THE IVIICK4GAN DAILY FRIDAY, IEBRUARY 19, 1954 LGE FOUR GE FOti1t~ THE MICIMGAN IIAILY Manner Over Matter Mrs. Housewife, U.S.A. FOR SOME TIME the charge of "anti- intellectualism" has been hurled at the education school, and professional educators have retorted that the how of teaching is as important as the teaching of subject matter. University educators are proceed- ing on the basis of this philosophy in their instruction of future teachers. The import- ance of a pleasant atmosphere in the class- room, self-selection methods of learning and similar "progressive" ideas of educa- tion are stressed; gradually the teacher's need for knowledge of subject matter is taking a back seat. A subcommittee of the State Board of Education has been working for the past year on revision of the present state cer- tification code for teachers. What the group has accomplished can be summed up in one statement: more hours of edu- cation courses should be required of pros- pective teachers at the expense of sub- ject matter. A proposal for extra hours in general education courses has been made by the subcommittee. Critics of the proposal have asked the members of the subcommittee if humanities should be added in the general education field. The answer given by the subcommittee, which has studied the ques- tion "in some detail": "We fail to see how we can approach this particular problem and still set up the sort of framework which is required to obtain the necessary ends of the State Board of Education." The subcommittee clearly goes out of bounds of professional educators when, under the heading of "Inter-Disciplinary Requirements" it recommends an addi- tional 15 hours in general education in courses or organized experiences designed to show the relationship of the commun- ity and the role of education in American society. The explanation the subcommit- tee gives on this point is that teachers should be prepared to be community lead- ers. A further examination of the point will shpw that the educators, because they are so concerned with the part teachers will play outside of the classroom as Girl Scout leaders, Sunday School teachers or Rotarlans, are neglecting to train the fu- ture instructors in fields which they will teach in the classroom. The epitome of the muddled reasoning of the subcommittee comes in a statement "the prospective teacher who demonstrates that his interest is primarily in the acquisition of knowledge in a particular subject matter field, cannot be calculated to have an equal- ly fundamental interest in the welfare of children." The basis of this statement, ac- cording to the subcommittee, is that in pro- fessions such as law, medicine and engi- neering, requirements in both professional and general education areas have been dic- tated by those in the professions. They go on to say that in the field of education, pro- fessional people should also be allowed to dictate requirements for future teachers in the number and kind of education courses. This rationalization is difficult to fol- low. By alluding to other professions of specialization, the educators are making a false analogy. And at the same time they are avoiding an explanation of the point that the general welfare of children will be neglected if future teachers, wen in college, concentrate on the acquisition of knowledge. Intellectual development is a part of the child growth and development educators are so concerned with. Yet these professional educators continue their campaign of anti- intellectualism and discourage acquisition of knowledge by future teachers. A curious paradox, to say the least, and if allowed to become the dictating philosophy of education schools, this theory may result in a gener- ation of sweet, smiling dimwits. -Pat Roelofs Women's Senate REPRESENTATION OF 17,000 students might not be as impossible as it seems. By abandoning last year's ineffectual Board of Representatives and rechristen- ing its successor the Women's Senate, the League has come up with a worthy contribution to campus unity. True, a real representation of all women on campus could not be achieved-too many are beyond the spread of the League's ma- ternal wing. But the majority, who do live in dormitories, league houses and sororities, can now voice their decisions and opinions, as well as problems, at the Senate. Unlike its forebear, the Senate can claim weekly gatherings each of which attract a good percentage of its membership. What's niore important, however, is that the group is doing something. It would be quite simple and even per- misible for as young an organization as this to hesitate and flounder at this stage of its existence. But Senate meetings aren't groping, worthless coffee hours. Parlia- mentary procedure is followed rigidly, busi- ness conducted intelligently. Now testing potentialities of the Wo- men's Senate is a questionnaire directed to all women on campus. The survey in- TRUTH IS SO easily stranger than fiction because fiction, in order to be accepted, must be plausible. But truth is not held down by any such rigid limits. Even so, a fictional situation can often be devised to form a reasonable facsimile of the truth it portrays. Take, for in- stance, the story of the housewife who prided herself on the immaculate appear- ance of her home. Her pride, of course, was meaningless unless it was reinforced by guests who could assure her of the meticulous neatness she loved. She spent every part of every day tend- ing to her household chores so religiously and improving on arrangements that had been perfect the day before. The commun- ity being one in which the appearance of your home was a major measure of your worth, she rapidly gained a commanding social position. After a while, the housewife began to feel quite secure in her position, and her dis- regard for the reassurances of guests in- vited became smaller and smaller, which tended to remove the support from her community standing. But she compensated by telling everyone what a delightfully tidy and attractive home she kept. Soon, she relied mostly on her boasts, and inviting guests was, to her, an avoidable nuisance. The community became puzzled because it could no longer directly reaffirm its es- teem for the housewife, but found its only evidence in her claims. Although, at first, her former reputation prevented the com- munity from discrediting her, those who had previously admired her became increas- ingly skeptical of the truth of her claims. So, the housewife's boasts became louder and more violent, and the skepticism grew accordingly. Although it would have been a simple matter to prove her claims, if they were true, which only she really knew, she did not. Ever so slowly, painfully so, her reputation fell, until her claims were taken as so much prattle. Strange, you might say, for it would have been but an easy task to again invite guests and reestablish her position. However, the property of being strange, like many other things, is a matter of degree. And the de- gree is much greater when this fictional situation is transferred to an actuality. For it is exactly the same kind of thing that is going on today in America's po- sition among the nations of the world. She spends millions of dollars and a countless number of man-hours annually on psychological warfare-on radio broad- casts to peoples of cold war enemies, on pamphlets, on all sorts of propaganda, on anything that carries the message of what a great place America is to live in, indicating that everyone should wish to live here. At the same time, she flaunts immigra- tion laws in the faces of those who wish to come to her, even those who have succumb- ed to the relentless propaganda. These im- migration laws, embodying a grotesque sys- tem of quotas, prevent people who want ar- dently to come to America from doing so. And there is no doubt that America's re- putation has suffered much in foreign cir- cles despite her impressive psychological warfare machine. Is it not strange? -Jim Dygert "It's A Product Something Like Margarine" -ft -2 . ..Z -- - ,r 4 - I O DAI YOFFICAL F y V h1^_ . F7 BULLE*IN IettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. s f Molotov's Plan ... To The Editor: AFTER READING the editorial entitled "Mr. Molotov and the Fifty-Year Plan" we cannot help calling attention to certain mis- conceptions, at least as far as our observations and experiences have shown. We must agree that the failure of the Berlin conference will discourage many European hopes. However, we cannot agree that this failure has been profit- able to Moscow, nor that the plan Molotov proposed was acceptable to Europeans. The author speaks of the "many" Europeans who are not convinced of Russia's goal of world domination. Where does the author find all these people? Possibly among the Communist Party members in France and Italy, but hardly among the peo- ples of England, France, West and East Germany. ' Next, the author lists four rea- sons why the Russian plan should be acceptable to Europe, neglect- ing some very pertinent facts. First, although the French are the first to fear Germany, they have recognized for two or three years that united defense effort is necessary. The EDC is accept- ed by all European participants in theory. The only disagreement is in terms of influence and appor- tionment. Second, the lessening of defense needs would surely help European economy. However, the people are well aware that a strong defense is needed to stop Soviet expansion. Thirdly, the term "Ami, go home" originated in Eastern Germany, a fact the author ignored. It is certainly not pleasant to have foreign troops on your soil, but Americans are stil much preferred to Russians and Europeans realize that the with- drawal of American troops would referring to peddlers of, despai and assuring us that the economy was healthy. I doubt that this psy- chological approach is a very fruit- ful way of dealing with the objec- tive realities of the economy. Promises that "effective action" will be taken in case the situation gets serious are at best very vague. One way of dealing with an eco- nomic crisis is to keep peoples minds off their problems by blow- ing up a "Red Menace." This is es- sentially the path taken by Ger- many, Italy and Japan which led to the destruction of the civil lib- erties and living standards of the peoples of those nations. Eisen- hower by appeasing McCarthyism by introducing a bill to take waay the citizenship of convicted Com- munists appears to incline toward this type of solution. We can go a long way to solving our international and economic problems by reorientating our economy to a peace time level, by utilizing the huge markets that China, Soviet Russia and Eastern European countries offer us, by ap- plying governmental spending for peacetime construction. The poli- tical prerequisites are two: 1. Mc- Carthyism must be fought openly and not appeased 2. A realization * of the fact that the U. S. and the Soviet Union regardless of differ- ences must stay at peace for their own good. --Robert Schor * * * Judic Stand... To the Editor: S THE DAILY seeking to ob- tain' the position of a mature paper by adherring to the respon- Art Books or Cheaper Books? IT'S A GRIM picture painted for the fu- ture of a student bookstore. The investigation of one local merchant as presented to the Campus Action Com- mittee of the Student Legislature tends to rule out the economical possibilities of any shape or form of a student bookstore, whether on a cooperative or University- operated basis. Says the bookseller, a co-op store would bring only three percent savings toparti- cipating students. The other alternative-- a University-operated bookstore-would net "only" a 15 per cent reduction in prices to students. And one of the woeful conse- quences of this latter scheme would be the elimination of "art books" and much new writing from the shelves of the commercial bookstores. The local merchant also maintains that the University would be paying "approxi- mately 10 per cent" of the savings in a col- lege operated system. Thus we are faced with a blank wall-- a cooperative bookstore wouldn't save enough to make it worthwhile; a Uni. versity-subsidized operation would save a mere 15 per cent each semester, to the loss of the wonderful variety of art books now available at our local book shops. Any other alternatives? First, thank Mr. Marshall for his kind advice and precious time. Second, contact every possible student- operated bookstore in the country to find their methods of operation and "secrets of success." Third, formulate a concrete plan of oper- ation and present it for University approval. Perhaps this is too simple. For many se- mesters committees have poked and probed squeamishly into the prospects of initiating student bookstores, and still University stu- dents must meet the marked-up prices for used and new texts charged by local book sellers. Yet, other universities and colleges have operated stores for years. It is regret- table, as Mr. Marshall pointed out, that commercial bookstores have not been able to survive near these, as at Wayne Uni- versity in Detroit. But is commendable that they do save students appreciable amounts in the purchase of books and supplies. It will be interesting to watch the action taken by SL's various committees and sub- committees, since they now have the facts straight from one who has been in the thick of Ann Arbor book bartering. Still, it would be tough to lose those art books. -Wally Eberhard (Continued from Page 2) piications from Dean Bacon and dis- cuss the matter with her. Elementary Teachers. Mr. Archambeau of the Dearborn Twp. Public Schools, Inkster, Michigan, will be on Campus Mon., Feb. 22, to interview candidates in both early and later elementary edu- cation. For appointments contact, Bur- eau of Appointments, 3528 Administra- tion Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Teaching Candidates. Representatives from the Battle Creek Public Schools will be on campus Tues., Feb. 23, for the purpose of interviewing candidates in Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School teaching. For ap- pointroents contact The Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Teaching Candidates. Mr. F. J. Bragg, Superintendent of Schoolsin Otsego, Michigan, will be on campus February 23 to interview teachers in both ele- mentary and secondary fields. Anyone interested in making an appointment should contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS- Tues., Feb. 23: The National City Bank of Cleveland will have a representative on the cam- pus on Feb. 23 to interview June men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A about its Management Training Program lead- ing to executive positions in banking. Wed., Feb. 24: The Ohio Boxboard Co., of Rittman, Ohio, will visit the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Feb. 24 to talk with June men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A about Industrial Sales positions. The Employers Mutual Liability & Fire Insurance Companies, wausau, Wis., will interview both men and wo- men June graduates on Feb. 24. They will talk with women about training for supervisory positions in various fields (no specific requirements) as well as about Auditor Reviewer positions (apti- tude or training in math or account- ing required). They will interview men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A for posi- tions as Safety Engineer, Claim Adjust- er, Auditor, or Underwriter in branch officers throughout the country. Students wishing to schedule appoint- ments with any of the companies listed above may contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS. The Commodity Stabilization Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, in Chicago, Ill., is seeking to fill vacancies in Audi- tor positions. Recent or June graduates are eligible to apply. The Calcinator Corp., in Bay City, Mich., is interested in hiring a recent graduate in Accounting for a position concerned with cost accounting work. The firm is also interested in hearing from June graduates in Accounting. The Keller Tool Co., Grand Haven, Mich., wishes to employ 2 or 3 grad- uateengineers, preferably mechanical for the company's training program. The Chemical Division of General Mills, Inc., in Kankakee, Ill., has an immediate need for 3 graduate engi- neers whose work would consist of de- sign layout, installation of new pro- cessing equipment, process trouble shootins. etc. Processes and some Simple Tests. Visit- ors are welcome. Concerts Student Recital. Joan Robinson wil- son, graduate student of piano in the School of Music, will be heard at 8:30 Monday evening, Feb. 22, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hail, in a program of compositions by Frescobaldi, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Lord Berners. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Mrs. wilson plays the recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. It will be open to the general public. Events Today Forum on College and University Teaching. First session, February 19, 3-4:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angeli Hall. Topic: The Intellectual Role of the College Teacher. Presented by Harold M. Dorr, Profes- sor of Political Science and Director of the Summer Session. Panel: Ernest F. Barker, Chairman of the Department of Physics; Raymond L. Garner, Associate Professor of Bio- logical Chemistry; Donald G. Marquis, Chairman of the Department of Psy- chology; Dudley M, Phelps, Professor of Marketing. Professor Algo D. Hen- derson wil lserve as chairman. Faculty of the University and grad- uate students are invited. a d e t n 11 iblitesoftheprssneededb l emocratic community? Doubts d have arisen in my mind about - this fact in view of contradictions lf help d1 d d iincr ±ranf. f ii r _ leae Rssi net dor ndelpof press sanaara scuring recent leav Rusia nxt dor ad pweeks. A college newspaper or any far away. Europeans are grateful newspaper for that matter should Som erictheeateast unti E form its policy on certain ideals: is a working organization. namely, a clear and truthful ac Molotov did use the Berlin con- count of events, of their back- ference for propaganda purposes, ground and causes; a forum for but not necessarily to the disad- discussion and informed criticism; vantage of the West, which may and a means whereby individuals now more than ever realize the and groups can express a point eedA for alliancp 'The stubbrn of view or advocate a cause. In N; A rr ___ rr rr r nl ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON Newman Club will sponsor a Square "Niet" of Molotov might well be covering the Joint Judiciary de- Dance this evening from 9-12 at the cision on allowing specific infor- Father Richard Center. The dances will a cause for speedy ratification of ation o t e r ed be called by a professional square- the EDC. Eastern Germany may and the pending discussion on sor- dance caller. Refreshments will be serv- be discouraged, but, as the new ority rushing, I believe The Daily ed 'b ythe Newmanites. Jeans or casual riots indicate, is not willing ' tooising to lievepThe'aily clothes will be in order. Everyone isRahrsllEt has failed to live up to the above" welcome to attend. give up yet. Rather shllEtr requirements. _______ Germans continue to voice their Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea desire for liberation and especially It is evident to all that the first from 4 to 5:15 this afternoon at Can- for free elections requirement of the press is to be terbury House. All students invited. -Walter Reister accurate in its information and FPeter Hay to present it fairly. Is this func- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. this evening, at tion being carried out when two, Canterbury House. Professors Frank L. highly slanted articles (favorably Huntley and Wiliam B. wilcox will \ational Freedom Week placed diagonally) concerning the debate the subject: "It the Anglican;To The Editor: Judiciary stand appear on one Church Protestaint or Catholic?" Tpage while the brief statement Rogr WllamsGuld.RecrdDane HE NATIONAL Executive Coin-paewhltebrfsaemn Roger Williams Guild. Record Dance mittee of the National Student by the Judiciary Council itself is this evening at 8 p.m., at the Guild Association has passed a resolution hidden obscurely under a picture? House. recommending to its regions and Is this function being carried out Lane'Hall Coffee Hour. Dr. Allan to individual colleges that they when two articles favoring the Knight Chalmers, guest. World Uni- hold Academic Freedom Week the stand of Assembly concerning versity Service Committee. host. Infor- second week in April, 1954. The rushing periods are found in one mal, 4:15-6:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. resolution further suggested that edition with complete absence of the school ask the U of M for, any Panhellenic views at all? How Wesley Foundation. Tonight's the!ssiefor the repoerto night! Belated Valentines Party at 8 advice and information since theistpoib frth rerero p.m.d n U of M has already had an Aca- proclaim as a fact that the fu- demic Freedom Week. ture decision of Panhellenic will tWe here have the opportunity affect every student on a campus to help make the second week in the size of Michigan's? What is Informal folk sing at Muriel Lester April a National Academic Free- the "reliable source" which relat- Co-op, 900 Oakland, on Sun., Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. Everybody invited! dom Week which will involve many ed the secret vote (supposedly students all over the country in 5-4) of the Judiciary Council con- The Inter-Arts Union will hold its discussion, debate and careful cerning the release of names of organizational meeting at 2 p.m., Sat- thought on the questions pertain- violators and case histories? Was- urday afternoon, Feb. 20, in the League.m.'t this so-called "source" in re- (room to be announced). At this time ing to academic freedom. The SL t th e e n re officers will be elected and plans dis- Academic Freedom Sub-commis- ality only the writer's conjecture cussed for this spring's Student Arts Sion has accepted the responsibil- arrived at after interviewing the Festival. All interested persons are in- ity to act as an information cen- members? There are many other vited. ter for National Academic Free- questions to be answered concern- dom Week. ing these articles, but the above 1' There are other tasks, too, will serve as examples of my which the Academic Freedom Sub- stand. commission has decided to under- The principle responsibility of take. Among the events planned a newspaper is to inform and in- are a debate on the forthcoming struct the public, and not to use Congressional investigations, pro- it as an instrument of propaganda viding Rep1n Clardy is willing to for its own beliefs and attitudes. l ---_.--jlj i tip WASHINGTON-I talked at length the other day with Robert R. Young, the bouncing little tycoon from Texas who has taken on the second biggest railroad in the U.S.A. and the biggest big-business battle the nations has seen in this century. Among other things, I asked him what he would do if he should lose his stockholders' fight to acquire the New York Central on May 26. "There will be other May 26ths," Young replied, "and I am only 57 years old. I have eight years left before I reach the New York Central's retirement age of 65. I'm going to keep on fighting." I had not realized before that Young was only 57. I discovered, as we talked, that he had made a fortune before he got to be 35, retired from business and then went back into business again. "Retirement was too humdrum," he ex- plained. "I got tired doing nothing." Born on a Texas cattle ranch which his father managed, he had gone to work dur- ing World War I for the Du Ponts, became assistant to John J. Raskob, learned the game of finance from the inside, and became one of the early sparkplugs inside General Motors. "Why did you go into the railroad busi- ness after you decided to go back to work again?" I asked. "Because it was the most run-down busi- ness in the country," he explained. "You have the greatest opportunity in any busi- ness that is backward, and the railroad busi-I ness has been held back for years. If the automobile business had had the same lack of imagination as the railroad business, it wouldn't be anywhere today either." TRAIN X W HEN I ASKED Mr. Young what he in- tended to do for the New York Central that hadn't been- done before, he replied that one of the chief improvements he would "I built it for use on the Chesapeake and Ohio," he explained, "hoping it would set an example to other roads and that they would follow suit. However, since the C. and O. has to link up with other lines we haven't been able to use it yet, because we can't hook up to their junk. "One trouble with the railroad business," Young continued, "is refusal to change. The present-day freight car, for instance, got its height from the old plantation wagon drawn by a teamt of mules that used to load cotton bales into freight cars. Freight cars were built a convenient height for those old plantation wagons and have been kept at that height ever since. Among various plans Young has for the New York Central is to put a woman on its board of directors, put motion pictures on overnight passenger trains, modernize equip- ment, and let railroad personnel buy stock in the road so they become its owners as well as its operators. "NEW LOOK" FOR BUSINESS AN AMERICAN businessman just return- ed from Europe has taken a unique step to improve U.S. relations abroad. Leo- pold D. Silberstein, chairman of Pennsyl- vania Coal and Coke, was upset by hearing Europeans forecast that U.S. economy was on the eve of a 1929 nosedive. So he broad- cast a special report to businessmen in Eur- ope over the Voice of America, and is now urging other American businessmen to do likewise. Silberstein discovered that the United States wil spend $3,000,000.000 this year on peacetime use of atomic energy alone, told European business that the U.S.A. is moving forward in industrial research with tre- mendous speed, that peacetime use of the atom alone will create vast new markets, For additional information aboutI these and other employment opportun- ities, contacththe Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Sixly-Fourth Ya .uljl . 1L ~ U-A-5v Edited and managed by students of senda representative, and anoth-l Lectures the University of Michigan understhe er concentrated Academic Free- University Lecture. "Next Steps in authority of the Board in Control of dom program similar to Academic Political Behavior Research," a lecture Student Publications. Freedom Week at about the same by Harold D. Lasswell, Professor of Law, time as the other colleges and Yale University, this Fri., Feb. 19, in Editorial Staff universities will be celebrating Auditorium A in Mason Hall at 4 p.m. This lecture is jointly sponsored by theHAcademic Freedom Week. Depatmens o Poltica ScenceandHarry Lunn ........... Managing Editor Aaei reo ek Departments of Political Science and Eric Vetter.................City Editor The successful celebration of Sociology. Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Academic Freedom Weekhere Mike Wolff........ Associate City Editor' was not the signal for the dis- « caden ic Notices Alice B. Silver . Assoc. Editorial Director banding of the SL Academic Free- Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor d-. h Biological Chemistry Seminar 10:15 Helene Simon.........Associate Editor dom Subcommission. There is Sat., Feb. 20, 317 W. Medical Bldg., Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor still a great need and use for this "Sulfonium Compounds of Biochemi- Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor sub-commission. Any recognized cal Interest," Dr. Joseph Chandler. Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor campus organization is invited to Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor camp aizto s- invido Philosophy 31 make-up final will be{Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer y participate in the sub-commission given Thurs., Feb. 25, 2-5 p.m. in 1412 by sending a delegate to the meet-' Mason Hall. Arrangements must be ki7}ings and any interested individ- made with Mr. Cartwright for admit- Business Staff uals are welcome to join in the tance to the make-up final. Thomas Treeger......Business Manager discussions as well as to work on Philosophy 34 make up final will be William Kaufman Advertising Manager the sub-commission. Piooy34Harlean Hankin. . ..Assoc. Business Mgr. --Car n given Thurs., Feb. 25, 2-5 p.m. in 2208 William Seiden.... ...Finance Manager Etta Glckstein Angell Hall. Arrangements must be$ Don Chisholm..Circulation Manager Academic Freedom made with Mr. Henle for admittance DnChi__om.....__r______n__nager Sub-commission to the make-up final. Telephone NO 23-24-1 -r Seminar in Logic and Foundations of Econoem 2 4Proble-1m « Mathematics, Fri., Feb. 19, at 4 p.m., 411 * . Mason Hall. Mr. N. Martin of WRRC Member To the Editor: will speak on Computable Numbers ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS FCONOMIC experts are predict- (Tr urin e) S OC AEpC L E IA E P ES If statements are misconstrued or even in some cases fabricated, your paper will suffer in the long run by the future hesitancy of students to give their opinions on important issues. If The Daily is to be respected as a public opin- ion media or source from which information and discussion reach the student body, there should be a definite attempt to enlighten the students on all facts, relevant facts, and all sides of public-in- terest issues, whether or not you agree with them. Save your opin- ions for the editorial page, and even there use fair arguments to back them up. -Virginia Abbey To the Editor: 4N MY opinion Joint Judic has taken a proper stand. The place of The Daily should be that of reporting facts affecting the campus, not publicizing local scandals. zxr ten;,.++