferious activities carried out by the Young Republicans during an alleged debate. The exact derivation of the ad- jective "gargoyled" is unknown to this office, but in case it repre- sents the Young Republican term for "garbled," the error of this] substitution indicates that Mr. Bretton and his advisors should turn from the meta-political atmos- phere of their meetings to the rig- orous environment of the English classroom so that their vocabular- ies might benefit from the change. - Any further use of the term "gar- goyled" to indicate any manner of confusion will be strongly resisted. -D. H. Kessel -L. H. Scott * * * MVusical Democrats... To the Editor: COME aesthetes tell us that are combined to write a musical satir- izing the Republicans. Whether what Professors Eastman and Al-- lison have done is art or not will probably be long debated. But before the argument gets under way, it might be wise to take a look at their creation "The Republicans Went That-A-Way." It will be shown in Ann Arbor on- ly once. , (It is rumored that this is its pre-Broadway run). The evening is Tuesday, Oct. 15, the time is 8:30, and the place is the Angell School, 1608 S. Uni- versity. The two professors will be atthe door to accept your 50 cent ad- mission, and to challenge your dis. putations. -Larry Hulack Real Friends... To the Editor: W THE undersigned, as far as it is known, are L. H. Scott's only friends. Contrary to The Daily, we neither find him "dread- fully intelligent," nor are we par- ticularly "fond of him." --Jan Malcolm Don Malcolm Stu Ross i JI A ,1 Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............... City Editor Jon Sobe] off......... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor Dave Livingston...........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .W Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak...........Business Manager Phil Brunskill. Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise..........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski, Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 A I