PAGE TWO THE MICMGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1954 WAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2. 19~4 German Arms And Alhied Unity LAST MONDAY, representatives of Britain, the United States, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg sat down together in London in another attempt to unify West Europe. Thursday night, a new proposal emerged. Call- ing for the armament of West Germany under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the plan also proposed the admission of West Germany and Italy Into the Brussels Pact of 1948. However, France has again used the veto to de- feat the rearmament of Germany. Last night, she refused to okay the proposal, thus once more plac- ing the entire question of Germany in a precarious position. We well may ask if, from the point of world security, this was the wisest of moves. We may also ask France exactly what it is that she wants. Germany has paid well for her role of aggressor in World War II. The policy of submitting Ger- many to world humiliation after the First World War did not achieve anything but bitterness and discontent among her people. Why should we think that after the Second World War, it will cause harmony and repentance? Germany has the right as a potentially strong nation to be once more ad- mitted into the family of nations . .. the Western family. Naturally, there must be precautions taken. These precautions must be taken because Rus- sia, planning on continued growth of the Com- munist Party of East Russia, is anxious to see an independent West Germany. Aside from this fact, a powerful European Army can, not achieve full power without members of Germany in the corps. With her great industrial potentialities as well as rich coal and iron fields, Germany is vital to any effective plan for a West European Army. And a West European Army is necessary to safe- guard the defense of the continent, in the opinion of the Western powers. Last May, France vetoed the proposal to in- clude West Germany in EDC. Now she has brought about the failure of this new plan, a plan which has been a compromise betyeen the requests of that country and the other European nations. French Premier Pierre Mendes-France told the conference that the Spaak proposal does not con- trol the aspects of the manufacture and distribu- tion of arms rigidly enough. The Spaak plan to which Mendes-Frances ob- jects-forwarded by Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian For- eign Minister-provides for a control organization to deal with the maximum size and equipment of a Continental military establishment. The organi- zation would take the form of an agency respon- sible to the Consultative Council of the Brussels Treaty Organization. The French Premier wishes a plan of his own to be adopted instead. This proposal would call for a European Armaments Authority to control the manufacture and distribution of arms. EAA would have the authority to place orders for the manufacture of weapons needed by con- tinental members, organize and control the de- livery of the weapons, supervise contracts, author- ize the export and inspect arms plants in conti- nental countries. This suggestion has already been rejected by the other delegates to the conference as cumbersome and difficult to operate. The delegates have given as their reasons for this rejection, the fact that the executive com- mittee would have to employ thousands of peo- ple. Also,a slow down in the pace of European industry would be an effect. Thus it appears that another compromise with France will have to be made. But how much can the Western Powers, to whom West European Army is vital and necessary, compromise? -Louise Tyor c i TODAY AND TOMORROW By WALTER LIPPMANN "Yes, Dear" "Yes, Dear" "Yes, Dear" ir 4 ... THE JUDGMENT of the Watkins committee under Category One, whether Sen. McCarthy was guilty of contempt of the Senate or a Senate Committee, raises the gravest question in the whole affair. The question is whether the issue which this judgment poses can be settled by a vote of censure. The Watkins Report deals with Sen. McCar- thy's refusal, accompanied by denunciations and insults, to testify before the Sub-Committee on Privileges and Elections which had his "honesty, sincerity, character and conduct . . . under in- quiry." Sen. McCarthy has failed, says the Wat- kins Report "to explain to the Senate these mat-, ters: (1) Whether funds collected to fight Com- munism were diverted to other purposes inuring to his personal advantage; (2) whether certain of his official activities were motivated by self- interest; and (3) whether certain of his activities in Senatorial campaigns involved violations of the law." The judgment of the Watkins committee is that Sen. McCarthy's failure to explain these charges to the Senate's Committee on Privileges and Elec- tions was "conduct contumacious toward the Sen- ate and injurious to its effectiveness, dignity, re- sponsibilities, processes, and prestige." * * * * FOR THIS THE Senate recommends that he be censured. But if the Senate votes to censure him for his failure to testify, what happens after the censure? Unless Sen. McCarthy goes before the Committee on Privileges and Elections in order to testify, he will still be, though censured, "contemp- tuous" and "contumacious" and "obstructive to leg- islative processes." It is hard to see how censure alone can settle this matter. Unless Sen. McCarthy submits to in- vestigation on the three charges, the Senate will not have made, as the Watkins Report says it must, "the dignity, honor, authority, and powers of the Senate . . . respected." Sen. McCarthy will still be avoiding an investigation into charges which, if proved, would call not for censure but for ex- pulsion. THE WATKINS REPORT is so long and so close- ly reasoned that almost certainly it will not be read in full by all those who will take a stand on the hot issues it raises. But the public must not allow itself to be misled by claims that the Watkins Committee recommended censure because of Sen. McCarthy's opinions. The crucial judg- ment, condemning his contemptuous refusal to ex- plain charges against his honesty, has nothing to do with his opinions or with his manners. It has to do with questions affecting his fitness to hold public office, with the question, for example, of whether he used for his personal advantage any of the funds collected in order to fight Commu- nism, The gravamen of the finding under Category One, if the Senate support the Watkins Commit- tee, is that the investigation by the Sub-Commit- tee on Privileges and Elections should be resumed in order to have McCarthy testify before it. This has nothing to do with freedom of thought. It has to do with the enforcement of the laws of the land. ON THE WASHINGTON MWERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON * * * * Current Movies Li At Architecture Auditorium THE DESERT FOX starring James Mason .ROM THE opening scene, a rather confusing commando raid, to the ending speech by Sir Winston Churchill, we are led through a maze of roaring cannon barrages, an overwhelming D-Day invasion, and various bombing missions to the conclusion that Field"Marshal Erwin Rommel was a great man; the unfortunate victim of circum- stances who could probably have won World War II for the Germans had he been given a free hand. The picture is taken from a biography of Rom- mel written by one Lt. Colonel Desmond Young of the British Army. In it we see James Mason as Rommel struggling, in an admirably sub- dued fashion, to overcome the inner conflict be- tween his loyalty as a soldier to his superiors, and his belief that Germany is being led to in- evitable defeat. It is very dramatic. Rommel can't quite believe that Hitler is best classed as "That Berlin abomination." A plot is hatched by "Sound men, all of them" to assassinate the Bohemian Corporal, but Rom- melrefuses to become a party to the plan. His reason? Really quite simple and after a repeti- tion or two, a bit boring: "I am a soldier, not a politician." Hitler himself finally convinces Rommel In a dandy insane dictator scene. From here on, Rom- mel somehow or other becomes head plotter. Every- thing is set. Unfortunately, just at the time the coup d' etat is scheduled, Rommel's staff car is straffed, and the field marshal must spend some time recovering from wounds "that would kill any but the toughest of soldiers." Without Rommel the plot fails. Hitler still lives. 'aA t THE REPORT of t- Sub-Committee was filed twenty months ago, on Jan. 2, 1953. McCarthy's contempt of that Sub-Committee, which is now to be censured, was committed before the report was filed. The contempt was open and notorious as long as Jan. 2, 1953. What has happened in the twenty months to cause the Senate to go back and revive the issue which it had until now chosen to ignore? At bottom what has happened it, I believe, that McCarthy, instead of working for his party, showed that his purpose was to rule or to ruin his party. Twenty months ago he was encouraged and supported and built up by the party organ- ization in the belief that he was an effective fighter against Democrats and a highly useful supporter of Republicans. The events have showi:. however, that his real target has been to over- throw Eisenhower's control of the Party, to purge and discredit the Eisenhower faction, and to make himself the big boss of the Republicans. He has compelled the Eisenhower wing of the Party to fight back and he had made it clearer and clearer that the issue is he or they, his ruin or their ruin. The reality first became clear last autumn in his television speech, ostensibly ans- wering President Truman, in reality challenging President Eisenhower. That was when the fight be- gan which has led to the Watkins committee. In this fight, waged nominally against Com- munists, ostensibly against the Democrats, really against Eisenhower, McCarthy has lost ground steadily. Why? In the last analysis because he ran out of ammunition. His campaign depended on his making good on his charges that the gov- ernment under the Democrats and even under the Republicans is infiltrated with spies and traitors. Had he been able to ferret out one ser- ious spy or traitor during the past year, his power would not have declined so spectacularly as. soon as people in Washington began to stand up to him. But all he could do was to try and hitch-hike on the serious investigations conduct- ed by the F.B.I. The country has gradually realized that he was not really contributing any- thing of importance to the detection of spies and traitors, and that he was enormously con- fusing the whole issue. * * * * THE DAMAGE done during these twenty months to the morale of the -nvrnm n+ vnnr +o itr,. WASHINGTON-The resolution censuring Senator McCarthy, now almost certain to pass the Senate, will be only the beginning of jumpy Joe's troubles. His colleagues are now talking about hitting him with a one-two punch. " Number one punch: This will be the censure vote itself, which should send Joe sprawling. Now that the Watkins Committee has knocked down McCarthy's guard by recommending censure, most Sen- ators are eager to vote against him. Number two punch: A group of Senators, led by Republican Ralph Flanders of Vermont and Democrat Clint Anderson of New Mexico, are planning to follow up the censure tote with a demand that McCarthy reply to the long-unanswered questions about his finances. This could lead to the final knockout blow-namely, impeach- ment by the Senate. Meanwhile, doctors at Bethseda Naval Hospital whisper that Mc- Carthy's recent "sick spell" was not so much sinus as it was nerves. It is true that McCarthy has had chronic sinus trouble. It is also true that, immediately after the Watkins recommendation to censure him, McCarthy turned up at Bethseda Naval Hospital for sinus reatment. But the doctors frankly found more wrong with his nerves than his sinus. Chronic sinus is aggravated by damp weather, they point out. McCarthy came for treatments after the "sinus season" during a com- parative dry spell. One doctor told this column that McCarthy's nerves were "shot," also that he has been drinking more than is good for him. Joe seldom turns down a can of beer or a shot of bourbon, but in the past, he hasn't really been a heavy drinker. UNPOPULARITY VOTE MEANWHILE, Senators Flanders and Anderson intend to keep Mc- Carthy on the defensive. They are counting on Joe's personal un- popularity with his fellow Senators to roll up a decisive vote against him. Now that a dignified Senate committee has recommended cen- sure, it gives Senators all the excuse they need to vote against hin' After the roll call, Flanders and Anderson will demand that Joe answer the questions about his finances that he has ducked for two years. They will point out that one of the censure counts is McCarthy's contempt for the committee which investigated his finances, also that McCarthy himself has criticized witnesses who refused to answer questions. On these grounds, they will introduce a follow-up resolution call- ing upon McCarthy to answer the questions he has been dodging. If these answers are unsatisfactory, they may urge another investigation to determine whether McCarthy ought to be impeached. Note 1-Chairman Arthur Watkins of the censure committee fought vigorously behind closed doors for a stronger report con- demning McCarthy. Once a McCarthy admirer, Watkins cooled off abruptly after Joe issued a public statement hinting that the Agriculture Department is riddled with Communists. Both Wat- kins and Agriculture Secretary Ezra Benson are Mormons. Note 2-Sen. Herbert Lehman, New York Democrat, is compiling all the evidence that the Watkins Committee overlooked. He plans to bring it up on the Senate floor during the censure debate. However, his colleagues are urging him to lay off, for fear the censure counts will be lost in the ensuing verbal brawl. ANOTHER CENSURE ANOTHER AFTERMATH of the McCarthy hearings may be a move to cnsure Joe's political pal-suave, curly-haired Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, a Chicago Tribune Republican. Senators are gravely concerned over an unpublicized finding, namely that Dirksen sent a political agent into secret sessions of the McCarthy Investigating Committee where highly confidential matters were discussed. What's more, this unauthorized visitor actually took part in questioning Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwicker about secret security matters. The man in question is Harold Rainville, formerly Dirksen's assistant, who since mid-1953 has been employed by the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee. Though not on the Senate payroll, Rainville attended several secret committee sessions at Dirksen's authorization and with Mc- Carthy's permission. This was done in utter contempt of the rules and traditions of the Senate. In fact, it was a violation of the Mc- Carthy Committee's own rules, which state that only committee mem- bers or authorized staff assistants may question witnesses and that only official committee representatives may attend closed-door ses- sions. In 1929, Sen. Hiram Bingham, Connecticut Republican, was offI- cially censured by the Senate for doing almost exactly what Dirksen did. The charge against Bingham was that he allowed an unauthor- ized person to attend closed sessions of a Senate Committee. (Copyright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) 'Dirty Hands' AT THE ORPHEUM ... SO LITTLE TIME, not DIRTY HANDS HAVING learned Dirty Hands, "THE POWERFUL MELO- DRAMA OF INTRIGUE ... BE- TRAYAL . . . FRATRICIDE!!!" went by the names of Les Maines Sales (Paris), Red Gloves (New York), Cerveni Rukavice (Prague), we were not taken totally aback last night when the title So Little Time flashed across the Orpheum's screen. But no fratricide. And not a trace of Jean Paul Sartre. And a different movie entirely. Feeling slightly betrayed, we tore up our notes on existen- tialism and turned our attention to the credits, which by now had reached the "Miss Schell's gowns" stage, so we can at least report it was a British movie. It can further be classed as a "problem" film. The scene is oc- cupied Belgium during World War II; a German officer and a Bel- gian girl contrive to fall in love. The film attempts to deal with the morality of this, and if the question is not quite answered, the attempt itself is noteworthy. What really is asked Is this: does there actually exist a bond or a potential feeling between men which transcends realities, how- ever evil, such as war? Specifical- ly, does war imply a total personal committment to the friend/enemy dichotemy? Ina time like now, where the measure of a man seems to chiefly be determined by the na- ture of his political affiliation, the question appears to be par- ticularly pertinent. Marius Goring as the comman- dant played with great distinction and managed to avoid the two pit- falls the part might lead a lesser actor to: the Nazi stereotype on' the hand, beer and gemutlicheit on the other. An equally brilliant performance was turned in by Marie Schell. A lovely and gifted actress, above all she possesses the rare quality of intelligence, a quality which does not seem to agree too well with our more amply bosomed screen ladies. -J. W. Malcolm lettei4 TO THE EDITOR Monkey Business .. WHAT IS going on at the Uni- versity of Michigan in con- nection with the investigation of alleged subversion activities of three members of the teaching staff is not a matter alone of the Regents, the President of the Uni- versity, the faculty and of the stu- dent body but is a matter of grave concern of all civilized people of this state and of this country. The background of this struggle is as old as civilization itself; it is a struggle between the forces of dark, savage, irrational fears of the primitive tribal days and of the powers of light, of reason, of enlightment, of free inquiry into understanding and knowledge. The Regents of the University and the President of the Univer- sity have put on blinkers, stuffed cotton into their ears and assumed the role of the proverbial three Chinese monkeys, of "Hear noth- ing, See nothing, Know nothing, and you'll be Happy." It is up to the articulate and fearless to see to it, that they will hear every- thing, see everything, know more than they are willing to know, and by all means don't let them be happy. The two men who were dismiss- ed are men of rare intellectual courage and integrity; they are men who ought to be praised and rewarded for speaking fearlessly on behalf of their convictions, ev- en though those convictions are today unpopular with the unthink- ing mob. This country was settled by fearless and courageous men and women and this country will not survive unless we will have fearless and courageous men and women who will not be intimidat- ed by those who do not wish to be disturbed in the enjoyment of their privileges. The University of Michigan was once a great, not only a large uni- versity, it is up to the Faculty, the student body to preserve that greatness, if the Regents and the President have not the courage to preserve it. -Lee H. Gregory Rogers City, Michigan l The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be. fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 11 Notices Freshman Testing Program: Make-up sessions for Freshmen who missed any of the Aptitude tests given during Ori- entation Week will be held on Tues., Oct. 5 and Thurs., Oct. 7. Please report to Room 130, Business Administration promptly at 7:00 p.m. For further infor- mation call ext. 2297. Late permission for women students who attend the second performance of "All Star Jazz at the Philharmonic" on Wed., Oct. 13, at Hill Auditorium, will be no later than 45 minutes after the end of the performance. The Art Print Loan Collection, 510 Administration Building: All prints that have been reserved will be held till Sat., Oct. 2. Monday they will be made available to students, members of the faculty, and employees of the University. Any rental fees for prints that have not been picked up will not be refunded. ..University Directory. Al additions and corrections for office and home ad- dresses must be reported by Mon., Oc- tober 11. For further information, call Florence Boyd, 1523 Administration Bldg., Extension 2152. Academic Notices The make-up exam for the Botany 1 course of spring semester, 1954, will be given on October 5 at 7:30 p.m. in room 2004, Natural Science Building. Doctoral Examination for Elliott Greenberg, Chemistry: thesis: "Prep- aration and Thermodynamics of Urani- um Oxyhalides," Saturday, October 2, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. F. Westrum, Jr. Doctoral Examination for Charles Manson Thatcher, Chemical Engineer- ing; thesis: "Local Rates of Mass Transfer in a Packed Bed of Spheres, with Orifice Entry of Air," Saturday, October 2, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. C. Brier. Events Today The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Football Open House - Right after the game. Guild House, 438 Maynard. S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion. 12 noon at Lane Hall. Ulrich Curtius, Fulbright Scholar from Germany will discuss World University Service. Call Reservations to NO 3-1511, extension 2851., Alice Lloyd Hail, Coffee Hour after football game, Oct. 2, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Square Dance will be held Sat- urday, October 2, at 8:00 p.m., at the Parish House. Stag or drag. Cider and doughnuts will be served. Open House at Muriel Lester Co-op, Editorials printed in the Mich- igan Daily are written by mem- bers of The Daily staff and rep- resent the views of the writer ,only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: JOEL BERGER 900 Oakland, on Saturday, Oct. 2 aft. er football game. Refreshments served. Everybody welcome. Jordan Hall is having an Open House after today's football game. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy refresh- ments and dancing." Coming Events Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester Co-op, 900 Oakland, on Sun., Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. Everybody invited. "A Survey of Liturgical Music." A dis- cussion course, treating the items of the Jewish Service, the Roman Catholic Mass and the Protestant liturgies, with special emphasis upon the music: its history and importance in the service. Under the leadership of Miss Marilyn Mason, Assistant Professor of Music. Lane Hall. 4:15 p.m. Graduate Outing Club will meet Sun. at 2 p.m. at the N.W. entrance to the Rackham Bldg. Wear old clothes. Bring cars if have. Return about 7. Newcom- ers welcome. The Fireside Forum Group of the First Methodist Church for single grad- uate students and young adults of post-college age will meet at the back of the church at 2:00 Sun. for an after- noon outing, Transportation will be provided. The regular evening meeting will be held in the Youth Room at 7:30 at which time the Director of Christian Education, Helen Thomas, will be the speaker. Hillel: Sun., Oct. 3. Supper club at 6:00 p.m. followed by record dance. The Unitarian Student Group will meet Sun., Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m. at the church. Students interested in trans- portation will meet at Lane Hall at 7:15. Transportation will also be provided at 7:15 in front of Alice Lloyd Hall for students in that vicinity. Kaffeestunde. The first .afternoon coffee hour sponsored by the German Club will be at 3:15 Monday, Oct. 4. It provides an opportunity for speaking and learning German in an informal atmosphere. The faculty will be repre- sented. The Kaffeestunde meets regu- larly at 3:15 on Mondays and Thurs- days throughout the academic year. THOUGH America's scientists in their great quest for know- ticipation of breakthroughs on every frontier of the unknown, the past year has filled them with doubt and discouragement. Odd- ly enough, their doubt and disc; couragement rise from the very area in which the scientists have contributed most largely to the nation and in which they have been most lavishly recompensed. This is the area of national se- curity. -The Economist Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers................City Editor Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor Dave Livingston......... Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ..Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer - ..............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor Joy Squires .... Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith. .Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer Bu~siness Staff Lois Pollak........,Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager Telebhone NO 23-24-1 Mr. Attlee's Slim Victory 4 r, t4 T HERESHOULD be a general' sigh of relief throughout the democratic West now that the resolution to support German re- armament has squeaked through the annual conference of the Bri- tish Labor party at Scarborough. It was a close call, as it figured to be one way or another, but in a democracy like Britain the verdict of a majority, however slim, is accepted. Defeat would have been at least a minor catastrophe for the Labor movement, because it would have shown the party as a whole (re- presented by the present meeting in Scarborough) at odds with the Trades Union Congress, which en- dorsed German rearmament on Sept. 8, and with the Parliamen- tary Labor party headed by Clem- ent Attlee and Herbert Morrison. Defeat would likewise have been a serious impediment to the Nine- Power Conference in London which is seeking an agreed basis for German sovereignty ahd re- armament. Foreign Secretary Ed- en has to remember that there will be a general election next year and that the public opinion polls are running in favor of the Socialists. It would have been dif- ficult to commit Britain to a pol- icy that seemed against the popu- lar will. The great question - still in doubt - is where British public opinion does stand on this issue. The conflict within the Labor movement should not be misun- derstood. While there are a few trade unions dominated or swayed by Communists or fellow-travelers, the sentiment against German re- armament is in no sense a reflec- tion of Communist sympathy. There is and always has been a powerful religious and moralistic urge for pacifism in the Labor movement. In addition, there is the ineradicable thought in the Socialist ranks that conciliation and negotiation must be possible even with Communist Russia. At last, but by no means least, these is a strong residue of suspicion and fear of the Germans among all Britons- a natural hangover from two World Wars. All this builds up a tidal wave of emotion which makes it actual- ly gratifying that the annual con- ference of the Labor party should have voted for German rearma- ment by any margin at all. -N.Y. Times DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A Il !' Political Nuisance' Activity A llowed Louisville, Ky. The right of a Courier-Journal employee to become a "political nuisance" in the community dur- it-no 'hi nffr? ty hrnic ha hP the newspaper. Now a registered Democrat, he is a former member of the Progressive Party. Recently Mr. Braden and his mrf m - fnrmpr rniri-.r_ T-n.vnrl ever been Communist Party mem- bers, or whether they had ever read or subscribed for the Daily Worker, party newspaper. Trha Rraann e rfusedt+noanswer. if they aren't working deviously in behalf of the newspaper, Mr. Bra- den would be fired for the unor- thodoxy of his political views. "We cannot rnc.1 that any em-