Y A SOUND INVESTMENT See Page 4 t td i ha Latest Deadline in the State :4Ia itj CLOUDY, RAIN OR SNOW VOL. LXIV, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 SIX PAGES Juvenile Crimes Up in Ann Arbor Figure's Reveal 878 Apprehended For Law Violations in Past Year (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles discussing juve- nile delinquency in Ann Arbor.) By PAT ROELOFS Juvenile delinquency in Ann Arbor is steadily rising. Figures revealed by Detective George Simmons of the Police Department show that in 1953, 878 juveniles were apprehended for law violations. Of that figure 152 were girls. A BREAK-DOWN of figures shows that 16-year-olds made up the largest single age group of violators. Between the ages of 12 and 15, 411 boys and girls were apprehended for breaking the law. Exact figures of violations for 1953 were: Traffic, 82; Destruction of property, 71; Larceny, 67; Drink- ing, 27; Curfew violations, 39; Car thefts, .26; Concealed weapons, 11; Run-aways, 220; Breaking and entering 20; Sex crimes, 10; Fighting, 24; Pranks, 162; BB Guns, 30; Miscellaneous, 109. Examining the records of juveniles brought before detectives, .Simmons found that 424 of the involved youngsters had previousE records and complaints filed against them, but 439 committed their first offense in 1953. EXPLAINING the procedure of bringing charges against juveniles, (persons under 17 years of age), Simmons disclosed that following complaints filed against youngsters, the police can only apprehend them. Legally, arrests of juveniles cannot be made; therefore, trials for them cannot be held. Following investigations of youngsters charged with viola- tins, parents and the juveniles are warned about future offenses. In some cases, such as traffic violations, drivers licenses are revoked temporarily, '.but only with the consent of the parents" the detective said. ONE OF THE difficulties involved in juvenile cases is the atti-, tUde children develop toward uniformed policemen, according to members of the local department. "One of our main jobs is to get kids rid of the idea that policemen watch every move they make, and that we are only here to stop their fun," Simmons said. In an attempt to rid children of this prejudice about "cops," Patrolman Chester Carter, with the help of other members of the police force has arranged a year-round recreation program which includes boys who have gotten into some trouble with the law and boys who have not. The aim of the program, according to Carter, is to keep kids off the streets, to try to get boys into a healthy environment, and mainly, to show them that the "cops" are their friends. Dl s S In addition to the organized programs of basketball and base- ball, members of the force have been operating on the theory that '7 1 et U hi1a their job is to help delinquents rather than to file complaints S WASHINGTON - - Secre-against them. With this as a arofSH tDulle(s)id-lsnigh starting point, Simmons pointed try of State Dulles said last night out that they "try to keep boys Communist China will be brought ondtgtrhs rytoakegpaboys "to ccont efor th ba ofand girls from having a court "to account before the bar of record." Discussion of youngsters' world opinion" at the Geneva prbeswt hm diet peace conference. problems with them, advice to pec'ofrne them and to their parents or re- In a nationwide radio-televi- ferral to socialservice agencies sion address, Dulles dismissed as is the procedure followed when "without basis" any fear that boys or girls get into trouble. "No agreement to the April 26 meeting set formula" for handling delin- implies diplomatic recognition of quents has been set up by the Red China. The Chinese Commu- police force, however, according nists, at Russia's urging, will be to Simmons. 513 4sks New Quad .Housing Po licy SL Petitions Petitions for 24 Student Leg- islature seats open in March all-campus elections may be picked up from 1 to 5 p.m. daily through Friday in the SL Bldg. Twenty-two of the positions are scheduled to be filled for two-semester terms and two of the candidates elected will serve one semester. Deadline for returning com- pleted petitions to the SL Bldg. is March 6. Request Joint 'U'-Student Secretary Stevens Bows Voting District Group Proposed To McCarthy 's Demantuitds By BECKY CONRAD Cleary Says' State Lacks Cooperation' During a grueling, nearly five- hour long session last night, Stu- dent Legislature went on record 32-4 urging joint University ad- ministration-student cooperationRdu in solving problems which might i arise if further men's housing were converted into women's units. By The Associated Press Before discussion on the 10-page report on.a revised student govern- Warren Appointment . ment constitution, the Legislature WASHINGTON - The Senate passed a motion stating "the prob- Judiciary Committee voted 12-3 1em could be partially alleviated by yesterday to approve President a direct change in the policy of Eisenhower's nomination of Earl the Dean of Women's office." t Lack of cooperation betweena Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Wil- PROPOSED by SL vice-presi- liams and his Republican Legisla- dent Fred Hicks, '54, the'motion ture was blamed last night by; urged that the Dean's office per- Michigan's Secretary of State mitgedgraterheuDbarsoffinder- Owen J. Cleary for causing "dis- mit a greater number of under- concerting" problems within the graduate women who receive par- ental consent, to live outside of state. University Residence Halls if co- Cleary, who recently announced eds wish. his candidacy for the Republican The resolution asked that the gubernatorial nomination, told a administration "make every ef- meeting of the Young Republicans, fort to work in conjunction with "Only when we have cooperation the Inter-House Council and As- can we have progress. We need a sembly in trying to solve this governor who not only professes economic dilemma" which would cooperation, but who joins with come from further conversions the President in shaping policies. from men's residences to wo- * *r..* - men's housing units.I Warren as Chief Justice. , Ex-POW's In China . . TOKYO - The 21 American soldiers and 1 Briton who stayed with the Communists crossed the Yalu River into Red China yes- terday. Peiping radio, reporting their arrival, asserted the former prisoners expressed joy over reaching China. Millard Demands .. I DETROIT-Wayne County Pro- secutor Gerald K. O'Brien yieldedf yesterday to a demand by Atty. Gen. Frank G. Millard for a com- plete report on O'Brien's handlingr of the Reuther shooting case. O'Brien declined to disclose the contents of his reply .to Millard. * * * f "THE PRESENT Governor is as far apart as possible from the Ei-, senhower program," Cleary con- tinued. "He wants to make unem- ployment compensation so attrac- tive that no one will work." Eisen- hower has a better program, more in common with the economy, the Secretary of State asserted. Cleary spoke of the increasing need of aid to education and the additional building of roads within the state. Howevershe said this was a local and state function, and not a national problem. Questioned about the "lack of moderation of the Senator from Wisconsin," Cleary expressed per- sonal respect for the sincerity of Sen. Joseph McCarthy. He said that McCarthy was accomplishing' r Hicks pointed out the Residence Halls Board of Governors would meet March 16 to discuss the prob- lem and possibly make a definite! decision. S* s s EXTENDED debate on merits ofP the Hare system of proportional s nsulates . . representation versus district rep- WASHINGTON - The State resentation was cut off sharply Department said yesterday it is when corresponding secretary considering some action against Leah Marks, '55L, proposed to re- Polish Communist consulates in fer the question to a committee New York, Detroit, and Chicago set up to study feasible methods of areask districting the campus. * * - The Legislature endorsed the Possible Espionage motion and the study committee will report its findings no later NAPLES, Italy-American and than Oct. 1, 1954. NATO concern over possible So- Reported to the Legislature floor viet espionage in this strategicI by the Constitutional Structure Allied port mounted yesterday Study Committee, the 10-page re-Iwith arrival of another Russian vised constitution reached the ship seeking "extensive repairs." half-way mark at last night's ses- sion. Unemployment Area . . The whole document must re- DETROIT-The Federal gov- ceive a favorable two-thirds vote ER OT-ye Fydeda- of the Legislature before appear- erment yesterday added a ing or suden appovalas fourth Michigan area - Battle! ing for student approval as a Creek - to the list.of communi- referendum in the March bal- eferenh rhb ties which have critical unem-. loting. ploymentprbes In other actions taken last problems. night the Legislature approved the. appointments of Stan Levy, '55, to Hubbard Campaign . a vacant seat, and Vic Hampton, DETROIT-Orville L. Hubbard '54BAd, to the positions of SL said yesterday upon completion of Comptroller and ''reasurer of the the ouster hearing against him as Cinema Guild Board. Hank Ber- mayor of suburban Dearborn that- liner, '56, was appointed to the he would seek the Republican Fresh Air Camp Committee. I nomination for state attorney I -Daily-Don Campbell INVENTOR-HUMORIST STUDIES SOCRATIC MACHINE Gar goyelnvites Students To Syllometer Premier By FRAN SHELDON Socrates better look to.his laurels. According - to charges made yesterday by Gargoyle Managing Editor Larry Pike, '54, the machine age has now extended itself to take in logic as well as mathematics. A, new invention soon to be marketed under the trade name if "Syllometer" will soon make Socratic thought processes obsolete. THE INVENTION, he. explained is a "mechanically simple but Ar my Will Give Names To Senator Peek Says Switch Made To Help GOP By The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens yes- terday bowed to demands by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) in the latter's investigation of alleged Army "Communist coddling." Today's widely-heralded tele- vised showdown between the Wis- consin senator and the 54-year- old Army boss was called off. * * * UNIVERSITY Prof. George A. Peek of the political science de- partment considered this change of attitude in which Stevens agreed to give Sen. McCarthy's Senate Investigations subcommit- tee "the names of everyone involv- ed" in the disputed Peress case a move to protect the program of the Republican Party., "It is pretty sure," Prof. Peek pointed out, "that important people in the Republican Party and the executive branch of the government decided this was not the proper time or issue" for a showdown between Sen. McCar- thy and the Army. The Administration has a pro- gram it wants passed and it doesn't want to je o p a rdize its own chances, he said. "The Republicans have been do- ing a lot of talking. Democrats can fight Republicans, but when Re- publicans fight Republicans they endanger their own program," the expert in national affairs explain- ed. "Everyone concerned is agreed they don't want dissension within the ranks," he concluded. STEVENS last week had ban- ned two generals, from answering subcommittee subpoenas to tes- tify on the grounds that Sen. Mc- 'Carthy's "unfair" and "abusive" investigation tactics were wreck- ing Army morale and prestige. Sen. McCarthy replied that Stevens was a "dupe." The Senator had told one of the Army officers - Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker, commanding .officer Camp Kilimer, N.J. - that he was "unfit to wear that uni- form." Zwicker had declined to answer questions about an honorable dis- charge given to any Army dentist Sen. McCartby calls "a Fifth Amendment Communist." S * * * I GM, Ford Hit 'Bootlegging" Of New Cars Complaints Received, Companies Charge foolproof device which when fed two premises, a major and a minor, immediately spits out the logical conclusion logically." The work of Dave Kessel, Grad., the "Syllometer" will be displayed in a place of honor at- the Gargoyle try-out meeting, for comedy writers scheduled for S4 p.m. today in the. Student Publications Bldg. According to Kessel, the idea for the mechanical brain came seated at the Geneva conference, which will discuss the future of Korea and seek to attain peace in Indochina. DUILES assailed critics who have contended the seating of Red China at Geneva means the open- ing wedge toward diplomatic rec- ognition of the Peiping regime. Such criticism, Dulles said, i tends to give the Communists "a success which they could not win at Berlin." "The Communist regime will not come to Geneva to be honored by us, but rather to account before the bar of world opinion," he said. "THERE is no reason why we should refuse to seek peacefully the results we want merely be- cause of fear we will be outma- neuvered at the conference table. "No informed observers be- lieve that we were outmaneuver- ed at Berlin. "We need not, out of fright, lay down the tools of diplomacy and the possibilities which they pro- vide. Dulles said the month-long meeting with Russia's V. M. Molo- tov achieved two results "which will profoundly influence the fu- ture:" t :1) Molotov was forced to "show Russia's hand" in Europe, demonstrating for all to see that the Soviets want to hold fast to everything they have and "to grab some mere." 2) Molotov was "brought . . to accept" an agreement spelling out United States refusal to rec- ognize Red China but only to deal with it "where occasion requires." AMA Nominates ' M n rd for Pact Analyzing causes of delinquency and the rise in violations of the law from year to year by young- sters, Simmons concluded that the psychological needs of love and understanding that every child has are not being met. "Lack of religion" is also an important factor which points to the rise in delinquency, he observed. School Hears Beta Theta Pi Members of Beta Theta Pi fra- ternity sang at Birmingham High School yesterday in a program which was sponsored by the Inter- fraternity Council to interest high school students in the University. One of the selections, "Battle Hymn of the Republic," landed the fraternity first place in the IFC Sing last spring. In addition to the fraternity chorus, drum major Floyd Zar- bock, '54A, demonstrated baton twirling. The Vaughn Shadows, a trio composed of Eve Graden, Nora Granito, '55, and Donna Wester-I Lund, '54Ed, which placed second in Gulantics last year, sang sev- eral novelty numbers. SLID Holds First Organized Meeting With the signatures of 45 in- terested students, the Students League for Industrial Democracy held an organizational meeting in the Union last night before apply- ing to the Student Activities Com- iittee for official recognition early DETROIT-(UP)-General Motors while he was reading a scientific and Ford Motor Co. called on their magazine telling how to make a d dealers yesterday to avoid the I similar device from playing cards. "booleggyesterdayetocars:d This machine, however has the "bootlegging" of new carse advantage of being a single piece In letters to their retailers the of equipment, with five lights rep- two top car producers told the resenting five alternative answers, dealers "bootlegging" was a short including that of insufficientsin- formatoncsaytthslu cut to the destruction of their tio n, necesry t theou franchises. tion of any problem, its inventor~ ***se.explained. HARLOW H. Curtice, GM pres- The chemist - Garg Associate ident, wrote his retailers that GM Editor explained that his "Syllo- i d em n, w e h s e a i e srh t M m e te r " is t h e c u lm in a tio n o f a will "continue to review the per- meer"inentin ul ab formance" of the dealers in carry-"careerof"inventing useless ob- ing 'out their obligations under jects begun when he was an un- dergraduate student at Massachu- their selling agreements." setts Institute of Technology. Henry Ford II, wrote Ford deal- Others on the list . included an ers that "We have received a num- oscillometer "that gauged relative ber of complaints directly trace- success of kissing by ringing bells, general. Tiber Re-named -Daily-Dick Gaskili- Pope Still W OWEN J. CLEARY Joint Jdc Head PpSt ...gubernatorial candidate VATICAN CITY Lee Fiber, '54, was re-elected still was too feeb something in that he was ap- chairman of Joint Judiciary Coun- permit x-rays tha proaching the problem of compla- cil following a dinner held yester- more fully the ail cency. day to honor retiring Judiciary sapped his streng "The American people will do members and Prof. Ernest F. for a month. the right thing," he said, adding Brater of the engineering college, * * that they would provide a check a new member of the three-man 16 BritonsK if Sen. McCarthy got "ahead." Subcommittee on Discipline.Bs Concluding Cleary said, Sen. Mc- Jim Smith, '54L, was re-elected LONDON-The Carthy "is a person accomplishing I to the vice-chairmanship of the yesterday 16 Britis good, though I can't always agree: Council and Janet Rutherford, '55, murdered in Egyp with him." was elected secretary. months. INSPECTED AS 'COURTESY: *i eak... *-Pope Pius XII le yesterday to t could diagnose i I able to our own dealers. gunpowder and fire whistles. And University-Run Restaurants N (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the final3 article in a series on Ann Arbor res- versity domains, Dr. Engelke said cooperating to th taurants.) the local Board of Health had ability with city o By MARK READER been advised it has no jurisdic- He said his o tion in this area. now conducting University-'un eating establish- "The only people who can in- program designed ments were not generally includ- spect a State institution are State presentation of fib ed in the recent survey of health officials," he said. For this reason tribution of healt conditions in local restaurants, Dr., no survey had been conducted into improve restauran tt o nnlkealtOr' erhD University-run eateries. More frequent n the City of Ann Arbor's Health De- In discussing the survey's re- ing held with hea partment revealed yesterday. sults which tabulated Ann Arbor said. But went on1 However, Dr. Engelke said, as a restaurant violations, Dr. Engelke average restaurant «n%1v o m.. 1, ~ h nfiiloh A n a ,- inn n -- n C n t,,i- nio In im fn nr-, . f. hment whichnas "In our opinion," he said, "no it all worked on the principle of STEVENS and Sen. McCarthy gth dangerously other practice can so quickly and an electric circuit," he said. patched up their bitter feud yes- * completely destroy your most val- This device, however will not terday afternoon at a two-hour uable business asset-your fran- be on display at today's seance, meeting behind closed doors on Lilled . . . chise to sell cars or trucks." the scientist-humorist explained. Capitol Hill. government said "Bootlegging" is a wholesaling "We had to take it apart for parts. While Stevens sat in grim- sh subjects were by franchise dealers of new-,cars to; "But artists are urged to bring faced silence, Senator Mundt t in the last 13 used car dealers who sell them at in their pictures for the Gargoyle (R-N.D.) read a "memorandum less than list prices. art contest to select artists to do of agreement" setting forth in art in the magazine." almost military form what had been decided. Explaining his. successful activ- Whether President Eisenhower ity in the relatively uncohnect- had intervened to stop the row ed fields of chemistry and humor- was ntrknn Bt it was kow /' !' lS l ' / writing Kessel said: "It's easythast Vie-rein.Btichwardknow ot In L ocal Survey The chemistry department doesn'ttN Vicexna esiden Ricard M know about Gargoyle and Oar- the McCarthy-Stevens conference le best of their periods on sanitation problems ghe doesn't know about the was on. officials.k were cnutdPrkesa i chemistry department." .conducted, Preketes said. Aides had said Stevens had re- rganization was The Health Department, accord- ceived 100' telegrams nearly all an educational ing to Dr. Engelke, faces two major G7 its applauding his stand against d, through the problems in keeping conditions in;' SL ' i UP H itS McCarthy. ims and the dis- Ann Arbor restaurants on a sound - McCarthy never has accused ,h literature, to basis. Flash Secton Stevens of "Communist coddling t conditions. "Many restaurants," he said, He has praised him as "a fine Mibiee~tTC ta re 1^. tt~ra 1'9iio c iri i ilunuivig tiU l neetings are be- ilth officials, he7 to explain, "The man hasn't theI to in ft,,n a are housed In buildings which 3 make it impossible for the man-; agement to conduct a health oper- ation." Thcahnlgac lioalka r :- A suggestion to the' Board in American" but complained tb Control of ' Inter-Collegiate Ath- Stevens was a "dupe" of perso. letics that the Block M' section seeking to cover up the plotting be moved down in the football sta- alleged Red agents in the Army. hat ns pof ti I i