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September 30, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-30

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Baseball: A Proposed Remedy
For a Peculiar Problem

"Goodness-Is That The Way I Look?"




WITH THE largest crowds in the history of base-
ball expected to pack the Polo. Grounds and
Municipal Stadium for this year's World Series
clashes, it is somewhat peculiar that weak links
exist in our national pasttime.
The major leagues just finished a moderately
successful season attendance-wise with one team,
the Milwaukee Braves, soaring well past the 2,-
000,000 mark. Seven others attracted better than
1,000,000 fans and only the Philadelphia Athletics
and Washington Senators played before consist-
ently semi-empty stadiums.
However, the teams that yearly provide the tal-
ent to perform in the sixteen major league ball
parks just ended a disastrous six months from a
financial standpoint. The minor league financial
difficulties have been increasing for a few years
now, as indicated by a drop from a high of 63
minor leagues in 1949 to the present less than 40.
While the minor league flounder, aipother source
of major league talent continues to play before
half-filled pavillions and in some cases sidelines
spectators. These are the college baseball teams.
Many things have been blamed for the lack of
attendance at minor league baseball games. It
is not necessary to reiterate them here but it
suffices to say that the minor league cities have
apparently decided that major league baseball
over radio and television is more interesting than
a trip out to the local delapidated ball park.
Many suggestions have been presented but no
solution has been found for the problem and at-
tendance continues to dwindle. However, a panacea
may still be available which would not only end the
use of much baseball red ink but also provide a
shot in the arm for the collegiate sport.
The major league teams, instead of signing
their prospects to minor league contracts, could
give the young men college scholarships. This

would eliminate much minor league talent, prob-
ably eliminating most of the clubs in classifica-
tion below Class A. However, with top notch
talent participating in college diamond clashes
fans would take new interest and standing room
crowds reminiscent of the 1920's would again be
seen at the Ferry Field's of the country.
Many of the college coaches (Michigan mentor
Ray Fisher being a prime example) are outstand-
ing and could give young players coaching equal to
that found in the minors. Another obvious feature
is the college education that a player would gar-
ner simultaneously, giving him something to fall
back on in case his professional baseball aspira-
tions were not fulfilled.
After the collegiate season ended in June the
players could perform in the various city and indus-
trial leagues that operate in the summer all over
the country. These leagues could be better organ-
ized putting emphasis on attracting good managers.
By playing in these leagues the players could main-
tain their eligibility for college ball.
When they were ready or after receiving a de-
gree they could move into one of the upper minor
league clasifications or even major league ball.
This obviously is only a bare outline of a pos-
sible solution. The plan possibly possessses elements
of professionalism in amateur athletics. However
the elements are no more serious than those
present when wealthy alumni or the school itself
subsidizes a college football player. The only dif-
ference is that in this case a professional organiza-
tion would be helping a high school graduate get
a college education. That is certainly better than
having young men of college intelligence bouncing
around the bush leagues for many weary years.
Most never leave this category and at present most
have no college degrees with which to turn to the
world for new employment.
-Dave Baad

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p,m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXV, No. 8
Representatives from the following
companies will conduct personal inter-
views on the campus at Engineering:
Monday, Oct. 4 - Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base,. Dayton, Ohio-B.S. &
M.S. in Aero., Electrical & Mechanical
Engineering for Research & Develop-
ment at Wright Air Development Cen-
ter, Production Engrg., Quality Con-
trol, & Maintenance Engrg. at Air Ma-
terial Command, a n d Application
Engrg. at Air Technical Intelligence.
Thursday, Oct. 7 -- Schlumberger
Well Surveying Corp.; Ridgefield, Conn.
-B.S. or M.S. in Electrical Engrg. for
Research and Development,
Western Company, Midland, Texas -
M.S. & Ph, D. in Chemical, Elect,,, &
Mech. Engrg., and Engrg. Physics for
Research and Development.
Roots-Connersville Blower Div. of
Dresser Industries, Inc., Connersville,
Ind.-B.S. in Elect, & Mech. Engrg. for
Research, Design, and Development,
Production, & Sales Application.
Friday, Oct. 8 - Roots-Connersville
Blower Div. of Dresser industries, Inc.,
Connersville,Ind., see information giv-
en for Thursday, Oct. '7.
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments for interviews with any of the
above companies should contact the
Engineering School at 248 W. Engr. ext.

Academic Notices
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Students:
Students who had their recommenda-
Stions completed during therlast aca-
demic year, and who will desire to have
further recommendations sent this year,
are to contact the Preprofessional Sec-
retary in Room 1213 Angell Hall and
notify her of their intentions. Addition-
al copies of the recommendations can
then be prepared. This will expedite
matters for both the student and the
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental students:
who expect to apply for admission to
a professional school for the Fall of
The University has an evaluation
system which is acceptable to all
American Medical and Dental schools.
Both the University Medical and Den-
tal schools require applicants from
within the University to use this plan
exclusively. Students who wish to ap-
ply to other professional schools should
also make use of this system. The plan
was designed to reduce the burden of
both students and the faculty mem-
bers in requesting, and answering, per-
sonal recommendations. Students may
obtain a brief mimeographed explana-
tion of the system in Room 1213 An-
gell Hall, - and make an appointment
there with the preprofessional adviser,
Catalogs and material are on hand on
all the approved Medical and Dental
LS & A Students: No courses may be
added to your original elections after
Fri., Oct. 1, 1954.
Scholarships Through the Mexico-
United States Commission on Cultural
Co-Operation will1 e offered for study
in Mexico during the academic year
beginning March 1, 1955. Grants will
be made to both undergraduate and
graduate students. Some of the fields
offered will be Architecture, Anthro-
pology, Art, Cardiology and Tropical


Election Issues: Vote for the Man

MUCH AGAINST his original feelings, the Presi-
dent has let the election be fought not on the
record of the Congressmen who are up this year
but on the record of the Administration, which
in fact is not running at all this year. By a fine
bit of political sleight-of-hand the political bosses
have covered up the question of whether the coun-
try has confidence in the Congress. They have done
this by raising the question of whethe'r it has con-
fidence in President Eisenhower. Thus in many a
constituency men who have done their best to
obstruct the President are asking for votes on the
ground that unless they are elected the President
will have been repudiated.
ONE WONDERS how much the voters are affect-
ed by general appeals like that of the Republicans
to support Eisenhower or that of the Democrats to
repudiate the Republican record. The question quite
evidently does not arise at all for the large mess of
citizens who vote the regular ticket on one side
or the other. But it does arise in the case of the
independents, those who switch between parties and
hold the balance of power to decide the outcome.
For them the general appeal to make the election
a national referendum on the Administration is
obviously not enough to enable them to cast an
intelligent vote. For them there is another ques-
tion which is more immediate and more concrete
and perhaps more important than that of ap-
proving or disapproving the Eisenhower admin
It is the question of electing better or worse
men to the Senate and to the House. For the good
citizen trying to cast his vote effectively the
question of the comparative fitness of the can-
didates ought, it seems to me, to over-ride the
general question of confidence in the Adminis-
tration. For it Is one of the great facts of our
public life that the Congress of the United States
is today short of men of ability and high purpose
and much too long on blatherskites. Wherever the
independent voter can find a chance to elect
Current Movies
At Architecture Auditorium
THIS 1951 science-fiction film bares a close re-
semblance to some dozen other recent films
about interplanetary shenanigans. However, unlike
many of the others, it is a fairly decent sort of en-
tertainment with even a little food for thought. If
it is preposterous-well, that is to be expected; and
if it occasionally becomes a little too Hollywoodian
-this also is no more disturbing than usual.
In a perhaps overly obvious, and apparent man-
ner, the film makes a plea for world peace. Some
of the scenes ridiculing man's inability to get along
with his fellow creatures are excellent, even if they
often take the form of an extended diatribe. The
shots of Washington in panic and the trick pho-
tography are brilliant bits of technical work. And
what is most important, the film has a pulsating ex-
citement that holds the viewer's atte1tion.
The story relates how Klaatu (Michael Rennie),
a visitor from an unnamed planet, makes a fy-
ing-saucer landing in the heart of Washington.
He looks exactly like an Earthling and speaks
with a soft British accent. This personable, friend-
ly chap has come to warn Earth to be good-or
els! When nobody pays him any attention, Klaatu
gets rather aggrevated and threatens to turn loose
Gort, his pet robot, equipped with sliding panels

men of brains and character, he should put that
choice ahead of whether it helps or hinders one
party or the other to control the machinery of
the next Congress.
, * , s
INDEPENDENT voters who take this line would
do well, I would add, to favor Republicans when-
ever the personal qualifications are more or less
equal. For the Republican party is desperately in
need of the infusion of enlightened men to over-
come the preponderance on the Senate of the old
reactionaries. Enlightened Republicans in-the Sen-
ate are a minority and most of the time they are
fighting a defensive and protective action against
their own party. The country needs two moderate
parties. But as long as the Republican Old Guard
have the power that they now exercise, the Repub-
lican party cannot do justice to its ideas or to its
By this standard it was desirable to re-elect
Sen. Margaret Smith in Maine, though her Dem-
ocratic opponent was an enlightened and worthy
man. By the same standard the balance in Ken-
tucky should be in favor of Sen. John Sherman
Cooper even against the beloved and venerable
Veep. I would include Mr. Case of New Jersey,
Sen. Saltonstall of Massachusetts and Sen. Fer-
guson of Michigan in the list of Republicans who
ought to be elected on the ground that they
strengthen the Republican party.
On the other side, I do not see how a con-
scientious independent can fail to favor Sen.
Douglas of Illinois against his meager opponent
or Sen. Humphrey of Minnesota against his, or
Sen. Anderson of New Mexico or former Sen.
O'Hahoney in Wyoming.
I might add that I do not see how an inde-
pendent concerned with the quality of the Senate
and its place in our government could wish to re-
elect such obstructionists and diversionists as Sen.
Mundt of South Dakota, Sen. Cordon of Oregon or
Sen. Schieppel of Kansas.
* * * *
SINCE THE indications are so strong that the
Democrats will carry the House, and it may be the
Senate too, we might ask ourselves what is at stake
if this should happen. When a party controls Con-
gress, what power does it have that it does not
have when it loses control?
There are essentially two powers at stake. One
is the power of the committee chairmen to deter-
mine what, whether, when bills should be put to
a vote. The other power is a comparatively new
one, certainly in its highly developed contempor-
ary form. It is the so-called power of investiga-
tion, which is in fact a power not only to investi-
gate but to put on trial and to punish. The'pow-
er of investigation has become the great instru-
ment of political warfare and bears many re-
semblances to the revolutionary tribunals which
appear in time of great crises. The control of
these tribunals is probably-on a realistic ap-
praisal-the crux of the contest for the control of
These tribunals are a morbid development of
our institutions, and contrary to their spirit and
their genius. For the investigating power of Con-
gress, as now develops, invades the functions of
the Executive and of the Judicial branches of the
government. But the facts are the facts, and the
control of this dangerous power is at stake in the
Congressional elections.
The legislative power is also, of course, in some
measure at stake, but not in anything like the
degree that the President is permitting his speak-
ers to make it appear. The record shows that
the Republican control of Congress did not mean
Republican support of the Eisenhower legislation.
Except on the tax revision bill, where the Party
lines were clearly drawn, no important legisla-
tion was passed without serious Republican de-

WASHINGTON - Charley Mc- not be released to private exploita- 2182. Medicine, Biological Science, and Mexi-
can History. Other fields are not ex-
Nary, in whose name a great dam tion without an OK from Congress. social Chairmen: Open houses be- cluded. Applications may be obtained
was dedicated last week, would However, Secretary McKay has fore and after home football games are from the U.S. Student Department of
authorized in organized student resi- the Institute of International Educa-
have been uneasy in his grave if another Alaskan oil area of 25,000,- dences on the Saturday of the game tion, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21,
he heard the dedication speech of 000 acres set aside for the govern- between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. for N.Y. Further information may be ob-
pre-game functions and between p.m. tained in the office of the Graduate
the President of the United States. ment under Public Land Order 82 and 7 p.m. for post-game functions School.
In fact, he might be uneasy on I which he also wants to turn over Registration of these functions is not
several counts these days.Ito private oil companies. required provided they are confined Logic Seminar - Thurs., 4:30 p.m.,
severaltcountsftheseadays,,to the hours indicated. Room 439 MH. 1. Discussion of program
McNary, who was a great Sena- An order to this effect has actu- and time of meeting. 2. Cylindrical al-
tor from Oregon, a great Republi- ally been drafted and is now un- OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS gebras versus restricted predicate cal-
can, and a great friend of mine, der hush-hush consideration in the Student sponsored activities. All ac- culus. Speaker: Buchi.
' Interior Department. tivities and projects sponsored or pro-
was the author of the McNary-Hau- duced by student organizations must 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap-
gen Bill, the first start toward set- receive the approval of the Committee plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ting up economic guarantees for Harding Scandal on Student Affairs. Petitions for con- ence will meet on Thur., Sept. 30, room
farmers. He was also a great con- To get the full picture, it's nec- sideration by the Committee should 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Dr.
servationist, a great protector of essary to go back to the days of besbmitt edto the Office of Student John Swets of the sycooyeat
esayt obc otedy fAffairs at least two weeks before the ment will speak on Statistical Decision
the national forests, and a great the Teapot Dotne scandal in the event is to take place. Request forms as a Mode for Conditioning.
advocate of public power. He help- Harding administration when Ed- may be secured in the Office of Stu-I
ed to pioneer Bonneville Dam when ward Doheny brought a little dent Affairs, 1020 Administration Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
others scoffed that this "socialistic black bag containing $100,000 to Building. meet Thurs., Sept. 30, at 4:00 in Rm.
boondoggle" would never pay off, Albert Fall, then secretary of the Committee on Student Affairs: Reg- or GestEngineeringSpeaker:P ofe
and it was because he stood for interior, and got in return the ular meetings of the Committee on certain plate equations.


cerpts from The Magic Flute, by Mo-,
zart, three compositions for carillion by
Professor Price, and five folk songs.
La p'tite causette will meet Thurs.,
3:30 to § :00 p.m.,in the wing of the t
Michigan Union cafeteria. This is an
informal French conversation group.
All are invited to come and chat about
anything and everything over a cup of
coffee or a coke.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu.
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
on Thurs., Sept. 30, after the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
Freshman Discussion Group on "How
Will College Life Affect MyReligious
Beliefs?" led by Grey Austin of the'
Lane Hall Staff. All freshmen welcome,
Lane Hall. Thurs., 7:15 p.m.
Vespers will be held in the student
center chapel of the Presbyterian
church at 5:00 p.m.
Lectures on modern optics by Pro-
fessor Zernike of the University of
Groningen, Thursday, September 30, 4-"
p.m. Room 202 West Physics. Possibli-
ties of Interference and Phase Con-
trast Microscopy. (Physical principles)
at 8 p.m. Applications of Phase Con-
trast Microscopy (with demonstrations)
Thursday - September 30, 1954-.
Le Cercle Francais meets today.
Everybody is welcome to learn and do
Israeli folk dances on Thursday, Sep
tember 30, at 8:30 p.m., at the B'nai
Brith Hillen Foundation, 1429 dill.
Street. The program is sponsored by
the Student Zionist Organization.
University of Michigan Sailing Club
There will be an open meeting this
Thursday, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 311 W. En-
Any student who has had Workeamp
experience is invited to an organiza-
tional meeting to be held in Lane
Hall today, 4:00 p.m.
Coming Events
Lane Hall Coffee Hour honoring In-
ternational students, Friday, 4:30-6:09
p.m., sponsored by International Com-
mittee of Inter-Guild. All students are
cordially invited to meet fellow stu-
dents and the directors of the student
religious groups.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club at 7:30 on Friday, Octo-
ber 1 at Canterbury House. Professor
Gerhard E. Lenski will discuss "The
Christian and the Family."
A graduate mixer will be held in
the third-floor assembly hail of the
Rackham Building at 9 p.m. Friday.,
Records will be provided for dancing,
Admission is 35 cents.
Newman Club Open House Friday
night from 8-12 in the Father Richard
Center. There will be dancing, an or-
chestra and refreshments. Everyone
welcome - bring your friends.
Wesleyan Guild Friday, Oct. 1 - 8
p.m. Wiener Roast. Meet in the Lounge
for transportation to one of the Guild
members' homes.
Roberta Peters, young soprano of the
Metropolitan Opera, will give the first
program in the season's concert series
Monday, October 4, at 8:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. Concert-goers are re-
quested to arrive sufficiently early as "
to be seated on time,
Miss Peters will present the following
program, assisted by Samuel Pratt,
flutist, and Warner Bass, pianist:
Bach's Jauchzet Gott in allen LandexA;
Not All My Torments by Purcell; Scar-
latti's Canatta with flute obligato; a
group of songs by Richard Strauss;
The Mad Scene from "Hamlet" (A.
Thomas); Debussy's Fetes galantes;
Hahn's L'Heure Exquise; Chausson's La
Cigale; and the Mad Scene from "Luia
di Lammermoor" with flute obligato
The Extra Concert Series will be
opened by Eleanor Steber, soprano, also
of the Metropolitan Opera, on Sunday
evening, October 10, at 8:30.
Tickets for both concerts are avail-y
able at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower; and will also be on sale at the
Hill Auditorium box office on the
nights of the concerts after 7:0
£' i 33a&iI

these things that the Republican Navy's most valuable oil reserve.
party picked him in 1940 to run for After this scandal broke the gov-
vice president of the United States. enment in 1923 took over 23,000,-l
So Charley McNary may have 000 acres of Alaskan oil lands forI
been a little restless when Presi- the Navy, now known as NPR 41
dent Eisenhower stood on the dam or NMvy Petroleum Reserve No.{
named for him and expressed his 4. Then in 1944, during the war,
opposition to the McNary Dams of the government set aside an ad-
the future. j ditional 25,000,000 acres of Alaskan
oil land under Public Land Order
Charley also would be restless if 82,
he knew what another Oregonian "
was doing with the national forests, Meanwhile, the Navy has spent
the national parks, and the oil me- about $50.000,00'i prospecting for oil
serves of the nation. and gas in this general area, and
* , * has located the Umiat field, partly
in Navy territory, partly outside;
Generous Doug McKay also the Gubik gas field, which ex-
That Oregonian is amiable, lik- tends considerably outside Navy!
able Doug McKay, the auto dealer territory.
from Portland, who as secretary What Secretary McKay wants to
of the interior has just given up a do, together with former Secretary
slice of the beautiful Rogue River of the Navy Robert Anderson-now
National Forest and has appointed undesecretary o defnseis ope
a commission to study what na- both fields to private development.
tional parks ,should be turned over This would give private oil com-j
to private enterprise. Behind the panies the benefit of $50,000,000
latter move is a plan to turn 50,000 worth of government geophysical
acres of the Olympic National research. All they would have to
Park over to lumbernmen. do is go down to room 2643 of the
Perhaps even more important, Inlterior Department where the
Secretary McKay is now maneu- charts are kept and take a look at
vering to turn over the vast oil re- them.
serves of Alaska to private exploi- 1in other words, the oil conpnies
tation, despite the objection of na- can perform oil exploration work a
val. officers and career men in his near the Arctic Circle without even
own Interior Department. getting their feet cold and merely
This may be the biggest bonanza for the expense of carfare to the
the oil industry has bed'n handed Interior Department. And when'
for some time, and it may also be they get the oil, they pay the gov-
a hot political potato once the ernment only 121/ per cent royalty,
Democrats get wind of it. So far whereas the navy gets 89 per cent
it's been kept reasonably hush- royalty from Standard Oil of Cal-'
hush. ifornia, now leasing the Elk Hill
* * * Reser've.
Saltonstall Warns
Meanwhile. it looks a~s if Secre-

Student Affairs during the fall semes-
ter are scheduled on the following seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
dates: October 12, 26; November 9, 23; I Thurs., Sept. 30, at 4 p.m., in Room
December 7; January 11. 3201 Angell Hall. The general topic this
semester will be "The mathematical
The following student sponsored so- theory of sample survey methods." The
cial events are approved for the com- first speaker will be Professor Leslie
ing week-end. Social chairmen are re- Kish.
minded that requests for approval for -°'-
social events are due in the Office of Makeup Examinations in Econom-
Student Affairs not later than 12 ics 51, 52, 53, 54 will be given on Thurs-
o'clock noon on the Monday prior to day, October 7, at 3:15 in Room 207 of

October 1-
DeltahTheta Phi
Fletcher Hall
Graduate Student Council
Phi Delta Phi
October 2-
Acacia Fraternity
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Epsilon Pi
AlphaKappa Kappa
Alpha Kappa Psi
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Sigma Delta
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Theta Phi
Delta Upsilon
Kappa Alpha Psi & Delta
Sigma Theta
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Nu Sigma Nu
Phi Alpha Kappa
Phi Chi
Phi Delta Epsilon.
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Psi & Psi Upsilon
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Rho Sigma
Phi Sigma Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Pi Lambda Phi
Psi Omega.
sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Chi
Theta Xi
Tyler House - East Quad
Victor Vaughan
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
October 3-
Phi Delta Phi,
they pull that foul play any long-
Assuming the Daily reporting
was correct in the details, I failed
to notice any mention that Mr.
Shinaberry's righteousness includ-
ed any mention of also doing
away with parity price supports
for wheat, undoubtedly the source
of his spare five G's-which he
worked so hard to earn and which
if he didn't receive he would be
now starving and the whole na-
tion headed for certain depression.

the Economics Building.
Preliminary Ph. D. Examinations in
Economics: 'Theory examinations will,
be given on Thursday and Friday, Oc-
tober 28 and 29. The examinations in
other subjects will be given beginning
Monday, November 1. Each student
planning to take these examinations
should leave with the secretary of the
Department not later than Monday, Oc-
tober 11, his name, the three fields in
which he desires to be examined, and
his field of specialization.
The Extension Service announces
the following class beginning Thurs-
cay evening ,Sept. 30:
Positive Citizenship:4Congressional
and State Elections 1954. - 7:30 p.m.
131 School oft Business Administration.
6 weeks - $6.00. Ralph T. Jans, Coor-
dinator. Lecturers from the University
departments of Political Science and
the Institute of Social Research.
The Extension Service announces
that there are still openings in the fol-
lowing classes to be held Thursday
evening, Sept. 30:
Painting, Advanced course. - 7:30
p.m. - 415 Architecture Building. 16
weeks - $18.00. Richard Wilt, Instruc-
Italy: The Country and Its Art. -
7:30 p.m. 4 Tappan Hall. 16 weeks -
$18.00. Marvin J. Eisenberg, Instructor.
Registration for these classes may be
made in Room 4501 of thetAdministra-
tion Building on State Street during
University office hours, or in Room
164 of the School ofBusiness Admin-
istration on Monroe Street in the eve-
ning, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Monday through
Thursday of this week.
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the November 1 ad-
ministration of the Medical College Ad-
mission Test are noQ available at 110
Rackham Building, Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N.J. not later
than Oct. 18, 1954.
Friday, October I is the last day for
students in the College of Architecture
and Design to add courses to their
Doctoral Examination for Mohammad
Wassel Al-Dhahir, Mathematics; thesis:
"Configurational Characterizations of.
Commutativity in Projective Spaces,"
Thurs., Sept. 30, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
G. Y. Rainich.
The make-up exam for the Botany 2
course of spring semester, 1954, will be
given on October 5 at 7:30 p.m. in room
2004, Natural Science Building.
Seminar Friday, October 1, under the
direction of M. Mason, Department of
Biologica 1 Chemistry at 4:00 p.m.,
Room 319 West Medical Building.
Events Today

1v t7aiiwiiiiv- it IUOY'N a:s ii .arc;1 r.


lvcccathi i i rcvnt', a ' a, if
The question is so dynamite- 'tary McKay would hold up any
laden that Senator Saltonstall of disposal of the Navy's first Alas-
Massachusetts, Republican, has kan reserve, called NPR 4, until
written a confidential letter to Congress acts, but may dispose ofj
President Eisenhower warning the. 25,000,000-acre reserve, called
him not to let himself get involved PLO 82, most any time. The latter
in another Teapot Dome scandal, area looks as if it had more oilI
The Interior Department has than the first.
carefully cleaned its files of any (copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)
critical correspondence, and the
Saltonstall letter has been re- -
moved. However, this column is
able to reveal that Saltonstall's
letter, dated March 4, 1954, warned
Eisenhower that the great scandal
of the Harding administration re- TO THE EDITOR
sulted from exactly the same give-
away that Secretary McKay con-
templates in Alaska. The Daily welcomes communica-


Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig...Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...............City Editor
Jon Sobelotff........ Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........'Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.. Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ........Women's Editor
Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.,Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise..........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager

"I suggest," wrote Saltonstall,
who is chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, "That
you lay the matter of the disposi-
tion of Naval Petroleum Reserve
No. 4 before the National Security
Council for a determination re-
specting the essentiality of this
property to the national security."
Saltonstall's letter caused hesita-
tion in the Interior Department,

ons from its readers on matters or
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or



withheld from publication at the . All I can say is if he seriously
discretion of the editors.AlIcn y sfhesrusy
.tt iexpects to get rid of wheat quotas
and still maintain price supports
I which run up our government de-
(3 * * * .ficits then he is just another mem-


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