PAGE TOUR 'I' if MCMGA N DAILY FRMAY_ AC:TARP.M. I. 1 au 1AE ! H MCiGNDAL KStmaju[ixs'ut,1V1D n it 11)5$ E a~ t Pen , By PAT ROELOFS Associate City Editor AFTER EXAMINING carefully all available evi- dence in the cases of Prof. Clement L. Markert and Prof. Mark Nickerson, one cannot understand the Regents' decision to reinstate the former and dismiss the latter. Both men admitted former Community Party membership to University faculty and adminis- tration groups hearing their cases. Both of them reported they had withdrawn membership sev- eral years prior to their coming to the Univer- sity. Both of them gave as reasons for leaving the tarty a growing interest in their scientific studies and a feeling that the Communist Party was los- ing its effectiveness in promoting certain social measures they favored. Neither the zoologist, who was reinstated, nor the pharmacologist, who was dismissed, denounced the Communist Party. In fact, both of them admitted freely they still hold many of the political and eco- nomic views they held while active in the Party. An argument given by some who feel that the administration and the Regents had no other choice but to fire Prof. Nickerson is that the Medical School and the pharmacology department were not being given consideration for governmental and industrial research projects and accompanying money grants that came under a "security" head- ing because a former Communist was connected with their departments. It is true that in a growing University research grants are important, but is the consideration here to be on the amount of ex- pansion and research or on political freedom of faculty members? In addition, since this considera- tion was undoubtedly made in the case of Prof. Nickerson, why did it not play a part in the case of Prof. Markert who is also working in a depart-' ment that conceivably does some "security" re-' search. In fact, both of the men were in some way connected with the Phoenix project which includes classified research. Thus far, the cases seem quite similar. There are differences, however, which evidently played key roles in the final outcome. First, there is the fact that support was given Prof. Markert by the zo- ology department where he works and by the Lit- erary College in which the zoology department is located. Prof. Nickerson, on the other hand, did not receive the backing of either his department chair- man or the medical School Executive Committee, although a majority of the Medical School faculty members did testify that he was competent, and did feel that refusal to answer the Clardy Commit- tee was not reason for dismissal. That the position of Prof. Nickerson was made "untenable" because his department did not trust his competence due to past political beliefs resulted in the end in his dis- missal. That the zoology department refused to feel competence was lost because of past political beliefs was equally important in the outcome of his case-reinstatement. One other important difference must not go unobserved. Prof. Nickerson was on tenure at the University-he was hired to work here until he reached retirement age. Prof. Markert was on a three year contract with the University-which lapses in 1956. He was reinstated in terms of his contract. An assumption that can be made on the basis of the way reinstatement on similar grounds at other schools was handled is, that when the two remain- ing years on Prof. Markert's contract are complet- ed he will not be asked to sign another one-he will be quietly removed from the picture as were two Harvard faculty members who were reinstated un- til their contracts ended. In other words, since the case of Prof. Nickerson and Prof. Markert do seem to be so much alike, perhaps they are even alike i the respect of the final outcome-it may be only a matter of time before the zoologist too will have to make his exit. If this kind of action does follow no doubt a thorough and serious investigation of the entire procedure in both cases will be warranted. At the conclusion of an examination of the reports made by the faculty committees on both men, it seems that Prof. Markert's case was handled in a most exemplary way. And, because the Medical School Executive Committee did re- commend the dismissal of Prof. Nickerson, the added hearing he was given by the Subcommit- tee on Intellectual Freedom and Integrity was warranted. Thus far, this case too was handled tolerably well. But this Subcommittee unanimous- ly recommended reinstatement of the pharma- cologist. And its decision was not carried out by the President and the Regents. The differences in the two cases become matters of departmental support and tenure in the end. These two issues are in no way connected with the competence of the two men. And none of the differ- erences or similarities in the two cases relate to po- litical freedom. Political freedom was totally dis- regarded when the final deiision was made. Guilt by Doubt? A FEW DAILY readers may remember the case of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, a thin, lean-faced scientist who had acquired the somewhat dubious distinction of being known as the man who built the atom bomb. The full irony of this distinction became ap- parent on April 12, 1954 when a three-man panel of the Atomic Energy Commission's Personnel Security Board opened hearings on Dr. Oppen- heimer's security rating. The panel's 2-1 decision against security clear- ance and the final AEC rejection was based on so slender a line that puzzled citizens were pushed to strange conclusions. Some of the more charitable explanations attributed the decision to professional jealousy, while others ominously hinted at thought- control. Appeal to the full committee of the AEC result- ed in a 4-1 decision to deny him any further role in secret government work. In the matter of security, quoth the AEC, "Dr. Oppenheimer has fallen far short of acceptable standards," although the panel's findings of "loyalty" and "discretion" were echoed. The scientist in the dark-grey flannel suit with- drew to his Princeton laboratory. The facts of this case have a certain disturbing resemblance to those of the Nickerson affair. Prof. Mark Nickerson, a pharmacologist with a world- wide reputation, was dismissed from his Univer- sity post because of past Communist affiliations which, it was felt, might "injure the reputation of the University as a whole." It must be noted that the report of the Medical School Executive Committee quoted above casts no aspersions on Prof. Nickerson's ability as a teacher or as a scientist. This report, which seems to have been the most influential in President Harlan H. Hatcher's rec- ommendation of dismissal, indicates that Prof. Nick- erson's "usefulness to this Medical School appears limited," even though "we support the right of a faculty member to the privacy of his political be- liefs." Remember that in both these cases there was no question of professional incompetance or po- litical conspiracy. Oppenheimer had worked for the government for 15 years under the strictest surveillance with no evidence of security danger. His contact with the Communist party had been limited to interest in front-organizations. By 1942, his association with these organizations held "very little interest" for him, and by 1946 he found the aims of Communist groups completely incompatible with his own ideals. As the panel itself stated, "the board has before it eloquent and convincing testimny of Dr. Oppen- heimer's deep devotion to his country in recent years." Dr. Oppenheimer may have been guilty of politi- cal naivete about Communist party goals, but once he realized that the goals were not as the Party rep- resented them, then "it was clear to him that he would not collaborate with Communists.' In Prof. Nickerson's case one also finds a cer- tain ignorance of Communist patty aims, but not once did either of the scientists advocate any ac- tion which could be termed directed toward vio- lent overthrow of the government. We understand that both actions were perptrat- ed in the names of mighty gods: in one case, se- curity; in the other, reputation. And we appreciate the reverence and caution which these words de- mand. But the question still remains-was this ac- tion justified? The ability of these men was never doubted. Prof. Nickerson received the John Abel Award for "most outstanding work In the United States in the field of pharmacology" in 1949. Dr. Oppenheimer was con- sidered a brilliant physicist by national scientists. Traitorous action has never been attributed to these men. The guilt of these two men rests on something as tenuous as "doubts." This very word appears in committee reports on both men: "Any doubts whatsoever must be resolved in favor of the national security." -Majority report, Per- sonel Security Board of the AEC, May 27, 1954. " .- -doubts and suspicions . . . have weakened se- riously the confidence of a large number of his col- leagues in him." -unanimous report of the Execu- tive Committee of the Medical School. June 11, 1954. Is it actually possible that within the period of two months, two capable men have been dismissed from their positions simply because of doubts? The evidence, showing that there was no danger to ei- ther the country or the University in retaining the men, does not support these doubts. It is impossible to point to any guilt. And yet in the name of security and reputation doubt seems to have been enough. It would seem to us that security and reputation are both se- riously in danger if guilt by doubt becomes guilt by definition. If each case was an isolated instance, the situa- tion would be distressing, but perhaps not alarm- ing. Unfortunately, the circumstances are too sim- ilar and too ominous to be ignored. It leaves a bad taste in our mouths. --Debra Durchslag Lana Turner remind each other at every turn that "this is war." With the way prepared fror an attempt at a meaningful dramatic handling of a problem such as the nature of loyalty, Betrayed does a back-flip into a pat psychological solution. Mature is pro- vided with a heavy Oedipus complex that makes him sell out when his countrymen are mean to his mother. The sub-intrigues contribute very little to the picture. Mostly they're anachronistic, or stupid, or both. There is Gable's involvement with his op- posite number in German intelligence, for instance. It's conducted strictly with World War I ground rules: Gable is always talking about the integrity of "an officer and a gentleman,"' while the Ger- man, when he's got the upper hand, makes insidi- ous propositions based on "the craft of spying, wxhich ?v, ,4-ho nn+4ctiA likes nv.v jnfhav ,r.ft DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round WASHINGTON.-If you go down to the Interior Department to in- quire about Secretary McKay's plan to lease Alaskan oil lands to private oil companies, you'll find the place like a tomb. All you get are icy stares. Strict orders have been given that no Interior Department underling shall talk to a newspaperman. Reason is that generous Doug McKay, who has been more lavish with the public domain than any secretary of the interior since Albert Fall's day, almost got the Eisenhower administration in stormy political water. The Interior and Navy Depart- ments have 48,000,000 acres of oil land in Alaska, hitherto set aside for national defense, and McKay, together with Undersecretary of Defense Bob Anderson, has pro- posed opening up the area to oil companies for private exploitation. what makes this so dynamite- laden from a political viewpoint is, first, that many naval officers oppose it. So do Democratic con- gressmen and some Republicans. Third, Undersecretary Anderson, who first favored the move as Sec- retary of the Navy, is himself an oilman. And though he is one of the most respected members of the Cabinent, his position as for- mer vice-president of Associated Refineries in Texas and head of the Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association makes him vulner- able. Herbert Hoover, Jr. Finally and most important, it happens that the new Undersecre- tary of State, Herbert Hoover, Jr., has long been a director of Union Oil and president of United Geo- physical, which has had a con- tract with the Navy for exploring Alaskan oil lands. Hoover's com- pany is more familiar with the whereabouts of oil in Alaska than any other. .It also happens that Herbert Hoover. Jr., was one of the heav- iest contributors to Vice-President Nixon's secret $18,000 personal ex- pense fund. Furthermore, it doesn't look too good from a politi- cal viewpoint that 15 of the secret donors to Nixon's fund were oil- men. Another interesting point, as noted by the conservative New New York Journal of Commerce, is that the oil companies got every law they wanted through the last Congress. They increased the pub- lic domain for oil and gas leasing. They got the right to develop both minerals and oil and gas on the same public land simultaneously. And they put across certain im- provements in leasing regulations. Go Slow, Ike Taken together with tidelands oil, there was almost nothing the oil industry didn't get. And when you compare this with the long list of political contributions from the oil boys to the Eisenhower campaign, and then turn the 48,- 000,000 acres of Alaska oil lands over to the oil companies-well, no wonder some Republicans such as Senator Saltonstall of Massa- chusetts have warned Eisenhower personally to go slow. Yet Secretaries McKay and An- derson propose the Alaskan pri- vate leasing plan despite the ad- vice of Ray M. Thompson, long- time expert for the Navy who worked in the Alaskan oil fields. "At least one major oil field, plus big reserves of natural gas," is what Thompson says have been discovered in Alaska. "I do not be- lieve you could duplicate that rec- ord in the state of Oklahoma dur- ing the early years of discovery." Naval officers were put' on the spot by the decision of their chief, Secretary Anderson, to get the Navy out of the Alaskan oil lands. Cross-examined at a secret session of the House Armed Services Com- mittee, Capt. Robert H. Meade, the Navy's expert, testified: "There has been a reasonable chance of finding a tremendous oil field. There is still a reasonable chance of finding a tremendous oil field. When we stop, it is still possible that someone else, our- selves or someone, depending on the national policy, of course, might find a very substantial oil field in that area." Congressman Demur The Congressman who chiefly fa- vored pulling the Navy out of the Alaskan oil fields was Leon Gavin, Republican, who, significantly, is from Oil City, Pa. Venerable Congressman Carl Vinson, Georgia Democrat, how- ever, asked two questions of Naval Secretary Anderson. "Let's see what you are going to do. We have a great reserve up there that we spent $40,000,000 on," Vinson pointed out. "Now we are going to stop. Now what are you going to do, just let it stay there, or are you going to make contracts with private enterprise to go in there and develop it?" "Oh, no Sir," replied Anderson, "we will not plan to make private contracts.' The Open Door ti , ~wE'a [ -<-,"V. '-"-t- -:+ / =' 1. {{ ^d' f w f r NME CuCzr OAS T. g etteĀ°-4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. olV NPccr'CO. SA. . -CO 'O"m "W .gsgyl 9 t P*,W 4. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .J Correction .. To the Editor: ON WEDNESDAY, September 29, the Daily published on its front page a gargoyled account of proceedings at a debate sponsored by the Young Republicans. I re- quested a correction but regret to say that the so-called corrected version published in the following issue of your paper is equally mis- leading. This new version strongly im- plied that I objected to being con- fused with my debating partner, Mr. Ash. The facts, however, are quite different and were repeated- ly communicated to you by phone. I would, of course, not have ob- jected if your story had done noth- ing else but attribute to me the perfectly sound remarks made by Mr. Ash. What I really objected to were three errors, (1) the garbling of remarks made by the Republican members of the debating panel, (2) the ommission, in a direct quotation, of an essential quali- fied phrase, (3) the erroneous at- tribution of the gargoyled, excis- ed, and disconnected version to my person. Every newspaper editor knows what his responsibilities are. I trust that you do not claim ex- emption of these responsibilities. -Henry L. Bretton Ureg To Vote, . To the Editor: THE RIGHT to the privacy of religious beliefs is a funda- mental democratic principle. Sim- ilarly the right to advocate or to remain silent about ones political beliefs has been traditionally one of the most basic aspects of our political system. Yet, Professor Nickerson and Dr. Davis have been dismissed from the U. of M. for refusing to relinquish those rights under the high pressure atmos- phere of the Clardy Committee. Why is it that the Fifth Amend!- ment to our Constitution is under such an organized and powerfhl attack? Why is it that the exclu- sive use of the First Amendment leads to the danger of a jail sen- tence for contempt as the case of Dr. Davis shows? Why is it that a powerful University proud of its tradition of ' academic freeettm bows before the will of a Clardy? To answer these questions thior- oughly would take considerable analysis. Yet I would venture to say that the main reason is that demagogues -like McCarthy and his followers have cleverly utiliz- ed the so-called question of" "sub- versive ideas" in order to syste- matically destroy the systfem of Constitutional Liberties in this country and in order to obtain a dictatorial rule over the thinking and activities of our people. The encouraging fact remains however that despite the tempor- ary successes of such politicians the resistance to their anti-Con- stitutional activities is steadily mounting. The resilincy and the strength of our tradition of demo- cratic liberties is yet to be fully felt. It probably is very significant that McCarthy supporters have been defeated in recent elections. By going to City Hall and ob- taining an absentee ballot if one is not a Michigan resident, or by registering to vote in the, local elections before Oct. 4 if one is a Michigan resident, and has not previously registered, we students can play an important part in see- ing that candidates who support the principles of the Constitution and not those of McCarthy will get elected. This will be an im- portant step in returning to sane and mature methods of running the government. Only in such a manner, can we hope to solve in a constructive fashion all the pressing social problems that face us. -Robert Schoo '; a The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 10 Notices A special meeting of the University Senate will be held Tues., Oct. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The October meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be held Mon., Oct. 4, 1954, at 4:10 p.m. in Angell Hall Audi- toriumn A. Representatives from the following company will conduct personal inter- views on campus at Engineering: Monday, October 4- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Day- ton, Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect. & Mech. Engr. for Research & Devel- opment at Wright Air Development Center, Production Engr., Quality Con- trol, & Maintenance Engr. at Air Ma- terial Command, and Application Engr. at Air Technical Intelligence. Students wishing to make appoint- ments for interviews with the above company should contact the Engineer- ing Placement Office at 248 W. Engr. ext. 2182. Design Committee of the Block "M" Section of the Wolverine Club will hold its weekly meeting today in room 3-B of the Michigan Union, between 3:00 and 5:00. All those who have signed up for the committee are required to be there. Anyone else who is interested in this type of work is invited to attend. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: AWARDS FOR STUDENTS INTEREST- ED IN THE FIELD OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Students now pursuing or planning to pursue course work in the field of industrial relations and/or who wish to engage in research in this area may apply for the following grants: The Clarence Hicks Memorial Fellow- ship in Industrial Relations of $1,000. Applicants for this award must be graduate students who are planning to pursue an educational program that devotes some emphasis to the field of industrial relations. This Fellowship is also awarded at a number of other universities having course work and research in the indus- trial relations field. The Hicks Fellow therefore gains substantial recognition in his professional field. The candidate will be selected who gives greatest promise of a successful career as an executive or teacher in industrial relations by reason of a bal- anced combination of scholarship and previous study in this or related fields, personality and temperament, partici- pation in student activities, and stand- ing among his fellow students and as- sociates. Need for financial assistance shall be taken into account only as between candidates for equal merit. R. C. A. Scholarship of $800. To qualify for this ward a student must be an yundergraduate and plan- ning to take a concentration of courses in the industrial relations area. Appli- cations will be considered on the basis of the candidate's merit and maturity of interest in this field. The Burton Arnold French Scholarship of $300. Any undergraduate or graduate stu- dent in the University may apply. Preference will be given to a student who is prepared to pursue original re- search on a subject related to indus- trial relations. If desired, the student may work with any member of the faculty in industrial relations who will provide general guidance and assist- ance, These awards are open to students currently registered in the University. Applications may be secured from Mrs. Cooch in the office of the Bureau of Industrial Relations, Room 354, School of Business Administration (ext. 2195). As it is expected that the recipients will be announced early in November, applicants are urged to complete the form prior to October 20. Students who think they may qualify for any one of these grants are urged to discuss their interests with faculty members in In- dustrial Relations in the School of Business Administration. For additional information, students may consult with Professor Leonard Sayles, 306 School of Business Admin- istration (ext. 2872). Preliminary Ph. D. Examinations in Economics: Theory examinations will be given on Thursday and Friday, Oc- tober 28 and 29. The examinations in other subjects will be given beginning Monday, November 1. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the Secretary of the Department not later than Monday, Oc- tober 11, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined, and his field of specialization. Seminar Friday, October 1, under the direction of M. Mason, Department of Biologica1 Chemistry at 4:00 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. Doctoral Examination for Elliott Greenberg, Chemistry; thesis: "Prep- aration and Thermodynamics of Urani- um Oxyhalides," Saturday, October 2, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. F. Westrum, Jr. Doctoral Examination for Charles Manson Thatcher, Chemical Engineer- ing; thesis: "Local Rates of Mass Transfer in a Packed Bed of Spheres, with Orifice Entry of Air," Saturday. October 2, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. C. Brier. Make-up Examinations in History will be given Saturday, October 9, 9 to 12 *a.m., 429 Mason Hall. See your instructor for permission and then sign list in History Office. Concerts Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violin, Robert Courte, vio- la, and Oliver Ede, cello, will open the Sunday afternoon series of concerts covering the Beethoven quartets at 3:30 October 3, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The first program will include Quartet in B-flat major, Op. 18, No. 6, Quartet in C major, Op. 59, No. 3, and Quartet in E-fiat major, O p.127, and will be open to the public without charge. Events Today Newman Club Open House Friday night from 8-12 in the Father Richard Center. There will be dancing, an or- chestra and refreshments. Everyone welcoule - bring your friends Lane Hall Coffee Hour honoring In- ternational students, Friday, 4:30-6:00 p.m., sponsored by International Com- mittee of Inter-Guild. All students are cordially invited to meet fellow stu- dents and the directors of the student religious groups. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club at 7:30 on Friday, Octo- ber 1rat Canterbury House, Professor Gerhard E. Lenski will discuss "The Christian and the Family." A graduate mixer will be held in the third-floor assembly hall of the Rackham Building at 9 p.m. Friday, Records will be provided for dancing. Admission is 35 cents. Wesleyan Guild Friday, Oct. 1 - 8 p.m. Wiener Roast. Meet in the Lounge for transportation to one of the Guild members' homes. First Baptist Church. 8:00 p.m. - Guild Party in the Fellowship Hall of the Church. Lecture on modern optics by Pro- fessor Zernike of the University of Groningen, Friday, October 1, 4 p.m. Room 2038 Randall. Optics of the Dif- fraction Grating. Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider and doughnuts after the game on Sat- urday at Canterbury House. All stu- dents invited, Westminster Student Fellowship will have open house in the student center of the Presbyterian church at 8:15. Dr. Henry Walch of Plymouth will show pictures of the Holy Land and discuss some of the current Arab-Israeli prob- lems. Refreshments will be served. All students are cordially invited. Lutheran Student Association - Pep Rally Party Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. at the Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. In case of a Pep Rally, our party will follow it. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 7:00 p.m. - meet at Guild House to go as a group to the Pep Rally-Return to Guild House after for games, sing- ing, refreshments. Coming Events S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion. 12 noon at Lane Hall. Ulrich Curtis I Rebels Against Terror DESPITE THE "new look" put on the horrors of Soviet ex- istence by the Malenkov regime, as recounted by Harrison E..Salis- bury, there is growing evidence both of continued opposition among the masses and of spread- ing revolt among members of the state apparatus charged with im- posing the terror by which that apparatus rules. The continued opposition of the masses is proved by the undiminished stream of refugees and by the millions still being thrown into slave labor camps. The revolt within the state: apparatus is manifesting itself in increasing defections from virtual- ly all its branches-the Govern- ment, the party, the military forc- es, and, most particularly of late, from the secret police. The latest such defection now revealed is that of Josef Swiato, deputy chief of the Polish Minis- try of Security, which is respon- sible for protecting the Commun- ist puppet regime imposed by the Soviets on enslaved Poland under the iron hand of a Soviet Marshal. Mr. Swiato's flight is especially interesting because it has enabled him to provide first-hand infor- mation about the fates of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Field and Hermann Field, who disappeared behind the Iron Curtain five years ago. Ac- cording to Mr. Swiato, who per- sonally arrested Hermann Field in Warsaw, they were imprisoned in Poland and Hungary for use as pawns in Communist purge trials and as pegs for anti-American propaganda. The United States Gov- ernment is now able to expose the perfidy of the Polish and Hungar- ian regimes by the testimony of one of their own highest function- aries. But quite aside from this parti- cular development affecting Amer- ican citizens, the defection of Mr. Swiato is important in itself be- cause he joins the ranks of the many others who wearied of being tools of Communist terror and cast aside the prerogatives of position and power to seek an uncertain but free existence elsewhere. They are not merely refugees; they are rebels against the regimes they served. They bring us not only valuable information but also new insight into the dark recesses of Communist domination. And their growing defections despite all Communist precautions in u s t throw confusion into the ranks of those they leave behind. In all these respects Mr. Swiato takes his place at the side of Yuri A. Rastvorov, who bolted the So- viet spy apparatus in Japan; of Jan Papanek and Vladimir Hou- dek, who headed some fourscore other satellite state officials in seeking freedom in the United States, and Mrs. Oksana S. Kasen- kina, who leaped to freedom from a Soviet consulate window in New York. The list also includes Soviet and satellite army, navy and air force officers too numerous to mention. And these dissenters were preceded by such men as Victor Kravchenko, A. Barmine and Gen. Walter G. Krivitsky, who died a mysterious death in Wash- ington. Defections like these illustrate the corrosion now going on at the center of Soviet power. Therein lies hope that the Soviet dictator- ship is not immune to the disease that has brought down dictator- ships in the past and that the en- slaved people of Russia and the satellite states can look forward ultimately to a new dawn of free- dom. --N.Y. Times .r {, t~ Current Movies AT THE STATE*... BETRAYED, with Lana Turner and Clark Gable. O JUDGE from this picture, World War II has ceased to mean anything particular as far as wars go. Set in Holland at the time of the Norman- dy invasion, Betrayed might just as well be about one of the Crusades for all its specific relationship to World War II. Like King Richard and the Crusaders, it's most- ly just a historical romance: lots of attention to costumes (in this case the smock and beret of the underground pitted against the leather trench coat and steel helmet of the ,Nazis); a great deal of Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers. ........City Editor Jon Sobeloff......... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs. ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart?.......Associate Editor Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin..Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ..............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz.........Women's Editor Joy Squires.. ..Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 A.