KAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 27. 1954 Student Government Council-A Step Up Littl0 Man On Campus hy Bibler IVEARLY six months of investigation into the most effective form of student gov- ernment came to an end yesterday as the Student Affairs Study Committee presented recommendations for a Student Government Council to University President Harlan H. Hatcher. SGC would essentially and efficiently in- corporate present Student Affairs Commit- tee and Student Legislature areas of juris- diction. Drawn up by five faculty members, two alumni and one student, the plan takes into consideration both student and administra- tive responsibilities. The council itself, composed entirely of students (seven organizational leaders and eleven elected representatives), will act as the initial student governing body subject to review by a seven-member student-fac- ulty-administration board. The presence of two students, two admin- istrators and three faculty members on the Board insures balanced representation of both the traditional points of view with the possibility of faculty members' swinging the vote. It is an improvement over the present set- up with the SAC. Now many Student Legis- lature actions automatically go to SAC for approval before moving further up the pine. Under the proposed plan, SGC actions would go into effect unless the Board de- cided to review them within four days when a question of "the Council's jurisdiction" is involved" or the matter requires 'further consideration." The study committee, however, anticipates "that the Board would not normally over- turn decisions of the Student Government Council." On first glance this provision for review would seem the mammoth drawback in the whole scheme. However, if the envisioned Council takes the bit in its teeth from the beginning, it will quite probably establish certain immediate precedents in its own realm which the Board and the campus will respect. And expression of student opinion, now one of the most firmly-held areas of Student Legislature jurisdiction, will remain the ex- clusive property of SGC. Other objections to the plan center around the size of the Council. It's a big step from the approximately 40-member Student Leg- islature to an 18-member SGC. But with delegation to other organi- zations of many of the time-consuming money-raising projects now carried on by SL and with the probability of top-calibre representatives, the Council should Work effectively and efficiently. If small size proves a hindrance to SGC activities the Council can change its compo- sition with approval of the Board. So the chances are favorable for a more powerful student government that could real- ly govern students and the choice lies now in the hands of the President and the Re- gents. -Becky Conrad ., F INA~L -9, - -r - r -7 r r 7 y -. --- w t - r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Book Exchange... To the Editor: EVERY SEMESTER the Student Book Ex- change, sponsored by the Student Legis- lature, offers students an opportunity to sell their used textbooks at prices of their own choosing. Next fall, the Exchange will again set up shop as a service to the students, both as a means of selling their textbooks at worthwhile prices and as an opportunity to buy others at a reduced cost. This can be done because the Exchange is a non-profit organization, deducting only 10% from the amount received from the sale of books for sales taxes, service charges, and other opera- ting expenses. The Exchange cannot offer many books to the student buyer, however, unless books are turned in to the Exchange during col- lections. The three months "dead period" between this semester and next presents a special problem in obtaining books for the Exchange. Although books may be turned in during exams to residence unit agents, at the SL office in the basement of the Union from 3 to 5 p.m., and on the Diag from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on June 3 and 4, many students may prefer selling their books to the book- stores for immediate cash. Others may take their books home for the summer with no particular plans for disposing of them in the fall. I would like to urge everyone, instead, to take advantage of the spring collections and turn in his books before the end of ex- ams so that books will be available for the sale. Only in this way can it be assured that the Exchange will be a successful service to the University. Many students have already given their cooperation by acting as agents for the Book Exchange collections. But we need every- one's cooperation. Students should take ad- vantage now of the Exchange collections, in order that we may continue to operate the Exchange as a benefit to them. The oppor- tunity is there; please don't waste it. -Harvey Freed, 56 Assistant Manager Student Book Exchange .* . *. Academic Freedom .. . To the Editor: MOTIVATED BY a Christian concern for the welfare of our society and for the best interests of our educational institutions, the Social Action Committee of the Wes- leyan Guild last November prepared a state- ment reflecting the feelings of its members on the issue of Academic Freedom. We re- alize that no excerpt from this statement can do full justice to the careful opinions ex- pressed therein; but in light of the present circumstances we believe it not improper to note that it was then our considered Judg- ment that "Employment or non-employment in the teaching profession should be based primar- ily upon academic proficiency, teaching ability, recognition of certain ethical prin- ciples which should be considered as essen- tial to the profession, and a normally decent mnd healthy moral life. Hence membership At the Michigan... FORBIDDEN, with Tony Curtis 44WHAT brought me to Macao, ten thou- sand miles from Philadelphia-city of brotherly love? Ten thousand dollars. What keeps me here? A dame." Thus soliloquizes handsome Tony Curtis as he gazes out over the harbour of Macao-- city of lust. On behalf of this dame, lovely Joanne Dru, Mr. Curtis gets kicked, stab- bed, beaten, shot at, and insulted in ninety of the gayest minutes ever. As Mr. Curtis and a good half dozen other characters struggle for possession of Miss Dru, the background music sets the tone with a hanuting rendition of "You Belong to Me." or suspected association with any particular group or organization should not be taken as a criterion for hiring or firing. "Certain activities, such as conscious dis- tortion of facts to support a personal opin- ion, teaching opinion in such a way as to require its acceptance as fact, a conspicuous attitude of viewing teaching chiefly as a 'sounding board' for personal convictions or proselytizing, etc. should be regarded be ha- bitual and uncorrected, might conceivably be held as grounds for dismissal." We sincerely hope and expect that those University bodies, before whom the cases of the faculty members suspended for not co- operating with the House Committee on Un- American Activities are under consideration, wil ltake no action without the fullest study of the individual merits of the persons in- volved. In view of considerations of Univer- sity morale, reputation and general welfare, we strongly urge that the criteria and rea- soning involved in any decision on these cases be made public. -Carter Pate, Chairman Social Action Committee of the Wesleyan Guild * * * * Vengeance is Mine,. .. To the Editor: IT JUST SO happens that I have heard of Dave Kessel. The letter which appeared in your columns yesterday signed "Thomas Roscoe Arp" was not mine; some fool idiot, obviously with the best intentions, has taken it upon himself not only to clear up my name, but has chosen to use said name in his attempt to do so. But vengeance is mine. Besides having heard of Dave Kessel, I know him to be a liar. The Ezra W. Thatch- body Award in steam engineering was not given to him, as he states, but to a Madame Janet Winn-Malcolm for her Nee-Dadaistic design for a new steam room to be built at the Union. I hope that well-intentioned crusaders for justice will refrain henceforth from using the name of -Thomas Roscoe Arp (the.real one) Right To Define.. .. To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to Nadine Wine's confused and somewhat unintelligent editorial in the May 25th edition of The Daily, I should like to call her attention to a basic fallacy which seems only too current in pseudo-con- servative thought today. This is the con- tention that those who protest McCarthyism, are, in the final analysis, utilizing similar methods and aiming for similar ends. Now any genuine liberal who is confounded by such an absurdly relativistic argument would do well to review the basic issues. Roughly, these are: 1-Advocates of McCarthyism seek to totally define "Americanism." Along with this end, and involved in it, they seek to deny anyone else the right to express differ- ing definitions of this term. 2-Liberals ob- ject to this latter end; they feel that if any MOV-I ing her old haunts and companions, has dis- covered new-found happiness as the "house- guest" of a prominent Macao villian. The villain also wants Miss Dru, but for ro particular reason, except perhaps a mis- guided pride of ownership. Tony Curtis wants her for true love and mating purposes. This is known as conflict. You see, there is somebody following handsome Tony Cur- tis, who in turn is flitting after lovely Joanne Dru who is running from the syndicate rep- resented by the man who is following hand- some Tony Curtis. BUT villainous Lyle Bettiger is following everybody. And when the man who is fol- lowing lovely Tony Curtis is shot by the man who is actually-no that's not right. What happens is the man in the hire of the man group should have the right to express defi- nitions of "Americanism," then all groups should have this right. 3-The conclusion would follow that what Liberals object to is not McCarthyism's attempt to define "Am- ericanism," but rather its basic denial of the right of any other group to attempt their own interpretation. This is, after all, the very essence of liberal democracy; the right of each individual to protest, to make his own mistakes, to attempt to find his own definition of the "good life." The many "pa- triotic" groups which attempt to re-define this essence are striking at the very foun- dations of their political existence, and thus are preparing the ground for complete na- tional demoralization and helplessness. This is the sore within the vitals of America that is infinitely more dangerous than any alien ideology which can only attract a mere hand- It would appear that Miss Fine's com- plaint that the persons who protested were unaware of their aims is really only a pro- jection of her own ignorance of the issues involved. -F. Stefan Dean League Clarification ... To the Editor: THIS YEAR'S "Ensian" reflected a true attempt on the part of its editors to maintain a degree of objectivism. Perhaps it is because of this fact that certain sec- tions stood out as being obviously cynical and fallacious. We are referring specifically to the section on the Michigan League. It seems only fair to clarify some of the state- ments therein. Therefore we would like to contest the as- sertion that the League functions "behind a cloak of 'we must do this beacuse Miss Mac said'." Yes, Miss Mac is a strong and highly respected personality. She in turn respects the opinions and wishes of the girls working in the League. While she does not hesitate to state her disapproval of ideas or proposed projects, her objections do not function as a veto power, as the girls are free to carry through their own wishes. Without going into a detailed considera- tion of the League's interviewing and nomi- nating policy, it seems pertinent to state that 1.) No consideration is given to affilia- tion or non-affiliation in filling positions, and 2.) The 1954-55 executive council, which the "Enslan" has described as "a sorority dominated executive body," is composed of six independents and five affiliates. This fact is not one that we had consciously meas- ured before, but rather have discovered upon trying to determine the validity of the "En- sian" statement. The League naturally has its faults; how- ever, we feel that the "Ensian" should be more careful, if it feels it is necessary to cri- ticize any organization, to base its criticism upon facts. -Sally Lorber Sue Blau Sally Stahl * * * * Ricochet... To the Editor: HAVE JUST read the editorial page of this morning's Daily, or is it the Garg- oyle. Anyway, why doesn't some one take a pot shot at Jon Sobeloff. -John McDowell, '56 fll0* * * Nothing Without God ... To the Editor: A RECENT letter printed in this column in regard to an earlier statement in the Daily that "Meaningful Sex Relations Re- quire God," is the product of a demented in- dividual. We strongly protest the regradation of human beings to the level of beasts. Were it not that man was created above the level of a beast, with a soul and an intellect, he would not be able to write such statements. Our heartfelt comment on the presence of God in us, with us, and about us is: "Without Him you have nothing; only with Him can you have anything." This applies in every phase of man's life, whether it be sex relations, business relations, foreign re- lations, or what have you. -.T. Grexnrv rhmidt WASHINGTON-A tip to Secretary of the Army Stevens--if you will check with your fellow cabinet member, Attorney General Brownell, you will find that the FBI sent two reports to the Justice Department regarding the Signal Corps and Fort Monmouth about one year ago-April, 1953. It was a good many months later, after President Eisenhower ordered all cabinet officers to give McCarthy carbon copies of all executive department investigations, that Mc- Carthy got reports on the FBI probe of Fort Monmouth and saw a chance to jump into the headlines . . . . However, I think you will find that the Justice Department had itself concluded, on the basis of its own FBI investigations, that there was no evidence of espionage at Fort Monmouth. . .. Latest Senate quip from the McCarthy hear- ings: "This is the first time since the Philistines that an army was defeated with the jawbone of an ass" .. .. Every important TV quiz program is planning to invite Army counsel Joseph Welsh to be a guest star after the McCarthy hearings are over . . . . When the Army-McCarthy hearings began, McCarthy demanded that every member of his staff-clerks, secretaries, and investigators-take a loyalty oath supporting him and Roy Cohn. However, one staff mem- ber refused to sign-Mrs. Ruth Young Watts. So far she hasn't been fired. She was around Capitol Hill long before McCarthy. H-BOMB SILENCE-The Eisenhower Administration has re- versed the Truman policy of informing the public whenever Rus- sia explodes a hydrogen or atomic bomb. Under this new policy, the Atomic Energy Commission has announced only one hydrogen explosion inside Russia, though actually the Russians have ex- ploded three H-bombs .... Since the H-bomb is so powerful that it can sink an island or destroy a city, it would seem wise to let the public know what the score is .. .. for the sake of civil de- fense . . . . Unfortunately the Russians appear to be ahead of us in some phases of H-bomb research, though we are probably still ahead in over-all H-bomb development . . . . Small colleges are complaining that five big universities get the lion's share of the government's research grants-Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Cal Tech, and Chicago. * * * * BRITISH-U.S. SPLIT-Behind Winston Churchill's dour speech in which for the first time he didn't defend his mother's native coun- try, the U.S., was a backstage quarrel at Geneva; also serious diffi- culties over Indo-China . . . . At Geneva, Anthony Eden discovered that U.S. Undersecretary of State Beetle Smith was talking on the QT with French Foreign Minister Bidault . .. . They were hatching up a Southeast Asia pact without John Bull ... . Eden immediately phon- ed Churchill. Churchill told him to have a showdown with Under- secretary Smith. He did so. But Smith more or less told him to Jump in the lake, that he'd talk to the French if he wanted to ... . Chur- chill retaliated by pulling New Zealand out of the proposed Asiatic defense pact. Now the U.S. is left only with shaky France, sparse Aus- tralia, and the willing but weak Philippines ... . The Anglo-American split is serious. Some diplomats compare it to the days of Munich when another British Prime Minister appeased another dictator and got branded with the sign of the umbrella for life ... . At that time Churchill was one of his bitterest critics. (Copyright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) I I -4 4 (Continued from Page 2) ing Mon., May 31. Any difference in schedules will be posted on their doors. GENERAL LIBRARY To all students having Library books: 1. Students having in their possession books borrowed from the General Li- brary or its branches are notified that such books are due wed., June 2. 2. Students having special need for certain books between June 2 and June 10 may retain such books for that per- iod by renewing them at the Charging Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Fri., June 11 will be sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared in compli- ance with the regulations of the Re- gents. Veterans who expect to receive edu- cation and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) MUST report to Room 555 Administration Building, Office of Veterans' Affairs, be- tween 8 am., Tuesday, Jrune 1 and 5 p.m., Friday, June 4, to fill in and sign MONTHLY CERTIFICATIONS for May 1-May 31 and June 1-June 12. All Art Print Loan Collection pictures must be returned to Room 510 Adinin- istration Bldg. during the wee: of May 24 to May 28 between the hours of 9-12 a.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. A fine will be charged for overdue oictures. Holders of pictures still unreturned by Thursday, June 3, will be placed automatically on the Hold Credit List. Undergraduate Women Interested in FLETCHER HALL accommodations for Fall, 1954, will meet at 4 p.m. Fri., May 28, in the Michigan League Building. University Choir. All music belonging to the University must be returned to 706 Burton Tower, Fri., May 28, 8:30- 11:30. Disciplinary actions in cases of stu- dent misconduct: In the second semes- ter of 1953-1954, eighty-three students and two groups were heard by the Joint Judiciary Council. In thirteen cases no action was taken by the Council and this was approved by the Sub-Commit- tee on Discipline. In the remaining cases the following disciplinary actions recommended by the Joint Judiciary were ordered by the Sub-Committee on Discipline. For violation of state laws and city ordinances relating to the purchase, sale and use of intoxicants: Sa) use of false identification or altered identification: Three students fined $15.00 and warned; two students fined $15.00 and warned, fine suspended in view of court fine ofu$54.30; one student fined $15.00, fine suspended in view of court fine of $51.25, and warned. b)use oftfalse identification in pur- chase of intoxicants and a second in- stance of attempted purchase of intoxi- cants, and drinking in a student resi- dence: One student fined $15.00 for at- tempt to purchase, fine suspended in view of court fine of $45.00, also fined total of $20.00 for latter two offenses, and warned. c) verbal misrepresentation of age: One student fined $20.00 and warned; one student fined $15.00 to be earned by him and paid to the Cashier by the end of the current semester, and warned. d) for using false identification to peace: One student fined $50.00 and warned that future misconduct may lead to suspension from the University (second offense), j) drunk and disorderly conduct: One student fined $10.00 fine suspended after court fine of $11.85 and damages of $71.60; one student fined $10.00, fine suspended in view of court fine of $16.85 and warned; two students fined $5.00 and warned. k) using wrongful means in obtaining extra football tickets for the 1953 sea- son: Five students fined $15.00 and warned, and required to make restitu- tion to the Athletic Department in the amount of $24.00. 1) having had on campus two differ-! ent cars for which he did not obtain University driving permits, and one of which was involved in a major accident, driving after drinking and providing intoxicating beverages to a minor: One student fined $50.00, fine suspended in view of financial condition, and notj allowed to enroll in the fall term of 1954. For violation of University regulations concerning drinking in student residen- ces: Onestudent fined $25.00 and warn- ed, two students fined $20.00 and warn- ed; three students fined $15.00 and warned; two students fined $10.00 and} warned; one student sent letter of rep-4 rimand. a) and consuming beer on street and striking and seriously injuring a fellow student: One student fined $50.00, fine suspended in view of court fine of $16.25 and two-day jail sentence and severely warned. b) and disturbing the peace: Two stu- dents fined $20.00 and warned. c) and participating in attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages although a minor: One student fined $20.00 and warned. d) and drinking in public place and providing intoxicants for minors: One student fined $25.00, $10.00 of which sus- pended in view of $16.25 paid in court. e) and drinking in a public place: One student fined $15.00 and warned. f) and found guilty of disorderly con- duct (prowling): One student fined $20.00, $10.00 suspended in view of court fine of $16.85 and warned; one student fined $20.00 and warned, g) and found guilty of disorderly con. duct (prowling) and providing intoxi- cants for minors: One student fined $30.00, $10.00 suspended in view of court fine of $16.85. For violation of University regulations concerning women in residences for men: Five students (women) fined $10.00 and warned; one student (woman) fined $5.00 and warned; three students (wom- en) warned (1st semester freshmen). four students fined $15.00 and warned; one studet fined $10.00 and warned; one student (woman) give five days proba- tion and warned. a) andafor consuming alcoholic bev- erages in student residence: Two stu- dents fined $25.00 and warned; one stu- dent fined $20.00. b) and providing alcoholic beverages to minor guests at unregistered party, and consuming alcoholic beverages in student residence: One student fined $40.00 and warned. * * * Two group cases were heard, and the following disciplinary action recom- mended by the Joint Judiciary Council was ordered by the Sub-Committee on Discipline: For violation of University regulations concerning unchaperoned women in residences of men, and consuming in- toxicants in student residence: One or- ganization fined $500.00 and required to 14 .4 4 time. Both men and women graduates are eligible to apply. For additional information concern- ing these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT CHILDCRAFT, A Marshall Field En- terprise, will have a representative at the Michigan Union on Thurs., May 27, from 1 to 5 p.m. to interview all stu- dents from Michigan interested in sum- rner positions. RUSSELL KELLY OFFICE SERVICE from Detroit will have a representative at the Michigan Union on Thurs., May 27, from 1 to 5 p.m. in Room 3A to in- terview all students interested in De- troit area summer clerical employment. THE BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS' Weekly Summer Placement Meeting will be held on Thurs., 1-5 p.m., Room 3A, Michigan Union, for all students inter- ested in camp, resort, business or indus- trial positions this summer. June Graduates If you are still seeking a position and have not yet registered wit hthe Bureau of Appointments in either the General or Teaching Division, we would like to suggest that you do so before leaving the University.Men going Into the armed forces are particularly urged to register prior to graduation. We do re. ceive calls from employersvcontinually, and we can only be of service to those who are registered with us. Contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Building. Change of Addressj June graduates who are registeredt with the Bureau of Appointments in either the General or Teaching Division are requested to notify us if you have already accepted a position; if not, to advise when you will be leaving Ann Arbor and where you will be. If not in- formed otherwise, the Bureau assumes you are at your permanent address af- ter the date of commencement. It is necessary that we know of your plans so that we may correctly inform em- ployers, and notify you promptly of openings. Call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371 or 489. High School, at 1 p.m. Chairman, W. O. Trow. Doctoral Examination for Thomas Harvey Edwards, Physics; thesis: "The High-Resolution Infrared Spectra of Trans-Dichloroethylenes," Wed., June 2, Physics Staff Room, Randall Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, G. B. B. M. Suth- erland, Doctoral Examination for Chan Hui Chou, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Diffusion of C1402 in Mixtures of C1202-H2 and C1202-C3H8," Thurs., June 3, 3201 East Engineering Building at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. J. Martin. Concerts Carillon Recital by Professor Percival Price, 7:15 Thursday evening, May 27, on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower. The entire program will consist of arrangements of works by Josef Haydn: Serenade, from Quar- tet for Strings; Andante, from the "Sur- prise" Symphony and Minuet and Trio, from the "Clock" Symphony; "The Heavens are Telling," from the Creation; Presto, from Piano Sonata No. 33, and Gipsy Rondo. Student Recital Postponed. The re- cital by Edward Knob, bassoonist, prev- iously announced for Thurs., May 27, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, has been postponed until Wednesday evening, June 2. Student Recital. Carolyn Jewell, pupil of John Kollen, will present a piano recital at 8:30 Friday evening, May 28. in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. It will include compositions by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Ravel, and Chopin, and will be open to the general public. Student Recital. John Gleason, pian- ist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Saturday evening, May 29, in Audito- rium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bach. (Continued on Page 8) '} 4 -4 A, .. r :. purchase intoxicants to give to other uraw up aLseLofiouse rules to incude minors: One student fined $15.00, fine University regulations applying to or- suspended in view of court fine of ganized house groups. A cademicNotices $54.30, and warned. For violation of the University regula- £#* e) for securing liquor in violation of tions concerning consumption of intoxi- History 50 Final Examination, Sat., i 4 i'I. state law, for consuming this liquor in a cating beverages in student residences: May 29, 2:00-5:00: Mr. White's sections public place and being found in a drunk One group, in view of part record of will meet in 25 Angell Hall; all other Sixty-Fourth Year and disorderly state on a public street: repeated violations, fined $1,000 to be sections in Natural Science Auditorium. ________Edited and managed by students of One student fined $15.00, fine suspended paid by February 1, 1955, also required the University of Michigan under the after court fine of $16.85 and warned, to have a qualified resident director live History 12, Lecture Section 2, Exam- thnrsity of Michgar n unero the For conduct unbecoming a student: in the house, and to institute an effec- ination May 31, 9-12. All sections in Au- Student Publications a) violation of University rules against tive alumni advisory program. ditorium A, Angell Hal, except Slos- solicitation n the residence halls: One - son's (Sections 16 and 17), which meet student fined $15.00 and warned s PERSONNEL REQUESTS in 229 Angell. Editorial Staff b) consuming alcoholic beverages in PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE Harry Lunn............Managing Editor public place as a minor: Two students CO., Detroit, is interested in employing The final examination in Political Eric Vetter......,........ City Editor (women) fined $15.00 and warned. a June graduate or alumnus who has Science 67 on May 31 will be scheduled Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director c) carrying a false identification card both engineering and business adminis- as follows: Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor (draft) in violation of federal laws: One tration background for a managerial Mr. Feder's Sections in Angell Hall, Alice B. Silver Assoc. Editorial Director student fined $10.00 and warned. position. Auditorium C. Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor d) altering draft card for objective of SWIFT & CO., Chicago, Ill., is pres- Mr. Bretton's Section in 5 Economics. Helene Simon. .........Associate Editor purchasing intoxicants and providing ently seeking three civil or architectural Bldg. Ivan Kaye.............. Sports Editor altered identification to another minor: engineers and two mechanical engineers Mr. Efimenco's Sections in 2 Econom- Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor One student fined $15.00, fine suspended to fill positions in its Chicago units. ILtes Bldg. Marilyn Campbell Women's Editor in view of court fine of $54.30 and STUART DECORATOR SUPPLY CO., Kathy Zeisler Assoc. Women's Editor warned. Detroit, has an opening for a man or Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- Chuck Kelsey Chief Photographer e) being present in restricted quar. woman graduate as an Interior Decora- inar in the Application of Mathematics__ ters of a women's dormitory at unauth- tor. to the Social Sciences, will meet on orized time: One student fined $5.00 and WHAS, INC., a radio-TV station in Trs May 27, 4 p.m in 3409 Mason Bmsness Snfg warned. Louisville, Ky., leas openings in its tele-; Hall. Mr. J. E. Keith Smith of the De- rhomas Treeger Business Manager f) falsification of University records vision operation for two Floor Directors. partment of Psychology will speak on William Kaufman Advertising Manager in order to obtain two incorrect Univer- METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE "Partial Reinforcement of Complex Harlean Hankin ..Assoc. Business Mgr. sity identification cards: One student CO., New York City, has positions open Habits." William Seiden . Finance Manager (y $Anita Sigesmund Circulation Manager (woman) fined $15.00, placed on social for June men graduates in its Man-- - -. - . . - . aiV.-.--rn.n.np rn ra is~her-ies Seminair. "Watrs~rhedi Man- .;