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May 26, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-26

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PA. si




Fiber Personality Defies Stereotype

Known to almost five out of ev-
ery ten students who cross the
Diag, Lee Fiber, with her man-tai-
lored shirts, white gym shoes, and
wind-blown hair, nas managed to
remain most unlike the tradition-
al campus personality throughout
her four-year Michigan sojourn.
Described by her friends as "in-
tense, curious and usally iate for
dinner," the retiring head of Joint
Judiciary Council has a unique
casual manner that carries over
into all her relations.
She goes into a project lock,
stock and barrel, and she doesn't
stop until she's given it every-
thing she has. After becoming in-
terested in something, she has to
know all about it, but still feels
that she has "an awful lot to
Political Activities
For awhile Lee became inter-
ested in campus political groups
and went to a different meeting
almost every night. Students for
Democratic Action, Society for
Peaceful Alternatives, Young Pro-
gressives-she sampled them al, to
see what they were like.
A new idea, new person, and Lee
is carried along in a burst of en-
Loan Exhibit
Opens Today
A loan exhibit of items from
4,000 years of Egyptian history
opens today at the Kelsey Museum
of Archeology.
The displays, which belong to
the Metropolitan Museum in New
York, range from predynastic hand
axes, bows and arrows to sculpture
from Roman times.
Several mummy cases, coffins
for human burial and a mummi-
fied dog and an ape are also in-
cluded in the exhibit.
Two mummy cases are on dis-
play in the lower hall, one cov-
ered with a "negative confession"
in hierogliphics. The dead person
calls on 42 gods and denies to each
in turn that he committed the
specific sin over which the god has
The Kelsey museum is open
Mon. through Fri., 1-5, Sat. 9-12
and Sun. 3-5.
Special Commencement annouce-
ments and booklets for graduate
students will be available for pur-'
chase and immediate delivery from
2 to 4:30 p.m. today and tomorrow
at the student affairs window, first
floor, Administration Bldg.

Best Essay
To Win Trip
A ten-day all expenses-paid trip
to Washington D.C. as the guest
of Encyclopedia, Britannica will be
the prize for a foreign student
studying in the United States who
writes the best essay on "How to
Strengthen Democracy in a Free
Sponsored by the Encyclopedia
Britannica and Ted Collins, pro-
ducer of the Kate Smith Hour and
the International Forum, the con-
test is an opportunity for for-
eign students to express their opin-
ions on current world events
To run no longer than 1,000
words, the essay should be sent to:
International Forum Contest, En-
cyclopedia Britannica, 425 Michi-
gan Ave., Chicago, Ill., postmarked
no later than midnight, May 31.

Subscribers may pick up their
'Ensians between 3 and 5 p.m.
today in the Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
After this final distribution
period, the books will be on sale
for $7.00 at the building.
Student Awarded
Prie from IAS
William L. Fischer, a senior in
aeronautical engineering has been
awarded second prize in a techni-
cal paper competition sponsored
by the Institute of Aeronautical
Fischer will read his paper,
"Climb Performance of Aircraft
as Applied to Interception," at a
meeting of the I.A.S. in St. Louis,
Mo., today..

A wards Top
Naval Drill
The Annual Awards Presenta-
tion Parade of the University
NROTC will take place at 4:00 p.m.
today on the drill field adjacent to
the Stadium.
The Chicago Tribune Award will
be awarded to Edgar Robert Fer-
guson, '55E, and Robert Horton
Wier, '55BAd. The award marks
excellence in military achieve-
ment, scholastic attainment and
The other awards are as follows:
Charles Arthur Stickels, '55E, the
Armed Forces Chemical Associa-
tion Award; Samuel Joseph Mar-
fia, the Marine Corps Association
Award; Richard Charles John-
ston, '56LSA, the Scabbard and
Blade Sophomore Award; Robert
Guy Littleson, BAd., the Award
of the National Society of the Sons
of the American Revolution and
the U. S. Naval Institute Award;
Robert Owens Harger, '54E, the
American Society of Military En-
gineers Award and Thomas Gross-
enbach Barnum, '54LSA, the U. S.
Naval Institute Award.
'U' Students Win
'54 Cooley Contest"
Prizes totalling $400 went to
four engineering college students
for essays on some sociological or
economic aspect of technical aid
to underdeveloped countries in the
1954 Cooley Essay Contest.
Charles' William Jones, '57E,
took first prize of $250 for his es-
say on "Technical Aids to India."
Arthur A. Koppin, '57E, Douglas
Nauts, '56E, and Robert R. Red-
mon, '55E, won three $50 awards
for their essays.
11 .______________

Berlin Scholarship Applications Due
Applications for scholarship to able in the SL offices.
the Free University of Berlin are The scholarship includes free
due at noon today in the SL offices board, tuition expenses, an expense
in the basement of the Union. allowance equivalent to $130 a
ipplication forms are still avail- month and traveling expenses

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-Daily-Dean Morton

thusiasm that usually has con-
structive results. People have a
contagious effect on her, and she
develops a strong sense of respon-.
sibility toward them.
But the partciular Fiber charm
is her carefree manner. "It's a kind
of disorganized organization,' one
of her friends has said. She rat-
tles around campus on a bike with
no brakes, and has been known to
leave it around and then spend
helf a day looking for it.
Joint Judic has Sobering Affect
Joint Judiciary Council, which
she has headed for a year, has
had a sobering effect on her. But
she still carries around a manila
folder with all sorts of odd news-
paper clippings, and writes notes
to herself because she can't re-
member things.
This unusual blend of responsi-
bility and disorganization makes
Lee easy to know. Friendly with-
out being forced, and sincere with-
out being stuffy, she knows people
in all parts of the University. Her
acquaintances range from faculty
to freshmen; and yet none of them
Ling'uistics Talks
The Linguistics Club will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 3B of
the Union.
"A Linguistic Perspective in a
Recent Archeological Controver-
sy," will be the topic of an address
by Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, of the
linguistics department, and Helen
Weaver, Grad., will speak on
"Some Problems in Analyzing the
Syntax of an Historical Language."

are just acquaintances.
She will drop in on a faculty
member because she wants to talk
about something, or just strike up
a conversation with someone that
seems unusual.
Called Idealistic
The Detroit Pi Phi classifies her-
self as a conservative liberal, but
others would take objection. "She's
extremely idealistic," a teacher of
hers once said, "I hope she doesn't
lose it.'
The first girl to head the Joint
Judiciary Council also has a vari-
ety of other activities behind her.
Elected to SL as a sophoniore.
she was chairman of the public;
relations committee as we'I as
Not to be neglected in any list
of Lee's activities are the piano les-
sons she gives. People who don't
know her well are inclined to be
believe that she must be twins-
one girl couldn't do all that.
Next year she plans to be at the
University of Strasbourg, France,'
on a Rotary Fellowship, one of the
few girls chosen against stiff com-'
petition. She is going to study, but
just as she always has, Lee also
wants to find out about people.
Girls who have been in her ori-
entation groups, students who have
worked with her in the Student
Legislature, and even offenders
who have appeared before. Joint
Judic all agree that Elise Fiber is
an unusual girl.
SL Agenda
The Student Legislature will
hold their final meeting of the
semester tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the Strauss Dining Room,
East Quadrangle.
The agenda will include:
Development Council Report
Calendar Committee Report
Motion to appropriate $500
for NSA delegation expenses.
Motion to endorse NAACP
sticker campaign.
Motion on Academic Freedom
All students are invited to
attend the meeting.

(Coitinued from Page 4)
Student Recital. Russell Christopher,
baritone, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree at 8:30
Tuesday evening, June 1, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program will
include works by Carissimi, Scarlat-
ti, Gagliano, Handel, Wagner, verdi,
Brahms, Balakireff, Borodine, and Mous-
sorgsky, and will be open to the general
public. Mr. Christopher is a pupil of
Chase Baromeo.
Student Recital. John Gleason, pian-
1st, will be heard in a recital at 8:30
saturday evening, May 29, in Audito-
rium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the Bach-
elor of Music degree. The program will
include compositions by Bach, Mozart,
Gershwin, and Liszt, and will be open
to the public. Mr. Gleason is a pupil of
Benning Dexter.
Student Recital. Bertha Hagarty, or-
ganist, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday
evening, May 30, in Hill Auditorium,
presenting a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of
Robert Noehren, Miss Hagarty will play
^ompositions by Buxtehude, Bach, Alain,
Andriessen, and Reger. The program will
be open to the general public.
Carillon Recital by Professor Percival
Price, 7:15 Thursday evening, May 27, on
the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton
Memorial Tower. The entire program
will consist of arrangements of works
by Josef Haydn: Serenade, from Quar-
tet for Strings; Andante, from the "Sur-
prise" Symphony and Minuet and Trio,
from the "Clock" Symphony; "The
Heavens are Telling," from the Creation;
Presto, from Piano Sonata No. 33, and
Gipsy Rondo.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities, Loan Exhibit from the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Monday through Friday 1-5; Saturday
9-12; Sunday 3-5.
Events Today
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Riflemen
will report to the Michigan Union at
1930 hours for the formal initiation and
installation of officers. Uniforms will be
worn if you still have them, otherwise
suits will suffice.
W.A.A. Blazers. There will be a meet-
ing of all those interested in buying
W.A.A. University of Michigan blazers
Wednesday from 3 to 5 in Women's
Athletic Building.
Wesleyan Guild. Matin Worship in
the Chapel, 7:30-7:50 a.m., Wednesday.
In the afternoon from 4-5:30, Mid-week
Refresher Tea in the Lounge.
Lutheran Student Association. Ascen-
sion Day vesper Service today at 7:30
p.m., University Lutheran Chapel.

Linguistics Club. There will be a meet-
ing this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room
3B, Michigan Union. There will be two
papers: Miss Helen Weaver will speak
on "Some Problems in Analyzing the
Syntax of a Historical Language"; and
Prof. Kenneth L. Pike will speak on "A
Linguistic Perspective on a Recent Ar-
cheological Controversy." The public is
cordially invited.
Coming Events
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Fri., May 28, 8 p.m. Dr. William
Liller will speak on "Michigan's Total
Eclipse of the Sun., June 30, 1954."
After the illustrated talk in Auditorium
"B," Angell Hall, the Students' Ob-
servatory on the fifth floor will be open
for telescopic observation of Jupiter
and Saturn, if the sky is clear, or for
inspection of the telescopes and plane-
tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomes, but must be accompanied
by adults.
Department of Speech Summer Play
Schedule: William Shakespeare's HAM-
LET, July 5-10; Mary Chase's MRS. Mc-
THING, July 21-24; R. B. Sheridan's
THE CRITIC, July 28-31; and Mozart's
School of Music, Aug. 5, 6, 7 and 9.
Season tickets are available through
mail orders now at $6.00-$4.75-$3.25.
All performances are in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre at 8 p.m., Box office
will open for the sale of season tickets
June 17. Individual tickets will go on
sale June 28.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., May 27, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Students' Association, will be
held Thurs., May 27, from 4:30 to 6
o'clock in the International Center.
The tea will honor Dr. Esson M. Gale,
retiring Director of the, International
Center, and Mrs. Gale. Dr. Gale will
present a silver shield inscribed in Chi-
nese and English to be placed in the
Interational Center.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House fol-
lowing 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Thurs., May 27, Ascension Day.

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