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Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t I
SAC Denies
Of Fraternity
Lifts Stipulations
For House Posts
r Pointing to its 1949 decision pro-
hibiting granting recognition to
fraternities having bias clauses in
their constitutions, the Student
Affairs Committee yesterday de-
nied Phi Kappa, a fraternity lim-
ited in membership to 'practical'
Catholics, permission to reactivate
on campus.
Rejection of the Phi Kappa pe-
titian followed ,a lengthy discus-
sion and interview with Joseph L.
Osberger, national senior vice-
president, and other representa-
tives of the fraternity.
The SAC action was based on
the May 3, 1949 ruling of the com-
mittee which says: "recognition or
permission to reactivate will not
be granted a group which prohibits
membership in the organization
because of race, religion or color."
Representatives of the fraternity
maintained that the constitutional
provision requiring all members of
Phi Kappa to be communicants of
the Catholic church in good stand-
ing does not strictly violate the
SAC rule.
Osberger pointed out that any
man can become a member of the
Catholic church by the time of
initiation and be eligible for mem-
bership in the fraternity.
No IF Backing
The Phi Kappa petition carried
with it no recommendation from
the Interfraternity Council here.
The fraternity originally came
on campus in 1924 and occupied a
house on the corner of Cambridge
and Baldwin. In 1935, due to finan-
cial difficulties, the group deacti-
The national organization is a
member of the National Interfra-
ternity Conference and has chap-
ters located throughout the coun-
try and in other Big Ten univer-
A recent decisiothat the Univer-
sity of Minnesota granted Phi
Kappa an exception to a similar
ruling there prohibiting restrictive
clauses after a set date.
Passes IFC Suggestion
SAC also acted favorably on an
IFC recommendation to remove
the eligibility requirements from
the position of fraternity house
managers and stewards.
Under the old ruling all officers
and chairmen of standing com-
mittees in housing groups includ-
ing these two positions had to be
r academically eligible to hold their
It was pointed out that the two
positions in almost all houses are
strictly analogous to that of any
employe of a business firm. Since
there are no eligibility require-
ments for students who get jobs
elsewhere on campus it was argued
that the change in this case would
equalize conditions for student em-
OK's Other Plans
In other actions SAC approved
the Student Legislature proposed
calendar of events for next semes-
ter, and gave constitutional appro-
val and recognition to the Inter-
House Council.
The constitutions of-the Indus-:
trial Relations Club and Junior
Panhellenic were approved and
Panhellenic Association received
tentative approval of its revised
Two housing additions, one a
$30,000 addition to Alpha Chi
Omega sorority, the other a pro-
posed $60,000 addition to Zeta
Beta Tau fraternity still pending
final zoning approval, also receiv-
ed SAC's okay.
Courtesy Richard Pompian
visor of Strauss House, presents retiring Resident Director of
East Quadrangle Prof. John E. Bingley with a Hi-Fidelity phono-
graph and record albums. Prof. Bingley, resident director since
1946, is retiring in order to devote more time to his present posi-
tion of Assistant to the Dean of Men. At the dinner testimon-
ials were offered by Peter A. Ostafin, assistant dean of men's
residence halls, David H. Ponitz, resident advisor of Greene
House, and Stan Levy, president of IHC.
Unusual Sr Trips
Planned by 'U' Students
No Meeting
Of Advisory
Group Set
New Committee
To Study Cases
No meeting has yet been sched-
uled for the special committee
established yesterday by the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee for the
purpose of gathering data and
evaluating the cases of the three
suspended faculty members.
According to Prof. Algo Hen-
derson of the education school,
who announced the members of
the committee yesterday, the
committee will not meet until
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher calls a meeting. Prof.
Henderson is the chairman of the
17-member Senate Advisory Com-
To Aid Executive Groups
The new committee will act in
an advisory capacity, Prof. Hen-
derson said, and is intended to
supplement the executive commit-
tees of the literary college and the
medical school which are now in-
vestigating the cases.
Created as a result of a sug-
gestion made by the President at
the Faculty Senate meeting of
May 17, the special advisory com-
mittee is intended to give Univer-
sity-wide attention to the suspen-
sion cases since they involve the
whole University, according to
Prof. Henderson.
Prof. William B. Palmer of the
economics department, one of the
members of the new committee,
said that the creation of the com-
mittee is in line with the Univer-
sity policy established last year.
This policy, he said, has been one
of cooperation between the admin-
istration and the faculty on cases
arising from the Clardy hearings.
Members Listed
Besides Prof. Palmer, the mem-
bers of the five-man special com-
mittee are Prof. Paul S. Barker of
the medical school, Prof. David
M. Dennison of the physics de-
partment, Prof. Robert H. Sher-
lock of the engineering college,
and Prof. Russell A. Smith of the
Law School.
President Hatcher said that the
new committee will be asked to
gather further data, and evaluate
each case separately, then make
recommendations to the President,
according to a University news re-
lease. The President is in Chicago,
and could not be reached for fur-
ther comment.
Charles Odegaard, dean of the;
literary college, said last night
that the literary college's execu-
tive committee had interviewed1
Prof. Clement L. Markert of thel
zoology department and H. Chand-
ler Davis of the mathematics de-1
partment. He would make no
statement on whether his commit-
tee had made any recommenda-
tions to the President on whether
the recommendation would be
made public.
Director of Univrsity Relations<
Arthur L. Brandon could not be1
reached for comment on these
points. ,
With summer rapidly approach-
ing, University students have
made extensive plans for the two
and one-half month vacation.
For most, vacation will be a
needed rest from the rigors of the
school year. A job, plenty of
swimming, and relaxation will do-
minate their programs. But others
World News
By The Associated Press
Social Security,...
Ways and Means Committee gave
item-by-item approval yesterday
to a revised social security program
which would give higher benefits
to millions of more persons and
eventually raise their tax pay-
* * *
Dulles Speas .. .
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Dulles said Monday the Unit-
ed States would support an appeal
to the United Nations to send a
peace observation commission to
Red-threatened Southeast Asia.
* * *
Wounded Rescued ...
-Helicopters and little single-en-
gine Beaver planes landed every
20 .to 30 mintes yesterday on the
jungle-surrounded royal capital of
Laos, racing time and the weather
to bring the wounded from Dien
Bien Phu.
Operating from the Union
Lobby, the Union Travel Serv-
ice will be open continuously
until June 10.
It will be run on a self-service
basis, with drivers and pros-
pective riders making their own
arrangements, and is open to
students and Ann Arbor resi-
dents alike.
.S. Moves To Counter
Red Help to Guatemala
of a more indefatigable nature
will use this time for interesting
and unusual purposes.
Josie Burke, '57, for instance,
will attend summer school for
five weeks at Sorbonne in Paris.
After that she will take a tour,
touching at such world-famous
cities as Madrid, Istanbul, Athens,
Rome, Lisbon, and Madrid.
Plans Thesis Work
The urge to travel has alsoj
struck Corky Walgreen, '57Ph.,'
who will drive to Mexico with
some friends. Nor does summer
mean a halt in studying for
Charles Hewitt, Grad., who will
spend his summer on a geologic
field trip in the Burro's Moun-
tains collecting material for his
master's thesis.
Many students have taken un-
usual jobs for the summer. Kevin
Buckley, '56, will work in the labor
relations department of Bellaire
Corporation in Buffalo, New York,
and John Osmer, '57E, has a job
in a funeral home in Owosso.
Will Start Races
But pershaps Ted Koenig, '56
SM, has the most unusual job of
all. He will blow the trumpet
which starts the horses at Water-
ford Racetrack in Ohio. A very
enterprising young lady is Ellen
Sherman, '55SM, of Detroit who
will conduct her own nursery
Wayne Van Dyke, Grad., has
few worries about the cost of this
summer. His plans call for a gov-
ernment-paid vacation, including
clothing, food, shelter, and travel
- he'll be inducted into the Ar-
'Daily' Jobs
Anyone interested in becom-
ing a summer Daily photogra-
pher may contact Alice Silver
or Diane AuWerter, summer
editors, at NO 2-3241. Also va-
cant is the position of summer
advertising manager, which
may be filled by a student in-
terested in advertising. Appli-
cants for this job may contact
Daily offices.
Call Bunche
For Quizzing
NEW YORK-(P)-Dr. Ralph J.
Bunche, United Nations official
and Nobel Peace Prize winner,
yesterday went before a U. S. Loy-
alty Board.
A U.N. official said he did not
know the reason for Bunche's ap-
pearance before the five-man In-
ternational Organizations Em-
ployes Loyalty Board. Bunche's
office had no comment.
Bunche is principal director of
the U.N.'s Department of Trustee-
ship and Information from non
self-governing territories. He won
the 1950 Nobel Prize for achieving
an armistice between Jews and
A 49-year-old Detroit native,
Bunche reportedly is in line for
the No. 2 spot in the U. N. as un-
der-secretary when a scheduled re-
organization takes place.
In 1951 he was the featured
speaker at University commence-
ment exercises.
Book Collections
Set by SL Staff
Books may be turned in for the
fall sale of the Student Book Ex-
change during exams, according to
Jim Dygert, '56, manager of the
Crucible' Stai
Taylor Says Guatemala
Not Ready To Start War
The United States has sent
three Air Force Globemasters load-
ed with small arms to Nicaragua
and Honduras because of a re-
cent shipment of weapons to Gua-
temala by communist Poland.
Honduras and Nicaragua are
both just east of Guatamala. The
airlift was enforced because of a
possibility that these two coun-
tries may be planned targets of
Army Blasted
By McCarthy
seph McCarthy (R-Wis.), twice
accused by the Army of producing
doctored exhibits in the past,
turned accuser himself yesterday
and charged the Army with bring-
ing forth a "dishonest" and
"phoney" chart.
Three Army witnesses-a gen-
eral, a colonel and a lientenant-
testified they saw nothing dishon-
est about the chart, a big black
and white checkered affair pur-
portedly showing Pvt. G. David
Schine's absence via passes from
Ft. Dix, N. J.
But Sen. McCarthy contended to
the end of a hectic day that the
calendar-type chart was deliber-
ately calculated to give the tele-
vision audience a false impression
that Schine had "black marks"
against his record.
The Schine chart showed black
rectangles or squares denoting
Schine's passes from the fort.,A
companion chart had whitel
squares with black lines in them to
show the much smaller number of
leaves granted to a "typical trai-
nee" at Ft. Dix.
Guatemalan aggression or of the
internal Communist subversion.
Taylor Interprets
Prof. Philip B. Taylor, jr., of the
political science department, an
expert on Latin-American affairs,
said yesterday that in the pres-
ent situation Guatemala is not
able to go to war even if she re-
ceived the Communist shipment
of 2,000 tons of arms, which was
delivered there last week.
"Such a -small amount of weap-
ons is not dangerous or sufficient
enough to fight a war," said Prof.
Taylor. "But if they get more," he
continued, "there is a definite pos-
sibility of war between Guatemala
and her two neighbors."
Weapons and arms sent by the
United States to Nicaragua and
Honduras are of the type by light
infantry troops - ammunition,
jeeps, pistols, machine guns and
Air Attacks Possible
Prof. Taylor believed that any
attacks on these two countries
would have to be made by air, be-
cause overland invasion would be
almost impossible due to very
rough and almost impenetrable
terrain. Such small arms, he be-
lieved, were not useful to these
two countries.
"The United States should in-
tervene only ifhGuatemala does at-
tack," said the political science
professor. "They should not send
arms now."
"The best way to create a war
instead of avoiding one," added
Prof. Taylor, "is by sending arms
to these countries."
Anti-Reds Unorganized
Anti-communistic forces are not
organized at all in Guatemala, he
said. "The only strong anti-com-
munist groups are in Guatemala
City. There are many anti organ-
izations in Guatemala," he con-
tinued, "but they aren't pro any-
Arms Sent
To Honduras,
Panama Canal
May Be Target
By The Associated Press
The State Department said yes-
terday that planes carrying Amer-
ican arms to counter the Commun-
ist arming of leftist Guatemala
have arrived in Nicaragua.
The department said airlifting
of arms for Nicaragua and Hon-
duras got under way Monday. Two
giant C124 Globemasters were in-
volved in carrying the arms to the
two Central American countries.
The department said one plane
arrived in Managua, Nicaragua
Monday with weapons for that
Another plane reached Nicara-
gua yesterday, the department
said, for transshipment in smaller
planes to Honduras. No other de-
tails were available.
Arms Described
State Department officials said
the movement of military equip-
ment to Nicaragua and Honduras
is a special effort prompted by
Guatemala's arms acquisition. It
is being done under the authority
of recently signed mutual defense
The Defense Department has
described the arms shipments as
a type used by light infantry units.
The exact amounts involved were
not disclosed.
Secretary of State John F.
Dulles said yesterday the Com-
munist shipment of 10 million dol-
lars worth of arms to leftist Gua-
temalamay be a move to set up a
Red bastion near the Panama
Guatemala is about 750 air miles
from the vital canal.
Commenting on mounting ten-
sion 'in Central America, Dulles
reemphasized the warning of the
1954 Caracas resolution with a
formal statement declaring:
"The extension of Communist
colonialism to this hemisphere
would . . . endanger the peace
of America."
Dulles spoke out at his news
conference amid a series of ner-
vous reactions arising from (1) the
shipment of 2,000 tons of arms
from Communist-run Poland' to
Guatemala and (2)' a State
Department announcement that
United States arms are being rush-
ed by airlift to Guatemala's neigh-
bors, Nicaragua and Honduras.
Reds Denounce Action
Moscow radio denounced the
American action as preparation
for "An attack against Guate-
Airlifting of guns for the two
Central American countries began
Meanwhile, airlifting of guns to
Nicaragua and Honduras, neigh-
bors of left-wing Guatemala, was
started through Mobile, Ala., yes-
The Military Air Transport Ser-
vice announced that Brookley Air
Force Base at Mobile had been
established as the aerial port of
embarkation for the shipments.
U' Leaders To Attend
Congress at Iowa State
Eighteen students will represent the University at tthe Seventh
National Student Congress to be held August 22 to 31 on the Iowa
State College Campus in Ames, Iowa.
The official Student Legislature delegation will consist of Presi-
dent Steve Jelin, '55, Vice-President Ned Simon, '55, and SL cabinet
members Ruth Rossner, '55, Hank Berliner, '56, Ricky Gilman, '55N,
and Jane Germany, '56. Donna Netzer, '56, will fill the vacancy of
Larry Harris, '56, SL treasurer, who will be unable to attend.
The 11 other students will include Lucy Landers, League Presi-
dent, Gene Hartwig, newly appointed Daily Managing Editor, and
mie SL members.
800 To Attend
The Congress, largest and most
representative meeting of top stu-
dent leaders from all parts of the
an Courses country, will be developed around
a "Responsibilities of Freedom"
theme this year. In addition to
A reason cited by Prof. Carr for the more than 800 American stu-
the compositions course's unpopu- dents expected to attend the 10-
larity was that "the large number day sessions, at least 30 represen-
of separate grades-weekly during tatives of national student organi-
the first eight weeks-are rather zations abroad will be present to
discouraging. observe the Congress.
Prof. Marvin Felheim said that Samuel M. Brownell, United
reversing the courses so that the States Commissioner of Education,
revering ouiss 50Department of Health, Education
essays of English 1 will be done in Deare dlEdu ton
English 2 could be attempted. and Welfare, and Edward K. Gra-
ham, President of the Association
r Kaye Combines Marriage, Drama Career
Faculty Defends Freshn
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
the first of two articles on English 1
and 2 in the Literary College. Tomor-
row's article will be student opinion
on these courses.-
The only course required of all
freshmen in the Literary College,
English 1, (there are some excep-
tions for English 2) has been the
subject of controversy at the Uni-
put relatively little emphasis onE
clear, cogent expression.
Although many students base
their complaints on the teaching
fellows, Prof. Eastman said that
the teaching fellow has merely be-
come a scape-goat since "some of
the best teaching is done by teach-
ing fellows right now."
Teaching and teachers are not
the complete answer, concluded
"I would say first of all, it is
important to know that the theater
is not a lark-you must go into it
with your eyes open."
This was the advice directed to
aspiring actresses by vivacious Vir-
ginia Kaye, featured performer in
the Drama Season play "The Cru-
cilble," which opened last night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
If anyone is aware of the diffi-
culties encountered by ingenues
it is Miss Kaye. Entering the thea-
ter against the verbal persuasive-
ness of her parents and without
lowed by performances in "Ah,
Wilderness!" with Harry Carey,
"In Bed We Cry," with Ilka Chase,
and "Kiss Them for Me," with
Judy Holliday and Richard Wid-
In 1943 the actress was married
and when she returned to the
Broadway stage in 1951 with a part
in "The Children's Hour," she was
the proud mother of two young
Mixes Home, Career
About mixing career and mar-
'iage Miss Kaye remarked, "I feel
fhtin TnvO,, ITO,c my work ll' in