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February 18, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-18

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inAt4-E+ Ttrnialm



Phi Delt Cagers TrounceA TO,



Wardrop Twins Raise 'M' Title Hopes

Sigma Nu, Kappa Alpha Psi
Rip Sigma Alpha Mu, Acacia
Sigma Chi Routs Alpha Delta Phi, 33-18;
Phi Gams, Chli Psi Score Impressive Wins

After the final score of the
Michigan-Michigan State dual
swimming meet became history,
the crowd at the Sports Building
pool realized why the Wolverines'
imported double act of Bert and'
Jack Wardrop were so highly
thought of by Mr. Swimming, Matt
The Wardrops, who hail from
Motherwell, Scotland, had a hand
in four Michigan victories and two
second places against the previous-
ly undefeated Spartans.
* * *
JACK SWAM a leg on the rec-
ord breaking 400 yard free style re-
lay team, scored a victory in the
100 yard crawl, and registered a
first place in the individual med-
ley completing the 150 yard course
in near record time.
Bert gave notice to the breast-
strokers around the college
swimming circuit that he will be
a man to be reckoned with at the
Nationals, when he gave State's
national champion John Dudek
a sensational race, only to be
touched out at the-finish.
Bert also completed the breast-
stroke leg on the winning medley
relay team, and finished second to
his brother in the individual med-

ley when he gutted out the last
fifty yards with a shoulder sep-
* * *
WITH THE Wardrops coming
eligible for competition Matt Mann
can now present an air tight line-
up to the Wolverines' remaining
opponents for the 1954 season.
Both boys became swimming
stars in a country that is short
on pools and even shorter on
coaches. As Bert explains it, "A
boy in England who wants to.
become a competitive swimmer
must progress under his own in-
itiative with little encourage-
The Scottish aces, who began
to take dips at the age of six, were
fourteen years old when they swam
for Scotland against England in
the Empire Games. Upon gradua-
tion from high school the Swim-
ming Scots doned the uniform of
the RAF, a compulsory action for
all young citizens of the British
IN 1950 the Michigan stars trad-
ed their RAF uniforms for swim-
ming trunks and started the long
and grueling process of working

themselves back into competitive
competition. Before the 1952 Olym-
pics Jack set a British Empire rec-
ord for the 100 yard freestyle and
brother Bert posted a new Empire
record for the backstroke at a
similiar distance.
In the '53 Olympics the name
Wardrop began to receive inter-
national recognition. Jack was
the British captain and Bert was
one of the squad's more promi-
nent members. Both men were
impressive in their particular
events, and returned to Scot-
land respected competitors and
The English Lit majors first
came into contact with Coach Matt
Mann and Michigan when Mann
took the Wolverine team on a tour
of some of the European countries.
The Olympians always had a de-
sire to study in America, and to
prove themselves in American
swimming competition, the finest
in the world.
WHEN IT CAME to choosing a
school the boys hit on Michigan,
and have become a near legend
in Ann Arbor swimming annals
after participating in only one
After the slaughter of the Spar-
tans, Jack and Bert are optimis-
tic about the Maize and Blue's
chances in the Big Ten and Na-
tional championships.
As of now things are bright in
the Michigan camp, and the dou-
ble dose of 'swimming dynamite
from Scotland is a paramount
cause for the high hopes of the
Michigan students, and many Wol-
verine swimming fans.
Barron ....107 87 301 17.7
Jorgenson .. 79 57 215 12.5
Groffsky ... 75 55 202 11.9
Williams ... 81 28 180 10.6
Eaddy ..... 60 31 151 8.9
Mead ...... 22 35 79 4.6
Codwell .... 23 29 75 4.7
Allen ...... 7 3 17 1.8
Pavichevich -7 3 13 0.9
Vawter .... 5 1 11 1.7
Singer ..... 2 4 8 4.0

Led by the high scoring of Frank
Moore, Phi Delta Theta swamped
Alpha Tau Omega, 44-32, in a so-
cial fraternity 'A' basketball game
last night.
Moore tipped in 12 points fol-
lowed closely by Jack Corbett who
pushed in five baskets and a foul
shot. Andy Samosuk dumped in
eight points to aid in the win. Pat
Kamhout was high for the losers
with ten points.
* * *
SIGMA NU upset Sigma Alpha
Mu to go into the first place play-
offs by downing the Sammies 31-
23. Dick Rex scored seven baskets
and one foul shot for a 15 point
total to become high scorer. Jack
McGarvey was second with eight
points. Mark Jacobson led the
Sammies with 12 points.
In another 'A' game, Kappa
Alpha Psi downed Acacia, 36-24.
Ben Gaudy was high for the
winners with ten points while
Curt Atkinson sparked the losers
with ten points.
Sigma Chi's 'B' team trounced
their next door neighbor Alpha
Delta Phi, 33-18. Jack DeVries
scored eight buckets and three free-
throws and John Fortenberry
dumped in three field goals and
one foul shot to lead the Sigma
Chi's. Roy Deng tallied eight
points for the losers.
Kappa Sigma in a wild, free- scor-
ing game, 41-11, to enter the first
place playoffs. Both teams had
previously been unbeaten. Bill
King was high scorer for the win-
ners with eight points.
Chi Psi tripped Phi Kappa Sig-
ma, 41-15, with Doug Hill and Bob
Westover leading the team with
ten points each. Jim Moore fol-
lowed closely with nine points.
Mike Lashmet was high for the
losers with eight.
In the professional fraternity
basketball league, Delta Sigma
Delta beat Phi Alpha Delta, 36-
16. Chuck Murray, former cap-
tain of the Michigan basketball
team, was high scorer with 15
In another social fraternity 'A'

basketball game, Alpha Phi Alpha
downed Psi Upsilon, 28-22. Eldon
Martin scored eight points for the
winners while Ron Horne scored
ten and Ralph Dwan eight to pace
the losers.
Other scores-
Psi Upsilon defeated Alpha Sigma Phi
Theta Chi defeated Delta Sigma Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated Delta
Kappa Epsilon (forfeit)
Alpha Sigma Phi defeated Alpha
Delta Phi (forfeit)
Tau Delta Phi 2, Chi Phi 1
Gomberg House 3, Greene House 0
Cooley House 2, Michigan House 0

A SHORT-HANDED, but hustling Michigan hockey team has gone
from "Rags to Riches" in the collegiate hockey world in the short
space of just nine days.
Beginning on Friday, February 5, with just 11 men in uniform,
the Maize and Blue twice defeated a young, aggressive Michigan Tech
team at Houghton, Michigan. Two days later in Ann Arbor, playing
with only three hours sleep in the previous 24 due to transportation
difficulties, the Wolverines handed a highly rated Denver University
squad its worst defeat of the season, an 11-4 shellacking.
* * * *
THE FOLLOWING NIGHT Michigan, for the first time in the
four year old Denver series, made it a clean sweep of the two vital
games in the Western Hockey League schedule.
Riding a five game winning streak, which started with a
much needed victory over Minnesota's Gophers up at Minneapolis
in the second of the series in the northland, the Michigan icemen
closed out the nine day marathon with two decisive wins over a
strong Colorado College sextet.
This steady rise in Michigan's bid for national hockey leadership
can be attributed to two things-leadership and team spirit. Led by
"All-American" team Captain Jim Haas, on the ice, and by Vic, "The
Builder of Champions," Heyliger off the ice, the team has steadily
developed a great group spirit that binds the men together into a
strong, cohesive team.
It is these two elements that enable the Maize and Blue of Mi-
chigan to once more ride the pinnacle of collegiate hockey.

DOUG MULLEN, one of Michi-
gan's greatest hockey stars,
shows in the adjoining article
that he is as handy with a
typewriter as he is with a
hockey stick.

Mullen Sparks Wolverine Puck Attack j' ,

A blue streak swept down the ice,
pivoted sharply, and fired the puck
into the Colorado College net.
The huge crowd at the Coliseum
went wild as the man in blue
raised his armabove his head,'
held his stick high in the air, and
came back up the ice with a wide
grin creasing his redish face.
M *
caused all this commotion was
Doug "Moon" Mullen, crack cen-
ter of Michigan's first line and
currently the top scorer on the
Wolverine hockey squad.
Mullen, who is the only Michi-
gan resident on the team, hails
from Grass Lake, and is respect-
ed throughout the league for his
deadly shots and timely assists.
The husky senior is also respect-
ed by his teammates. Goalie Bill
Lucier terms him the "old pro,"
while sophomore Bill MacFarland,
who is no slouch with a hockey
stick himself, calls Mullen "the
smartest man in the league."
* * *
HIS HEADS-UP play at all
times, his ability to be "on the
spot" at the right moment, and his
all-around aggressive play have
certainly merited that title. Al-
though one of the most aggressive
players in the league, he has rela-
tively few penalties called against
him. In fact, Coach Vic Heyliger
makes frequent use of Mullen's
adept stick-handling ability to
work off. Michigan penalties.
Physically, the persistent Mul-
len is in better shape this sea-
son than ever before. Prior to
the opening of the current cam-
paign, Mullen shed around 13
pounds and the reducing has
paid off in the scoring column.
Leading the team in scoring with
a total of 46 points in the 16 games
to date, the veteran playmaker has

Daily's sport page, which appears
for the first time today.
The Grass Lake senior, who is
married and has a two-year-old
daughter, is not the only mem-
ber of the family who wields a
hockey stick. His younger broth-
er Mel played last year for Den-
ver, and though he is not going
to school this year, he will pro-
bably return to the Pioneer
forces next fall to bolster Neil
Celley's squad.
Mullen, who never wastes a move
when he is out on the ice, learned
his hockey at DeLaSall.e High
School in Toronto, his home town
before he migrated to Michigan.
He gained more knowledge of thel
game playing amateur hockey in
Detroit while attending Highland
Park Junior College prior to en-
tering Michigan.
As the Wolverines drive towardt
a NCAA title berth at Colorado

Springs next month, much will be
expected of Mullen. It will be his
responsibility not only to execute
but to set up the key plays that
must materialize if Michigan is to
get a title bid. Heyliger is confi-
dent that the "old pro" of Mich-
igan hockey can live up to that
Cage Scores
Princeton 61, Penn 59
Georgia 69, Georgia Tech 61
Columbia 70, Brown 60
Holy Cross 89, St. Michael's 67
Kansas 85, Kansas State 74
Duquesne 93, Geneva 59
Notre Dame 81, Butler 56
Read and Use
Daily Class ifieds


Meet Michigan's Sports Heroes



Christiansen Stars on Michigan Two Mile Relay Team

Roy Christiansen, a mainstay
of the current Wolverine track3
squad, has made rapid stridesI
since he first went out for the1
cinder sport as a junior in highI
At Royal Oak High School cross
country was his specialty, and heI
holds three course records in theE
sport. His efforts were not con-
fined to distance running, though,e
as he starred in the 440-yard run,t
the half mile, and mile runs.

THIS YEAR Christiansen is
running on the 2-mile relay team,
usually in the third position, al-
thoUgh he ran anchor on the re-
lay team in the Michigan AAU
meet held at Yost Field House.
Trailing at the start of the final
lap of the race, Christiansen surg-
ed ahead of the Michigan State
anchorman Lyle Garbe and finish-
ed about 15 yards ahead at the
The middle distance ace was


Shell Representatives
will visit the
University of Michigan

a mnember of the Wolverine two-
mile relay team that last year
set a varsity indoor record of
The 5-8, 140-pound senior from
Royal Oak plans to enter the Law
School next fall and is now in
LS&A. He stays in good physical
condition the year around and
has little trouble working up to a
running pace when the track sea-
son begins.
* * *
CHRISTIANSEN broke family
tradition when he was born in
the United States 21 years ago,
having been the first member of
his family to be born outside Den-
mark in 1400 years. His father, a
civil engineer, decided to bring
his family to the United States in
the late120s in search of a job in
"the land of opportunity."
When asked why he partici-
pated in the cinder sport, Chris-
tiansen replied, "I find compe-
tition healthy and a balance to

the academic side of college
When asked about the Western
Conference indoor and outdoor
track meets, the Wolverine star
commented, "I think we will win
the indoor meet at Champaign,
but I'm doubtful about the out-
door meet at Purdue."
With the track team traveling
throughout the country by plane,
Christiansen estimates he flies
about 10,000 miles a year. The
trip east between semesters and
the trip west during the spring
recess are the big mileage makers
for the thinclads.
Roy claims that steady work in
high school is the big factor that
has made him one of Michigan's
fastest half milers in his relative-
ly young track career. Dilligent
workouts have developed his
strong finishand might give him
a chance to compete in the 1000-
yard run, an event recently in-
corporated in the Big Ten track.

I-M Relay Trials
Preliminaries for the frater-
nity, residence hall, and inde-
pendent half mile relay eventst
will be held tonight in Yost
Field House from 7:30 to 8:30.
The four teams in each group
which turn in the fastest times
in tonight's trials will compete
for the championship of their
respective divisions Saturday,
February 27, during the Michi-
gan-Ohio State dual track meet.
poured in 17 goals, and has as-
sisted on 29 others. His high spot
of the season came in the second
game against Colorado College
when he netted two goals and add-
ed four assists for a six point total.

. . star puckster . . . cagers top scorer

.. .NCAA mat champ

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MULLEN IS a journalism major
at Michigan and a member of
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary jour-
nalism fraternity. He has con-
sented to write a column for the

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A Michigan Favorite For 64 Years!

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