FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1954 FOUR TIlE MICliI(iAi% IiAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARX 21, 19~4 The Case of Mr. Goldsmith By VIRGINIA VOSS Daily Editorial Director T HE CURRENT (March 2) issue of the Reporter magazine devotes several of its 40-odd pages to a provocative and well- handled account of an actual government security case, fictionalized as Bernard Gold- smith. Unlike the numerous descriptiions of the ordeal of security investigation, the Re- _orter's study leaves no room for hesi- tation as to which side is white, which black, and neither does it give any basis for pointing fingers in both directions. Mr. Goldsmith is a Time magazine-read- ing, PTA-belonging former Boy Scout whose most out of the ordinary occupa- tion is serving as part-time lawyer for a housing development. The American Le- gion would like to have him if he were eligible. Unlike Milo Radulovich there is no potential for guilt by association with Goldsmith's family - his daughter has won an Indeplendence Day essay contest, his like-father son is a confirmed Boy Scout, his wife on one occasion put chairs in the yard when she learned a possible Communist was to make a business call on a resident brother. Goldsmith's most consistent characteristic is moderation, ad logically, he should be less susceptible to security charges than McCarthy him- self. This is precisely' the Reporter's point, made unobtrusively but powerfully in the 1John Hersey manner. Specifically, the ar- ctile is directed against the innovations of the Eisenhower Administration in the se- curity regulation field. It points out paren- thetically that "under the new security pro- gram anyone accused must be suspended immediately" while Truman's policy had allowed agencies to weigh the charges against the sensitivity of the accused's job. It dramatizes the increasingly bureaucratic ,nature of the proceedings with the revela- tion that Goldsmith's case, although termed not guilty by the hearing board, must go before a new, additional review board, where as the Reporter went to press it still rested. That the article makes its point and dramatizes its tragedy so clearly is de- pendent to a great extent on the char- acter of Goldsmith himself. If the quiet- ly diligent, moderate American can be trapped by nameless accusers, then there is obviously something sadly ridiculous about the security set-up. But the very fact that the impact of Goldsmith's bewildering plight is so depen- dent on the uniformity of his Americanism suggests something even more distasteful than the case itself. Would the Reporter, or any reporter, be able to convince the public in favor of one who had not belonged to the Boy Scouts, one whose wife didn't put chairs outside when a possible Communist was coming to call? Not to take any .validity from either the Reporter's article or Mr. Goldsmith's case, the answer I think is a decided-and regretful-no. Packing Them In IT IS A LITTLE known but fascinating fact that sardines are packed so tightly in the tin because the sardine oil they come in is more expensive than the sardines them- selves. Under t1ie economic circumstances, crowd- ing the sardines seems quite sensible. Of course, sardines are dead. Other- wise, if they were jammed in that way, right thinking people would protest. You can't treat live animals that way-public opinion and the ASPCA will get you. On closer inspection, a natural three-part division of the animal kingdom suggests :t- self. 1) Nearly all species of live animals: can- not be crowded. 2) Dead animals, especially fish: can be crowded with impunity. 3) University students: same as dead fish, apparently, in the opinion of whoever de- signed the Mason Hall lobby. -Jon Sobeloff ECURRENT MOVIES~ Architecture Auditorium FIVE FINGERS, with James Mason and Dannielle Dartieux. WITH a minimum of the usual spy movie hysterics "Five Fingers" is a clean, sus- penseful interpretation of the "biggest spy of them all," ostensibly true. And, barring a few developments at the end which smack of a inematic code of ethics, the tale is quite believable. James Mason, as the spy "Cicero," is a man whose morals extend no further than his pocketbook. By cleverly playing Ger- mans against British and a countess against both of them he manages to sell enough information to wreck the Allied war plans for the last world war. He is suave and cool in the most ticklish situa- tions, a beautiful example for anyone con- sidering espionage as a livelihood. The Polish countess, Dannielle Darrieux, is a- memebr of the Riviera set who also seems to be out to get the most for her mon- ey. Michael Rennie, the British counter-es- pionage agent, is perhaps a little too ortho- . dox; the same might be said for the count- + ART + By MARVIN FELHEIM ephant Boy" and "Moana," Mrs. Flaherty Professor of English has captured, with real beauty, a number of N CONNECTION with the English Depart- magnificent studies in mood and atmos- ment sponsored Festival of the Films of phere; "Indian Girl" and "The Breadfruit Robert Flaherty, the Museum of Art is cur- Tree" are exquisite silhouettes, reminiscent rently displaying in its South Gallery a col- of the Japanese prints which influenced lection of 67 handsome photographs made Whistler and others. The subtle textures of both by Robert Flaherty and his wife, Fran- "Monkey Mother and Child" and "Woman ces H. Flaherty. The display is divided into Making Tapa Cloth" emphasize the intimacy four subject groupings: arctic scenes, which of man and animals and nature, a central are stills from the film, "Nanook of the theme in all Flaherty's work. The clarity of North," and pictures taken in India, in Sa- "Chamundi Temple Procession" or a"Head- moa and on the Aran Islands. A fine sensi- dress of Human Hair" is striking and tense, tivity characterizes all these works; they for it conveys a feeling of action that is as present some beautifully organized patterns dramatic as it is clear-cut. of people and animals in striking natural set- The Aran Group, finally, offers many of tings; and their chief merit is that they al- the same values, Outstanding are the por- low a leisurely contemplation of the photog- traits, especially the charming one of Mi- raphers' skill: an awareness of human dig- chael Dillane. All of these pictures have nity, a feeling for texture, and an exciting the somber quality associated with the use of light and shadows. There are many subject matter; they reflect the struggle fine examples of all of these qualities. of man intimately at grips with nature in "Pulling up Curragh in Storm" and yet The Eskimo group consists mainly of. they offer, in such a study as "Maggie Car- blue-tinted copperplate engravings which rying Kelp in Storm," a haunting sense of show Robert Flaherty's brilliant use of atmosphere and a feeling for beauty at snowy natural settings. Especially impres- once tragic anci fragile, which character- sive are the sensitive portraits of Allegoo, izes all this work. an Eskimo girl, and of two men, Sapa and This exhibit of photographs is not a mere Tooktoo. addendum to the Film Festival. It stands on The most dramatic an( st pictures in its own; it shows the photographer's fine the collection are those r :n and Samo- integration of technique and content; it of- an subjects. In these 1 aphs, evident- fers a really first-rate artistic experience to ly taken while her husb.. _. was filming "El- the visitor. Organizational Shrinkage "He Said 'Recession' " -n t J tettei' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications fromits readers on matters of general interest, and will publish All letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. " 4 " .U "I, w Y ! ., - t / ft f rt fj t95'' 'R#6 W.+'d{{t' .1 ta't'f'a'd nv.."' .- " .. '' ;,' _'' ' :. " ,,,,. '. y. T THE CURRENT lack of interest in student sponsored activities, which has received so much attention in connection with the re- cent resignation of eight Student Legislature members, has even deeper ramifications than the possible failure of organized, democratic student representation on this campus. The root of the problem seems to lie in another area. SL is not the only stu- dent organization which faces the prob- lem of slackening membership interest. Po- litical clubs and many non-political organ- izations have recently found that on a campus of 17,000 they cannot find a group of 30 or even 20 people interested enough to work hard for a specific goal. It is hard to believe that these people do not exist, that the large majority of students are not even potentially interested in any one of a number of worthwhile organizations which are currently on the down grade. The problem seems to be one of reaching these people-a problem of social contact -and it is in this area that the Michigan campus falls down sadly. Students who live most of ther lives in large dormitories, or in fraternity, sorority or league houses in some distant corner of the campus, who never even speak to the person who sits next to them in a large lec- ture section, are not likely to be well inform- ed on major campus issues. The traditional "wide variety of influences," which theoret- ically affect any student at a large, diverse University, are not reaching a great per- centage of the student body. Under condi- tions in which it is easy to become bound up in one's own little circle of friends, the 30 S+ MU Rackham Auditorium . . Reginald Kell Players: Reginald Kell, clarinet; Melvin Ritter, violin; Aurora Natola, cello; and Joel Rosen, piano. A DISTINCTIVE, well-planned, and thor- oughly enjoyable concert was performed last night by this group which bears the name of the most famous of concert clar- inetists. The general impression which this reviewer had of the playing was one of wonderful control, interpretative rightness, and a certain quality of ease and noncha' lance which was most refreshing In an en- deavor such as chamber playing, which is often taken with such deadly seriousness. The music seemed to flow from the instru- ments of its own momentum, as though there were no performers there at all. Clar- inetists (at least, those I have known) differ violently in their opinions of Mr. Kell's playing. To me his playing is always a de- light. His tone can be mellow or pungent, his dynamic range is a remarkable phe- nomenon, and he is musician enough to subordinate his instrument to the other players. Oh yes, let's not forget the other players! The quality of their musicianship was quite on the same level as Mr.. Kell's, and they seemed to have many similar traits-all of which amounted to a most satisfying ensemble. The first number on the program was the Trio in C minor for piano and strings by Beethoven. A stunning work (especial- ly for an Opus 1) it was played with exactly the right tempi, phrasing, and style by Miss Natola and Messrs. Ritter and Rosen. The group sounded like one that had been playing together for years. Then Mr. Kell joined the violinist and pianist for an extraordinary performance I people which the Student Legislature now needs so desperately never get a chance to learn what these groups are planning and doing from the people involved directly in them. Accentuating this situation, and perhaps in part caused by it, is the attitude which has been labeled "University paternalism." University officials seem to feel that in deal- ing with a large student body they are called upon to regulate rather than stimulate so- cial activity. Students must not attend ille- gal parties, women must be safely behind closed doors by 10:30 p.m. on week days. As the University grows in size these prob- lems will become more and more acute. Yet the administration continues to build large dormitories, bigger and more streamlined lecture halls. The personal element which is so important to the process of learning is be- coming more and more scarce. The problem is a difficult one for stu- dents to tackle. The person who obeys all of the regulations and allows himself to be carried along by the trend could (and usually does) find his life in Ann Arbor a very dull one. Yet some change in attitude must occur on the part of the students as well as within the administration. Unless the University realizes that it has a duty to encourage so- cial contact and exchange of ideas, unless students decide that they will not allow some of the most vital aspects of extra-curricular life on this campus to die, much of the stim- ulating atmosphere which is supposed to be characteristic of a University community will die with it. -Phyllis Lipsky tTHE WEEK ON CAMPUS THE SEMI-ANNUAL parade of Independent men through the solid oak doors of 44 fraternity houses began this week and brought to a total of 1,250 the number of men beginning rushing activities dur- ing the present academic year. FALL VS. SPRING - Sorority rushing hit a peak of controversy as Independent women, through the Assembly Association, came out strongly against the present system of fall rushing. Assembly argued that fall rushing forces the individual to choose a living system before evaluating completely the dormitory system, that it prevents adjust- ment to academic work and that it gives those girls who "don't make it" a loss of confidence in themselves. Panhellenic retorted weakly. Others wondered what right Independent women had in judging soror- ity matters. * * * * A SILENT JUDICIARY - Making formal its new policy, Joint Judiciary told the campus it would not release any names of group vi- olations brought to it nor any names of prominent individuals involved in disputes or action of a public nature. The Daily senior editors took issue with the Judiciary stand feeling the campus-at-large has a right to know the names of the affiliated groups bearing the weight of judiciary fines as well as the typical punishments that are imposed for violations of University regulations. * * * * MSC AND UNIVERSITY FIGHT IT OUT - Although Michigan State College's administration dropped its request that MSC become Michigan State University before the name-change could be killed in a Lansing committee. the growing struggle between MSC and the Uni- versity continued. MSC President John Hannah lashed out at the claim that University appropriations are being lessened by MSC's mushroom growth. President Hatcher, however, denied he had ever made the charge. Outsiders meanwhile saw seemingly-inevitable larg- er struggles for power, money and prestige between the two institu- tions. WHAT SORT GOVERNMENT-While Student Legislature ap- pointments kept barely one jump ahead of those resigning from the Legislature, the committee studying the composition of the Student Affairs Committee got President Hatcher's go-ahead on a study that would consider reorganization of all student government on campus. The ratio of student "experts" to student representatives on the new council will be discussed by the committee which is scheduled to make its complete report on campus government no later than April 1. _ * * * s A NEW LIGHT - At least a part of the campus seemed no longer to be basking in the charges of "apathy" so long hurled at it. A new political group-the Student League of Industrial Democracy-an- nounced it might beome an official campus organization before next week. SLID is expected to be more labor-oriented than any other campus organization and, if approved, may bring Norman Thomas, former Socialist candidate for President, and Victor Reuther to speak on campus. -Dorothy Myers DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Facts. To the Editor: OF THE 4096 undergraduate wo- men registered in September,, 1953, 86% lived in organized Uni- versity-supervised housing (Resi- dence Halls, sororities, League Houses, University-owned co-op- eratives, I.C.C. co-operatives);, 8.6% lived either at their parents' homes, commuted from the sur- rounding towns, or, being mar- ried, lived in an apartment with their husband; 4% of unmarried{ undergraduate women lived either in an apartment or, predominant- ly, rented a room in someone's private home. Thus, well over four-fifths of the undergraduate Michigan women are represented in the women's senate. -Miss Deborah Bacon Dean of Women L.I.D. . . . To The Editor: DURING THE past few years there has been an obvious de- cline in political controversy on campus, a gradual withering away of sharply defined issues. There remains today the Young Repub- licans, a most dormant group, the Young Democrats, a weak and pathetic image of the fiery New Dealers, and the Students for Democratic Action, a good idea, but little more. Now, a small but determined group is attempting to begin a political organization that has a program, underlying the funda- mental philosophy that a society of men has certain problems, and these problems must be dealt with in a scientific manner until a satisfactory solution is found. The new organization will be known as the Student League for Indus- trial Democracy, more commonly known as SLID. The details of the National L.I.D. platform are unimportant here, suffice it to say that it ascribes to the thinking of John Dewey and Norman Thomas, that man can alter society for his own betterment rather than trust- ing to good fortune to do the job for him. Because of the present post war reaction I am forced to point out that this organization is not Communist, not even sym- pathetic, has no danger of appear- ing on anyone's list and is pri- marily interested in the preserva- tion of the United States and its gasping democracy. The intentions of the group generating SLID at the U. of M. are to illustrate to the student body how a genuinely active and informative campus organization can operate. Eminent speakers will appear, not to rehash old issues with decrepit solutions, but to lay open vast questions of im- portance, and solutions that may at worst provoke a little thought. Among those who speak will be Norman Thomas who can teach many of~ the supposedly open minded students a lesson in ob- jectivity and the liberal attitude. I hope that those students and professors truly interested in the problems facing us, rally together in what threatens to become a center of thought and activity, The Student League for Indus- trial Democracy. Further infor- mation can be obtained by con- tacting Arthur Cornfed at 924 E. Ann St., NO 8-8177. -Richard A. Seid was created after the past ,World War, as a temporary college, to handle the anticipated return of veterans to the field of education. It was never intended to be a permanent institute. Even more important, though, is the fact that Champlain College was not the only institute created in New York to handle the overflow of veterans returning to college. In addition to Champlain, the legislature pro- vided that Sampson College should also be created. This Sampson College was created physically from what was, during the war, the largest naval base in the Unit- ed States. Thus, by ignoring the fact that Champlain College was never in- tended to continue to exist as an educational institute, and also by failing to indicate that the same legislature which created Cham- plain College also created a school from what was a huge military establishment, the little L.Y.L. ad- vocates are able to arriv: at the monstrous generalization that e are converting our schools to mii- tary establishments. If the L.Y.L. is ablerto make such a generaliza- tion from. half-truths, is anyone unjustified in assuming that all their policies and statements are derived from similar half-truths? Is anyone unjustified in assuming that any organization which so distorts fact to suit its. own pur- poses is anything more than a pre- judiced, biased organization? And as that organization arrives at conclusions which constantly at- tack our organized government, is anyone wrong in assuming that such an organization is against our formof government? You will note that I have made huge leaps in logical assmnption, and I have based inference on in- ference. But if the ~.Y.L. can adopt a vaguely true statement and make a categorical fact of It then why can't I use the same process to determine that the L.Y.L. is composed of a bunch of liars who are distorting facts to further the cause of Communism in this country? In conclusion, I would like to state that I am opposed to the operations of Senator McCarthy and his organization. I don't feel that such conduct is the way to ferret out certain subversive or- ganizations. But, so long as those subversive organizations continue to attack the American govern- mental processes by the use of distortion and innuendo, I see no reason, except the possible injury to innocent people, why we should not combat such organized distor- tion by similar methods. And I don't see what right the L.Y.L. has to complain that the offer of proof which it submitted was rejected. What possible probative value could it have when it is composed of andabased on, atsbest, half- truths and distortions? If the L.Y.L. is objecting to certain legal procedures used in the rejection of its offer of proof, and if the L.Y.L. attaches so much faith to legality, then let it re- member an old and venerable axiom of the courts of this coun- try that "He who seeks equity must do equity." -Malcolm M. Lawrence .""j .4 1 I r I (it was composed in 1938) the Contrasts bear the mark of sheer genius. This is the composition of a man who has mas- tered all the materials of the composer's trade, and there is not a careless or an ineffective moment in it. It is a work which must simply be heard, not verbal-: ized upon. The second half of the program began with the Trio in A minor, Op. 114, for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano, by Brahms. This is a sober but very beautiful work of Brahms' last period, and is, in addition to its other qualities, a magnificent study in instrumental texture. Except for a few "heroic" phrases which seemed ill-suited to solo clarinet, it is one of the most idiomati- cally successful instrumental works of my acquaintance. Mr. Kell's vibrato would probably have horrified a German clarinet- ist, but he and the other players shaped the work's long melodic lines superbly. The concluding number was the Suite (1937), for Clarinet. Violin, and Piano, by Darius Milhaud. The engagingly light, and at times, almost flippant quality of this work aliost conceals the unerring craftsmanship of virtually all that I have heard of this composer's large output. The work is precisely the right length, and its humor does not become cloying. It has a very pronounced 20th century Gallic ac- cent, although one section, for clarinet and violin alone, had an amusing barn dance flavor. Undoubtedly this was not the intention of the composer. The work was played beautifully, and sent everyone, myself included, home in a good mood. -Dave Tice New Books at Library :' (Continued from Page 2) Confirmation instruction for students. 4:30 p.m., Canterbury House; Supper at 6 p.m., Canterbury House. Evening Prayer at 8 p.m., with Coffee Hour following at Canterbury House. Lutheran Student Association: Meet at the Center, 6:30 p.m., to leave for University Day of Prayer Service, Meth- odist Church. Unitarian Student Group: 7:30 p.m.,. Unitarian Church. Panel discussion on 'Prejudice.' Those needing or able to offer transportation, meet at Lane Hall, 7:15 prompt. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Supper program, 6 p.m. Business meeting and initiation of new members. Westminster Student Fellowship: 9:15 a.m. Breakfast and Seminar: "The Church and the Sacraments." 5:30 p.m., Supper at the Methodist Student Cen- ter. 7 p.m., Students will hear Dr. James Robinson from the Church of thej Master in Harlem, speaking at the World Day of Prayer Servide, Methodist Church Sanctuary. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Prof. Arthur Holmes, Wheaton College. Whea- ton, Illinois, will speak on the subject Mon., Feb. 22, at 4:10 p.m., 3N of the Union. Mr. James Copple, Asst. Actuary of The Penn Mutual, will discuss "Dis- tribution of Surplus." Everyone inter- ested is cordially invited. Refreshments will be served. Music Education Club meeting, 8:30 p.m., Tues., Feb. 23, Michigan League. Important organizational and get-ac- tuainted meeting. All Music Educa- tion majors are urged to come. Re- freshments will be served. The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher Verein will meet on Monday at 3:15 in the Union tap-room. Mr. E. Dabring- haus and Miss K. Johnson, members of the German department faculty, wili be present to aid those who want to practice German conversation. All wel- come. Museum Movies. "Camouflage in Na- ture Through Form and Color Match- ing," and "Camouflage in Nature Through Pattern Making," free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily including Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Museums Building, Feb. 16-22. Atirbilutn nti1 February 15, 1954 Sir: IT IS VERY infrequently that I read or regard the advertise- ments submitted to your paper by the Labor Youth League. Usually, these advertisements appeal to me neither in principle nor content, and I leave their scrutiny to those who feel sympathetic to the caus- es espoused by that organization. Today, while glancing throughx "The Daily" I happened to note Sixty-Fourth Year sections of the most recent state- Edited and managed by students 01 ment sponsored by the L.Y.L. With the University of Michigan under "the reference to certain sections of authority of the Board in Control of that statement, I should like to Student Publications. direct this letter to the busy little men who composed that master- Editorial Staf piece of implied nothing. Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor The opening paragraphs de- Eric vetter..................City Editor scribed the statement as a legal Virginia voss.........Editorial Director document which was submitted to Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor the McCarran Board as an "offer ane D.s uer.Assoc. Editral Direct of proof." If, by legal document, Helene Simon........Associate Editor the zealous little men mean an Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor affidavit of several people which Paul Greenberg...,Assoc. Sports Editor purort tostate that certain peo- Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor purports to straKathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor ple made certain statements, then Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer it can be called a legal document. But if by legal document is meant Business Staff an offer of proof, as it was termed,< then somebody is misapplying le- Thomas Treeger......Business Manager glermisology. I ipleWilliam Kaufman Advertising Manager me Harlean Hankin. ..Assoc. Business Mgr. when people euphemize ordinary William Seiden........Finance Manager terms or concepts by calling them Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager "legal." But the use of legal terms is not Telephone NO 23-24-1 the chief basis of my objection to the most recent statement of the L.Y.L. I am really objecting to Member the one-sided and inaccurate ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS sta~tements regrding~ the conver- i t'1 I A ~1 i t A- "The Inspiration of the Bible." Lane Hall, 4 p.m. All students are invited, LdaMnesh o fiewl anrefreshments will be served. open at 10 a.m. Wed., Feb. 24, for the Newman Club: Formal initiation, 7:30 sale of season tickets for the Depart- All hos wh hae prchsedment of Speech 1954 SPRING PLAY- p.m. All those who have purchased BL.Icue n h re e memberships for fall or spring semester BILL. Included o the series are Rich- are invited to attend. Club pins wvill jard Strauss' comic opera, ARIADNE OF whohavetnottttNAXOs, produced with the School of be given out and those wh av Io Music, March 2-poue6; w h Shakespeare's THE purchased them yet, may do so. Fol- us- kT lowing initiation, Social Mixer at Fa- T7;INd OFnTHH- lowi Rchard enter.27; o and Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hop- ther Richard Center. wood winner, VERANDA ON THE Young Friends Fellowship. 6:30 p.m. HIGHWAY, April 22-24. Season tickets in Lane Hall. Topic: "Ethics and The- are available at $3.25-$2.60-$1.90. Stu- ology." dent season tickets for the three open- Grace Bible Guild. Student Sunday ing nights are $1.50. Tickets for indi- School clas smeets at 10 a.m. with Dr. vidual performances wiil go on sale Pike teaching. Fellowship supper at March 1 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box 6 pn. Office, north end of the Michigan League. EComingi Even is La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow I 1' I