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May 27, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-27

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THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954






St den t Govern m ent Pronosa I Schraver: Engine

President Harlan H. Hatcher
Office of the President
Administration Building
Dear President Hatcher:
On November 3, 1953, you ap
pointed the undersigned to serv
on a special committee to review
the composition of the Studen
Affairs Committee.
It became apparent after ou
preliminary studies that the Stu
dent Affairs Committee was par
of the larger problem of studen
government, and that many of
the functions now performed by
;he Student Affairs Committe
could well be handled by students
In the middle of February, 1954
you authorized this Committee to
widen its scope to include the
structure and role of student gov-
Hearings Held Weekly
This Committee has met almos
weekly since its inception often
- for sessions of five to six hours
In public hearings it has consid-
ered numerous briefs or memor-
anda submitted by campus organ-
izations, alumni, and administra-
tive officers. All its sessions have
been open, and interested students
frequently have spoken from the
Many informal meetings be-
tween students and Committee
members have, provided the fullest
opportunity to obtain necessary
information and have made pos-
sible wide expression of campus
opinion. Students, and particularly
members of the Student Legisla-
ture; have cooperated in a most
generous spirit. The Michigan
Daily has been invaluable in its
full and understanding coverage
of our deliberations. Therefore,
A' we believe our plan is the result
of an informed and considered
study and has wide acceptance.
Student Government Plan
We have developed our plan in
the conviction that effective stu-
dent government should be re-
sponsible self-government, but
should not infringe upon those
administrative responsibilities of
the University, which must be
carried out by its officials.
At the same time, the Univer-
sity must seek to promote educa-
tional objectives which are prop-
erly furthered by the free and in-
dependent initiative of the stu-
dents. We believe that our pro-
posal both preserves the obliga-
tions and promotes the objectives.
Yours respectively,
Lionel H. Laing, Chairman
Alfred Blumrosen
W. Earl Britton
Walter J. Emmons
Kenneth L. Jones
Earl V. Moore
Susan Popkin
Clyde Recht*
*Replaced Peter Lardner who
graduated in February.
Recommendations ..
The Committee recommends:
I. that the present Student Af-
fairs Committee be replaced by a
Student Government Council and
a Board of Review.
I. that the Council be com-
posed of 11 elected and 7 ex of-
ficio campus leaders.
MI. that it assume substantially
all the functions now performed
by the Student Affairs Committee
and the Student Legislature.
IV. that the decisions of the
Council be final unless reversed
by the Board of Review.
V. that the Board of Review be
composed of the Dean of Men, the
Dean of Women, 3 faculty mem-
bers and 2 students.
The Committee further
VI. that a full time adminis-
trative secretary be appointed.
VII that the student govern-

ment be financed by an assess
ment of 25 cents per semeste
per student.
- VIII. that quarters be provide
- adequate for the operations o
w student government.
t Ix. that the proposed plan no
disturb the status of other form
r of student government on campu
such as that of the Michiga
- League, etc.
t .
f Proposed Plan .. .
,1 Composition:
p 18 students.
- 11 to be elected (par. 1-4)
7 ex officio -namely, the
highest student officer in
Michigan Union
t Michigan League
Pan Hellenic Association
Assembly Association
Interfraternity Council
Inter-House Council
The Michigan Daily
2. Officers:
(Elected at the first meeting
tafter each election by the
whole Council from among the
11 elected members.)
3. Function:
The Council should, in general,
perform most of the functions
now exercised by the present Stu-
dent Affairs Committee and Stu-
dent Legislature.
Specifically, the areas of juris-
diction should be:
a. To make rules governing
1) recognition of new and
and reactivated organi-
2) maintenance and with-
drawal of recognition
b. To grant and withdraw re-
cognition of campus organi-
c. To approve or to deny ap-
proval for student-sponsored
d. To coordinate and to dele-
gate student activities to be
carried on by recognized stu-
dent groups.
e. To originate student projects.
f. To express student opiion.
g. To provide orderly means for
student discussion of cam-
pus issues, particularly by
means of a forum. (par. 23)
h. To serve as an appointing
body for the selection of stu-
dent representatives to joint
faculty - administration - stu-
dent committees, such as
those groups with representa-
tives now appointed by Stu-
dent Legislature and such
other groups as may be desig-
nated in the future. (par. 9)
1. To make rules governing
eligibility of students par-
ticipating in extra-curricular
activities above and beyond
a grade point average estab-
lished by schools and col-
j. To administer such finances
as may be designated for its
use and supervision. (par.
Action of the Student Govern-
ment Council within the area of
its jurisdiction would be regarded
as final and in effect unless re-
ferred to the Board of Review.
(par. 17-19)
A Student Government Council
of 18 members, by reason of its
compact size, should be able to
operate effectively. Its close at-
tention to policy making would
necessitate delegating to other
campus organizations, existing or
ad hoc, the operating of numerous

- activities now conducted by th
r Student Legislature.
The combination in the Counci
d of 7 ex-officio members and 1
f elected members should assurea
body of high competence.
t The inclusion of ex-officio mem
s hers, as the history of the Stu
s dent Affairs Committee has dem
n onstrated, should provide exper
lenced leadership.
The inclusion of 11 electe
members should provide superio
campus representation. Since no
more than 6 would normally b
chosen in a single semester, th
elections should be highly selec
1. Composition:
7 members.
Dean of Men
Dean of Women
2 Students
3 Faculty Members
2. Officers:
(Elected by the whole Board
from among the Faculty Mem-
Secretary (par. 14, 20, 21)
3. Function:
The Board should review action
of the Council which have been
brought before it within 96 hours
of passage. (par. 15-18)
It is anticipated that the Board
would not normally overturn deci-
sions of the Student Government
The wisdom of a tripartite board
composed of administration, fac-
ulty, and student personnel as
suggested for the Board of Re-
view, has been demonstrated by
the successful operation of many
existing committees, particularly
the Student Affairs Committee.
Inclusion of the President of the
Council would provide for liaison
between the Council and the
Board; inclusion of the Dean of
Men and Dean of Women would
recognize their obvious responsi-
bilities; inclusion of the members
of the Senate would retain faculty
assistance in student activities.
Provision for appeal according
to a time schedule permits the
Council's actions to become effec-
tive without undue delay, relieves
the Board of the necessity of re-
viewing every action of the Coun-
cil, but at the same time provides
adequate safeguards against hasty
* . .
Organization and
Operation.. ..
1. The 11 elected members
should be elected from the cam-
pus at large according to the pre-
vailing practice of the alternative
2.Their terms should be for one
year. In order to provide for over-
lapping terms, six members should
be elected at the first election
for a full year and five be elected
for one semester.
Thereafter elections should be
held every semester for year terms.
3. By means of petitiona, inter-
view, and appointment, the Coun-
cil would fill vacancies occurring
between elections.
These interim appointments
would extend only until the next
election. Elections to fill vacan-
cies.would be for only the unex-
pired portion of the original term.
4. The conduct of elections
should follow the accepted proced-
ure now in use for campus elec-
tions, with the modification that
350 names be required on a nomi-
nation petition.

5. A quorum should consist of
% of the existing membership.
6. Notice of time, place, and
agenda should be published in the
D.O.B. In advance of each meet-
7. All meetings should be open
to the campus, and by vote of the
Council non-members could be
given an opportunity to speak un-
der conditions determined by the
8. Official proceedings of the
Council should be published
promptly after the close of each
meeting in a special column of
The Daily.

e The publication of these pro-
ceedings, furnished by the Secre-
l tary and independent of any news
1 stories, would serve as notice of
a action taken by the Council.
9. The Council should have the
-power now. exercised by the Stu-
- dent Legislature to appoint stu-
- dent representatives to such Com-
- mittees as:
Lecture Committee
Committee on Student Loans
r Marriage Lecture Committee
't Fresh Air Camp Committee
e University Calendar Committee
- Executive Committee on Radio
Speech Clinic Dysphasia Com-
Joint Judiciary Council
Board in Control of Student
Publications (under special
Faculty Liaison Committee
10. Fundamental changes in
the composition or procedure of
the Student Government Council
would have to be recommended by
the Council and approved by the
Board of Review.
11. In the absence of the Dean
of Men or the Dean of Women,
a representative from their respec-
tive officers may serve on the
Board. No other member of the
Board may be represented by
12. One of the two student
members should be the president
of the Student Government Coun-
til. The other should be appoint-
ed by the Council but not neces-
sarily from its membership.
13. The three faculty members
should be members of the Senate
r and appointed by the Senate Ad-
visory Committee. Such appoint-
ments should be for a term of
three years, and no faculty mem-
ber should immediately succeed
himself on the Board.
To provide overlapping terms,
the initial appointments should be
for one, two, and three years re-
14. The Secretary of the Board
should be the Administrative Sec-
retary, who should record proceed-
ings but have no vote.
15. The Chairman or Vice-
Chairman would call a meeting
of the Board at the request of any
of .its members when there was a
point at issue. Points at issue
would arise when an action of the:
a. involved a question of the
Council's jurisdiction
b. required further consider-
16. A quorum should consist of
4 members, 1 of whom should be
a dean, 1 a faculty member, and
1 a student.
17. The Board's declaration of
intent to review, by announcing a
meeting, should be made within 4
days of the Council meeting at
which the disputed action was
Publication in the D.O.B. of in-
tent. to review an action would
operate as a stay of that action.
Otherwise, decisions of the Coun-
cil would become effective.
18.~ The Board. should initiate
the actual review within two weeks
and proceed in good faith with-
out unnecessary delay.
19. None of these provisions
concerning the Board of Review is
intended to derogate from the role
of the Student Government Coun-
cil in giving expression to student
opinion as distinguished from
whatever limitations may exist on
definitive action.
20. Because of the nature of this
office, the Committee believes
that the Administrative Secretary

should be a person of high com-
petence and maturity, and ac-
quainted with student activities on
the Michigan campus.
Since the Secretary would lend
continuity to student government,
effort should be made to avoid
frequent replacement.
-21. It is expected that provi-
sion for this office would be car-
ried on the budget of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs.
22. Until the projected Student
Activities Center is constructed,


suitable quarters should be pro- The managing edit
vided to house all the activities of Michiganensian began
the Student Government and the career as an engineer
office of the Administrative Sec- it as a philosophy majt
retary. Robert Max Schrayer,
to his fellow Michigaum
A STUDENT FORUM as "Little Weary Foot"
23. While one of the functions the tradition of his fa
of the Student Government Coun- { Robert Schrayer a forn
cil is to give expression to student managing editor whose
opinion, it should also provide op- was "Weary Foot."
portunities for public debate and Bob or Max, as he is.
formulation of opinion, by friends, is quiet and
modest about his imprew
Therefore, periodically, possibly campus activities.
once a month, the Council should Varied Activiti
hold a forum at which campus Heading the list is
issues could be discussed and res- climb on the 'EnsianI
oalutions to the Council could be a tryout as a first semen
passed. This should also provide more to the senior sta:
an opportunity for the Council to of editor in charge of
account to its constituents for its his junior year.
As a member of the se
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Schrayer held the post
FINANCE relations chairman thi
his junior semester hec
24. The Study Committee is time between Union Ope
firmly of the opinion that the new junior honorary and
Student Government should be Tau fraternity.
fully supported financially and The 'Ensian editor .
should not be diverted to money year and half at Michi
raising projects to meet its opera- engineering college "wai
tional expenses, chance to leave." After
25. The Study Committee, after to the literary college
careful examination of financial philosophy as a field ofc
operations of current student gov- tion partly "to get as fa
ernment, is convinced that an as- I could from enginee
sessmnent of 25 cents per student - __
per semester, levied upon all stu-
dents, payable at registration time,
and collected by the University,
would be necessary to provide ade-
quate finances.
The funds would be subject to



Of his prospective job Rchraypi
says, "I never thought that's qh re
I'd be." But despite past efforts to
steer away from insuran-e he now
feels that it offera the kind of
contact with people and the lort
of competitive atmosphere he
The retiring editor said he found
working on the 'Ensian staff "more
of an experience along organiza-
tional lines than in publications."
Calls 'Ensian Obiective
In writing for a yearbook
Schrayer says the temptation to
"pick out the bad points of every
group and rack at those" is among
the most difficult to resist. "In this
year's 'Ensian," he said, "we've
tried to present Michigan objec-
tively, as we saw it."
Although every organization
wants their strongest features
played up in the yearbook, con-
tinuous praise the editor feels, pan
make things dull for both the writ-
er and the reader.
Friends, who say Schrayer has
taken his year as 'Ensian chief
quite seriously, characterize him as
a dual personality: "one when he
is serious, another when he's kid-
ding." Even when he's serious
however, Schrayer's fraternity
brothers claim they can make him
laugh "at the drop of a hat."

er Turned'Ensianiead

-Daily-Dean Morton
... 'Ensianized

divided his partly to learn something in "a1
era, Sphinx field which intrigued me and
Zeta Beta which I knew little about."
Turns to Salesmanship
ent his first His future plans, however, in-
gan in the clude neither philosophy nor the
iting for a field of publications.
switching They do include marriage in Au-
he choose gust, to Barbara Mazer, '54Ed, a
concentra- co-ed from Detroit, and a job as
ar away as salesman for his father's Chicago
ring" and insurance firm.

The.v fundv~. would NV U A ibCprt VV
the customary audit of studenta
organization accounts.


26. It would seem that a two- 1
year trial of the proposed plan of
student government could be insti-
tuted through a simple resolution
by the Board of Regents tempor-
arily suspending Sec. 8.13 of the
By-Laws, with the request that
appropriate administrative offices
give effect to the proposals con-
tamed in this report.
Subsequently, if the plan were
successful the relevant sections of
the Regents' By-Laws could be
27. During the interim, the
Study Committee stands ready to
assist in interpreting the plan
and advising the proposed Stu-
dent Government.
28. Legal authorization of stu-
dent government is only a part of
its acceptance.
To be effective, it must be en-
dorsed wholeheartedly by the stu-
dent body, and there must be an
enthusiastic willingness to parti-
cipate in its institutions.
To test the opinion of students
and give them an opportunity to
express themselves, it would seem
to be desirable that, after the
campus has been fully acquainted
with the plan, the Student Legis-
lature be requested to conduct a
campus wide referendum upon'the
question: "Would you support the
form of student government pro-
posed by the Study Committee?"
The final issue of The Daily for
this semester is Friday morning,
May 28. The first issue of the Sum-
mer Session is Tuesday, June 22.


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