PAGE FOrR THE IIC 'IGA T IIAILY' SUNDAY, OCTOBERS. 19541 PAGE FOUR TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY vUNaY .a. OCTVORs ]1,iJ1 2 A. UNL F IT SEEMS TO ME By NAN SWINEHART Daily Associate Editor NOW THAT another season of sorority rushing is over, it seems that an evaluation of the past two weeks is in order. Although this year's rushing program was handled quite fairly and efficiently by Panhel- lenic officials, the whole plan of rushing used by sororities has been some twenty years obso- lete. The system in use now was quite adequate when one fifth the number rushing today sought Greek membership. But twelve hundred women rushing at one time is far too great a number to permit fairness either to the rushee or the sorority. Cutting after mixers from 1200 to perhaps 300 rushees necessarily causes sororities to eliminate women whom they would like to ask back. To meet 1200 people in three day and then be able to judge them fairly - ridiculous. Rushing is too long. The argument justifying a party every single night, except one, for two weeks, is that rushees and sororities should "get to know each other." Does anyone honestly be- lieve that acquaintances made throughout rush- ing are any more than superficial? Couldn't the same superficial judgement be made in less time and the health, morale and scholastic standing of all involved be preserved? From the sororities standpoint rushing is con- sidered "successful" if quota is made. No doubt this year most sororities will proclaim a very "success- ful" rushing season. And then next spring, they can count up pledges lost for academic and other reasons. Not being an authority on rushing, other than having just completed my fourth season of it, I cannot propose any new plan. I do feel very strongly that a new system is definitely in order very soon. The present rat race cannot go on to the advantage of rushees or sororities. If panhel- lenic groups wish to remain strong on campus, some move must be made now toward the study and formation of a new system. This is not something that can be accom- plished with anything less than a great amount of study and work by a group of interested peo- ple who know what they are doing. Such a group would necessarily have to include alumni and undergraduate members of panhellenic. Before the year is out, let there be action on this matter of rushing, the basis of the sorority system. Driving Me Crazy 7RAN INTO a guy planning to buy a new car the other day. What really upset me was that he had a European make in mind. "No!" I cried. "Whatever you do, don't buy a European car!" He looked surprised. "Why not? "Don't you know?" I asked incredulously, "The next step in the security program is labeling all drivers of foreign made vehicles as subversive." "You're crazy." "Think so? Well, a state senator, through his own unique system of private investigation, has discovered a subversive in the state department of the state. His function, says the senator, was to issue certain license plate numbers to, foreign car owners, in order that Party members could be identified on the run. The senator claims to have broken up the most vicious ring of subversives ever organized for quick communication among sub- versives." "Sounds silly." "Ha. Every party member was required to drive a foreign car. The system was perfect. But the senator is a senator." "So what?" "Sb don't buy a foreign car." - Jim Dygert The Week In Review Local*..*. RE-EMPLOYMENT: Former faculty member Dr. Mark Nickerson last week found himself with a new appointment to the faculty of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. Nickerson, a phar. macology professor here, was dismissed August 26 by the Board of Regents following proceedings lead- ing back to his refusal to answer questions about al- leged Communist affiliations before the Clardy com- mittee last May. PROTEST: The Student Legislature Wednesday went on record as opposed to the firing of Nickerson on grounds that the dismissal resulted from his political beliefs and not because of academic in- competency. EXCHANGE STUDENT: This year's exchange student from the University of Berlin, Heinz Kohler, arrived on campus with no place to live. As of today, the economics and political science student is still living at the Union. RALLY: Ann Arbor weather Friday night pro- vided just the wrong setting for some 2,000 pep- rallyers intent on whipping up spirit for yester- day's game. A few drops sounded the warning, then came the downpour to drown the cheers of all but the most loyal who concluded their ac- tivities in Yost Field House. Yesterday's "rain" was the team from West Point, New York. * * * In~tern~ational... LONDON: The London Conference held the in- ternational limelight last week as nine powers met to attempt a solution of the tricky German prob- lem. Finding the answer to the apparently defunct European Defense Community was optimistically hoped for by leading members of the conference. After two days, a decision was reached to end the occupation of West Germany, permit German rearmament and entrance into NATO, and to expand the Brussels Pact to include Italy. The following day France unexpectedly vetoed the proposals leaving the German question as "rie- sent" as before. N* * * National... CENSURE? The Watkins Committee investi- gating charges against Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) found the Senator guilty on two of five charges last week. A special meeting of the Senate early next month will listen to the Committee findings and decide upon the censure. The junior Senator from Wisconsin has prom- ised a fight. SEGREGATION: Carrying out the Supreme Court rulings against segregation in public schools has hit many snags, one of the worst in the town of Milford, Delaware. Following the enrollment of 11 Negroes in the Milford school, most of the white children of the town failed to show up for classes. Irate parents met to fight the "mixing" and shortly after the school board resigned. A new board replaced the old and with it came segregation. SENATE DEATH: Sen. Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) died suddenly Tuesday after 22 years in the Con- gress. The 78-year-old senator was sponsor of the McCarren Act dealing with immigration into the United States. His death precipitated a fight over who (that is what party) is to fill his vacant seat. SPORTS: Clevelanders who had been preparing a royal demonstration for their "unbeatable" Indians for weeks were pitched into gloom yesterday as the underdog Giants won the last game of the World Series seven to four. -Harry Strauss Whodunnits As Art Foremost a m o n g the names of American writers who have made monumental contributions to the development of the detective story are those of Edgar Allen Poe and Ellery Queen. It was Poe who, in 1841 as editor of a Philadelphia magazine, Graham's, offered to the light of day his own story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and thereby created the genre. Also, the United States can lay claim to the versatile and prolific cousins, Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee, who, collaborating under the justly famous "E.Q." pen name have devoted much of their efforts over the past twenty-five years to the raising of the standards (and consequently, the public opinion) of the detective story. The Queens recently published their 80th book, a nove.l And it is the attainment of this land- mark in that brilliant series of adventures in detection which gives us reason to pause for an examination of the reputation of the American detective story to- day. The detective story, using the popular blanket expression, is much maligned. When induced to confess their affection for the mur- der story, its readers must fight to conceal feelings of guilt and in- feriority. Its critics call it trash, sensationalism and, more recently pornography. Its kindest judge will perhaps classify it simply as 'escape literature.' The legitimate detective story will deny it deserves any of the first three labels, and it can justify its stand. But it will permit it- self, most graciously, to be includ- ed under the last category; for in complete honesty, that's what it is. Let us continue to be honest. There is a tradition which runs through all detective fiction, start- ing with Poe, touching Gaboriau, Doyle, Van Dine and and contin- uing into the present with Christie and Carr. This is the tradition of "fair play", wihch makes of the de- tective novel - simply -- a puz- zle, a chess problem, a challenge to the intellect. In the fair play novel, .the reader progresses throughhthe investigation on even terms with the fictional puz- zle solver, in possession of (if he is perceptive enough) the same data and clues that the detective is amassing. This, we repeat, is detective fic- tion at its purest-the way it was first conceived, and the way it is happily continuing at the present in works such as the Messrs. Queen are producing. Now, there are certain other types of mystery fiction which slip in under the title of "detective story" that are something quite different. The extremely popular feminine school characterized by an intuitive, haphazard style of detection does not belong. This has come to be recognized gener- ally as the H.I.B.K. (Had - I - But Known) class of detection: "Had I but known that by mentioning the footsteps in the hall to Inspector Finch, I could have prevented the eight murders that followed, etc." Discerning critics will realize this distinction. The most important thing which has happened in modern American detective fiction is the mass es- pousement by millions of readers of the ultra-hard-boiled detective story. And this suggests the se- cond main category which does not rightly' belong to the realm of pure detective fiction. Once upon a time, in the late 1920'sand early '30's, the hardboil- ed detective novel was important and significant. In 1930 Dashiell Hammett wrote The Maltese Fal- con, and its appearance signalled the recapturing of the international initiative in detective fiction which, soon after Poe, had passed into the hands of the English (Doyle, et al) and had remained there ever since. Prior to the Falcon, we had been borrowing heavily from the British for criminal inspiration. So, The Maltest Falcon remains the first truly American detective novel in history. Hammett, with his hard-boiled detective, brought realism to de- tective fiction which had until his time existed in a sort of make-believe world of paper pas- sions and ratiocinative prowess. His contributions are now class- ic. But the inevitable imitators followed -- exaggerating, distort- ing, even unconsciously burles- queing the hard-boiled style and ..material. Of these, one of the latest is Spillane. By association, the legitimate de- tective story has suffered a "roughing-up" of its reputation. The tough, resilient, hard-living, hard-d r i n k i n g, leather-knuckled hero of the "realism-plus" thriller has given the genre a black eye. Needless to say, the horror story. "Hold Everything, Fellows" - I., II DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It's been a long time since the nation's capital saw a real, honest-to-goodness rock-bot- tom probe of the biggest lobby in Washington, namely the public util- ity lobby, which, according to the official records filed in the House of Representatives, spends more than any other pressure group. However, as a result of the Dixon- Yates deal, such a probe is now being discussed. Two members of Congress would like to conduct it. They are: Sen. William Langer of North Dakota, nominal Republican, and Congress- man Sterling Cole of New York, 100 per cent Republican. Senator Langer, who is head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has already tried to stage an in- vestigation. He persuaded Sidney Davis, former assistant to Justice Hugo Black, to leave a lucrative law practice in New York and un- dertake a monopoly investigation. But from that point on, Langer found himself stymied. Senator Jenner of Indiana who, as chair- man of the Rules Committee, con- trols the purse strings of all Senate investigations, would not let Lang- er have a red cent to probe the utilities or any mnonopoly. Davis ended up paying his own expenses, and even those of witnesses, while Senator Langer finally decided to take three big law cases in order to finance his investigation. . * * Friend of Utilities The other solon, Congressman Sterling Cole, who would like to probe the Dixon-Yates utility situ- ation, is chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and already has a certain amount of investigative money at his disposal. However, he smiles so benignly on the big utility-atomic combines that any probe conducted by him would mean little. Congressman Cole even tried to wipe out the Eisenhower proposal to let all private companies share in a five-year pool of new atomic patents. The original Eisenhower atomic bill provided for such a pool because some big companies which have been favored by the Atomic EnergyCommission have the in- side track on new atomic patents, and it was considered only fair to let less-favored companies have a chance to catch up. Democratic leaders amended the bill in the Senate to make it a ten- year instead of a five-year pool, but when the bill got back to the House, Congressman Cole knocked out the patent pool altogether- despite pleas of fellow Republican Senator Hickenlooper of Iowa to stand by the Eisenhower program. The debate illustrated how far Cole leans over on the side of the big atomic-power combines. A lot terature". Man has long entertain- ed himself by torturing his mind with puzzles, riddles, mazes and imaginary problems such as the murder mystery. But, good liter- ature? Yes and no. Until public and critical opinion is reformed, no- thing acknowledged as good lit- erature can be written within the genre. Witness the classic novel, The Moonstone, written by Wilkie Collins in 1868. A remarkably well-plotted and well written de- tective story, it is regarded by critics as "serious literature" because it is "too good" to be a detective novel. Perhaps some of people wondered why, and this may be the explanation. Cole's Background Mrs. Cole, the former Dorothy Thomas, is the daughter of the secretary of the Corning Glass Company of Corning, N.Y. Cole is also a great friend of Amory Houghtongchairman of Corning Glass. Houghton and the Corning Glass crowd are Cole's best backers. Corning Glass, in turn, manu- factures glass bulbs for General Electric, has close ties with G.E. And General Electric, of course, is one of the biggest companies al- ready having a foot in the atomic- energy industrial door and want- ing to get in further. It is among the companies which might not wish to pool its atomic patents with other companies. Congressman Cole has announced that he will probe the Dixon-Yates contract. Senator Langer has an- nounced that he will do likewise. It will be interesting to see who gets the investigation money from GOP leaders. Mystery Man Gives If you look over the private rec- ords of mystery-man Henry Grune- wald it's easy to understand why certain people would like to get him behind bars on a perjury charge. First, they would like to impeach his veracity; second, they doubtless would like to get him in a place where he has less chance to talk. In talking to Grunewald myself I found that he had receipts to show that he had contributed heav- ily to the Democratic National Committee, plus canceled checks from ex-Sen. Owen Brewster of Maine, Republican, plus an ac- count of cash contributions to Gov- ernor Dewey and Herbert Brow- nell totaling $13,000 when Dewey ran for president in 1944 and 1948. "To be fair to Mr. Dewey," said Grunewald, "he said, 'is this cash?' I said yes. 'Well,' he says, 'I can't handle that, but I'll in- troduce you to a fellow whom you can give this money to.' " Grunewald then was introduced to a man he later found was Her- bert Brownell, now attorney gen- eral, then Dewey's campaign man- ager. The amount then contributed was $3,000. Later Grunewald said he gave Brownell another $5,000 in cash "in the presence of Gene Tun- ney," and, in 1948, another $5,000. Grunewald said he had given $1,700 to the Truman campaign in 1948, and he produced a letter from President Truman thanking him. He also produced a receipt signed by Howard McGrath, chairman of the Democratic National Commit- tee, for $500; another signed by Joe Blythe, Democratic treasurer, for $500; another for $1,000 signed by Blythe; a receipt for $500 signed by Sidney Solomon, a St. Louis friend of Truman's. These contri- butions were given during several campaigns. Grunewald produced a canceled check to ex-Senator Brewster of Maine dated 1941 for $2,500. This was in addition to the $10,000 he advanced Brewster in 1950-$5,000 each on behalf of Vice President Nixon and Sen. Milton Young of North Dakota. "Did Nixon ever thank you for that?" Grunewald was asked. "No," he replied. "Has he ever helped' you in your present troubles?" "No.i "Did Nixon record that $5,000 In The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construe- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be.. fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 12 Notices Freshman Testing Program: Make-up sessions for Freshmen who missed any of the Aptitude tests given during Ori- entation week wili be held on Tues., Oct. 5 and Thurs., Oct. 7. Please report to Room 130, Business Administration promptly at 7:00 p.m. For further infor- mation call ext. 2297. Late permission for women students who attend the second performance of "Al Star Jazz a the Philharmonic" on wed., Oct. 13, at Hill Auditorium, will be no later than 45 minutes after the end of the performance. The Art Print Loan Collection, 510 Administration. All prints that have not been picked up by students will be available next week for rental to students, members of the faculty, and employees. About 200 prints will be available. Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 1-5. Sat. 8-12. The October meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be held Mon., Oct. 4, 1954, at 4:10 p.m. In Angell Hall Audi- torium A. Academic Notices The Extension Service announces that thereare still openings in the following classes to be held Monday evening, October 4: Workshop in Creative Writing - 7:30 p.m. 171 School of Business Adminis- tration. 16 weeks - $18.00. John F. Muehl, Instructor. Office Management - 7:00 p.m. 176 School of Business Administration. Two hours of undergraduate credit. 16 weeks - $18.00. Irene Place, Instructor. Management-Union Relations -7:30 p.m. 170 School of Business Adminis- tration. Two hours of undergraduate credit. 16 weeks - $18.00. Jerome O. Cross, Instructor. Higher and Lower Turning Points In the Religion of the Bible - 7:30 p.m. 131 School of Business Administra- tion. 8 weeks - $8.00. Professor Leroy Waterman, Instructor. Registration for these classes may be made in Room 4501 of the Administra- tion Building on State Street during University office hours. Concerts Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte, vio- la, and Oliver Edel, cello, will open the Sunday afternoon series of concerts covering the Beethoven quartets at 3:30 October 3, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The first program will include Quartet in B-flat major, Op. 18, No. 6, Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No. 3, and Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 127, and will be open to the public without charge. Roberta Peters, young soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, will give the first program in the season's concert series Monday, October 4, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Concert-goers are re- quested to arrive sufficiently early as to be seated on time. Miss Peters will present the following program, assisted by Samuel Pratt, flutist, and Warner Bass, pianist; Bach's Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen; Not All My Torments by Purcell; Scar- latti's Cantatta with flute obligato; a group of songs byrRichard Strauss; The Mad Scene from "Hamlet" (A. Thomas); Debussy's Fetes galantes; Hahn's L'Heure Exquise; Chausson's La Cigale; and the MadScene from "Lucia di Lammermoor" with flute obligato (Donizetti). The Extra Concert Series will be opened by Eleanor Steber, soprano, also of the Metropolitan Opera, on Sunday evening, October ,10, at 8:30. Wickets for both concerts are avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower; and will also be on sale at the HilltAuditorium box office on the nights of the concerts after 7:00 o'clock. Events Today Graduate Outing Club will meet Sun. at 2 p.m. at the N.W. entrance to the Rackham Bldg. Wear old clothes. Bring cars if have. Return about 7. Newcom- ers welcome. The Fireside Forum Group of the First Methodist Church for single grad- uate students and young adults of post-college age will meet at the back of the church at 2:00 Sun. for an after- noon outing. Transportation will be provided. The regular evening meeting will be held in the Youth Room at 7:30 at which time the Director of Christian Education, Helen Thomas, will be the speaker. Hillel: Sun., Oct. 3. Supper club at 6:00 p.m. followed by record dance. The Unitarian Student Group will meet =Sun., Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m. at the church. Students interested in trans- portation will meet at Lane Hall at 7:15. Transportation will also be provided at 7:15 in front of Alice Lloyd Hall for students in that vicinity. Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester Co-op, 900 Oakland, on Sun., Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. Everybody invited. 7:30 p.m. Sunday - Unitarian Stu- dent Group-Upperclassmen and Grads -meet at the church, 1917 Washte- n a w, to discuss: "Motivations Propmting Us to Become Unitarians. Transportation from Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. Sunday -Unitarian Youth Feloshn- Lweclssen--a home of Unitarian Student Advisors, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bailey, 1111 White Street - Mr. Dewitt Baldwin of Lane Hall speaking on: "What Groups Can Do That Individuals Can Not." Transportation from Main Desk at Michigan League. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Dr. John Kennard, Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College, will speak on "Relativism and Absolutism" at 4 p.m. in Lane Hall. Refreshments will be served. Everyone will be most welcome. Lutheran StudentAssociation - Sun- day, October 3, 7:00 p.m. "Why Do We Have Creeds" led by James Keisler, in- structor in Mathematics. At the center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Westminster Student Fellowship will meet at 6:45 in the student center of the Presbyterian church. Rev. Charles Leber will speak on "Towards a place among peers" in the series "The Shak- ing of Foundations." Sunday, Oct. 3 - Wesleyan Guild. 9:30 p.m. Discussion: Basic Christian Beliefs. 10:30 p.m. Discussion: Great Ideas of the Bible. 5:30 p.m. Fellowship supper. 6:45 p.m. Worship and Program. Discussion: Stewardship, led by Sot tand Marcy Westerman. Coming Events Kaffeestunde. The first. afternoon coffee hour sponsored by the German Club will be at 3:15 Monday, Oct. 4. It provides an opportunity for speaking and learning German in an informal atmosphere. The faculty will be repre- sented. The Kaffeestunde meets regu- lariy at 3:15 on Mondays and Thurs- days throughout the academic year. "A Survey of Liturgical Music." A dis- cussion course, treating the items of the Jewish Service, the Roman Catholi Mass and the Protestant liturgies, with special emphasis upon the music: its history and importance in the service. Under the leadership of Miss Marilyn Mason, Assistant Professor of Music. Lane Hal. 4:15 p.m. Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a general meeting on Tues., Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3A at the Union. In- cluded in the business will be formal pledge initiation. All members are re- quested to attend. Hillel: Monday, October 4, 8:00 p.m. Musicale. Jeremiah Symphony by Leon- ard Bernstein. Hillel: Tuesday, October 5. Prof. Clark Hopkins, classical archaeologist wi't speak on Early Jewish Art. 8:00 p.m. Science Research Club. Meeting, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 5. Program: "Applications of Modern Radiation Therapy" How- ard Latourette, Roentgenology. "The Southern Michigan Oil Boom," Ken- neth Landes, Geology. Election of new members. Dues received after 7:00 p.m. The Varsity Debate Squad will meet Tuesday, October 5th, in room 4203 Angell Hall at 4 p.m. All students in- terested in debating are invited to at- tend. Announcement will be made of the plans for the coming year, which include intercollegiate debates, audi- ence programs, and radio and televi- sion performances. La P'tite Causette will meet tomor- row in the wing of the Michigan Union afeteria from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. If you have anything to talk about, come and talk about it "en francais." A Ukranian club meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, October 4 at the Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street. Guests are welcome. The University Choral Union, main- tained by the University Musical So- ciety, will holds its first rehearsal of the season, Tues., Oct. 5 at 7:00, in Angell Hall, Auditorium A. Members will please arrive sufficient- ly early as to be seated on time, and to give their chorus numbers to the attendance-takers as they enter the au- ditorium. Museum Movies. "Thundering Wat- ers," free movie shown at 3 p.m. daily including Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Muse- ums Building, Oct. 5-11. 2j~ f ,1 - CURRENT MO~VIE * At the Michigan... TWO VIEWS ON HOBSON'S CHOICE with Charles Laughton HOBSON'S choice is, of course, no choice at all. In the new English comedy just opened locally, Charles Laughton is Hobson, the bootmaker with no choice, and the reasons for this circumstance are the sum and substance of the plot of the film. Briefly, what Laughton, the middle-class tradesman, is forced to face late in his life is the defection of his eldest daughter, who runs his business and has made up her mind that she is going to marry her father's boothand and with him establish a business of their own. Hobson has this disaster coming because he has been a tyrant all his life. When the daughter leaves, his own business falters and eventually he must accept daughter and son-in-law back in part- nership on their terms. Itence, Hobson's choice. While this is a rather somber Emil Jannings kind of story in many ways, the movie makers are really out to make a polished British romp about the tradesman class, and their tone is sa- tirical and somewhat patronizing. The film be- gins with Laughton returning from one of his nightly toots at the Moonrakers' Tavern. He opens the door of his deserted shop and emits a pro- found belch. For me, the picture never rises much above this level. On one hand, the audience is asked to laugh at, not with, Hobson, which role Laugh- ton plays for sheer ham. On the other, they SERIOUS movie-goers expect superior comedies from Britain in much the same way they ex- pect convincing realism from Italy and sophistica- tion from France. The movies that have given the British this deservedly high rank have been, usual- ly, in two rather specialized sub-genres of com- edy. There is the out-and-out spoof or dead or dying traditions-"Kind Hearts and Coronets," for instance. And there is the more common gim- mick-comedy, like "Genevieve," which proved that antique cars can be fun, or like "Tight Little Is- land," which develops the thesis that whiskey should be treated as a God-given privilege. But "Hobson's Choice," as fine a British comedy as any I've seen, is not a satire and it does not invoke a gimmick. It attempts to do something which might be more difficult than satire or good clean fun with auto- mobiles or whiskey. It tries to present a picture of life in a time and place that provided certain tra- ditions of self-reliance and of the value of work well done, and in which it was possible, by virtue of these traditions, to solve successfully the prob- lems of living, to avoid tragedy or cynicism or chaos, and to live happily. The attempt succeeds, and it succeeds without resort to sentimentalism or a superficial slickness. The rich little movie about a wealthy, tyrannical, alcoholic father, his steel-willed daughter, and her romance with a timid cobbler, shares some- thing of one of the great traditions of English literature. It may sound overzealous, considering the evidence produced here, to say that it has some of the comic inventiveness of Dickens and some of the serene cnnfidnne of Jane AiuenBu nt a ., Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers................City Editor Jon SobelofE.........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor Dave Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .Associate Sports Editor ' Roz Shlimovitz.........Women's Editor Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak...........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski.. Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1