HE~ ea~
Uhlenbeck Tells of Discovery'
"The story begins about 30 years
ago," reflected Prof. George E.
Uhlenbeck of the physics depart-
ment as he began telling of how
he and Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit,
chairman of the physics depart-
ment, at Brookhaven National
Laboratory, came upon the discov-
ery of electron spin.
"Electron spin," explained the
tall, genial professor, "is a con-
cept which had to be determined
before atomic activity could be
explained extensively."
THE DISCOVERY, for which
the men received the 1953 Re-
search Corporation Award, was
made at the University of Leiden
in Holland in 1925 where Prof.
Uhlenbeck and Prof. Goudsmit
worked together studying atomic
"We worked under the guid-
ance of the unforgettable Prof.
Ehrenfast," continued the phy-
sicist. "Our study was quite free,
there were only a few lectures
and the high point of the week
was always the colloquium
where we heard the latest news.
"It soon became clear how far
9ve understood the subject-very
little," mused the scientist refer-
ring to the study of atomic acti-
vity and the papers of Bohr, Pauli
and Lande, authorities on this
subject at that time. "However we
came upon the hypothesis of the
electron spin while we were try-
ing to understand a paper of
"WE THOUGHT of this on an
afternoon late in September, 1925,
and we were a bit excited, but not
too much because if Bohr, Pauli
and the other great men had not
mentioned it, it was probably be-
cause it was all nonsense, but of
course we told Ehrenfest."
They soon discovered that
their idea was not nonsense,
but that they had determined
the concept of electron spin
which has since been one of the
cornerstones of modern physics.
Born in Batavia, Java, Prof.
Uhlenbeck attended high school
in The Hague then went to Lei-
den where he received his PhD.
before coming to this country in
the Voice'
Booms Out
Nightly r
Out of the brick-red walls of the
South Quadrangle at precisely
12:30 a.m. daily echoes the strange,
melodic call of "The Voice," whose
call sounds like "Gooooooldberg!"
No one is exactly sure that "The
Voice" is mouthing "Goldberg,"
because the call is somewhat muf-
fled although loud. Estimates run
from "Aaron" through "Andy."
* * *
AS YET, no one seems to know
who "The Voice" is. At last report,
he was still screaming. Heard only
by men living in the south side of
the quadrangle, the mysterious
call is accurately timed for stu-
dents who desire to set their
Functioning during the past
five or sixe weeks, the only nights
missed by "The Voice" have been
Saturdays and Sundays. How-
ever, imitators of his style have
been heard occasionally.
Shortly before between semes-
ter's recess a sign posted near the
dining rooms on the quad's west
side informed all students that
"The Voice" would tolerate no
"Only 'The Voice' is qualified to
sound forth nightly," the notice
said. "Imitators will receive the
death of an infidel." The sign con-
tained for its signature only a
drawing of a huge mouth.
SL Movies
"Quartet," based on four So-
merset Maugham short stories,
and the spy thriller, "Five Fin-
gers" will be featured on the
Student Legislature Cibema
Guild screen this weekend.
The first film will be shown
at 7 and 9 p.m. today in Archi-
tecture Auditorium.
Scheduled for 7 and 9 p.m.
tomorrow and 8 p.m. Sunday,
the North African spy film
stars James Mason.
Price of admission is 501
Co-ops Have
Loan Fund
Campus co-ops have a loan fund "African sculpture speaks a
available to them, set up by the pure, plastic language throughI
demise of one of the early co-ops. shapes and colors," Ladislas Segy
msaid in a lecture on African sculp-
In 1936, several students start- ture, yesterday.
ed an eating co-op in the basement Segy, Director of the Segy Gal-
of Lane Hall. A year later, they lery, New York, showed the paral-
purchased property across the lel between modern art and Afri-'
street and set up the Wolverine can sculpture. Both forms of ex-
Co-op. backed with loans from the pression attempt to picture the
Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
*** Lasszieil To Talk
"'et iesi ioma inv
Segy Discusses Relation
Of African, Modern Art
feelings produced from viewing
an object rather than the object
Illustrating his lecture with a
movie, "Buma: African sculp-
ture Speaks," which was made
under his supervision, and slides
of masks and sculpture from his
collection, Segy brought out the
role of the African sculpture in
the life of the natives. The vari-
ous objects represent the abode
of the spirit to the African.
During the question period
which fillowed, Segy pointed out
that this sculpture no longer ex-
ists. It has been destroyed by the
white man who brought his Chris-
tian civilization to the natives.
Currently on display at the Mu-
seum of Art is an exhibition of
African sculpture.
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
PROF. GEORGE E. , UHLENBECK-Studies up on theory of
electron spin.
1927 as a member of the Univer-
sity faculty. He returned to Hol-
land in 1935 to spend four years
as professor of theoretical physics
at the University of Utrecht.
He spent some time doing radar
research at the Radiation Labor-
atory of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology during the war and is
a leading authority in the field of
statistical mechanics and the the-
ory of beta-ray emissions.
Totalling $350, eight freshman
Hopwood Awards for creative writ-
ing were announced yesterday by
Prof. Arno L. Bader of the English
David E. Levy, '57, was awarded
two prizes, one in the essay divi-
sion, for his manuscript "J. D.
Salinger and the Sensitivities,"
which was awarded $20. The oth-
er prize of $50 was given for his
entry in the fiction division, "The
Floating Anchorage."
Other winners in the essay di-
vision were Frances M. Crowley,
'57, who received $50 for "Re-
flections," and Eleanor L. Dorn,
'57, who was awarded $30 for
f'Freedom and the Law."
In fiction, awards of $50 each
went to Dave Kissinger, '57, for
"For Those Who Stood and
Watched" and to Lois Carol
Schwartz, '57, for "The Tread-
The $50 prize in poetry went to
Richard Deres, '57, for his con-
tribution, "Seascape and Other
Poems." Other winners in the po-
etry division were Nadya Spas-
senko, '57, who received $30 for
"Poems," and Marjorie Piercy,
'57, who was awarded $20 for
"Eight Poems."
The contest was judged by Prof.
Frank L. Huntley, Prof. Kenneth
T. Rowe and Prof. Allan Seager,
all of the English department.
World War II, membership was
about 700, but the war caused a
drop in the ranks. By the winter
of 1942, as expenses continued and
losses mounted, the Co-op was
forced to close.
The Board of Directors made
an agreement to sell the prop-
erty to a local business man.
Members of the corporation re-
fused to give consent to the sale,
and a suit was started to re-
coverapossession of the building.
The Michigan Supreme Court
decided in favor of the co-op,
possession was restored, and
damages paid.
Finally, in July, 1946, the Di-
rectors, this time with the mem-
bers' consent, sold the property.
Assets remaining after the pay-
ment of all debts and loans
amounted to $16,014.07.
In May, 1951, the directors and
members voted to dissolve the cor-
poration. The assets were given to
the University in trust, for loans
"to student groups whosecmem-
bers reduce the ultimate cost to
themselves by doing a share of the
work." Under these conditions, the
groups were to be charged a low
interest rate of two per cent.
The $16,000 has accumulated
some interest, but at present, the
ICC has two mortgages of $11,500
and $4,500 on Osterweil and Lester
Houses, respectively.
TT r
4ilia o/ ts
Sales from Farmer Directly to Consumer
Open every WED. and SAT. - 8 A.M. to 3 P.M.
DETROIT STREET - between Catherine and Kingsley
iNext Steps in Political Bed v-
for Research"' will be discussed by
Prof. Harold D. Lasswell, of the
Yale University Law School, at 4"
p.m. today in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall.
The lecture is jointly sponsored
by the political science and soci-
ology departments.
Flaherty Films
From the Arctic
The Flaherty Film Festival, op-
e n i n g Monday and running
through Wednesday, March 3, will
cover the world map from sub-
arctic Hudson Bay to Samoa in
the South Seas.
Each program in the English
department series will take place
at 8 p.m. in Rackham lecture Hall.
f n/vor C.InIo
A NATIVE of Ironwood, the late
Robert Flaherty. was the origi-
nator of "exploration with a cam-
era," recording the everyday
events which make up the history
of man and his world.
X. U'E lP L WHEN THE nocturnal shouting
t.Sfirst began, many students who
o South Seas had never heard the cry were rude-
ly awakened from bed, or were in-
voluntarily bounced from their
Opening the Festival Monday chairs by the shock.
will be a showing of the first "The Voice" will probably
Flaherty film, "Nanook of the never be identified, because
North," made in 1922 in the "Goldberg" is the only cry he
Hudson Bay country. Accord-
inothe famed roduty.cr - h gives, and even that only once
ing to the famed producer, this nightly. Thus no one has a
silent film "is the story of a chance to see him or locate the
man iving in a place where no room from which he is scream-
other kind of people would want ing.
to live."
With his camera, he actually One of the legends circulating
accompanied the Eskimos on seal through the quad about the
rand walrus hunts and recorded strange call alleges all the staff
d theirailoosudingcts ivndtes assistants from Reeves House stood
their igloo building activities, outside recently hoping to catch a
Also on Monday's film bill will gtime recthoica
be "World Without End," a new glimpse of "The Voice.'
UNESCO documentary scheduled HOWEVER, they were seen by
for its first showing in this coun- the screamer, who promptly called
try. The movie was filmed by two the police, informing them that
English producers Paul Rotha and some strange men *ere loitering
Basil Wright, outside the quad. A cruiser sent by
Other films scheduled for the the men in blue detained the staff
Festival include the Samoan assistants, while "The Voice" went
movie, "Moana" and "T h e off like clockwork at his usual
Hood," Thursday, Feb. 25; "Man time.
of Aran" and "Industrial Bri- In any event, many students liv-
tain," Monday, March 1; and ing in the quad feel that as the se-
"Louisiana Story" and "Trans- mester wears on, "Goldberg" will
fer of Power," Wednesday, probably be succeeded by a cry of
March 3. "What's the use," a perennial fav-
Priced at $2, series tickets are orite of South Quad screamers.
on sale from 1 to 4:30 p.m. today
"ETZG ER'S eeitoauant
203 E. Washington - Phone 8987
Open 4 P.M. till Midnight - Except Sunday
Come downtown to
and from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow
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Collegiate Cuts
to please.
10 Barbers - No Waiting
The Daseola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre
Teaching Forums
To Begin Today
The first of a series of forums
on college and university teach-
ing will be held at 3 p.m. today
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Chairman of the forum, plan-
ned for graduate students, teach-
ing fellows and faculty, will be
Prof. Aglo D. Henderson of the
education school. The forum is
sponsored by the Committee on
College Relations.
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the po-
litical science department will
present the topic of the panel on
"The Intellectual Role of the Col-
lege Teacher."
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vides all the between-seat knee-room of a 2-door sedan!
The Delray Club Coupe is only one of the wonderful new
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