._ n _ _ _..__ ... _.. .. .. _ ..
Daily Managing Editor
WHEN President Hatcher announced for-
mation of the Student Affairs Commit-
tee study group in October; observers clos-
est to student government anticipated that
the investigation would extend far beyond
the SAC if a worthwhile evaluation were to
be made of this powerful University commit-
tee. The situation was not without prece-
dent; just the year before a student commit-
tee had spent months discussing the com-
plex maze of student government and posed
the question of extensive reorganization
though it came to no solution.
It was not surprising, then, that Profes-
sor Laing, chairman of the SAC study
committee, found it necessary to ask the
President for authorization to extend the
investigation and submit recommenda-
tions encompassing the complete student
government area. Indeed, the question is
not over the necessity of reorganization,
but the more fundamental issue of creat-
ing an effective, coordinate student gov-
ernment out of the organizations and tra-
ditions of the campus and assigning this
government the necessary functions and
duties which by their nature fall within
the area of student life and responsibility.
Under the plan now being considered by
the Laing committee, a group of perhaps 20
students forming the Student Executive
Council would assume the functions of both
SAC and the Student Legislature. The coun-
cil would have perhaps seven presidents of
student organizations to provide the "ex-
perience" element, and 13 -elected members
to lend the "representation" factor, though it
is assumed that the small number of elected
positions would encourage exceptional stu-
dent leaders to run for election thereby
bringing further experience to the council's
It is contemplated that the elected stu-
dents would head up major committees with
ex officio members acting mostly as voting
advisors. In this manner a whole secretariat
could be set up under a well defined commit-
tee structure, and the students having major
responsibilities as president of their own
groups would not be burdened with detail
work. The council's president would be se-
lected by the entire group from among the
elected members.
A review committee comprised of the
council chairman, a faculty member and
the Dean of Students (or the University
Vice-President for Student Affairs if this
position is created) would pass on the
council's motions and nominations to Un-
iversity committees. It is expected that
under such a system the review board
would leave wide discretion to the coun-
cil in most matters as the group evolved
and would consider only the most import-
ant decisions of the council.
If the council were financially supported
and acknowledged by the University as the
student government, and if it were not hin-
dered by a paternalistic administration, an
extremely effective student government
could be created. The importance of the plan
lies in its recognition of the ticklish suprem-
acy situation on campus and of the lack of
respect given SL in the past by the admin-
istration. To the extent that these problems,
insurmountable under the present chaotic
student government situation, are success-
fully solved, the change will create some ben-
efits for the University community. But the
council idea will not be a real improvement
unless it has within it the spirit and ques-
tioning vitality which the Legislature has
brought the campus in its debates and reso-
lutions on major campus problems over the
last seven years.
The council will be of no use unless it can
effectively work, as SL did, for the Thanks-
giving Holiday, extension of library hours
and student participation on important Uni-
versity committees. It must not be afraid
to handle issues such as the bias clause
problem, the final exam fiasco, the Lecture
Committee problem, driving ban reform, and
other questions to which SL has given its
In short, the council must do far more
than coordinate, handle SAC regulations
and take over SL appointment duties to
be effective-it must also encompass the
vast field of legislation undertaken by SL
and have more attention paid to its de-
cisions than have often been given to the
Because the council idea can result in an
effective student government with these
qualities, it is important now for student
leaders to work with the Laing committee toj
ensure that the council plan fulfills its re-
quirements, rather than to criticize .the planj
before it reaches full development.
Election Rules
been rumored a hall mark of Michigan
it is difficult to believe the Legislature is
really about to take one 'baby-step' toward
honesty in future ballot-counts.
Past election laws have been marked
by such irregularities as failure to issue
prospective voters registration cards cer-
tifying they are able to vote and later
refusing them the right to vote, "mis-
takes" in the printing of election rules,
failure to secure persons from both par-
ties as vote-counters and direct refusal
of challengers at the polls.
If a proposal of Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams passes the Legislature at least one of
McCarthy vs. the U.S. Army-
Is He Losing His Touch.?
Associate Editorial Director
THE BOUT between McCarthy and the
Army seems to be a draw. The Army
isn't winning and McCarthy is losing.
It isn't that McCarthy has begun to pull
his punches. It's just that he isn't landing'
them with the old force. The 'why' and 'so
what' of this fact are crucial questions
about the Senator.
In his tussle with the Army McCarthy
has gone too far. He has called a much de-
corated general "a disgrace to the uniform."
He has called the Secretary of the Army
"a fine dupe." He has accusetl the United
States Army if "coddling Communists." He
has created a mythical spy ring at a U.S.
Army base.
Is McCarthy losing his touch?
McCarthy needs two things to stay on
top. McCarthyism is not a positive pro-
gram; it is an attack. Therefore he must
first have political enemies on a large scale.
Second, he must point to a continuing
national danger which he is uniquely able
to diagnose and meet.
These conditions were present when
Truman was in the White House and
Acheson in the State Department; when
Mao was kicking Chaing out of China and
winning in Korea.
Then, few GOP members stirred when the
Senator spoke of 205 Communists in the
State Department. And they didn't squawk
when he slandered Truman, Acheson and
Thus McCarthyism was made.
But now the Republicans are in power.
The names of Eisenhower, Dulles and Wil-
son are not to be substituted. And his fel-
low Republicans are not now willing to
make room for the Senator's drive to per-
sonal power.
Also under Republican rule the supply of
"subversives" to be "exposed" is limited.
He must seek them elsewhere.
He's tried and failed with the Army. No
one gets upset about unknown GE employ-
ees. He can't touch the big names or the
big government agencies without risking
party support.
Is McCarthy on the way out?
He has been chastised by the President
for his intemperate attacks. The Admin-
tration and GOP Congressman have tried
to squeeze McCarthy out of the investigat-
ing limelight.
Last fall in his radio answer to Truman
on the White case, the Senator made a des-
peration move. He .presented himself as
the chief issue in the fall elections. A man
with strong cards would not have taken
such a risk-the Democrats might well win.
If the Democrats do win and if this
does mean the subsequent decline of Mc-
Carthy, there can be no complacency. It
is easier to attack a man than an idea.
Important factions of the GOP while fear-
ing McCarthy's power drive, accept and
use his methods.
Joseph McCarthy may go. But his cre-
ation will remain.
"Hurry Up With That Dragon. The Audience
Is Getting Impatienit"
'I -I
\ '
1 - 3 i ! S -
re Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Hands Out to the Senator
THIS IS A defense of, a justification for,
and an appreciation of McCarthyism.
One of the inherent paradoxes of every
ideology is that its internal strength ebbs
as it becomes more generally accepted
This is a true of political ideals as it is
of any, but perhaps it is most easily seen
in the field of religion.
The ideals of Christianity have long been
accepted by the Western World, but where
is there to be found the fervor and devo-
tion of the early Christians that made it
possible for the ideals to survive? The
willingness to give up one's life for his
convictions, to become a martyr for his
idealsa is not even palely reflected in mo-
dern man. The man who six days a week
gets out of bed, wakes up, and goes to work,
and on the seventh day gets out of bed,
goes to church, returns home, and wakes
up is too common to be ignored.
Those who deliver sermons every Sunday
recognize this problem. It seems, however,
that the more you preach against apathy
and indifference, the more apathetic and in-
different people get. Apathy and indiffer-
ence are unpleasant words which are never-
theless apropos for the religious and moral
attitude of today. This attitude could mean
the eventual loss of Christianity's ideals,
unless something comes along and wakes
people up.
Likewise in the political situation. The
ideals of liberal democracy have Jiecome
obscured by their apparent safety. Not
many have been disposed to give con-
scious thought to civil and political liber-
ties, because they had lost their contro-
versial aspects. Since no one objected to
their existence for such a long time, es-
pecially in this country, no one found it
necessary to get excited about defending
them. Apathy and indifference are again
the right words .
But in this case, there has been something-
on the scene that has brought about a re-
emphasis on the ideals of liberal democracy.
That something is McCarthyism, which at-
tacks liberty in the name of some under-
fined ideal called Americanism. True Amer-
icanism once was synonomous with civil and
political liberty; now its meaning tends to-
wards that of conformity.
Despite the confusion that McCarthyism
has undoubtedly effected, it has jolted the
complacency of many people, which is the
main point here. It has awakened many
people who had taken freedom for granted
as an untouchable fundamental into a re-
alization that they had been taking it for
granted. Many of these have cried out
against creeping infringements on the free-
dom which they had thought to be as per-
manent as the electric light bulb.
Not all of them have defended free-
dom in the calmest and most intelligent
manner, but neither has it been besieged
in that way. What is important, however,
is that freedom .is being defended and its
delicate position recognized. Some of the
protestations against McCarthyism have
been coherent, and probably more will be.
But, again, the significance is in the fact
that the protestations are made at all.
And it may be this that in the final anal-
ysis saves the liberal democratic way of
Logically, these protestations and this re-
emphasis could not have happened if it
were not for McCarthyism, or something
like it. So, if liberty is preserved by this
awakening to the peril of apathy and in-
difference, we can thank Senator Joseph
McCarthy and his fellow travelers.
-Jim Dygert
(Continued from Page 2) t
Teacher Candidates: Mr. Truemner,1
Administrative Assistant in Flint, Mich-
igan, Public Schools, will be on campus
Thurs., Feb. 25, to interview all elemen-
tary teachers and secondary teachers
interested in Flint. For appointments,
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511,p
Ext. 489.E
Interviews for Summer Employment.
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New
York City willhave representatives at
the Bureau of Appointments Thurs.,.
Feb. 25, to talk to all interested actu-t
arial students regarding summer em-
ployment. Juniors and seniors or grad-1
uate students returning to school next
fall are eligible to interview. Pleasc call(
371 for appointments.1
Summer Employment. The Bureau of
Appointments will have a meeting from
1 to 5 p.m., Thursday afternoon, Feb.1
25, at the Michigan Union in Room 3-A.1
All students interested in camping, re-t
sort, business, or industrial work for
this summer are invited to attend.
Mon., March 1:
Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford,
Conn., will have representatives at the
Bureau of Appointments on March 1 to
interview June men graduates in Bus.
Ad., LS&A, or Law for positions in the
Group Field Service Department; in
casualty and group underwriting; and
in agency, claim, or branch administra-
tion. June women graduates who are4
interested In these types of positions1
are also invited to schedule appoint-'
OWENS-CORNING Fiberglas Corp. In
Toledo, Ohio, will visit the campusront
March 1 to talk with June men grad-
uates, Bus. Ad. or LS&A, about employ-)
ment in sales, production, purchasing,1
cost control, accounting, and personne.
Tusday, March 2:
The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, will
hold a group meeting and film showing
on March 2 at 4 p.m. in 4051 Admin-
istration Building. (See Interviews on
IWed. and Thurs., March 3 and 4). l
La Salle Steel Co. in Chicago, Ii., will
have interviewers at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on March 2 to talk with
June men graduates in Accounting.1
Cold Metal Products Co., Youngs-
town, Ohio, will be on the campus on
March 2 to interview June Bus. Ad. and]
LS&A men graduates for positions ini
production management or Industrial
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., of Ak-
ron, Ohio, will have representatives at1
the Bureau on March 2 to interview
June men graduates, Bus. Ad. or LS&AI
for employment in credit, sales, field
accounting, and retread shop manage-
Wed., March 3:
The Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland,
Ohio, will visit the campus on March 3
to talk with June Bus. Ad. and Indus-]
trial Management men graduates about1
the company's production training pro-4
Wed. and Thurs., March 3 and 4:
The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, will
have interviewers at the Bureau onI
March 3 and 4 to talk with Bus. Ad.4
and LS&A June men graduates about
the organization's Executive Training
Program in merchandising, personnel,;
warehousing, transportation, account-1
ing and real estate.
Thurs., March 4:
The National Carbon Co. of New York
City will be on the campus on March 44
to interview June men graduates in
Bus. Ad. or LS&A for positions in sales
or office administration.
Chase National Bank, New York City,
will have representatives at the Bureau
of Appointments on March 4 to talk
with Bus. Ad., LS&A, or Law June
men graduates about the bank's Exec-
utive Training Program in commercial'
Moorman Manufacturing Co., Quincy,1
Il., will visit the Bureau on March 4 to
interview June Bus. Ad. and LS&A men
graduates for the company's sales train-
ing program. .
Friday, March 5:t
Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo.
Mich., will be on the campus on March
5 to talk with June men graduates in'
Bus. Ad. and LS&A about positions in
industrial sales.
Students wishing to schedule appoint-
ments to see any of the companies list-
ed above may contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3 5 2 8 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fisheries, School of Na-
tural Resources, "Problems and Dis-
coveries in the Metabolism of Lakes as
Disclosed by, the Use of Radioactive
Isotopes," Prof. F. Ronald Hayes, Zoo-
logical Laboratory, of Dalhousie Uni-
versity, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Wed., Feb.
24, 8 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
rector of National Resources Planning
Board, Thurs., 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am-
Academic Notices
The Language Examination for Can-
didates for the M.A. in History will be
given on Fri., Mar. 5, at 4 p.m. in 447
Mason Hal. Dictionaries may be used.
Students who wish to take the examina-
tion must so inform the secretary of the
History Department by February 26.
Corse 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inary in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason
ITHall. Professor Gerard Debreu of the
Cowles Commission University of Chi-
cago, will speak on "Linear Spaces and
Economic Optimum."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet alternate Thursdays from 2-4
p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. The topic will
be "Sequential Analysis." The first
meeting will be held Thurs., Feb. 25,
at which Professor Craig will speak.
Topology Seminar will meet on Wed.,
Feb. 24 at 11 a.m., 3017 Angell Hall. Pro-
fessor E. E. Moise will speak on "Fais-
Events Today
The Delta Chapter of Phi Lambda
Upsilon, national honorary chemical
society, will hold its initiation meeting
this evening at 7:15 p.m. (business) In
the West Conference Room. Rackham.
Dr. R. G. Folsom, Director of E.R.I.
will speak on "A Molecular Pilgrim's
Progress" (High Vacuum Flow). The
public Is cordially invited. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Wesleyan Guild. Regular Mid-Week
Refresher tea, 4-5:30, today in the
Public Relations Forum, this after-
noon, 3 p.m., in Architecture Auditor-
ium. Students and faculty are invited.
Lane Hall Symposium. "A Stubborn
Faith for a Tough Age," by Dr. Allan
Knight Chalmers Professor of Preach-
ing and Applied Christianity, Boston
University School of Theology. Coffee
and discussion following. Lane Hall Li-
brary, this evening, 8 pn.
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group: "The Church in Mod-
ern Society," tonight at 7 p.m.
J.G.P. Makeup Committee Meeting
Correction. The J.G.P. Makeup Commit-
tee meeting scheduled for 4 p.m. today
will be held at 7:15 p.m. a week from
today (Wed., Mar. 3).
S.R.A. Workcamp Committee will
meet at Lane Hall, today .at 4:00 p.m.
Young Republicans. The Secretary of
State for the State of Michigan, the
Hon. Owen (Pat) J. Cleary, will speak at
the Young Republican Club tonight. Mr.
Cleary is an avowed candidate for the
Republican nomination for Governor.
The meeting will be held at 7:45 in the
Union tonight and is open to all pros-
pective new members and to interested
observers. Refreshments will be served.
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men report to T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. in uni-
Pershing Rifles. All freshmen and
sophomore Army and Air Force ROTC
cadets-wishing to join Pershing Rifles,
report to T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. (7:25 p.m.)
in uniform. Brush up on the school of
the soldier and airman without arms,
Student League for Industrial De-
mocracy. There will be an organization-
al meeting of SLID in Room 3-S of the
Union at 7:15 sharp. This meeting is
vital to the formation of a chapter on
campus. All interested students and
faculty are cordially invited.
J.G.P. Central Committe. There will
be a J.G.P. Central Committee meeting
at 8:30 p.m. tonight at the League. All
members please be present.
ULLR Ski Club will meet tonight at
7:30 p.m. in the Union. Featured at-
tractions will be a motion picture and
refreshments. Everyone should attend.
Roger Williams Guild. Wednesday
Tea, 4:30 to 6:00, at the Guild House.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club and the
Linguistics Club will hold a joint meet-
ing on Thurs., Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. in
Room 3R, Michigan Union. Professor
C. C. Fries of the English Department
will lead a discussion on "Linguistics
and Literary Criticism." All interested
students and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
To the Editor
SDEMOCRACY is a word that i
{ used rather loosely nowdays
Governments of the totalitarian
Left vociferously proclaim "Peo-
ple's Democracies" which are, in
fact, the very nemesis of democra-
cy. Democracy, to them, means
forced agreement, monolithic au-
thority, and the ruthless suppres-
sion of dissenting opinion.
Again, the rejuvenated neo-
fascist elements in foreign coun-
tries, along with the fast-growing
right-wing reactionary movement
in this country currently manifest-
ed in McCarthyism, have given lip-
service to democractic ideals and
methods, but resort to political
persecution, suppression of free
speech and similar devices to at-
tain their sinister goals.
The Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy offers what it be-
lieves to be a more valid definition
of democracy: a society character-
ized by democratic planning in the
interests of the community-at-
large rather than special interests,
with full control of the economic
and political life of the natiol
vested in the People.
A democracy is often killed by
default. It is kept alive only
through the active participation of
all its members in all important
phases of common life. Therefore,
SLID, a non-partisan organization,
seeks to promote greater active
participation on the part of cl-
lege students in the resolution of
present-day social problems.
SLID offers no sure-fire answer
to these problems. It is frankly'
suspicious of any "cure-all" de-
signed to eliminate all social prob-
lems in one fell swoop. It does
subscribe, however, to the philos-
ophy of John Dewey, its late Hon-
orary President, which asserts that
Man, as a rational being, is ca-'
pable of shaping his own destiny;
that the economic, social and po-
litical systems of a nation needn't
riccochet chaotically and perilous-
ly under the guidance of non-
existant "natural laws."
With these broad aims in mind,
SLID offers an urgent invitation to
you to help us with fresh ideas and
a non-dogmatic approach, to
search for the solutions to our
problems. The Michigan Chapter
will be completely autonomous,
free to carry out its own program.
There will be an organizational
meeting on Wed. night, Feb. 24, at
7:15 p.m. in room 3-S of the
-Arthur Cornfeld
SLID's Job...
To the Editor:
THE LETTER to the editor con-
cerning the organization of a
Student League for Industrial De-
velopment on campus interested
me very much. Although I would
be less severe than Mr. Seid in my
condemnation of the existing po-
litical organizations oncampus, I
would agree with his general
theme that these said groups have
tended to become static. Of course,
that is indicative of the attitude of
the student body as a whole con-
cerning such matters. Obviously,
there is not a keen enough inter-
est in the political and social prob-
lems which face our nation today.
There are a few who honestly try
to make these organizations work-
able, but a few is not enough. It
is evident that there has been a
pronounced lack of new ideas in-
troduced into our University om-
munity in the past year. How
much real debate and discussion
(two of the fundamental safe-
guards of our liberal society) have
taken place on campus this year
over the crucial probleis of state?
How many members of these or-
trips, picnic, etc.). Michigan Union,
Room 3-M, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 25.
Refreshments. All interested are invited.
Kappa Phi. There will be a supper
meeting Thurs., Feb. 25, at the Metho-
dist Church, at 5:15 p.m.
Young Democrats will meet Thurs.,
Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m., in Room 3-L of the
IUnion. Mr. Charles W. Eliot, former
Executive Director of the Natural Re-
sources Planning Board, will speak on
"Natural Resource Policy of the Dem-
ocrats and Republicans." All members
please try to attend. Any students in-
terested in Mr. Eliot's views on re-
source policy will be welcome.
La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria.
Everyone is welcome to this informal
coffee-hour where only French is spok-
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Feb. 25, from 4:30 to 6,
third floor, Rackham Building.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Feb. 25, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
ganizations ar aware of the so-
cial and economic consequences of
the political moves at Washing-
It seems that SLID may be able
to offer an answer to this prob-
lem. At least I sincerely hope so.
The program as outlined seems to
be a good start in the right direc-
tion. What we need desperately
these days is a new approach to
our problems; the old way has
proven itself a failure. Above all
else we need intelligent criticism,
and if SLID can criticize intelli-
gently and supply a new program
of action, it will have my full sup-
port. If the organization does
nothing more than create an in-
tellectual ferment on this campus,
I would say it has performed a
great service for the University.
-Arthur White
* * *
On Chanplain ..
To the Editor:
CONCERNING Mr. Lawrence's
letter Sunday, I would suggest
prior to the gentleman's "huge
leaps in logical assumption" that
he make some effort to establish
the accuracy of his own initial
Champlain College was intend-
ed to be a permanent institution.
To substantiate this statement
may I quote:
"Gov. Dewey approved today the
master plan of the State Univers-
ity's Trustees for establishing
four year liberal arts colleges at
Plattsburg and Endicott . . . his
approval cleared the way for set-
ting up the four colleges as per-
manent members of the State Uni-
versity System.
"Champlain College, which has
been operated at Plattsburg by
the Associated Colleges of Upper
New York, is scheduled to come
into the State University System
as a permanent four year liberal
arts college about June 1st .."
(New York Times April 26, 1950)
As a former student at Cham-
plain, I can verify that the college
was integrated into the State Uni-
versity System on June 1st, 1950.
While I do not wish to be associ-
ated in any attempt tht the
L.Y.L. may make to overthrow the
American Way of Life, I was, na-
turally, somewhat indignant at
the slanderous attack on a former
educational instituion which was,
unhappily, liquidated by the com-
bined power emanating from up-
per New York state militarism and
Gov. Dewey's desire to balance the
-Max Mazur
A Difference . ..
To the Editor:
RE: Sobeloff's article on crowd-
ing of sardines and various
other animals:
1. Since sardines are dead they
are immobile.
2. Since students are alive they
are mobile.
3. Since students are human
they are naturally gregarious.
4. Since architects are designers
of structures they are not respon-
sible for the movement of people
therein after construction.
I propose then that, if students
would at least momentarily re-
strain their urge for social inter-
course while in the lobby of Ma-
son Hall and use their God-given
mobility, architects would no long-
er be compared to sardine canners
and students no longer compared
to sardines (which lack the ability
to alleviate their crowded condi-
-W. C. McIntosh
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..............,..City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........ Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye......... .... ... Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg... .Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey.. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger....,Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden .... ,... Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
Member of The Assnciatea PPre
Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-In order to understand
wild Bill Langer's battle against the
confirmation of Earl Warren as Chief Jus-
tice of the United States you have to know
something about one of the most indepen-
dent, unpredictable, colorful, and cantank-
erous members of the U.S. Senate. You also
have to know something about that little
motive called revenge, never quite absent in
politics. 1
First, let It be noted that this writer,
who predicted May 24, 1953, that Earl
Warren would be appointed Chief Justice,
believes he should have been confirmed
long ago. I disagree most emphatically
with both Langer and my contemporary,
Westbrook Pegler, who claims Warren is
not fit to sit on the Supreme Court be-
cause he once wrote a letter to James
Petrillo, head of the Musicians Union.
Warren has one of the finest records of
any man in public life today, as has been
noted time after time in this column; and
the Republicans would have won had they
nominated him for President in 1948 instead
of Tom Dewey.
However, politics being what it is, and the
Senate having been given the power to pass
on judicial nominations, let's take a look at
the motives of the colorful and unpredict-
able Senator from North Dakota. They were
Motive No. 1 was to show some of his
colleagues what it's like to smear unsub-
stantiated charges on the Congressional
Record, as McCarthy has been doing. Few
Republican Senators have protested when
McCarthy poured all sorts of reckless and
unverified charges into the record against
Gen. George Marshall, Dean Acheson, and
scores of others. Langer, who has never
gone along with McCarthy on these, figur-
ed that what's sauce for the goose is sauce
for the gander.
Motive No. 2 was to retaliate against his
fellow Republicans for what they did to him.
NOT SO MANY people know it, but when
the Republican Senate convened one
year ago, Langer was the only Republican
not permitted to take his seat except con-
ditionally. Senator McCarthy was permitted
to take his seat, despite one of the most
devastating reports ever submitted against
a fellow Senator.
But when a group of Republicans from
North Dakota, headed by Joe Bridston of
Grand Forks, came to Washington to pro-
test Langer's election, various Republican
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher SL Academic Freedom Sub-Commis-