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October 03, 1954 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-03

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Local Homes Sho-w

Variety, with emphasis on in-
genuity, keynotes Ann Arbor ar-
One of the most marked depart-1
ures from familiar residential style
x is the experimental steel house
built and designed by Prof. Wal-
ter B. Sanders of the Architecture
and Design School.
Occasional brightly colored pan-
els relieve the severity of -the gray
steel frame. Among the structural
innovations are corrugated steel
shades placed at an angle to de-
flect the sun's rays in summer and
provide radiant heat during the
Unusual Side-Panels
"Poor man's marble," as Prof.
Sanders terms it, are practical ce-
ment and asbestos side-panels
which are fire proof and the add-
ed advantage of bleaching with
age. .
The two-level house was con-
structed for a sloping and heavily
wooded plot of ground which many
thought unbuildable. The rear of
the Sanders' home composed al-
most entirely of glass brings na-
ture indoors.
LOS LOPEZ Combination of Old and New
Although 135 years old, the con-
ventional frame house of Prof.
Catherine Heller of the Architec-
ture and Design School, shows in-
genious use of the modern element.
Tiles baked from rare anticiue
butter molds border a colonial
fireplace which provides attractive
contrast with a modern white silk
bubble lamp.
Escaped slaves during the Civil
War period, it is believed, made
use of a concealed compartment
in the dutch 'oven at the side of
the fireplace.
Though functional the furnish-
ings of Prof. Heller's apartment
give a warm and lived-in appear-
ance. A rich plum color, and white
now prevails in the living-room,
but periodically, Prof. Heller re-
decorates her home making radi-
cal changes to fit a season or

"Americans m u s t understand
themselves and their cultuXe first;
then they can help the foreign visi-
tor understand and learn from this
This was the key to a contribu-
tion made to a seminar on "Train-
ing Foreign Nationals in the Unit-
ed States," by Prof. Bingham Dai
of Duke University, yesterday at
Arden House in Harriman, N.Y.
'U' Group Sponsor
Sponsored by the University's
Foundation for Research on Hu-
man Behavior, a part of the Insti-
tute of Social Research, the two
day seminar is a follow up of a
session held in Ann Arbor last
Study of Germans Discussed
A study of German leaders com-
ing to this country showed that
some accepted American values
and techniques too enthusiastically,
paving the way for later disillu-
sionment, Prof. Ronald Lippitt,
meeting Research Center for
Group Dynamics, reported, at the
weekend meeting.
Others, resisted training too de-
terminedly to be reached, Prof.
Lippitt said, while those who were
able to balance their loyalty to
Germany with an open minded at-
titude toward America derived
most profit from their visit.
Social Scientists and industrial-
ists agreed on the need for better
orientation programs, more train-
ing of American trainers, and a
more systematic evaluation of cur-
rent programs.

City Hospitals Affected
By High Medical Costs



Local hospitals have been af-
fected by increased expenses for
hospital maintenance during the
past year which has caused medi-
cal care costs to rise much high-
er than the cost of. living.
St. Joseph Hospital's annual
budget totals, two and a quarter
million dollars which is a $110,000
more than last year. At Uni-
versity Hospital there is a $600,-
000 increase in their budget.
Salary Increase
A three percent increase in em-
ployee's salaries has caused room
rates to be increased to $1.25 a
day. Foods, drugs, laundry serv-
ices and hospital supplies cost five
and a half per cent more this year
than last.
Today hospital care is accelerat-
ed. In four or five days patients.
are given treatment which in the
past took 12 days or more.
There is no large group of peo-
ple convalescing, and patients get
more service in hospitals in less
time. For every patient there are
two employees on hospital pay-
rolls, and in a 100 bed hospital,
from 100 to 200 employees are
Drugs Expensive
Scientific advances and espec-
ially the new wonder drugs are
also expensive. Cures are now
possible in many cases which for-
merly were considered hopeless.
The University Hospital also los-
es more than $100,000 a year on
state supported patients who are
not allowed more than $18 a day
in medical expenses. There is,
the people of Michigan to support
however, no special tax burden on
the University hospital, because
it is entirely self-supporting.


Your Student Legislature

Pictures by


Plans and policies for the semes-
ter will be discussed and debated
at the SL open cabinet meeting,
at 4:15 tomorrow.
SL members have been espec-
ially' invited by President Steve.
Jelin, '55. All interested, stud-
ents are welcome to attend and ex-
press their opinions. It will be
held in the SL room of the Union.
* * *
A new plan to have campus dor-
mitories send representatives to
SL on important issues is being
set up by the. Public Relations
Committee;headed by Sandy Hoff-
man '56.
If and when the plan goes into
effect, the house representative
would take the important SL is-
sue back to the house for a vote.
The committee feels a large
student opinion on the major is-
Guild To Show
'The Desert Fox'
"The Desert Fox" will be shown
at 8 p.m. today in Architecture
The SL Cinema Guild presenta-
tion stars James Mason as Rom-
mel, "the desert fox" of the film's
title; Jessica Tandy is co-starred
as his wife. Featured is Sir Ced-
ric Hardwick.
Admission is 50 cents.
Opera Interviews
The Union Opera will hold in-
terviews for student directors at 9
p.m., Wednesday in Rm. 3G of the
Opera officials emphasized that
all interested students may apply.

sues would be attained in this
.* * *
The SL meeting this week will
be held Tuesday night, instead
of the customary time on Wed-
nesday. The change was made to
avoid conflict with the Yom Kip-
pur religious service for Jewish
Lee Abrams, '55, -has announced
his resignation from the body. His
replacement, plus a new NSA Co-
ordinator to replace Jane Ger-
many, '56, will be voted on Tues-
day. Miss Germany was picked
to replace Hank Berliner, '56, as
Member at Large.
Ticket price for the Homecom-
ing dance has beei set at $3.50.
Woody Herman and his band will
SL voting this week:
MOTION-The Student "Legis-
lature protests the dismissal from
the University faculty of Prof.
Mark Nickerson.
Since a democratic society de-
pends upon a free exchange of
ideas, SL believes that the dismis-
sal . . . is in direct opposition to
the best interests of this Univer-
sity and this country.
FOR-Abrams, Beebe, Bleha,
Bryan, Butman, Chigrinsky, Dor-
mont, Germany, Gilman, Harris,
Hewitt, Hillman, Hoffman, Klame,
Leacock, Levy, Netzer, Rossner,
Schneider, Simon, Sommer, Uch-
AGAINST -.Cummins, ,Skala,
Donaldson, Cowan.
ABSTAINING-Adams, Berliner,
Levine, Monahan, Yates.
ABSENT-Beck, Boggan, Cook,
Cox, Patricoff.
VOTE: 22 For; 4 Against; 5 Ab-

Hospital insurance plans have
not increased the cost of medical
care. Many people are now able
to go to doctors who previous
waited until it was too late. In-
surance plans have aided many
who could not afford medical care,
doctors said.
Smaller communities do have
problems in obtaining doctors.
This problem has been met par-
tially by the Hill Burton Act un-
der which government subsidies
must be met by money raised in
the community for hospital con-
Medical schools today are at-
tempting to meet the demand for
doctors by increasing the size of
their classes. The University
Medical school has done this and
at present is the largest medical
school in the country,
Health Costs
Up More Than
Living Cost
CHICAGO (A-In the past year
medical costs rose seven times
faster than the overall cost of liv-
ing as Americans paid out an esti-
mated 10 billion dollars in the
quest for good health.
Stastistics Show
The United States Bureau of La
bor Statistics reports: In July,. 1953
the overall consumers' price index
was 114.7 and in July of this year
it was 115.2. In July, 1953 the price
index of medical care and drugs
was 121.5 and in July of this year
it was 125.2.
The Health Information Founda-
tion, a fact-finding organization
supported by donations from lead-
ing drug manufacturers, estimated
annual cost of medical care at
$10,200,000,000- - an expenditure
of $205 for the average family.
Your medical dollar includes
many f items besides your doctor's
bill, of course. Hospitalization
costs, for example, have been ris-
ing steadily for many years. Most
authorities agree the doctor re-
ceives a little more than one-third
of that dollar.
Doctor's Incomes
There were two surveys made
for 1951. One was conducted by the
powerful American Medical Asso-
ciation - whose membership in-
cludes about 140,000 of the cen-
try's doctors. The other was con-
ducted by Medical Economics, a,
magazine published in Rutherford,
N.J., which is popular in the pro-
fession and not directly affiliated
with any of the big medical organ-
Medical Economics said:
"The independent general prac-
titioner reports an average gross
income of $23,766 for 1951. His
net income . . . was $14,098-a rise
of almost 50 per cent since 1947
and of more than 100 per cent since
"Meanwhile the financial gap
that once separated him from his
specialist colleague is narrowing.
In 1943 he netted little more than
one-half as much as the average
specialist. In 1947 he netted about
two-thirds as much. Nowadays he
nets about four-fifths as much."
School Standards
It's true the medical profession
maintains rigorous standards for
its schools. But it's false that this
constitutes a plot by the' profes-
sion to keep its membership small.
Fewer students applied for med-
ical schools in 1953-54 than at any
time since the depression. Yet the
freshman class enrollment is the
highest on record.
There now are 72 medical schools
and seven two-year schools of ba-
sic medical sciences approved by
the AMA and the AAMC.
Is there a shortage of doctors

Two years ago President Tru-
man's Commission on the Health
Needs of the Nation estimated that
there might be a shortage of 22,000
to 45,000 doctors by 1960.
Dr. Howard A. Rusk, chairman
of the Health Resources Advisory
Committee of the National Securi-
ty Resources Board, has estimated:
a shortage of 20,000 physicians be-
fore that date.
No Future Shortage Seen
Every place in the country with
over 5,000 people had at least one
active practitioner in 1950, as did
96 per cent of the places with 2,-
500 to 4,999 people and 88 per cent
of those with 1,000 to 2,499 people.
Slightly more than 20 per cent of
towns between 100 and 1,000 peo-
ple had an active doctor.
Dickinson says there is no short-
age of doctors now and by 1960
there may be a "surplus."
e now hove






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