SCRATCH PAD See Page 4 Y Ar 4ir 4.AAtr t #,an. iai4 I Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1954 CLOUDY, SHOWERS SIX PAGES Prof. Markert's Case Discussed Zoology Teacher Reinstated After Favorable Vote by Three, Groups (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a continuation of the series of articles on the >,f case of Prof. Mark Nickerson, told last week, Prof. Clement L. Markert and H. Chandler Davis, who were involved in hearings of the House Sub-Com- mittee on Un-American Activities last May. Today's story presents a sum- mary of the events in the case of Prof. Markert.) By PAT ROELOFS Associate City Editor Prof. Clement L. Markert of the zoology department received a, subpoena to appear before the House Sub-Committee investigating Un- American Activities last spring. Along with two other fcaulty members, he appeared before the Committee, headed by Rep. Clardy (R-Mich.) in Lansing May 10. Prof. Markert refused to answer questions relating to political activity on the grounds of the Fifth Amendment. He was represented by legal. counsel. And like the other two faculty members who refused to answer the investigator's questions, Prof. Markert was suspended by Presi- dent Harlan H. Hatcher, pending investigation of his case by Univer- sity faculty groups. Faculty Investigations The process of investigation was initiated by the zoology depart- ment where Prof. Markert teaches classes in embryology and carries on research in a Phoenix project. Department members and the de- partment chairmen, Prof. D. E. S. Brown favored reinstatement of the scientist. Members of the Literary College Executive Committee likewise felt that Prof. Markert should be reinstated to his position of assist- ant professor. Then the Special Advisory Committee to the President took up the case. The five man group, headed by Prof. Russell Smith of the Law School, was composed of Dr. Paul S. Barker of the Medical School; 'Prof. D. M. Dennison of the physics department, Prof. Wm."Palmer of the economics department and Prof. R. H. Sherlock of the engi- neering college. The SAC decision was 4-1 in favor of reinstatement. - Before this group as well as the other University groups hearing 65 Candles his case, Prof. Markert admitted that he had been a member of the TDail' s *Communist Party. He told them he Top al s withdrew from the Party about --14 if 11948. SL Motion To Hit Nickerson Ouster Culture, Education Committee Sets Reinstatement Recommendation Saar, Western Spark Lond i By MURRY FRYMER A motion protesting Prof. MarkI Nickerson's dismissal from the Uni- versity faculty will be presented toI the Student Legislature for its con- sideration, approval, or disapprov- al tonight. Prepared by the SL Culture and Education committee, the motion1 reads in part: ". . . We believe that the only' just criteria upon which Prof. Nick-' erson could have been rightly dis- missed from the University are in-' competence in his teaching capaci- ty or conviction under the law of the land. All three faculty commit- tees that reviewed Prof. Nicker- son's case found him innocent of these offenses. Recommend Reinstatement "Two ofrthe committees recom- mended reinstatement. A third committee recommended dismissal Governor' s Talk To YID Set Tonight Climaxing a day of campaigning in Washtenaw County, Gov. G. Mennen Williams will address the semester's initial meeting of the Young Democrats at 8 :30 pA.m. to- day in Rackham Auditorium. This will be Gov. Williams' first. appearance in Ann Arbor during xBirthday Cake Happy birthday, dear Daily! Sixty-five years ago today, Sep- tember 29, 1890, The Daily's first issue rolled off the presses. It would take only a glance, back through the Daily files to appreci- ate the paper's progress since 1890. One-Page Issue The first issue, volume one, num- ber one, had only one page featur- ing a story on the University rug- by team. "The campus has taken on a home-like look this past -week," the story begins. "Every afternoon has seen some of our canvas-backed rugby players toss- ing the ball back and forth, or try- ing to kick goals." The article goes on to describe the weather as "cold and raw" and the players as 'soft and short- winded." Could this eleven be the forerunner of Coach Oosterbaan's winning team? A column entitled "Faculty An- nouncements" seems to be the an- cestor of the Daily Official Bulletin. It announces that "a course in foundry work will be given the first t semester," and that "an optional course in water analysis will be given" to hygiene students. Advertising Changes A hint may be gathered from ad- vertisements as to the most fre- quently sold item. Both ads in the issue concern fraternity pins and society badges. The Daily was founded by a group of independent students who published it under the title of "U of M Daily." They started in a small print shop in downtown Ann Arbor. After 65 years of hard work by thousands of students, it has be- come "The Michigan Daily" with an up-to-date printshop of its own, located in the same building as its offices. YR's Discuss GOP Record Merits and shortcomings of the 83rd Congress were degated by two Republicans and two Democrats at yesterday's meeting of -the Young Republican Club. "The 83rd Congress has most cer- tainly not been a 'do-nothing' body," said Prof. George Peek of the Political Science department. "Among its most significant accom- plishments have been giving gov- ernmental atom contracts to pri- vate industry and relieving the tax burden of upper income' Scientific Interests The SAC majority report stress- ed that Prof. Markert had told group members "he reduced the amount of his political activity (in the Communist Party) because of growing ascendancy of his scien- tific interests and of growing doubt concerning the Communist Party as an effective means of achieving the ends he desired." In addition, the majority report cited, Prof. Markert mentioned lack of democracy in the Party, growing dogmatism and lack of free thinking in higher leader- ship, growing emotional ties to Russia, tendency to dictate ideas and unwillingness to permit any heresy as reasons for his with- drawal from Party membership. However, the SAC members ob- served that "Prof. Markert admits freely he still holds many of the political and economic views he held while an active Party mem- ber." The dissenting vote was cast, according to Prof. Markert, by someone who felt "sheer refusal to cooperate with the (investigat- ing) Committee is grounds for dis- missal." Candidness Told All of the SAC members felt Prof. Markert had been candid with them in disclosing his beliefs and past political activities. All of them felt that he was subject to censure for refusing to answer the questions of the Committee in Lansing. At the August 26 meeting of the Regents, President Hatcher rec- ommended Prof. Markert be re- instated to his position of assistant professor in "terms of (your) pres- ent contract." The zoologist point- ed out that his contract continues until 1956. A letter of censure was author- ized by the Regents, in accordance with the recommendation of the President. Seven Regents favored reinstatement, with Regent Ken- neth Stevens of Detroit dissenting. Procedure Advised Prof. Markert told The Daily several persons had advised him to talk freely about himself before the Clardy Committee, but to re- fuse to talk of others. He said he refused to follow this procedure on moral grounds. In addition, he felt there was a possibility of being cited for con- tempt if he answered some ques- tions and refused to answer oth- ers. He referred to a well known national incident: "Contempt ci- tations were issued against two Harvard professors. Reason for the citation: both men had finally dis- carded use of the 5th Amendment, and both freely admited that they on grounds easily reduced to the argument that he was a 'Commu- nist in spirit and would repudiate no part of the Communist pro- gram.' .. . In essence then, Prof. Nickerson was dismissed on the grounds of his political beliefs." The motion is, completed: "Since a democratic society depends upon the free exchange of ideas, the Stu- dent Legislature believe that the dismissal of Prof. Nickerson is in direct opposition to the best inter- ests of this university and this country." John Bryan, '56, a member of the committee, will read the mo- tion, SL Told In other SL business, President Steve Jelin, '55, will present a re- port on the status of the Student Government Council plan. A planned motion protesting the Regents lack of action on the mo- tion has been dropped by the SL cabinet. A cabinet election to fill the post of Hank Berliner, '56, who resigned last week because of academic rea- sons is also scheduled for the meet- ing. Other business includes the ap- pointments of three new members to SL and the announcement of the resignation of member Herb Zim- merman, '56. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Strauss Dining room, East Quadrangle. North Campus Housing Units Work To Start Construction of 100 housing units for married students, estimated to cost $1,100,000, is scheduled to be- gin immediately on the new North Campus. Approved by the Regents at their last meeting, the apartments are to be the first of several hundred, if there is a demand for them, ac- cording to Wilbur K. Pierpont, Uni- versity Vice-President. Applications may be made at the office of the Dean of Men. The estimated cost includes eight or ten two story buildings, complete furnishings, utilities and landscaping. Pierpont expected that the project would be completed in time for students to move in for the summer session of 1955. Three types of apartments are planned: about one-half of them will be one-bedroom apartments, 12 will be two-bedroom duplexes, and the rest the no-bedroom type. Tentative rents for the complete- ly furnished apartments, including utilities, have been set at $75 a month for the no-bedroom type, $5 for a one-bedroom apartment,, and $100 for a two-bedroom apartment. Financed on a bank loan, the units will be paid for on a self- liquidating basis. Further information on applying for residence in the new housing is available in the office of the Dean of Men. Sigma Rho Tau Will Hold Smoker Plans for the semester have been announced by members of Sigma Rho Tau, national engineering speakers' society. A Stump Speakers' Smoker, giv- en by the society, will be held Fri., Oct. 7, in the Union. The speaker will be announced later this week. Freshman engineering students are especially invited to the meet- ing. World News SRoundup / my the Associated Press DETROIT-Three leaders in the 106-day-old Square D strike were given jail terms and fines yester- day for contempt of a court order against mass picketing. Each was sentenced to 30 days and fined $250 by Circuit Judge Frank B. Ferguson, as the strike remained at a standstill. WASHINGTON -- Chairman Leonard W. Hall of the Republi- can National Committee said yes- terday the battle raging around Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) will have no effect on the Novem- ber elections and added: "The American people are sick and tired of the whole situation." Meanwhile Sen. William E. Jen- ner (R-Ind.) added the Senate, when acting on proposed censure of Sen. McCarthy, must take into consideration that the Commu- nists are seeking to discredit Mc- Carthy and undermine congres- sional investigating committees, DENVER - Secretary of the Army Stevens declined comment yesterday on a Senate commit- tee's ;recommendation that Sen. McCarthy be censured by the Sen-; ate. WASHINGTON-Former Secr - tary of Labor Martin P. Durkin Tuesday underwent a brain tumor operation at Georgetown Univer- sity Hospital. "Everything went along satis- factorily and his condition is good," Durkin's physician report- ed after-the surgery. * S* LANSING - First modern toll road in Michigan was approved yesterday by the Michigan Turn- pike Authority. The highway, costing $186,000,- 000 will stretch 115 miles from Rockwood to Saginaw, with con- struction beginning April 1, 1955 and finished by the end of the 1957 construction season. * * * CHAPEL HILL, N. C.-Novelist James Street, author of "The Gauntlet," "Tap Roots," and many other best-sellers, died late yes- terday following his collapse of a heart attack at a meeting in Chapel Hill. * c SAN DTFG, Calif-A dispatch from the U. S. 7th Fleet said yes- terday that units of the fleet early this month moved into position to resist Chinese Communist inva- sion of Formosa. LSA Committee Discusses Aims The Literary College Conference Steering Committee discussed new aims and objectives suggested for this semester and evaluated pre- vious projects at its organizational meeting Monday. Topics to be given further con- sideration in next week's meeting are teaching techniques, course co- ordination, the marking system, in- creased emphasis on individual reading in courses and broadening the number of departments with special sections. HARRASSED BRIDGE PLAYER REFUSES FI Cancer Fear Ref In Filter Cigaret By LLE MAiRKS' GOV. G. MENNEN WILLIAMS the present campaign. He is run- ning for a fourth gubernatorial term, a feat never accomplished in Michigan history. The third governor in state his- tory to serve three consecutive terms, Gov. Williams is the second Democrat to win re-election since the Civil War. He is running against former De- troit Police Commissioner Donald Leonard. His platform is based mainly on a continuance of the pro- gressive measures such as unem- ployment insurance benefits and old age assistance instituted dur- ing his tenure in office. According to Ralph Goldberg, President of the Young Democrats, the Governor will speak on domes- tic issues. Gov. Williams will be introduced by J. Henry Owens who is the Democratic candidate for Congress from the Second Congressional District. John Philip Dawson of the Law School will also make a short address. An informal discussion and ques- tion period will be held at the con- clusion of the speech. Are you one of the many who have switched from regular ciga- rets to filtered brands when the American Medical Association an- nounced a tie-up between smoking and lung cancer several months ago? If so, "you've fooled yourself," according to Dr. Alton Ochsner, the New Orleans surgeon who start- ed the nation's lung cancer scare. "Filters Remove Nothing" As sales of filtered cigarets soared, Ochsner told a medical meeting in Oklahoma City, "The only thing filters do is sell more cigarets. They don't remove any- thing." South Groups Stil ppose ~~ ly the Assoc lted Press An agency set up to find a way for Georgia to evade the U.S. Su- preme Court rule against school segregation yesterday, In Atlanta, asked voters to approve a measure that may mean the end of the pub- lic school system. The agency is the Georgia Edu- cation Commission, created by the last Legislature. Beginning to draft its report, it called for ratification in the November general election of a constitutional amendment to enable Georgia to pay educational funds direct to pupils instead of support to public schools. Pupils would pay their way In segregated private schools. Meanwhile, in Milford, Del., only a third of the 1,562 pupils enrolled at Milford's formerly all-white school showed up yesterday on the second day of a boycott against the end of racial segregation. Meanwhile, there were signs that a boycott against enforcing the Su- preme Court's integration ruling may be spreading to other southern Delaware communities. h University museum. Oviedo is not a tourist attraction and the only foreigners- the people see are the students. By the time we arrive, ten or so men have told us how "guapas" or attractive, we are. We've even begun to enjoy it! Art class is first and often times the professor will say, "venga, " Concernin William Pii "Great, I wg filtered cigE get cancer, myself." Local drui mendous ri tered brand filtered cigE as high as3 aret sales. Twen "We used filtered ciga six," noted ing, "in fac lar, cork til we now cE than we did Another c at this time three major aret approa largest selli brand. In fa are takingi she regular Cal According every 10 ma have cance: pointed out 1.1 per cen men was of age had ris Discounti cancer age from nicoti definitely ir that nicotin heart troub "That'sc aren't more cancer," sa of heart tro can develop Larry G "The only is fear itsel Sen. Dies HAWTH( Pat McCa Democratic and a foe Truman ad denly late 5 dressing a was 78. The whi lapsed as h side aisle 125 persons this wester Firemen tor for 30 rator witho The body thorne fun ther instru Weapvons ) 1 f Plans Given For Control Of Arms NATO, 7-Nation Power Proposed By the Associated Press L LONDON - A, proposal by French Premier Pierre Mendes- WFrancethat the question of rearm- ing West Germany and the French- German dispute over the Saar be settled as a "package deal" threat- ened to snag the nine power Lon- don~ conference yesterday. The question emerged as the key issue before the nine-power confer- ence meeting to free and rearm West Germany in the Atlantic alli- ance. French Premier Pierre Mendes- France called for a seven-nation European armaments authority to control the production and supply of weapons in West Germany, -Daily-Marj Crozier France, Holland, Belgium, Luxem- LTERED CIGARETES bourg and Italy. Britain wiuld be an uncontrolled seventh partner, Adenauer Plan lected German Chancellor Konrad Ade- nauer proposed instead that con- trols be exercised by the North At- Sa lantic Treaty Organization over all of its continental European mem- bers. West Germany would become m NATO's 15th member nation. g Ochsner's statement, Secretary of State John Foster Ver, '56, commented, Dulles and British Foreign Sec- as getting pretty sick of retary Anthony Eden backed Ad- arets. If I'm going to enauer's proposal. It appeared I may as well enjoy that support also would come from the other nations participating- g stores reported a tre- Italy, Canada, Belgium, Holland se in the sale of fil-and Luxembourg. s. Some estimated that Concord Foreseen arets now account for . Although difficulties arose, key 5 per cent of total cig- delegations voiced a cautious op- timism that agreements in prin- tty More Brands ciple on freeing and rearming the eto carry one brand of West Germans would be reached rets and now we have this week. one cigaret seller, add- some delegations suggested a t, with king-size, regu- solution may lie in letting NATO ps, filters and the like and the seven-nation group share arry 20 more brands controls. last spring." Adenauer suggested giving NATO ommented, "Last year more powers to insure effective you couldn't touch the controls. brands. No other cig- Conference informants said the ched them, but now our French, invaded three times in ng cigaret is a filtered three generations by German ct, the filtered cigarets hordes, want the new German mil- the market away from itary buildup so strictly control brands. ed that a superauthority would ncer Foreseen decide even where new German to Ochsner, one out of arms factories could be built. ale cigaret smokers will The rich Saar coal and steel pro- r by 1970. The doctor ducing territory, Gelman before that while in 1920 only World War II, has been a bone of it of all cancer among contention between the two coun- fthe lung, the percent- tries for generations. en to 8.3 in 1948. ________rgenera___n_ ng the notion that the In cigarets comes R e ne, Ochsner said, "it is e is often the cause of Y*) le. Expect Ike s one reason why there smokers dying of lung " id the doctor. "They dieD el uble before lung cancer ould, '57, commented, By the Associated Press thing we have to fear Republican campaign leaders If, I always say." apparently are counting more and more on direct action by President Eisenhower to retain control of Mccarran Congress in the November elec- lions. 11a r eVice-resident Nixon has report- Sud en1 ed that Democrats currently hold the edge, and Republican Nation- ORNE, Nev. (P)-Sen. al Chairman Leonard W. Hall said rran, for 22 years a yesterday that "The key to get- senator from Nevada ting our people up and fighting of the. Roosevelt and again is the voice of the Presi- ministrations, died sud- dent of the United States." yesterday just after ad- Nixon, who himself is carrying Democratic rally. He much of the campaign load which previous Presidents have under- te haired veteran col- taken, reported to Republican ie was walking down a headquarters in Washington be- after addressing some fore starting a tour of Atlantic at the Civic Center in coastal states. He was represented n Nevada town. as seeing the Senate race about worker over the Sena- even, but the Democrats ahead in minutes with a respi- the fight for House seats. ut success. He reportedly feels confident of y was taken to a Haw- Republican victories five weeks eral parlor pending fur- hence, but thinks much work ctions from his family must be done before then to assure CHAPERONES, COMPLIMENTS, SEAFOOD: Reporter Tells Experiences at Spanis ms (Editor's Note: This story was writ- ten by a Daily reporter, on a year's leave in Spain. It was mailed to a local reporter, because of the strict censorship on the Spanish Press and all newspapers.) By SHIRLEY KLEN Special to The Daily OVIEDO, SPAIN -- University life in a small town in Spain can cifix to adorn the walls. One dim light bulb sputters from the mid- dle of the ceiling, making eye strain easy and studying difficult for any length of time after dark. (Asturias is fortunate, however, in that it has electricity all the time. Most of the provinces, in In the mornings, we crawl out of bed, shivering, and wonder w h e r e "sunry, Mediterranean Spain" has disappeared to. The climate here Is cold, damp and rainy. But the verdant mountain scenery, visible from our windows, compensates for any bad weather. Burros clop along the cobble-