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September 30, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-30

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Study Begins
Data is now being collected to
determine the circulation of li-
brary books according to the class
year of the user, which will aid
General Library officials in plan-j
ning a new Undergraduate Library.
In addition, the results obtain-
ed will be used to determine whe-
ther the Library should offer
greater student access to the
stacks. At present, the stacks are
available to students only on Sun-
days, or during the week if the
student has a note from a profes-
The information, which will be
tabulated later this year, is being
secured by requesting that stu-
dents and faculty members using
books designate their year or sta-
tus on the circulation cards.
Under consideration for the
past year, the proposed Undergra-
du'ate Library is now in the plan-
ning stage. The program is under
investigation by the Advisory Com-
mittee on Undergraduate Library,
composed of members of the Lit-
erary College Steering Committee
and four other schools
Ball Games Set
For Broadcast
Twelve radio stations throughout
the state will carry play-by-play
accounts of all the University's
football games this .season.
The games will be broadcast
through the facilities of the Uni-
versity's station, WUOM. Produc-
tion director of the University
Broadcasting Service, William Ste-
gath, will announce the plays, while
Edward Burrows, assistant direc-
tor of WUOM will handle the de-
scription .of band formations and
other game activities.
Stations participating include:
WHDF, Houghton; WJPD, Ishpe-
ming; 'WDBC, Escanaba; WTCM,
Traverse City; WMBN, Petoskey;
WATC, Gaylord; WATZ, Alpena;
WATT, Cadillac; WMTE, aMnis-
tee; WBCM, Bay City; WFUM,
Flint; and WHRV, Ann Arbor.

'U' Institute Begins
Twin Stndy Program

Dean Goes A'stumping

Scott Plans Art Exhibit

With the hope of determining
to what extent certain of the hu-
man abilities are inherited, the
Institute of Human Biology has
undertaken a project in the study
and scientific measurement of
"We are interested in a num-
ber of abilities, including word ap-
titude, ability to handle numbers,
and perceptual abilities," stated
H. Eldon Sutton, member of the
University of Michigan Twin
Study. "In addition, we are trying
to determine to what extent chem-
ical levels of the blood and cer-
tain psychological traits are in-
The twin project is being spon-
sored for a three year period by
the McGregor Fund of Detroit. The
project committee hab been meas-
uring twins for about a year and
should be finished in January.
Then, intensive work will be need-
ed to examine' and evaluate the
Eighty Sets
"We have been working with
about 80 sets of twins," reported
Sutton. "The twins are all of about
junior high school age; none are
younger than that, although a few
are older."
"The reason for choosing this
particular age group is that the
development of psychological abil-
ities has leveled off or reached a
maximum by this time," Sutton
went on. "Also, twins are general-
ly living together at this age and
are not. separated."
About half of the twins are iden-
tical and the other half frater-
nal twins.. "Fraternal twins de-
velop from two eggs, while identi-
cal twins develop from a single
fertilized egg," explained Sutton.
"Each twin set contains members
of the same sex. We are not work-
ing with brother and sister sets."
Most of the twins come from
neighboring twons and cities, in-
cluding -some from Detroit. "We
have received excellent coopera-
tion thus far," Sutton said.
"We try to explain to the twins
that the study will be beneficial
to them also. They get an oppor-
tunity to learn something more
about themselves and, in addition,

receive dental checks, X-rays, and
a free eye-examination," Sutton
"We have been giving each twin
five dollars at the completion of
the tests. And, of course, at that
age they'll do anything to get a
day away from school," he added
with a smile.
Scientific Measuring
All of the scientific measuring is
done at the University. The twins
are picked up by field workers and
taken to and from their homes.
The measurments consist of two
days testing in the institute, plus
several hours of additional testing
in the school.
The complete measurment
schedule generally extends over a
period of several months, Sutton
explained that twins are never
forced to make tests.
About the results thus far, Sut-
ton said, "We have done very lit-
tle analysis. We are finding that
there is a measurable contribution
of heredity to many of the psy-
chological traits."
"The project's present aim is to
determine what factors are con-
trolled by heredity. To find out
'how'these factors are controlled
will take additional testing of a
different type," said Sutton. "But
first one must know exactly what
to measure."
. Heredity Not Everything
Sutton cautioned that "heredity
is not everything. An individual's
genetic potential plus his environ-
mental surroundings determine
these psychological factors."
While results are not specific
now, by spring the project com-
mittee should know a great deal
more about what the final results
will be.
Sutton, who received his doctor-
ate in chemistry at the University
of Texas, heads the nine-man staff
working on the twin project. The
staff also cooperates with other
scientific and medical depart-
ments at the University.

--Daily-John Hirtzel
FORENSIC ON A STUMP-Dean George Brown of the Engineer-
ing School calls on all Interested Engineering and Architecture
students to join Sigma Rho Tau, National Engineering Speech
Fraternity. He particularly invited freshman interested In joining
this society to attend the smoker at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7. in the
Michigan Union.
Dramatic Arts Center Sets
Goal on Menbership Drive
A goal of $3,000 was a~nnouinced


by the Dramatic Arts Center yes-
terday at the beginning of its
membership drive. .

Chairman of the drive. Mrs.
Grace Marckwardt, the wife of
Prof. Albert Marckwardt of the
English department hopes through
the sale of memberships to bring
the Center's operating budget to
$35,000 this year.
A large part of the additionalj

children, and is providing space
for the exhibition of the works
of local artists.
"During its developmental per-
iod the center has progressed be-
cause of the efforts of University
people and local citizens," Mrs.
Marckwardt said.
Arena Construction
Construction of the arena audi-
torium was carried on under the
chairmanship of Prof. Richard
Boys of the English department
with assistance from Prof. Vincent
A. Scanio of the romance language
department, Prof. Morris Green-
hut of the English department,
and Frank Newman and Walter
Slatoff of the English department.
Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman
of the English department was

On Iron Curtain Nations
Object d'arts from lands behind
the Iron and Bamboo curtains will year requesting articles fo
be on view at the West Gallery of hibit interesting to the n
the Rackhani Bldg. from 7 to 10. fessional. Nearly all the c
p.m., Oct. 2 thru Oct. 10. asked, Scott said, seht som
Complete costumes from Hun- osthe show.
gary and Rumania, Ceramics from restwith the country, t
Bulgaria, musical scores from Po- was corresponding with t
land, wtaer colors and paper cuts nese and Polish embassi
from China and dolls from a few added d
of the countries are among the Th eworks to be on vie
things that will be included in the added, will all stress the ne
collection. tical aspects of art.
Gathered by L. H. Scott, art__ _ _ _
editor of Gargoyle, the exhibition
is the fruit of his writing to these
countries at the beginning of the VSYOU
Both Parties IN TH
Await Crucial
Fall Elections PA
Both Republicans and Demo-
crats regard six states as crucial
battlegrounds in the fight for con-
trol of the Senate in the 84th Con-
In Delaware, Illinois and Ohio, "We wah j
Republicans feels that they can
unseat the Democratic Senators, Using the famo
and the Democrats feel strongest
in Kentucky, Wyoming and New Fast fluff
There are 36 Senate seats at Other Featur
stake in the Nov. 2 elections. The DROP OFF and
present Senate lineup is 48 Re-
publicans, 46 Democrats and one if you're short o
independent, S e n a to r Wayne * FINISHED S
.Morse of Oregon. The death of Qult Irm
Senator Pat McCarran of Nevada Quality workm
further cut into the Democratic ling clean and
minority . DRY CLEAN
Morse Plans Democratic Vote You'll be pleas
Morse has announced that he!ing. Bng you
will vote with Democrats in Jan-p rices
uary. He voted with the Republi-
cans when the present Senate was
organized nearly two years ago.
In addition to the six key states
the Republicans say they are opti
misticabout picking up seats in 715 Packard (near
New Mexico, Iowa. Colorado and 7ml Pakin
Montana, while the Democrats Ample Parking
hope to unseat Republicans in
Oregon, Idaho and Massachusetts.
The Democratic candidate in
Kentucky is Alben Barkley who
served in the Senate for 22 years,
part of the time as majority lead-
er, before he resigned when elected
vice-president in 1948.
Democratic strategists concede At
Barkeley faces a strong Republi-
can vote-getter in Sen. Jon Coop- FOOTBALL
er (Rep.).
New Jersey Split Possible The football frenzy is
In New Jersey. Democrats are pandemonium, call time.
counting on a split in the Repub- reflection. What is this g
canrnks orspn the candidat, Its origins? Its tradition
lican ranks for their candidate, we have the answers we
Rep. Howell. The Republican can- more deeply, this great A
didate, former Rep. Case, is op-
posed by some GOP elements in First of all, to cal foot
the state. leading. True, the game is
Democratic veteran Joseph C. but it comes to us from a
Mahoney is trying for a come- Football was first play
backainyomsring r'ims- Caesar, it became one of t
back in Wyoming. He is opposed of Nero's reign. The emi
by Rep. Harrison (Rep.). MMCLDDXVIII peoplea
Republicans are confident of un- to see the Christians pla
seat in nsmocraticnSen Joseun- With the decline of th
seating Democratic Sen. .Joseph The barbaric Huns and G
Frear in Delaware with their can- Twelfth Century A.D. fo
didate, Rep. Warburton. risen to its rightful plac
The Republican candidate in The eminent historian S
Illinois for the seat now held by was in the grip of wil
Democratic Senator Douglas is Jo- Crusaders, under Freddi
DemhrT.Mee InaOrhDogResubsiJa- Damascus to play the Sar
seph T. Meek. In Ohio, Republican squeaked through, 23 to
Rep. Bender is seeking to oust in the closing seconds of1
Democratic Sen. Burke who was October 21, 1512, will e
appointed to the Senate last year of football. On that day L
after the death of Sen. Robert "The Renaissance Man" i
and sciences, was painti
Taft. ~Mona Lisa Schultz"it

r an ex-
e things
were di-
hough I
he Chi-
ies," he
w, Scott

Library Ruling
To save students the trouble
of climbing 56 steps in order to
return a book, the General Li-
brary and its branches have
revised the rules concerning
book returns.
Under the new regulations, a
book borrowed from any Uni-
versity Library may be return-
ed to either the General Library
or any of its branches. The book
does not have to be returned
to the same branch from which
it was borrowed. Bus. Ad. and
Law Libraries are excluded
from the new' ruling.

at the
quick Service
our duds in separate tubs"
us Maytag Automatic Washers
'drying service available
,es of Our One-Stop Service
n time and can't do it yourself.
IRTS - 48 Hour Service
anship by Varsity Laundry, Spark-
carefully finished.
NG -- 10% Discount
ed with our finer quality dry clean-
rs in; save at our cash and carry



Phone NO 2-4241
Open Evenings

Dentists AnIounce $5,000 has already been raised

State St.)






Anniversary Plans
The University will be the site
of the 30th anniversary celebra-
tion of the nation's first graduate
training program in orthodontics.
Some 75 dentists from through-
out the country are expected to
attend the annual alumni reun-
ion at the School of Dentistry.
Many of the approximately 75
other graduates of this training
who will not attend the event, now
practice in 30 countries the world
The two-day affair will be high-
lighted by a banquet on Tuesday
at Barton Hfills Country Club, at
which Prof. Anders Lundstrom of
the Royal School of Dentistry in
Stockholm, Sweden, will speak.
109 High School
Bands To Play
A record number of high school
bands-109-from throughout the
lower peninsula will participate in
the annual Massed Bands Day here
Oct. 9 during half-time ceremon-
ies at the Michigan-Iowa football

from local citizens interested in
the Center's activities.
Membership Ticket
A membership ticket, priced at
$10, entitles the holder to see all
seven plays which the center plans
to product in its arena theater this
year, and to a vote in the annual

eLection of directors o th C en-i chairman of the painting crew.
ter. *_
Remodeling of the auditorium!
at the Center's headquarters in the First Conference
Masonic Temple was completed P
this week. The new arena theater Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, head
was used for the first time last of the physical education program
night when the Ann Arbor Civic and Howard C. Leibee, supervisoi'
Symphony held a rehearsal there in physical education will attend
that was open to the public, the first national conference on
Arts Theatre Relationship physical education for college men
.hi and women Monday through Wed-
Commenting on the relationship nesday, in Washington, D.C.
betyeen the center and the Arts Leibee is one of five members
Theater Club which disbanded lasto
year, Mrs. Marckwardt pointed out of the conferences steering com- I
yha, "Ms.akwadthuposntesdotmittee and will also represent the
that "many of the purposes pro-
College Physical Education Asso-
jected by the Arts Theater are ciation.
essential parts of the plan set up _______
by the center. There is, however,
no other connection between the Finance Lecture
two organizations." K. C. Tiffany, vice-president of
In addition to its community finances for the Burroughs Add-
theater project the center is co- ing Machine Corp., will speak at
sponsoring with the Ann Arbor7 30pm. Oct. 7 in Rm. 140 in
Board of Education painting, dra- the Business Administration Build-
matic and dancing classes for th Bnsinani a t of
ing on "Financial Management of
=s<-=> o _ I<>o<>o vthe Modern Corporation."
The lecture, sponsored by Delta
Sigma Pi. is the first in a series
of lectures open to the public.



%or of arefoot BoY With" Cheek, 'etc4
upon us. But let us, in the midst of this
Let us pause for a moment of tranquil
Dame called football? What is its history?
s? These are not idle questions, for when
will appreciate even more fully, enjoy even
American game of football.
ball an American game is somewhat mis-
now played almost exclusively in America,
land far away and a civilization long dead.
ed in ancient Rome. Introduced by Julius
the most popular Roman sports by the time
nent historian Sigafoos reports a crowd of
at the Colosseum one Saturday afternoon
y the Lions.
e Roman empire football fell into disuse.
Goths preferred canasta. However, by the
otball had emerged from its twilight and
e in the firmament of European pastimes.
igafoos reports that the whole continent
d excitement in the year 1192 when the
ie Barbarossa, journeyed all the way to
acens in the Fig Bowl game. The Crusaders
21, on a field goal by Dick Coeur de Lion
the game.
ever remain a red letter day in the history-
eonardo da Vinci, who has often been called
because of his proficiency in a hundred arts
rng a picture of a Florentine lady named
ten, Mona baby," he said as she struck a
eep telling you-don't smile. Just relax and
she replied.
U it?" he said.
aid Mrs. Schultz. "It's just an expression,
The Renaissance Man.
ithout success, for a moment later the artist
k, Mona kid, I'm not gonna ask you again.
your face."
he Renaissance Man," said she to him, "it's
I look."
id Leonard testily and turned away to mix
to Mona Lisa and saw the smile still on
nraged that he seized the nearest object-
ppened -and hurled it at her with all his
presence of mind, she caught the melon and
udio until The Renaissance Man's temper
he first completed forward pass.

A trvly handsome sportshirt highlight in
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We are headquarters in Ann Arbor for everything
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a ' I r
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pose for her portrait, "I k
look natural."
"But I'm not smiling,";
"Well, what do you call
"Gee, I don't know," sa
kind of."
"Well, cut it out," said'
"I'll try," she promised
And try she did, but wit:
was saying to her, "Look
Wipe that silly grin off y
"Honest to goodness, T
no grin. It's just the wayl
"Well, just stop it;" sai
his pigments.
When he turned back1
her face, he became so en
a casava melon, as it hap
strength. Showing great p
ran with it from the stu
should cool.
This was, of course, th

p. w~11 wr nM~ ll A

A Michigan Favorite For,64 Years!

Another date dear to the hearts of all football fans is September 29,
1442. It was on this date, according to the eminent historian Sigafoos,
that a sixteen year old lad named Christopher Columbus tried out
for the football team at Genoa Tech. He failed to make the team
because he was too light. (He weighed at that time only 12 pounds.)
And why, you ask, is this date - September 29, 1442 -so dear to
the hearts of all football fans? Because young Columbus was so
heartbroken at not making the team that he ran away to sea. And
if that hadn't happened, he never would have discovered America.
And if Columbus hadn't discovered America, the world never would
have discovered tobacco. And if the world hadn't discovered tobacco,
football fans never would have discovered Philip Morris - which, as
every fan knows, is the perfect companion to football. As Sigafoos,
the eminent historian, says, "Land's sakes, I can't even imagine
football without Philip Morris. I'd sooner go to a game without my
raccoon coat than without my neat, rich tobacco-brown snap-open
pack of mild vintage Philip Morris Cigarettes which come in regular
or king-size at prices young and old can afford. Land's sakes!"
The end of football in Europe came with the notorious "Black Cox
Scandal" of 1587, in which Ed Machiavelli, one of the Pisa mob,
paid off the University of Heidelberg Sabres to throw the champion-
ship game to the Chartres A. and M. Gophers. It was a mortal blow
to football on the continent.
But the game took hold in the American colonies and thrived as it
had never thrived before. Which brings us to another date that




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