GE FOURt THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1954 SL's Diminishing Roll Call --- How Serious Is It? By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor N LOSING a few of its members, Student Legislature is undergoing a perfectly common occurance for any organization at this time of year. The beginning of each se- mester is a time for reassessment for many people engaged in the multitude of activi- ties the campus offers, and, for one reason or another, some of them decide their time could be better spent elsewere. Because the Legislature is an elective body and re- sponsible to the students, more attention is focused on membership changes in that group than on the number of the people who drop from The Daily, Interfraternity Coun- cil, Union, League or other organizations. At the same time, resignations from SL seem to be eagerly heralded in some quar- ters as the sign that the seven-year-old student government organization is about to fold. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We would not hesitate to admit that the Legislature could be a more effective student government, but the way to better student government lies as much outside the Legis- lature as within it, and certainly is not aided by blowing up the significance of a few resig- nations. Unlike many campus groups, SL has been focused in the public eye in its worst as well as most glorious moments. The Legislature has seldom, if ever, utilized the closed meet- ing device to avoid mention of unpleasant matters in the press. Rather, it has washed its dirty linen right out in the open and had criticism directed at its mistakes and draw- backs. In contrast, some of the other large campus groups have closed off meetings and hushed up mistakes in a determined effort to avoid "negative" news about themselves. But these groups are quite willing to crit- icize the Legislature, for SL is a continual challenge to their supremacy. Thus SL has not been given the responsibility com- mensurate with its written powers and has been unable to function as a student gov- ernment in the full sense of the tern.. We would not advocate a complete central- ization of all activities under the Legisla- ture, but a quick example will explain our point. Recently SL received the type of setback, that has been administered every so often over its lifetime, when the nominating pow- er for student appointments to the Devel- opment Council was given the student mem- bers of SAC. All but two of the seven stu- dent members agreed that SL properly de- served the function, but after prolonged ef- fort could do little to change the proviso al- ready written in the Council's charter. Although a small point to many people, this was an example of the counterforce working against effective student govern- ment on the campus. Perhaps it is too much to ask groups to yield supremacy in this area, but a less hypocritical view toward the Leg- islature would be refreshing. OKAY, SO THE Student Legislature is torn , by apathy, so it isn't living up to ex- pectations, so it hasn't become a truly res- ponsible group. The need that prompted the creation of that organization a few years ago still ex- ists. Why give up on it? Eight members have walked out since the beginning of the semester. Excuses range from "I have more important things to do," to "I can't stand the other mem- bers." Both are very plausible and sure- ly sincere. But these are the same people that were asking for our votes last spring or fall, mak- ing what has been jokingly referred to as "campaign promises." These never were be- lieved, of course, except by a few illogical people who believe everything. Not all the quitters failed their jobs, though. Such members as Vic Hampton, treasurer for the SL, did extremely well as can be witnessed by the successful Book Exchange this semester. Hampton was a little fed up with the rest, and probably rightly so. Still, there doesn't seem to be much of a reason for giving up in the group. But there is a tremendous reason for doing something about it, for recognizing SL's faults and getting down to business in cor- recting ,them. SL can only be as good as its members and that's where the main weakness now lies. Each semester the election campaign only reveals how little the candidates ac- tually have to advocate to be elected. A good snappy poster usually does the trick. Perhaps the best remedy to this situation that has been advanced is the idea of "par- ties" based on campus politics. This would mean political organizations set up to op- pose each other, to make the .issues and offer solutions, to bring the really capable people on campus out of hibernation, to of- fer results or be defeated. Except for the people that believe all politics to be a nasty thing anyway, this is an excellent idea. The advantages can be readily. seen; more organized campaigns, clearer issues-real issues, and, as said above, capability. Of course no one is going to jump up sud- denly and start his party. That is the large problem. It is a problem that SL can do the most to aid before it actually absolves it- self. Campus political clubs, the IFC, the IHC, and the ICC should all work on the problem. The "parties" don't have to be Repub- lican and Democrat, or Independent and Fraternity. These would serve only to confuse the issues. What is needed would be parties aising out of campus issues. We're not willing to bury the Student Legislature yet. I don't think that the ma- jority of its members are, either. The great- est service that they can now perform is to work out the problem of SL's own salva- tion. Campus political parties are a possible answer. This scheme has worked elsewhere (Ohio State) to good advantage. It could work here. -Murry Frymer Facts and Figures TWO THOUSAND, two hundred is an im- pressive number-and naturally enough the GOP likes to impress its public. But slowly, reluctantly the facts are emerging and the number of those separ- ated from Government service as "loyalty risks" is not so impressive after all. Tuesday, the Treasury Department re- vealed that out of 131 security ousters only four were dismissed for political dis- loyalty. Secretary of Agriculture Benson testified to a House Appropriations subcommittee 'that one member of his department has been dismissed because of Communist Party membership. . The State Department, supposedly the sanctuary for subversives, has listed 11 loy- alty cases out of 534 dismissals last year. One former Communist was among the eight security risks dismissed from the Jus- tice Department. One doesn't need a slide rule to see that the GOP charge of wholesale Democratic disloyalty is nonsense. Assuming the same ratio the final figures should show that of the 2,200 dismissals approximately 52 have been on grounds of loyalty. But these are just dull facts and figures. Oratory is so much more exciting. -Alice B. Silver Unemployment Paradox UNEMPLOYMEINT IS 728,000 higher now than it was a cople of days ago accord- ing to a new Department of Commerce es- timate. If the new figure, based on an im- proved sampling technique, is correct, un- employment has passed the three million mark, reaching nearly five percent of the labor force. The new survey shows just 25,000 few- er people working, yet paradoxically, it shows 728,000 more people unemployed, How can the number of people unem- ployed increase more than the number of people employed decrease? The number of people working is an ab- solute figure. To find it, you just count noses or take a sample and make a scientific estimate. But the figure for unemployment depends on two separate things-the number of peo- ple working and the number of jobless peo- ple who are looking for work. If you lose your job and don't look for a new one, you aren't "unemployed,"-you have, at least temporarily, "retired"-you have voluntarily left the labor force. ("Labor force" is the technical name for the total of all the employed people plus all the out- of-work people who are actively seeking jobs.) If the estimate of the labor force size s u d d enly increased, "unemployment" would increase by the same amount-the estimated number of people looking for work would be that much higher, with no more people employed. That's about what happened Tuesday. The Department of Commerce announced that on the basis of a new poll, the labor force is 62,840,000 instead of 62,137,000-an increase of 702,000. Meanwhile, the number of peo- ple working dropped 25,000-from 59,778,- 000 to 59,753,000. So, although there are only 25,000 less people working, the number of people un- employed-the difference between the number working and the size of the labor force-has increased 728,000 because the size of the labor force is up 703,000. If the new report is correct, the charges of numerous labor leaders and Democrats will be supported. They have been claim- ing during the past two months that un- employment was being understated by the simple expedient of exaggerating the num- ber of people who left the labor force (stopped looking for work) when they lost their jobs - and hence weren't "unem- ployed." Of course the labor force always shrinks somewhat when jobs get scarcer. House- wives lose their jobs and go back to kee- ing house. Young men and women, find- ing the job outlook bleak, decide to con- tinue their education. Older people de- cide to retire when they are laid off. When in December and January the Com- merce figures showed a total fall in the. number of people working of considerably more than the corresponding increase of unemployment (by 1,100,000) because the labor force was supposed to have dropped, there were vigorous complaints of "juggling the figures." The size of the labor force, the number of people employed, and the amount of unemployment are all determined by the Department of Commerce on the basis of a scientific sample of 25,000 families throughout the country. The old sampling method used families in 68 areas in 123 counties. The new samp- ling method, designed as an improvement, polled the same number of families in 230 areas in 450 counties. The results of the new sample for Janu- ary indicate that the critics of the old poll were right-unemployment was understated by nearly three quarters of a million by overstating the labor force drop. Commerce Secretary Weeks is request- "I Hear There's Something Wrong With Your Morale" ---- 4 LNG 'S > (Continued from Page 2) T -h 3' E44t$ t~c C lam~ , Q +9T4 'hIQ, o+M+4 MGrouV PoSr r. DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN' ,. - --- ---- -- -- -- ti ON THE The Theory of Waiting Lines and De- lays." Zoology Seminar. Dr. Alfred H. Stock- ard will talk about the University of Michigan Biological Station on Thurs- day evening, Feb. 18. at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. All students 1 and staff members interested in the work of the Biological Station are cor- dially invited. Michigan Rotating Seminar in Math.A Statistics will meet Sat., Feb. 20, at 2 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. J. F. Han- nan of Michigan State College and Prof. D. A. Darling of University of Michigan will speak. Potential Seminar will meet Fri., Feb. 19, at 4 p.m. 3010 Angell Hall. Seminar in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics, Fri., Feb. 19, at 4 p.m., 411 Mason Hall. Mr. N. Martin of WRRC will speak on Computable Numbers (Tuering). The University Extension Service an- nounces openings in the following classes: (Registration for these classes may be made in 164 School of Busi- ness Administration, on Monroe St., 6:30-9:30 p.m., or in 4501 Adlministra- tion Building, 8 to 5 through the day.) Family Health. Acquaints the student with some of the individual family and community factors essential to health- ful living. Emphasis will be placed on helping the student to understand the importance of heredity, nutrition, and housing; and on the provision and util- ization of services for maternal and child health and for the prevention and care of illness. The family will be treated as the basic unit in society, and the mental and emotional as well as the physical aspects of health will be considered. (Public Health Practice 176, two hours of undergraduate credit.) $18. Instructor. Donald C. Smith. Resident Lecturer in Public Health Practice and Instructor in Pediatrics. Thurs., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., 171 Busi- ness Administration Building. Modern European and American Painting. Modern painting becomes more meaningful and significant if one has some knowledge of its historical development-both from a cultural and an artistic point of view. This course Iwill deal with European and American painting from the early nineteenth cen- tury to the present day. Particular em- phasis will be placed on such key fig- ures as Manet, Homer, VanGogh, Ce- zanne, Picasso, Marin, and Matisse. Lec- tures will be illustrated - with lantern slides, and pertinent films will be shown from time to time. Sixteen weeks. $18. Instructor, Nathan T. Whitman, In- ,structor in Fine Arts. Thurs., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., 4 Tappan meeting will be held in 120 Hutchin's Hall in the Law School and will begin at 7:30 p.m. All are cordially invited to attend. Arts Chorale. The regular weekly re- hearsal of the Arts Chorale will take place this evening in Aud. D. Angeli Hall, from, 7 to 8::30 p.m. Attendance required for those who wish to sing in the Inkster concert on Feb. 26. The Industrial Relations Club will hold its first meeting of this semester today at 7:15 p.m. in the Business Ad- ministration Student Lounge. A socio- drama will be enacted by the members of the Club. Students and faculty are cordially invited to attend. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Mid-Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel this afternoon 5:00-5:30 p.m. Fresh- man Discussion Group, "The Nature of God," 7:00-8:00 p.m. Kappa Phi. Supper and meeting today at 5:15 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Please be present. i WASHINGTON MEHHY-G0-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The U.S. Information Service, believe it or not, has banned the collected writings of Thomas Jefferson from overseas libraries. Officials are a little red-faced over the ban and wish they hadn't gone quite so far in appeasing Senator McCarthy. Never- theless, the book has already been taken off the shelves of some overseas libraries. Some, on the other hand, have not removed it. Reason for the removal was that Jefferson's writings were com- piled by Sheldon Foner, who was on a State Department list of those who had taken shelter under the Fifth Amendment when quizzed by a Congressional committee. It has been State Department policy ever since McCarthy raised such a storm last winter to remove books by congressional witnesses who invoke the Fifth Amendment, and since Foner was one of these, his compilation of Jefferson's writ- ings got the ax in some libraries. Other overseas librarians with more courage regarding McCar- thyism, decided that what Jefferson wrote was more important than who compiled his writings and kept the book regardless of the direc- tive from Washington. C b l F t S t a B it e: c i S ai b t. t F Hall. CABINET LADY GUEST The Film in America. Lectures, films, FTER THE White House radio correspondents dinner the other and discussion focused on the question A of whether the cinema, born of Ameri- Hillel-S p.m.: Music-For-All, classi- al music on Hi-Fi. Everyone invited- ring your books and study while you isten. Reservations or cancellations for the 'riday Evening Kosher Dinner must be made by calling the Hillei Building oday before 5 p.m. Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Rehear- al for "Thespis" and "The Sorcerer" or principles and chorus tonight in he League at 7:15. Please be prompt. Baha'i Student Group. The second in series of discussions on The Baha'i World Faith will be given by the Baha'i Student Group at 8 this even- ing at the Michigan League. All those nterested are urged and welcome to ome. La p'tite causette will meet this aft- eroon from 3:30 to 5:00 'p.m. In the. wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. All are welcome. Alpha Phi Omega. Important meet- ng this evening 7:30-8:15 p.m., G-103 South Quad. All actives and pledges attend. International Center Weekly Tea will be held this afternoon from 4:30 to 6, third floor, Rackham Building. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timnony meeting today at 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel- come. Union Opera. All persons, in the cast or on any.of the many committees for the 1953 Michigan Union Opera "Up N' Atom," are asked to attend a very short but important meeting in Room 3G of the Michigan Union today, Feb- ruary 18, at 5:00. If it is impossible to attend at this time, anyone con- nected with the Union Opera should come at 4:30 or 5:30 to Room 3G. , A Vespers Service will be held in the Student Chapel of the First Presby- terian Church today at 5:10. The medi- tation will be on "Who to Worship." Won't you come? Coming Events Episcopal Student Foundation. Teat from 4 to 5:15at Canterbury House. Fri., Feb. 19. All students invitea. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 19, at Canterbury House. Professors Frank L. Huntley and William B. Willcox will debate the subject: "Is the Anglican Church Protestant or Catholic?" Roger Williams Guild. Record Dance Friday evening at 8 p.m., at the Guild House. Wesley Foundation. Big Belated Val- entine Party Friday in the Wesley Lounge at 8 p.m. Come join in the fun of the many games and square dancing. Also refreshments. Everyone welcome. Newman Club will sponsor a Square Dance Fri., Feb. 19, from 9-12 at the Father Richard Center. The dances will be called by a professional square- dance caller. Refreshments will be serv- ed by the Newmanites. Jeans or casual clothes will be in order. Everyone is welcome to attend. I I i. .1. + MUSIC + FEW PIANISTS have the equipment of Paul Badura-Skoda. He has a powerful technique, a fine feeling for musical style, and what few musicians of any age have: a sense of the work as a whole. He put this equipment to splendid work last night in performances of works by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok, and Brahms. This line-up of com- posers suggests the musical hall of fame, or a short trip through music history-with Badura-Skoda from Baroque to Bartok. But he carried it off successfully. He was most convincing in the Bach and the Brahms. His conception of Bach is not dictated by an scholarly considerations; he has neither the pretensions of Landow- ska nor the austerity of Rosalyn Tureck. His was a sensative, somewhat romantic, but always vigorous and dynamic approach to Bach. He made us aware of contrasts- not only of dynamics, but of musical tex- tures. Thus the powerful, jagged chorday opening of the C Minor Partita appeared in sharp antithesis to the smooth, lyrical two-part writing which followed. And the fugal section appeared as yet another con- trast. The final movements, the Rondeau and Capriccio, were sheer delights: bril- DR A t Lydia Mendelssohn .. DETECTIVE STORY, produced by The Student Players BESIDES the usual problems, the Student Players had an extra obstacle to leap in producing this play: most of its audience, including this reviewer, were fairly fresh from seeing a very good movie production of liantly executed, finely shaded, and always rhythmically sharp and clear. The same sense of drama and the same precision characterized his playing of Bee- thoven's Pathetique. To me this work seems banal and obvious; I would have preferred to hear, let us say, the D Major Sonata from Opus 10 group, or the E Flat Sonatta from Opus 31. But I suppose the audiences must have their 'familiar' works, or they feel cheated. Mr. Badura-Skoda squeezed every drop of pathos out of it without distorting it beyond recognition. It was an exciting read- ing. The Bartok was a curious, unformed work. It was a suite in four movements, each movement having the character of a study or an improvisation. There were hints of other composers: early Stravinsky, Debussy, even Liszt. Incredibly difficult, it seemed more of a display piece than a serious work. The final work was the early Sonata in F Minor by Brahms. Br. Badura-Skoda was superb in this passionate, richly lyrical, and somewhat diffuse work. That he can play romantic works like the Brahms, and Baro- que works like the Bach with such under- standing and authority testify to his im- mense versatility and artistry. -Harvey Gross kMAI the fierce gestures of an automaton. McLeod' could never be a Sergeant Friday, but we should feel a little sympathy for him. Each of the rich array of minor characters is, in some way or other set in opposition to McLeod and has rabidness, and most of the roles are ably handled. The play presents, as advertised, some pointed comment on the nature of a police {+ a.taP h.P i sln s. nrety n ndnr abounat - evening, commentator Futon Lewis threw a gala party at the c Shoreham Hotel attended by various celebrities, most of them men.w Invited, however, was the one lady of the cabinet--Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. t Mrs. Hobby is a lady with a fine background of public service, d having been head of the WAC during the war, also publisher of n the Houston Post. Despite the years, however, Mrs. Hobby is a T lady.of great charm, and on this particular evening she looked ' positively ravishing. Appearing at the threshold of the Fulton Lewis party, she gazed1 at the crush of male guests and hesitated. a "I'm afraid I've come to the wrong place," she murmured. . "Not at all, not at all," assured Mr. Lewis in his most expansive mood. "These men need someone like you to tone up the party.e Come right in."T The lone lady member of the cabinet still hesitated.' But after further assurance from commentator Lewis, she finally: entered, took off her wrap and prepared to meet with guests. t "Now, let me see, dear," said host Lewis, "what did you say your name was?"' As Mrs. Hobby told him, Fulton literally fell on his knees. To d slip up on a male member of the cabinet is not usually done in a Washington, but to slip on the only lady member, said Mr. Lewis t with conviction is unforgivable. c COMPETITIVE BOND BUSINESS a IT'S BEEN OBSCURED by news of butter, Bricker and Berlin, but the Securities and Exchange Commission, charged with policingtG Wall Street, appears on the verge of junking a regulation that hasv saved American consumers and investors millions. It is rule U-50' which requires investment bankers to competeA against each other in bidding for the bonds of public utilities. Prior to 1941, big investment houses divided up the utility n bond business among themselves. Many boards of directors of s investment houses had tie-ins with utility boards of directors, so c a bond issue was floated by advance secret agreement rather than by competitive bidding. This meant that the price to the utilitiest was high. In fact, during the five years from 1936-1941, the utilities paid an average of $20 in commissions, discounts, etc., n for every thousand dollars they borrowed. After 1941 when rule U-50 went into effect, however, the utilities paid an average of $6.58 for every thousand dollars they borrowed. This saving also meant reduced rates for consumers, since elec- tricity, gas, rail rates and other public-service rates are based on over-all costs. And the cost of floating bond issues is invariably passedV onto the consumer public. However, the vigorous opposition of Robert R. Young, then ofa the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, together with Cyrus Eaton, the Cleveland banker, helped change the noncompetitive flotation oft utility stocks and bonds, and rule U-50 was adopted. - MELLON LAWYERE TODAY, HOWEVER, a quiet drive is under way to kill competitivea bidding. Spearheading the drive is the new Republican SEC chair- man, Ralph H. Demmler, former law partner of Sen. Dave Reed of Pittsburgh, personal attorney for the late Andrew Mellon. Demmler formerly represented the Mellon Securities Corporation and helped; arrange one of the biggest banking mergers of recent years-thatt between Mellon securities and the First Boston Company.t Also in favor of dropping rule U-50 is Robert A. McDowell,t SEC director of corporate regulation, formerly of Sullivan and Cromwell which represents such investment houses as Goldman, Sachs; Blythe and Co.; Lehman Brothers, and First Boston. Though most of the big bankers are delighted, Halsey, Stuart and Co., biggest investment house in the Middle West, has filed an' objection. So have some of the smaller banking houses, plus labore groups, among them W. P. Kennedy, president of the railroad train-j men. These are all a matter of public record. However, big banker petitions asking that competitive bidding be abolished are kept cof, etil an creative genius, can take its place c with other already established art forms, iuch as the novel, poetry, sculpture, or painting. Beginning with the silent mo- ion pictures, lectures will trace thet development of artistic techniquest hrough various stages to the begin- ning of the present era of sound films. The films to be shown this evening are ACorner in Wheat, The New York Hat, and A Fool There Was. Eight weeks. 5. Coordinator,. Marvin Felheim, Assist-f nt Professorof English. Thurs., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall.t Radar Systems and Circuits. Primary emphasis on the "System" viewpoint.1 This method of presentation is ap- propriate for persons having scientifict r engineering background, yet it is profitable to those without educational raining who are interested in theI over-al picture of radar capabilities1 and techniques. The subject material is arranged to focus attention on circuits,4 devices, and techniques used in radar1 hat have expanding application in to-, day's engineering. Minor emphasis will be placed on the technical details of circuits taught in regula; school courses. References for further reading tre included for thesystems and cir- cuits presented. Sixteen weeks $18. Instructors, George A. Wilcox, Re- search Assistant Electronics Defense ' Group, Engineering Research Institute, University of Michigan. Thurs., Feb. 18, 7 p.m., 176 Busiess Administration Building. Creative Writing. A course in the short story, the personal essay, and the novel, for beginpers and intermediate students, emphasizing the reading and criticism of students' writing. Sixteen weeks. $18. Instructor, Henry C. Branson, Lec- turer in Creative Writing. Thurs., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., 170 Busi- ness Administration Building. Events Today The Modern Dance Club will meet to- night at 7:30 in the dance studio in Barbour Gym. Any interested men or women are welcome to attend. A.S.P.A. Social Seminar. All students and facultytand their friends are in- vited to attend the social seminar of the Michigan Chapter of ASPA this evening at.7:30 p.m. in the West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Dr. J. Philip Wernette, Professor of Business Administration at Michigan and Editor of the Michigan Business Re- view, will speak on "The Universatility of Administrative Principles." The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher Verein meets today at 3:15 in the Union taproom. Excellent opportunity for all to practice and improve their conversa- tional ability. Everyone is welcome to this informal group. The student Bar Association and the Michigan Crib, Pre-Legal Society, will present this . evening a speech, by Alan Canty, Director of the Psycho- pathic Clinic of the Recorder's Court of Wayne County. Mr. Canty's speech is entitled, "Psychology and Law." The A Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter..................City Editor Virginia V'oss........ Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane . AuWerter..Associate Editor Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye....... .....Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger....Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankie. ...Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden....... Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 'I I . Xletter4 x_ ar____T__..