SGC-A STEP UP See Page 4 Yl r e Latest Deadline in the State Daitr ! 4 LIGHT SHOWERS Vf.?' T .T V M l 0 .T 7 'L?. ... 'I _ ___ __ _ LIGHT SHOWERS x Y Vl... LXIV, NO. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 PTw.?lr A-W NeFcut Z'TIiti'1 'A *r' IS I SL Asks Hatcher To Decide Cases Stressed Need for Prompt Action on Three Faculty Suspensions By JOE PASCOFF The Student Legislature last night passed a motion urging President Harlan H. Hatcher and other groups concerned to con- sider and collect all relevant information and decide on the cases. of the. three suspended faculty members, "as soon as possible." The motion, which passed by a vote of 20 to eight, stressed that it is in the best interest of the University that the President's deci- sion be rendered before the close of the current semester. The legislature's action was prompted by the animosity aroused on campus in 1951 when former President Alexander G. Ruthven shad vetoed an anti-bias clause motion after the school session, Judie, Fines edd New Faculty Committee To Convene Hatcher Not Sure Of Meeting Time A meeting of the newly formed five-member advisory committee will be held "as soon as a com- mon meeting can be arranged; probably within the next day or two," University President Har- lan H. Hatcher said yesterday. Composed of five faculty mem- bers and having no chairman, the committee was established Tuesday by the Faculty Senate Advisory Committee to gather data and evaluate the faculty sus- pension cases. It will make recoi- mendations to the President on the three suspended faculty mem- bers. Such a committee was suggest- ed by President Hatcher at the last Senate meeting. He indicated _. Study Committee Gives Final Report -W -W v ..r Bennington Fire Rocks Shipa ea Disaster One of Wort In U.S. Naval History QUONSET POINT, R. I.-(M)- The huge aircraft carrier Benning- ton was rocked by violent explo- sion and fire about 75 miles at sea Announced By LEE MARKS More than doubling last semes ter's total of $1260, Joint Judi levied fines amounting to $265 against students and fraternities during the spring semester; Seventy students paid fines to taling $880 while two group fine contributed $1500. In view of pre vious court action, or financie conditions, $275 in fines was sus pended. Drawing the largest fine handed to a fraternity group in three years Delta Kappa Epsilon was fined $1 000 for an incident last Novemne when four members of the frater nity were involved in the theft o two water pitchers and some food from the American Legion Memor ial Home. In the only other group action Joint Judie fined Nu Sigma Nu, professional medical fraternity $500 icr violation of University regulations prohibiting unchape roned women in men's residences and illegal consumption of intox icants. During the spring semester Joint Judiciary Council heard 8: students. In 13 cases, no action was taken by Joint Judic. Penal- ties were imposed in the remaining cases. Their actions were approved by the three man faculty Sub- Committee on Discipline. In the Deke case, Judic had indicated that additional circum- stances, including a "past record of repeated violations," entered into the severity of the fine, but declined to clarify its stand. Continuing a policy adopted late in January, Joint Judic this re- mester refused to comment on group cases as they were heard, although a complete list of vio- tions, without names, is reported in the DOB at the end of each semester. In the past, it has been the prac- tice to make group violations known as they occur and are act- ed on. . Streiff Cites Housing Rules ' Men students and landlords were reminded yesterday by As- sistant to the Dean of Students Karl D. Streiff of a University rule prohibiting the use of apart- ments as living quarters for men students, except on permission of' the Dean of Students. The University by-law states that all undergraduate men stu- dents not living with their fami- lies shall live in residence halls or in other residences approved by j. the' Dean of Students. No unmar- ried men students, either grad- uate or undergraduate, may live in private apartments. The Dean of Students is given authority to make exceptions to these regulations in cases where in his opinion conditions warrant Ssuch action. According to Streiff, an apart- ment is defined as a room or rooms where there is a kitchen or other cooking facilities, where there is a private -entrance or where there is no manager in resi- dence in the building. Private rooms which do not fall under these categorys are permissable, Streiff said, and need not be reg- istered. Pointing out that this rule ap- plies to the summer as well as Debate on the motion was ex- pectedly vigorous with attention being drawn to the vagueness of the clause "as soon as possible.' Period Should Be Stipulated A few members expressed the - view that if a particular period i was stipulated in which a deci- 5 sion should be reached, the mo- s, tion would perhaps be more effec- tive and desirable. - Supporting the motion, Bob s Leacock, '57, said, "they had - plenty of time to gather all rele- al vant information." Hank Berliner, '56, opposing advanced the view that no motion "will make them d move faster than they want to." , In other business, the legisla- ture sanctioned an appropriation r of $210 for the Student Discount Service. The money will be used to f purchase student identification d cards entitling them to discounts and a list of establishments where discounts will be available. Appropriation Motion z, A motion that $500 be approp- riatedfor the N.S.A. delegation ythis summer was also passed aft- - er an amendment to cut the ap- - Dropriation for tra'velin- xen s -1 " t t 1 yesterday that his reason for hav- early yesterday bringing death or ing the committee was that the injury to scores among the 2,800 suspension cases involve the whole aboard. University and should be exam- Some 12 hours after the blast, ined within that broad area, the Navy announced a toll of 89 known dead and 201 injured. The Executive Group Has Met announcement said the death to- The executive committee of the tal "may rise." literary college, chairmaned by It was one of the worst peace- Dean Charles Odegaard of the time disasters in United States college, has interviewed Prof. Cle- Naval history, being exceeded only ment L. Markert of the zoology by the collision of the destroyer-' department and H. Chandler Da- mine-sweeper Hobson and the car- vis of the mathematics depart- rier Wasp in 1952 in mid-Atlantic. ment and has met with the Pres- The toll then was 178 missing or ident. dead. President Hatcher declined to The 32,000-ton Bennington was. say whether the committees' rec- northbound in serene seas under' ommendations will be made pub- a sunlit sky when the big ship was lie, noting that his recommenda- shaken by a loud explosion. tions, which would be based Follows Successful Launching on committee reports, certainly "We had just completed our first would be public. successful launching of the first of It was also revealed that if and our air groups," said the Benning- when the President recommends ton's new' skipper, Capt. W. F. Ra- dismissal of any of the three sus- born, Jr., of Oklahoma City, "when pended, the faculty member con-! sddenly an eplosion shook the to Hatcher. Group Asks New Student Government Council, Review Board Proposed By JIM DYGERT Final draft of the recommenda- tions for the reorganization of stu- dent government was presented to University President Harlan H. Hatcher by the Student Affairs Committee study committee yes- terday. The committee's report, which recommends that SAC be replaced by a Student Government Council and a Board of Review, will bO "given immediate attention" by the administration, according to President Hatcher. Destined for consideration by er receives Student Government the Regents along with the Presi- Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the po- dent's recommendations, the plan nmittee members Sue Popkin, '54; for an 18-member Student. Gov- ean of the music school Earl V. . ernment Council is not likely to ment. reach the Regents before their S - - - July meeting, President Hatcher indicated. Report To Be Studied He pointed out that the admin- istration needed time to study the r eport. The new Vice-President for yer Plan Student Affairs, James A. Lewis, will be especially interested in ex- __ ___ _ ; ~~~~aiigtepoosl entd SGC RECOMMENDATION-University President Harlan H. Hatch Council report from Student Affairs Study Committee chairmanl litical science department. Standing from left to right are study com Prof. W. Earl Britton of the engineering English department; D Moore; Prof. Laing; and Prof. Kenneth, Jones of the botany depart o Recommend Dm Sg l -v e se By DAVE BAAD While accepting the commil by one-thirdwadeetdcendwlhaefv dasifowrpatothshponof -n-hdwas defeated. cerned will have five days in frward part ohe ship down on four to two backing of the Com- athletic department thinks that report from the chairman o During cabinet reports, Ruth which to appeal to the Subcom- the second or third deck. The University Calendaring mittee. Big Ten baseball, track, tennis o committee, Prof. Lionel.H. I SRossner, '55, announced that the mnittee on Intellectual Freedom "Realizing a catastrophe had c- Committee decided yesterday to The proposal calls for two se- golf scheduling would be virtually of thepolitical science depart ' Calendar Committee had decided andIntegrit Thus schd recoin i we aunched the res oftherecommend to the next Deans Con- mesters, the first one starting impossible. Conferenc~e activity the President commented, "th to recommend the Dwyer Plan mendation is to be considered to air group to free the decks for ference a change in the present three days after Labor Day and doesn't cease until the second to and the r put the case in the 'emergency" casualty control." two-semester system to a modifi- concluding approximately a week last weekend in May. FULL TEXT OF COMMITT *adteapproval of an IFC re- cncuin teoxmaeyo we lstwekndi My.FELTET OR 01'TT quest that house stewards and cateoy Otherwise, the faculty Secretary of the Navy Charles cation of the plan proposed by before Christmas. Exams would Mid-inteEProlem managers don't have to be aca- member would have 20 days to Thomas flew in from Washington Professor Paul S. Dwyerdof the then be held in early January afterlMid-WinterProblemsep demically eligible to hold their appeal, under the procedure set and after conferring with Capt. mathematics department. e k in . Prof. Crary also plans a month- _ge positions. up last year by the Senate. Raborn said he had ordered an in- The plan will be presented to -weevacaion.g vacation in mid-winter whic ministration has always been Virginia Voss, '54, present edi- Statement Clarified vestigation of the tragedy . the deans' meeting in mid-June.. Second Semester Schedule would force the winter sports terested in finding a way to e AdtateJonnHosklniwhoelo tsh etagi i-Jn.;rsatis factor ytego toal director of The Daily, ad- Clarif h T d dm. John Hosks, who lost his Dwyer's proposal which placed Second semester classes would teams to participate either be- lish a satisfactory student go - dressed the legislature concern- ment that it wouldutake several iot ese pa i nsd sixth in total votes among the sev- commence the last week in Janu- fore empty stands during this ment." ing the organization and func- days to a few weeks to folw hecopter rescue operations. n en proposals when the Calendar ary and end in mid-May with a time or go on extended road-trips. Because he had not yet rea tions of the newly formed Devel- through on all University po E referendum was held three weeks full week reserved for spring va- Student representatives Ruth report, he declined to, say how throgh n al Unversty ro- He said the exact location of Rsnr5 n oadNmrv opment Council. She stated that cedures. President Hatcher point the exsionanotn bu ago, received in its modified form cation. The last two weeks in May Rossner 55 and Howard Nemorov- it would take to establish the the general purpose of the agency ed out that "all University po- thati xprosab was nthe kne but are set aside for a three tay dead ski '54E pressed for recommenda student government if it were is to set up and coordinate fund- cedures" referred to the entire vhcnity po the g period followed by exams. tion of Crary's plan, basing then proved by the Regents. Thec vicinity-opleae-wondthem. esultDofctheecammittee has recommended a1 - raising projects as well as assist process of committee investiga- In naval parlance the wardro IF i Os s Prof. Douglas G. Crary's planpleas-fenthe result ec the cam- is which gathered more votes than pus referendum. It received 2,582 year trial period. x npublic relations. tions and recommendations, his is "officers'country." If this proved .Ivts oeta wc h oa own recommendations, appeals, true casualties among the officers 'any other proposal in the refer- votes, more than twice the total Campus Vote Asked and final action by the Board of might be high.b& endum, was considered carefully attained by the present two-se The committee, declaring I: 1i i Regents. by the Committee but turned jmester system which placed sec report that "Legal authoriz NYC Lont!ol The President also revealed that Twenty-four men were pledged down. ond. ' of student government is on he reported on the progress of the Ann-H ese by 10 fraternities in this season's The athletic department has . part of its acceptance," rec investigations to the Regents at informal rushing. raised a sizable protest to Ca ended a campus-wide referen their meeting last weekend near CrThe following men have pledged: calendar because of the schedul- Student oou the ALBANY, N. Y.-()-The bit- Gaylord, Mich. es Delta Kappa Epsilon: Frank B. ing difficulties that would arise support the form of student ter war for control of the vast Having just returned from Chi- Burke; Stephen B. Monroe, '56. Calling for a beginning of the Center1o eommee s y New York Central Railroad was cago, where he spent some time n O Zeta Psi: Thomas Y. Course, climaxed yesterday as 2,000 stock- with that city's alumni group, '6SM; Robert E. Morden, '7 r s er in eier agust Tho woude composedo1C holders assembled in a meeting President Hatcher commented Trigon: Erwin S. Perelstein; of eri teminmd-MahS tudent Boo Ei would be composed of ca my marred by disorder and confusion that the alumni "have indicated - WASHINGTON-WP)-The' Re- Henry T Szostak '55: Donald H of the spring term in mid-May, the Student Book Exchange may be bers elected from the camp -but the result of the fight may Iapbiaso h catyAm large according to present v ay proper concern for the suspen- publicans on the McCarthy-Army Pascoe; Richard O. McUmber- begnning tomrowid ncntienu not be known for days. sion cases and a. confidence that investigating subcommittee threw Sigma Nu: Robert G. Smith, 57. Lit (C, i eeeiGoutning through the exam period, Tar- procedures and seven ex-of The meeting in an armory re- no one will be manhandled." He out all charges against Francis P. Phi Kappa Tau: John R. Steph - Nenibrs mg Freed, 56. atm da members who would be the hig cessed, after a noisy four hours a.dded that the alumni have tak- y an trenson; KennethsE.sReuter'eets 1 of the xchange, anun e s-i ofcers of seven ca and 40 minutes, until noon Tues- en no formal action on the issue.teidTyuinatheafacsofoheatedrcries. terday, ognztos day when election inspectors will of whitewash from the Demo- Estes, '57E Raymond J. BellAs, Joan Bryan, '56, newly elected Co1 etions are also scheduled SCndthe Student regib 'rep t on the tabulation of stock iF ts.ta '57E; Robin L Ollivier; James H. chairman of the Literary College for 3 to 5 p.m. during exams at Until then no one will have of- dismissed over the objections, al- Sherman, '55: Donald F. Godell; conference steering committee, an- the Student Legislature office inofdi ficial word on whether the man- WASHINGTON -- P) - The so, of Joseph N. Welch, counsel Walter O. Place, '56 A&D. nounced the new membership of the basement of the Union and group. The decisions of the C Theta Chi: John E. Buckmaster the group today, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. June cil would be final unless reve agement headed by William Air Force announced yesterday 5Sor the Army. the Board of Review. White, Central president, will re- that three of its big interconti- The 4-3 vote on Carr and Hen- '56E; Kurt S. Myers, '56E. Petitions have been accepted 3 and'4 on the Diag. The Board of Review woul sel came after Army officials rest- Alpha Epsilon Pi: Donald S. Ma- from Max Bergman, '55, Bill Duffy, Urging students to take advant- has been unseated by the opposi- demonstration flight Thursday ed their case in the 21st day ofz '57; Alan Martin Goldberg, '57. '56, Carol Friedman, '57, Marvin age of the spring collections, Freed composed of the Dean of Men, tion forces of Texas-born finan- over Nicaragua at the request of the televised public hearings and Alpha Tau Omega: Robert War- Gerber, '56, Marc Jacobson, '55, emphasized the opportunity given members chosn by the F ceRbrt.Yugth RyM.C n headet e.drop. Joel Kaplan, '55, Cynthia Kras, the student by the Exchange to mmeso hsnWmn yteFe icaraguan government.Chi Phi: Harold B. Burke; '56, David Levy, '57, Alan Price, sell his used textbooks at prices of tate Advisory Committee, Ras benusaeMyteops-dmnsrtoclgtTusa vv.Cohnhf(ade-tose..) ~~-~,ol------yti r 'h suetb h xhnetosdnatAvsooryomttee was sworn in to lead off his sid' Thomas Robertson' his own choosing. the resident of the Council. testimony tomorrow. tions of the Council brought ANn.+ 5,art SymingtsertD-, .) hsITCHcoosND,2?Ifore the Board within 96 hour NPone of the three Democrats op-SWITCH A N passage would be under the Boa F ~~~~~posing the dismissal of chargesioijusdton di (DO Nen1 t i on E ngrissdictionio against Carr and Hensel, decla jII .1 b Coi~ io in- Tax To SuporCuni ed: "I think this is a whitewash StK7ude tV e s o n li h C m ilAn ss assessmento 5cents and I do not think we will getr semester per student was rec Ithe truth." T~iO ~NI his is the second - __- mended in the report to pro Sen. Symington announced he an a series dealing with English z and fault with this text as containing that "I don't like teaching fellows for financing the student gov would appeal the action to the ,reshman composition courses of too many uniteresting essays as- too well for they're sometimes over- ment. full Senate and would move for the Literary College.) . signed by the instructor. And the bearing and this makes it difficult, Formed in November, 1953 a further inve Servio mmt-e By HAtRY STRAiUSS themes assigned, she added, were on paper, to express your own serve as a special committee also uninspiring as they were based! thoughts" rve h opsto fSC tee. By the time English I and 2 on the essays. At the same time, Marian Miller, study committee gradually tur The GOP majority, howeverf have been completed, the Literary Opinion was split, however, on '57, said she likes both courses that its attention to the larger prob held there had been no proof of{ College student usually agrees that how much the course aided a stu--ofsuetgvrmn.Ica "pressure" charges against Carr, the courses were basically good det's tig One co-ed tu teaching fellows have taught since of student government. It cam staff director of Msarait's per- and definitely necessary. d wriing.Oneco- ought "they make it interesting and in- feel that "many of the funct oMcCarthythere was little instructive aid giv- -p-n. now performed by the SAC c manent investigations subcom- At the same time, it was prac- en in writing while another who spring.well be handled by students." mittee, or of "blackmail" charges tically unanimous among those had no essay writing in high It should be noted that the Eng- In February of this year against Hensel an assistant sec- students contacted that English 2 ! h m ..,-.. ...t.... u is a i- .n ~, -- - - -ia ann a m ttee's f the ,aing nent, e ad- E'S a in- stab- vern- d the long new ap- com- two- n its ation ly a com- dum you gov- tudy oun- aem- s at ating ficio hest npus 7the ture new oun- rsed d be the ulty :ulty and. o be Ac- be- s of rd's per wide ern- to n .to the ned Aem e to ions ould the