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September 28, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-28

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City Editor's
Daily City Editor
LAST WEEK the Regents virtually scotched plans
for a Student Government Council as formu-
lated by the Laing Committee last spring.
By refusing to put their stamp of approval on
SGC at their last meeting (after considering it
since August), and by requesting that the Laing
Committee be reconvened to answer a few ques-
tions, the Regents were virtually saying they were
not satisfied with SGC and would prefer a modi-
fication of the plan.
Their action was not unexpected. Neither was
it wholly disappointing. There are indeed many
questions arising from the SGC plan which have
not been answered satisfactorily. For instance,
what sort of financial control over student acti-
vities would SGC have? And how binding would
its power be over the seven major Power Blocs
represented by its ex-officio members.
Many of these difficulties arose from the fact
that the Laing committee was, by and large, com-
posed of faculty and administration people with
little experience in student government's problems,
and of ex-students who faced somewhat different
problems during the years they were on campus.
As a result of the committee's inexperience, the
powers of the proposed SGC were not clearly
defined. "Conservatives" might well fear the
Council's powers would be too great, while "lib-
erals" considered that a Board of Review, (com-
posed of two students, and five faculty-admin-
lstration people), would prove too limiting for
successful student government.
Furthermore, the fact that its membership in-
cluded only 18 students, 7 of them ex-officio with
heavy outside duties, precluded any great research
activity leading to answering some of the more
perplexing campus questions.
With serious questions from students as to the
effectiveness of such a body, the Regents' com-
mittee which discussed the plan might well worry
whether the students would even accept a plan
they had so little part in drawing up originally,
and which solved so few of the age-old problems
of Student Legislature.
Meanwhile the Legislature, hanging precar-
iously in the midst of Regential indecision, cam-
pus apathy, and the shadow of SGC, faces four
After realizing that the conservative Regents,j
with their extremely limited contact with students,
are reluctant to give the campus body politic any
considerable amount of power over its own affairs,
SL can (as some have advised) vote to dissolve
Such a course of action would, however, throw
away all voice that SL has worked to attain dur-j
ing the past eight years. Contrary to some SL mem-
bers thoughts, it would not cause any great em-
barrassment to the administration or to the Re-
gents to have no student voice whatever on cam-
A second alternative facing SL Is to Incor-
porate within Itself the organizational represen-
tation of the power blocks that SGC included.
In doing so SL would be losing everything it
would have lost in SGC without the advantage o
increased power and Regential By-Law recogni-
tion. All of its policies would still go before the
Student Affairs Committee for approval or disap-
proval with power bloc representation again in-
Thirdly, SL could attempt preservation of its
present weak structure at all cost, even with the
realization that it becomes less and less potent a
force in representing campus opinion with eai
Week of further study of new student governmental
The fourth, and perhaps most feasible ap-
proach for the Legislature to follow, would be
to attempt to set up a new committee to study
new plans for student government as quickly as
possible-one composed of students experienced
in campus governmental problems, administra-

tion people who deal directly with student af-
fairs, and including several members of the
Board of Regents.
Such a group, meeting more often than the
Laing Committee and composed of people more ex-
perienced in student affairs, could formulate a new
plan for student government within six to eight
weeks. The new plan could then be submitted to a
campus referendum with the realization that it
would subsequently be acceptable to the Regents.
Furthermore, it could go into effect in Decem-
ber and thus profit from the experience of those
students who had been in on the planning stage
of both SGC and the new form of student govern-
Only if the Student Legislature adopts a more
reasonable attitude, than it has shown in the past
few days-an attitude forward-looking enough to
include the possibility of an entirely new plan,
does it seem likely that student government, in any
form, can hold together at the University.
RECENT DECISIONS of the National Labor R@A.
lations Board, as reconstituted with a new ma-
jority of Administration appointees, have gone a
considerable way toward making employer de-
mands for even stricter anti-labor legislation un-
necessary. In decision after decision, the new ma-
jority has acceded to the very proposals which the
labor baiters were attempting to achieve by legis-
lative action.
In such important fields as employer free speech,
employer's right to lock out, the right of a state to
exercise its own jurisdiction in increasingly larger
fields of labor relations, and additional restrictions
on the right to strike, the new Labor, Board has
reversed long-standing determinations. Enemies of

P reElection
Pus syfooting
DURING JULY a cartoon by Herblock appeared
in The Daily. In it two Senators were shown
furtively crossing a beach. The caption read: "Pus-
syfooting through the sands of time."
At the tipe, the cartoon referred, to the hesi-
tancy of the Senate in considering Senator Flan-
der's, Fulbright's, et. al. motions to censure Sen-
ator McCarthy.
Since that time a bi-partisan committee under
the leadership of Senator Watkins was set up. Yes-
terday the six man committee delivered a unani-
mous report on five charges. Censure was recom-
mended on three, McCarthy, rebuked on two, of
five counts.
The cartoon now takes on a different meaning.
No longer is the Senate "pussyfooting" on the ques-
tion of setting up a committee to censure Mc-
Carthy. This hurdle they have passed.
Now the question is, or rather was, until the
Republicans decided the issue, when to reconvene
the Senate to decide on the censure recommenda-
Knowland talked to Nixon and Nixon took a look
around. Up in Massachusetts Leverett Saltonstall
,was having a tough battle for the Sentae against
Foster Furcolo. Furcolo would not have to vote in
a pre-election senatorial balloting. Saltonstall
Nixon also looked to Michigan where Ferguson
Is running for re-election and New York where
Ives is seeking the governorship. No matter which
way they east their ballot, votes would be lost in
Then Nixon considered the time that would be
lost in campaign activities should the Senate be
called back to Washington before the election.
Knowland mused on the fact that all the Sena-
tors have commitments for appearances before the
election which would have to be broken should they
return to the capital before Nov. 2.
Thus we are faced by the peculiar situation of a
bi-partisan committee which was set up during a
Republican session, and has made a unanimous re-
port on which the Republicans do not choose to
vote, until after the election.
The very unanimity of the committee was rea-
son enough for the Senate to vote on the issue
immediately. The committee's use in describing
McCarthy's actions, of such adjectives as "un-
worthy, inexcusable, contemptuous, contumaci-
ous, denunciatory and reprehensible" made it
mandatory that all Senators, especially those up
for re-election, should have returned to Wash-
ington to stand up and be counted.
Merely ignoring the matter until after Nov. 2 is
If a thoroughly mixed metaphor may be ex-
cused, Republicans "pussyfooting" while straddling
a fence, may be riding for a fall at the polls.
-Michael Braun
Moscow and
The Atom
THERE HAVE BEEN some hopeful developments
these past few days in the Soviet-American
stalemate over atomic negotiations. With Soviet
approval, the United Nations General Assembly
has agreed to consider the United States proposals
for international cooperation regarding peaceful
use of atomic energy. By agreement of both pow-
ers, the notes between the United States and the
Soviet Union regarding their atomic negotiations
these past nine months have been published so
that the full positions of both sides are now public
knowledge in both countries.
The basic Soviet position in the protracted ne-
gotiations these past months has been that the es-
sential first step in international action on the
atom must be that all states "undertake the solemn
and unconditional obligation not to use the atomic,
the hydrogen, or any other weapon of mass des-
truction." President Eisenhower's proposals for an
international atomic pool to facilitate putting nu-
clear energy to work for mankind's benefit is put
into second place by Moscow on the ground that
this proposal "does not reduce the danger of atom-

ic warfare in the slightest."_
The American answer to Moscow consists of
these parts: First, that "aggression itself is the
gravest of all dangers." This is not affected by any
action respecting a particular weapon, except in-
sofar as removal of the West's main defensive wea-
pon might encourage aggression by an enemy whose
strength was primarly mass manpower armed with
conventional weapons.
Second, we do not trust the Soviet Union. As
our July 9 not said, "The very existence of any
weapon poses the possibility of its use, despite the
promises not to do so, which can be broken without
notice." We know too well the past history of So-
viet violations of promises and treaties to place our
security in jeopardy by accepting a promise not to
use nuclear weapons when that promise is unac-
companied by the most rigorous and complete in-
spection and control system possible. Today Russia
maintains fantastic secrecy about all elements of
its atomic weapons production and stockpile. She
must offer really to abolish the Iron Curtain be-
fore we can seriously consider her talk of prohibi-
tion of nuclear weapons.
Third, and perhaps most alarming, the Soviet
notes show what can be interpreted only as a delib-
erate and systematic misinterpretation of thedAm-
erican proposal. President Eisenhower did not claim
that his suggestions constituted an atomic disarma-
ment scheme. They were aimed rather at the in-
dispensable prerequisite for any hope of such dis-
armament, the creation of an atmosphere of great-
er trust and of realized cooperation in which, there-
after, further progress toward the main goal could
be made.
Moscow's motivation to date. we must regretfully

Warm Days At TheSteam Plant
- : R-1
tette'4 TO T HE E DITOR
The Daily welcomos communications from Its readers on matters of
genesal interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
anti in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are ot in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Conformity for
To the Editor:

WITH THE dismisal of Profes-
TVsor Mark Nickerson and Dr.
Chandler Davis, students have got
the impression the University of
Michigan has lost its tradition of
intellectual freedom. However,
there is more at stake in the Nick-
erson-Davis case than whether
professors who have different po-
litical views than the accepted
standard should be allowed to re-
main at Michigan.
The issue for the Board of Re-
gents to decide was: should three
faculty members who were the
cause of dragging this university
down into the smear of scandal be
allowed to remain where in the
future their political activities
may do still further damage. The
conduct of these men, the arro-
gance of Dr. Nickerson and espec-
ially Dr. Davis in refusing to ans-
wer questions put to them by the
H o u s e Un-American Activities
Committee was not complimentary
to their professional standing. In-
voking the Fifth Amendment as
a means of evading incriminating
questions is a poor excuse for ar-
riving at the truth. These men who
should set an example of conduct
not only before students but be-
fore the American people, didn't
do very well. The purpose of this
university is to teach students the
value of independent thinking and
critical judgment, but it is not to
teach students to live a life doing
as they please regardless of how it
aects the accepted standards of
the society in which they live. And
this is what Dr. Nickerson and Dr.
Davis have done.
Conformity to the accepted
standards of society is as import-
ant for the maintenance of a de-
mocracy as it is for the mainten-
ance of a totalitarian government,
The majority of students and con-
tributors to this column have fail-
ed to recognize this issue and have
confused it with intellectual free-
dom. Being free to think and being
free to act against the ;ecognized
pattern of professional conduct
and against the accepted stand-
ards of a democratic government
are two different things. The con-
duct of Drs. Nickerson and Davis
was not entirely honorable and
certainly not exemplary. We
shouldappreciate the fact that at
the University of Michigan stan-
dards of conduct are not taught
but are expected of members of
the faculty.
-_E. A. Northway

and objective is to aid the Rus-
sian refugee by providing them
with food, clothes and jobs. Those
wishing to aid these unfortun-
ates should send whtever contribu-
tion they can afford, and whatever
old clothing they can spare to:
Mrs. Lydia Tolstoy, Secretary,
American Friends of Russian Free-
dom, 270 Park Ave., New York 17,
The Russian people will be our
allies in the common struggle
against Communist tyranny if we
let them know they are not, as
far as we are_ concerned, "written
off" or abandoned to external
slavery. Your help can give them
this knowledge, as when the Rus-
sian refugees in Western Europe
are aided, word of such aid grad-
ually seeps thru the Iron Curtain
to the Russian people, giving to
them new hope in their continuing
and unrelenting struggle for free-
dom from Community tyranny.
-Beecher F. Russell
Ci Liberty ..
To the Editor:
RIE. MR. Morrison's letter on
Bermuda shorts, liberty, and
allied matters.
I do not dispute one of the
points which Mr. Morrison ap-
pears to be making-that one who
lives in society and accepts its
benefits must also submit to the
restraints imposed by society on
individual behavior. But I deplore
the closing phrase of Mr. Morri-
son's article, "greatest good for
the greatest number," as justifi-
cation for the Bermuda ban or any
other action of democratic gov-
A former instructor of mine, Dr.
George Peek, stated in Pol. Sci. 92
that "no more pernicious doctrine
was ever conceived than greatest
good for the greatest number."
Dr. Peek explained thatthis doc-
trine is ample justification for the
actions of the Hitler group in Ger-
many, Mussolini in Italy, etc. Most
totalitarian leaders are seeking
"greatest good for the greatest
number," but seeking it by crush-
ing those who happen to be beyond
the bounds of "greatest number."
Again a quote from Dr. Peek:
"The essence of democratic gov-
ernment is not majority rule, but
protectin of minority right
against majority tyranny." Esto
-James A. Sellgren, '54
frchin Dragnet . .
To the Editor:
ROM A casual reading of sever-

Strong U.N.
Look for a rocky session of. the
U.N. General Assembly. There
are 66 items on the agenda, sev-
eral of them potentially more ex-
plosive than the admission of Red
China to membership.
Among the explosives are:
1. An Indian motion to protest
the use of the Pacific islands as
an H-bomb testing ground. The In-
dians say that since these islands,
including Eniwetok and Bikini, are
trust territories of the United
Nations, they therefore cannot be
used for the H-tests which theaten
the lives of islanders.
2. A Greek motion to protest the
buildup of Cyrpus, a British island
adjacent to Greece, as a British
naval base.
All week the British have been
working backstage, trying to line
up delegates to quash the Greek
motion. The United States will ab-
stain from voting because it in-
volves the rights of small nations
against the strategic needs of
major powers. On the other hand,
many Latin-American friends as
,well as the semi-hostile Arab bloc
and the Soviet bloc will side with
the Greeks and the British may
fail in a vote which all of Europe
will be watching.
* * s'
Senator Wiley Complains
Sen. Alexander Wiley, loquacious
senior senator from Wisconsin, is
so burned up at the newspapers
he's almost lost his loquaciousness.
However, he managed to lecture
one reporter for 15 minutes on
the subject last week.
Alex claimed he was badly mis-
represented in the papers when
they said he said Congress should
not be called back to Washington
because of the McCarthy issue.
What Alex said he said was that
it would be a very serious thing if
a session of Congress were to be
called now because the question of
EDC was bound to come up and
might have serious international
consequences. The Foreign Rela-
tions Committee came within one
vote of stopping aid to France,
Wiley pointed out, and a Senate
debate now might be disastrous.
"I told those men," Wiley bel-
lowed, as he got up from his chair
and started pacing the floor.
"They were sitting right there,"
he pointed, "and I told them that
it had nothing to do with McCar-
thy. The leaders can't bring Con-
gress back for a specific action,
so there is bound to be some action
on EDC.
"Why can't you guys get things
straight? Why do you have to put
words into our mouths just to get
a story?
"I'll be watching you, now," he
cautioned. "I want you to get this
* * *
McCarthy & Massachusetts
Able Sen. Jack Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts, will probably go to the
hospital during the debate to cen-
sure McCarthy. Kennedy has a leg-
itimate excuse-an old war wound.
But he will choose the particular
moment of the McCarthy debate
to be hospitalized because of his
huge McCarthy following in Massa-
chusetts. . . .Senator Saltonstall,
also from Massachusetts and now
up for re-election, would like to 'go
to the hospital if the censure vote
comes before November. Salton-
stall has stood well with the Bos-
ton Irish ever since, as governor,
he vetoed the Birth Control Bill.

So he's been worried sick about
the prospect of voting on McCar-
thy. . . .Young Kennedy might
have a second political purpose for
going to the hospital-skipping any
campaigning for Foster Furcolo,
the capable state treasurer who's
opposing Saltonstall. John is said
to figure a second Democratic sen-
ator would diminish his own poli-
tical stature and perhaps pit popu-
lar Salty against him in 1958.
Behind the McCarthy Censure
It can now be revealed that Sen-
Watkins committee was to offer
him secret data on behalf of Sec-
retary of the Army Stevens. ,
Stevens has been red-faced over
the drubbing Republican members
at the Army-McCarthy hearings
gave him and has had aides burn-
ing the midnight oil to puncture
some of McCarthy's and Roy
Cohn's testimony. They directed
particular fire to the statement by
McCarthy's private secretary that
she had transcribed various memos
which described with uncanny fore-
sight McCarthy's trouble with Sec-
retary Stevens and Army Counsel
John Adams. McCarthy was able
to pull these memos out of his
files in an amazing manher at a
crucial time, and the Senate com-
mittee was never able to make a
test of the typed pages to see
whether they were actually trans-
cribed when McCarthy said they
were or as a spur-of-the-moment
afterthought. . . .But t h o u g h
Secretary Stevens Drenared vol-


Lecture Numbers and Dates
1 Tuesday, September 28
2 Thursday, September 30
3 Tuesday, October 5
4 Thursday, October 7
5 Tuesday, October 12
6 Thursday, October 14
Repeated 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Lecture No. 1-2.
"Exploring The University's Health
General Program
Health Service Announcements
Meaning and Importance of Health
including X-ray. Defects, Organ and
Tissue Malfunction.
Lecture No, 3.
"Maintaining A Healthy and Attrac-
tive Body"
Body Types
Nutrition, Elimination, Activity, Rest
and Poisons.
Lecture No. 4.
Health Hazards of Our Civilization
Adjustments for Sucessfui Living.
Lecture No. 5.
"The Environment and Your Health"
Early attentions to injuries and liv-
ing hazards.
Lecture No. 6.
"Living Agents of Disease"
Their sources and combat.
Lecture No. 7.
"Adjustments of the Genders" (To
be announced.)
A special meeting of the University
Senate will be held Tues., Oct. 5. at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
For Women Students only:
Monday through Friday 5:10-6:00
Monday evening 7:15-9:15
Tuesday and Thursday evenings 8:15-
Friday 2:30-4:30
Saturday morning 10:00-12:00
Co-Recreational Swimming:
Saturday evening 7:15-9:15
Sunday 3:00-5:00
Family Nights:
Friday evening 7:15-9:15
Sunday evening 7:15-9:15
Veterans who are resuming training
under Public Law 550 (Korea GI. Bill)
MUST report to Room 555 of the Ad-
ministration Building between 8:30 a.m.
and 3:00 p.m. before Friday, October 1.
Each veteran must bring with him -his
tuition receipt for Fall, 1954.
Faculty: For 1955-56 the Basic College
of Michigan State College will have, in
addition to Graduate Teaching Assist-
antships, two half time instructorships
in the Board of Examiners available at
a stipend of $2,000. These are designed
for present members of college staffs
who would like to spend a year work-
ing on some problem in evaluation of
interest to their institutions. Duties
for the Basic College will demand only
half-time. Those desiring information
should write to the Dean of the Basic
College, Michigan State College, East
Lansing, Michigan.
Make-up Examinations in History will
be given Saturday, October 9, 9:00 to
12:00 a.m., in 429 Mason Hall.
See your instructor for permission
and then sign list in History Office.
Mathematics Colloquium - Tuesday,
September 28, 1954, Room 3011 Angeli
Hall; 4:10 p.m. Pro. J. L. Ullman will
speak on Extremal polynomials associ-
ated with plane point sets.
The American Association of Univer-
sity Women are offering 27 fellowships
for advanced study or research dur-
ing the academic year 1955-56. The
awards are generally given to young
women who have completed residence
work for the Ph. D. degree, or who
have received the degree. Applications
and supporting materials must reach
the office by December 15, 1954. The ad-
dress is Secretary, Committee on Fel-
lowship Awards, American Association
of University Women, 1634 Eye Street,
N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Further in-
formation on awards offered maybe ob-
tained in the office of the Graduate
Doctoral Examination for Albert Bog-
gess, III, Astronomy; thesis:, "Photom-
etry of Galactic Emission Nebulae,"
Tuesday, September 28, Observatory,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. H. Aller.
Academic Notices
Dr. Hirsch Hootkins, language exam-
iner for the Graduate School, will dis-
cuss the Ph.D. language requirements
and examinations with all students in-
terested on Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Geometry Seminar: Wednesday, Sep-
tember 29, at 7 p.m., in Room 3001 An-
gell Hall. Prof. K. Leisenring will, speak
on "A Configurational Theorem in In-
vers Geometry."

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Iaily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Noticesrshould be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be.
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXV, No. 7
Student Organizations. Student Organ-
izations planning to be active during
the present semester must register in
the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Ad-
ministration, not later than October
8. Privileges such as the use of the
Daily Official Bulletin and the use of
rooms in University Buildings for meet-
ings and activities will be extended
only to properly registered organiza-
These lectures are for optional at-
tendance by any student. The material
is highly selected for brief review of
general and specific health questions
at the college level, and of student in-
terest. All lectures in the Health Serv-
ice Lecture Room.

The Opera - 7:00 p.m. 206 Burton
Tower. 16 weeks - $18.00. Glenn D. Mc-
Geoch, Instructor.
Oil Painting - 7:30 p.m. 415 Architec-
ture Bldg. 16 weeks - $18.00, Frede Vi-
dar, Instructor.
Creative Drawing and Color Sketch-
ing - 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Build-
ing 16 weeks - $18.00. 'Richard L. Sears,
Factory Management - 7:00 p=r~. 141
School of Business Administration. Two
hours undergraduate credit, 16 weeks --
$18.00. Dale Gilliard, Instructor.
Registration for these courses may be
made in Room 4501 of the Administra-
tion Building on State Street during
University office hours, or in Room
164 of the School of Business Admin-
istration on Monroe Street in the eve-
ning, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru
Thursday of this week.
Events Today
Museum Movies. "River of Canada,"
free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily in-
cluding Sat. and Sun. and at 1:30
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Muse-
ums Building, Sept. 28-Oct. 4.
Lecture on modern optics by Pro-
fessor Zernike of the University of
Groningen, Tuesday, September 28, 4
p.m. Room 2038 Randall, Mathematical
Problems of the Diffraction Theory of
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
4:30-6:00 p.m. - Tuesday Tea at Guild
house - 438 Maynard.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting for pros-
pective members in Room 3 at Union
on Tuesday, September 28, at 7:30 p.m.
All those interested in service to the
campus are cordially invited to attend.
The poetry staff will meet at 7:00 p.m.
tonight in the Generation office.
Young Republicans - The first meet-
ing of the University Of Michigan
Young Republican Club will be held to-
night in the Michigan Union at 8:00
p.m. Elections of new officers will be
held. Drs. Peek, Breton, Leslie and
Congressman Meader have been invited
to discuss the record of the Eighty
Third Congress. Refreshments will be
served and all interested persons are
Coming Events
The Undergraduate Zoology Club an
nounces its first meeting of the se-
mester yin Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7:30
p.m. in Rm. 3026, Natural Science Bldg.
The first half of the meeting will be
organizational. Dr. Martha Baylor will
speak on the Genetics of Viruses. All
interested students and faculty mem-
bers are invited to attend.
The Sociology Department Orienta-
tion Meeting and Coffee Hour will be
held at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, 29 Sep-
tember, in ,the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. All gradu-
ate students and faculty members of
the Sociology Department and Social-
Psychology Program are requested to
The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers will hold its first meeting of
the year on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in
room 3-A of the Union. This will be an
informal smoker with'refreshments and
a short movie. Anyone interested in the
society is invited to attend. Member-
ships will be taken at the meeting.
There will be a general business
meeting of the Psychology Club for cid
members only on Wednesday evening,
September 29th, at 7:00 in the Grad
Lounge. Officers will be elected,
Episcopal Student Foundation. St.
Michael and All Angels Breakfast
Wednesday, September 29, at Canter-
bury House, after the 7:00 am. Holy
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty Tea on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 29, from 4:00 to 6:00, at Can-
terbury House.
Batt 1





,. .


Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

* * * -al issues of your paper, I gath-
er that it is the local custom for
ireaders to write, in the form of

To the Editor:
IN OUR concern for refugees aft-
er the second world war, we
often forgot the plight of the Rus-
sian refugees from Communist ty-
After the war there were several
million of these refugees in West-
ern Europe; but in accordance
with the terms of the Yalta agree-
ment forcible repatriation was
used against them. (An estimated
four million were forcibly repat-
riated!) As a result many of them,
preferring death to a return to the
economic serfdom of the forced
labor camp and collective farm
and the political serfdom of the
M.V.D. execution cellar, took their
own lives rather than return to

letters to the editor, reviews of
movie reviews. This process re-
minds me of a long latent project
of my own, not yet brought to fru-
ition: to set up an organization
dedicated to the purposes of form-
ing relative valuations of consum-
er reporting organizations. With-
out saying or meaning to imply
anything as to the merit of the
practice, allow me to add my own
I read your dissertation on Drag-
net the other day. From it I learn-
ed a few desultory facts about the
decibel output of the local urch-
inry on Saturday afternoons at
the movies. Perhaps it was the
first time your reviewer had ever
been to a Saturday matinee. I
have been to many and I believe
I can safely inform Mr. Hartweg

Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig. Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.......Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........ Associate Editor
Dave Livingston........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin .Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shliixtovitz........Women's Editor
Joy Squires. .. . Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak...........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski..Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1




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